def menu10(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write("""\ninurl:"/NSearch/AdminServlet"\ninurl:servlet/webacc\n"There are no Administrators Accounts" inurl:admin.php -mysql_fetch_row\nintitle:"Mail Server CMailServer Webmail" "5.2"\ninurl:newsdesk.cgi? inurl:"t="\n(inurl:/shop.cgi/page=) | (inurl:/\n""") filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen("cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except(KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format(warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()
def menu7(): check_ndiff() print(warna.hijau + "\n[*]" + warna.tutup + " Compare two Nmap XML files and display a list of their differences. Differences include host state changes, port state changes, and changes to service and OS detection.") file_1 = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + "first output file" + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if file_1 == '': empty() menu['menu_utama']() if not ".xml" in file_1: print(warna.merah + "\n[x] Error : " + warna.tutup + "the output file should be in .xml format") menu['menu_utama']() file_2 = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + "second output file to compare" + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if file_2 == '': empty() menu['menu_utama']() if not ".xml" in file_2: print(warna.merah + "\n[x] Error : " + warna.tutup + "the output file should be in .xml format") menu['menu_utama']() print(warna.hijau + '\n[*] ' + warna.tutup + 'if you want to read in xml format, choose "yes". else return text format') q = raw_input(warna.biru + "[+]" + warna.tutup + " Do you want to read in xml format ?" + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if q == "yes" or q == "YES" or q == "y" or q == "Y" or q == "ya": subprocess.Popen("ndiff --xml %s %s " % (file_1, file_2), shell=True).wait() scan_finish() menu['menu_utama']() else: subprocess.Popen("ndiff %s %s " % (file_1, file_2), shell=True).wait() scan_finish() menu['menu_utama']()
def menu14(): modbus_file = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/nmap/scripts' if not os.path.isfile("%s/modbus-discover.nse" % (modbus_file)): print(warna.merah + "\n[-] Fatal error" + warna.tutup + " modbus-discover.nse file not found !!") sys.exit() script = "--script modbus-discover" pilih = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+]" + warna.tutup + " Enter Target IP or Host" + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if pilih == '': empty() menu['menu_utama']() print(warna.kuning + "\n[!] " + warna.tutup + "if you don't want to save the output file, so just let it blank.") output_file = raw_input(warna.biru + "[+] " + warna.tutup + "Input the output file you want" + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output_file == '': subprocess.Popen("nmap -Pn -n -p502 %s %s " % (pilih, script), shell=True).wait() scan_finish() menu['menu_utama']() else: subprocess.Popen("nmap -Pn -n -p502 %s %s -oN /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/%s " % (pilih, script, output_file), shell=True).wait() print(warna.hijau + "\n[*] " + warna.tutup + "Finish scanning !!!") print(warna.hijau + "\n[*]" + warna.tutup + " output file has been saved to : $HOME/.txtool/%s" % (output_file)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") menu['menu_utama']() pilih = raw_input(warna.hijau + " tXtool " + warna.tutup + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) eksekusi_menu(pilih) return
def menu5(): IP() script = "--script smb-vuln-ms17-010,smb-double-pulsar-backdoor,stuxnet-detect" pilih = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+]" + warna.tutup + " Enter Target IP or Host" + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if pilih == '': empty() menu['menu_utama']() print(warna.kuning + "\n[!] " + warna.tutup + "if you don't want to save the output file, so just let it blank.") output_file = raw_input(warna.biru + "[+] " + warna.tutup + "Input the output file you want" + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output_file == '': subprocess.Popen("nmap -Pn -n -p443,445 %s %s " % (pilih, script), shell=True).wait() scan_finish() menu['menu_utama']() else: subprocess.Popen("nmap -Pn -n -p443,445 %s %s -oN /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/%s" % (pilih, script, output_file), shell=True).wait() print(warna.hijau + "\n[*] " + warna.tutup + "Finish scanning !!!") print(warna.hijau + "[*]" + warna.tutup + " output file has been saved to : $HOME/.txtool/%s " % (output_file)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") menu['menu_utama']() pilih = raw_input(warna.hijau + " tXtool " + warna.tutup + warna.kuning + " _> " + warna.tutup) eksekusi_menu(pilih) return
def menu6(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write("""\n"CGI-Telnet Unit-x Team Connected to *.com" OR "CGI-Telnet Unit-x Team Connected to"\n"www.*.com - c99shell" OR "www.*.net - c99shell" OR "www.*.org - c99shell"\n"safe_mode: * PHP version: * cURL: * MySQL: * MSSQL: * PostgreSQL: * Oracle: *"\n"r57shell"\n"r57shell 1.4"\n"[ phpinfo ] [ php.ini ] [ cpu ] [ mem ] [ users ] [ tmp ] [ delete ]"\n""") filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen("cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except(KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format(warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()
def menu13(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write("""\nintitle:"Samba Web Administration Tool" intext:"Help Workgroup"\nintitle:"Gateway Configuration Menu"\ninurl:pls/admin_/gateway.htm\nallinurl:install/install.php\nallinurl:intranet admin\n"Select a database to view" intitle:"filemaker pro"\n""") filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen("cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except(KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format(warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()
def menu11(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write("""\ninurl:aol*/_do/rss_popup?blogID=\nnatterchat inurl:home.asp\nintitle:phpMyAdmin "Welcome to phpMyAdmin ***" "running on * as root@*"\n"ftp://" ""\nintext:"Warning: * am able * write ** configuration file" "includes/configure.php" -Forums\nallinurl:"index.php" "site=sglinks"\n""") filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen("cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except(KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format(warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()
