def card(self): #this draws the card of the property with the respective details on it functions.gameDisplay.fill(white, rect = [170,400,200,250]) lfont = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',25) functions.text_in_box(,lfont,self.color,170,410,200,30) functions.message_to_screen("Cost: $ %d"%self.cost,black,180,460,20) functions.message_to_screen("Rent: $ %d"%self.houses[0],black,180,480,20) functions.message_to_screen("1st floor: $ %d"%self.houses[1],black,180,500,20) functions.message_to_screen("2nd floor: $ %d"%self.houses[2],black,180,520,20) functions.message_to_screen("3rd floor: $ %d"%self.houses[3],black,180,540,20) functions.message_to_screen("Hotel: $ %d"%self.houses[4],black,180,560,20) functions.message_to_screen("Mortgage value: $ %d",black,190,600,20) pygame.display.update()
def rcard(self): #this draws the card of the railway when called upon functions.gameDisplay.fill(white, rect = [170,400,200,250]) lfont = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',25) functions.text_in_box(,lfont,black,170,410,200,30) functions.message_to_screen("Cost: $ %d"%self.cost,black,180,460,20) functions.message_to_screen("Owned Rent",black,180,480,20) functions.message_to_screen("1 Railway $2500",black,180,500,20) functions.message_to_screen("2 Railway $5000",black,180,520,20) functions.message_to_screen("3 Railway $10000",black,180,540,20) functions.message_to_screen("4 Railway $20000",black,180,560,20) pygame.display.update()
def card(self): #this sketches the card of the utility when called upon functions.gameDisplay.fill(white, rect = [170,400,200,250]) lfont = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',25) functions.text_in_box(,lfont,black,170,410,200,30) functions.message_to_screen("Cost: $ %d"%self.cost,black,180,460,20) functions.message_to_screen("If one utility is owned",black,180,480,20) functions.message_to_screen("Rent = 1000*(sum on dice)",black,180,500,20) functions.message_to_screen("If both utilities are owned",black,180,520,20) functions.message_to_screen("Rent = 3000*(sum on dice)",black,180,540,20) pygame.display.update()
def locmaker(self): #this draws the railways at there respective positions on the board lfont = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',10) if self.locx == card_length/2: pygame.draw.rect(functions.gameDisplay,black,[0,self.locy-card_breadth/2,card_length,card_breadth],1) functions.text_in_box(,lfont,black,0,self.locy-card_breadth/2,0.7*card_length,card_breadth) functions.gameDisplay.fill(black, rect = [0.7*card_length,self.locy-card_breadth/2,0.3*card_length,card_breadth]) elif self.locx == display_height - card_length/2: pygame.draw.rect(functions.gameDisplay,black,[display_height - card_length,self.locy-card_breadth/2,card_length,card_breadth],1) functions.text_in_box(,lfont,black,display_height - 0.7*card_length,self.locy-card_breadth/2,0.7*card_length,card_breadth) functions.gameDisplay.fill(black, rect = [display_height - card_length,self.locy-card_breadth/2,0.3*card_length,card_breadth]) elif self.locy == card_length/2: pygame.draw.rect(functions.gameDisplay,black,[self.locx-card_breadth/2,0,card_breadth,card_length],1) a =' ') temp = 0 for x in a: functions.text_in_box(x,lfont,black,self.locx-card_breadth/2,temp,card_breadth,0.35*card_length) temp += 0.35*card_length functions.gameDisplay.fill(black, rect = [self.locx-card_breadth/2,0.7*card_length,card_breadth,0.3*card_length]) elif self.locy == display_height - card_length/2: pygame.draw.rect(functions.gameDisplay,black,[self.locx-card_breadth/2,display_height - card_length,card_breadth,card_length],1) functions.text_in_box(,lfont,black,self.locx-card_breadth/2,display_height - 0.7*card_length,card_breadth,0.7*card_length) functions.gameDisplay.fill(black, rect = [self.locx-card_breadth/2,display_height - card_length,card_breadth,0.3*card_length]) pygame.display.update()
