Example #1
class IosFwk(UiFwk):
    def __init__(self, Init):
        UiFwk.__init__(self, Init)
        self._Init = Init
        self.path_file_xlsx_testData = self._Init.path_file_xlsx_testData_ios

    def __launch_app(self):
        self._driver = MobileDriver(self).getDriver()
        self.hasGotDriver = True
        self._Init.log_countDown("Connecting......", 3)
        return self._driver

    def getDriver(self):
        self.logger.info("Connecting Ios driver.")
        if self._driver is None:
            self.logger.info("The Ios driver has existed.")
        return self._driver

    def updateCurrentElementStatus(self, element_name, uiMap, currentPage):
        if self._currentElementName != element_name:
            self._currentElementObject = None
        self._currentUiMap = uiMap
        self._currentPage = currentPage
        self._currentElementName = element_name
        return self

    def getMobilePropReadlines(self, uuid=None):
        if uuid is None:
            uuid = self.RunTimeConf.deviceName
        str = "adb -s %s shell cat /system/build.prop" % uuid
        data = subprocess.Popen(str,
        lines = data.stdout.readlines()
        # for prop in li:
        #     prop.decode('utf-8').strip().split("=")
        return lines

    def openApp(self, bundleId=None, page=""):
        if os.getenv('APP_DEVICE_PLATFORMNAME') == None:
        self.wda = wdaRun()

    def tapForPoint(self, x, y):
        self.wda.tap(x, y)

    def keys(self, value):

    def home(self):

    def launchApp(self, bundleId):

    def flick(self, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y):
        self._driver.flick(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y)
Example #2
class AndroidFwk(UiFwk):
    def __init__(self, Init):
        UiFwk.__init__(self, Init)
        self._Init = Init
        self.path_file_xlsx_testData = self._Init.path_file_xlsx_testData_android

    def __launch_app(self):
        self._driver = MobileDriver(self).getDriver()
        self.hasGotDriver = True
        self._Init.log_countDown("Connecting......", 3)
        return self._driver

    def getDriver(self):
        self.logger.info("Connecting Android driver.")
        if self._driver is None:
            self.logger.info("The Android driver has existed.")
        return self._driver

    # def __launch_browser(self):
    #     #os.system(r'taskkill /f /im node.exe')
    #     #os.system(r'start E:\Autotest\Tools\Appium_1_4_6\Appium\node.exe E:\Autotest\Tools\Appium_1_4_6\Appium\node_modules\appium\lib\server\main.js --address --port 4723 --no-reset --platform-name Android')
    #     """desired_caps = {}
    #     desired_caps['platformName']= self._getSutFullFileName("app.device.platformName")
    #     desired_caps['browserName'] = ''
    #     desired_caps['deviceName'] = self._getSutFullFileName("app.device.name")
    #     desired_caps['version'] = self._getSutFullFileName("app.device.version")
    #     desired_caps['newCommandTimeout'] = self._getSutFullFileName("app.command.timeout")
    #     desired_caps['app'] = PATH(self._getSutFullFileName("app.path"))
    #     desired_caps['app-package'] = self._getSutFullFileName("app.package")
    #     desired_caps['app-activity'] = self._getSutFullFileName("app.activity")
    #     self._driver = webdriver.Remote('',desired_caps)
    #     self._waitByTimeOut(5000)"""
    #     desired_caps = {}
    #     desired_caps['platformName'] = self._getSutFullFileName("app.device.platformName")
    #     desired_caps['version'] = self._getSutFullFileName("app.device.version")
    #     desired_caps['deviceName'] = self._getSutFullFileName("app.device.name")
    #     desired_caps['newCommandTimeout'] = self._getSutFullFileName("app.command.timeout")
    #     desired_caps['browserName'] = "chrome"
    #     self._driver = webdriver.Remote("http://" + self._getSutFullFileName("app.appium.serverIP") + ":" + self._getSutFullFileName("app.appium.serverPort") + "/wd/hub", desired_caps)
    #     UIFramework.sleep(5)
    def updateCurrentElementStatus(self, element_name, uiMap, currentPage):
        if self._currentElementName != element_name:
            self._currentElementObject = None
        self._currentUiMap = uiMap
        self._currentPage = currentPage
        self._currentElementName = element_name
        return self

    def openMobileBrowser(self):

    def swipeOfType(self, type, timeOut = None):

        timeOut = None
        self.logger.info("Swiping " + type + ".")
        windows_x = self.getWindowX()
        windows_y = self.getWindowY()

