def __init__(self, parent): wx.Panel.__init__(self,parent,size=(600,700)) self.func = Datahandler() inbox.__init__(self) CommonlyUsedMethodes.__init__(self) self.font1 = wx.Font(11, wx.DECORATIVE, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL) self.panel1 = wx.Panel(self, -1, size=(600, 135)) self.panel2 = wx.Panel(self, -1, size=(582, 500)) self.panel2.SetBackgroundColour('White') self.label1 = wx.StaticText(self.panel1, -1, "Outbox Messages") self.label1.SetFont(self.font1) self.update = wx.Button(self.panel1, 101, "Update") self.refresh = wx.Button(self.panel1, 102, "Refresh") self.delete = wx.Button(self.panel1, 103, "Delete") self.deleteAll = wx.Button(self.panel1, 104, "Delete All") self.resend = wx.Button(self.panel1, 105, "Resend") self.resendAll = wx.Button(self.panel1, 106, "Resend All") = wx.Button(self.panel1, 107, "Select All") self.list = ObjectListView(self.panel2,-1,size=(600,435),style = wx.LC_REPORT|wx.SUNKEN_BORDER) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton, id=101) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton, id=102) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton, id=103) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton, id=104) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton, id=105) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton, id=106) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnSelect, id=107) self._DoLayout() self.Init()
def _requestFeedback(self, response): inbox = InboxManager() if response[0] == 'Failure': inbox.update(response[2], Identity=['requestFeedback', 'failed']) wx.MessageBox(response[1], 'FeedBack', wx.ICON_WARNING) else: inbox.update(response[2], Identity=['requestFeedback', 'sent']) wx.MessageBox('%d sent messages' % len(response[2]), 'FeedBack', wx.ICON_INFORMATION)
def _requestFeedback(self,response): inbox = InboxManager() if response[0] == "Failure": inbox.update(response[2],Identity=["requestFeedback","failed"]) wx.MessageBox(response[1],"FeedBack",wx.ICON_WARNING) else: inbox.update(response[2],Identity=["requestFeedback","sent"]) wx.MessageBox("%d sent messages"%(len(response[2])), "FeedBack",wx.ICON_INFORMATION)
def _requestFeedback(self,response): if self.type == "get users": if not os.path.exists("bin/admin"): os.mkdir("bin/admin") with open("bin/admin/allusers.dat",'wb') as newfile: pickle.dump(response,newfile) elif self.type == "update user": if response: wx.MessageBox("%s"%"Update Successful","Server Response",wx.ICON_INFORMATION) else: wx.MessageBox("%s"%"Update could not be made","Server Response",wx.ICON_ERROR) elif self.type == "get gname": if not os.path.exists("bin/admin"): os.mkdir("bin/admin") for i in response[2]: fun.add_new_group(i) with open("bin/admin/gnames.dat",'wb') as newfile: pickle.dump(response[2],newfile) elif self.type == "get clients": response = pickle.loads(response) with open("bin/groupclients.dat",'wb') as newfile: pickle.dump(response,newfile) style = (response[1],"INFORMATION",wx.ICON_INFORMATION) fun.update_gclients() box = Printer(style) box.messageBox() elif self.type == "audit trail": response = pickle.loads(response) with open("bin/admin/audit.dat",'wb') as newfile: pickle.dump(response,newfile) elif self.type == "update protocol": wx.MessageBox("%s details have been updated"%response,"Server Response",wx.ICON_INFORMATION) elif self.type == "get messages": if response[0] == "Failure": wx.MessageBox("No messeges found","Server Response",wx.ICON_INFORMATION) else: inbox = InboxManager() data1 = {'current':response[1]} inbox.write(data1) elif self.type == "delete messages": if response[0] == "Failure": wx.MessageBox("No messages to delete","Server Response",wx.ICON_ERROR) else: wx.MessageBox("%s