def locmaker(self): #it creates the respective property on the board lfont = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',10) if self.locx == card_length/2: pygame.draw.rect(functions.gameDisplay,black,[0,self.locy-card_breadth/2,card_length,card_breadth],1) functions.text_in_box(,lfont,black,0,self.locy-card_breadth/2,0.7*card_length,card_breadth) functions.gameDisplay.fill(self.color, rect = [0.7*card_length,self.locy-card_breadth/2,0.3*card_length,card_breadth]) #draws houses on the site depending on the no. of houses if self.no_of_houses >= 1: functions.gameDisplay.fill(c1, rect = [0.7*card_length,self.locy-card_breadth/4,0.3*card_length/4,card_breadth/2]) if self.no_of_houses >= 2: functions.gameDisplay.fill(c2, rect = [0.7*card_length + 0.3*card_length/4,self.locy-card_breadth/4,0.3*card_length/4,card_breadth/2]) if self.no_of_houses >= 3: functions.gameDisplay.fill(c3, rect = [0.7*card_length + 0.6*card_length/4,self.locy-card_breadth/4,0.3*card_length/4,card_breadth/2]) if self.no_of_houses == 4: functions.gameDisplay.fill(c4, rect = [0.7*card_length + 0.9*card_length/4,self.locy-card_breadth/4,0.3*card_length/4,card_breadth/2]) elif self.locx == display_height - card_length/2: pygame.draw.rect(functions.gameDisplay,black,[display_height - card_length,self.locy-card_breadth/2,card_length,card_breadth],1) functions.text_in_box(,lfont,black,display_height - 0.7*card_length,self.locy-card_breadth/2,0.7*card_length,card_breadth) functions.gameDisplay.fill(self.color, rect = [display_height - card_length,self.locy-card_breadth/2,0.3*card_length,card_breadth]) if self.no_of_houses >= 1: functions.gameDisplay.fill(c1, rect = [display_height - card_length + 0.9*card_length/4 ,self.locy-card_breadth/4,0.3*card_length/4,card_breadth/2]) if self.no_of_houses >= 2: functions.gameDisplay.fill(c2, rect = [display_height - card_length + 0.6*card_length/4 ,self.locy-card_breadth/4,0.3*card_length/4,card_breadth/2]) if self.no_of_houses >= 3: functions.gameDisplay.fill(c3, rect = [display_height - card_length + 0.3*card_length/4 ,self.locy-card_breadth/4,0.3*card_length/4,card_breadth/2]) if self.no_of_houses == 4: functions.gameDisplay.fill(c4, rect = [display_height - card_length ,self.locy-card_breadth/4,0.3*card_length/4,card_breadth/2]) elif self.locy == card_length/2: pygame.draw.rect(functions.gameDisplay,black,[self.locx-card_breadth/2,0,card_breadth,card_length],1) a =' ') temp = 0 for x in a: functions.text_in_box(x,lfont,black,self.locx-card_breadth/2,temp,card_breadth,0.35*card_length) temp += 0.35*card_length functions.gameDisplay.fill(self.color, rect = [self.locx-card_breadth/2,0.7*card_length,card_breadth,0.3*card_length]) if self.no_of_houses >= 1: functions.gameDisplay.fill(c1, rect = [self.locx-card_breadth/4,0.7*card_length,card_breadth/2,0.3*card_length/4]) if self.no_of_houses >= 2: functions.gameDisplay.fill(c2, rect = [self.locx-card_breadth/4,0.7*card_length + 0.3*card_length/4,card_breadth/2,0.3*card_length/4]) if self.no_of_houses >= 3: functions.gameDisplay.fill(c3, rect = [self.locx-card_breadth/4,0.7*card_length + 0.6*card_length/4,card_breadth/2,0.3*card_length/4]) if self.no_of_houses == 4: functions.gameDisplay.fill(c4, rect = [self.locx-card_breadth/4,0.7*card_length + 0.9*card_length/4,card_breadth/2,0.3*card_length/4]) elif self.locy == display_height - card_length/2: pygame.draw.rect(functions.gameDisplay,black,[self.locx-card_breadth/2,display_height - card_length,card_breadth,card_length],1) functions.text_in_box(,lfont,black,self.locx-card_breadth/2,display_height - 0.7*card_length,card_breadth,0.7*card_length) functions.gameDisplay.fill(self.color, rect = [self.locx-card_breadth/2,display_height - card_length,card_breadth,0.3*card_length]) if self.no_of_houses >= 1: functions.gameDisplay.fill(c1, rect = [self.locx-card_breadth/4,display_height - card_length + 0.9*card_length/4,card_breadth/2,0.3*card_length/4]) if self.no_of_houses >= 2: functions.gameDisplay.fill(c2, rect = [self.locx-card_breadth/4,display_height - card_length + 0.6*card_length/4,card_breadth/2,0.3*card_length/4]) if self.no_of_houses >= 3: functions.gameDisplay.fill(c3, rect = [self.locx-card_breadth/4,display_height - card_length + 0.3*card_length/4,card_breadth/2,0.3*card_length/4]) if self.no_of_houses == 4: functions.gameDisplay.fill(c4, rect = [self.locx-card_breadth/4,display_height - card_length ,card_breadth/2,0.3*card_length/4]) pygame.display.update()
def railways(): #respectve changes on screen if railways if concersnesd global key, timer, incometax, gotojail, round_complete, cround, rent, railway, temporary if Property.sproperty[ place].owner != None and key == 0 and player_index != Property.sproperty[ place].owner: Property.sproperty[place].rcard() if timer == 8: if player.player[ Property.sproperty[place].owner].no_of_railways == 1: rent = 2500 if player.player[ Property.sproperty[place].owner].no_of_railways == 2: rent = 5000 if player.player[ Property.sproperty[place].owner].no_of_railways == 3: rent = 10000 if player.player[ Property.sproperty[place].owner].no_of_railways == 4: rent = 20000 player.player[player_index].cash -= rent player.player[player_index].total_wealth -= rent player.player[Property.sproperty[place].owner].cash += rent player.player[Property.sproperty[place].owner].total_wealth += rent functions.text_in_box( "You paid rent of %r to player %r?" % (rent, Property.sproperty[place].owner + 1), __font, orange, display_height / 2, display_height / 2, display_height / 2 - card_length, display_height / 2 - card_length) timer -= 1 if timer == 0: key = 1 timer = 8 if Property.sproperty[place].owner == None and key == 0: Property.sproperty[place].rcard() functions.text_in_box( "Do you want to purchase %r ?" % Property.sproperty[place].name, __font, orange, display_height / 2, display_height / 2 - blockh, display_height / 2 - card_length, display_height / 2 - card_length) Button("YES", display_height * 3 / 4 - card_length / 2 - blockl, display_height * 3 / 4 - card_length / 2 + blockh / 2, blockl / 2, blockh, yellow, llblue, "YeS", red) Button("NO", display_height * 3 / 4 - card_length / 2 + blockl / 2, display_height * 3 / 4 - card_length / 2 + blockh / 2, blockl / 2, blockh, yellow, llblue, "no", red) if key == 2: Property.sproperty[place].rcard() functions.text_in_box( "Successfully purchased %r" % (Property.sproperty[place].name), __font, orange, display_height / 2, display_height / 2, display_height / 2 - card_length, display_height / 2 - card_length) timer -= 1 if timer == 0: key = 1 timer = 8
def spcard_displayy( ): #if playaer lands on utillies then the work happening on screeen global key, timer, incometax, gotojail, round_complete, cround, rent, railway, temporary if Property.sproperty[ place].owner != None and key == 0 and player_index != Property.sproperty[ place].owner: Property.sproperty[place].card() if timer == 8: dice_sum = functions.a + functions.b if Property.sproperty["electric"].owner == Property.sproperty[ "water"].owner: rent = 3000 * dice_sum else: rent = 1000 * dice_sum player.player[player_index].cash -= rent player.player[player_index].total_wealth -= rent player.player[Property.sproperty[place].owner].cash += rent player.player[Property.sproperty[place].owner].total_wealth += rent functions.text_in_box( "You paid rent of %r to player %r?" % (rent, Property.sproperty[place].owner + 1), __font, orange, display_height / 2, display_height / 2, display_height / 2 - card_length, display_height / 2 - card_length) timer -= 1 if timer == 0: key = 1 timer = 8 if Property.sproperty[place].owner == None and key == 0: Property.sproperty[place].card() functions.text_in_box( "Do you want to purchase %r ?" % Property.sproperty[place].name, __font, orange, display_height / 2, display_height / 2 - blockh, display_height / 2 - card_length, display_height / 2 - card_length) Button("YES", display_height * 3 / 4 - card_length / 2 - blockl, display_height * 3 / 4 - card_length / 2 + blockh / 2, blockl / 2, blockh, yellow, llblue, "Yes", red) Button("NO", display_height * 3 / 4 - card_length / 2 + blockl / 2, display_height * 3 / 4 - card_length / 2 + blockh / 2, blockl / 2, blockh, yellow, llblue, "no", red) if key == 2: Property.sproperty[place].card() functions.text_in_box( "Successfully purchased %r" % (Property.sproperty[place].name), __font, orange, display_height / 2, display_height / 2, display_height / 2 - card_length, display_height / 2 - card_length) timer -= 1 if timer == 0: key = 1 timer = 8
def Prop(): #if player lands on a property global key, timer, incometax, gotojail, round_complete, cround, rent, railway, temporary if Property._property[ place].owner != None and key == 0 and player_index != Property._property[ place].owner: Property._property[place].card() if timer == 8: player.player[player_index].cash -= Property._property[ place].houses[Property._property[place].no_of_houses] player.player[player_index].total_wealth -= Property._property[ place].houses[Property._property[place].no_of_houses] player.player[Property._property[place]. owner].cash += Property._property[place].houses[ Property._property[place].no_of_houses] player.player[Property._property[ place].owner].total_wealth += Property._property[place].houses[ Property._property[place].no_of_houses] functions.text_in_box( "You paid rent of %r to player %r?" % (Property._property[place].houses[ Property._property[place].no_of_houses], Property._property[place].owner + 1), __font, orange, display_height / 2, display_height / 2, display_height / 2 - card_length, display_height / 2 - card_length) timer -= 1 if timer == 0: key = 1 timer = 8 if Property._property[place].owner == None and key == 0: Property._property[place].card() functions.text_in_box( "Do you want to purchase %r ?" % Property._property[place].name, __font, orange, display_height / 2, display_height / 2 - blockh, display_height / 2 - card_length, display_height / 2 - card_length) Button("YES", display_height * 3 / 4 - card_length / 2 - blockl, display_height * 3 / 4 - card_length / 2 + blockh / 2, blockl / 2, blockh, yellow, llblue, "yes", red) Button("NO", display_height * 3 / 4 - card_length / 2 + blockl / 2, display_height * 3 / 4 - card_length / 2 + blockh / 2, blockl / 2, blockh, yellow, llblue, "no", red) if key == 2: Property._property[place].card() functions.text_in_box( "Successfully purchased %r" % (Property._property[place].name), __font, orange, display_height / 2, display_height / 2, display_height / 2 - card_length, display_height / 2 - card_length) timer -= 1 if timer == 0: key = 1 timer = 8
def Chance(): #if player lands on chance global key, timer, incometax, gotojail, round_complete, cround, rent, railway, temporary, chance, timerr n = functions.a + functions.b if n == 2: if timer == 8: player.player[player_index].posx = display_height - card_length / 2 player.player[player_index].posy = display_height - card_length / 2 cround[player_index] = 40 round_complete = 1 functions.text_in_box( "Go to our prime location GO and collect your reward money ;)", __font, orange, display_height / 2, display_height / 2, display_height / 2 - card_length, display_height / 2 - card_length) timer -= 1 if timer == 0: timer = 8 chance = 0 if n == 3: timer -= 1 if timer == 0: player.player[player_index].posx = card_length + card_breadth / 2 player.player[player_index].posy = display_height - card_length / 2 if cround[player_index] > 9: cround[player_index] = 49 round_complete = 1 else: cround[player_index] = 9 functions.text_in_box( "You are given a free trip to Beijing ,Enjoy the delight of it!", __font, orange, display_height / 2, display_height / 2, display_height / 2 - card_length, display_height / 2 - card_length) if timer == 0: timer = 8 chance = 0 working() if n == 4: if timer == 8: player.player[player_index].cash -= 10000 player.player[player_index].total_wealth -= 10000 functions.text_in_box( "Oops! You broke the window of Mr. William's Car,Pay him $10000", __font, orange, display_height / 2, display_height / 2, display_height / 2 - card_length, display_height / 2 - card_length) timer -= 1 if timer == 0: timer = 8 chance = 0 if n == 5: if timer == 8: player.player[player_index].posx = display_height - card_length / 2 player.player[player_index].posy = card_length / 2 cround[player_index] = 30 functions.text_in_box( "How Dare you burst crackers in front of parliament,living in India! Busted!!", __font, orange, display_height / 2, display_height / 2, display_height / 2 - card_length, display_height / 2 - card_length) timer -= 1 if timer == 0: timer = 8 chance = 0 working() if n == 6: timer -= 1 if timer == 0: player.player[player_index].movement(37) cround[player_index] = cround[player_index] % 40 functions.text_in_box("Earthquake expected! Go back three spaces", __font, orange, display_height / 2, display_height / 2, display_height / 2 - card_length, display_height / 2 - card_length) if timer == 0: timer = 8 chance = 0 working() if n == 7: if timer == 8: player.player[player_index].cash -= 30000 player.player[player_index].total_wealth -= 30000 functions.text_in_box( "Its you birthday,Now give party to your friends...cost $30000", __font, orange, display_height / 2, display_height / 2, display_height / 2 - card_length, display_height / 2 - card_length) timer -= 1 if timer == 0: timer = 8 chance = 0 if n == 8: if timer == 8: player.player[player_index].cash += 40000 player.player[player_index].total_wealth += 40000 functions.text_in_box("Congo! You won lottery prize of $40000", __font, orange, display_height / 2, display_height / 2, display_height / 2 - card_length, display_height / 2 - card_length) timer -= 1 if timer == 0: timer = 8 chance = 0 if n == 9: timer -= 2 if timer == 0: player.player[player_index].posx = card_length + card_breadth / 2 player.player[player_index].posy = card_length / 2 if cround[player_index] > 21: cround[player_index] = 61 round_complete = 1 else: cround[player_index] = 21 functions.text_in_box( "You are given a free trip to Delhi ,Enjoy the delight of it!", __font, orange, display_height / 2, display_height / 2, display_height / 2 - card_length, display_height / 2 - card_length) if timer == 0: timer = 8 chance = 0 working() if n == 10: timer -= 2 if timer == 0: player.player[player_index].posx = card_length / 2 player.player[ player_index].posy = display_height - card_length - 1.5 * card_breadth functions.text_in_box("Go to Electric Company and feel the shock!", __font, orange, display_height / 2, display_height / 2, display_height / 2 - card_length, display_height / 2 - card_length) if timer == 0: timer = 8 chance = 0 working() if n == 11: if timer == 8: player.player[player_index].cash += 30000 player.player[player_index].total_wealth += 30000 functions.text_in_box( "You won the first prize as a hotel manager, collect $30000", __font, orange, display_height / 2, display_height / 2, display_height / 2 - card_length, display_height / 2 - card_length) timer -= 1 if timer == 0: timer = 8 chance = 0 if n == 12: if timer == 8: player.player[player_index].cash -= 20000 player.player[player_index].total_wealth -= 20000 functions.text_in_box("Smoking kills! clear your bills , pay $20000", __font, orange, display_height / 2, display_height / 2, display_height / 2 - card_length, display_height / 2 - card_length) timer -= 1 if timer == 0: timer = 8 chance = 0
def GoToJail(): #if the player lands on gotojail global key, timer, incometax, gotojail, round_complete, cround, rent, railway, temporary if temporary == 1: player.player[player_index].released = 0 temporary = 0 if key == 0: timer -= 2 functions.text_in_box( "Alert! You are caught... BUSTED!", __font, orange, card_length, (display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 + 1.25 * blockh, display_height - 2 * card_length, display_height / 2 - ((display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 + 1.25 * blockh)) if timer == 0: key = 1 timer = 8 if key == 1 or key == 0: Button("Pay $5000 and come out", card_length + 0.1 * (display_height - 2 * card_length), display_height / 2, 0.8 * (display_height - 2 * card_length), blockh, yellow, llblue, "pay", red) Button("Roll dice for a double", card_length + 0.1 * (display_height - 2 * card_length), display_height / 2 + 2 * blockh, 0.8 * (display_height - 2 * card_length), blockh, yellow, llblue, "roll_for_double", red) if key == 3: functions.text_in_box( "Roll your dice once", __font, orange, card_length, (display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 + 1.25 * blockh, display_height - 2 * card_length, display_height / 2 - ((display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 + 1.25 * blockh)) if key == 4 and player.player[player_index].released == 1: timer -= 2 functions.text_in_box( "Lucky Guy! You are released!", __font, orange, card_length, (display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 + 1.25 * blockh, display_height - 2 * card_length, display_height / 2 - ((display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 + 1.25 * blockh)) if timer == 0: key = 1 gotojail = 0 timer = 8 if key == 4 and player.player[player_index].released == 0: timer -= 2 functions.text_in_box( "Better Luck next time!", __font, orange, card_length, (display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 + 1.25 * blockh, display_height - 2 * card_length, display_height / 2 - ((display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 + 1.25 * blockh)) if timer == 0: key = 1 gotojail = 0 timer = 8 if key == 5: timer -= 2 functions.text_in_box( "You are released after giving a bail of $5000", __font, orange, card_length, (display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 + 1.25 * blockh, display_height - 2 * card_length, display_height / 2 - ((display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 + 1.25 * blockh)) if timer == 0: key = 1 gotojail = 0 timer = 8
def drawing(): #global variables called global key, timer, incometax, gotojail, round_complete, cround, rent, railway, temporary, chance, rollonce, endturn, timerr, risk functions.gameDisplay.fill(lblue) pygame.draw.rect(functions.gameDisplay, white, [0, 0, display_height, display_height]) functions.addimage('images/image.png', 1100, 150) pygame.draw.rect(functions.gameDisplay, black, [ card_length, card_length, display_height - 2 * card_length, display_height - 2 * card_length ]) _font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 20) pygame.draw.rect(functions.gameDisplay, white, [display_height + gaph, gapv, boxb, boxl]) pygame.draw.rect(functions.gameDisplay, white, [display_height + gaph, boxl + 2 * gapv, boxb, boxl]) #board sketched functions.addimage('images/go.png', display_height - card_length, display_height - card_length) functions.addimage('images/gotojail.png', display_height - card_length, 