def main(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, polyScript, filteredIDs,popSizes): print arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 if __name__ != '__main__': sys.argv = ['',arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4] if arg1 == "poly": del sys.argv[3:5] trigger = 1 subnum = 0 path = "" population = "" useExplicit = False explicitDirectory = "" subpopDirectory = "" useBase = False useRaw = False baseFile = "" pos = 0 iCode = 0 vacTotal = 0 avTotal = 0 socialTotal = 0 workTotal = 0 schoolTotal = 0 sqTotal = 0 avTreatments = 0 try: toFilterIDs = len(filteredIDs) > 0 except: toFilterIDS = False useNew = False subpopsNew = [] actionsNew = [] totalsNew = {'vaccination':1000000000,'antiviral':1000000000} interventionsNew = [] # LOADS PUBLIC/ PRIVATE DATA FROM GDOC IF PASSED if len(sys.argv) < 3: print "Missing arguments, quitting now" quit() outName = "Default" elif len(sys.argv) > 3: if sys.argv[1] == "gdoc" or sys.argv[1] == "poly": arg = "gDoc" if len(sys.argv) == 4: sys.argv.insert(3,'null') else: print "Ignoring", len(sys.argv) - 3, "excess arguments\n" elif len(sys.argv) == 3: if sys.argv[1] == "gdoc" or sys.argv[1] == "poly": arg = "gDoc" sys.argv.insert(2,'null') sys.argv.insert(2,'null') else: outName = sys.argv[2] arg = sys.argv[1] # LOADS AND WRITES AV/ DIAG SCRIPT FROM GOOGLE DOC, NOT IMPLEMENTED FOR USER/ LOCAL SCRIPT MODE print sys.argv if arg == "gDoc": if sys.argv[1] == "poly": isPoly = True sys.argv[3] = 'null' path = arg2 if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) os.makedirs(path) os.makedirs(path + "/output") else: isPoly = False loadType = "intervention script" print sys.argv script = gDocsImport.getScript(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], startWord, stopWord, loadType, isPoly, polyScript) params = gDocsImport.getLine(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4],paramsStart, isPoly, polyScript) emptyblock = script == 'null' explicitDirectory= params[2] if len(explicitDirectory) > 0: useExplicit = True try: shiftDates = int(params[8]) print "Date shift set to", shiftDates except: shiftDates = 0 print "Using default '0' date shift" if isPoly: outName = "" baseFile = params[4] subpopDirectory = params[6] if len(baseFile) > 0: if os.path.exists(baseFile): print "Appending interventions to base file", baseFile useBase = True else: print "Error, base file", baseFile, "not found" quit() else: outName = params[0] if len(outName) == 0: print "No name prefix stored, using default intervention, antiviral, and diagnosis" outName = "" print "Will write to intervention file '%sIntervention'\n" % outName diag = params[1] diagnosis = isYes(diag, "diagnosis") useNew = isYes(params[7], "new style") try: appendScript = gDocsImport.getScript(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], avStop, 0, loadType, isPoly, polyScript) appendScript = appendRaw(appendScript) useRaw = appendScript != 'null' if useRaw: print "\nRaw script footer loaded succesfully,", appendScript.count('\n') - 3, "lines to append" except: print "Error, raw script footer not loaded" if not diagnosis: sys.argv[3] = "null" else: loadType = "default" avScript = gDocsImport.getScript(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], avStart, avStop, loadType, isPoly, polyScript) diagParams = gDocsImport.getLine(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], stopWord, isPoly, polyScript) sys.argv[3] = "null" if not useNew: if avScript == 'null': print "No AV-Script found" temp = open(path+'/Antiviral', 'w') temp.write("#Null file: AV-Scripting enabled though no interventions found") temp.close() temp = open(path+'/Diagnosis', 'w') temp.write("#Null file: AV-Scripting enabled though no interventions found") temp.close() avTreatments = 0 else: avTreatments = writeAvScript(avScript, diagParams, outName, path, subpopDirectory, shiftDates) # PREP NEW FORMAT DICTS else: if avScript == 'null': print "No AV-Script found" avTreatments = 0 else: temp = prepNewAV(avScript, diagParams, outName, path, subpopDirectory, totalsNew, shiftDates) subpopsNew += temp['subpops'] actionsNew += temp['actions'] interventionsNew += temp['interventions'] """print subpopsNew print actionsNew print interventionsNew""" avTreatments = len(actionsNew) if arg != "user" and arg != "gDoc" and arg != "gdoc" and (not os.path.isfile(arg)): print arg print "Error, cannot open file or directory\n" quit() done = False # LOCAL SCRIPT FILE LOADING if arg != "user" and arg != "gDoc": scriptfile = open(arg) script = [] line = 0 gotPath = False while True: testline = scriptfile.readline() if len(testline) == 0: break if not testline.startswith("#"): if testline.startswith("Directory"): gotPath = True temp = testline.split() if len(temp) <2: path = "" else: path = testline.split()[1] if (path == "local" or path == "Local"): path = "" else: script.append(testline) line += 1 if not gotPath: path = "" # FLUSH INTERVENTION FILE & COPY POLYRUN BASEFILE IF NEEDED writePath = path + outName + 'Intervention' if useNew: writePath += 'New' if useBase: shutil.copy2(baseFile, writePath) outFile = open(writePath) temp = outFile.close() outFile = open(writePath, 'w') outFile.write("# ----- PolyRun.Py Appended Intervention File -----\n\n") outFile.write(temp) outFile.write("\n\n# ----- End of Appended Intervention File -----\n\n") else: outFile = open(writePath, 'w') if useNew: outFile.write("# ----- RollVac.Py Autogenerated Intervention File New Version-----\n\n") else: outFile.write("# ----- RollVac.Py Autogenerated Intervention File Old Version-----\n\n") outFile.close() # GENERATING OUTPUT FILE LOOP while not done and emptyblock == False: subnum += 1 enum = False # LOCAL SCRIPT/ GDOC CONTROLLED CHOPPING if True: if pos == len(script): done = True break cmd = script[pos] items = cmd.split() population = (subpopDirectory + '/' + items[0]).replace('//','/') try: with open(population): pass except: print "Error: population file", population, "not found\n" quit() if str(items[1]) == 'enum': enum = True cmd = cmd.replace("enum","null null") items = cmd.split() pos += 1 enumList = script[pos].replace(";"," ; ") if checkEnum(enumList): enumList = parseEnum(enumList) else: print "Error: misformatted enumeration list", enumList quit() if not enum: try: day = int(items[1]) + shiftDates if day <= 0: print "Error, day must be an integer value\n" quit() except: print "Error, day must be an integer greater than zero\n" quit() try: length = int(items[2]) if length <= 0: print "Error, length must be an integer greater than