Example #1
def create_results_dict():
    results = {}
    for test_set in ALL_VOLUME_IDS:
        if test_set not in results: results[test_set] = {}
        gt_path = get_paths("gala-evaluate", "train", SIZE, 
                    test_set, "XX", "XX", "XX", "XX")["groundtruth"]
        gt = io.read_image_stack(gt_path)
        for train_set in ALL_VOLUME_IDS:
            if train_set not in results[test_set]: results[test_set][train_set] = {}
            for feature in ALL_FEATURES:
                if feature not in results[test_set][train_set]:
                    results[test_set][train_set][feature] = {}
                    for cue in ALL_CUES:
                        seg_path = get_paths("gala-evaluate", "train", SIZE,
                            test_set, cue, feature, "", train_set)["segmentation"]
                            seg = io.read_image_stack(seg_path)
                            err = rand_error(seg,gt)
                            print "test %s, train %s, %s, %s: %f" % (test_set, 
                                            train_set, feature, cue, err)
                            results[test_set][train_set][feature][cue] = err
                            print " -- missing: test %s, train %s, %s, %s: %s" % (
                            test_set, train_set, feature, cue, seg_path)
    return results
Example #2
def test(index, policy):
    ws = imio.read_image_stack('watershed-%i.lzf.h5' % index)
    pr = imio.read_image_stack('probabilities-inv-norm-%i.lzf.h5' % index)
    g = agglo.Rag(ws, pr, merge_priority_function=policy,
    return g.tree
Example #3
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("seg", type=str, help="Path to the segmentation")
    parser.add_argument("gt", type=str, help="Path to the groundtruth")
    parser.add_argument("--solid", action="store_true", help="show worst merge")
    parser.add_argument("--direction", action="store_true", help="show directions")
    parser.add_argument("--plot", action="store_true", help="show vi breakdown plot")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    seg = imio.read_image_stack(args.seg)
    gt = imio.read_image_stack(args.gt)

    if args.solid:
        show_greatest_vi(seg, gt)
    if args.direction:
        visualize_direction(gt, 59)
    if args.plot:
        plot_vi_breakdown(seg, gt)
Example #4
def train(index):
    out_fn = 'training-data-%i.h5' % index
    if os.path.exists(out_fn):
        data, labels = classify.load_training_data_from_disk(out_fn,
                                    names=['data', 'labels'])
        ws_tr = imio.read_image_stack('watershed-%i.lzf.h5' % index)
        pr_tr = imio.read_image_stack('probabilities-%i.lzf.h5' % index) / 255
        gt_tr = imio.read_image_stack('ground-truth-%i.lzf.h5' % index)
        g = agglo.Rag(ws_tr, pr_tr,
        data, labels = g.learn_agglomerate(gt_tr, fman, min_num_epochs=4)[0][:2]
        classify.save_training_data_to_disk([data, labels],
                                            fn='training-data-%i.h5' % index,
                                            names=['data', 'labels'])
    print('total training data:', data.shape)
    print('size in MB:', data.size * data.itemsize / 1e6)
    rf = classify.DefaultRandomForest()
    rf.fit(data, labels[:, 0])
    policy = agglo.classifier_probability(fman, rf)
    return policy
Example #5
def run_gala_evaluate(traintest, size, volume_id, cues_id, features_id, exec_id, classifier_volume_id):
    traintest: {"train", "test"} whether to evaluate the output of the
        segmentation of the training or testing data
    size: the size of the dataset being evaluated and the groundtruth
    cues_id: a '+' separated list of cues used in training and segmentation
    features_id: the id of the features used in training and segmentation
    if classifier_volume_id == "all":
        for new_cl_volume_id in ALL_VOLUME_IDS:
            run_gala_evaluate(traintest, size, volume_id, cues_id, 
                            features_id, exec_id, new_cl_volume_id)

    if volume_id == "all":
        for new_volume_id in ALL_VOLUME_IDS:
            run_gala_evaluate(traintest, size, new_volume_id, cues_id, 
                            features_id, exec_id, classifier_volume_id)
    paths = get_paths("gala-evaluate", traintest, size, volume_id, cues_id, features_id, exec_id, classifier_volume_id)

    for file_use in ["segmentation", "groundtruth"]:
        if not os.path.isfile(paths[file_use]):
            print "Unable to find %s file for %s %s %s %s %s classifier tested on %s" % (
                file_use, classifier_volume_id, size, cues_id, features_id, exec_id, volume_id)

