def set_repeat_value(total_keys_repeat, keys, csv_file, target_filename): key_val_pair = [] key_repeated = [] with open(csv_file, 'r') as read_from, open(target_filename, 'w') as write_to: csv_file_reader = csv.reader(read_from, delimiter=',') headers = next(csv_file_reader) values = next(csv_file_reader) csv_file_writer = csv.writer(write_to, delimiter=',') csv_file_writer.writerow(headers) csv_file_writer.writerow(values) total_keys_values = list(zip_longest(keys, values)) # read new data, add value if key has repeat tag, write to new file for row in csv_file_reader: index = -1 key_val_new = list(zip_longest(keys, row)) key_val_pair = total_keys_values[:] key_repeated = total_keys_repeat[:] while key_val_new and key_repeated: index = index + 1 # if key has repeat tag, get its corresponding value, write to file if key_val_new[0][0] == key_repeated[0]: val = key_val_pair[0][1] row[index] = val del key_repeated[0] del key_val_new[0] del key_val_pair[0] csv_file_writer.writerow(row) return target_filename
def set_repeat_value(total_keys_repeat, keys, csv_file, target_filename): key_val_pair = [] key_repeated = [] with open(csv_file, 'r') as read_from, open(target_filename,'w') as write_to: csv_file_reader = csv.reader(read_from, delimiter=',') headers = next(csv_file_reader) values = next(csv_file_reader) csv_file_writer = csv.writer(write_to, delimiter=',') csv_file_writer.writerow(headers) csv_file_writer.writerow(values) total_keys_values = list(zip_longest(keys, values)) # read new data, add value if key has repeat tag, write to new file for row in csv_file_reader: index = -1 key_val_new = list(zip_longest(keys, row)) key_val_pair = total_keys_values[:] key_repeated = total_keys_repeat[:] while key_val_new and key_repeated: index = index + 1 # if key has repeat tag, get its corresponding value, write to file if key_val_new[0][0] == key_repeated[0]: val = key_val_pair[0][1] row[index] = val csv_file_writer.writerow(row) del key_repeated[0] del key_val_new[0] del key_val_pair[0] return target_filename
def check_journey(journey, ref_journey): """ check the values in a journey """ for section, ref_section in zip_longest(journey['sections'], ref_journey.sections): assert section.get( 'departure_date_time') == ref_section.departure_date_time assert section.get( 'arrival_date_time') == ref_section.arrival_date_time assert section.get( 'base_departure_date_time') == ref_section.base_departure_date_time assert section.get( 'base_arrival_date_time') == ref_section.base_arrival_date_time for stop_dt, ref_stop_dt in zip_longest( section.get('stop_date_times', []), ref_section.stop_date_times): assert stop_dt.get( 'departure_date_time') == ref_stop_dt.departure_date_time assert stop_dt.get( 'arrival_date_time') == ref_stop_dt.arrival_date_time assert stop_dt.get('base_departure_date_time' ) == ref_stop_dt.base_departure_date_time assert stop_dt.get( 'base_arrival_date_time') == ref_stop_dt.base_arrival_date_time
def combineblocks(blks, imgsz, stpsz=None, fn=np.median): """Combine blocks from an ndarray to reconstruct ndarray signal. Parameters ---------- blks : ndarray Array of blocks of a signal imgsz : tuple Tuple of the signal size stpsz : tuple, optional (default None, corresponds to steps of 1) Tuple of step sizes between neighboring blocks fn : function, optional (default np.median) Function used to resolve multivalued cells Returns ------- imgs : ndarray Reconstructed signal, unknown pixels are returned as np.nan """ # Construct a vectorized append function def listapp(x, y): x.append(y) veclistapp = np.vectorize(listapp, otypes=[np.object_]) blksz = blks.shape[:-1] if stpsz is None: stpsz = tuple(1 for _ in blksz) # Calculate the number of blocks that can fit in each dimension of # the images numblocks = tuple( int(np.floor((a - b) / c) + 1) for a, b, c in zip_longest(imgsz, blksz, stpsz, fillvalue=1)) new_shape = blksz + numblocks blks = np.reshape(blks, new_shape) # Construct an imgs matrix of empty lists imgs = np.empty(imgsz, dtype=np.object_) imgs.fill([]) imgs = np.frompyfunc(list, 1, 1)(imgs) # Iterate over each block and append the values to the corresponding # imgs cell for pos in np.ndindex(numblocks): slices = tuple( slice(a * c, a * c + b) for a, b, c in zip_longest(pos, blksz, stpsz, fillvalue=1)) veclistapp(imgs[slices].squeeze(), blks[(Ellipsis, ) + pos].squeeze()) return np.vectorize(fn, otypes=[blks.dtype])(imgs)
def set_repeat_value(total_keys_repeat, keys, csv_file, target_filename): key_val_pair = [] key_repeated = [] line = None newline = u'\n' with open(csv_file, 'r', newline=None) as read_from, open(target_filename, 'w', newline=None) as write_to: headers = read_from.readline() values = read_from.readline() write_to.write(headers) write_to.write(values) if not isinstance(values, str): values = values.encode('utf-8') values = values.strip().split(',') total_keys_values = list(zip_longest(keys, values)) # read new data, add value if key has repeat tag, write to new file line = read_from.readline() if not isinstance(line, str): line = line.encode('utf-8') row = line.strip().split(',') while row: index = -1 key_val_new = list(zip_longest(keys, row)) key_val_pair = total_keys_values[:] key_repeated = total_keys_repeat[:] while key_val_new and key_repeated: index = index + 1 # if key has repeat tag, get its corresponding value, write to file if key_val_new[0][0] == key_repeated[0]: val = key_val_pair[0][1] row[index] = val del key_repeated[0] del key_val_new[0] del key_val_pair[0] line_to_write = u','.join(row) write_to.write(line_to_write) write_to.write(newline) # Read next line line = read_from.readline() if not isinstance(line, str): line = line.encode('utf-8') row = line.strip().split(',') if len(row) == 1 and '' in row: break return target_filename
def combineblocks(blks, imgsz, stpsz=None, fn=np.median): """Combine blocks from an ndarray to reconstruct ndarray signal. Parameters ---------- blks : ndarray nd array of blocks of a signal imgsz : tuple tuple of the signal size stpsz : tuple, optional (default None, corresponds to steps of 1) tuple of step sizes between neighboring blocks fn : function, optional (default np.median) the function used to resolve multivalued cells Returns ------- imgs : ndarray reconstructed signal, unknown pixels are returned as np.nan """ # Construct a vectorized append function def listapp(x, y): x.append(y) veclistapp = np.vectorize(listapp, otypes=[np.object_]) blksz = blks.shape[:-1] if stpsz is None: stpsz = tuple(1 for _ in blksz) # Calculate the number of blocks that can fit in each dimension of # the images numblocks = tuple(int(np.floor((a-b)/c) + 1) for a, b, c in zip_longest(imgsz, blksz, stpsz, fillvalue=1)) new_shape = blksz + numblocks blks = np.reshape(blks, new_shape) # Construct an imgs matrix of empty lists imgs = np.empty(imgsz, dtype=np.object_) imgs.fill([]) imgs = np.frompyfunc(list, 1, 1)(imgs) # Iterate over each block and append the values to the corresponding # imgs cell for pos in np.ndindex(numblocks): slices = tuple(slice(a*c, a*c + b) for a, b, c in zip_longest(pos, blksz, stpsz, fillvalue=1)) veclistapp(imgs[slices].squeeze(), blks[(Ellipsis, ) + pos].squeeze()) return np.vectorize(fn, otypes=[blks.dtype])(imgs)