zero\n" quit() except: print "Error, length must be an integer greater than zero\n" quit() temp = cmd.split() print "Generating interventions with parameters:",cmd method = temp[3] arguments = len(temp) if method == "Vaccination": target = 7 meth = "v" iCode = 0 if arguments == 7: temp[5],temp[6] = temp[6],temp[5] elif method == "Antiviral": target = 8 meth = "av" iCode = 1000 if arguments == 8: temp[5],temp[6],temp[7] = temp[6],temp[7],temp[5] elif method == "SocialDistancing": target = 6 meth = "sd" iCode = 2000 elif method == "WorkClosure": target = 6 meth = "cw" iCode = 3000 elif method == "SchoolClosure": target = 6 meth = "cs" iCode = 4000 elif method == "Sequestion": target = 7 meth = "sq" iCode = 6000 else: print "Error:", method, "method not recognized\n" quit() if arguments != target: print "Error:", len(temp), "parameters found,", target, "expected for intervention type", method, "\n" quit() interv = " ".join(temp[3:target]) intervNew = temp[3:target] pos += 1 suffix = str(subnum) + meth # ALL MODE CHOPPING EXECUTION print population if not useNew: pos2 = 0 limit = len(filteredIDs) found = False while pos2 < limit: if population in filteredIDs[pos2]['directory']: found = True runIDs = filteredIDs[pos2]['ids'] break pos2 += 1 if not found: filteredIDs.append(filterIDs(population)) runIDs = filteredIDs[-1]['ids'] if enum: populationSize = checkSize(population,popSizes) enumList = cleanEnum(percentEnum(enumList,populationSize)) holder = chopper.main(population,'e'," ".join(map(str, enumList)),suffix, path,runIDs) returnSize = holder['count'] enumList = holder['enum'] length = chopper.getEnumSize(enumList) else: holder = chopper.main(population,'b',str(length),suffix, path, runIDs) returnSize = holder['count'] else: addSubpop(subpopsNew, population.split('/')[-1], population, 9000+ len(subpopsNew)) if enum: populationSize = checkSize(population,popSizes) temp = countEnum(enumList,populationSize) enumList = chopper.trimEnum(cleanEnum(temp['enum']), populationSize) length = chopper.getEnumSize(enumList) returnSize = int(min(temp['total'],populationSize)) else: populationSize = returnSize = checkSize(population,popSizes) # NON TREATMENT BASED INTERVENTION TRACKING if meth == "v": vacTotal += returnSize elif meth == "av": avTotal += returnSize elif meth == "sd": socialTotal += returnSize elif meth == "cw": workTotal += returnSize elif meth == "cs": schoolTotal += returnSize elif meth == "sq": sqTotal += returnSize # WRITING INTERVENTION FILE (AV TREATMENT & DIAG HANDLED SEPERATELY) writePath = path + outName + 'Intervention' pos2 = 0 popName = population.split('/')[-1] if not useNew: outFile = open(writePath, 'a+b') if enum: while pos2 < len(enumList): subPopName = popName + 'd' + str(pos2/2) + 'i' + suffix if ".txt" in subPopName: subPopName = subPopName.replace('.txt','') + '.txt' triggerOut = "* Trigger " + str(trigger+iCode) + " Date " + str(enumList[pos2] + shiftDates) + "\n" if useExplicit: tempPath = path + "/subpops/" + subPopName else: tempPath = "subpops/" + subPopName intervOut = "* Action " + str(trigger+iCode) + " " + interv + " " + tempPath + "\n" intervOut = intervOut.replace('//','/') print triggerOut, intervOut.replace('\n','') outFile.write(triggerOut) outFile.write(intervOut) trigger += 1 pos2 += 2 else: while pos2 < length: subPopName = popName + 'd' + str(pos2) + 'i' + suffix if ".txt" in subPopName: subPopName = subPopName.replace('.txt','') + '.txt' triggerOut = "* Trigger " + str(trigger+iCode) + " Date " + str(day+pos2) + "\n" if useExplicit: tempPath = path + "/subpops/" + subPopName else: tempPath = "subpops/" + subPopName intervOut = "* Action " + str(trigger+iCode) + " " + interv + " " + tempPath + "\n" intervOut = intervOut.replace('//','/') print triggerOut, intervOut.replace('\n','') outFile.write(triggerOut) outFile.write(intervOut) trigger += 1 pos2 += 1 outFile.close() print else: writePath += 'New' tempAction = prepNewAction() #tempInterv = [prepNewIntervention()]*len(enumList/2) tempAction['actionID'] = actionID = str(trigger + iCode) tempAction['actionType'] = method if method == 'Antiviral': method += "_Prophylaxis" tempAction['actionDescription'] = method tempAction['actionDelay'] = '0' tempAction['actionDuration'] = intervNew[1] conditionTotal = -1 if method == "Vaccination": tempAction['actionEfficacy'] = intervNew[3] conditionTotal = '9100' elif method == "Antiviral": tempAction['actionEfficacyIn'] = intervNew[3] tempAction['actionEfficacyOut'] = intervNew[4] conditionTotal = '9101' elif method == "Sequestion": tempAction['actionGroupSize'] = intervNew[3] if enum: tempInterv = [] while pos2 < len(enumList): tempInterv.append(prepNewIntervention()) tempInterv[pos2/2]['interventionID'] = str(9300 + len(interventionsNew) + pos2/2) tempInterv[pos2/2]['interventionType'] = "Offline" if conditionTotal != -1: tempInterv[pos2/2]['conditionTotal'] = conditionTotal tempInterv[pos2/2]['conditionDate'] = str(enumList[pos2] + shiftDates) + '~' + str(enumList[pos2] + shiftDates) tempInterv[pos2/2]['conditionMembership'] = getSubpopID(subpopsNew,popName) tempInterv[pos2/2]['conditionCompliance'] = str(float(intervNew[2]) * enumList[pos2+1]) tempInterv[pos2/2]['action'] = actionID pos2 += 2 else: tempInterv = [] for pos2 in range(length): tempInterv.append(prepNewIntervention()) tempInterv[pos2]['interventionID'] = str(9300 + len(interventionsNew) + pos2) tempInterv[pos2]['interventionType'] = "Offline" if conditionTotal != -1: tempInterv[pos2]['conditionTotal'] = conditionTotal tempInterv[pos2]['conditionDate'] = str(day+pos2+shiftDates) + '~' + str(day+pos2+shiftDates) tempInterv[pos2]['conditionMembership'] = getSubpopID(subpopsNew,popName) tempInterv[pos2]['conditionCompliance'] = str(float(intervNew[2]) / length) tempInterv[pos2]['action'] = actionID subPopName = popName + 'd' + str(pos2+1) + 'i' + suffix if ".txt" in subPopName: subPopName = subPopName.replace('.txt','') + '.txt' actionsNew.append(tempAction) interventionsNew += tempInterv # AUTOGENERATE NEW FORMAT MUTEXES if useNew: vMutex = []; avMutex = [] sdMutex = []; cwMutex = [] csMutex = []; sqMutex = [] limit = len(actionsNew) print "Generating", limit, "new format actions" for pos in range(limit): if actionsNew[pos]['actionType'] == "Vaccination": if actionsNew[pos]['actionID'] not in vMutex: vMutex.append(actionsNew[pos]['actionID']) elif actionsNew[pos]['actionType'] == "Antiviral": if actionsNew[pos]['actionID'] not in avMutex: avMutex.append(actionsNew[pos]['actionID']) elif actionsNew[pos]['actionType'] == "SocialDistancing": if