Example #1
from fw_config import _
from fw_functions import getPortID, getServiceName

class _Service:
    def __init__ (self, key, name, ports, description=None, modules=[ ],
                  destination={ }, default=None):
        self.key = key
        self.name = name
        self.ports = ports
        self.description = description
        self.modules = modules
        self.destination = destination
        self.default = default

service_list = [
    _Service("ipp-client", _("Network Printing Client (IPP)"),
             [ ("631", "udp"), ],
             _("The Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) is used for "
               "distributed printing. IPP (over udp) provides the ability to "
               "get information about a printer (e.g. capability and status) "
               "and to control printer jobs. If you plan to use a remote "
               "network printer via cups, do not disable this option."),
    _Service("ipp", _("Network Printing Server (IPP)"),
             [ ("631", "tcp"), ("631", "udp"), ],
             _("The Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) is used for "
               "distributed printing. IPP (over tcp) provides the ability to "
               "share printers over the network. Enable this option if you "
               "plan to share printers via cups over the network.")),
    _Service("mdns", _("Multicast DNS (mDNS)"), [ ("5353", "udp"), ],
             _("mDNS provides the ability to use DNS programming "
Example #2
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

from fw_config import _

class _ICMPType:
    def __init__ (self, key, name, description=None, type=None): 
        self.key = key
        self.name = name
        self.description = description
        self.type = type # type None means ipv4 and ipv6

icmp_list = [
    _ICMPType("echo-request", _("Echo Request (ping)"),
              _("This message is used to test if a host is reachable mostly "
                "with the <i>ping</i> utility.")),
    _ICMPType("echo-reply", _("Echo Reply (pong)"),
              _("This message is the answer to an <i>Echo Request</i>.")),
    _ICMPType("destination-unreachable", _("Destination Unreachable"),
              _("This error message is generated by a host or gateway if the "
                "destination is not reachable.")),
    _ICMPType("parameter-problem", _("Parameter Problem"),
              _("This error message is generated if the IP header is bad, "
                "either by a missing option or bad length.")),
    _ICMPType("redirect", _("Redirect"), 
              _("This error message informs a host to send packets on another "
    _ICMPType("router-advertisement", _("Router Advertisement"), 
              _("This message is used by routers to periodically announce "
Example #3
from fw_config import _
from fw_functions import *


class _Setting:
    def __init__ (self, key, name, description=None, iptables=False,
        self.key = key
        self.name = name
        self.description = description
        self.iptables = iptables
        self.ip6tables = ip6tables

setting_list = [
    _Setting("MODULES_UNLOAD", _("Unload modules on restart and stop"),
             _("To ensure a sane state, the kernel firewall modules must be "
               "unloaded when the firewall is restarted or stopped."),
             True, True),
    _Setting("SAVE_ON_STOP", _("Save on stop"),
             _("Save the active firewall configuration with all changes since "
               "the last start before stopping the firewall. Only do this if "
               "you need to preserve the active state for the next start.")),
    _Setting("SAVE_ON_RESTART", _("Save on restart"),
             _("Save the active firewall configuration with all changes since "
               "the last start before restarting the firewall. Only do this if "
               "you need to preserve the active state for the next start.")),
    _Setting("SAVE_COUNTER", _("Save and restore counter"),
             _("<i>Save on stop</i> and <i>Save on restart</i> additionally "
               "save rule and chain counter.")),
    _Setting("STATUS_NUMERIC", _("Numeric status output"),