def base_stats( self ): ''' Returns a compiled statistics dictionary for all the different base values in this column The dictionary must contain the following keys: * depth: Total depth of this column which should be self.depth * bqualsum: sum of the base qualities * mqualsum: sum of the mapping qualities * 'A/C/T/G/N/\*': dictionary of information about the mapping and base qualities for an individual base * mapq: list of all the mapping qualities for this base(int(phred - 33)) * baseq: list of all the base qualities for this base(int(phred - 333)) @returns the stats dictionary ''' bquals = self.bquals mquals = self.mquals bases = self.bases bqualsum = float( sum( bquals ) ) mqualsum = float( sum( mquals ) ) # Lets just make sure of a few things because samtools mpileup isn't exactly documented the best assert len(bquals) == self.depth, "Somehow length of bases != length of Base Qualities" depth = self.depth stats = {'depth':depth,'mqualsum':mqualsum,'bqualsum':bqualsum} for b,bq,mq in itertools.zip_longest( bases, bquals, mquals, fillvalue=0 ): if b not in stats: stats[b] = {'baseq':[],'mapq':[]} stats[b]['baseq'].append(bq) stats[b]['mapq'].append(mq) return stats
def set_pan_controls(self, controls): for strip, control in zip_longest(self._channel_strips, controls or []): if control: control.set_channel(PAN_MAP_CHANNEL) control.set_light_and_type(u'Mixer.Pan', FADER_TYPE_BIPOLAR) strip.set_pan_control(control)
def set_track_select_buttons(self, buttons): for strip, button in zip_longest(self._channel_strips, buttons or []): if button: button.reset_state() button.set_on_off_values(u'Mixer.Selected', u'Mixer.Unselected') strip.set_select_button(button)
def _connect_parameters(self): parameters = self._parameter_provider.parameters[:self.controls.control_count] for control, parameter_info in zip_longest(self.controls, parameters): parameter = parameter_info.parameter if parameter_info else None control.mapped_parameter = parameter if parameter: control.update_sensitivities(parameter_info.default_encoder_sensitivity, parameter_info.fine_grain_encoder_sensitivity)
def _update_parameter_values(self): if self.is_enabled(): for parameter, data_source in zip_longest( self.parameters, self._parameter_value_data_sources): value_string = self.parameter_to_string(parameter) if data_source: data_source.set_display_string(value_string)
def set_send_controls(self, controls): self._send_controls = controls for strip, control in zip_longest(self._channel_strips, controls or []): if self._send_index is None: strip.set_send_controls(None) else: strip.set_send_controls((None, ) * self._send_index + (control,))
def write_seg(dframe, sample_id=None, chrom_ids=None): """Format a dataframe or list of dataframes as SEG. To put multiple samples into one SEG table, pass `dframe` and `sample_id` as equal-length lists of data tables and sample IDs in matching order. """ assert sample_id is not None if isinstance(dframe, pd.DataFrame): first = dframe first_sid = sample_id sids = dframes = None else: assert not isinstance(sample_id, basestring) dframes = iter(dframe) sids = iter(sample_id) first = next(dframes) first_sid = next(sids) if chrom_ids in (None, True): chrom_ids = create_chrom_ids(first) results = [format_seg(first, first_sid, chrom_ids)] if dframes is not None: # Unpack matching lists of data and sample IDs results.extend( format_seg(subframe, sid, chrom_ids) for subframe, sid in zip_longest(dframes, sids)) return pd.concat(results)
def _update_color_fields(self): for color_field_index, parameter_info in zip_longest( range(WIDTH), self._parameter_provider.parameters[:WIDTH]): parameter = parameter_info.parameter if parameter_info else None color = u'Device.On' if parameter else u'DefaultButton.Disabled' self.parameter_color_fields[color_field_index].color = color self.encoder_color_fields[color_field_index].color = color
def hr_update_simulation(self, hr_srv_uuid, hr_char_uuid): ''' Start Notifications Retrieve updated value Stop Notifications ''' global ble_hr_chrc srv_path = None chrc = None uuid = None chrc_path = None chars_ret = None ble_hr_chrc = True try: # Get HR Measurement characteristic services = list(zip_longest(self.srv_uuid, for uuid, path in services: if hr_srv_uuid in uuid: srv_path = path break if srv_path is None: print("Failure: HR UUID:", hr_srv_uuid, "not found") return False chars_ret = self.read_chars() for path, props in chars_ret.items(): if path.startswith(srv_path): chrc = self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, path) chrc_path = path if hr_char_uuid in props[2]: # uuid break if chrc is None: print("Failure: Characteristics for service: ", srv_path, "not found") return False # Subscribe to notifications print("\nSubscribe to notifications: On") chrc.StartNotify(dbus_interface=GATT_CHRC_IFACE) chrc_props_iface_obj = dbus.Interface( self.bus.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, chrc_path), DBUS_PROP_IFACE) chrc_props_iface_obj.connect_to_signal('PropertiesChanged', props_change_handler) chrc.StopNotify(dbus_interface=GATT_CHRC_IFACE) time.sleep(2) print("\nSubscribe to notifications: Off") ble_hr_chrc = False return True except Exception as e: print(e) return False
def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, z=0, idx=None, value=None, as_int=False): """ Parameters ---------- x : number-like, Point, iterable x-coordinate or iterable type containing all coordinates. If iterable, values are assumed to be in order: (x,y,z). y : number-like, optional y-coordinate idx : int, optional Index of point. Useful for sequential coordinates; e.g. a point on a circle profile is sometimes easier to describe in terms of its index rather than x,y coords. value : number-like, optional value at point location (e.g. pixel value of an image) as_int : boolean If True, coordinates are converted to integers. """ if isinstance(x, Point): for attr in self._attr_list: item = getattr(x, attr, None) setattr(self, attr, item) elif is_iterable(x): for attr, item in zip_longest(self._attr_list, x, fillvalue=0): setattr(self, attr, item) else: self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z self.idx = idx self.value = value if as_int: self.x = int(round(self.x)) self.y = int(round(self.y)) self.z = int(round(self.z))