0) functions.addimage('images/parking.png', 0, 0) functions.addimage('images/jail.png', 0, display_height - card_length) functions.addimage('images/chance1.png', card_length + 2 * card_breadth, display_height - card_length) functions.addimage('images/chance3.png', display_height - card_length, card_length + 5 * card_breadth) functions.addimage('images/chance2.png', card_breadth + card_length, 0) functions.addimage('images/commChest1.png', 7 * card_breadth + card_length, display_height - card_length) functions.addimage('images/commChest2.png', 0, 2 * card_breadth + card_length) functions.addimage('images/commChest2.png', display_height - card_length, 2 * card_breadth + card_length) functions.addimage('images/water.png', 7 * card_breadth + card_length, 0) functions.addimage('images/elec.png', 0, 7 * card_breadth + card_length) functions.addimage('images/luxury.png', display_height - card_length, 7 * card_breadth + card_length) functions.addimage('images/income.png', card_length + 5 * card_breadth, display_height - card_length) #sketching dice functions.text_in_box("Player %r's turn " % (player_index + 1), _font, blue, card_length, card_length, (display_height - 2 * card_length) / 2, blockh) if functions.a == 1: functions.addimage('images/dice1.png', display_height / 2 - 30, card_length + 10) if functions.a == 2: functions.addimage('images/dice2.png', display_height / 2 - 30, card_length + 10) if functions.a == 3: functions.addimage('images/dice3.png', display_height / 2 - 30, card_length + 10) if functions.a == 4: functions.addimage('images/dice4.png', display_height / 2 - 30, card_length + 10) if functions.a == 5: functions.addimage('images/dice5.png', display_height / 2 - 30, card_length + 10) if functions.a == 6: functions.addimage('images/dice6.png', display_height / 2 - 30, card_length + 10) if functions.b == 1: functions.addimage('images/dice1.png', display_height / 2 + 10, card_length + 10) if functions.b == 2: functions.addimage('images/dice2.png', display_height / 2 + 10, card_length + 10) if functions.b == 3: functions.addimage('images/dice3.png', display_height / 2 + 10, card_length + 10) if functions.b == 4: functions.addimage('images/dice4.png', display_height / 2 + 10, card_length + 10) if functions.b == 5: functions.addimage('images/dice5.png', display_height / 2 + 10, card_length + 10) if functions.b == 6: functions.addimage('images/dice6.png', display_height / 2 + 10, card_length + 10) #sketching buttons Button("ROLL DICE", (display_height - blockl) / 2, (display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 - 1.25 * blockh, blockl, blockh, yellow, llblue, "roll", red) Button("MORTGAGE", (display_height - blockl - card_length), (+card_length), blockl, blockh, red, llblue, "mort", yellow) Button("END TURN", (display_height - blockl) / 2, (display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 + 0.25 * blockh, blockl, blockh, yellow, llblue, "endturn", red) Button("BUILD", (display_height - 3 * blockl) / 2 - 0.2 * blockl, (display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 - 0.5 * blockh, blockl, blockh, yellow, llblue, "build", red) Button("SELL", (display_height + 1 * blockl) / 2 + 0.2 * blockl, (display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 - 0.5 * blockh, blockl, blockh, yellow, llblue, "sell", red) #sketching properties on board Property._property["delhi"].locmaker() Property._property["mumbai"].locmaker() Property._property["banglore"].locmaker() Property._property["newyork"].locmaker() Property._property["washingtondc"].locmaker() Property._property["sanfrancisco"].locmaker() Property._property["london"].locmaker() Property._property["manchester"].locmaker() Property._property["oxford"].locmaker() Property._property["melbourne"].locmaker() Property._property["canberra"].locmaker() Property._property["sydney"].locmaker() Property._property["tokyo"].locmaker() Property._property["osaka"].locmaker() Property._property["hiroshima"].locmaker() Property._property["beijing"].locmaker() Property._property["hongkong"].locmaker() Property._property["shanghai"].locmaker() Property._property["moscow"].locmaker() Property._property["saintpetersburg"].locmaker() Property._property["capetown"].locmaker() Property._property["durban"].locmaker() Property.sproperty["rail1"].locmaker() Property.sproperty["rail2"].locmaker() Property.sproperty["rail3"].locmaker() Property.sproperty["rail4"].locmaker() _font_ = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 50) #checking if someone reached winning amount if player.player[0].total_wealth >= firstpage.p[ 0].winamount or player.player[1].total_wealth >= firstpage.p[ 0].winamount: rollonce = 1 endturn = 1 if player.player[0].total_wealth >= firstpage.p[0].winamount: functions.gameDisplay.fill(black) functions.text_in_box( "%r Won...Congratulations!!!" % firstpage.p[0].name, _font_, orange, card_length, (display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 + 1.25 * blockh, display_height - 2 * card_length, display_height / 2 - ((display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 + 1.25 * blockh)) if player.player[1].total_wealth >= firstpage.p[0].winamount: functions.gameDisplay.fill(black) functions.text_in_box( "%r Won...Congratulations!!!" % firstpage.p[1].name, _font_, orange, card_length, (display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 + 1.25 * blockh, display_height - 2 * card_length, display_height / 2 - ((display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 + 1.25 * blockh)) if player.player[0].total_wealth <= 0: functions.gameDisplay.fill(black) functions.text_in_box( "%r Won...Congratulations!!!" % firstpage.p[1].name, _font_, orange, card_length, (display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 + 1.25 * blockh, display_height - 2 * card_length, display_height / 2 - ((display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 + 1.25 * blockh)) if player.player[1].total_wealth <= 0: functions.gameDisplay.fill(black) functions.text_in_box( "%r Won...Congratulations!!!" % firstpage.p[0].name, _font_, orange, card_length, (display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 + 1.25 * blockh, display_height - 2 * card_length, display_height / 2 - ((display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 + 1.25 * blockh)) #checking if someone cash <=0 if player.player[player_index].cash < 0: functions.text_in_box( "%r ,You are lack of cash, sell your properties/houses" % firstpage.p[player_index].name, _font, orange, card_length, (display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 + 1.25 * blockh, display_height - 2 * card_length, display_height / 2 - ((display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 + 1.25 * blockh)) risk = 1 endturn = 1 if risk == 1 and player.player[player_index].cash > 0: endturn = 0 if round_complete == 1: functions.text_in_box( "You Crossed Go , You gained $20000", __font, orange, card_length, (display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 + 1.25 * blockh, display_height - 2 * card_length, display_height / 2 - ((display_height / 2 + card_length) / 2 + 1.25 * blockh)) if timerr == 8: player.player[player_index].cash += 20000 player.player[player_index].total_wealth += 20000 cround[player_index] -= 40 timerr -= 1 if timerr == 0: round_complete = 0 timerr = 8 #running different functions based on the call if spcard_display == 1: spcard_displayy() if railway == 1: railways() if card_display == 1: Prop() if chance == 1: Chance() if comm == 1: CommChest() if incometax == 1: if key == 0: player.player[player_index].total_wealth = 0.9 * player.player[ player_index].total_wealth player.player[player_index].cash = 0.9 * ( player.player[player_index].total_wealth * 10 / 9) key = 2 if key == 2: timer -= 1 functions.text_in_box( "You paid income tax of %r" % (0.1 * (player.player[player_index].total_wealth * 10 / 9)), __font, orange, display_height / 2, display_height / 2, display_height / 2 - card_length, display_height / 2 - card_length) if timer == 0: incometax = 0 timer = 8 key = 1 elif incometax == 2: if key == 0: player.player[player_index].total_wealth -= 30000 player.player[player_index].cash -= 30000 key = 2 if key == 2: timer -= 1 functions.text_in_box("You paid luxury tax of $30000", __font, orange, display_height / 2, display_height / 2, display_height / 2 - card_length, display_height / 2 - card_length) if timer == 0: incometax = 0 timer = 8 key = 1 player.player[1].draw() player.player[0].draw() #sketching the players boxes for item, tempo in Property._property.items(): Property._property[item].squares() Property.sproperty["electric"].squares() Property.sproperty["water"].squares() Property.sproperty["rail1"].squares() Property.sproperty["rail2"].squares() Property.sproperty["rail3"].squares() Property.sproperty["rail4"].squares() if Property.tflag == 1: if Property.temo == Property.sproperty[ "rail1"] or Property.temo == Property.sproperty[ "rail2"] or Property.temo == Property.sproperty[ "rail3"] or Property.temo == Property.sproperty[ "rail4"]: Property.temo.rcard() else: Property.temo.card() if gotojail == 1: GoToJail() functions.text_in_box(firstpage.p[0].name, _font, maroon, display_height + gaph, gapv, boxb, 0.1 * boxl) functions.text_in_box("Cash %r" % player.player[0].cash, _font, maroon, display_height + gaph, gapv + 0.1 * boxl, boxb, 0.1 * boxl) functions.text_in_box("Net Worth %r" % player.player[0].total_wealth, _font, maroon, display_height + gaph, gapv + 0.9 * boxl, boxb, 0.1 * boxl) functions.text_in_box(firstpage.p[1].name, _font, maroon, display_height + gaph, 2 * gapv + boxl, boxb, 0.1 * boxl) functions.text_in_box("Cash %r" % player.player[1].cash, _font, maroon, display_height + gaph, 2 * gapv + boxl + 0.1 * boxl, boxb, 0.1 * boxl) functions.text_in_box("Net Worth %r" % player.player[1].total_wealth, _font, maroon, display_height + gaph, 2 * gapv + boxl + 0.9 * boxl, boxb, 0.1 * boxl) pygame.display.update()
def Button(msg, x, y, l, h, ac, ic, function, tc): #for drawing buttons global player_index, place, card_display, spcard_display, railway, rolloncejail, temporary, timer, timerr global rollonce, endturn, key, n, incometax, gotojail, cround, round_complete pygame.draw.rect(functions.gameDisplay, ic, [x, y, l, h]) mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() if x < mouse[0] < x + l and y < mouse[1] < y + h: pygame.draw.rect(functions.gameDisplay, ac, [x, y, l, h]) if click[0] == 1: #checking if pressed if function == "roll": if gotojail == 0 and player.player[ player_index].released == 1 and rollonce == 0: #diff working done based on the button pressed n = functions.rolldice() cround[player_index] += n player.player[player_index].movement(n) rollonce = 1 working() if gotojail == 1 and player.player[ player_index].released == 0 and key == 3 and rolloncejail == 0: n = functions.rolldice() if functions.a == functions.b: player.player[player_index].released = 1 rolloncejail = 1 key = 4 endturn = 0 if function == "endturn" and endturn == 0: #if endturn pressed if player_index == 0: player_index += 1 elif player_index == 1: player_index -= 1 if player.player[player_index].released == 0: gotojail = 1 rollonce = 0 card_display = 0 endturn = 1 Property.tflag = 0 spcard_display = 0 railway = 0 timer = 8 timerr = 8 if function == "yes": player.player[player_index].cash -= Property._property[ place].cost Property._property[place].owner = player_index player.player[player_index].properties.append(place) key = 2 if function == "Yes": player.player[player_index].cash -= Property.sproperty[ place].cost Property.sproperty[place].owner = player_index key = 2 if function == "YeS": player.player[player_index].cash -= Property.sproperty[ place].cost Property.sproperty[place].owner = player_index player.player[player_index].no_of_railways += 1 key = 2 if function == "no": card_display = 0 spcard_display = 0 railway = 0 if function == "mort": vvalid = 1 if Property.temo.owner != player_index or Property.temo.no_of_houses > 0: vvalid = 0 for xplace, tempo in Property._property.items(): if Property._property[ xplace].country == if Property._property[xplace].no_of_houses > 0: vvalid = 0 break if vvalid == 1: Property.temo.owner = None player.player[player_index].cash += player.player[ player_index].total_wealth += player.player[ player_index].total_wealth -= Property.temo.cost if function == "build": valid = 1 if Property.temo.owner != player_index or Property.temo.no_of_houses == 4: valid = 0 for xplace, tempo in Property._property.items(): if Property._property[ xplace].country == if ( Property._property[xplace].no_of_houses < Property.temo.no_of_houses ) or Property._property[xplace].owner != player_index: valid = 0 break if valid == 1: Property.temo.no_of_houses += 1 player.player[player_index].cash -= Property.temo.cost if function == "sell": valid = 1 if Property.temo.owner != player_index or Property.temo.no_of_houses == 0: valida = 0 for xplace, tempo in Property._property.items(): if Property._property[ xplace].country == if ( Property._property[xplace].no_of_houses > Property.temo.no_of_houses ) or Property._property[xplace].owner != player_index: valida = 0 break if valida == 1: Property.temo.no_of_houses -= 1 player.player[ player_index].cash += 0.5 * Property.temo.cost if function == "roll_for_double": key = 3 rolloncejail = 0 if function == "pay": key = 5 player.player[player_index].cash -= 5000 player.player[player_index].total_wealth -= 5000 player.player[player_index].released = 1 endturn = 0 _font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 20) functions.text_in_box(msg, _font, tc, x, y, l, h)