Example #1
def CPPA_precursor_regions(path_data, keys_options=['CPPA']):
    dict_of_dfs = functions_pp.load_hdf5(path_data)
    df_data = dict_of_dfs['df_data']
    splits  = df_data.index.levels[0]
    skip = ['TrainIsTrue', 'RV_mask']
    keys_d = {}

    for option in keys_options:
        keys_d_ = {}
        for s in splits:

            if option == 'robust':
                not_robust = ['0_101_PEPspatcov', 'PDO', 'ENSO_34',
                              'ENSO_34', 'PDO']
                all_keys = df_data.loc[s].columns[1:]
                all_keys = [k for k in all_keys if k not in skip]
                all_keys = [k for k in all_keys if k not in not_robust]

                robust = ['0_100_CPPAspatcov', '2', '7', '9' ]
                sst_regs = [k for k in all_keys if len(k.split('_')) == 3]
                other    = [k for k in all_keys if len(k.split('_')) != 3]
                keys_ = [k for k in sst_regs if k.split('_')[1] in robust ]
                [keys_.append(k) for k in other]

            elif option == 'CPPA':
                not_robust = ['0_101_PEPspatcov', '0_104_PDO', '0_103_ENSO34',
                              'ENSO_34', 'PDO', '0_900_ENSO34', '0_901_PDO']
                all_keys = df_data.loc[s].columns[1:]
                all_keys = [k for k in all_keys if k not in skip]
                all_keys = [k for k in all_keys if k not in not_robust]
                keys_ = all_keys

            elif option == 'PEP':
                all_keys = df_data.loc[s].columns[1:]
                all_keys = [k for k in all_keys if k not in skip]
                keys_ = [k for k in all_keys if k.split('_')[-1] == 'PEPspatcov']

            keys_d_[s] = np.unique(keys_)
        keys_d[option] = keys_d_

    return keys_d
Example #2
f, ax = plt.subplots()
ax = df_orig_midwest.plot(ax=ax, c='red', title='Red is orig csv mid-west spatial data mean')
rg_always.df_fullts.plot(ax=ax, c='blue')

f, ax = plt.subplots()
ax = df_orig_all.plot(ax=ax, c='red', title='Red is orig csv all spatial data mean')
rg_always.df_fullts.plot(ax=ax, c='blue')

f, ax = plt.subplots()
ax = df_USDA_midwest[['obs_yield']].plot(ax=ax, c='red', title='Red is USDA obs Beguería et al. 2020')
rg_always.df_fullts.plot(ax=ax, c='blue')

filepath_RGCPD_hindcast = '/Users/semvijverberg/surfdrive/output_paper3/USDA_Soy_csv_midwest_bimonthly_random_10_s1_1950_2019/predictions_s1_continuous.h5'
df_preds = functions_pp.load_hdf5(filepath_RGCPD_hindcast)['df_predictions']
df_preds = functions_pp.get_df_test(df_preds) ; df_preds.index.name='time'
xr_obs = df_preds[['raw_target']].to_xarray().to_array().squeeze()

trend = xr_obs - core_pp.detrend_lin_longterm(xr_obs)
recon = df_preds.iloc[:,[0]] + trend.values[None,:].T #.values[1:][None,:].T + float(rg_always.df_fullts.mean())
ax = recon.plot()
pred = df_preds[[0]] + trend.values[None,:].T
ax = pred.plot()

Example #3
def import_precur_ts(list_import_ts: List[tuple],
                     df_splits: pd.DataFrame,
                     start_end_date: Tuple[str, str],
                     start_end_year: Tuple[int, int],
                     start_end_TVdate: Tuple[str, str],
                     cols: list = None,
                     precur_aggr: int = 1):
    list_import_ts has format List[tuples],
    [(name, path_data)]
    # df_splits = rg.df_splits

    splits = df_splits.index.levels[0]
    orig_traintest = functions_pp.get_testyrs(df_splits)
    df_data_ext_s = np.zeros((splits.size), dtype=object)
    counter = 0
    for i, (name, path_data) in enumerate(list_import_ts):

        df_data_e_all = functions_pp.load_hdf5(path_data)['df_data']
        if type(df_data_e_all) is pd.Series:
            df_data_e_all = pd.DataFrame(df_data_e_all)

        df_data_e_all = df_data_e_all.iloc[:, :]  # not sure why needed
        if cols is None:
            cols = list(
                df_data_e_all.columns[(df_data_e_all.dtypes != bool).values])
        elif type(cols) is str:
            cols = [cols]