def unavailable_color(self, value): self._unavailable_color = value control_elements = self._control_elements or [] for control, element in zip_longest(self._controls, control_elements): if not control and element: self._send_unavailable_color(element)
def diff_sysfs_dirs(before, after, result): # pylint: disable=R0914 before_files = [] for root, _, files in os.walk(before): before_files.extend([os.path.join(root, f) for f in files]) before_files = list(filter(os.path.isfile, before_files)) files = [os.path.relpath(f, before) for f in before_files] after_files = [os.path.join(after, f) for f in files] diff_files = [os.path.join(result, f) for f in files] for bfile, afile, dfile in zip(before_files, after_files, diff_files): if not os.path.isfile(afile): logger.debug('sysfs_diff: {} does not exist or is not a file'.format(afile)) continue with open(bfile) as bfh, open(afile) as afh: # pylint: disable=C0321 with open(_f(dfile), 'w') as dfh: for i, (bline, aline) in enumerate(zip_longest(bfh, afh), 1): if aline is None: logger.debug('Lines missing from {}'.format(afile)) break bchunks = re.split(r'(\W+)', bline) achunks = re.split(r'(\W+)', aline) if len(bchunks) != len(achunks): logger.debug('Token length mismatch in {} on line {}'.format(bfile, i)) dfh.write('xxx ' + bline) continue if ((len([c for c in bchunks if c.strip()]) == len([c for c in achunks if c.strip()]) == 2) and (bchunks[0] == achunks[0])): # if there are only two columns and the first column is the # same, assume it's a "header" column and do not diff it. dchunks = [bchunks[0]] + [diff_tokens(b, a) for b, a in zip(bchunks[1:], achunks[1:])] else: dchunks = [diff_tokens(b, a) for b, a in zip(bchunks, achunks)] dfh.write(''.join(dchunks))
def _update_parameter_values(self): super(DeviceParameterComponent, self)._update_parameter_values() for parameter, control in zip_longest(self.parameters, self._parameter_controls or []): if is_internal_parameter(parameter) and control: control.send_value( convert_parameter_value_to_midi_value(parameter))
def _set_channel_strip_controls(self, name, controls): for strip, control in zip_longest(self._channel_strips, controls or []): set_method = getattr(strip, u'set_{}'.format(name), None) if not set_method: set_method = getattr(strip, name, None).set_control_element set_method(control)
def write_seg(dframe, sample_id=None, chrom_ids=None): """Format a dataframe or list of dataframes as SEG. To put multiple samples into one SEG table, pass `dframe` and `sample_id` as equal-length lists of data tables and sample IDs in matching order. """ assert sample_id is not None if isinstance(dframe, pd.DataFrame): first = dframe first_sid = sample_id sids = dframes = None else: assert not isinstance(sample_id, basestring) dframes = iter(dframe) sids = iter(sample_id) first = next(dframes) first_sid = next(sids) if chrom_ids is None: chrom_ids = create_chrom_ids(first) results = [format_seg(first, first_sid, chrom_ids)] if dframes is not None: # Unpack matching lists of data and sample IDs results.extend( format_seg(subframe, sid, chrom_ids) for subframe, sid in zip_longest(dframes, sids)) return pd.concat(results)
def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, collections.Iterable): return all( a == b for a, b in zip_longest(self, other, fillvalue=object())) else: return NotImplemented
def all_almost_equal(iter1, iter2, places=None): """Return ``True`` if all elements in ``a`` and ``b`` are almost equal.""" try: if iter1 is iter2 or iter1 == iter2: return True except ValueError: pass if iter1 is None and iter2 is None: return True if hasattr(iter1, '__array__') and hasattr(iter2, '__array__'): # Only get default places if comparing arrays, need to keep `None` # otherwise for recursive calls. if places is None: places = _places(iter1, iter2, None) return all_almost_equal_array(iter1, iter2, places) try: it1 = iter(iter1) it2 = iter(iter2) except TypeError: return almost_equal(iter1, iter2, places) diff_length_sentinel = object() for [ip1, ip2] in zip_longest(it1, it2, fillvalue=diff_length_sentinel): # Verify that none of the lists has ended (then they are not the # same size) if ip1 is diff_length_sentinel or ip2 is diff_length_sentinel: return False if not all_almost_equal(ip1, ip2, places): return False return True
def fastqs_are_pair(fastq1=None,fastq2=None,verbose=True,fp1=None,fp2=None): """Check that two FASTQs form an R1/R2 pair Arguments: fastq1: first FASTQ fastq2: second FASTQ Returns: True if each read in fastq1 forms an R1/R2 pair with the equivalent read (i.e. in the same position) in fastq2, otherwise False if any do not form an R1/R2 (or if there are more reads in one than than the other). """ # Use izip_longest, which will return None if either of # the fastqs is exhausted before the other i = 0 for r1,r2 in itertools.zip_longest( FastqIterator(fastq_file=fastq1,fp=fp1), FastqIterator(fastq_file=fastq2,fp=fp2)): i += 1 if verbose: if i%100000 == 0: print("Examining pair #%d" % i) if not r1.seqid.is_pair_of(r2.seqid): if verbose: print("Unpaired headers for read position #%d:" % i) print("%s\n%s" % (r1.seqid,r2.seqid)) return False return True
def _message_details(element): if isinstance(element, string_types): element = [element] text, detail = (x or y for x, y in zip_longest(element, ('', None))) return {'text': text, 'detail': detail}
def permute_by_iteration(specs): """ Runs the first iteration for all benchmarks first, before proceeding to the next iteration, i.e. A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2... instead of A1, A1, B1, B2, C1, C2... If multiple sections where specified in the agenda, this will run all sections for the first global spec first, followed by all sections for the second spec, etc. e.g. given sections X and Y, and global specs A and B, with 2 iterations, this will run X.A1, Y.A1, X.B1, Y.B1, X.A2, Y.A2, X.B2, Y.B2 """ groups = [list(g) for _, g in groupby(specs, lambda s: s.workload_id)] all_tuples = [] for spec in chain(*groups): all_tuples.append([(spec, i + 1) for i in range(spec.iterations)]) for t in chain(*list(map(list, zip_longest(*all_tuples)))): if t is not None: yield t
