Example #1
def security_check(trans, item, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=False):
    Security checks for an item: checks if (a) user owns item or (b) item
    is accessible to user. This is a generic method for dealing with objects
    uniformly from the older controller mixin code - however whenever possible
    the managers for a particular model should be used to perform security

    # all items are accessible to an admin
    if trans.user_is_admin:
        return item

    # Verify ownership: there is a current user and that user is the same as the item's
    if check_ownership:
        if not trans.user:
            raise exceptions.ItemOwnershipException("Must be logged in to manage Galaxy items", type='error')
        if item.user != trans.user:
            raise exceptions.ItemOwnershipException("%s is not owned by the current user" % item.__class__.__name__, type='error')

    # Verify accessible:
    #   if it's part of a lib - can they access via security
    #   if it's something else (sharable) have they been added to the item's users_shared_with_dot_users
    if check_accessible:
        if type(item) in (trans.app.model.LibraryFolder, trans.app.model.LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation, trans.app.model.LibraryDataset):
            if not trans.app.security_agent.can_access_library_item(trans.get_current_user_roles(), item, trans.user):
                raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException("%s is not accessible to the current user" % item.__class__.__name__, type='error')
            if (item.user != trans.user) and (not item.importable) and (trans.user not in item.users_shared_with_dot_users):
                raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException("%s is not accessible to the current user" % item.__class__.__name__, type='error')
    return item
Example #2
 def __get_job(self, trans, id):
         decoded_job_id = self.decode_id(id)
     except Exception:
         raise exceptions.MalformedId()
     job = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Job).filter(trans.app.model.Job.id == decoded_job_id).first()
     if job is None:
         raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound()
     if not trans.user_is_admin() and job.user != trans.user:
         if not job.output_datasets:
             raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException("Job has no output datasets.")
         for data_assoc in job.output_datasets:
             if not self.dataset_manager.is_accessible(data_assoc.dataset.dataset, trans.user):
                 raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException("You are not allowed to rerun this job.")
     return job
Example #3
    def check_security(self,
        """ check accessibility or ownership of workflows, storedworkflows, and
        workflowinvocations. Throw an exception or returns True if user has
        needed level of access.
        if not check_ownership or check_accessible:
            return True

        # If given an invocation follow to workflow...
        if isinstance(has_workflow, model.WorkflowInvocation):
            has_workflow = has_workflow.workflow

        # stored workflow contains security stuff - follow that workflow to
        # that unless given a stored workflow.
        if isinstance(has_workflow, model.Workflow):
            stored_workflow = has_workflow.top_level_stored_workflow
            stored_workflow = has_workflow

        if stored_workflow.user != trans.user and not trans.user_is_admin():
            if check_ownership:
                raise exceptions.ItemOwnershipException()
            # else check_accessible...
            if trans.sa_session.query(
                        stored_workflow=stored_workflow).count() == 0:
                raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException()

        return True
Example #4
    def try_get_authz_config(sa_session, user_id, authz_id):
        It returns a cloudauthz config (see model.CloudAuthz) with the
        given ID; and raise an exception if either a config with given
        ID does not exist, or the configuration is defined for a another
        user than trans.user.

        :type  trans:       galaxy.web.framework.webapp.GalaxyWebTransaction
        :param trans:       Galaxy web transaction

        :type  authz_id:    int
        :param authz_id:    The ID of a CloudAuthz configuration to be used for
                            getting temporary credentials.

        :rtype :            model.CloudAuthz
        :return:            a cloudauthz configuration.
        qres = sa_session.query(model.CloudAuthz).get(authz_id)
        if qres is None:
            raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound(
                "An authorization configuration with given ID not found.")
        if user_id != qres.user_id:
            msg = "The request authorization configuration (with ID:`{}`) is not accessible for user with " \
                  "ID:`{}`.".format(qres.id, user_id)
            raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException(msg)
        return qres
Example #5
 def check_accessible( self, trans, history ):
     Raises error if the current user can't access the history.
     if self.is_accessible( trans, history ):
         return history
     raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException( "History is not accessible to the current user", type='error' )
Example #6
    def set_metadata(self,
        """Trigger a job that detects and sets metadata on a given dataset association (ldda or hda)"""
        data = trans.sa_session.query(self.model_class).get(dataset_assoc.id)
        if not data.ok_to_edit_metadata():
            raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException(
                'This dataset is currently being used as input or output. You cannot edit metadata until the jobs have completed or you have canceled them.'
            if overwrite:
                for name, spec in data.metadata.spec.items():
                    # We need to be careful about the attributes we are resetting
                    if name not in ['name', 'info', 'dbkey', 'base_name']:
                        if spec.get('default'):
                            setattr(data.metadata, name,