        # Sliding screen to the left
        if type.lower() == self.SwipeTo.LEFT.lower():
            self._driver.swipe((windows_x * 0.9), (windows_y * 0.5),(windows_x * 0.2), (windows_y * 0.5),1500)
        # From the left of screen to began to slip
        if type.lower() == self.SwipeTo.LEFT_SIDE.lower():
            self._driver.swipe(1, (windows_y * 0.5),(windows_x * 0.9), (windows_y * 0.5),1500)
        # Sliding screen to the right
        if type.lower() == self.SwipeTo.RIGHT.lower():
            self._driver.swipe((windows_x * 0.2), (windows_y * 0.5),(windows_x * 0.9), (windows_y * 0.5),1500)
        # From the right of screen to began to slip
        if type.lower() == self.SwipeTo.RIGHT_SIDE.lower():
            self._driver.swipe((windows_x * 0.9), (windows_y * 0.5),(windows_x * 0.2), (windows_y * 0.5),1500)
        # Screen upward sliding
        if type.lower() == self.SwipeTo.UP.lower():
            self._driver.swipe((windows_x * 0.5), (windows_y * 0.9),(windows_x * 0.5), (windows_y * 0.4),1500)
        # From the top of screen to began to slip
        if type.lower() == self.SwipeTo.TOP.lower():
            self._driver.swipe((windows_x * 0.5),0 ,(windows_x * 0.5), (windows_y * 0.8),1500)
        # Slide down the screen
        if type.lower() == self.SwipeTo.DOWN.lower():
            self._driver.swipe((windows_x * 0.5), (windows_y * 0.4),(windows_x * 0.5), (windows_y * 0.9),1500)
        # From the bottom of screen to began to slip
        if type.lower() == self.SwipeTo.BOTTOM.lower():
            self._driver.swipe((windows_x * 0.5), (windows_y * 0.9),(windows_x * 0.5), (windows_y * 0.1),1500)
        return self

    def swipeTo(self, begin_x, begin_y, end_x, end_y, duration=500):
        self._driver.swipe(begin_x, begin_y, end_x, end_y, duration)
        return self

    # x and y (1-10)
    def swipe(self, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y):
        self.logger.info("Swipe from [" + str(start_x) + ":" + str(start_y) + "] to [" + str(end_x) + ":" + str(end_y) + "].")
        windowlenX = self.getElementWidth()
        windowlenY = self.getElementWidthHeight()
        self.swipeTo((windowlenX * start_x / 10), (windowlenY * start_y / 10), (windowlenX * end_x / 10), (windowlenY * end_y / 10), 1500)
        return self

    def tap(self, x, y, duration=500):
        width = self.getX()
        height = self.getY()
        self._driver.tap([(width * x, height * y)], duration)
        return self

    def back(self):
        return self

    def pressKey(self, code):
        return self

    def switchToWebView(self, viewName):
        return self

    def setValueByKeys(self, value):
        letterToCodeHashMap = {}
        lettersStr = "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z @ . + _ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9".split()
        androidCodes = [29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52,
                        53, 54, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
                        51, 52, 53, 54, 77, 56, 81, 69, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]
        for index in range(len(lettersStr)):
            letterToCodeHashMap[lettersStr[index]] = androidCodes[index]
        for i in range(len(value)):
            code = letterToCodeHashMap.get(value[i])
        return self

    def switchToContext(self, webView):
        contextName = self._driver.contexts
        for context in iter(contextName):
            if context == webView:
                self.logger.info("Switch to ui view : " + context)
        return self