def set_arm_buttons(self, buttons): for strip, button in zip_longest(self._channel_strips, buttons or []): if button: button.reset_state() button.set_on_off_values('Mixer.ArmOn', 'Mixer.ArmOff') else: strip.set_arm_button(button)
def flatten_tree(obj, key=''): if isinstance(obj, list): new_rows = [] for o in obj: if isinstance(o, dict): new_rows.extend(flatten_tree(o)) else: new_rows.append({key: o}) elif isinstance(obj, dict): common_keys = {} all_rows = [[common_keys]] for k, v in obj.items(): if isinstance(v, list): all_rows.append(flatten_tree(v, k)) elif isinstance(v, dict): common_keys.update(*flatten_tree(v)) else: common_keys[k] = v new_rows = [{k: v for r in row for k, v in r.items()} for row in zip_longest(*all_rows, fillvalue={})] else: new_rows = [] return new_rows
def read(filename, remove_duplicates=False, data_wrapper=DataWrapper): '''Read a file and return a `data_wrapper'd` data * Tries to guess the format and the H5 version. * Unpacks the first block it finds out of ('repaired', 'unraveled', 'raw') Parameters: remove_duplicates: boolean, If True removes duplicate points from the beginning of each section. ''' with h5py.File(filename, mode='r') as h5file: version = get_version(h5file) if version == 'H5V1': points, groups = _unpack_v1(h5file) elif version == 'H5V2': stg = next(s for s in ('repaired', 'unraveled', 'raw') if s in h5file['neuron1']) points, groups = _unpack_v2(h5file, stage=stg) if remove_duplicates: points, groups = _remove_duplicate_points(points, groups) neuron_builder = BlockNeuronBuilder() points[:, POINT_DIAMETER] /= 2 # Store radius, not diameter for id_, row in enumerate( zip_longest(groups, groups[1:, GPFIRST], fillvalue=len(points))): (point_start, section_type, parent_id), point_end = row neuron_builder.add_section(id_, int(parent_id), int(section_type), points[point_start:point_end]) return neuron_builder.get_datawrapper(version, data_wrapper=data_wrapper)
def _update_return_track_color_controls(self): value = 0 if self.send_select_buttons.active_control_count: value = self.send_select_buttons[self.send_index].checked_color for strip, control in zip_longest(self._channel_strips, self.return_track_color_controls): control.value = value if liveobj_valid(strip.track) else 0
def set_track_select_buttons(self, buttons): for strip, button in zip_longest(self._channel_strips, buttons or []): if button: button.set_on_off_values('Mixer.TrackSelected', 'Mixer.TrackUnselected') else: strip.set_select_button(button)
def read(filename, remove_duplicates=False, data_wrapper=DataWrapper): '''Read a file and return a `data_wrapper'd` data * Tries to guess the format and the H5 version. * Unpacks the first block it finds out of ('repaired', 'unraveled', 'raw') Parameters: remove_duplicates: boolean, If True removes duplicate points from the beginning of each section. ''' with h5py.File(filename, mode='r') as h5file: version = get_version(h5file) if version == 'H5V1': points, groups = _unpack_v1(h5file) elif version == 'H5V2': stg = next(s for s in ('repaired', 'unraveled', 'raw') if s in h5file['neuron1']) points, groups = _unpack_v2(h5file, stage=stg) if remove_duplicates: points, groups = _remove_duplicate_points(points, groups) neuron_builder = BlockNeuronBuilder() points[:, POINT_DIAMETER] /= 2 # Store radius, not diameter for id_, row in enumerate(zip_longest(groups, groups[1:, GPFIRST], fillvalue=len(points))): (point_start, section_type, parent_id), point_end = row neuron_builder.add_section(id_, int(parent_id), int(section_type), points[point_start:point_end]) return neuron_builder.get_datawrapper(version, data_wrapper=data_wrapper)
def set_note_editor_matrices(self, matrices): self._matrices = matrices for editor, matrix in zip_longest(self._note_editors, matrices or []): if editor: editor.set_matrix(matrix) self._update_matrix_channels_for_playhead()
def _connect_parameters(self): for control, parameter in zip_longest(self._parameter_controls or [], self.selected_bank): if liveobj_valid(control): if liveobj_valid(parameter): control.connect_to(parameter) else: control.release_parameter() self._empty_control_slots.register_slot(control, nop, 'value')
def _update_controls(self): control_elements = self._control_elements or [] for control, element in zip_longest(self._controls, control_elements): if control: control._get_state(self._manager).set_control_element(element) elif element: element.reset_state() self._send_unavailable_color(element)
def __lt__(self, other): if not self._is_valid_operand(other): return AttributeError # TODO(python3port): typically this should return NotImplemented. # Returning AttributeError for now to avoid changing prior API. for ours, theirs in zip_longest(self._components, other._components, fillvalue=None): if ours != theirs: ours, theirs = self._fill_value_if_missing(ours, theirs) ours, theirs = self._stringify_if_different_types(ours, theirs) return ours < theirs return False
def extractblocks(img, blksz, stpsz=None): """Extract blocks from an ndarray signal into an ndarray. Parameters ---------- img : ndarray or tuple of ndarrays nd array of images, or tuple of images blksz : tuple tuple of block sizes, blocks are taken starting from the first index of img stpsz : tuple, optional (default None, corresponds to steps of 1) tuple of step sizes between neighboring blocks Returns ------- blks : ndarray image blocks """ # See and # sklearn.feature_extraction.image.extract_patches_2d if isinstance(img, tuple): img = np.stack(img, axis=-1) if stpsz is None: stpsz = (1,) * len(blksz) imgsz = img.shape # Calculate the number of blocks that can fit in each dimension of # the images numblocks = tuple(int(np.floor((a - b) / c) + 1) for a, b, c in zip_longest(imgsz, blksz, stpsz, fillvalue=1)) # Calculate the strides for blocks blockstrides = tuple(a * b for a, b in zip_longest(img.strides, stpsz, fillvalue=1)) new_shape = blksz + numblocks new_strides = img.strides[:len(blksz)] + blockstrides blks = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(img, new_shape, new_strides) return np.reshape(blks, blksz + (-1,))