actionsNew[pos]['actionID'] not in sdMutex: sdMutex.append(actionsNew[pos]['actionID']) elif actionsNew[pos]['actionType'] == "CloseWork": if actionsNew[pos]['actionID'] not in cwMutex: cwMutex.append(actionsNew[pos]['actionID']) elif actionsNew[pos]['actionType'] == "CloseSchools": if actionsNew[pos]['actionID'] not in csMutex: csMutex.append(actionsNew[pos]['actionID']) elif actionsNew[pos]['actionType'] == "Sequestion": if actionsNew[pos]['actionID'] not in sqMutex: sqMutex.append(actionsNew[pos]['actionID']) limit = len(interventionsNew) print "Generating", limit, "new format interventions" for pos in range(limit): temp = getActionType(actionsNew,interventionsNew[pos]['action']) if temp == "Vaccination": interventionsNew[pos]['conditionMutex'] = ';'.join(vMutex) elif temp == "Antiviral": interventionsNew[pos]['conditionMutex'] = ';'.join(avMutex) elif temp == "SocialDistancing": interventionsNew[pos]['conditionMutex'] = ';'.join(sdMutex) elif temp == "CloseWork": interventionsNew[pos]['conditionMutex'] = ';'.join(cwMutex) elif temp == "CloseSchools": interventionsNew[pos]['conditionMutex'] = ';'.join(csMutex) elif temp == "Sequestion": interventionsNew[pos]['conditionMutex'] = ';'.join(sqMutex) # APPENDING NON TREATMENT INTERVENTION TOTALS outFile = open(writePath, 'a+b') if useNew: outFile.write(getOutputNew(subpopsNew, totalsNew, actionsNew, interventionsNew)) sumIntervs = vacTotal + avTotal + socialTotal + workTotal + schoolTotal + sqTotal + avTreatments if sumIntervs == 0: if useRaw: print "No scripted interventions found, using iterated manual script" outFile.write(appendScript) else: print "No scripted interventions or raw script found" else: if useRaw: print "Appending manually iterated script" outFile.write(appendScript) outFile.write("\n#----- End of Generated Intervention File -----\n\n") outFile.write("\n#Use only one intervention of each type per sub pop, using enumerated interventions for complex interventions.") outFile.write("\n# Vaccination: " + str(vacTotal)) outFile.write("\n# Antiviral Prophylaxis: " + str(avTotal)) outFile.write("\n# Social Distancing: " + str(socialTotal)) outFile.write("\n# Close Work: " + str(workTotal)) outFile.write("\n# Close Schools: " + str(schoolTotal)) if useNew: outFile.write("\n# Sequestered: " + str(sqTotal)) outFile.write("\n# AV Treatment Programs: " + str(avTreatments)) outFile.close() print """RollVac.Py Pre Compliance Intervention Totals- calculated per output, does not account for over-application to a given set of IDs. Please apply only one of each type per sub pop, using enumerated interventions for complex interventions.""" print "\nVaccination: " + str(vacTotal) print "Antiviral Prophylaxis: " + str(avTotal) print "Social Distancing: " + str(socialTotal) print "Close Work: " + str(workTotal) print "Close Schools:" + str(schoolTotal) if useNew: print "Sequestered:" + str(sqTotal) print "AV Treatment Programs: " + str(avTreatments) print if toFilterIDs: return filteredIDs
def giSpyGDILoad(gDocURL,directory): """Updates user config & lists for GDI seeker""" gdi = {} print "Loading user account info from local directory" account = loadGDIAccount(gDocURL,directory) public = account['public'] print "Loading email lists from local directory" if not public: emails = gd.getLine(account['userName'], account['password'], account['fileName'], gdiEmail, False, []) else: emails = gd.getLine('null', 'null', gDocURL, gdiEmail, False, []) try: gdi['Email'] = emails[0].replace(' ',',') except: gdi['Email'] = "" try: gdi['CC'] = emails[1].replace(' ',',') except: gdi['CC'] = "" gdi['URL'] = gDocURL gdi['UserName'] = account['userName'] gdi['Password'] = account['password'] gdi['FileName'] = account['fileName'] try: gdi['Frequency'] = int(emails[2]) except: gdi['Frequency'] = account['frequency'] print "Loading word lists from local directory" if not public: config = gd.getScript(account['userName'], account['password'], account['fileName'], gdiParams, gdiLists, "default", False, []) else: config = gd.getScript('null', 'null', gDocURL, gdiParams, gdiLists, "default", False, []) cfg = getConfig(config) cfg['OutDir'] = account['name'] + '/' cfg['FileName'] = account['name'] cfg['Sanitize'] = account['sanitize'] if type(account['login']) is list: cfg['Logins'] = account['login'] else: cfg['Logins'] = [account['login']] cfg['GDI'] = gdi cfg['UseGDI'] = True #if cfg['OnlyKeepNLP'] != False and cfg['OnlyKeepNLP'] != 'null': # if type(cfg['OnlyKeepNLP']) != list: # cfg['OnlyKeepNLP'] = [str(cfg['OnlyKeepNLP'])] if not public: uglyLists = gd.getScript(account['userName'], account['password'], account['fileName'], gdiLists, -1, "default", False, []) else: uglyLists = gd.getScript('null', 'null', gDocURL, gdiLists, -1, "default", False, []) conditions = [] qualifiers = set() exclusions = set() for pos in range(len(uglyLists)): row = uglyLists[pos] if len(str(row[0])) != 0: conditions.append(row[0]) if len(str(row[1])) != 0: qualifiers.add(row[1]) if len(str(row[2])) != 0: exclusions.add(row[2]) lists = {'conditions':conditions,'qualifiers':qualifiers,'exclusions':exclusions} return {'lists':lists,'config':cfg,'login':account['login']}
def main(): # USED TO DEFINE LOADING POSITIONS, MUST BE CONSERVED IN SOURCE AND GDOC paramsStart = "Study Name Prefix (optional),Diagnosis Based" startWord = "Subpopulation,Day/'enum',Length of Spread" vacsRolled = 0 totalVars = 0 varList = [] varSets = [] suffixes = [] directorySuffix = "" filteredIDs = [{"directory":'null','ids':[]}] popSizes = dict() # positions = [] # PARSING COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS FOR PUBLIC/ PRIVATE FILE ACCESS if len(sys.argv) > 2: if len(sys.argv) == 3: sys.argv.insert(2,'null') else: print "Ignoring", len(sys.argv) - 2, "excess arguments\n" elif len(sys.argv) == 2: sys.argv.insert(1,'null') sys.argv.insert(1,'null') script = gDocsImport.getScript(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], 0, -1, "default", False, []) directoryLines = gDocsImport.getScript(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], paramsStart, startWord, "default", False,[]) sys.argv = None # ERASES DIRECTORY NAMES GIVEN BY GDOC directories = [] for directory in directoryLines: dirToFlush =(directory[2] + '/' + directory[0]).replace('//','/') if not dirToFlush in directories: directories.append(dirToFlush) directorySuffix = flushDirectories(directories) # CREATES LISTS OF ALL EXPERIMENTAL VARIABLES ITERATED OVER length = len(script) print "Searching list for experimentally iterated variables" for item in script: temp = getPoly(item) if temp[0] != 'null': if temp[0] not in varSets: totalVars += 1 varList.append(temp[0]) varSets.append(temp[0]) suffixes.append(temp[1]) varList.sort() length = len(varSets) varMatrix = [[] for x in xrange(totalVars)] suffixMatrix = [[] for x in xrange(totalVars)] # positionMatrix = [[] for x in xrange(totalVars)] # CREATES MATRICES OF SUFFIXES, VARIABLE ID, AND LIST POSITION FOR ITERATION for pos2 in range(totalVars): for pos1 in range(length): if varSets[pos1] == varList[pos2] and (suffixes[pos1] not in suffixMatrix[pos2]): varMatrix[pos2].append(varSets[pos1]) suffixMatrix[pos2].append(suffixes[pos1]) # positionMatrix[pos2].append(positions[pos1]) # SETS UP RUN BOUNDS runTracker = [0] * totalVars done = False totalRuns = 1 ends = [] for pos in range(totalVars): totalRuns *= len(varMatrix[pos]) ends.append(len(varMatrix[pos])-1) if pos >= 1: ends[pos] += 1 # ITERATED RUN GENERATION, IF SCRIPT LINE CONTAINS CURRENT ITERATION RUN MARKERS OR NONE, SENT TO RollVac TO PARSE while not done: toRun = [] for pos in range(totalVars): toRun.append(suffixMatrix[pos][runTracker[pos]]) length = len(script) rollScript = [] print "Loading Script for line:", runTracker for item in script: if getPoly(item)[0] == 'null' or getPoly(item)[1] in toRun: rollScript.append(filterPoly(item)) #if len(item.replace('"','').replace(',','').replace('\n','')) != 0: # SUPPORT ADDED FOR MULTIPLE DIRECTORIES/ RUN params = gDocsImport.getLine('null', 'null','null', paramsStart, True, rollScript) folder = params[2] + '/' + params[0] directory = appendSuffix(folder,directorySuffix) # OUT DIRECTORY GENERATED VIA SUFFIX MATRIX for pos in range(totalVars): directory += suffixMatrix[pos][runTracker[pos]] + '/' params = gDocsImport.loadNClean(False, rollScript, paramsStart, startWord, "single line") print params homeDir = appendSuffix(params[2] + '/' + params[0], directorySuffix) explicit = appendSuffix(params[2], directorySuffix) needsReplace = len(params[5]) > 0 noAVDiag = not RollVac.isYes(params[1],'null') fileString = params[3] filesToCopy = len(fileString) > 0 filteredIDs = RollVac.main('poly', directory, 'null', 'null', rollScript, filteredIDs, popSizes) sleep(0.05) qsubs = open(homeDir + 'qsublist', 'a+b') qsubs.write(("qsub " + directory + 'qsub\n').replace('//','/')) qsubs.close() if noAVDiag: extraCommands = ["Find = DiagnosisFile =", "Replace = ", "Find = AntiviralFile = ", "Replace = "] else: extraCommands = 'null' if needsReplace: replaceFile = params[5] else: replaceFile = 'null' if needsReplace or noAVDiag: replaceScript = loadReplaceScript(replaceFile, extraCommands) findNReplace(fileString, replaceScript, directory, vacsRolled, homeDir, explicit) if filesToCopy and not needsReplace: print fileString, directory fileCopy(fileString, directory) vacsRolled += 1 # POLYRUN MULTIDIMENSIONAL LOOP ITERATOR if totalVars == 0: print "No PolyRun iteration operators found, running in singular mode." done = True break pos = 0 justRolled = False while runTracker[pos] == ends[pos] and pos < totalVars - 1: justRolled = True runTracker[pos] = 0 runTracker[pos+1] += 1 pos += 1 if pos == totalVars - 1 and runTracker[pos] == ends[pos]: print "Interventions Iterated =", vacsRolled done = True break if not justRolled: runTracker[0] += 1 print "Intervention iteration succesfully complete!"
def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 2: if len(sys.argv) == 3: sys.argv.insert(2,'null') else: print "Ignoring", len(sys.argv) - 2, "excess arguments\n" elif len(sys.argv) == 2: sys.argv.insert(1,'null') sys.argv.insert(1,'null') params = gd.getLine(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], paramsLine, False, []) script = gd.getScript(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], toFromLine, EFO6Line, "default", False, []) directories = gd.getScript(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], EFO6Line, -1, "default", False, []) sys.argv = None outDir = prepDir(params[0]) subpopDir = prepDir(params[1]) filesOut = [] durations = {} fromPops = [] for line in script: if len(line[0]) == 0 or len(line[1]) == 0: print "Error, missing to or from subpop name, line:", line quit() if line[1] not in fromPops: fromPops.append(line[1]) for line in directories: if len(line[0]) == 0 or len(line[1]) == 0: print "Error, missing file or directory name, line:", line quit() if line[0] not in durations: durations[line[0]] = 0 durations[line[0]] = max(durations[line[0]],getLength(line[1])) if not os.path.isdir(outDir): os.mkdir(outDir) for line in directories: if line[0] not in filesOut: filesOut.append(line[0]) text = str(range(durations[line[0]])).replace('[','').replace(']',',\n').replace(' ','') flush = open(outDir + 'CrossTalk_' + line[0],'w') flush.write("directory,descriptor,toSubpop,toSize,fromSubpop,fromSize,iteration,isEpidemic," + text) flush.close() flush = open(outDir + 'RepNum_' + line[0],'w') flush.write("directory,fromSubpop,fromSize,iteration,isEpidemic," + text) flush.close() if len(outDir) == 0: print "Error, no output directory specified" quit() elif not os.path.isdir(subpopDir): print "Error, subpop diretory", subpopDir, "does not exist" quit() elif len(filesOut) == 0: print "Error, no analysis output directories specified" quit() print "Prepping experiment, parameters are:\n" print "Analysis Directory:\n\t", outDir, "\nSubpop Directory:\n\t", subpopDir print "Subpopulations to/ from:\n", printList(script) print "Analyses:\n", printList(directories) EFO6Files = getEFO6s(directories) print EFO6Files.keys() popSize = EFO6Files[directories[0][1]+'_size'] subpopFiles = getSubpops(script, subpopDir, popSize) if "error" in subpopFiles: print "Error termination" quit() allCurves = [] fromPopIsEpi = [0]*len(fromPops) for experiment in directories: for subpop in script: crossTalkEFO6 = {'EFO6':EFO6Files[experiment[1]],'iterations':EFO6Files[experiment[1] +'_iterations']} crossTalkSubs = {'toPop':subpopFiles[subpop[0]], 'toType':subpopFiles[subpop[0]+'_type'], 'toName':subpop[0], 'fromPop':subpopFiles[subpop[1]], 'fromType':subpopFiles[subpop[1] + '_type'], 'fromName':subpop[1]} print "\nAnalizing crosstalk for", experiment[1], "\n\twith subpops", subpop[0:2] crossTalk = loadCrossTalk(crossTalkEFO6, crossTalkSubs, durations[experiment[0]]) fromPopIsEpi[fromPops.index(subpop[1])] = crossTalk['isEpidemic'] statsOut = open(outDir + 'CrossTalk_' + experiment[0],'a+b') statsOut.write(curvesToStringCT(crossTalk['meanCrossTalkCurve'], crossTalk['crossTalkCurves'], crossTalk['isEpidemic'], experiment[1].replace(outDir.replace('Analysis/',''),'').replace('/EFO6',''), subpop[0], subpopFiles[subpop[0]+'_popSize'], subpop[1], subpopFiles[subpop[1]+'_popSize'])) statsOut.close() #allCurves.append(crossTalk) print printList(crossTalk['crossTalkCurves']) print "CrossTalk Analysis Complete, beginning reproductive number analysis" for experiment in directories: for pos in range(len(fromPops)): pop = fromPops[pos] repNumStats = loadRepNum(pop, subpopFiles[pop], subpopFiles[pop + '_type'], EFO6Files[experiment[1]], EFO6Files[experiment[1]+'_iterations'], durations[experiment[0]], fromPopIsEpi[pos]) print '\n', printList(repNumStats['meanRepNumCurve']) statsOut = open(outDir + 'RepNum_' + experiment[0],'a+b') statsOut.write(curvesToStringRN(repNumStats['meanRepNumCurve'], repNumStats['repNumCurves'], fromPopIsEpi[pos], experiment[1].replace(outDir.replace('Analysis/',''),'').replace('/EFO6',''), pop, subpopFiles[pop+'_popSize'])) statsOut.close() print "Analysis complete, quitting now..."