def menu1(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write("""\n"dirLIST - PHP Directory Lister" "Banned files: php | php3 | php4 | php5 | htaccess | htpasswd | asp | aspx" "index of" ext:php\ninurl:/proc/self/cwd\nallintext:Copyright Smart PHP Poll. All Rights Reserved. -exploit\nallinurl:moadmin.php -google -github\ninurl:/elfinder/elfinder.html+intitle:"elFinder 2.0"\ninurl:robots.txt intext:CHANGELOG.txt intext:disallow ext:txt\n""") filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen("cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except(KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format(warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()
def menu12(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write("""\ninurl:"index.php? module=ew_filemanager"\nfiletype:cgi inurl:"fileman.cgi"\nfiletype:cgi inurl:"Web_Store.cgi"\n("Indexed.By"|"Monitored.By") hAcxFtpScan\n"Welcome to the Prestige Web-Based Configurator"\nfiletype:php inurl:vAuthenticate\n""") filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen("cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except(KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format(warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()
def menu2(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write("""\ninurl:CHANGELOG.txt intext:drupal intext:"SA-CORE" -intext:7.32\next:cgi inurl:cgi-bin intext:#!/bin/bash\n"OpenSSL" AND "1.0.1 Server at" OR "1.0.1a Server at" OR "1.0.1b Server at" OR "1.0.1c Server at" OR "1.0.1d Server at" OR "1.0.1e Server at" OR "1.0.1f Server at"\ninurl:"/reports/rwservlet" intext:"Oracle"\ninurl:"struts" filetype:action\ninurl:.php? intext:CHARACTER_SETS,COLLATIONS, ?intitle:phpmyadmin\n""") filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen("cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except(KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format(warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()
def menu15(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write("""\nintitle:"Terminal Services Web Connection"\ninurl:ManyServers.htm\nintitle:osCommerce inurl:admin intext:"redistributable under the GNU"intext:"Online Catalog" -demo\nGallery in configuration mode\n"YaBB SE Dev Team"\nHassan Consulting's Shopping Cart Version 1.18\n""") filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen("cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except(KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format(warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()
def menu8(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write("""\ninurl:index.php?pagedb=rss -Vulnerability -inurl\nintitle:"Uploader - Uploader v6"\nintitle:"MvBlog powered"\nintitle:"Horde :: My Portal" -"[Tickets"\ninurl:rpSys.html\nfiletype:pl intitle:"Ultraboard Setup"\n""") filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen("cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except(KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format(warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()
def menu9(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write("""\n"Welcome to Administration" "General" "Local Domains" "SMTP Authentication" inurl:admin\nXOOPS Custom Installation\n"you can now password" | "this is a special page only seen by you. your profile visitors" inurl:imchaos\n"set up the administrator user" inurl:pivot\n"html allowed" guestbook\n"Powered by: vBulletin Version 1.1.5"\n""") filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen("cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except(KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format(warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()
def menu14(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write("""\n"Welcome to PHP-Nuke" congratulations\\\ninurl:search.php vbulletin\n"Welcome to Intranet"\nintitle:"Remote Desktop Web Connection"\n""") filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen("cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except(KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format(warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()
def menu7(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write("""\nallinurl: In YoUr Dream Lamerz\nallinurl: op=viewslink&sid=\n"intitle:t3al shmeh"\n: inurll ', -font => '{Verdana} 8 bold') ->pack ( -side => "top" , -anchor => 'e' ) \nintitle:"A Better ASP User Gallery"\ninurl:"read.php?datespan="\n""") filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen("cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except(KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format(warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()
def menu5(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write("""\nintitle:Locus7shell intext:"Software:"\nintitle:"[EasyPHP] - Administration"\nMySQL: ON MSSQL: OFF Oracle: OFF MSSQL: OFF PostgreSQL: OFF cURL: ON WGet: ON Fetch: OFF Perl: ON\nintitle:cyber anarchy shell\ninurl:/vb/install/upgrade.php\ninurl:/vb/install/install.php\n""") filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen("cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except(KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format(warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()
def menu4(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write("""\nfiletype:php inurl:tiki-index.php +sirius +1.9.*\nfiletype:php inanchor:c99 inurl:c99 intitle:c99shell -seeds -marijuana\ninurl:php intitle:"Cpanel , FTP CraCkeR"\nintitle:#k4raeL - sh3LL\ninurl:view.php?board1_sn=\nintitle:m1n1 1.01\n""") filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen("cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except(KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format(warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()