                    'input1': data,
                    'validate': validate
Example #7
 def update(self,
     Update the given library
     changed = False
     if not trans.user_is_admin():
         raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException(
             'Only administrators can update libraries.')
     if library.deleted:
         raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException(
             'You cannot modify a deleted library. Undelete it first.')
     if name is not None:
         library.name = name
         changed = True
         #  When library is renamed the root folder has to be renamed too.
         folder_manager = folders.FolderManager()
         folder_manager.update(trans, library.root_folder, name=name)
     if description is not None:
         library.description = description
         changed = True
     if synopsis is not None:
         library.synopsis = synopsis
         changed = True
     if changed:
     return library
Example #8
    def __authorize_job_access(self, trans, encoded_job_id, **kwargs):
        for key in ["path", "job_key"]:
            if key not in kwargs:
                error_message = f"Job files action requires a valid '{key}'."
                raise exceptions.ObjectAttributeMissingException(error_message)

        job_id = trans.security.decode_id(encoded_job_id)
        job_key = trans.security.encode_id(job_id, kind="jobs_files")
        if not util.safe_str_cmp(kwargs["job_key"], job_key):
            raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException("Invalid job_key supplied.")

        # Verify job is active. Don't update the contents of complete jobs.
        job = trans.sa_session.query(model.Job).get(job_id)
        if job.finished:
            error_message = "Attempting to read or modify the files of a job that has already completed."
            raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException(error_message)
        return job
    def create( self, trans, encoded_folder_id, payload, **kwd ):
        * POST /api/folders/{encoded_id}/contents
            create a new library file from an HDA

        :param  encoded_folder_id:      the encoded id of the folder to import dataset(s) to
        :type   encoded_folder_id:      an encoded id string
        :param  payload:    dictionary structure containing:
            :param from_hda_id:         (optional) the id of an accessible HDA to copy into the library
            :type  from_hda_id:         encoded id
            :param ldda_message:        (optional) the new message attribute of the LDDA created
            :type   ldda_message:       str
            :param extended_metadata:   (optional) dub-dictionary containing any extended metadata to associate with the item
            :type  extended_metadata:   dict
        :type   payload:    dict

        :returns:   a dictionary containing the id, name, and 'show' url of the new item
        :rtype:     dict

        :raises:    ObjectAttributeInvalidException,
            InsufficientPermissionsException, ItemAccessibilityException,
        encoded_folder_id_16 = self.__decode_library_content_id( trans, encoded_folder_id )
        from_hda_id, ldda_message = ( payload.pop( 'from_hda_id', None ), payload.pop( 'ldda_message', '' ) )
        if ldda_message:
            ldda_message = util.sanitize_html.sanitize_html( ldda_message, 'utf-8' )
        rval = {}
            decoded_hda_id = self.decode_id( from_hda_id )
            hda = self.hda_manager.get_owned( decoded_hda_id, trans.user, current_history=trans.history )
            hda = self.hda_manager.error_if_uploading( hda )
            folder = self.get_library_folder( trans, encoded_folder_id_16, check_accessible=True )

            library = folder.parent_library
            if library.deleted:
                raise exceptions.ObjectAttributeInvalidException()
            if not self.can_current_user_add_to_library_item( trans, folder ):
                raise exceptions.InsufficientPermissionsException()

            ldda = self.copy_hda_to_library_folder( trans, hda, folder, ldda_message=ldda_message )
            update_time = ldda.update_time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p" )
            ldda_dict = ldda.to_dict()
            rval = trans.security.encode_dict_ids( ldda_dict )
            rval['update_time'] = update_time