def main(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, polyScript, filteredIDs, popSizes): print arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 if __name__ != '__main__': sys.argv = ['', arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4] if arg1 == "poly": del sys.argv[3:5] trigger = 1 subnum = 0 path = "" population = "" useExplicit = False explicitDirectory = "" subpopDirectory = "" useBase = False useRaw = False baseFile = "" pos = 0 iCode = 0 vacTotal = 0 avTotal = 0 socialTotal = 0 workTotal = 0 schoolTotal = 0 sqTotal = 0 avTreatments = 0 try: toFilterIDs = len(filteredIDs) > 0 except: toFilterIDS = False useNew = False subpopsNew = [] actionsNew = [] totalsNew = {'vaccination': 1000000000, 'antiviral': 1000000000} interventionsNew = [] # LOADS PUBLIC/ PRIVATE DATA FROM GDOC IF PASSED if len(sys.argv) < 3: print "Missing arguments, quitting now" quit() outName = "Default" elif len(sys.argv) > 3: if sys.argv[1] == "gdoc" or sys.argv[1] == "poly": arg = "gDoc" if len(sys.argv) == 4: sys.argv.insert(3, 'null') else: print "Ignoring", len(sys.argv) - 3, "excess arguments\n" elif len(sys.argv) == 3: if sys.argv[1] == "gdoc" or sys.argv[1] == "poly": arg = "gDoc" sys.argv.insert(2, 'null') sys.argv.insert(2, 'null') else: outName = sys.argv[2] arg = sys.argv[1] # LOADS AND WRITES AV/ DIAG SCRIPT FROM GOOGLE DOC, NOT IMPLEMENTED FOR USER/ LOCAL SCRIPT MODE print sys.argv if arg == "gDoc": if sys.argv[1] == "poly": isPoly = True sys.argv[3] = 'null' path = arg2 if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) os.makedirs(path) os.makedirs(path + "/output") else: isPoly = False loadType = "intervention script" print sys.argv script = gDocsImport.getScript(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], startWord, stopWord, loadType, isPoly, polyScript) params = gDocsImport.getLine(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], paramsStart, isPoly, polyScript) print "debooo script", script emptyblock = (script == 'null') or len(''.join(''.join(script).split())) < 2 explicitDirectory = params[2] if len(explicitDirectory) > 0: useExplicit = True try: shiftDates = int(params[8]) print "Date shift set to", shiftDates except: shiftDates = 0 print "Using default '0' date shift" if isPoly: outName = "" baseFile = params[4] subpopDirectory = params[6] if len(baseFile) > 0: if os.path.exists(baseFile): print "Appending interventions to base file", baseFile useBase = True else: print "Error, base file", baseFile, "not found" quit() else: outName = params[0] if len(outName) == 0: print "No name prefix stored, using default intervention, antiviral, and diagnosis" outName = "" print "Will write to intervention file '%sIntervention'\n" % outName diag = params[1] diagnosis = isYes(diag, "diagnosis") useNew = isYes(params[7], "new style") try: appendScript = gDocsImport.getScript(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], avStop, 0, loadType, isPoly, polyScript) appendScript = appendRaw(appendScript) useRaw = appendScript != 'null' if useRaw: print "\nRaw script footer loaded succesfully,", appendScript.count( '\n') - 3, "lines to append" except: print "Error, raw script footer not loaded" if not diagnosis: sys.argv[3] = "null" else: loadType = "default" avScript = gDocsImport.getScript(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], avStart, avStop, loadType, isPoly, polyScript) diagParams = gDocsImport.getLine(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], stopWord, isPoly, polyScript) sys.argv[3] = "null" if not useNew: if avScript == 'null': print "No AV-Script found" temp = open(path + '/Antiviral', 'w') temp.write( "#Null file: AV-Scripting enabled though no interventions found" ) temp.close() temp = open(path + '/Diagnosis', 'w') temp.write( "#Null file: AV-Scripting enabled though no interventions found" ) temp.close() avTreatments = 0 else: avTreatments = writeAvScript(avScript, diagParams, outName, path, subpopDirectory, shiftDates) # PREP NEW FORMAT DICTS else: if avScript == 'null': print "No AV-Script found" avTreatments = 0 else: temp = prepNewAV(avScript, diagParams, outName, path, subpopDirectory, totalsNew, shiftDates) subpopsNew += temp['subpops'] actionsNew += temp['actions'] interventionsNew += temp['interventions'] """print subpopsNew print actionsNew print interventionsNew""" avTreatments = len(actionsNew) if arg != "user" and arg != "gDoc" and arg != "gdoc" and ( not os.path.isfile(arg)): print arg print "Error, cannot open file or directory\n" quit() done = False # LOCAL SCRIPT FILE LOADING if arg != "user" and arg != "gDoc": scriptfile = open(arg) script = [] line = 0 gotPath = False while True: testline = scriptfile.readline() if len(testline) == 0: break if not testline.startswith("#"): if testline.startswith("Directory"): gotPath = True temp = testline.split() if len(temp) < 2: path = "" else: path = testline.split()[1] if (path == "local" or path == "Local"): path = "" else: script.append(testline) line += 1 if not gotPath: path = "" # FLUSH INTERVENTION FILE & COPY POLYRUN BASEFILE IF NEEDED writePath = path + outName + 'Intervention' if useNew: writePath += 'New' if useBase: shutil.copy2(baseFile, writePath) outFile = open(writePath) temp = outFile.close() outFile = open(writePath, 'w') outFile.write( "# ----- PolyRun.Py Appended Intervention File -----\n\n") outFile.write(temp) outFile.write( "\n\n# ----- End of Appended Intervention File -----\n\n") else: outFile = open(writePath, 'w') if useNew: outFile.write( "# ----- RollVac.Py Autogenerated Intervention File New Version-----\n\n" ) else: outFile.write( "# ----- RollVac.Py