        if hasattr(df_data_e_all.index, 'levels'):
            dates_subset = core_pp.get_subdates(df_data_e_all.loc[0].index,
                                                start_end_date, start_end_year)
            df_data_e_all = df_data_e_all.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:,
                                                            dates_subset], :]
            dates_subset = core_pp.get_subdates(df_data_e_all.index,
                                                start_end_date, start_end_year)
            df_data_e_all = df_data_e_all.loc[dates_subset]

        if 'TrainIsTrue' in df_data_e_all.columns:
            _c = [
                k for k in df_splits.columns
                if k in ['TrainIsTrue', 'RV_mask']
            # check if traintest split is correct
            ext_traintest = functions_pp.get_testyrs(df_data_e_all[_c])
            _check_traintest = all(
            assert _check_traintest, (
                'Train test years of df_splits are not the '
                'same as imported timeseries')

        for s in range(splits.size):
            if 'TrainIsTrue' in df_data_e_all.columns:
                df_data_e = df_data_e_all.loc[s]
                df_data_e = df_data_e_all

            df_data_ext_s[s] = df_data_e[cols]
            tfreq_date_e = (df_data_e.index[1] - df_data_e.index[0]).days

            if precur_aggr != tfreq_date_e:
                    df_data_ext_s[s] = functions_pp.time_mean_bins(
                except KeyError as e:
                    print('KeyError captured, likely the requested dates '
                          'given by start_end_date and start_end_year are not'
                          'found in external pandas timeseries.\n{}'.format(
        print(f'loaded in exterinal timeseres: {cols}')

        if counter == 0:
            df_data_ext = pd.concat(list(df_data_ext_s),
            df_add = pd.concat(list(df_data_ext_s), keys=range(splits.size))
            df_data_ext = df_data_ext.merge(df_add,
        counter += 1
        cols = None
    return df_data_ext
Example #4
path_out_main = os.path.join(main_dir, f'publications/NPJ_2021/output/{west_east}_parcorrmaps')
if os.path.isdir(path_out_main) != True:
cluster_label = '' # 'z500'
# name_or_cluster_label = ''
# name_ds = west_east + 'RW' # f'0..0..{name_or_cluster_label}_sp'
name_or_cluster_label = 'z500'
name_ds = f'0..0..{name_or_cluster_label}_sp'
start_end_date = ('1-1', start_end_TVdate[-1])
filepath_df_PDOs = os.path.join(path_data, 'df_PDOs_monthly.h5')
filepath_df_ENSO = os.path.join(path_data, 'df_ENSOs_monthly.h5')

#%% Get PDO and apply low-pass filter
if 'parcorr' == exper:
        df_PDOs = functions_pp.load_hdf5(filepath_df_PDOs)['df_data']

        SST_pp_filepath = user_dir + '/surfdrive/ERA5/input_raw/preprocessed/sst_1979-2020_jan_dec_monthly_1.0deg.nc'

        if 'df_ENSO' not in globals():
            df_PDO, PDO_patterns = climate_indices.PDO(SST_pp_filepath,
            PDO_plot_kwrgs = {'units':'[-]', 'cbar_vert':-.1,
                              # 'zoomregion':(130,260,20,60),
                              'x_ticks':np.arange(130, 280, 25),
                              'subtitles':np.array([['PDO loading pattern']])}
combinations = np.array(np.meshgrid(methods, seeds)).T.reshape(-1, 2)
metrics = ['corrcoef', 'MAE', 'RMSE']
np_out = np.zeros((len(metrics), combinations.shape[0], 4))
for i, (method, s) in enumerate(combinations):
    path = os.path.join(path_input, f'{method}')

    hash_str = f'cond_fc_{method}_s{s}.h5'
    f_name = None
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
        for file in files:
            if re.findall(f'{hash_str}', file):
                print(f'Found file {file}')
                f_name = file

    if f_name is not None:
        d_dfs = functions_pp.load_hdf5(os.path.join(path, f's{s}',
        np_out[0][i] = d_dfs.loc[metrics[0]].loc[month]
        np_out[1][i] = d_dfs.loc[metrics[1]].loc[month]
        np_out[2][i] = d_dfs.loc[metrics[2]].loc[month]

import matplotlib as mpl
save = False
df_cond_fc = pd.DataFrame(np_out.reshape((-1, np_out.shape[-1])),
                              [c[0] + '_' + c[1] for c in combinations]
plot_cols = ['strong 50%', 'weak 50%']
          f'ETC {int(ETC/60)} min \t Progress {int(100*(time()-t00)/ETC)}% ')