    def logContext(self):
        contextName = self._driver.contexts
        for context in iter(contextName):
            self.logger.info("Context : " + context)
        return self

    def set_networkConnection(self, name):
        """Sets the network connection type. Android only.
           Possible values:
               Value (Alias)      | Data | Wifi | Airplane Mode
               0 (None)           | 0    | 0    | 0
               1 (Airplane Mode)  | 0    | 0    | 1
               2 (Wifi only)      | 0    | 1    | 0
               4 (Data only)      | 1    | 0    | 0
               6 (All network on) | 1    | 1    | 0
           These are available through the enumeration `appium.webdriver.ConnectionType"""
        return self
    def setValueByAdbInput(self, value):
        self.logger.info("adb -s " + self.udid + " shell input text " + value)
        os.system("adb -s " + self.udid + " shell input text " + value)
        return self

    def setValueByAdbInputDoubleByte(self, value):
        self.logger.info("adb -s " + self.udid + " shell am broadcast -a ADB_INPUT_TEXT --es msg '" + value + "'")
        os.system("adb -s " + self.udid + " shell am broadcast -a ADB_INPUT_TEXT --es msg '" + value + "'")
        return self

    def getElementWidth(self, item=None, element_name=None):
        element_name = self.getelement_nameFrom(element_name)
        return int(self._getElementObjectFromCurrentOrSearch(element_name, item).size["width"])

    def getElementWidthHeight(self, item=None, element_name=None):
        element_name = self.getelement_nameFrom(element_name)
        return int(self._getElementObjectFromCurrentOrSearch(element_name, item).size["height"])

    def getElemenX(self, item=None, element_name=None):
        element_name = self.getelement_nameFrom(element_name)
        return self._getElementObjectFromCurrentOrSearch(element_name, item).location["x"]

    def getElementY(self, item=None, element_name=None):
        element_name = self.getelement_nameFrom(element_name)
        return self._getElementObjectFromCurrentOrSearch(element_name, item).location["y"]

    def getWindowX(self):
        width = self._driver.get_window_size()['width']
        return width

    def getWindowY(self):
        height = self._driver.get_window_size()['height']
        return height

    def crop(self, element, direction):
        x = self.getElemenX(element)
        y = self.getElementY(element)
        if direction == "left":
            self.swipeTo(x + self.getElementWidth(element) - 1, y, x + self.getElementWidth(element) - 200, y, 1500)
        if direction == "right":
            self.swipeTo(x, y, x + 200, y, 1500)
        if direction == "up":
            self.swipeTo(x, y + self.getElementHeight(element) - 1, x, y + self.getElementHeight(element) - 200, 1500)
        if direction == "down":
            self.swipeTo(x, y, x, y + 200, 1500)

    def getBuildInMobileLanguage(self, uuid=None):
        if uuid is None:
            uuid = self.RunTimeConf.deviceName
        str = "adb -s %s shell getprop persist.sys.language" % uuid  # for 5.0
        if int(self.RunTimeConf.sdk) > 21:
            str = "adb -s %s shell getprop persist.sys.locale" % uuid  # for 6.0
        data = subprocess.Popen(str, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
                                stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
        lines = data.stdout.readlines()
        return lines[0].strip()
        # ret = subprocess.check_output(str)
        # return str(ret.strip()).replace("b", "").replace("'", "")

    # subprocess.check_output not work in DP
    def getAndroidSDK(self, uuid=None):
        if uuid is None:
            uuid = self.RunTimeConf.deviceName
        getLang = "adb -s %s shell getprop ro.build.version.sdk" % uuid
        ret = subprocess.check_output(getLang)
        return int(ret.strip())

    def getMobilePropReadlines(self, uuid=None):
        if uuid is None:
            uuid = self.RunTimeConf.deviceName
        str = "adb -s %s shell cat /system/build.prop" % uuid
        data = subprocess.Popen(str, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
                                stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
        lines = data.stdout.readlines()
        # for prop in li:
        #     prop.decode('utf-8').strip().split("=")
        return lines
Example #3
 def __launch_app(self):
     self._driver = MobileDriver(self).getDriver()
     self.hasGotDriver = True
     self._Init.log_countDown("Connecting......", 3)
     return self._driver
Example #4
class AndroidFwk(UiFwk):
    def __init__(self, Init):
        UiFwk.__init__(self, Init)
        self._Init = Init
        self.path_file_xlsx_testData = self._Init.path_file_xlsx_testData_android

