Example #1
    def __init__(self, surveyName, pattern='gaussian'):
        """Read in a survey file and obtain the survey parameters"""

        # try to open the survey file locally first
        if os.path.isfile(surveyName):
            f = open(surveyName, 'r')
                # try to open file in lib
                # get path to surveys directory
                __dir__ = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
                __libdir__ = os.path.dirname(__dir__)
                filepath = os.path.join(__libdir__, 'psrpoppy', 'surveys', surveyName)
                f = open(filepath, 'r')

            except IOError:
                # couldn't find the file
                s = 'File {0} does not exist!!!'.format(surveyName)
                raise SurveyException(s)

        self.surveyName = surveyName
        # initialise the pointings list to None
        # only change this is there is a list of pointings to be used
        self.pointingslist = None
        self.gainslist = None
        self.tobslist = None
        self.gainpat = pattern

        # adding AA parameter, so can scale s/n if the survey is
        # an aperture array
        self.AA = False

        # Parse the file line by line
        for line in f:
            # ignore any lines starting '#'
            if line.strip()[0] == '#':
            # otherwise, parse!
            a = line.split('!')

            # new feature - possible to have a list of positions in survey,
            # rather than a range of l,b or ra,dec
            if a[1].count('pointing list'):
                pointfname = a[0].strip()

                # try to open the pointing list locally
                if os.path.isfile(pointfname):
                    # pointfptr = open(pointfname, 'r')
                    filename = pointfname
                        # try to open pointing file in the surveys dir
                        __dir__ = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
                        __libdir__ = os.path.dirname(__dir__)
                        filepath = os.path.join(__libdir__,
                        # pointfptr = open(filepath, 'r')
                        filename = filepath
                        s = 'File {0} does not exist!!!'.format(pointfpath)
                        raise CoordinateException(s)

                if a[1].count('galactic'):
                    p_str = 'gal'
                elif a[1].count('equatorial'):
                    p_str = 'eq'
                    s = "Unknown coordinate type in survey file"
                    raise CoordinateException(s)

                self.pointingslist, \
                    self.tobslist, \
                    self.gainslist = makepointinglist(filename, p_str)
                # read in the pointing list
                self.pointingslist = []
                # set coord conversion to be done, if any

                for line in pointfptr:
                    a = line.split()
                    if len(a) != 4:
                s = 'File {0} should have cols: gl/gb/gain/tobs'.format(
                        raise CoordinateException(s)
                    p = Pointing(float(a[0]),


            elif a[1].count('survey degradation'):
                # beta
                self.beta = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('antenna gain'):
                # gain
                self.gain = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('integration time'):
                # tobs
                self.tobs = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('sampling'):
                # tsamp
                self.tsamp = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('system temperature'):
                # tsys
                self.tsys = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('centre frequency'):
                # centre frequency
                self.freq = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].strip().startswith('bandwidth'):
                # bandwidth
                self.bw = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('channel bandwidth'):
                # bw_chan
                self.bw_chan = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('polarizations'):
                # num polns
                self.npol = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('half maximum'):
                # FWHM
                self.fwhm = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('minimum RA'):
                # min RA
                self.RAmin = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('maximum RA'):
                # max RA
                self.RAmax = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('minimum DEC'):
                # min dec
                self.DECmin = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('maximum DEC'):
                # mac dec
                self.DECmax = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('minimum Galactic'):
                # min longitude
                self.GLmin = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('maximum Galactic'):
                # max longitude
                self.GLmax = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('minimum abs'):
                # min latitude
                self.GBmin = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('maximum abs'):
                # max latitude
                self.GBmax = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('coverage'):
                # coverage fraction
                self.coverage = float(a[0].strip())
                if self.coverage > 1.0:
                    self.coverage = 1.0
            elif a[1].count('signal-to-noise'):
                # SNR limit
                self.SNRlimit = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('gain pattern'):
                # Gain pattern (can specify airy, default = gaussian)
                self.gainpat = a[0].strip()
            elif a[1].count('Aperture Array'):
                # turn on AA
                self.AA = True
                print "Parameter '", a[1].strip(), "' not recognized!"


        # get tsky array from file
        self.tskylist = go.readtskyfile()
Example #2
    def __init__(self, surveyName, pattern='gaussian'):
        """Read in a survey file and obtain the survey parameters"""

        # try to open the survey file locally first
        if os.path.isfile(surveyName):
            f = open(surveyName, 'r')
                # try to open file in lib
                # get path to surveys directory
                __dir__ = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
                __libdir__ = os.path.dirname(__dir__)
                filepath = os.path.join(__libdir__, 'surveys', surveyName)
                f = open(filepath, 'r')

            except IOError:
                # couldn't find the file
                s = 'File {0} does not exist!!!'.format(surveyName)
                raise SurveyException(s)

        self.surveyName = surveyName
        # initialise the pointings list to None
        # only change this is there is a list of pointings to be used
        self.pointingslist = None
        self.gainslist = None
        self.tobslist = None
        self.gainpat = pattern

        # adding AA parameter, so can scale s/n if the survey is
        # an aperture array
        self.AA = False

        # Parse the file line by line
        for line in f:
            # ignore any lines starting '#'
            if line.strip()[0] == '#':
            # otherwise, parse!
            a = line.split('!')

            # new feature - possible to have a list of positions in survey,
            # rather than a range of l,b or ra,dec
            if a[1].count('pointing list'):
                pointfname = a[0].strip()

                # try to open the pointing list locally
                if os.path.isfile(pointfname):
                    # pointfptr = open(pointfname, 'r')
                    filename = pointfname
                        # try to open pointing file in the surveys dir
                        __dir__ = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
                        __libdir__ = os.path.dirname(__dir__)
                        filepath = os.path.join(__libdir__, 'surveys',
                        # pointfptr = open(filepath, 'r')
                        filename = filepath
                        s = 'File {0} does not exist!!!'.format(pointfpath)
                        raise CoordinateException(s)

                if a[1].count('galactic'):
                    p_str = 'gal'
                elif a[1].count('equatorial'):
                    p_str = 'eq'
                    s = "Unknown coordinate type in survey file"
                    raise CoordinateException(s)

                self.pointingslist, \
                    self.tobslist, \
                    self.gainslist = makepointinglist(filename, p_str)
                # read in the pointing list
                self.pointingslist = []
                # set coord conversion to be done, if any

                for line in pointfptr:
                    a = line.split()
                    if len(a) != 4:
                s = 'File {0} should have cols: gl/gb/gain/tobs'.format(
                        raise CoordinateException(s)
                    p = Pointing(float(a[0]),


            elif a[1].count('survey degradation'):
                # beta
                self.beta = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('antenna gain'):
                # gain
                self.gain = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('integration time'):
                # tobs
                self.tobs = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('sampling'):
                # tsamp
                self.tsamp = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('system temperature'):
                # tsys
                self.tsys = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('centre frequency'):
                # centre frequency
                self.freq = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].strip().startswith('bandwidth'):
                # bandwidth
                self.bw = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('channel bandwidth'):
                # bw_chan
                self.bw_chan = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('polarizations'):
                # num polns
                self.npol = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('half maximum'):
                # FWHM
                self.fwhm = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('minimum RA'):
                # min RA
                self.RAmin = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('maximum RA'):
                # max RA
                self.RAmax = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('minimum DEC'):
                # min dec
                self.DECmin = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('maximum DEC'):
                # mac dec
                self.DECmax = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('minimum Galactic'):
                # min longitude
                self.GLmin = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('maximum Galactic'):
                # max longitude
                self.GLmax = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('minimum abs'):
                # min latitude
                self.GBmin = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('maximum abs'):
                # max latitude
                self.GBmax = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('coverage'):
                # coverage fraction
                self.coverage = float(a[0].strip())
                if self.coverage > 1.0:
                    self.coverage = 1.0
            elif a[1].count('signal-to-noise'):
                # SNR limit
                self.SNRlimit = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('gain pattern'):
                # Gain pattern (can specify airy, default = gaussian)
                self.gainpat = a[0].strip()
            elif a[1].count('Aperture Array'):
                # turn on AA
                self.AA = True
                print "Parameter '", a[1].strip(), "' not recognized!"