def main(argv=None): """script main. parses command line options in sys.argv, unless *argv* is given. """ if not argv: argv = sys.argv # setup command line parser parser = E.OptionParser( version="%prog version: $Id$", usage=globals()["__doc__"]) parser.add_option( "-a", "--first-fastq-file", dest="fastq1", type="string", help="supply read1 fastq file") parser.add_option( "-b", "--second-fastq-file", dest="fastq2", type="string", help="supply read2 fastq file") # add common options (-h/--help, ...) and parse command line (options, args) = E.Start(parser, argv=argv) if args and len(args) == 2: options.fastq1, options.fastq2 = args fastq1 = IOTools.openFile(options.fastq1) fastq2 = IOTools.openFile(options.fastq2)"iterating over fastq files") f1_count = 0 for f1, f2 in zip_longest(Fastq.iterate(fastq1), Fastq.iterate(fastq2)): if not (f1 and f2) or (not f2 and f1): try: raise PairedReadError( "unpaired reads detected. Are files sorted? are " "files of equal length?") except PairedReadError as e: raise PairedReadError(e).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2]) else: assert f1.identifier.endswith("/1") and \ f2.identifier.endswith("/2"), \ "Reads in file 1 must end with /1 and reads in file 2 with /2" options.stdout.write( ">%s\n%s\n>%s\n%s\n" % (f1.identifier, f1.seq, f2.identifier, f2.seq)) f1_count += 1"output: %i pairs" % f1_count) # write footer and output benchmark information. E.Stop()
def get_intro_point(self): """ Generator function which yields an introduction point Iterates through all available introduction points and try to pick IPs breath first across all backend instances. The intro point set is wrapped in `itertools.cycle` and will provided an infinite series of introduction points. """ # Combine intro points from across the backend instances and flatten intro_points = zip_longest(*self.available_intro_points) flat_intro_points = itertools.chain.from_iterable(intro_points) for intro_point in itertools.cycle(flat_intro_points): if intro_point: yield intro_point
def _apply(cls, op, x, y): """This internal function allows the application of rich comparison operators between two numbers, a number and a (possibly nested) sequence of numbers, or two (flat/nested) sequences of numbers. When comparing two sequences, missing values are filled with NaN. Returns a generator expression in case sequences are involved, or a plain old boolean if two numbers are being compared. """ x_is_iterable = isinstance(x, Iterable) y_is_iterable = isinstance(y, Iterable) if x_is_iterable and y_is_iterable: return (cls._apply(op, u, v) for u, v in zip_longest(x, y, fillvalue=float("NaN"))) elif x_is_iterable: return (cls._apply(op, u, y) for u in x) elif y_is_iterable: return (cls._apply(op, x, v) for v in y) else: return op(cls(x), y)
def averageblocks(blks, imgsz, stpsz=None): """Average blocks together from an ndarray to reconstruct ndarray signal. Parameters ---------- blks : ndarray nd array of blocks of a signal imgsz : tuple tuple of the signal size stpsz : tuple, optional (default None, corresponds to steps of 1) tuple of step sizes between neighboring blocks Returns ------- imgs : ndarray reconstructed signal, unknown pixels are returned as np.nan """ blksz = blks.shape[:-1] if stpsz is None: stpsz = tuple(1 for _ in blksz) # Calculate the number of blocks that can fit in each dimension of # the images numblocks = tuple(int(np.floor((a-b)/c)+1) for a, b, c in zip_longest(imgsz, blksz, stpsz, fillvalue=1)) new_shape = blksz + numblocks blks = np.reshape(blks, new_shape) # Construct an imgs matrix of empty lists imgs = np.zeros(imgsz, dtype=blks.dtype) normalizer = np.zeros(imgsz, dtype=blks.dtype) # Iterate over each block and append the values to the corresponding # imgs cell for pos in np.ndindex(numblocks): slices = tuple(slice(a*c, a*c+b) for a, b, c in zip(pos, blksz, stpsz)) imgs[slices+pos[len(blksz):]] += blks[(Ellipsis, )+pos] normalizer[slices+pos[len(blksz):]] += blks.dtype.type(1) return np.where(normalizer > 0, (imgs/normalizer).astype(blks.dtype), np.nan)
def _render_message(self, *msg_elements): # Identifies all details in this message, so that opening one can close all the others. detail_class = str(uuid.uuid4()) html_fragments = ['<div>'] detail_divs = [] for element in msg_elements: # Each element can be a message or a (message, detail) pair, as received by handle_log(). # # However, as an internal implementation detail, we also allow an element to be a tuple # (message, detail, detail_initially_visible[, detail_id]) # # - If the detail exists, clicking on the text will toggle display of the detail and close # all other details in this message. # - If detail_initially_visible is True, the detail will be displayed by default. # # We allow detail_id to be explicitly specified, so that the open/closed state can be # preserved through refreshes. For example, when looking at the artifact cache stats, # if "hits" are open and "misses" are closed, we want to remember that even after # the cache stats are updated and the message re-rendered. if isinstance(element, string_types): element = [element] # zip_longest assumes None for missing values, so this generator will pick the default for those. default_values = ('', None, None, False) (text, detail, detail_id, detail_initially_visible) = (x or y for x, y in zip_longest(element, default_values)) htmlified_text = self._htmlify_text(text) if detail is None: html_fragments.append(htmlified_text) else: detail_id = detail_id or str(uuid.uuid4()) detail_visibility_class = '' if detail_initially_visible else 'nodisplay' html_fragments.append(self._detail_a_fmt_string.format( text=htmlified_text, detail_id=detail_id, detail_class=detail_class)) detail_divs.append(self._detail_div_fmt_string.format( detail_id=detail_id, detail=detail, detail_class=detail_class, detail_visibility_class=detail_visibility_class )) html_fragments.extend(detail_divs) html_fragments.append('</div>') return ''.join(html_fragments)
def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv parser = E.OptionParser(version="%prog version", usage=globals()["__doc__"]) parser.add_option( "-m", "--method", dest="methods", type="choice", action="append", choices=("translate", "translate-to-stop", "truncate-at-stop", "back-translate", "mark-codons", "apply-map", "build-map", "pseudo-codons", "filter", "interleaved-codons", "map-codons", "remove-gaps", "mask-seg", "mask-bias", "mask-codons", "mask-incomplete-codons", "mask-stops", "mask-soft", "remove-stops", "upper", "lower", "reverse-complement", "sample", "shuffle"), help="method to apply to sequences.") parser.add_option( "-p", "--parameters", dest="parameters", type="string", help="parameter stack for methods that require one " "[default=%default].") parser.add_option( "-x", "--ignore-errors", dest="ignore_errors", action="store_true", help="ignore errors [default = %default].") parser.add_option("--sample-proportion", dest="sample_proportion", type="float", help="sample proportion [default = %default].") parser.add_option( "--exclude-pattern", dest="exclude_pattern", type="string", help="exclude