    def __launch_app(self):
        self._driver = MobileDriver(self).getDriver()
        self.hasGotDriver = True
        self._Init.log_countDown("Connecting......", 3)
        return self._driver

    def getDriver(self):
        self.logger.info("Connecting Android driver.")
        if self._driver is None:
            self.logger.info("The Android driver has existed.")
        return self._driver

    def updateCurrentElementStatus(self, element_name, uiMap, page_name):
        if self.CurrentElement.name != element_name:
            self.LastElement.object = self.CurrentElement.object
            self.LastElement.page_uiMap = self.CurrentElement.page_uiMap
            self.LastElement.page_name = self.CurrentElement.page_name
            self.LastElement.list_locators = self.CurrentElement.list_locators
            self.LastElement.index = self.CurrentElement.index
            self.CurrentElement.object = None
            self.CurrentElement.list_locators = None
        self.CurrentElement.page_uiMap = uiMap
        self.LastElement.name = self.CurrentElement.name
        self.CurrentElement.page_name = page_name
        self.CurrentElement.name = element_name
        return self

    def openMobileBrowser(self):

    # def swipeOfType(self, type, duration=1500):
    #     self.logger.info("Swiping " + type + ".")
    #     windows_x = self.getWindowWidth()
    #     windows_y = self.getWindowHeight()
    #     # Sliding screen to the left
    #     if type.lower() == self.SwipeTo.LEFT.lower():
    #         self._driver.swipe((windows_x * 0.9), (windows_y * 0.5), (windows_x * 0.2), (windows_y * 0.5), duration)
    #     # From the left of screen to began to slip
    #     if type.lower() == self.SwipeTo.LEFT_SIDE.lower():
    #         self._driver.swipe(1, (windows_y * 0.5), (windows_x * 0.9), (windows_y * 0.5), 1500)
    #     # Sliding screen to the right
    #     if type.lower() == self.SwipeTo.RIGHT.lower():
    #         self._driver.swipe((windows_x * 0.2), (windows_y * 0.5), (windows_x * 0.9), (windows_y * 0.5), duration)
    #     # From the right of screen to began to slip
    #     if type.lower() == self.SwipeTo.RIGHT_SIDE.lower():
    #         self._driver.swipe((windows_x * 0.9), (windows_y * 0.5), (windows_x * 0.2), (windows_y * 0.5), duration)
    #     # Screen upward sliding
    #     if type.lower() == self.SwipeTo.UP.lower():
    #         self._driver.swipe((windows_x * 0.5), (windows_y * 0.9), (windows_x * 0.5), (windows_y * 0.4), duration)
    #     # From the top of screen to began to slip
    #     if type.lower() == self.SwipeTo.TOP.lower():
    #         self._driver.swipe((windows_x * 0.5), 0, (windows_x * 0.5), (windows_y * 0.8), duration)
    #     # Slide down the screen
    #     if type.lower() == self.SwipeTo.DOWN.lower():
    #         self._driver.swipe((windows_x * 0.5), (windows_y * 0.4), (windows_x * 0.5), (windows_y * 0.9), duration)
    #     # From the bottom of screen to began to slip
    #     if type.lower() == self.SwipeTo.BOTTOM.lower():
    #         self._driver.swipe((windows_x * 0.5), (windows_y * 0.9), (windows_x * 0.5), (windows_y * 0.1), duration)
    #     return self

    def back(self):
        self.logger.info("Click back of the mobile.")
        return self

