def test_methods(self, bf4_molecule: MoleculeTop, bmim_molecule: MoleculeTop): """ Tests simple methods and magic-methods. """ assert isinstance(bf4_molecule[0], AtomTop) atom_compare = AtomTop('B1', 'BF4', 1, 0) atom_compare.bonds.add(1) atom_compare.bonds.add(2) atom_compare.bonds.add(3) atom_compare.bonds.add(4) assert bf4_molecule[0] == atom_compare assert len(bf4_molecule) == 5 assert bf4_molecule == bf4_molecule assert bf4_molecule != 1 assert bf4_molecule != bmim_molecule assert bf4_molecule.resname_len_list == [('BF4', 5)] assert bmim_molecule.resname_len_list == [('BMIM', 25)] for index, atom in enumerate(bf4_molecule): assert bf4_molecule.index(atom) == index # copy copy_mol = bmim_molecule.copy() assert copy_mol == bmim_molecule for at1, at2 in zip(copy_mol, bmim_molecule): assert at1 == at2 assert at1 is not at2
def test_initialization(self): """ Test System initialization with a system with molecules with multiple residues. """ fgro = os.path.join(ACTUAL_PATH, '../../gaddlemaps/data/system_CG.gro') fgro = os.path.join(ACTUAL_PATH, '../../gaddlemaps/data/system_CG.gro') fitpSDS = os.path.join(ACTUAL_PATH, '../../gaddlemaps/data/SDS_AA.itp') fitpADN = os.path.join(ACTUAL_PATH, '../../gaddlemaps/data/DNA_CG.itp') with pytest.raises(IOError): _ = System(fgro, fitpSDS) empty = System(fgro) assert not empty.different_molecules with pytest.raises(IOError, match=r'The molecule.*'): empty.add_molecule_top(MoleculeTop(fitpSDS)) bad_dna_top = MoleculeTop(fitpADN) for atom in bad_dna_top[98:105]: atom.resname = 'DA' for atom in bad_dna_top[105:112]: atom.resname = 'DG' with pytest.raises(IOError, match=r'The sequence.*'): empty.add_molecule_top(bad_dna_top) empty.add_molecule_top(MoleculeTop(fitpADN))
def test_initialization(self, bf4_itp_fname: str): """ Initialization. """ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r".*txt.*"): molecule = MoleculeTop('test.txt') with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r".*txt.*"): molecule = MoleculeTop('test.itp', file_format=".txt") # Test with fname and fopen for i in range(2): if not i: molecule = MoleculeTop(bf4_itp_fname) else: fopen = open(bf4_itp_fname) molecule = MoleculeTop(fopen) # type: ignore assert molecule.ftop == bf4_itp_fname assert == 'BF4' atoms_info = [('B1', 'BF4', 1), ('F2', 'BF4', 1), ('F3', 'BF4', 1), ('F4', 'BF4', 1), ('F5', 'BF4', 1)] atoms_test = [ AtomTop(*info, i) for i, info in enumerate(atoms_info) ] atoms_test[0].connect(atoms_test[1]) atoms_test[0].connect(atoms_test[2]) atoms_test[0].connect(atoms_test[3]) atoms_test[0].connect(atoms_test[4]) assert molecule.atoms == atoms_test assert str(molecule) == 'MoleculeTop of BF4.'
def molecule_popc_AA() -> Molecule: """ Molecule instance of POPC in all-atom resolution. """ fitppopc = os.path.join(ACTUAL_PATH, '../../gaddlemaps/data/popc-AA.itp') fgropopc = os.path.join(ACTUAL_PATH, '../../gaddlemaps/data/popc-AA.gro') popcgro = SystemGro(fgropopc)[0] popcitp = MoleculeTop(fitppopc) return Molecule(popcitp, [popcgro])
def molecule_VTE_AA() -> Molecule: """ Molecule instance of E vitamin in all-atom resolution. """ fitpVTE = os.path.join(ACTUAL_PATH, '../../gaddlemaps/data/VTE_AA.itp') fgroVTE = os.path.join(ACTUAL_PATH, '../../gaddlemaps/data/VTE_AA.gro') VTEgro = SystemGro(fgroVTE)[0] VTEitp = MoleculeTop(fitpVTE) return Molecule(VTEitp, [VTEgro])
def test_resids(self, bf4_molecule: MoleculeTop): """ Resids access and setter. """ assert bf4_molecule.resids == [1] with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='new_resids.*'): bf4_molecule.resids = 1 # type: ignore with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Expected.*'): bf4_molecule.resids = [0, 23] bf4_molecule.resids = [3] for atom in bf4_molecule: assert atom.resid == 3 assert bf4_molecule.resids == [3] # Multiple resids bf4_molecule[0].resid = 8 assert bf4_molecule.resids == [8, 3] bf4_molecule.resids = [56, 88] assert bf4_molecule.resids == [56, 88]
