Example #1
def proposal_comment_remove(removecID, onpid, puid):
    if current_user.is_anonymous:
        flash('not logged in', 'error')
        return redirect(url_for('proposal', pid=onpid))
        Comment.remove(cid=removecID, pid=onpid, puid=puid)
    except Exception as ex:
        flash('Could not remove comment: %s' % str(ex), 'error')
        return redirect(url_for('proposal', pid=onpid))
    flash('Comment removed')
    return redirect(url_for('proposal', pid=onpid))
Example #2
def proposal_comment(pid, text, cid):
    if current_user.is_anonymous:
        flash('not logged in', 'error')
        return redirect(url_for('proposal', pid=pid))
    if len(text) <= 3:
        flash('comment too short', 'error')
        return redirect(url_for('proposal', pid=pid))
        Comment.add_comment(user_id=current_user.id, message=text, pid=pid, cid=cid)
    except Exception as ex:
        flash('Could not add comment: %s' % str(ex), 'error')
        return redirect(url_for('proposal', pid=pid))

    flash('Comment posted.')
    return redirect(url_for('proposal', pid=pid))
Example #3
def propsal_comment_reply(cid, pid):
    from funding.orm.orm import Comment
    c = Comment.find_by_id(cid)
    if not c or c.replied_to:
        return redirect(url_for('proposal', pid=pid))
    p = Proposal.find_by_id(pid)
    if not p:
        return redirect(url_for('proposals'))
    if c.proposal_id != p.id:
        return redirect(url_for('proposals'))

    return make_response(render_template('comment_reply.html', c=c, pid=pid, cid=cid))
Example #4
def proposal_comment_edit(cid, pid):
    from funding.orm.orm import Comment
    c = Comment.find_by_id(cid)
    if c.locked:
        raise Exception('comment is locked, cannot edit or delete')
    p = Proposal.find_by_id(pid)
    if not p:
        return redirect(url_for('proposals'))
    if c.proposal_id != p.id:
        return redirect(url_for('proposals'))

    return make_response(
        render_template('comment_edit.html', c=c, pid=pid, cid=cid))
Example #5
def proposal_api_add(title, content, pid, funds_target, addr_receiving, category, status):
    import markdown2

    if current_user.is_anonymous:
        return make_response(jsonify('err'), 500)

    if len(title) <= 8:
        return make_response(jsonify('title too short'), 500)

    if len(content) <= 20:
        return make_response(jsonify('content too short'), 500)

    if category and category not in settings.FUNDING_CATEGORIES:
        return make_response(jsonify('unknown category'), 500)

    if status not in settings.FUNDING_STATUSES.keys():
        make_response(jsonify('unknown status'), 500)

    if status != 1 and not current_user.admin:
        return make_response(jsonify('no rights to change status'), 500)

        from funding.bin.anti_xss import such_xss
        content_escaped = such_xss(content)
        html = markdown2.markdown(content_escaped, safe_mode=True)
    except Exception as ex:
        return make_response(jsonify('markdown error'), 500)

    if pid:
        p = Proposal.find_by_id(pid=pid)
        if not p:
            return make_response(jsonify('proposal not found'), 500)

        if p.user.id != current_user.id and not current_user.admin:
            return make_response(jsonify('no rights to edit this proposal'), 500)

        p.headline = title
        p.content = content
        p.html = html
        if addr_receiving:
            p.addr_receiving = addr_receiving
        if category:
            p.category = category

        # detect if an admin moved a proposal to a new status and auto-comment
        if p.status != status and current_user.admin:
            msg = "Moved to status \"%s\"." % settings.FUNDING_STATUSES[status].capitalize()
                Comment.add_comment(user_id=current_user.id, message=msg, pid=pid, automated=True)

        p.status = status
        p.last_edited = datetime.now()

            funds_target = float(funds_target) 
        except Exception as ex:
            return make_response(jsonify('letters detected'),500)
        if funds_target < 1:
                return make_response(jsonify('Proposal asking less than 1 error :)'), 500)
        if len(addr_receiving) != 95:
            return make_response(jsonify('Faulty address, should be of length 95'), 500)

        p = Proposal(headline=title, content=content, category='misc', user=current_user)
        proposalID = current_user
        addr_donation = Proposal.generate_proposal_subaccount(proposalID)
        p.addr_donation = addr_donation
        p.html = html
        p.last_edited = datetime.now()
        p.funds_target = funds_target
        p.addr_receiving = addr_receiving
        p.category = category
        p.status = status


    # reset cached statistics
    from funding.bin.utils import Summary

    return make_response(jsonify({'url': url_for('proposal', pid=p.id)}))