def main(): for region in region_list: for i in range(len(week_list)): api = SpotifyCharts() file_name ='./data/' + region +'.csv' api.top200Daily(output_file = file_name, region = [region], start = week_list[i], end = week_list[i])
def main(chart, start, end, csv, region, webhook): """ CLI version of fycharts ( fycharts [OPTIONS] chartName ===== EXAMPLES fycharts --csv out.csv viral50Weekly fycharts --start 2020-05-06 --end 2020-10-10 --csv out.csv viral50Weekly fycharts --region US viral50Weekly fycharts -r US -r UK viral50Weekly fycharts --webhook viral50Weekly fycharts -w -w viral50Weekly ====== """ region = list(region) webhook = list(webhook) if (len(region) == 0): region = None if (len(webhook) == 0 and csv == ''): click.secho( "ERROR: Please set at least one output mode (CSV or webhooks)", fg="red", bold=True) else: api = SpotifyCharts() chart_choices = [ "top200Weekly", "top200Daily", "viral50Weekly", "viral50Daily" ] if (chart == "top200Weekly"): click.secho("Extracting top200Weekly...", fg="cyan", bold=True) api.top200Weekly(csv, None, webhook, start, end, region) click.secho("Extraction complete\n", fg="white", bold=True) elif (chart == "top200Daily"): click.secho("Extracting top200Daily...", fg="cyan", bold=True) api.top200Daily(csv, None, webhook, start, end, region) click.secho("Extraction complete\n", fg="white", bold=True) elif (chart == "viral50Weekly"): click.secho("Extracting viral50Weekly...", fg="cyan", bold=True) api.viral50Weekly(csv, None, webhook, start, end, region) click.secho("Extraction complete\n", fg="white", bold=True) elif (chart == "viral50Daily"): click.secho("Extracting viral50Daily...", fg="cyan", bold=True) api.viral50Daily(csv, None, webhook, start, end, region) click.secho("Extraction complete\n", fg="white", bold=True) else: click.secho( f"ERROR: {chart} could not be processed. Select either of: {', '.join(chart_choices)}", fg="red", bold=True)
def main(): api = SpotifyCharts() """database is created for future expansion tough technically not necessary for the project""" connector = sqlalchemy.create_engine("sqlite:///spotifycharts.db", echo=False) hooks = ["", ""] #Select what you want to study by un-commenting and changing the file name the in "" #defult is set to top50 weekly #Don't forget to uncomment threads a_thread = threading.Thread(target=api.top200Daily, kwargs={ "output_file": "top_200_daily.csv", "output_db": connector, "webhook": hooks, "start": "2020-01-03", "end": "2020-01-12", "region": ["global", "us"] }) #Change variables as needed b_thread = threading.Thread(target=api.top200Weekly, kwargs={ "output_file": "top_200_weekly.csv", "output_db": connector, "webhook": hooks, "start": "2020-01-03", "end": "2020-01-12", "region": ["global", "us"] }) c_thread = threading.Thread(target=api.viral50Daily, kwargs={ "output_file": "viral_50_daily.csv", "output_db": connector, "webhook": hooks, "start": "2020-01-03", "end": "2020-01-12", "region": ["global", "us"] }) d_thread = threading.Thread(target=api.viral50Weekly, kwargs={ "output_file": "viral_50_weekly.csv", "output_db": connector, "webhook": hooks, "start": "2020-01-02", "end": "2020-01-12", "region": ["global", "us"] }) #when in use uncomment these too a_thread.start() b_thread.start() c_thread.start() d_thread.start()
from fycharts.SpotifyCharts import SpotifyCharts api = SpotifyCharts() api.top200Daily(output_file="output.csv", start="2017-01-01", end="2021-01-19", region=[ "dk", "gr", "is", "ch", "it", "pl", "at", "tr", "ee", "lt", "nl", "be", "es", "hu", "lu", "no", "ro", "bg", "fi", "lv", "se", "cz", "fr", "ie", "de", "gb", "sk", "global" ])
from fycharts.SpotifyCharts import SpotifyCharts fyApi = SpotifyCharts() fyApi.viral50Daily(output_file="viral_50_daily.csv", start="2020-11-01", end="2020-12-01", region='us')
from firebase import firebase from datetime import datetime, timedelta import csv from fycharts.SpotifyCharts import SpotifyCharts import time # get date date = - timedelta(10) date = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # write chart to csv api = SpotifyCharts() api.top200Daily(output_file="temp.csv", start=date, end=date, region=["global"]) time.sleep(5) # write to db from csv fb = firebase.FirebaseApplication( '', None) with open('temp.csv', encoding="utf8") as f: csv_reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',') for row in csv_reader: if len(row) > 0 and row[4] != 'date': data = { "position": row[0], "track name": row[1], "artist": row[2], "streams": row[3], "date": row[4],
# coding : utf-8 from fycharts.SpotifyCharts import SpotifyCharts api = SpotifyCharts() api.top200Daily(output_file="top_200_daily.csv", start="2017-01-01", end="2017-02-22", region=["global"]) api.top200Daily(output_file="top_200_daily.csv", start="2017-02-24", end="2017-05-29", region=["global"]) api.top200Daily(output_file="top_200_daily.csv", start="2017-06-01", end="2017-06-01", region=["global"]) api.top200Daily(output_file="top_200_daily.csv", start="2017-06-03", end="2019-12-31", region=["global"]) print(api)