def test_multiple_functions(self):
        def f(x, bias):
            return x + bias

        def g(x, y):
            return x * y

        for hasher_type in ["DynamicShapeHasher", "StaticShapeHasher"]:
            aot_autograd_f = aot_function(f, nop, nop, hasher_type=hasher_type)
            aot_autograd_g = aot_function(g, nop, nop, hasher_type=hasher_type)

            start_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()
            a = torch.randn(10, requires_grad=True)
            b = torch.randn(10, requires_grad=True)
            self.check(a, b, aot_autograd_f, f)

            a = torch.randn(10, requires_grad=True)
            b = torch.randn(10, requires_grad=True)
            self.check(a, b, aot_autograd_g, g)

            end_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()
            total_recomps = end_num_recomps - start_num_recomps
            assert total_recomps == 2

            # Force recompilation for function f and check num of recompilations again
            a = torch.randn(10, 20, requires_grad=True)
            b = torch.randn(10, 20, requires_grad=True)
            self.check(a, b, aot_autograd_f, f)

            end_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()
            total_recomps = end_num_recomps - start_num_recomps
            assert total_recomps == 3
    def test_multiple_compiler(self):
        def fn(x, bias):
            return x + bias

        def nop_duplicate(fx_g, _):
            return fx_g

        for hasher_type in ["DynamicShapeHasher", "StaticShapeHasher"]:
            start_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()
            nop_fn = aot_function(fn, nop, nop, hasher_type=hasher_type)
            nop_duplicate_fn = aot_function(fn,

            a = torch.randn(10, 20, requires_grad=True)
            b = torch.randn(20, requires_grad=True)
            nop_fn(a, b)
            nop_duplicate_fn(a, b)

            end_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

            total_recomps = end_num_recomps - start_num_recomps
            assert total_recomps == 2
Example #3
def get_fw_bw_graph(f, inps, partitioner=min_cut_rematerialization_partition):
    fw_graph_cell = [None]
    bw_graph_cell = [None]
                 fw_compiler=partial(extract_graph, graph_cell=fw_graph_cell),
                 bw_compiler=partial(extract_graph, graph_cell=bw_graph_cell),
    return (fw_graph_cell[0], bw_graph_cell[0])
    def test_high_number_of_args(self):
        def f(*args):
            res = args[0]
            for arg in args:
                res = res * arg
            return res

        def check(args, aot_autograd_fn, fn):
            args_clone = [
                arg.clone().detach().requires_grad_(True) for arg in args
            ref = fn(*args)

            res = aot_autograd_fn(*args_clone)
            assert torch.allclose(res, ref)
            for (arg, arg_clone) in zip(args, args_clone):
                assert torch.allclose(arg.grad, arg_clone.grad)

        for hasher_type in ["DynamicShapeHasher", "StaticShapeHasher"]:

            aot_autograd_f = aot_function(f, nop, nop, hasher_type=hasher_type)

            args = [torch.randn(10, requires_grad=True) for _ in range(100)]
            check(args, aot_autograd_f, f)
    def test_tuple_static_args(self):
        def fn(x, tuple_static_arg):
            return x * tuple_static_arg[0] * tuple_static_arg[1]


        start_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

        aot_autograd_f = aot_function(fn, nop, nop, static_argnums=1)

        a = torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        b = (2, 3)
        self.check(a, b, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        # Same type of args, so no recompilation
        a = torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        b = (2, 3)
        self.check(a, b, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        # Trigger recompilation
        a = torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        b = (3, 4)
        self.check(a, b, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        end_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

        total_recomps = end_num_recomps - start_num_recomps
        assert total_recomps == 2
    def test_if_condition(self):
        def fn(x, state: bool):
            if state:
                return torch.sin(x)
                return torch.cos(x)


        start_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

        aot_autograd_f = aot_function(fn, nop, nop, static_argnums=[1])

        a = torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        b = True
        self.check(a, b, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        a = torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        b = True
        self.check(a, b, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        a = torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        b = False
        self.check(a, b, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        end_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

        total_recomps = end_num_recomps - start_num_recomps
        assert total_recomps == 2
    def test_custom(self):
        class Record:
            def __init__(self, name, multiplier):
       = name
                self.multiplier = multiplier

            def __eq__(self, other):
                return == and self.multiplier == other.multiplier

            def __hash__(self):
                return hash((, self.multiplier))

        def fn(x, record):
            return x * record.multiplier


        start_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

        aot_autograd_f = aot_function(fn, nop, nop, static_argnums=[1])

        a = torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        b = Record("Foo", 0.5)
        self.check(a, b, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        a = torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        b = Record("Bar", 10.2)
        self.check(a, b, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        end_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