    def pressKey(self, code):
        return self

    def switchToWebView(self, viewName):
        return self

    def setValueByKeys(self, value):
        letterToCodeHashMap = {}
        lettersStr = "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z @ . + _ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9".split(
        androidCodes = [
            29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45,
            46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,
            37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53,
            54, 77, 56, 81, 69, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
        for index in range(len(lettersStr)):
            letterToCodeHashMap[lettersStr[index]] = androidCodes[index]
        for i in range(len(value)):
            code = letterToCodeHashMap.get(value[i])
        return self

    def switchToContext(self, webView):
        contextName = self._driver.contexts
        for context in iter(contextName):
            if context == webView:
                self.logger.info("Switch to ui view : " + context)
        return self

    def logContext(self):
        contextName = self._driver.contexts
        for context in iter(contextName):
            self.logger.info("Context : " + context)
        return self

    def set_networkConnection(self, name):
        """Sets the network connection type. Android only.
           Possible values:
               Value (Alias)      | Data | Wifi | Airplane Mode
               0 (None)           | 0    | 0    | 0
               1 (Airplane Mode)  | 0    | 0    | 1
               2 (Wifi only)      | 0    | 1    | 0
               4 (Data only)      | 1    | 0    | 0
               6 (All network on) | 1    | 1    | 0
           These are available through the enumeration `appium.webdriver.ConnectionType"""
        return self

    def setValueByAdbInput(self, value):
        self.logger.info("adb -s " + self.udid + " shell input text " + value)
        os.system("adb -s " + self.udid + " shell input text " + value)
        return self

    def setValueByAdbInputDoubleByte(self, value):
        self.logger.info("adb -s " + self.udid +
                         " shell am broadcast -a ADB_INPUT_TEXT --es msg '" +
                         value + "'")
        os.system("adb -s " + self.udid +
                  " shell am broadcast -a ADB_INPUT_TEXT --es msg '" + value +
        return self

    def crop(self, element, direction):
        x = self.getElemenX(element)
        y = self.getElementY(element)
        if direction == "left":
            self.swipeByNative(x + self.getElementWidth(element) - 1, y,
                               x + self.getElementWidth(element) - 200, y,
        if direction == "right":
            self.swipeByNative(x, y, x + 200, y, 1500)
        if direction == "up":
            self.swipeByNative(x, y + self.getElementHeight(element) - 1, x,
                               y + self.getElementHeight(element) - 200, 1500)
        if direction == "down":
            self.swipeByNative(x, y, x, y + 200, 1500)

    def getBuildInMobileLanguage(self, uuid=None):
        if uuid is None:
            uuid = self.RunTimeConf.deviceName
        str = "adb -s %s shell getprop persist.sys.language" % uuid  # for 5.0
        if int(self.RunTimeConf.sdk) > 21:
            str = "adb -s %s shell getprop persist.sys.locale" % uuid  # for 6.0
        data = subprocess.Popen(str,
        lines = data.stdout.readlines()
        return lines[0].strip()
        # ret = subprocess.check_output(str)
        # return str(ret.strip()).replace("b", "").replace("'", "")

    # subprocess.check_output not work in DP
    def getAndroidSDK(self, uuid=None):
        if uuid is None:
            uuid = self.RunTimeConf.deviceName
        getLang = "adb -s %s shell getprop ro.build.version.sdk" % uuid
        ret = subprocess.check_output(getLang)
        return int(ret.strip())

    def getMobilePropReadlines(self, uuid=None):
        if uuid is None:
            uuid = self.RunTimeConf.deviceName
        str = "adb -s %s shell cat /system/build.prop" % uuid
        data = subprocess.Popen(str,
        lines = data.stdout.readlines()
        # for prop in li:
        #     prop.decode('utf-8').strip().split("=")
        return lines

    def switchApp(self, app_package, app_activity):
            "Switch to App - app_package: [%s] app_activity: [%s]." %
            (app_package, app_activity))
        self._driver.start_activity(app_package, app_activity)

    def removeApp(self, app_package):
        self.logger.info("Remove App - app_package: [%s]." % app_package)
        self._driver.remove_app(app_package)  # "com.dropbox.android"

    def installApp(self, app_path):
        self.logger.info("Install App - app_path: [%s]." % app_path)
        self._driver.install_app(self, app_path)