# In[8]:
working_folder, filename = list_of_fc[0]._print_sett(list_of_fc=list_of_fc)

store = False
if __name__ == "__main__":
    filename = list_of_fc[0].filename
    store = True

import valid_plots as dfplots
import functions_pp

dict_all = dfplots.merge_valid_info(list_of_fc, store=store)
if store:
    dict_merge_all = functions_pp.load_hdf5(filename + '.h5')

lag_rel = 50
kwrgs = {
    'wspace': 0.16,
    'hspace': .25,
    'col_wrap': 2,
    'skip_redundant_title': True,
    'lags_relcurve': [lag_rel],
    'fontbase': 14,
    'figaspect': 2
#kwrgs = {'wspace':0.25, 'col_wrap':3, 'threshold_bin':fc.threshold_pred}
met = ['AUC-ROC', 'AUC-PR', 'Precision', 'BSS', 'Accuracy', 'Rel. Curve']
line_dim = 'exper'
group_line_by = None
fc_months_periodnames = {
    'August': 'JJ',
    'July': 'MJ',
    'June': 'AM',
    'May': 'MA',
    'April': 'FM',
    'March': 'JF',
    'December': 'SO',
    'February': 'DJ'
filepath_df_output = os.path.join(
    path_input_main, f'df_output_{fc_months_periodnames[fc_month]}.h5')

df_output = functions_pp.load_hdf5(filepath_df_output)
df_data = df_output['df_data']
df_splits = df_data.iloc[:, -2:]

out = utils_paper3.load_scores(['Target'],
                               condition='strong 50%')
df_scores, df_boots, df_preds = out

df_test_m = [d[fc_month] for d in df_scores]
df_boots_list = [d[fc_month] for d in df_boots]
df_test = df_preds[0][['Target', fc_month]]
df_test = functions_pp.get_df_test(df_test, df_splits=df_splits)
Example #8
                          threshold_pred=(1.5, 'times_clim'))

# In[8]:
working_folder, pathexper = list_of_fc[0]._print_sett(list_of_fc=list_of_fc)

store = False
if __name__ == "__main__":
    pathexper = list_of_fc[0].pathexper
    store = True

import valid_plots as dfplots
import functions_pp

dict_all = dfplots.merge_valid_info(list_of_fc, store=store)
if store:
    dict_merge_all = functions_pp.load_hdf5(pathexper + '/data.h5')

kwrgs = {
    'wspace': 0.15,
    'col_wrap': None,
    'skip_redundant_title': True,
    'lags_relcurve': [10, 20]
#kwrgs = {'wspace':0.25, 'col_wrap':3, 'threshold_bin':fc.threshold_pred}
met = ['AUC-ROC', 'AUC-PR', 'BSS', 'Rel. Curve']
#met = ['AUC-ROC', 'AUC-PR', 'BSS', 'Rel. Curve']
line_dim = None
group_line_by = 'dataset'
# line_dim = 'exper' ; group_line_by = None

fig = dfplots.valid_figures(dict_merge_all,
Example #9
 # (1) random_{int}   :   with the int(ex['method'][6:8]) determining the amount of folds
 # (2) ranstrat_{int}:   random stratified folds, stratified based upon events,
 #                       requires kwrgs_events.
 # (3) leave_{int}    :   chronologically split train and test years.
 # (4) split_{int}    :   (should be updated) split dataset into single train and test set
 # (5) no_train_test_split or False 'random_#'
 col_wrap = 3  #3 months next to each other in figure
 n_jobs = 3
 results_path = os.path.join(main_dir, 'Results', 'skillscores',
                             f'{agg_level}_{fold_method}')  #path of results
 path_df_ss_result = os.path.join(results_path, 'df_skill_predictions.h5')
 if os.path.isfile(path_df_ss_result):
     df_data = functions_pp.load_hdf5(path_df_ss_result)
     df_ss_result = df_data['df_ss_result']
     df_prediction_result = df_data['df_prediction_result']
     df_ss_result, df_prediction_result, rg = loop_analysis(
 print(df_ss_result, '\n', df_prediction_result)
Example #10
def normal_precursor_regions(path_data, keys_options=['all'], causal=False):
    keys_options=['all', 'only_db_regs', 'sp_and_regs', 'sst+sm+RWT',
                  'CPPA+sm', 'sst(PEP)+sm', 'sst(PDO,ENSO)+sm',
                  'CPPA', 'PEP', 'sst combined', 'sst combined + sm',
                  'sst(CPPA) expert knowledge', 'sst(CPPA Pattern)'
                  'CPPA Pattern', 'PDO+ENSO', ' ', 'CPPA+PEP+sm',


    dict_of_dfs = functions_pp.load_hdf5(path_data)
    df_data = dict_of_dfs['df_data']
    splits  = df_data.index.levels[0]
        df_sum  = dict_of_dfs['df_sum']