Autogenerated Intervention File Old Version-----\n\n" ) outFile.close() # GENERATING OUTPUT FILE LOOP while not done and emptyblock == False: subnum += 1 enum = False # LOCAL SCRIPT/ GDOC CONTROLLED CHOPPING if True: if pos == len(script): done = True break cmd = script[pos] items = cmd.split() population = (subpopDirectory + '/' + items[0]).replace('//', '/') try: with open(population): pass except: print "Error: population file", population, "not found\n" quit() if str(items[1]) == 'enum': enum = True cmd = cmd.replace("enum", "null null") items = cmd.split() pos += 1 enumList = script[pos].replace(";", " ; ") if checkEnum(enumList): enumList = parseEnum(enumList) else: print "Error: misformatted enumeration list", enumList quit() if not enum: try: day = int(items[1]) + shiftDates if day <= 0: print "Error, day must be an integer value\n" quit() except: print "Error, day must be an integer greater than zero\n" quit() try: length = int(items[2]) if length <= 0: print "Error, length must be an integer greater than zero\n" quit() except: print "Error, length must be an integer greater than zero\n" quit() temp = cmd.split() print "Generating interventions with parameters:", cmd method = temp[3] arguments = len(temp) if method == "Vaccination": target = 7 meth = "v" iCode = 0 if arguments == 7: temp[5], temp[6] = temp[6], temp[5] elif method == "Antiviral": target = 8 meth = "av" iCode = 1000 if arguments == 8: temp[5], temp[6], temp[7] = temp[6], temp[7], temp[5] elif method == "SocialDistancing": target = 6 meth = "sd" iCode = 2000 elif method == "WorkClosure": target = 6 meth = "cw" iCode = 3000 elif method == "SchoolClosure": target = 6 meth = "cs" iCode = 4000 elif method == "Sequestion": target = 7 meth = "sq" iCode = 6000 else: print "Error:", method, "method not recognized\n" quit() if arguments != target: print "Error:", len( temp ), "parameters found,", target, "expected for intervention type", method, "\n" quit() interv = " ".join(temp[3:target]) intervNew = temp[3:target] pos += 1 suffix = str(subnum) + meth # ALL MODE CHOPPING EXECUTION print population if not useNew: pos2 = 0 limit = len(filteredIDs) found = False while pos2 < limit: if population in filteredIDs[pos2]['directory']: found = True runIDs = filteredIDs[pos2]['ids'] break pos2 += 1 if not found: filteredIDs.append(filterIDs(population)) runIDs = filteredIDs[-1]['ids'] if enum: populationSize = checkSize(population, popSizes) enumList = cleanEnum(percentEnum(enumList, populationSize)) holder = chopper.main(population, 'e', " ".join(map(str, enumList)), suffix, path, runIDs) returnSize = holder['count'] enumList = holder['enum'] length = chopper.getEnumSize(enumList) else: holder = chopper.main(population, 'b', str(length), suffix, path, runIDs) returnSize = holder['count'] else: addSubpop(subpopsNew, population.split('/')[-1], population, 9000 + len(subpopsNew)) if enum: populationSize = checkSize(population, popSizes) temp = countEnum(enumList, populationSize) enumList = chopper.trimEnum(cleanEnum(temp['enum']), populationSize) length = chopper.getEnumSize(enumList) returnSize = int(min(temp['total'], populationSize)) else: populationSize = returnSize = checkSize(population, popSizes) # NON TREATMENT BASED INTERVENTION TRACKING if meth == "v": vacTotal += returnSize elif meth == "av": avTotal += returnSize elif meth == "sd": socialTotal += returnSize elif meth == "cw": workTotal += returnSize elif meth == "cs": schoolTotal += returnSize elif meth == "sq": sqTotal += returnSize # WRITING INTERVENTION FILE (AV TREATMENT & DIAG HANDLED SEPERATELY) writePath = path + outName + 'Intervention' pos2 = 0 popName = population.split('/')[-1] if not useNew: outFile = open(writePath, 'a+b') if enum: while pos2 < len(enumList): subPopName = popName + 'd' + str(pos2 / 2) + 'i' + suffix if ".txt" in subPopName: subPopName = subPopName.replace('.txt', '') + '.txt' triggerOut = "* Trigger " + str( trigger + iCode) + " Date " + str(enumList[pos2] + shiftDates) + "\n" if useExplicit: tempPath = path + "/subpops/" + subPopName else: tempPath = "subpops/" + subPopName intervOut = "* Action " + str( trigger + iCode) + " " + interv + " " + tempPath + "\n" intervOut = intervOut.replace('//', '/') print triggerOut, intervOut.replace('\n', '') outFile.write(triggerOut) outFile.write(intervOut) trigger += 1 pos2 += 2 else: while pos2 < length: subPopName = popName + 'd' + str(pos2) + 'i' + suffix if ".txt" in subPopName: subPopName = subPopName.replace('.txt', '') + '.txt' triggerOut = "* Trigger " + str( trigger + iCode) + " Date " + str(day + pos2) + "\n" if useExplicit: tempPath = path + "/subpops/" + subPopName else: tempPath = "subpops/" + subPopName intervOut = "* Action " + str( trigger + iCode) + " " + interv + " " + tempPath + "\n" intervOut = intervOut.replace('//', '/') print triggerOut, intervOut.replace('\n', '') outFile.write(triggerOut) outFile.write(intervOut) trigger += 1 pos2 += 1 outFile.close() print else: writePath += 'New' tempAction = prepNewAction() #tempInterv = [prepNewIntervention()]*len(enumList/2) tempAction['actionID'] = actionID = str(trigger + iCode) tempAction['actionType'] = method if method == 'Antiviral': method += "_Prophylaxis" tempAction['actionDescription'] = method tempAction['actionDelay'] = '0' tempAction['actionDuration'] = intervNew[1] conditionTotal = -1 if method == "Vaccination": tempAction['actionEfficacy'] = intervNew[3] conditionTotal = '9100' elif method == "Antiviral": tempAction['actionEfficacyIn'] = intervNew[3] tempAction['actionEfficacyOut'] = intervNew[4] conditionTotal = '9101' elif method == "Sequestion": tempAction['actionGroupSize'] = intervNew[3] if enum: tempInterv = [] while pos2 < len(enumList): tempInterv.append(prepNewIntervention()) tempInterv[pos2 / 2]['interventionID'] = str( 9300 + len(interventionsNew) + pos2 / 2) tempInterv[pos2 / 2]['interventionType'] = "Offline" if conditionTotal != -1: tempInterv[pos2 / 2]['conditionTotal'] = conditionTotal tempInterv[pos2 / 2]['conditionDate'] = str( enumList[pos2] + shiftDates) + '~' + str(enumList[pos2] + shiftDates) tempInterv[pos2 / 2]['conditionMembership'] = getSubpopID( subpopsNew, popName) tempInterv[pos2 / 2]['conditionCompliance'] = str( float(intervNew[2]) * enumList[pos2 + 1]) tempInterv[pos2 / 2]['action'] = actionID pos2 += 2 else: tempInterv = [] for pos2 in range(length): tempInterv.append(prepNewIntervention()) tempInterv[pos2]['interventionID'] = str( 9300 + len(interventionsNew) + pos2) tempInterv[pos2]['interventionType'] = "Offline" if