Example #1
def jacobi(A, B, tol=0.005, forcedIter=0):
    '''itteratively solving for matrix A with solution vector B
       tol = tolerance for dh/h
       init_val = array of initial values to use in the solver
    h = np.zeros(np.shape(B), float)
    dmax = 1.0
    n = 0
    tmp0 = np.empty(np.shape(A), float)
    tmp1 = np.empty(np.shape(B), float)
    AD = np.diagonal(A)
    t1 = time.time()
    while (forcedIter and forcedIter > n) or \
          (forcedIter == 0 and dmax > tol):
        n += 1
        np.multiply(A, h, tmp0)
        np.add.reduce(tmp0, 1, out=tmp1)
        tmp2 = AD
        np.subtract(B, tmp1, tmp1)
        np.divide(tmp1, tmp2, tmp1)
        hnew = h + tmp1
        np.subtract(hnew, h, tmp2)
        np.divide(tmp2, h, tmp1)
        np.absolute(tmp1, tmp1)
        dmax = np.maximum.reduce(tmp1)
        h = hnew
        print dmax

    t1 = time.time() - t1

    print 'Iter: ', n, ' size: ', np.shape(B), ' time: ', t1,
    print "(Dist) notes: %s" % sys.argv[4]
    #if A.dist():
    #    print "(Dist) notes: %s"%sys.argv[4]
    #    print "(Non-Dist) notes: %s"%sys.argv[4]

    return h
Example #2
def jacobi(A, B, tol=0.005, forcedIter=0):
    """itteratively solving for matrix A with solution vector B
       tol = tolerance for dh/h
       init_val = array of initial values to use in the solver
    h = np.zeros(np.shape(B), float)
    dmax = 1.0
    n = 0
    tmp0 = np.empty(np.shape(A), float)
    tmp1 = np.empty(np.shape(B), float)
    AD = np.diagonal(A)
    # np.timer_reset()
    # np.evalflush()
    t1 = time.time()
    while (forcedIter and forcedIter > n) or (forcedIter == 0 and dmax > tol):
        n += 1
        np.multiply(A, h, tmp0)
        np.add.reduce(tmp0, 1, out=tmp1)
        tmp2 = AD
        np.subtract(B, tmp1, tmp1)
        np.divide(tmp1, tmp2, tmp1)
        hnew = h + tmp1
        np.subtract(hnew, h, tmp2)
        np.divide(tmp2, h, tmp1)
        np.absolute(tmp1, tmp1)
        dmax = np.maximum.reduce(tmp1)
        h = hnew
        print dmax

    # np.evalflush()
    t1 = time.time() - t1

    print "Iter: ", n, " size: ", np.shape(B), " time: ", t1,
    print "(Dist) notes: %s" % sys.argv[4]
    # if A.dist():
    #    print "(Dist) notes: %s"%sys.argv[4]
    # else:
    #    print "(Non-Dist) notes: %s"%sys.argv[4]

    return h
Example #3
def MC_int(c, s):
    x = np.empty([s], dtype=np.double)
    y = np.empty([s], dtype=np.double)
    for i in range(c):
        x = np.random.random_sample([s])
        y = np.random.random_sample([s])
        z = np.less_equal(x, 1)
        sum += np.add.reduce(z)*4.0/s
    sum = sum / c
    print 'Pi: ', sum, ' with ', s,' samples in sec: ', stop-start,
    print "(Dist) notes: %s"%sys.argv[3]