#    skip = ['all_spatcov', '0_2_sm123', '0_101_PEPspatcov', 'sm123_spatcov']
    skip = ['all_spatcov']

    keys_d = {}
    for option in keys_options:
        keys_d_ = {}
        for s in splits:

            if causal == True or 'causal' in option:
                # causal
                all_keys = df_sum[df_sum['causal']].loc[s].index

            elif causal == False and 'causal' not in option:
                # correlated
                df_s = df_data.loc[s]
                all_keys = df_s.columns.delete(0)
                # extract only float columns
                mask_f = np.logical_or(df_s.dtypes == 'float64', df_s.dtypes == 'float32')
                all_keys = all_keys[mask_f[1:].values]
                # remove spatcov_causals
                all_keys = [k for k in all_keys if k[-4:] != 'caus']

            if option == 'all':
                # extract only float columns
                keys_ = [k for k in all_keys if k not in skip]

            elif 'only_db_regs' in option:
                # Regions + all_spatcov(_caus)
                keys_ = [k for k in all_keys if ('spatcov' not in k)]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if k not in skip]
            elif option == 'sp_and_regs':
                keys_ = [k for k in all_keys if k not in skip]
            elif option == 'CPPA':
                skip_ex = ['0..103..PEPsv',  'sm123_spatcov', 'all_spatcov']
                keys_ = [k for k in all_keys if 'v200hpa' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'sm' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'ENSO' not in k]# or 'PDO' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'PDO' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'PEPsv' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'OLR' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if k not in skip_ex]
            elif option == 'sst combined':
                keys_ = [k for k in all_keys if 'sm' not in k]
            elif option == 'sst combined+sm':
                keys_ = all_keys
            elif option == 'sst(CPPA Pattern)' or option == 'CPPA Pattern':
                keys_ = [k for k in all_keys if 'CPPAsv' in k]
            elif option == 'sst+sm+z500':
                keys_ = []
                keys_.append([k for k in all_keys if '..sst' in k])
                keys_.append([k for k in all_keys if '..sm' in k])
                keys_.append([k for k in all_keys if '..z500' in k])
                keys_ = flatten(keys_)

            elif option == 'CPPA+sm':
                keys_ = [k for k in all_keys if 'PDO' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'ENSO' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'PEP' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'OLR' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if k not in skip]
            elif option == 'CPPA+PEP+sm':
                keys_ = [k for k in all_keys if 'PDO' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'ENSO' not in k]
            elif option == 'CPPApr+PEP+sm':
                keys_ = [k for k in all_keys if 'PDO' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'ENSO' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'CPPAsv' not in k]
            elif option == 'CPPA+sm+OLR':
                keys_ = [k for k in all_keys if 'PDO' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'ENSO' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'PEP' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if k not in skip]
            elif option == 'CPPAregs+sm':
                keys_ = [k for k in all_keys if 'v200hpa' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'PDO' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'ENSO' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'PEP' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if ('CPPAsv' not in k)]
            elif option == 'CPPApattern+sm':
                skip_ex = ['0..100..ENSO34','0..101..PDO']
                keys_ = [k for k in all_keys if 'v200hpa' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'PDO' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'ENSO' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'PEP' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'OLR' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if ('spatcov' in k or 'sm' in k)]
            elif option == 'sm':
                keys_ = [k for k in all_keys if 'sm' in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'spatcov' not in k]
            elif option == 'sst(PEP)+sm':
                keys_ = [k for k in all_keys if 'sm' in k or 'PEP' in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if k != 'sm123_spatcov']
            elif option == 'PEP':
                keys_ = [k for k in all_keys if 'PEP' in k]
            elif option == 'PEP+sm':
                keys_ = [k for k in all_keys if 'PEP' in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'sm' in k]
            elif option == 'sst(PDO,ENSO)+sm':
                keys_ = [k for k in all_keys if 'sm' in k or 'PDO' in k or 'ENSO' in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'spatcov' not in k]
            elif option == 'PDO+ENSO':
                keys_ = [k for k in all_keys if 'PDO' in k or 'ENSO' in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'spatcov' not in k]
            elif option == 'sst(CPPA) expert knowledge':
                keys_ = [k for k in all_keys if 'sm' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'PDO' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'ENSO' not in k]
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ if 'PEP' not in k]
                expert = ['CPPAsv', '..9..sst', '..2..sst', '..6..sst', '..1..sst', '..7..sst']
                keys_ = [k for k in keys_ for e in expert if e in k]
            if option == ' ':
                keys_ = []

            keys_d_[s] = np.unique(keys_)

        keys_d[option] = keys_d_

    return keys_d
Example #11
def compare_use_spatcov(path_data, causal=True):
    dict_of_dfs = functions_pp.load_hdf5(path_data)
    df_data = dict_of_dfs['df_data']
    splits  = df_data.index.levels[0]
    df_sum  = dict_of_dfs['df_sum']

    keys_d = {}

    keys_d_ = {}
    for s in splits:
        if causal == True:
            # causal
            all_keys = df_sum[df_sum['causal']].loc[s].index
        elif causal == False:
            # correlated
            all_keys = df_sum.loc[s].index.delete(0)

        # Regions + all_spatcov(_caus)
        keys_ = [k for k in all_keys if ('spatcov_caus' in k) and k[:3] == 'all']
        keys_d_[s] = np.array((keys_))

    keys_d['Only_all_spatcov'] = keys_d_

    keys_d_ = {}
    for s in splits:
        if causal == True:
            # causal
            all_keys = df_sum[df_sum['causal']].loc[s].index
        elif causal == False:
            # correlated
            all_keys = df_sum.loc[s].index.delete(0)

        # Regions + all_spatcov(_caus)
        keys_ = [k for k in all_keys if ('spatcov_caus' not in k) or k[:3] == 'all']
        keys_d_[s] = np.array((keys_))

    keys_d['Regions_all_spatcov'] = keys_d_

    keys_d_ = {}
    for s in splits:
        if causal == True:
            # causal
            all_keys = df_sum[df_sum['causal']].loc[s].index
        elif causal == False:
            # correlated
            all_keys = df_sum.loc[s].index.delete(0)

        # only spatcov(_caus) (no all_spatcov)
        keys_ = [k for k in all_keys if ('spatcov' in k) and ('all' not in k)]

        keys_d_[s] = np.array((keys_))
    keys_d['only_sp_caus_no_all_sp'] = keys_d_

    keys_d_ = {}
    for s in splits:
        if causal == True:
            # causal
            all_keys = df_sum[df_sum['causal']].loc[s].index
        elif causal == False:
            # correlated
            all_keys = df_sum.loc[s].index.delete(0)

        # only spatcov(_caus) (no all_spatcov)
        keys_ = [k for k in all_keys if ('all' not in k)]

        keys_d_[s] = np.array((keys_))
    keys_d['Regions_sp_caus_no_all_sp'] = keys_d_

    return keys_d
Example #12
#%% Plotting Continuous forecast

df_preds_save = utils_paper3.df_predictions_for_plot(rg_list)
d_dfs = {'df_predictions': df_preds_save}
filepath_dfs = os.path.join(rg.path_outsub1,
functions_pp.store_hdf_df(d_dfs, filepath_dfs)

df_scores, df_boot, df_tests = utils_paper3.df_scores_for_plot(
    rg_list, name_object='verification_tuple')
d_dfs = {'df_scores': df_scores, 'df_boot': df_boot, 'df_tests': df_tests}
filepath_dfs = os.path.join(rg.path_outsub1, f'scores_s{seed}_continuous.h5')
functions_pp.store_hdf_df(d_dfs, filepath_dfs)

d_dfs = functions_pp.load_hdf5(filepath_dfs)

f = utils_paper3.plot_scores_wrapper(df_scores, df_boot)
f_name = f'{method}_{seed}_cf_PacAtl'
fig_path = os.path.join(rg.path_outsub1, f_name) + rg.figext
if save:
    f.savefig(fig_path, bbox_inches='tight')

for rg in rg_list:  # plotting score per test
    # plot timeseries
    predict = rg.prediction_tuple[0]
    df_test = functions_pp.get_df_test(predict.rename({lag_: 'causal'},
    df_test_m = rg.verification_tuple[2]
    utils_paper3.plot_forecast_ts(df_test_m, df_test)