conditionTotal != -1: tempInterv[pos2]['conditionTotal'] = conditionTotal tempInterv[pos2]['conditionDate'] = str( day + pos2 + shiftDates) + '~' + str(day + pos2 + shiftDates) tempInterv[pos2]['conditionMembership'] = getSubpopID( subpopsNew, popName) tempInterv[pos2]['conditionCompliance'] = str( float(intervNew[2]) / length) tempInterv[pos2]['action'] = actionID subPopName = popName + 'd' + str(pos2 + 1) + 'i' + suffix if ".txt" in subPopName: subPopName = subPopName.replace('.txt', '') + '.txt' actionsNew.append(tempAction) interventionsNew += tempInterv # AUTOGENERATE NEW FORMAT MUTEXES if useNew: vMutex = [] avMutex = [] sdMutex = [] cwMutex = [] csMutex = [] sqMutex = [] limit = len(actionsNew) print "Generating", limit, "new format actions" for pos in range(limit): if actionsNew[pos]['actionType'] == "Vaccination": if actionsNew[pos]['actionID'] not in vMutex: vMutex.append(actionsNew[pos]['actionID']) elif actionsNew[pos]['actionType'] == "Antiviral": if actionsNew[pos]['actionID'] not in avMutex: avMutex.append(actionsNew[pos]['actionID']) elif actionsNew[pos]['actionType'] == "SocialDistancing": if actionsNew[pos]['actionID'] not in sdMutex: sdMutex.append(actionsNew[pos]['actionID']) elif actionsNew[pos]['actionType'] == "CloseWork": if actionsNew[pos]['actionID'] not in cwMutex: cwMutex.append(actionsNew[pos]['actionID']) elif actionsNew[pos]['actionType'] == "CloseSchools": if actionsNew[pos]['actionID'] not in csMutex: csMutex.append(actionsNew[pos]['actionID']) elif actionsNew[pos]['actionType'] == "Sequestion": if actionsNew[pos]['actionID'] not in sqMutex: sqMutex.append(actionsNew[pos]['actionID']) limit = len(interventionsNew) print "Generating", limit, "new format interventions" for pos in range(limit): temp = getActionType(actionsNew, interventionsNew[pos]['action']) if temp == "Vaccination": interventionsNew[pos]['conditionMutex'] = ';'.join(vMutex) elif temp == "Antiviral": interventionsNew[pos]['conditionMutex'] = ';'.join(avMutex) elif temp == "SocialDistancing": interventionsNew[pos]['conditionMutex'] = ';'.join(sdMutex) elif temp == "CloseWork": interventionsNew[pos]['conditionMutex'] = ';'.join(cwMutex) elif temp == "CloseSchools": interventionsNew[pos]['conditionMutex'] = ';'.join(csMutex) elif temp == "Sequestion": interventionsNew[pos]['conditionMutex'] = ';'.join(sqMutex) # APPENDING NON TREATMENT INTERVENTION TOTALS outFile = open(writePath, 'a+b') if useNew: outFile.write( getOutputNew(subpopsNew, totalsNew, actionsNew, interventionsNew)) sumIntervs = vacTotal + avTotal + socialTotal + workTotal + schoolTotal + sqTotal + avTreatments if sumIntervs == 0: if useRaw: print "No scripted interventions found, using iterated manual script" outFile.write(appendScript) else: print "No scripted interventions or raw script found" else: if useRaw: print "Appending manually iterated script" outFile.write(appendScript) outFile.write("\n#----- End of Generated Intervention File -----\n\n") outFile.write( "\n#Use only one intervention of each type per sub pop, using enumerated interventions for complex interventions." ) outFile.write("\n# Vaccination: " + str(vacTotal)) outFile.write("\n# Antiviral Prophylaxis: " + str(avTotal)) outFile.write("\n# Social Distancing: " + str(socialTotal)) outFile.write("\n# Close Work: " + str(workTotal)) outFile.write("\n# Close Schools: " + str(schoolTotal)) if useNew: outFile.write("\n# Sequestered: " + str(sqTotal)) outFile.write("\n# AV Treatment Programs: " + str(avTreatments)) outFile.close() print """RollVac.Py Pre Compliance Intervention Totals- calculated per output, does not account for over-application to a given set of IDs. Please apply only one of each type per sub pop, using enumerated interventions for complex interventions.""" print "\nVaccination: " + str(vacTotal) print "Antiviral Prophylaxis: " + str(avTotal) print "Social Distancing: " + str(socialTotal) print "Close Work: " + str(workTotal) print "Close Schools:" + str(schoolTotal) if useNew: print "Sequestered:" + str(sqTotal) print "AV Treatment Programs: " + str(avTreatments) print if toFilterIDs: return filteredIDs
def main(): # USED TO DEFINE LOADING POSITIONS, MUST BE CONSERVED IN SOURCE AND GDOC paramsStart = "Study Name Prefix (optional),Diagnosis Based" startWord = "Subpopulation,Day/'enum',Length of Spread" vacsRolled = 0 totalVars = 0 varList = [] varSets = [] suffixes = [] directorySuffix = "" filteredIDs = [{"directory": 'null', 'ids': []}] popSizes = dict() # positions = [] # PARSING COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS FOR PUBLIC/ PRIVATE FILE ACCESS if len(sys.argv) > 2: if len(sys.argv) == 3: sys.argv.insert(2, 'null') else: print "Ignoring", len(sys.argv) - 2, "excess arguments\n" elif len(sys.argv) == 2: sys.argv.insert(1, 'null') sys.argv.insert(1, 'null') script = gDocsImport.getScript(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], 0, -1, "default", False, []) directoryLines = gDocsImport.getScript(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], paramsStart, startWord, "default", False, []) sys.argv = None # ERASES DIRECTORY NAMES GIVEN BY GDOC directories = [] for directory in directoryLines: dirToFlush = (directory[2] + '/' + directory[0]).replace('//', '/') if not dirToFlush in directories: directories.append(dirToFlush) directorySuffix = flushDirectories(directories) # CREATES LISTS OF ALL EXPERIMENTAL VARIABLES ITERATED OVER length = len(script) print "Searching list for experimentally iterated variables" print 'DEBOOO', script for item in script: temp = getPoly(item) if temp[0] != 'null': if temp[0] not in varSets: totalVars += 1 varList.append(temp[0]) varSets.append(temp[0]) suffixes.append(temp[1]) varList.sort() length = len(varSets) varMatrix = [[] for x in xrange(totalVars)] suffixMatrix = [[] for x in xrange(totalVars)] # positionMatrix = [[] for x in xrange(totalVars)] # CREATES MATRICES OF SUFFIXES, VARIABLE ID, AND LIST POSITION FOR ITERATION for pos2 in range(totalVars): for pos1 in range(length): if varSets[pos1] == varList[pos2] and (suffixes[pos1] not in suffixMatrix[pos2]): varMatrix[pos2].append(varSets[pos1]) suffixMatrix[pos2].append(suffixes[pos1]) # positionMatrix[pos2].append(positions[pos1]) # SETS UP RUN BOUNDS runTracker = [0] * totalVars done = False totalRuns = 1 ends = [] for pos in range(totalVars): totalRuns *= len(varMatrix[pos]) ends.append(len(varMatrix[pos]) - 1) if pos >= 1: ends[pos] += 1 # ITERATED RUN GENERATION, IF SCRIPT LINE CONTAINS CURRENT ITERATION RUN MARKERS OR NONE, SENT TO RollVac TO PARSE while not