Example #1
def resolve_FuncCall(node, parent, symbols,
                     is_global, is_check, cand, hlist):
  global_var, local_var = symbols
  go_flag = True
  callee_type = get_node_type(node['callee'])
  if callee_type == 'Identifier':
    name = node['callee']['name']
    if (name in builtin.FUNCS or
        name in builtin.OBJS or
        name in builtin.ARRAYS):
      expr = None
    elif name in ID_HARNESS_MAP:
      if not is_duplicate(hlist, name):
        fname = pick_one(ID_HARNESS_MAP[name])
      expr = None
      symbol = find_symbol(node['callee'], symbols)
      if symbol == None:
        symbol = change_id(node['callee'], [JSType.js_func], symbols, cand)
      expr = symbol.expr
      go_flag = symbol.get_flag()
  elif callee_type in ['FunctionExpression', 'ArrowFunctionExpression']:
    expr = node['callee']
  elif callee_type in ['MemberExpression', 'CallExpression',
    resolve_id(node['callee'], node, symbols,
               is_global, is_check, cand, hlist)
    expr = None
  elif callee_type == 'NewExpression':
    node['callee']['callee']['name'] = 'Function'
    return symbols
  elif callee_type == 'BlockStatement':
    resolve_list(node['body'], node, symbols,
                 is_global, is_check, cand, hlist)
    expr = None
    error('resolve_id FunctionCall fail')
    expr = None
  resolve_list(node['arguments'], node, symbols,
               is_global, is_check, cand, hlist)
  if (go_flag and expr != None and
      'params' in expr and 'body' in expr):
    l1 = []
    for arg in expr['params']:
      if get_node_type(arg) == 'Identifier':
        l1.append(Symbol(arg, arg))
    l1.append(Symbol('arguments', None, JSType.js_array))
    symbols = global_var, l1
    symbols = hoisting(expr['body'], symbols, False)
    resolve_id(expr['body'], node, symbols,
               False, False, cand, hlist)
  return global_var, local_var
Example #2
def resolve_ClassDecl(node, parent, symbols, is_global, is_check, cand, hlist):
    if (node['id'] != None and get_node_type(node['id']) == 'Identifier'):
        if is_check: return symbols
        ty = JSType.js_object
        sym = Symbol(node['id'], None, ty)
    return symbols
Example #3
def func_hoisting(node, sym_list):
  if node == None: return
  node_type = get_node_type(node)
  for key in PROP_DICT[node_type]:
    if key not in node: continue
    child = node[key]

    if is_single_node(child):
      if get_node_type(child) == 'FunctionDeclaration':
        sym_list.append(Symbol(child['id'], child, JSType.js_func))
      elif get_node_type(child) == 'BlockStatement':
        func_hoisting(child, sym_list)
    elif is_node_list(child):
      for _child in child:
        if _child == None: continue
        if get_node_type(_child) == 'FunctionDeclaration':
          sym_list.append(Symbol(_child['id'], _child, JSType.js_func))
        elif get_node_type(_child) == 'BlockStatement':
          func_hoisting(_child, sym_list)
Example #4
def resolve_ForIn(node, parent, symbols, is_global, is_check, cand, hlist):
    # TODO: let..
    global_var, local_var = symbols
    if node['left'] == 'Identifier':
        global_var.append(Symbol(node['left'], node))
        symbols = resolve_id(node['left'], node, symbols, is_global, is_check,
                             cand, hlist)
    symbols = resolve_id(node['right'], node, symbols, is_global, is_check,
                         cand, hlist)
    func_hoisting(node['body'], symbols[1])
    return resolve_id(node['body'], node, symbols, is_global, is_check, cand,
Example #5
    def update_builtins(self, eng_path):
        globs = exec_eng(eng_path, 'utils/global_getter.js')
        globs = self.process_out(globs)
        self.OBJS = [x for x in self.OBJS if x in globs]
        self.FUNCS = [x for x in self.FUNCS if x in globs]

        for x in self.OBJS + self.ARRAYS:
            self.BUILTINS[x] = JSType.js_object
        for x in self.FUNCS:
            self.BUILTINS[x] = JSType.js_func

        for sym, ty in self.BUILTINS.items():
            self.SYMS.append(Symbol(sym, None, ty))
Example #6
def resolve_Try(node, parent, symbols, is_global, is_check, cand, hlist):
    global_var, local_var = symbols
    length = len(local_var)
    ret = ([], [])
    for x in [node['block'], node['handler'], node['finalizer']]:
        g1, l1 = global_var[::], local_var[::]
        func_hoisting(x, l1)
        if (x != None and x == node['handler']
                and get_node_type(x['param']) == 'Identifier'):
            l1.append(Symbol(x['param'], None, JSType.js_object))
        g1, l1 = resolve_id(x, node, (g1, l1), is_global, is_check, cand,
        ret = merge_symbols(ret, (g1, l1[:length]))
    return symbols
Example #7
def help_Assign(pattern, parent, init, symbols, is_global, is_VarDecl,
                is_check, cand, hlist):
    if pattern == None: return symbols

    pattern_type = get_node_type(pattern)
    if pattern_type == 'Identifier':
        if is_check: return symbols
        ty = get_type(init, symbols)
        if is_VarDecl:
            sym = find_symbol(pattern, symbols)
            if sym == None:
                error('help_VarDecl fail')
            sym = Symbol(pattern, None, ty)
        return symbols
    elif pattern_type == 'ArrayPattern':
        items = pattern['elements']
        for idx in range(len(items)):
            item = items[idx]
            item_init = get_Array_item(init, idx)
            symbols = help_Assign(item, pattern, item_init, symbols, is_global,
                                  is_VarDecl, is_check, cand, hlist)
        return symbols
    elif pattern_type == 'ObjectPattern':
        for prop in pattern['properties']:
            prop_init = get_Object_prop(init, prop['key'])
            symbols = help_Assign(prop['value'], pattern, prop_init, symbols,
                                  is_global, is_VarDecl, is_check, cand, hlist)
        return symbols
    elif pattern_type == 'MemberExpression':
        return resolve_id(pattern, parent, symbols, is_global, is_check, cand,
    elif pattern_type == 'AssignmentPattern':
        # TODO: Check
        return symbols
        error('Unknown branch in help assign')

    return symbols
Example #8
def pattern_hoisting(pattern, node):
    if pattern == None: return []
    pattern_type = get_node_type(pattern)
    if pattern_type == 'Identifier':
        return [Symbol(pattern, node, JSType.undefined)]
    elif pattern_type == 'ArrayPattern':
        ret = []
        for item in pattern['elements']:
            ret += pattern_hoisting(item, pattern)
        return ret
    elif pattern_type == 'ObjectPattern':
        ret = []
        for prop in pattern['properties']:
            ret += pattern_hoisting(prop, pattern)
        return ret
    elif pattern_type == 'AssignmentPattern':
        return pattern_hoisting(pattern['left'], pattern)
    elif pattern_type == 'Property':
        return pattern_hoisting(pattern['value'], pattern)
    elif pattern_type == 'RestElement':
        return pattern_hoisting(pattern['argument'], pattern)
        error('pattern_hoisting: %s %s' % (pattern['type'], node['type']))
    return []