def test_resnames(self, bf4_molecule: MoleculeTop): """ Resnames access and setter. """ assert bf4_molecule.resnames == ['BF4'] with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='new_resnames.*'): bf4_molecule.resnames = 'test' # type: ignore with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Expected.*'): bf4_molecule.resnames = ['test', 'test2'] bf4_molecule.resnames = ['BMIM'] for atom in bf4_molecule: assert atom.resname == 'BMIM' assert bf4_molecule.resnames == ['BMIM'] # Multiple resnames bf4_molecule[0].resname = 'BF4' assert bf4_molecule.resnames == ['BF4', 'BMIM'] bf4_molecule.resnames = ['Test', 'T2'] assert bf4_molecule.resnames == ['Test', 'T2']
def molecule_aa() -> Molecule: """ Molecule instance of curcumine in all-atom resolution. """ fgro = os.path.join(ACTUAL_PATH, '../../gaddlemaps/data/CUR_AA.gro') with GroFile(fgro) as _file: atoms = [AtomGro(line) for line in _file] mgro = Residue(atoms) fitp = os.path.join(ACTUAL_PATH, '../../gaddlemaps/data/CUR_AA.itp') mitp = MoleculeTop(fitp) return Molecule(mitp, [mgro])
def molecule_VTE_map() -> Molecule: """ Molecule instance of E vitamin in coarse-grained resolution after being mapped. """ fitpVTE = os.path.join(ACTUAL_PATH, '../../gaddlemaps/data/vitamin_E_CG.itp') fgroVTE = os.path.join(ACTUAL_PATH, '../../gaddlemaps/data/VTE_map.gro') VTEgro = SystemGro(fgroVTE)[0] VTEitp = MoleculeTop(fitpVTE) return Molecule(VTEitp, [VTEgro])
def vte_aa() -> Molecule: """ Molecule instance of vitamin E all-atom. """ fgro = os.path.join(ACTUAL_PATH, '../../gaddlemaps/data/VTE_AA.gro') with GroFile(fgro) as _file: atoms = [AtomGro(line) for line in _file] mgro = Residue(atoms) fitp = os.path.join(ACTUAL_PATH, '../../gaddlemaps/data/VTE_AA.itp') mitp = MoleculeTop(fitp) return Molecule(mitp, [mgro])
def molecule_cg() -> Molecule: """ Molecule instance of curcumine coarse-grained. """ fgro = os.path.join(ACTUAL_PATH, '../../gaddlemaps/data/CUR_map.gro') with GroFile(fgro) as _file: atoms = [AtomGro(line) for line in _file] mgro = Residue(atoms) fitp = os.path.join(ACTUAL_PATH, '../../gaddlemaps/data/CUR_CG.itp') mitp = MoleculeTop(fitp) return Molecule(mitp, [mgro])
def vte_map_cg() -> Molecule: """ Molecule instance of vitamin E coarse-grained coming from the map process. """ fgro = os.path.join(ACTUAL_PATH, '../../gaddlemaps/data/VTE_map.gro') with GroFile(fgro) as _file: atoms = [AtomGro(line) for line in _file] mgro = Residue(atoms) fitp = os.path.join(ACTUAL_PATH, '../../gaddlemaps/data/vitamin_E_CG.itp') mitp = MoleculeTop(fitp) return Molecule(mitp, [mgro])
def test_update_from_top(self, molecule_bmim: Molecule): """ Test for update_from_molecule_top method. """ # Make a copy of the original top fname = os.path.join(ACTUAL_PATH, '../../gaddlemaps/data/BMIM_AA.itp') mol_top = MoleculeTop(fname) for at1, at2 in zip(mol_top, molecule_bmim): assert == mol_top[1].name = 'test' molecule_bmim.update_from_molecule_top(mol_top) for at1, at2 in zip(mol_top, molecule_bmim): assert == assert molecule_bmim[1].name == 'test'
def molecule_top_protein() -> MoleculeTop: """ MoleculeTop instance for molecule with multiple residues. """ fname = os.path.join(ACTUAL_PATH, '../../gaddlemaps/data/Protein_CG.itp') return MoleculeTop(fname)
def molecule_top_bmim() -> MoleculeTop: """ BMIM MoleculeTop instance. """ fname = os.path.join(ACTUAL_PATH, '../../gaddlemaps/data/BMIM_AA.itp') return MoleculeTop(fname)
def bf4_mtop() -> MoleculeTop: """ A BF4 MoleculeTop. """ return MoleculeTop( os.path.join(ACTUAL_PATH, '../../gaddlemaps/data/BF4_AA.itp'))
def bmim_molecule() -> MoleculeTop: """ A BF4 MoleculeTop. """ fname = os.path.join(ACTUAL_PATH, '../../gaddlemaps/data/BMIM_AA.itp') return MoleculeTop(fname)
def bf4_molecule(bf4_itp_fname: str) -> MoleculeTop: """ A BF4 MoleculeTop. """ return MoleculeTop(bf4_itp_fname)