        total_recomps = end_num_recomps - start_num_recomps
        assert total_recomps == 2
    def test_interleaved_static_args(self):
        def fn(static_arg1, x, static_arg2):
            return static_arg1 - x - static_arg2

        def check(a, b, c, aot_autograd_fn, fn):
            b_clone = b.clone().detach().requires_grad_(True)
            ref = fn(a, b, c)

            res = aot_autograd_fn(a, b_clone, c)
            assert torch.allclose(res, ref)
            assert torch.allclose(b.grad, b_clone.grad)


        start_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

        aot_autograd_f = aot_function(fn, nop, nop, static_argnums=(0, 2))

        a = 2
        b = torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        c = 0.1
        check(a, b, c, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        a = 3
        b = torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        c = 0.1
        check(a, b, c, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        end_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

        total_recomps = end_num_recomps - start_num_recomps
        assert total_recomps == 2
    def test_static_arg_before_tensor_arg(self):
        def fn(static_arg, x):
            return static_arg - x

        def check(a, b, aot_autograd_fn, fn):
            b_clone = b.clone().detach().requires_grad_(True)
            ref = fn(a, b)

            res = aot_autograd_fn(a, b_clone)
            assert torch.allclose(res, ref)
            assert torch.allclose(b.grad, b_clone.grad)


        start_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

        aot_autograd_f = aot_function(fn, nop, nop, static_argnums=0)

        a = 2
        b = torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        check(a, b, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        a = 3
        b = torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        check(a, b, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        end_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

        total_recomps = end_num_recomps - start_num_recomps
        assert total_recomps == 2
Example #10
 def verify_aot_autograd(self, f, inp):
     if isinstance(f, nn.Module):
         compiled_f = aot_module(f, nop)
         compiled_f = aot_function(f, nop)
     ref_out, ref_grad = _outs_and_grads(f, inp)
     test_out, test_grad = _outs_and_grads(compiled_f, inp)
     self.assertEqual(ref_out, test_out)
     self.assertEqual(ref_grad, test_grad)
Example #11
    def test_contiguous(self):
        # The test simulates the condition where transpose followed by view
        # happens in the backward pass.
        def f(x):
            return x.view(2, 3).t()

        inp = torch.randn(6, requires_grad=True)
        out = aot_function(f, nop)(inp)
        torch.autograd.grad(out, inp, torch.randn(3, 2))
Example #12
    def test_list_codegen(self):
        def list_nop(f, _):
            def g(inps):
                return f(*inps)

            g._boxed_call = True
            return g

        def f(a, b, c):
            return a.sin() * b.cos() * c.sin()

        f = aot_function(f, list_nop)
        inp = [torch.randn(5, requires_grad=True) for _ in range(3)]
Example #13
    def test_preserve_random(self):
        def fn(x):
            return torch.nn.functional.dropout(x, 0.5) + x

        x = torch.randn(4)

        ref = fn(x)

        aot_fn = aot_function(fn, nop)
        res = aot_fn(x)

        assert torch.allclose(ref, res)
Example #14
    def test_failure(self):
        # Test that not setting up static_argnums should raise exception
        def fn(x, p):
            return x * p

        aot_autograd_f = aot_function(fn, nop, nop)

        a = torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        b = 2
            # Since b is not marked as static, it should raise exception
            aot_autograd_f(a, b)
            raise AssertionError()
        except RuntimeError:
Example #15
    def test_dict_with_static_arg_before_dict(self):
        def fn(static_arg, a_dict):
            return torch.sin(a_dict["foo"]) - a_dict["bar"] - static_arg

        def check(a, b_dict, aot_autograd_fn, fn):

            ref = fn(a, b_dict)
            res = aot_autograd_fn(a, b_dict)
            assert torch.allclose(res, ref)

            b0 = b_dict["foo"]
            b1 = b_dict["bar"]

            b0_clone = b0.clone().detach().requires_grad_(True)
            b1_clone = b1.clone().detach().requires_grad_(True)

            b_clone = {}
            b_clone["foo"] = b0_clone
            b_clone["bar"] = b1_clone
            res = aot_autograd_fn(a, b_clone)
            assert torch.allclose(res, ref)
            assert torch.allclose(b0.grad, b0_clone.grad)
            assert torch.allclose(b1.grad, b1_clone.grad)


        start_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

        aot_autograd_f = aot_function(fn, nop, nop, static_argnums=(0, ))

        a = 0.1
        b = {}
        b["foo"] = torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        b["bar"] = torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        check(a, b, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        a = 0.2
        b = {}
        b["foo"] = torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        b["bar"] = torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        check(a, b, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        end_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