def menu3(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write("""\ninurl:/wp-content/w3tc/dbcache/\nintext:SQL syntax & inurl:index.php?=id & inurl:gov & inurl:gov\nintext: intext: intext: intext: intext:\\nintitle:"-N3t" filetype:php undetectable\ninurl:.php intitle:- BOFF 1.0 intext:[ Sec. Info ]\n""") filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen("cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except(KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format(warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print(warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()
def dorking(): IP() print(warna.kuning + "\n[!] " + warna.tutup + " Example : inurl:.php?id= ") dork = raw_input(warna.biru + "[+] " + warna.tutup + " Enter your dork keyword : ") exploit = """ --exploit-get "'?%270x27" """ inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' if dork == '': empty()['menu_utama']() print(warna.kuning + "\n[!] " + warna.tutup + " if you dont want to use proxy, so just let it blank") print(warna.kuning + "[!] " + warna.tutup + " Example proxy : socks5:// ") proxy = raw_input(warna.biru + "[+] " + warna.tutup + " Enter your proxy : ") print(warna.kuning + "\n[!] " + warna.tutup + " Example : output.txt") output = raw_input(warna.biru + "[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want : ") if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write("""\n%s\n""" % (dork)) filewrite.close() if proxy == '': subprocess.Popen( "cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6,24 -t 1 %s -s %s " % (inurl, txtool_dir, exploit, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print( warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Dork result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() else: subprocess.Popen( "cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --proxy %s --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6,24 -t 1 %s -s %s " % (inurl, proxy, txtool_dir, exploit, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print( warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Dork result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ")['menu_utama']()
def menu2(): exploitdb_file = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/nmap/scripts/vulscan' if not os.path.isfile("%s/exploitdb.csv" % (exploitdb_file)): print(warna.merah + "\n[-] Fatal error" + warna.tutup + " exploitdb database file not found !!") sys.exit() script = "--script=vulscan/vulscan.nse --script-args vulscandb=exploitdb.csv" pilih = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + "Enter Target IP or Host" + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if pilih == '': empty() menu['menu_utama']() info() port = raw_input(warna.biru + "[+] " + warna.tutup + "Enter the port number" + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) print(warna.kuning + "\n[!] " + warna.tutup + "if you don't want to save the output file, so just let it blank.") output_file = raw_input(warna.biru + "[+] " + warna.tutup + "Input the output file you want" + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output_file == '' and port == '': subprocess.Popen("nmap -sV %s %s " % (pilih, script), shell=True).wait() scan_finish() menu['menu_utama']() if output_file == '': subprocess.Popen("nmap -sV -p%s %s %s" % (port, pilih, script), shell=True).wait() scan_finish() menu['menu_utama']() elif port == '': subprocess.Popen("nmap -sV %s %s -oN /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/%s " % (pilih, script, output_file), shell=True).wait() print(warna.hijau + "\n[*] " + warna.tutup + "Finish scanning !!!") print(warna.hijau + "[*]" + warna.tutup + " output file has been saved to : $HOME/.txtool/%s " % (output_file)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") menu['menu_utama']() else: subprocess.Popen("nmap -sV -p%s %s %s -oN /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/%s " % (port, pilih, script, output_file), shell=True).wait() print(warna.hijau + "\n[*] " + warna.tutup + "Finish scanning !!!") print(warna.hijau + "[*]" + warna.tutup + " output file has been saved to : $HOME/.txtool/%s" % (output_file)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") menu['menu_utama']() pilih = raw_input(warna.hijau + " tXtool " + warna.tutup + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) eksekusi_menu(pilih) return
def menu9(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write(""" "The script whose uid is " "is not allowed to access" snitz! forums db path error "ASP.NET_SessionId" "data source=" "ORA-12541: TNS:no listener" intitle:"error occurred" filetype:php inurl:"logging.php" "Discuz" error "Internal Server Error" "server at" PHP application warnings failing "include_path" """) filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen( "cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print( warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except (KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format( warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print( warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()
def menu5(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write(""" intitle:"ly0kha" intext:[ ly0kha Shell | VBF gr0up | [email protected] | Sh3ll bypass safemode ] intitle:"Black CyberSec Crew Shell" dragonddos intitle:" - -=] fx0 [=- " intext:"-=] fx0 [=-" "hinnasto" intitle:" - -=] fx0 [=- " intext:"-=] fx0 [=-" inurl:"/resimler/" intitle:r57shell intext:[ phpinfo ] [ php.ini ] [ cpu ] [ mem ] [ users ] [ tmp ] [ delete ] -Google -blob -codesearch -blog -tag -site:"" -site:"" -site:"" intitle:":: b374k m1n1 1.01 ::" filetype:php inanchor:c99 inurl:c99 intitle:c99shell -seeds -marijuana """) filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen( "cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print( warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except (KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format( warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print( warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()
def menu8(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write(""" "Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_VARIABLE" "on line" filetype:php "[SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near" -forum -thread -showthread Netscape Application Server Error page intext:"Error Message : Error loading required libraries." "Warning: mysql_query()" "invalid query" intitle:Configuration.File inurl:softcart.exe """) filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen( "cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print( warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except (KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format( warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print( warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()
