def _check_forward_port(option, opt, value): result = { } error = None splits = value.split(":", 1) while len(splits) > 0: key_val = splits[0].split("=") if len(key_val) != 2: error = _("Invalid argument %s") % splits[0] break (key, val) = key_val if (key == "if" and checkInterface(val)) or \ (key == "proto" and val in [ "tcp", "udp" ]) or \ (key == "toaddr" and checkIP(val)): result[key] = val elif (key == "port" or key == "toport") and getPortRange(val) > 0: result[key] = getPortRange(val) else: error = _("Invalid argument %s") % splits[0] break if len(splits) > 1: if splits[1].count("=") == 1: # last element splits = [ splits[1] ] else: splits = splits[1].split(":", 1) else: # finish splits.pop() if error: dict = { "option": opt, "value": value, "error": error } raise OptionError(_("option %(option)s: invalid forward_port " "'%(value)s': %(error)s.") % dict, opt) error = False for key in [ "if", "port", "proto" ]: if key not in result.keys(): error = True if not "toport" in result.keys() and not "toaddr" in result.keys(): error = True if error: dict = { "option": opt, "value": value } raise OptionError(_("option %(option)s: invalid forward_port " "'%(value)s'.") % dict, opt) return result
def forward_port_selection(self, interface=None, protocol=None, port=None, to_address=None, to_port=None): _interface = ( interface if interface else "" ) _protocol = ( protocol if protocol else "" ) _port = ( self.__simplePortStr(port) if port else "" ) _to_address = ( to_address if to_address else "" ) _to_port = ( self.__simplePortStr(to_port) if to_port else "" ) while 1: dialog = GridForm(self.screen, _("Port Forwarding"), 1, 6) tr = TextboxReflowed(40, _("Please select the source and " "destination options according " "to your needs.")) dialog.add(tr, 0, 0, padding=(0,0,0,1), growx=1) dialog.add(TextboxReflowed(40, _("Source (all needed)")), 0, 1, padding=(0,0,0,0), growx=1, anchorLeft=1) grid = Grid(2, 3) grid.setField(Label(_("Interface:")), 0, 0, padding=(0,0,1,0), anchorLeft=1) dialog.interface = Entry(20, text=_interface) grid.setField(dialog.interface, 1, 0, padding=(0,0,1,0), anchorLeft=1) grid.setField(Label(_("Protocol:")), 0, 1, padding=(0,0,1,0), anchorLeft=1) dialog.protocol = Entry(20, text=_protocol) grid.setField(dialog.protocol, 1, 1, padding=(0,0,1,0), anchorLeft=1) grid.setField(Label(_("Port / Port Range:")), 0, 2, padding=(0,0,1,0), anchorLeft=1) dialog.port = Entry(20, text=_port) grid.setField(dialog.port, 1, 2, padding=(0,0,1,0), anchorLeft=1) dialog.add(grid, 0, 2, padding=(0,0,0,1)) dialog.add(TextboxReflowed(40, _("Destination (at least one " "needed)")), 0, 3, padding=(0,0,0,0), growx=1, anchorLeft=1) grid = None grid = Grid(2, 2) grid.setField(Label(_("IP address:")), 0, 0, padding=(0,0,1,0), anchorLeft=1) dialog.to_address = Entry(20, text=_to_address) grid.setField(dialog.to_address, 1, 0, padding=(0,0,1,0), anchorLeft=1) grid.setField(Label(_("Port / Port Range:")), 0, 1, padding=(0,0,1,0), anchorLeft=1) dialog.to_port = Entry(20, text=_to_port) grid.setField(dialog.to_port, 1, 1, padding=(0,0,1,0), anchorLeft=1) dialog.add(grid, 0, 4, padding=(0,0,0,1)) = ButtonBar(self.screen, ((_("OK"), "ok"), (_("Cancel"), "cancel"))) dialog.add(, 0, 5, growx=1) res = self.screen.popWindow() values = (dialog.interface.value(), dialog.protocol.value(), dialog.port.value(), dialog.to_address.value(), dialog.to_port.value()) if res == 'ok': error = False # interface _interface = values[0].strip() if not len(_interface) > 0 or not checkInterface(_interface): self.error(_("Interface '%s' is not valid.") % _interface) error = True else: interface = _interface # protocol _protocol = values[1].strip() if not _protocol in [ "tcp", "udp" ]: self.protocol_error(_protocol) error = True else: protocol = _protocol # port _port = values[2].strip() port = getPortRange(_port) if not (isinstance(port, types.ListType) or \ isinstance(port, types.TupleType)): self.port_error(_port) error = True port = None # to_address _to_address = values[3].strip() if len(_to_address) > 0 and not checkIP(_to_address): self.error(_("Address '%s' is not valid.") % _to_address) error = True to_address = None else: to_address = _to_address # to_port _to_port = values[4].strip() if len(_to_port) > 0: to_port = getPortRange(_to_port) if not (isinstance(to_port, types.ListType) or \ isinstance(to_port, types.TupleType)): self.port_error(_to_port) error = True to_port = None if error: continue if not interface or not protocol or not port: continue if not to_address and not to_port: continue return (interface, protocol, port, to_address, to_port) elif res == 'cancel': return None