        total_recomps = end_num_recomps - start_num_recomps
        assert total_recomps == 2
Example #16
    def test_compilation_context(self):
        def f(x):
            return x.sin().sin()

        count = []

        def compiler(fx_g, _):
            context = get_aot_compilation_context()
            count.append((context[0], len(fx_g.graph.nodes)))
            return fx_g

        f = aot_function(f, compiler)
        out = f(torch.randn(5, requires_grad=True))
        self.assertEqual(count, [(['forward'], 4), (['inference'], 4),
                                 (['backward'], 8)])
Example #17
    def test_dict(self):
        def fn(a_dict, static_arg):
            return torch.sin(a_dict["foo"]) - a_dict["bar"] - static_arg

        def check(a_dict, b, aot_autograd_fn, fn):

            a0 = a_dict["foo"]
            a1 = a_dict["bar"]

            a0_clone = a0.clone().detach().requires_grad_(True)
            a1_clone = a1.clone().detach().requires_grad_(True)
            ref = fn(a_dict, b)

            a_clone = {}
            a_clone["foo"] = a0_clone
            a_clone["bar"] = a1_clone
            res = aot_autograd_fn(a_clone, b)
            assert torch.allclose(res, ref)
            assert torch.allclose(a0.grad, a0_clone.grad)
            assert torch.allclose(a1.grad, a1_clone.grad)


        start_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

        aot_autograd_f = aot_function(fn, nop, nop, static_argnums=(1, ))

        a = {}
        a["foo"] = torch.zeros(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        a["bar"] = torch.ones(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        b = 0
        check(a, b, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        a = {}
        a["foo"] = torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        a["bar"] = torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        b = 0.2
        check(a, b, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        end_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

        total_recomps = end_num_recomps - start_num_recomps
        assert total_recomps == 2
Example #18
    def test_tuple_with_first_arg_as_static(self):
        def fn(static_arg, a_tuple):
            return torch.sin(a_tuple[0]) - a_tuple[1] - static_arg

        def check(a, b_tuple, aot_autograd_fn, fn):
            b0 = b_tuple[0]
            b1 = b_tuple[1]

            b0_clone = b0.clone().detach().requires_grad_(True)
            b1_clone = b1.clone().detach().requires_grad_(True)
            ref = fn(a, b_tuple)

            res = aot_autograd_fn(a, (b0_clone, b1_clone))
            assert torch.allclose(res, ref)
            assert torch.allclose(b0.grad, b0_clone.grad)
            assert torch.allclose(b1.grad, b1_clone.grad)


        start_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

        aot_autograd_f = aot_function(fn, nop, nop, static_argnums=(0, ))

        a = 0.1
        b = (
            torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True),
            torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True),
        check(a, b, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        a = 1
        b = (
            torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True),
            torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True),
        check(a, b, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        end_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

        total_recomps = end_num_recomps - start_num_recomps
        assert total_recomps == 2
Example #19
    def test_tuple(self):
        def fn(a_tuple, static_arg):
            return torch.sin(a_tuple[0]) - a_tuple[1] - static_arg

        def check(a_tuple, b, aot_autograd_fn, fn):
            a0 = a_tuple[0]
            a1 = a_tuple[1]

            a0_clone = a0.clone().detach().requires_grad_(True)
            a1_clone = a1.clone().detach().requires_grad_(True)
            ref = fn(a, b)

            res = aot_autograd_fn((a0_clone, a1_clone), b)
            assert torch.allclose(res, ref)
            assert torch.allclose(a0.grad, a0_clone.grad)
            assert torch.allclose(a1.grad, a1_clone.grad)


        start_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

        aot_autograd_f = aot_function(fn, nop, nop, static_argnums=(1, ))

        a = (
            torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True),
            torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True),
        b = 0.1
        check(a, b, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        a = (
            torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True),
            torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True),
        b = 1
        check(a, b, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        end_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

        total_recomps = end_num_recomps - start_num_recomps
        assert total_recomps == 2
Example #20
    def test_compilation_for_dynamic_shape(self):
        def fn(x, bias):
            return x + bias

        for hasher_type in ["DynamicShapeHasher", "StaticShapeHasher"]:
            start_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()
            aot_autograd_fn = aot_function(fn,

            for s in range(10, 20):
                a = torch.randn(s, requires_grad=True)
                b = torch.randn(s, requires_grad=True)
                self.check(a, b, aot_autograd_fn, fn)

