Example #1
def addfactors(Dcat, naddedfac, sumtable):
    # Find all the lower generators
    for nfac in range(0, naddedfac - 1):
        newcat = []
        for i in Dcat:
            cols = [
                x for x in candiCols
                if candiCols.index(x) > candiCols.index(i['word'])
            for j in cols:
                    np.c_[i['design'], fullD[:, [fn.n2fn(nbf).index(j)]]],
                    i['cols'] + [j],

        #Fill the summary table
        Dcat = fn.isoSelection(newcat)
        sumtable = sumtable.append(pd.DataFrame(
            [[nfac + 5, len(newcat), len(Dcat)]],
            columns=['NFac', 'NDesigns', 'NFinal']),
    return Dcat, sumtable
Example #2
def addfactor(cat,candicols,nruns):
    nbf = np.log2(nruns).astype(int); 
    fullD = (fracfact(' '.join(fn.n2fn(nbf)))+1)//2;
    # Find all the lower generators
    fullcat = [];
    for i in cat:
        cols = [x for x in candicols if candicols.index(x) > candicols.index(i['word']) ];
        for j in cols:
            fullcat.append({"design" : np.c_[i['design'],fullD[:,[fn.n2fn(nbf).index(j)]]],
                     "cols" : i['cols'] +[j],
                     'word' : j});
    # Select non-isomorphic designs
    isocat = fn.isoSelection(fullcat);  
    return fullcat,isocat
Example #3
def addfirstcol(D,Dcols,n4lvl):
    # Get 4lvl generators
    nbf = np.log2(D.shape[0]).astype(int);
    fourlvlgens = np.array(fn.generators(nbf));
    fourlvlgen = list(chain(*fourlvlgens[0:n4lvl]));
    # Enumerate 2lvl generators
    candiCols = [x for x in fn.n2fn(nbf) if x not in fourlvlgen and len(x) > 1];
    val,ind = np.unique( [getIntType(i,fourlvlgens[0:n4lvl]) for i in candiCols],return_index=True);
    # Retrieve corresponding columns
    nisoCols = [candiCols[x] for x in ind];
    # Add to the design
    fullD = (fracfact(' '.join(fn.n2fn(nbf)))+1)//2;
    cat = [];
    for i in nisoCols:
        cat.append({"design" : np.c_[D,fullD[:,[fn.n2fn(nbf).index(i)]]],
                     "cols" : Dcols + [i],
                     "word" : i});
    fullcat = [];
    for i in candiCols:
        fullcat.append({"design" : np.c_[D,fullD[:,[fn.n2fn(nbf).index(i)]]],
                        "cols" : Dcols + [i],
                        "word" : i});
    return cat, candiCols
Example #4
def getstartD(nruns,n4lvl):
    # Starting two-level design
    nbf = np.log2(nruns).astype(int);
    fourlvlgens = np.array(fn.generators(nbf));
    fourlvlgen = list(chain(*fourlvlgens[0:n4lvl]));
    startDcols = [i for i in fn.n2fn(nbf) if len(i) == 1 or i in fourlvlgen];
    startD = (fracfact(' '.join(startDcols))+1)//2;
    # Make four-level variable
    varnamechr = 65
    D = startD.copy();
    Dcols = startDcols.copy();
    for gen in fourlvlgens[0:n4lvl]:
        D,Dcols = fn.make4lvl(D,Dcols,[Dcols.index(i) for i in gen],
    return D, Dcols;
Example #5
        l -= 1
    return (2 * l + val)

def intTypeSort(collist, fourlvlgen=['a', 'b', 'ab']):
    out = [pseudoword(x, fourlvlgen) for x in collist]
    out = sorted(out)
    out = [normalword(x) for x in out]
    return sorted(out, key=getIntType)

nruns = 16
nbf = np.log2(nruns).astype(int)
# Get starting Design
fourlvlgen = ['a', 'b', 'ab']
startDcols = [i for i in fn.n2fn(nbf) if len(i) == 1 or i in fourlvlgen]
startD = (fracfact(' '.join(startDcols)) + 1) // 2

# Make four-level variable
D, Dcols = fn.make4lvl(array=startD,
                       colindex=[startDcols.index(i) for i in fourlvlgen],
#Dcols = ['A'] + [i for i in startDcols if i not in fourlvlgen];

# Select remaining columns and sort the generators
candiCols = [i for i in fn.n2fn(nbf) if i not in startDcols]
#candiCols = intTypeSort(candiCols);

# Compute interaction type
Example #6
def bruteForceD(nruns,n4lvl,n2lvl,catType='iso'):
    if catType not in ['full','iso']:
        raise ValueError('Only "full" "iso" catalogs available');
    if not np.log2(nruns).is_integer() or nruns < 4:
        raise ValueError('Nruns must be a positive power of 2');
    if n4lvl not in range(0,int((nruns-1)/3)):
        raise ValueError('N4lvl must be between 0 and (N-1)/3');
    if n2lvl not in range(0,int(nruns-1)):
        raise ValueError('N2lvl must be between 0 and (N-1)');
    if n4lvl*3+n2lvl > nruns-1:
        raise ValueError('Too many factors')
    l = iter([nruns,n4lvl,n2lvl]);
    if any(l) < 0:
        raise ValueError('Nruns, n4lvl and n2lvl must all be positive integer');
    nbf = np.log2(nruns).astype(int)
    # Get starting Design 
    fourlvlgens = fn.generators(nbf)[:n4lvl];
    fourlvlgen = list(chain(*fourlvlgens));
    startDcols = [i for i in fn.n2fn(nbf) if len(i) == 1 or i in fourlvlgen] ;
    startD = (fracfact(' '.join(startDcols))+1)//2;
    # Make four-level variable
    Dcols = startDcols.copy();
    varnamechr = 65
    for gen in fourlvlgens:
        D,Dcols = fn.make4lvl(D,Dcols,[Dcols.index(i) for i in gen],chr(varnamechr),zerocoding=True)
    # Add added factors
    if n4lvl == 1:
        if n2lvl <= 2:
            Dcatalog =[{'design' : D[:,:n2lvl+1],
                       'cols' : Dcols[:n2lvl+1]}];
            return Dcatalog
            fullD = (fracfact(' '.join(fn.n2fn(nbf)))+1)//2;
            candiCols = [i for i in fn.n2fn(nbf) if i not in startDcols];
            enum = combinations(candiCols,n2lvl-2);
            Dcatalog = [];
            for i in list(enum):
                   {"design" : np.c_[D,fullD[:,[fn.n2fn(nbf).index(x) for x in [y for y in i]]]],
                    "cols" : Dcols + [y for y in i],
                    "name" : 'D_4(' + str(n4lvl) + ')2(' + str(n2lvl) + ')'}
        fullD = (fracfact(' '.join(fn.n2fn(nbf)))+1)//2;
        candiCols = [i for i in fn.n2fn(nbf) if i not in startDcols];
        enum = combinations(candiCols,n2lvl);
        Dcatalog = [];
        for i in list(enum):
               {"design" : np.c_[D,fullD[:,[fn.n2fn(nbf).index(x) for x in [y for y in i]]]],
                "cols" : Dcols + [y for y in i],
                "name" : 'D_4(' + str(n4lvl) + ')2(' + str(n2lvl) + ')'}
    if catType == 'full':
        return Dcatalog
    elif catType == 'iso':
        return fn.isoSelection(Dcatalog);