        except exceptions.ObjectAttributeInvalidException:
            raise exceptions.ObjectAttributeInvalidException( 'You cannot add datasets into deleted library. Undelete it first.' )
        except exceptions.InsufficientPermissionsException:
            raise exceptions.exceptions.InsufficientPermissionsException( 'You do not have proper permissions to add a dataset to a folder with id (%s)' % ( encoded_folder_id ) )
        except Exception as exc:
            # TODO handle exceptions better within the mixins
            if ( ( 'not accessible to the current user' in str( exc ) ) or ( 'You are not allowed to access this dataset' in str( exc ) ) ):
                raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException( 'You do not have access to the requested item' )
                log.exception( exc )
                raise exceptions.InternalServerError( 'An unknown error ocurred. Please try again.' )
        return rval
Example #10
    def error_unless_accessible(self, item, user, **kwargs):
        Raise an error if the item is NOT accessible to user, otherwise return the item.

        :raises exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException:
        if self.is_accessible(item, user, **kwargs):
            return item
        raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException(f"{self.model_class.__name__} is not accessible by user")
Example #11
    def __authorize_job_access(self, encoded_job_id, **kwargs):
        key = "job_key"
        if key not in kwargs:
            error_message = "Job files action requires a valid '%s'." % key
            raise exceptions.ObjectAttributeMissingException(error_message)

        job_id = self._security.decode_id(encoded_job_id)
        job_key = self._security.encode_id(job_id, kind="jobs_files")
        if not util.safe_str_cmp(kwargs["job_key"], job_key):
            raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException("Invalid job_key supplied.")

        # Verify job is active. Don't update the contents of complete jobs.
        sa_session = self._app.model.context.current
        job = sa_session.query(model.Job).get(job_id)
        if not job.running:
            error_message = "Attempting to read or modify the files of a job that has already completed."
            raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException(error_message)
        return job
Example #12
    def __get_stored_accessible_workflow( self, trans, workflow_id ):
        stored_workflow = self.__get_stored_workflow( trans, workflow_id )

        # check to see if user has permissions to selected workflow
        if stored_workflow.user != trans.user and not trans.user_is_admin():
            if trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.StoredWorkflowUserShareAssociation).filter_by(user=trans.user, stored_workflow=stored_workflow).count() == 0:
                message = "Workflow is not owned by or shared with current user"
                raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException( message )

        return stored_workflow
Example #13
 def access_entry_point_target(self, trans, entry_point_id):
     entry_point = trans.sa_session.query(model.InteractiveToolEntryPoint).get(entry_point_id)
     if self.app.interactivetool_manager.can_access_entry_point(trans, entry_point):
         if entry_point.active:
             return self.target_if_active(trans, entry_point)
         elif entry_point.deleted:
             raise exceptions.MessageException('InteractiveTool has ended. You will have to start a new one.')
             raise exceptions.MessageException('InteractiveTool is not active. If you recently launched this tool it may not be ready yet, please wait a moment and refresh this page.')
     raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException("You do not have access to this InteractiveTool entry point.")
Example #14
    def error_unless_accessible(self, trans, item, user):
        Raise an error if the item is NOT accessible to user, otherwise return the item.

        :raises exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException:
        if self.is_accessible(trans, item, user):
            return item
        raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException(
            "%s is not accessible by user" % (self.model_class.__name__))
Example #15
    def create(self, trans, encoded_folder_id, payload, **kwd):
        * POST /api/folders/{encoded_id}/contents
            create a new library file from an HDA

        :param  encoded_folder_id:      the encoded id of the folder to import dataset(s) to
        :type   encoded_folder_id:      an encoded id string
        :param  payload:    dictionary structure containing:
            :param from_hda_id:         (optional) the id of an accessible HDA to copy into the library
            :type  from_hda_id:         encoded id
            :param from_hdca_id:         (optional) the id of an accessible HDCA to copy into the library
            :type  from_hdca_id:         encoded id
            :param ldda_message:        (optional) the new message attribute of the LDDA created
            :type   ldda_message:       str
            :param extended_metadata:   (optional) dub-dictionary containing any extended metadata to associate with the item
            :type  extended_metadata:   dict
        :type   payload:    dict

        :returns:   a dictionary describing the new item if ``from_hda_id`` is supplied or a list of
                    such dictionaries describing the new items if ``from_hdca_id`` is supplied.
        :rtype:     object