            for s in range(10, 20):
                a = torch.randn(s, requires_grad=True)
                b = torch.randn(s, requires_grad=True)
                self.check(a, b, aot_autograd_fn, fn)

            end_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

            total_recomps = end_num_recomps - start_num_recomps
            if hasher_type == "DynamicShapeHasher":
                assert total_recomps == 1
            elif hasher_type == "StaticShapeHasher":
                assert total_recomps == 10

            for s in range(10, 20):
                a = torch.randn(s, s, requires_grad=True)
                b = torch.randn(s, s, requires_grad=True)
                self.check(a, b, aot_autograd_fn, fn)

            end_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

            total_recomps = end_num_recomps - start_num_recomps
            if hasher_type == "DynamicShapeHasher":
                assert total_recomps == 2
            elif hasher_type == "StaticShapeHasher":
                assert total_recomps == 20
Example #21
    def test_grad_context(self):
        def foo(x):
            return x * 2
        inps = [torch.randn((), requires_grad=True)]
        graph_size = None

        def assert_graph_empty(fx_g, _):
            nonlocal graph_size
            graph_size = len(fx_g.graph.nodes)
            return fx_g

        start_recompilations = num_of_recompilations()
        f = aot_function(foo, nop, assert_graph_empty)
        with torch.set_grad_enabled(False):
        self.assertEqual(graph_size, 2)
        with torch.set_grad_enabled(True):
        self.assertTrue(graph_size > 2)
        self.assertEqual(num_of_recompilations() - start_recompilations, 2)
    def test_recompilation_on_broadcast(self):
        def fn(x, bias):
            return x + bias

        for hasher_type in ["DynamicShapeHasher", "StaticShapeHasher"]:
            start_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()
            aot_autograd_fn = aot_function(fn, nop, nop, hasher_type=hasher_type)

            a = torch.randn(10, 20, requires_grad=True)
            b = torch.randn(20, requires_grad=True)
            self.check(a, b, aot_autograd_fn, fn)

            a = torch.randn(10, 20, requires_grad=True)
            b = torch.randn(10, 20, requires_grad=True)
            self.check(a, b, aot_autograd_fn, fn)

            end_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

            total_recomps = end_num_recomps - start_num_recomps
            assert total_recomps == 2
Example #23
    def test_dropout(self):
        def fn(x, prob):
            return torch.nn.functional.dropout(x, p=prob)


        start_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

        aot_autograd_f = aot_function(fn, nop, nop, static_argnums=[1])

        a = torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        b = 0.3
        aot_autograd_f(a, b)

        # Setting the prob to 0. This should cause recompilation.
        a = torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        b = 0
        self.check(a, b, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        end_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

        total_recomps = end_num_recomps - start_num_recomps
        assert total_recomps == 2
Example #24
    def test_arg_none(self):
        def check(a, b, c, aot_autograd_fn, fn):
            def cloner(x):
                if x is not None:
                    return x.clone().detach().requires_grad_(True)
                return None

            def check_grad(x, x_clone):
                if x is not None:
                    return torch.allclose(x.grad, x_clone.grad)
                return True

            ref = fn(a, b, c)
            res = aot_autograd_fn(a, b, c)
            assert torch.allclose(res, ref)

            a_clone = cloner(a)
            b_clone = cloner(b)
            c_clone = cloner(c)
            res = aot_autograd_fn(a_clone, b_clone, c_clone)

            check_grad(a, a_clone)
            check_grad(b, b_clone)
            check_grad(c, c_clone)

        def fn(a, b, c):
            if a is None and b is None:
                return c
            elif a is None and c is None:
                return b
            elif b is None and c is None:
                return a
            elif a is None:
                return b + c
            elif b is None:
                return a + c
            elif c is None:
                return a + b
            return a + b + c


        start_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

        aot_autograd_f = aot_function(fn, nop, nop)

        t1 = torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        check(t1, None, None, aot_autograd_f, fn)
        check(None, t1, None, aot_autograd_f, fn)
        check(None, None, t1, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        t2 = torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        check(t1, t2, None, aot_autograd_f, fn)
        check(t1, None, t2, aot_autograd_f, fn)
        check(None, t1, t2, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        t3 = torch.randn(2, 2, requires_grad=True)
        check(t1, t2, t3, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        # Same type of args, so no recompilation
        check(t1, t2, None, aot_autograd_f, fn)

        end_num_recomps = functorch.compile.num_of_recompilations()

        total_recomps = end_num_recomps - start_num_recomps
        assert total_recomps == 7
Example #25
 def g(x, bias):
     return aot_function(f, nop, nop,
                         hasher_type="DynamicShapeHasher")(x, bias)