    seg = read_image_stack(paths["segmentation"])
    gt = read_image_stack(paths["groundtruth"])

    error = rand_error(seg, gt)

    print "For classifier trained on %s %s %s %s %s and tested on %s %s" % (
            classifier_volume_id, size, cues_id, features_id, exec_id, volume_id, size)
    print "\tfound Rand error: %f" % (error)
Example #6
    def gen_watershed(self):
        from gala import imio
        import numpy
        from skimage import morphology as skmorph
        from scipy.ndimage import label

        self.datadir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.modules["gala"].__file__)) + "/testdata/"

        prediction = imio.read_image_stack(self.datadir +"pixelprobs.h5",
                group='/volume/prediction', single_channel=False)
        boundary = prediction[...,0]
        seeds = label(boundary==0)[0]
        supervoxels = skmorph.watershed(boundary, seeds)
        return supervoxels, boundary, prediction
Example #7
    def gen_watershed(self):
        from gala import imio
        import numpy
        from skimage import morphology as skmorph
        from scipy.ndimage import label

        self.datadir = os.path.abspath(
            os.path.dirname(sys.modules["gala"].__file__)) + "/testdata/"

        prediction = imio.read_image_stack(self.datadir + "pixelprobs.h5",

        boundary = prediction[..., 0]
        seeds = label(boundary == 0)[0]
        supervoxels = skmorph.watershed(boundary, seeds)
        return supervoxels, boundary, prediction
Example #8
def write_saalfeld(fn, raw, labels, res=np.array([12., 1, 1])):
    imio.write_h5_stack(raw, fn, group='raw')
    imio.write_h5_stack(labels, fn, group='labels')
    f = h5py.File(fn, 'a')
    f['/raw'].attrs['resolution'] = res
    f['/labels'].attrs['resolution'] = res

if __name__ == '__main__':
    index_pairs = [(3 - ts, ts) for ts in range(4)]
    trees = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=4)(joblib.delayed(train_test_pair)(*p)
                                      for p in index_pairs)
    trees = dict(zip(index_pairs, trees))
    with open('results.pickle', 'wb') as fout:
        pickle.dump(trees, fout, protocol=-1)
    images = imio.read_image_stack('/groups/saalfeld/saalfeldlab/concha/sample_A/crop/raw/*.tiff')
    wss = [imio.read_image_stack('watershed-%i.lzf.h5' % i) for i in range(4)]
    maps = [t.get_map(0.5) for t in trees]
    segs = [m[ws] for m, ws in zip(maps, wss)]

    seg = np.zeros(images.shape, dtype=np.uint64)
    seg[:, :625, :625] = segs[0]
    seg[:, :625, 625:] = segs[1] + np.max(segs[0])
    seg[:, 625:, :625] = segs[2] + np.max(segs[0]) + np.max(segs[1])
    seg[:, 625:, 625:] = segs[3] + np.max(segs[0]) + np.max(segs[1]) + np.max(segs[2])

                   images, seg)
Example #9
from gala import morpho
from gala import imio
import numpy as np
pr = imio.read_image_stack('membrane/*.tiff')
pr = 1 - pr / np.max(pr)
ws = morpho.watershed_sequence(pr, axis=0, n_jobs=4, connectivity=2,
                               smooth_thresh=0.04, minimum_seed_size=0)
imio.write_h5_stack(ws, 'watershed.lzf.h5', compression='lzf')
slices = [(slice(None), slice(None, 625), slice(None, 625)),
          (slice(None), slice(None, 625), slice(625, None)),
          (slice(None), slice(625, None), slice(None, 625)),
          (slice(None), slice(625, None), slice(625, None))]
wss = [ws[s] for s in slices]
from skimage.measure import label
for i, vol in enumerate(wss):
    fn = 'watershed-%i.lzf.h5' % i
    vol_relabel = label(vol)
    imio.write_h5_stack(vol_relabel, fn, compression='lzf')
# IPython log file