def menu11(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write(""" intitle:"Execution of this script not permitted" intitle:"Error Occurred" "The error occurred in" filetype:cfm warning "error on line" php sablotron "Fatal error: Call to undefined function" -reply -the -next filetype:asp "Custom Error Message" Category Source "Can't connect to local" intitle:warning """) filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen( "cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print( warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except (KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format( warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print( warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()
def menu13(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write(""" "detected an internal error [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/6000]" "A syntax error has occurred" filetype:ihtml "An illegal character has been found in the statement" -"previous message" "Syntax error in query expression " -the supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL result "PostgreSQL query failed: ERROR: parser: parse error" """) filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen( "cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print( warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except (KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format( warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print( warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()
def menu14(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write(""" "Incorrect syntax near" "Unclosed quotation mark before the character string" "ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended" ORA-00921: unexpected end of SQL command ORA-00936: missing expression "Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource" """) filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen( "cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print( warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except (KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format( warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print( warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()
def menu16(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write(""" inurl:sitebuilderpictures sitebuilderfiles\nsitebuildercontent "Chatologica MetaSearch" "stack tracking ORA-00921: unexpected end of SQL command "supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource" Coldfusion Error Pages """) filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen( "cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print( warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except (KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format( warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print( warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()
def menu2(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write(""" intext:"expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given" filetype:php intitle:"Struts Problem Report" intext:"development mode is enabled." inurl:"id=" & intext:"MySQL Error: 1064" & "Session halted." intitle:"DSM Terminator [ ABORT ]" | inurl:"./" inurl:/siteminderagent/ | app:"Error 404: SRVE0190E: File not found: /siteminderagent/" inurl:/smpwservices.fcc | "/lm_private/CkeSetter.aspx" """) filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen( "cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print( warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except (KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format( warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print( warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()
def menu1(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write(""" intitle:"Missing Controller" intext:"Cake\Routing\Exception\" -site:"" -site:"" -site:"" inurl:".php?id=" "You have an error in your SQL syntax" intitle:"CGIWrap Error" "--- WebView Livescope Http Server Error ---" -git "Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error." ext:xml inurl:index of driver.php?id= """) filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen( "cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print( warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except (KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format( warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print( warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()
def menu10(): try: IP() inurl = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/txtool/core' output = raw_input(warna.biru + "\n[+] " + warna.tutup + " Input the output file you want " + warna.kuning + " >> " + warna.tutup) if output == '': empty()['menu_utama']() else: filewrite = open(txtool_dir + "/dork.txt", "w") filewrite.write(""" intext:"Warning: Failed opening" "on line" "include_path" ht://Dig htsearch error intitle:"Error Occurred While Processing Request" intitle:"Error using Hypernews" "Server Software" "Invision Power Board Database Error" "error found handling the request" cocoon filetype:xml """) filewrite.close() subprocess.Popen( "cd %s && ./inurlbr --no-banner --dork-file %s/dork.txt -q 1,6 -t 1 --sall %s" % (inurl, txtool_dir, output), shell=True).wait() finish_dorking() print( warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s " % (output)) raw_input("\n press <" + warna.hijau + "Enter" + warna.tutup + "> to continue ") os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir))['menu_utama']() except (KeyboardInterrupt): print(warna.merah + "\n[x] " + warna.tutup + "{0}CTRL+C{1} Detected, force program to stop !\n".format( warna.merah, warna.tutup)) os.system("cd %s && rm -fr dork.txt" % (txtool_dir)) print( warna.hijau + "[*] " + warna.tutup + " Crawl result has been saved to /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.txtool/output/%s \n" % (output)) sys.exit()