all sequences with ids matching pattern " "[default = %default].") parser.add_option( "--include-pattern", dest="include_pattern", type="string", help="include only sequences with ids matching pattern " "[default = %default].") parser.add_option( "--filter-method", dest="filter_methods", type="string", action="append", help="filtering methods to apply " "[default = %default].") parser.add_option( "-t", "--sequence-type", dest="type", type="choice", choices=("aa", "na"), help="sequence type (aa or na) [%default]. This option determines " "which characters to use for masking [default = %default].") parser.add_option( "-l", "--template-identifier", dest="template_identifier", type="string", help="template for numerical identifier [default = %default] " "for the operation --build-map. A %i is replaced by the position " "of the sequence in the file.") parser.set_defaults( methods=[], parameters="", type="na", aa_mask_chars="xX", aa_mask_char="x", na_mask_chars="nN", na_mask_char="n", gap_chars="-.", gap_char="-", template_identifier="ID%06i", ignore_errors=False, exclude_pattern=None, include_pattern=None, sample_proportion=None, filter_methods=[], ) (options, args) = E.Start(parser) options.parameters = options.parameters.split(",") rx_include, rx_exclude = None, None if options.include_pattern: rx_include = re.compile(options.include_pattern) if options.exclude_pattern: rx_exclude = re.compile(options.exclude_pattern) iterator = FastaIterator.FastaIterator(options.stdin) nseq = 0 map_seq2nid = {} if "apply-map" in options.methods: map_seq2nid = IOTools.ReadMap(open(options.parameters[0], "r")) del options.parameters[0] if options.type == "na": mask_chars = options.na_mask_chars mask_char = options.na_mask_char else: mask_chars = options.aa_mask_chars mask_char = options.aa_mask_char if "map-codons" in options.methods: map_codon2code = IOTools.ReadMap(open(options.parameters[0], "r")) del options.parameters[0] if "mask-soft" in options.methods: f = options.parameters[0] del options.parameters[0] hard_masked_iterator = FastaIterator.FastaIterator(open(f, "r")) if "mask-codons" in options.methods or "back-translate" in options.methods: # open a second stream to read sequences from f = options.parameters[0] del options.parameters[0] other_iterator = FastaIterator.FastaIterator(open(f, "r")) ninput, noutput, nerrors, nskipped = 0, 0, 0, 0 if "sample" in options.methods: if not options.sample_proportion: raise ValueError("specify a sample proportion") sample_proportion = options.sample_proportion else: sample_proportion = None filter_min_sequence_length = None filter_max_sequence_length = None filter_id_list = None for f in options.filter_methods: if f.startswith("min-length"): filter_min_sequence_length = int(f.split("=")[1]) elif f.startswith("max-length"): filter_max_sequence_length = int(f.split("=")[1]) elif f.startswith("id-file"): filter_id_list = [line[:-1] for line in IOTools.openFile(f.split("=")[1])] def raiseIfNotCodon(l, title): '''raise ValueError if sequence length l is not divisible by 3''' if l % 3 != 0: raise ValueError( "length of sequence %s not divisible by 3" % (title)) while 1: try: cur_record = next(iterator) except StopIteration: break if cur_record is None: break nseq += 1 ninput += 1 sequence = re.sub(" ", "", cur_record.sequence) l = len(sequence) if rx_include and not nskipped += 1 continue if rx_exclude and nskipped += 1 continue if sample_proportion: if random.random() > sample_proportion: continue if not (filter_id_list is None or cur_record.title in filter_id_list): nskipped += 1 continue for method in options.methods: if method == "translate": # translate such that gaps are preserved seq = [] ls = len(re.sub('[%s]' % options.gap_chars, sequence, "")) if ls % 3 != 0: msg = "length of sequence %s (%i) not divisible by 3" % ( cur_record.title, ls) nerrors += 1 if options.ignore_errors: E.warn(msg) continue else: raise ValueError(msg) for codon in [sequence[x:x + 3] for x in range(0, l, 3)]: aa = Genomics.MapCodon2AA(codon) seq.append(aa) sequence = "".join(seq) elif method == "back-translate": # translate from an amino acid alignment to codon alignment seq = [] try: other_record = next(other_iterator) except StopIteration: raise ValueError("run out of sequences") if cur_record.title != other_record.title: raise "sequence titles don't match: %s %s" % ( cur_record.title, other_record.title) other_sequence = re.sub( "[ %s]" % options.gap_chars, "", other_record.sequence) if len(other_sequence) % 3 != 0: raise ValueError( "length of sequence %s not divisible by 3" % (other_record.title)) r = re.sub("[%s]" % options.gap_chars, "", sequence) if len(other_sequence) != len(r) * 3: raise ValueError( "length of sequences do not match: %i vs %i" % (len(other_sequence), len(r))) x = 0 for aa in sequence: if aa in options.gap_chars: c = options.gap_char * 3 else: c = other_sequence[x:x + 3] x += 3 seq.append(c) sequence = "".join(seq) elif method == "pseudo-codons": raiseIfNotCodon(l, cur_record.title) seq = [] for codon in [sequence[x:x + 3] for x in range(0, l, 3)]: aa = Genomics.MapCodon2AA(codon) seq.append(aa) sequence = " ".join(seq) elif method == "reverse-complement": sequence = string.translate( sequence, string.maketrans("ACGTacgt", "TGCAtgca"))[::-1] elif method in ("mask-stops", "remove-stops"): c = [] codon = [] new_sequence = [] if method == "mask-stops": char = options.na_mask_char elif method == "remove-stops": char = options.gap_char for x in sequence: if x not in options.gap_chars: codon.append(x.upper()) c.append(x) if len(codon) == 3: codon = "".join(codon).upper() # mask all non-gaps if Genomics.IsStopCodon(codon): for x in c: if x in options.gap_chars: new_sequence.append(x) else: new_sequence.append(char) else: new_sequence += c c = [] codon = [] new_sequence += c sequence = "".join(new_sequence) elif method == "mask-soft": # Get next hard masked record and extract sequence and length try: cur_hm_record = next(hard_masked_iterator) except StopIteration: break hm_sequence = re.sub(" ", "", cur_hm_record.sequence) lhm = len(hm_sequence) new_sequence = [] # Check lengths of unmasked and soft masked sequences the same if l != lhm: raise ValueError( "length of unmasked and hard masked sequences not " "identical for record %s" % (cur_record.title)) # Check if hard masked seq contains repeat (N), if so replace N # with lowercase sequence from unmasked version if sequence == hm_sequence: pass else: for x, y in zip_longest(sequence, hm_sequence): if y == "N": new_sequence += x.lower() else: new_sequence += x.upper() sequence = "".join(new_sequence) elif method == "map-codons": raiseIfNotCodon(l, cur_record.title) seq = [] for codon in (sequence[x:x + 3].upper() for x in range(0, l, 3)): if codon not in map_codon2code: aa = "X" else: aa = map_codon2code[codon] seq.append(aa) sequence = "".join(seq) elif method == "interleaved-codons": raiseIfNotCodon(l, cur_record.title) seq = [] for codon in [sequence[x:x + 3] for x in range(0, l, 3)]: aa = Genomics.MapCodon2AA(codon) seq.append("%s:%s" % (aa, codon)) sequence = " ".join(seq) elif method == "translate-to-stop": seq = [] for codon in [sequence[x:x + 3] for x in range(0, l, 3)]: if Genomics.IsStopCodon(codon): break aa = Genomics.MapCodon2AA(codon) seq.append(aa) sequence = "".join(seq) elif method == "truncate-at-stop": seq = [] for codon in [sequence[x:x + 3] for x in range(0, l, 3)]: if Genomics.IsStopCodon(codon): break seq.append(codon) sequence = "".join(seq) elif method == "remove-gaps": seq = [] for s in sequence: if s in options.gap_chars: continue seq.append(s) sequence = "".join(seq) elif method == "upper": sequence = sequence.upper() elif method == "lower": sequence = sequence.lower() elif method == "mark-codons": raiseIfNotCodon(l, cur_record.title) seq = [] sequence = " ".join([sequence[x:x + 3] for x in range(0, l, 3)]) elif method == "apply-map": id = re.match("^(\S+)", cur_record.title).groups()[0] if id in map_seq2nid: rest = cur_record.title[len(id):] cur_record.title = map_seq2nid[id] + rest elif method == "build-map": # build a map of identifiers id = re.match("^(\S+)", cur_record.title).groups()[0] new_id = options.template_identifier % nseq if id in map_seq2nid: raise "duplicate fasta entries - can't map those: %s" % id map_seq2nid[id] = new_id cur_record.title = new_id elif method == "mask-bias": masker = Masker.MaskerBias() sequence = masker(sequence) elif method == "mask-seg": masker = Masker.MaskerSeg() sequence = masker(sequence) elif method == "shuffle": s = list(sequence) random.shuffle(s) sequence = "".join(s) elif method == "mask-incomplete-codons": seq = list(sequence) for x in range(0, l, 3): nm = len([x for x in seq[x:x + 3] if x in mask_chars]) if 0 < nm < 3: seq[x:x + 3] = [mask_char] * 3 sequence = "".join(seq) elif method == "mask-codons": # mask codons based on amino acids given as reference # sequences. other_record = next(other_iterator) if other_record is None: raise ValueError("run out of sequences.") if cur_record.title != other_record.title: raise ValueError( "sequence titles don't match: %s %s" % (cur_record.title, other_record.title)) other_sequence = re.sub(" ", "", other_record.sequence) if len(other_sequence) * 3 != len(sequence): raise ValueError( "sequences for %s don't have matching lengths %i - %i" % (cur_record.title, len(other_sequence) * 3, len(sequence))) seq = list(sequence) c = 0 for x in other_sequence: if x in options.aa_mask_chars: if x.isupper(): seq[c:c + 3] = [options.na_mask_char.upper()] * 3 else: seq[c:c + 3] = [options.na_mask_char.lower()] * 3 c += 3 sequence = "".join(seq) l = len(sequence) if filter_min_sequence_length is not None and \ l < filter_min_sequence_length: nskipped += 1 if filter_max_sequence_length is not None and \ l > filter_max_sequence_length: nskipped += 1 continue options.stdout.write(">%s\n%s\n" % (cur_record.title, sequence)) noutput += 1 if "build-map" in options.methods: p = options.parameters[0] if p: outfile = IOTools.openFile(p, "w") else: outfile = options.stdout outfile.write("old\tnew\n") for old_id, new_id in list(map_seq2nid.items()): outfile.write("%s\t%s\n" % (old_id, new_id)) if p: outfile.close()"ninput=%i, noutput=%i, nskipped=%i, nerrors=%i" % (ninput, noutput, nskipped, nerrors)) E.Stop()
def __iter__( self ): ''' Returns an iterator that zips together bases, base qualities and mapping qualities Since mquals sometimes may be missing izip_longest will fill it with 0's ''' return itertools.zip_longest( self.bases, self.bquals, self.mquals, fillvalue=0 )
def main(input_config_file=None,input_values_file=None,target_file_name_prefix=None, file_identifier=None,output_dir_path=None,part_size=None,input_version=None, input_is_keygen=None,input_is_encrypt=None,input_is_keyfile=None): try: if all(arg is None for arg in [input_config_file,input_values_file,target_file_name_prefix, file_identifier,output_dir_path]): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='./', description="Create binary files from input config and values file", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--conf', dest='config_file', help='the input configuration csv file', default=None) parser.add_argument('--values', dest='values_file', help='the input values csv file', default=None) parser.add_argument('--prefix', dest='prefix', help='the unique name as each filename prefix') parser.add_argument('--fileid', dest='fileid', help='the unique file identifier(any key in values file) \ as each filename suffix (Default: numeric value(1,2,3...)') parser.add_argument('--outdir', dest='outdir', default=os.getcwd(), help='the output directory to store the files created\ (Default: current directory)') parser.add_argument("--size", dest='part_size', help='Size of NVS Partition in bytes (must be multiple of 4096)') parser.add_argument("--version", dest="version", help='Set version. Default: v2', choices=['v1','v2'], default='v2', type=str.lower) parser.add_argument("--keygen", dest="keygen", help='Generate keys for encryption. Default: false', choices=['true','false'], default='false', type=str.lower) parser.add_argument("--encrypt", dest="encrypt", help='Set encryption mode. Default: false', choices=['true','false'], default='false', type=str.lower) parser.add_argument("--keyfile", dest="keyfile", help='File having key for encryption (Applicable only if encryption mode is true)', default=None) args = parser.parse_args() args.outdir = os.path.join(args.outdir, '') input_config_file = args.config_file input_values_file = args.values_file target_file_name_prefix = args.prefix output_dir_path = args.outdir part_size = args.part_size input_version = args.version input_is_keygen = args.keygen input_is_encrypt = args.encrypt input_is_keyfile = args.keyfile file_identifier = '' print_arg_str = "Invalid.\nTo generate binary --conf, --values, --prefix and --size arguments are mandatory.