Example #1
def flip_one_bit(s, offset=0, size=None):
    """ flip one random bit of the string s, in a byte greater than or equal to offset and less
    than offset+size. """
    precondition(isinstance(s, binary_type))
    if size is None:
    i = randrange(offset, offset+size)
    result = s[:i] + bchr(bord(s[i])^(0x01<<randrange(0, 8))) + s[i+1:]
    assert result != s, "Internal error -- flip_one_bit() produced the same string as its input: %s == %s" % (result, s)
    return result
Example #2
def decrypt(secret, hash, data, file=False):
    Decrypt per telegram docs at https://core.telegram.org/passport.

        secret (:obj:`str` or :obj:`bytes`): The encryption secret, either as bytes or as a
            base64 encoded string.
        hash (:obj:`str` or :obj:`bytes`): The hash, either as bytes or as a
            base64 encoded string.
        data (:obj:`str` or :obj:`bytes`): The data to decrypt, either as bytes or as a
            base64 encoded string.
        file (:obj:`bool`): Force data to be treated as raw data, instead of trying to
            b64decode it.

        :class:`TelegramDecryptionError`: Given hash does not match hash of decrypted data.

        :obj:`bytes`: The decrypted data as bytes.

    # First make sure that if secret, hash, or data was base64 encoded, to decode it into bytes
        secret = b64decode(secret)
    except (binascii.Error, TypeError):
        hash = b64decode(hash)
    except (binascii.Error, TypeError):
    if not file:
            data = b64decode(data)
        except (binascii.Error, TypeError):
    # Make a SHA512 hash of secret + update
    digest = Hash(SHA512(), backend=default_backend())
    digest.update(secret + hash)
    secret_hash_hash = digest.finalize()
    # First 32 chars is our key, next 16 is the initialisation vector
    key, iv = secret_hash_hash[:32], secret_hash_hash[32:32 + 16]
    # Init a AES-CBC cipher and decrypt the data
    cipher = Cipher(AES(key), CBC(iv), backend=default_backend())
    decryptor = cipher.decryptor()
    data = decryptor.update(data) + decryptor.finalize()
    # Calculate SHA256 hash of the decrypted data
    digest = Hash(SHA256(), backend=default_backend())
    data_hash = digest.finalize()
    # If the newly calculated hash did not match the one telegram gave us
    if data_hash != hash:
        # Raise a error that is caught inside telegram.PassportData and transformed into a warning
        raise TelegramDecryptionError("Hashes are not equal! {} != {}".format(data_hash, hash))
    # Return data without padding
    return data[bord(data[0]):]