        # get tsky array from file
        self.tskylist = go.readtskyfile()
Example #3
    def __init__(self, surveyName,pattern):
        """Read in a survey file and obtain the survey parameters"""
            # get path to surveys directory
            __dir__ = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
            __libdir__ = os.path.dirname(__dir__)
            filepath = os.path.join(__libdir__, 'surveys', surveyName)
            f = open(filepath, 'r')
        except IOError:
            print 'No such file: ',surveyName

        self.surveyName = surveyName
        # initialise the pointings list to None
        # only change this is there is a list of pointings to be used
        self.pointingslist = None
        self.gainpat       = pattern
#        self.gainpat       = 'gaussian' 

        # Parse the file line by line
        for line in f:
            # ignore any lines starting '#'
            if line.strip()[0] == '#':
            # otherwise, parse!
            a = line.split('!')
            # new feature - possible to have a list of positions in survey,
            # rather than a range of l,b or ra,dec
            if a[1].count('pointing list'):
                pointfname = a[0].strip()
                pointfpath = os.path.join(__libdir__, 'surveys', pointfname)

                # try to open the pointing list
                if os.path.isfile(pointfpath):
                    pointfptr = open(pointfpath, 'r')
                        pointfptr = open(pointfname, 'r')
                        s = 'File {0} does not exist!!!'.format(pointfpath)
                        raise CoordinateException(s)

                # read in the pointing list
                self.pointingslist = []
                if a[1].count('galactic'):
                    # already galactic coordinates
                    for line in pointfptr:
                        a = line.split()
                        # Expected form of pointing list files is hard-coded.
                        if len(a) != 4:
                            s = 'File {0} should have columns: gl/gb/gain/tobs!'.format(pointfpath)
                            raise CoordinateException(s)
                        p = Pointing(float(a[0]), float(a[1]), 'gal', float(a[2]), float(a[3]))

                elif a[1].count('equatorial'):
                    # need to be converted from ra dec to gl gb
                    for line in pointfptr:
                        a = line.split()
                        if len(a) != 4:
                            s = 'File {0} should have columns: gl/gb/gain/tobs!'.format(pointfpath)
                            raise CoordinateException(s)
                        p = Pointing(float(a[0]), float(a[1]), 'eq', float(a[2]), float(a[3]))

                    s = 'Coordinate type unspecified in {0}.'.format(surveyName)
                    raise CoordinateException(s)


            elif a[1].count('survey degradation'):
                # beta
                self.beta = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('antenna gain'):
                # gain
                self.gain = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('integration time'):
                # tobs
                self.tobs = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('sampling'):
                # tsamp
                self.tsamp = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('system temperature'):
                # tsys
                self.tsys = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('centre frequency'):
                # centre frequency
                self.freq = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].strip().startswith('bandwidth'):
                # bandwidth
                self.bw = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('channel bandwidth'):
                # bw_chan
                self.bw_chan = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('polarizations'):
                # num polns
                self.npol = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('half maximum'):
                # FWHM
                self.fwhm = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('minimum RA'):
                # min RA
                self.RAmin = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('maximum RA'):
                # max RA
                self.RAmax = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('minimum DEC'):
                # min dec
                self.DECmin = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('maximum DEC'):
                # mac dec
                self.DECmax = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('minimum Galactic'):
                # min longitude
                self.GLmin = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('maximum Galactic'):
                # max longitude
                self.GLmax = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('minimum abs'):
                # min latitude
                self.GBmin = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('maximum abs'):
                # max latitude
                self.GBmax = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('coverage'):
                # coverage fraction
                self.coverage = float(a[0].strip())
                if self.coverage > 1.0:
                    self.coverage = 1.0
            elif a[1].count('signal-to-noise'):
                # SNR limit
                self.SNRlimit = float(a[0].strip())
            elif a[1].count('gain pattern'):
                # Gain pattern (can specify airy, default = gaussian)
                self.gainpat = a[0].strip()
                print "Parameter '",a[1].strip(),"' not recognized!"


        # get tsky array from file
        self.tskylist = go.readtskyfile()