\ \nTo generate encryption keys --keygen argument is mandatory." print_encrypt_arg_str = "Missing parameter. Enter --keygen or --keyfile." if args.fileid: file_identifier = args.fileid if input_config_file and input_is_encrypt.lower() == 'true' and input_is_keygen.lower() == 'true' and input_is_keyfile: sys.exit('Invalid. Cannot provide both --keygen and --keyfile argument together.') nvs_partition_gen.check_input_args(input_config_file, input_values_file, part_size, input_is_keygen, input_is_encrypt, input_is_keyfile, input_version, print_arg_str, print_encrypt_arg_str, output_dir_path) if not input_config_file and input_is_keygen: if input_is_encrypt == 'true': sys.exit("Invalid.\nOnly --keyfile and --outdir arguments allowed.\n") # Generate Key Only nvs_partition_gen.nvs_part_gen(input_filename=input_config_file, output_filename=input_values_file, input_part_size=part_size, is_key_gen=input_is_keygen, encrypt_mode=input_is_encrypt, key_file=input_is_keyfile, version_no=input_version, output_dir=output_dir_path) exit(0) if not (input_config_file and input_values_file and target_file_name_prefix and part_size): sys.exit(print_arg_str) keys_in_values_file = [] keys_in_config_file = [] config_data_to_write = [] key_value_data = [] csv_file_list = [] keys_repeat = [] is_empty_line = False files_created = False file_identifier_value = '0' output_target_dir = '' target_values_file = None output_file_prefix = None # Verify config file is not empty if os.stat(input_config_file).st_size == 0: raise SystemExit("Oops...config file: %s is empty." % input_config_file) # Verify values file is not empty if os.stat(input_values_file).st_size == 0: raise SystemExit("Oops...values file: %s is empty." % input_values_file) # Verify config file does not have empty lines csv_config_file = open(input_config_file,'r') try: config_file_reader = csv.reader(csv_config_file, delimiter=',') for config_data in config_file_reader: for data in config_data: empty_line = data.strip() if empty_line is '': is_empty_line = True else: is_empty_line = False break if is_empty_line: raise SystemExit("Oops...config file: %s cannot have empty lines. " % input_config_file) if not config_data: raise SystemExit("Oops...config file: %s cannot have empty lines." % input_config_file) # Extract keys from config file for config_data in config_file_reader: if 'namespace' not in config_data: keys_in_config_file.append(config_data[0]) if 'REPEAT' in config_data: keys_repeat.append(config_data[0]) csv_config_file.close() except Exception as e: print(e) finally: csv_config_file.close() is_empty_line = False # Verify values file does not have empty lines csv_values_file = open(input_values_file, 'r') try: values_file_reader = csv.reader(csv_values_file, delimiter=',') for values_data in values_file_reader: for data in values_data: empty_line = data.strip() if empty_line is '': is_empty_line = True else: is_empty_line = False break if is_empty_line: raise SystemExit("Oops...values file: %s cannot have empty lines." % input_values_file) if not values_data: raise SystemExit("Oops...values file: %s cannot have empty lines." % input_values_file) # Extract keys from values file keys_in_values_file = next(values_file_reader) csv_values_file.close() except Exception as e: print(e) exit(1) finally: csv_values_file.close() # Verify file identifier exists in values file if file_identifier: if file_identifier not in keys_in_values_file: raise SystemExit('Oops...target_file_identifier: %s does not exist in values file.\n' % file_identifier) # Verify data in the input_config_file and input_values_file verify_data_in_file(input_config_file, input_values_file, keys_in_config_file, keys_in_values_file, keys_repeat) # Add config data per namespace to `config_data_to_write` list config_data_to_write = add_config_data_per_namespace(input_config_file) try: with open(input_values_file, 'r') as csv_values_file: values_file_reader = csv.reader(csv_values_file, delimiter=',') keys = next(values_file_reader) filename, file_ext = os.path.splitext(input_values_file) target_filename = filename + "_created" + file_ext if keys_repeat: target_values_file = set_repeat_value(keys_repeat, keys, input_values_file, target_filename) else: target_values_file = input_values_file csv_values_file = open(target_values_file, 'r') values_file_reader = csv.reader(csv_values_file, delimiter=',') next(values_file_reader) for values_data_line in values_file_reader: key_value_data = list(zip_longest(keys_in_values_file,values_data_line)) # Get file identifier value from values file file_identifier_value = get_fileid_val(file_identifier, keys_in_config_file, keys_in_values_file, values_data_line, key_value_data, file_identifier_value) key_value_pair = key_value_data[:] # Create new directory(if doesn't exist) to store csv file generated output_target_dir = create_dir("csv/", output_dir_path) # Verify if output csv file does not exist csv_filename = target_file_name_prefix + "-" + file_identifier_value + ".csv" csv_file_list.append(csv_filename) output_csv_file = output_target_dir + csv_filename if os.path.isfile(output_csv_file): raise SystemExit("Target csv file: %s already exists.`" % output_csv_file) # Add values corresponding to each key to csv target file add_data_to_file(config_data_to_write, key_value_pair, output_csv_file) # Create new directory(if doesn't exist) to store bin file generated output_target_dir = create_dir("bin/", output_dir_path) # Verify if output bin file does not exist # todo for keys output_file_prefix = target_file_name_prefix + "-" + file_identifier_value output_bin_file = output_target_dir + output_file_prefix + ".bin" if os.path.isfile(output_bin_file): raise SystemExit("Target csv file: %s already exists.`" % output_bin_file) # Create output csv and bin file if input_is_keygen.lower() == 'true' and input_is_keyfile: input_is_keyfile = os.path.basename(input_is_keyfile) nvs_partition_gen.nvs_part_gen(input_filename=output_csv_file, output_filename=output_bin_file, input_part_size=part_size, is_key_gen=input_is_keygen, encrypt_mode=input_is_encrypt, key_file=input_is_keyfile, version_no=input_version, encr_key_prefix=output_file_prefix, output_dir=output_dir_path) print("CSV Generated: ", str(output_csv_file)) files_created = True csv_values_file.close() except Exception as e: print(e) exit(1) finally: csv_values_file.close() return csv_file_list, files_created, target_values_file except ValueError as err: print(err) except Exception: raise
def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None): "Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks" # grouper('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx" args = [iter(iterable)] * n return zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue)