Example #1
    def test_change_migration_rates_simple_two_deme_migration_bad_matrix(self):
        For a 2-deme model, the mig matrix is
        [0, 1
         1, 0]
        so that all offspring have both parents from the other deme,
        which gives us an easy check on how many migration events
        will be recorded by the test simulation.

        After 3 generations, we reset the migration rates to be
        which leads to there being no parents for deme 1, raising a
        MigrationError exception.
        mm = np.array([0, 1, 1, 0]).reshape(2, 2)
        mmigs = [fwdpy11.move_individuals(0, 0, 1, 0.5)]
        smr = [
                                      np.array([1, 0, 1, 0]).reshape(2, 2))
        d = fwdpy11.DiscreteDemography(mass_migrations=mmigs,
        with self.assertRaises(fwdpy11.MigrationError):
            ddr.DiscreteDemography_roundtrip(self.rng, self.pop, d, 5)
Example #2
    def test_change_migration_rates_simple_two_deme_migration(self):
        For a 2-deme model, the mig matrix is
        [[0, 1]
         [1, 0]]
        so that all offspring have both parents from the other deme,
        which gives us an easy check on how many migration events
        will be recorded by the test simulation.

        After 3 generations, we reset the migration rates to be
        [[0.5, 0.5],
         [[0, 0]]
        so that all parents are from deme zero.
        mm = np.array([0, 1, 1, 0]).reshape(2, 2)
        mmigs = [fwdpy11.move_individuals(0, 0, 1, 0.5)]
        smr = [
                                      np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0, 0]).reshape(2, 2))
        d = fwdpy11.DiscreteDemography(mass_migrations=mmigs,
        N = self.pop.N
        migevents = ddr.DiscreteDemography_roundtrip(self.rng, self.pop, d, 5)
        self.assertEqual(N, self.pop.N)
        self.assertEqual(len(migevents), 2 * N * 3 + 2 * N)
        md = np.array(self.pop.diploid_metadata, copy=False)
        deme_sizes = np.unique(md['deme'], return_counts=True)
        for i in deme_sizes[1]:
            self.assertEqual(i, self.pop.N // 2)
Example #3
 def test_pickle(self):
     m = fwdpy11.SetMigrationRates(0, 0, np.array([0, 1, 2]))
     p = pickle.dumps(m, -1)
     up = pickle.loads(p)
     self.assertEqual(m.when, up.when)
     self.assertEqual(m.deme, up.deme)
     self.assertEqual(m.migrates.tolist(), up.migrates.tolist())
Example #4
    def test_migrration_rates_larger_than_one(self):
        Same as a previous tests, but rates are "weights"
        rather than "probabilities"

        mm = np.array([0, 2, 2, 0]).reshape(2, 2)
        mmigs = [fwdpy11.move_individuals(0, 0, 1, 0.5)]
        smr = [
                                      np.array([1.5, 1.5, 0, 0]).reshape(2, 2))
        d = fwdpy11.DiscreteDemography(mass_migrations=mmigs,
        N = self.pop.N
        migevents = ddr.DiscreteDemography_roundtrip(self.rng, self.pop, d, 5)
        self.assertEqual(N, self.pop.N)
        self.assertEqual(len(migevents), 2 * N * 3 + 2 * N)
        md = np.array(self.pop.diploid_metadata, copy=False)
        deme_sizes = np.unique(md['deme'], return_counts=True)
        for i in deme_sizes[1]:
            self.assertEqual(i, self.pop.N // 2)
Example #5
 def test_reset_entire_matrix(self):
     m = fwdpy11.SetMigrationRates(3, np.identity(3))
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(m.migrates, np.identity(3)))
Example #6
 def test_init_from_numpy(self):
     m = fwdpy11.SetMigrationRates(0, 0, np.array([0, 1, 2]))
     self.assertEqual(m.when, 0)
     self.assertEqual(m.deme, 0)
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(m.migrates, np.array([0, 1, 2])))