        :raises:    ObjectAttributeInvalidException,
            InsufficientPermissionsException, ItemAccessibilityException,
        encoded_folder_id_16 = self.__decode_library_content_id(
            trans, encoded_folder_id)
        from_hda_id = payload.pop('from_hda_id', None)
        from_hdca_id = payload.pop('from_hdca_id', None)
        ldda_message = payload.pop('ldda_message', '')
        if ldda_message:
            ldda_message = util.sanitize_html.sanitize_html(
                ldda_message, 'utf-8')
            if from_hda_id:
                decoded_hda_id = self.decode_id(from_hda_id)
                return self._copy_hda_to_library_folder(
                    trans, self.hda_manager, decoded_hda_id,
                    encoded_folder_id_16, ldda_message)
            if from_hdca_id:
                decoded_hdca_id = self.decode_id(from_hdca_id)
                return self._copy_hdca_to_library_folder(
                    trans, self.hda_manager, decoded_hdca_id,
                    encoded_folder_id_16, ldda_message)
        except Exception as exc:
            # TODO handle exceptions better within the mixins
            if 'not accessible to the current user' in str(
            ) or 'You are not allowed to access this dataset' in str(exc):
                raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException(
                    'You do not have access to the requested item')
                raise exc
Example #16
 def can_user_assume_authn(trans, authn_id):
     qres = trans.sa_session.query(model.UserAuthnzToken).get(authn_id)
     if qres is None:
         msg = "Authentication record with the given `authn_id` (`{}`) not found.".format(
         raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound(msg)
     if qres.user_id != trans.user.id:
         msg = "The request authentication with ID `{}` is not accessible to user with ID " \
               "`{}`.".format(trans.security.encode_id(authn_id), trans.security.encode_id(trans.user.id))
         raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException(msg)
Example #17
    def show(self, trans, id, **kwd):
        GET /api/workflows/{encoded_workflow_id}

        Displays information needed to run a workflow from the command line.
        stored_workflow = self.__get_stored_workflow( trans, id )
        if stored_workflow.importable is False and stored_workflow.user != trans.user and not trans.user_is_admin():
            if trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.StoredWorkflowUserShareAssociation).filter_by(user=trans.user, stored_workflow=stored_workflow).count() == 0:
                message = "Workflow is neither importable, nor owned by or shared with current user"
                raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException( message )
        return self.workflow_contents_manager.workflow_to_dict( trans, stored_workflow, style="instance" )
Example #18
    def delete(self, trans, id, **kwd):
        delete( self, trans, id, **kwd )
        * DELETE /api/libraries/{id}
            marks the library with the given ``id`` as `deleted` (or removes the `deleted` mark if the `undelete` param is true)

        .. note:: Currently, only admin users can un/delete libraries.

        :param  id:     the encoded id of the library to un/delete
        :type   id:     an encoded id string

        :param  undelete:    (optional) flag specifying whether the item should be deleted or undeleted, defaults to false:
        :type   undelete:    bool

        :returns:   detailed library information
        :rtype:     dictionary

        .. seealso:: :attr:`galaxy.model.Library.dict_element_visible_keys`

        :raises: ItemAccessibilityException, MalformedId, ObjectNotFound
        undelete = util.string_as_bool(kwd.get('undelete', False))
        if not trans.user_is_admin():
            raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException(
                'Only administrators can delete and undelete libraries.')
            decoded_id = trans.security.decode_id(id)
        except Exception:
            raise exceptions.MalformedId(
                'Malformed library id ( %s ) specified, unable to decode.' %
            library = trans.sa_session.query(
        except Exception:
            library = None
        if not library:
            raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound(
                'Library with the id provided ( %s ) was not found' % id)

        if undelete:
            library.deleted = False
            library.deleted = True

        return library.to_dict(view='element',
                                   'id': trans.security.encode_id,
                                   'root_folder_id': trans.security.encode_id
 def create(self, trans, name, description='', synopsis=''):
     Create a new library.
     if not trans.user_is_admin():
         raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException('Only administrators can create libraries.')
         library = trans.app.model.Library(name=name, description=description, synopsis=synopsis)
         root_folder = trans.app.model.LibraryFolder(name=name, description='')
         library.root_folder = root_folder
         trans.sa_session.add_all((library, root_folder))
         return library
 def delete(self, trans, library, undelete=False):
     Mark given library deleted/undeleted based on the flag.
     if not trans.user_is_admin():
         raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException('Only administrators can delete and undelete libraries.')
     if undelete:
         library.deleted = False
         library.deleted = True
     return library
Example #21
    def __check_job_can_write_to_path(self, trans, job, path):
        """ Verify an idealized job runner should actually be able to write to
        the specified path - it must be a dataset output, a dataset "extra
        file", or a some place in the working directory of this job.