message(s) deleted"%len(response[1]),"Server Response",wx.ICON_INFORMATION) elif self.type == "save compd": if response: style = ("Success","SERVER RESPONSE",wx.ICON_INFORMATION) else: style = ("Failed","SERVER RESPONSE",wx.ICON_ERROR) box = Printer(style) box.messageBox() elif self.type == "add user": if response: style = ("Succesfully added new user","SERVER RESPONSE",wx.ICON_INFORMATION) else: style = ("Failed to add new user","SERVER RESPONSE",wx.ICON_ERROR) box = Printer(style) box.messageBox() elif self.type == "add check": if response: style = ("Success", "SERVER RESPONSE", wx.ICON_INFORMATION) else: style = ("Failed to add new user","SERVER RESPONSE",wx.ICON_ERROR) box = Printer(style) box.messageBox() else: if response[0] == "Error": style = (response[1],"ERROR",wx.ICON_ERROR) elif response[0] == False: style = (response[1],"ERROR", wx.ICON_ERROR) else: print response style = (response[1],"INFORMATION", wx.ICON_INFORMATION) box = Printer(style) box.messageBox()
def _requestFeedback(self, response): if self.type == 'all': if isinstance(response, dict): for key, value in response.items(): file_name = "bin/%s.dat" % key with open(file_name, 'wb') as fl: print >>sys.stdout, "Updating %s" % key pickle.dump(value, fl) print time.ctime() else: print "All details Error" elif self.type == 'get users': if not os.path.exists('bin/admin'): os.mkdir('bin/admin') with open('bin/admin/allusers.dat', 'wb') as newfile: pickle.dump(response, newfile) elif self.type == 'update user': if response: wx.MessageBox('Update Successful', 'Server Response', wx.ICON_INFORMATION) else: wx.MessageBox('%s' % 'Update could not be made', 'Server Response', wx.ICON_ERROR) elif self.type == 'get groups': if not os.path.exists('bin/admin'): os.mkdir('bin/admin') for i in response[2]: fun.add_new_group(i) with open('bin/admin/gnames.dat', 'wb') as newfile: pickle.dump(response[2], newfile) elif self.type == "get outbox": with open('bin/outbox.dat', "wb") as fl: pickle.dump(response, fl) elif self.type == 'get group members': response = pickle.loads(response) with open('bin/members.dat', 'wb') as newfile: pickle.dump(response[2], newfile) style = (response[1], 'INFORMATION', wx.ICON_INFORMATION) box = Printer(style) box.messageBox() elif self.type == 'audit trail': response = pickle.loads(response) with open('bin/admin/audit.dat', 'wb') as newfile: pickle.dump(response, newfile) elif self.type == 'update protocol': wx.MessageBox('%s details have been updated' % response, 'Server Response', wx.ICON_INFORMATION) elif self.type == 'get messages': if response[0] == 'Failure': wx.MessageBox('No messages found', 'Server Response', wx.ICON_INFORMATION) else: inbox = InboxManager() data1 = {'current': response[1]} inbox.write(data1) elif self.type == 'delete messages': if response[0] == 'Failure': wx.MessageBox('No messages to delete', 'Server Response', wx.ICON_ERROR) else: wx.MessageBox('%s message(s) deleted' % len(response[1]), 'Server Response', wx.ICON_INFORMATION) elif self.type == 'save compd': if response: style = ('Success', 'SERVER RESPONSE', wx.ICON_INFORMATION) else: style = ('Failed', 'SERVER RESPONSE', wx.ICON_ERROR) box = Printer(style) box.messageBox() elif self.type == 'add cheque': if response: style = ('Success', 'SERVER RESPONSE', wx.ICON_INFORMATION) else: style = ('Failed to add new user', 'SERVER RESPONSE', wx.ICON_ERROR) box = Printer(style) box.messageBox() else: try: response[0] except TypeError: print response return if response[0] == 'Error': style = (response[1], 'ERROR', wx.ICON_ERROR) elif not response[0]: style = (response[1], 'ERROR', wx.ICON_ERROR) else: print response style = (response[1], 'INFORMATION', wx.ICON_INFORMATION) box = Printer(style) box.messageBox()