Example #1
def create_admin(email, password, galah_server="galah"):
    # First we need to get mongoengine connected to our mongo installation
    import mongoengine

    # Then we will access the create_user API command directly, and use the
    # dummy user "admin_user" to fake a current user
    from galah.web.api.commands import create_user, admin_user
    create_user(admin_user, email, password, "admin")
Example #2
def create_admin(email, password, galah_server = "galah"):
    # First we need to get mongoengine connected to our mongo installation
    import mongoengine

    # Then we will access the create_user API command directly, and use the
    # dummy user "admin_user" to fake a current user
    from galah.web.api.commands import create_user, admin_user
    create_user(admin_user, email, password, "admin")
Example #3
def main():
	# First we need to get mongoengine connected to our mongo installation
	import mongoengine

	# Grab whatever information we need from the user
	import getpass
	user_name = raw_input("What should the admin user name be (must be an email)? ")
	password = getpass.getpass("What should this user's password be? ")

	# Then we will access the create_user API command directly, and use the dummy
	# user "admin_user" to fake a current user
	from galah.web.api.commands import create_user, admin_user
	create_user(admin_user, user_name, password, "admin")
Example #4
def main():
    # First we need to get mongoengine connected to our mongo installation
    import mongoengine

    # Grab whatever information we need from the user
    import getpass
    user_name = raw_input(
        "What should the admin user name be (must be an email)? ")
    password = getpass.getpass("What should this user's password be? ")

    # Then we will access the create_user API command directly, and use the dummy
    # user "admin_user" to fake a current user
    from galah.web.api.commands import create_user, admin_user
    create_user(admin_user, user_name, password, "admin")