        Would like similar checks for reading the unstructured nature of loc
        files make this very difficult. (See abandoned work here
        in_work_dir = self.__in_working_directory(job, path, trans.app)
        allow_temp_dir_file = self.__is_allowed_temp_dir_file(trans.app, job, path)
        if not in_work_dir and not allow_temp_dir_file and not self.__is_output_dataset_path(job, path):
            raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException("Job is not authorized to write to supplied path.")
Example #22
    def get_stored_accessible_workflow(self, trans, workflow_id):
        """ Get a stored workflow from a encoded stored workflow id and
        make sure it accessible to the user.
        stored_workflow = self.get_stored_workflow(trans, workflow_id)

        # check to see if user has permissions to selected workflow
        if stored_workflow.user != trans.user and not trans.user_is_admin() and not stored_workflow.published:
            if trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.StoredWorkflowUserShareAssociation).filter_by(user=trans.user, stored_workflow=stored_workflow).count() == 0:
                message = "Workflow is not owned by or shared with current user"
                raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException(message)

        return stored_workflow
Example #23
 def set_metadata(self, trans, dataset_assoc):
     """Trigger a job that detects and sets metadata on a given dataset association (ldda or hda)"""
     data = trans.sa_session.query(self.model_class).get(dataset_assoc.id)
     if not self.__ok_to_edit_metadata(trans, data.id):
         raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException(
             'This dataset is currently being used as input or output. You cannot edit metadata until the jobs have completed or you have canceled them.'
             incoming={'input1': data},
             overwrite=False)  # overwrite is False as per existing behavior
Example #24
 def __api_import_shared_workflow(self, trans, workflow_id, payload, **kwd):
         stored_workflow = self.get_stored_workflow(trans, workflow_id, check_ownership=False)
     except Exception:
         raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound("Malformed workflow id ( %s ) specified." % workflow_id)
     if stored_workflow.importable is False:
         raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException('The owner of this workflow has disabled imports via this link.')
     elif stored_workflow.deleted:
         raise exceptions.ItemDeletionException("You can't import this workflow because it has been deleted.")
     imported_workflow = self._import_shared_workflow(trans, stored_workflow)
     item = imported_workflow.to_dict(value_mapper={'id': trans.security.encode_id})
     encoded_id = trans.security.encode_id(imported_workflow.id)
     item['url'] = url_for('workflow', id=encoded_id)
     return item
Example #25
 def check_accessible(self, trans, hda):
     Raise error if HDA is not accessible.
     if trans.user and trans.user_is_admin():
         return hda
     # check for access of the containing history...
     self.histories_mgr.check_accessible(trans, hda.history)
     # ...then the underlying dataset
     if self.can_access_dataset(trans, hda):
         return hda
     raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException(
         "HistoryDatasetAssociation is not accessible to the current user",
Example #26
    def create(self, trans, payload, **kwd):
        create( self, trans, payload, **kwd )
        * POST /api/libraries:
            Creates a new library. Only ``name`` parameter is required.

        .. note:: Currently, only admin users can create libraries.

        :param  payload: dictionary structure containing::
            'name':         the new library's name (required)
            'description':  the new library's description (optional)
            'synopsis':     the new library's synopsis (optional)
        :type   payload: dict

        :returns:   detailed library information
        :rtype:     dict

        :raises: ItemAccessibilityException, RequestParameterMissingException
        if not trans.user_is_admin():
            raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException(
                'Only administrators can create libraries.')
        params = util.Params(payload)
        name = util.restore_text(params.get('name', None))
        if not name:
            raise exceptions.RequestParameterMissingException(
                "Missing required parameter 'name'.")
        description = util.restore_text(params.get('description', ''))
        synopsis = util.restore_text(params.get('synopsis', ''))
        if synopsis in ['None', None]:
            synopsis = ''
        library = trans.app.model.Library(name=name,
        root_folder = trans.app.model.LibraryFolder(name=name, description='')
        library.root_folder = root_folder
        trans.sa_session.add_all((library, root_folder))

        item = library.to_dict(view='element',
                                   'id': trans.security.encode_id,
                                   'root_folder_id': trans.security.encode_id
        item['can_user_add'] = True
        item['can_user_modify'] = True
        item['can_user_manage'] = True
        if trans.app.security_agent.library_is_public(library, contents=False):
            item['public'] = True
        return item
Example #27
 def __get_job(self, trans, id):
         decoded_job_id = self.decode_id(id)
     except Exception:
         raise exceptions.MalformedId()
     job = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Job).filter(
         trans.app.model.Job.id == decoded_job_id).first()
     if job is None:
         raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound()
     belongs_to_user = (job.user == trans.user) if job.user else (
         job.session_id == trans.get_galaxy_session().id)
     if not trans.user_is_admin and not belongs_to_user:
         # Check access granted via output datasets.
         if not job.output_datasets:
             raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException(
                 "Job has no output datasets.")
         for data_assoc in job.output_datasets:
             if not self.dataset_manager.is_accessible(
                     data_assoc.dataset.dataset, trans.user):
                 raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException(
                     "You are not allowed to rerun this job.")
     return job
Example #28
 def detect_datatype(self, trans, dataset_assoc):
     """Sniff and assign the datatype to a given dataset association (ldda or hda)"""
     data = trans.sa_session.query(self.model_class).get(dataset_assoc.id)
     if data.datatype.is_datatype_change_allowed():
         if not data.ok_to_edit_metadata():
             raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException('This dataset is currently being used as input or output. You cannot change datatype until the jobs have completed or you have canceled them.')
             path = data.dataset.file_name
             is_binary = check_binary(path)
             datatype = sniff.guess_ext(path, trans.app.datatypes_registry.sniff_order, is_binary=is_binary)
             trans.app.datatypes_registry.change_datatype(data, datatype)
             self.set_metadata(trans, dataset_assoc)
         raise exceptions.InsufficientPermissionsException(f'Changing datatype "{data.extension}" is not allowed.')
Example #29
    def index(self,
              trans: ProvidesUserContext,
        * GET /api/entry_points
            Returns tool entry point information. Currently passing a job_id
            parameter is required, as this becomes more general that won't be

        :type   job_id: string
        :param  job_id: Encoded job id

        :type   running: boolean
        :param  running: filter to only include running job entry points.

        :rtype:     list
        :returns:   list of entry point dictionaries.
        running = util.asbool(running)
        if job_id is None and not running:
            raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException(
                "Currently this API must passed a job id or running=true")

        if job_id is not None and running:
            raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException(
                "Currently this API must passed only a job id or running=true")

        if job_id is not None:
            job = trans.sa_session.query(Job).get(self.decode_id(job_id))
            if not self.interactivetool_manager.can_access_job(trans, job):
                raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException()
            entry_points = job.interactivetool_entry_points
        if running:
            entry_points = self.interactivetool_manager.get_nonterminal_for_user_by_trans(

        rval = []
        for entry_point in entry_points:
            as_dict = self.encode_all_ids(trans, entry_point.to_dict(), True)
            target = self.interactivetool_manager.target_if_active(
                trans, entry_point)
            if target:
                as_dict["target"] = target
        return rval
Example #30
 def stop_entry_point(self, trans: ProvidesUserContext, id, **kwds):
     DELETE /api/entry_points/{id}
     if not id:
         raise exceptions.RequestParameterMissingException(
             "Must supply entry point id")
         entry_point_id = self.decode_id(id)
         entry_point = trans.sa_session.query(
     except Exception:
         raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException(
             "entry point '{id}' invalid")
     if self.app.interactivetool_manager.can_access_entry_point(
             trans, entry_point):
         self.app.interactivetool_manager.stop(trans, entry_point)
         raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException(
             f"entry point '{id}' is not accessible")