from gala import agglo2, imio
frag = imio.read_image_stack('tests/example-data/train-ws.lzf.h5')
pr = imio.read_image_stack('tests/example-data/train-p1.lzf.h5')
g = agglo2.SparseRAG(frag, pr, [tz.identity, np.square])
g.graph[1, 2]
from importlib import reload
g = agglo2.SparseRAG(frag, pr, [tz.identity, np.square])
g.compute_features(1, 2)
from gala import Rag
from gala import agglo
np.sum(pr[frag == 1])
np.sum(frag == 1)
np.sum(frag == 2)
np.mean(pr[frag == 1])
np.mean(np.square(pr)[frag == 1])
from gala import features
gorig = agglo.Rag(frag, pr, feature_manager=features.default.moments_hist())
mh = features.moments.moments_hist()
mh = features.default.moments_hist()
mh(gorig, 1, 2)
mm = features.moments.Manager()
get_ipython().set_next_input('mm = features.moments.Manager');get_ipython().magic('pinfo features.moments.Manager')
mm = features.moments.Manager(nmoments=2, use_diff_features=False)
gorig = agglo.Rag(frag, pr, feature_manager=mm)
mm(gorig, 1, 2)
Example #11
def deploy(args):
    #probability map
    print("Deploying through driver")
    if args.prob_file.endswith('.hdf5'):
        mem = imio.read_image_stack(args.prob_file, single_channel=False)
        mem = np.load(args.prob_file) #X,Y,Z
        mem = np.transpose(np.squeeze(mem),(2,0,1)) #gala wants z,x,y?

    pr_test = np.zeros_like(mem)

    for z in range(0,mem.shape[0]):
        pr_test[z,:,:] = dilation(mem[z,:,:], disk(10))
        pr_test[z,:,:] = erosion(mem[z,:,:], disk(4))

    seg_out = np.zeros(pr_test.shape)
    pr_dim = pr_test.shape
    xsize = pr_dim[1]
    ysize = pr_dim[2]
    zsize = pr_dim[0]

    print("Starting loop")
    for iz in range(0,np.int(pr_dim[0]/zsize)):
        for ix in range(0,np.int(pr_dim[1]/xsize)):
            for iy in range(0,np.int(pr_dim[2]/ysize)):
                p0 = pr_test[iz*zsize+0:iz*zsize+zsize,ix*xsize+0:ix*xsize+xsize,iy*ysize+0:iy*ysize+ysize]
                p0 = np.around(p0,decimals=2)
                #get trained classifier
                #npzfile = np.load(args.train_file)
                #rf = npzfile['rf']
                #fc = npzfile['fc']
                binary_file = open(args.train_file,mode='rb')
                temp = pickle.load(binary_file)
                fc = temp[0]
                rf = temp[1]
                learned_policy = agglo.classifier_probability(fc, rf)

                #pr_test = (map(imio.read_h5_stack,
                #                        ['test-p1.lzf.h5']))
                seeds = label(p0==0)[0]
                seeds_cc_threshold = args.seeds_cc_threshold
                seeds = morpho.remove_small_connected_components(seeds,
                ws_test = skmorph.watershed(p0, seeds)
                g_test = agglo.Rag(ws_test, p0, learned_policy, feature_manager=fc)
                #This is a map of labels of the same shape as the original image.
                seg_test1 = g_test.get_segmentation()
                seg_out[iz*zsize+0:iz*zsize+zsize,ix*xsize+0:ix*xsize+xsize,iy*ysize+0:iy*ysize+ysize] = seg_test1
    seg_out = np.transpose(seg_out,(1,2,0))
    with open(args.outfile, 'wb') as f:
# IPython log file

import numpy as np
array = np.array
from skimage import data, color
from skimage import filter as imfilter
import sys
from gala import morpho
from gala import viz
import pdb
from skimage.segmentation import slic
from gala import imio
dorsal = imio.read_image_stack('/Users/nuneziglesiasj/Data/armi-data/cyril-sample-images/dorsal1-d5/png/*.png')
dorsal = dorsal.astype(float)/255
#sdors = slic(dorsal, 1000, ratio=5, sigma=array([0.2, 1, 1, 0]), multichannel=True, convert2lab=False)
#sdors = slic(dorsal, 500, ratio=20, sigma=array([0.2, 1, 1, 0]), multichannel=True, convert2lab=False)
#sdors = slic(dorsal, 500, ratio=40, sigma=array([0.2, 1, 1, 0]), multichannel=True, convert2lab=False)
#sdors = slic(dorsal, 500, ratio=1, sigma=array([0.2, 1, 1, 0]), multichannel=True, convert2lab=False)
#sdors = slic(dorsal, 500, ratio=3.5, sigma=array([0.2, 1, 1, 0]), multichannel=True, convert2lab=False)
sdors = slic(dorsal, 1000, ratio=3.5, sigma=array([0.2, 1, 1, 0]), multichannel=True, convert2lab=False)
sdorsim = viz.draw_seg(sdors, dorsal)