done: toRun = [] for pos in range(totalVars): toRun.append(suffixMatrix[pos][runTracker[pos]]) length = len(script) rollScript = [] print "Loading Script for line:", runTracker for item in script: if getPoly(item)[0] == 'null' or getPoly(item)[1] in toRun: rollScript.append(filterPoly(item)) #if len(item.replace('"','').replace(',','').replace('\n','')) != 0: # SUPPORT ADDED FOR MULTIPLE DIRECTORIES/ RUN params = gDocsImport.getLine('null', 'null', 'null', paramsStart, True, rollScript) folder = params[2] + '/' + params[0] directory = appendSuffix(folder, directorySuffix) # OUT DIRECTORY GENERATED VIA SUFFIX MATRIX for pos in range(totalVars): directory += suffixMatrix[pos][runTracker[pos]] + '/' params = gDocsImport.loadNClean(False, rollScript, paramsStart, startWord, "single line") print params homeDir = appendSuffix(params[2] + '/' + params[0], directorySuffix) explicit = appendSuffix(params[2], directorySuffix) needsReplace = len(params[5]) > 0 noAVDiag = not RollVac.isYes(params[1], 'null') fileString = params[3] filesToCopy = len(fileString) > 0 filteredIDs = RollVac.main('poly', directory, 'null', 'null', rollScript, filteredIDs, popSizes) sleep(0.05) qsubs = open(homeDir + 'qsublist', 'a+b') qsubs.write(("qsub " + directory + 'qsub\n').replace('//', '/')) qsubs.close() if noAVDiag: extraCommands = [ "Find = DiagnosisFile =", "Replace = ", "Find = AntiviralFile = ", "Replace = " ] else: extraCommands = 'null' if needsReplace: replaceFile = params[5] else: replaceFile = 'null' if needsReplace or noAVDiag: replaceScript = loadReplaceScript(replaceFile, extraCommands) findNReplace(fileString, replaceScript, directory, vacsRolled, homeDir, explicit) if filesToCopy and not needsReplace: print fileString, directory fileCopy(fileString, directory) vacsRolled += 1 # POLYRUN MULTIDIMENSIONAL LOOP ITERATOR if totalVars == 0: print "No PolyRun iteration operators found, running in singular mode." done = True break pos = 0 justRolled = False while runTracker[pos] == ends[pos] and pos < totalVars - 1: justRolled = True runTracker[pos] = 0 runTracker[pos + 1] += 1 pos += 1 if pos == totalVars - 1 and runTracker[pos] == ends[pos]: print "Interventions Iterated =", vacsRolled done = True break if not justRolled: runTracker[0] += 1 print "Intervention iteration succesfully complete!"
def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 2: if len(sys.argv) == 3: sys.argv.insert(2, 'null') else: print "Ignoring", len(sys.argv) - 2, "excess arguments\n" elif len(sys.argv) == 2: sys.argv.insert(1, 'null') sys.argv.insert(1, 'null') params = gd.getLine(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], paramsLine, False, []) script = gd.getScript(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], toFromLine, EFO6Line, "default", False, []) directories = gd.getScript(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], EFO6Line, -1, "default", False, []) sys.argv = None outDir = prepDir(params[0]) subpopDir = prepDir(params[1]) filesOut = [] durations = {} fromPops = [] for line in script: if len(line[0]) == 0 or len(line[1]) == 0: print "Error, missing to or from subpop name, line:", line quit() if line[1] not in fromPops: fromPops.append(line[1]) for line in directories: if len(line[0]) == 0 or len(line[1]) == 0: print "Error, missing file or directory name, line:", line quit() if line[0] not in durations: durations[line[0]] = 0 durations[line[0]] = max(durations[line[0]], getLength(line[1])) if not os.path.isdir(outDir): os.mkdir(outDir) for line in directories: if line[0] not in filesOut: filesOut.append(line[0]) text = str(range(durations[line[0]])).replace('[', '').replace( ']', ',\n').replace(' ', '') flush = open(outDir + 'CrossTalk_' + line[0], 'w') flush.write( "directory,descriptor,toSubpop,toSize,fromSubpop,fromSize,iteration,isEpidemic," + text) flush.close() flush = open(outDir + 'RepNum_' + line[0], 'w') flush.write("directory,fromSubpop,fromSize,iteration,isEpidemic," + text) flush.close() if len(outDir) == 0: print "Error, no output directory specified" quit() elif not os.path.isdir(subpopDir): print "Error, subpop diretory", subpopDir, "does not exist" quit() elif len(filesOut) == 0: print "Error, no analysis output directories specified" quit() print "Prepping experiment, parameters are:\n" print "Analysis Directory:\n\t", outDir, "\nSubpop Directory:\n\t", subpopDir print "Subpopulations to/ from:\n", printList(script) print "Analyses:\n", printList(directories) EFO6Files = getEFO6s(directories) print EFO6Files.keys() popSize = EFO6Files[directories[0][1] + '_size'] subpopFiles = getSubpops(script, subpopDir, popSize) if "error" in subpopFiles: print "Error termination" quit() allCurves = [] fromPopIsEpi = [0] * len(fromPops) for experiment in directories: for subpop in script: crossTalkEFO6 = { 'EFO6': EFO6Files[experiment[1]], 'iterations': EFO6Files[experiment[1] + '_iterations'] } crossTalkSubs = { 'toPop': subpopFiles[subpop[0]], 'toType': subpopFiles[subpop[0] + '_type'], 'toName': subpop[0], 'fromPop': subpopFiles[subpop[1]], 'fromType': subpopFiles[subpop[1] + '_type'], 'fromName': subpop[1] } print "\nAnalizing crosstalk for", experiment[ 1], "\n\twith subpops", subpop[0:2] crossTalk = loadCrossTalk(crossTalkEFO6, crossTalkSubs, durations[experiment[0]]) fromPopIsEpi[fromPops.index(subpop[1])] = crossTalk['isEpidemic'] statsOut = open(outDir + 'CrossTalk_' + experiment[0], 'a+b') statsOut.write( curvesToStringCT( crossTalk['meanCrossTalkCurve'], crossTalk['crossTalkCurves'], crossTalk['isEpidemic'], experiment[1].replace(outDir.replace('Analysis/', ''), '').replace('/EFO6', ''), subpop[0], subpopFiles[subpop[0] + '_popSize'], subpop[1], subpopFiles[subpop[1] + '_popSize'])) statsOut.close() #allCurves.append(crossTalk) print printList(crossTalk['crossTalkCurves']) print "CrossTalk Analysis Complete, beginning reproductive number analysis" for experiment in directories: for pos in range(len(fromPops)): pop = fromPops[pos] repNumStats = loadRepNum(pop, subpopFiles[pop], subpopFiles[pop + '_type'], EFO6Files[experiment[1]], EFO6Files[experiment[1] + '_iterations'], durations[experiment[0]], fromPopIsEpi[pos]) print '\n', printList(repNumStats['meanRepNumCurve']) statsOut = open(outDir + 'RepNum_' + experiment[0], 'a+b') statsOut.write( curvesToStringRN( repNumStats['meanRepNumCurve'], repNumStats['repNumCurves'], fromPopIsEpi[pos], experiment[1].replace(outDir.replace('Analysis/', ''), '').replace('/EFO6', ''), pop, subpopFiles[pop + '_popSize'])) statsOut.close() print "Analysis complete, quitting now..."