Example #1
def test_edit_format(sp, tempfile, setup_edit_patches, cleandir, fake_db, funk_dict):
    """Tests that the edit command reformats command strings when needed."""
    edited_cmd_string = 'EDITED CMD STRING'

    setup_edit_patches(sp, tempfile, edited_cmd_string)

    some_funk = list(funk_dict.keys())[0]
    cmd = commands.Edit([some_funk])

    loaded_funks = shared.load_funks()
    assert loaded_funks[some_funk] == '{} "$@"'.format(edited_cmd_string)
Example #2
def test_edit_empty(sp, tempfile, setup_edit_patches, cleandir, fake_db, funk_dict):
    """Tests that a funk definition left empty results in the funk being removed.

    This function also tests that the funky database is deleted after all local funks have
    been removed.
    edited_cmd_string = ''

    assert os.path.isfile(commands.Command.FUNKY_DB_FILENAME)

    for i, funk in enumerate(funk_dict):
        setup_edit_patches(sp, tempfile, edited_cmd_string)
        cmd = commands.Edit([funk])
        assert len(cmd.funk_dict) == (len(funk_dict) - i)

    assert not os.path.isfile(commands.Command.FUNKY_DB_FILENAME)
Example #3
def edit_cmd(args):
    """Builds and returns 'edit' command."""
    cmd = commands.Edit(args.args, color=args.color)
    return cmd