Example #1
class JobManager:
    def __init__(self, app):
        self.app = app
        self.dataset_manager = DatasetManager(app)

    def get_accessible_job(self, trans, decoded_job_id):
        job = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Job).filter(
            trans.app.model.Job.id == decoded_job_id).first()
        if job is None:
            raise ObjectNotFound()
        belongs_to_user = (job.user == trans.user) if job.user else (
            job.session_id == trans.get_galaxy_session().id)
        if not trans.user_is_admin and not belongs_to_user:
            # Check access granted via output datasets.
            if not job.output_datasets:
                raise ItemAccessibilityException("Job has no output datasets.")
            for data_assoc in job.output_datasets:
                if not self.dataset_manager.is_accessible(
                        data_assoc.dataset.dataset, trans.user):
                    raise ItemAccessibilityException(
                        "You are not allowed to rerun this job.")
        return job

    def stop(self, job, message=None):
        if not job.finished:
            self.app.job_manager.stop(job, message=message)
            return True
            return False
Example #2
class JobManager:
    def __init__(self, app: StructuredApp):
        self.app = app
        self.dataset_manager = DatasetManager(app)

    def job_lock(self) -> JobLock:
        return JobLock(active=self.app.job_manager.job_lock)

    def update_job_lock(self, job_lock: JobLock):
            kwargs={'job_lock': job_lock.active},
        return self.job_lock()

    def get_accessible_job(self, trans, decoded_job_id):
        job = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Job).filter(
            trans.app.model.Job.id == decoded_job_id).first()
        if job is None:
            raise ObjectNotFound()
        belongs_to_user = (
            job.user_id == trans.user.id) if job.user_id and trans.user else (
                job.session_id == trans.get_galaxy_session().id)
        if not trans.user_is_admin and not belongs_to_user:
            # Check access granted via output datasets.
            if not job.output_datasets:
                raise ItemAccessibilityException("Job has no output datasets.")
            for data_assoc in job.output_datasets:
                if not self.dataset_manager.is_accessible(
                        data_assoc.dataset.dataset, trans.user):
                    raise ItemAccessibilityException(
                        "You are not allowed to rerun this job.")
        return job

    def stop(self, job, message=None):
        if not job.finished:
            self.app.job_manager.stop(job, message=message)
            return True
            return False
Example #3
class JobManager(object):

    def __init__(self, app):
        self.app = app
        self.dataset_manager = DatasetManager(app)

    def get_accessible_job(self, trans, decoded_job_id):
        job = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Job).filter(trans.app.model.Job.id == decoded_job_id).first()
        if job is None:
            raise ObjectNotFound()
        belongs_to_user = (job.user == trans.user) if job.user else (job.session_id == trans.get_galaxy_session().id)
        if not trans.user_is_admin and not belongs_to_user:
            # Check access granted via output datasets.
            if not job.output_datasets:
                raise ItemAccessibilityException("Job has no output datasets.")
            for data_assoc in job.output_datasets:
                if not self.dataset_manager.is_accessible(data_assoc.dataset.dataset, trans.user):
                    raise ItemAccessibilityException("You are not allowed to rerun this job.")
        return job
Example #4
class DatasetDeserializerTestCase(BaseTestCase):
    def set_up_managers(self):
        super(DatasetDeserializerTestCase, self).set_up_managers()
        self.dataset_manager = DatasetManager(self.app)
        self.dataset_serializer = DatasetSerializer(self.app)
        self.dataset_deserializer = DatasetDeserializer(self.app)
        self.role_manager = RoleManager(self.app)

    def test_deserialize_delete(self):
        dataset = self.dataset_manager.create()

        self.log('should raise when deserializing deleted from non-bool')
                          data={'deleted': None})
        self.log('should be able to deserialize deleted from True')
        self.dataset_deserializer.deserialize(dataset, data={'deleted': True})
            'should be able to reverse by deserializing deleted from False')
        self.dataset_deserializer.deserialize(dataset, data={'deleted': False})

    def test_deserialize_purge(self):
        dataset = self.dataset_manager.create()

        self.log('should raise when deserializing purged from non-bool')
                          data={'purged': None})
        self.log('should be able to deserialize purged from True')
        self.dataset_deserializer.deserialize(dataset, data={'purged': True})
        # TODO: should this raise an error?
            'should NOT be able to deserialize purged from False (will remain True)'
        self.dataset_deserializer.deserialize(dataset, data={'purged': False})

    def test_deserialize_permissions(self):
        dataset = self.dataset_manager.create()
        who_manages = self.user_manager.create(**user2_data)
        self.dataset_manager.permissions.manage.grant(dataset, who_manages)
        existing_permissions = self.dataset_serializer.serialize_permissions(
            dataset, 'permissions', user=who_manages)
        existing_manage_permissions = existing_permissions['manage']

        user3 = self.user_manager.create(**user3_data)

            'deserializing permissions from a non-dictionary should error')
        not_a_dict = []
                          data={'permissions': not_a_dict})

            'deserializing permissions from a malformed dictionary should error'
                          data={'permissions': dict(nope=[], access=[])})

        self.log('deserializing permissions with no manage roles should error')
                          data={'permissions': dict(manage=[], access=[])})

            'deserializing permissions using a non-managing user should error')
                          data={'permissions': existing_permissions})

            'deserializing permissions with a single access should make the dataset private'
        private_role = self.user_manager.private_role(who_manages)
        private_role = private_role.to_dict(
            value_mapper={'id': self.app.security.encode_id})
        permissions = dict(manage=existing_manage_permissions,
            dataset, user=who_manages, data={'permissions': permissions})
            self.dataset_manager.is_accessible(dataset, user=user3))

            'deserializing permissions manage should make the permissions available'
        # now, have who_manages give a manage permission to user3
        private_role = self.user_manager.private_role(user3)
        new_manage_permissions = existing_manage_permissions + [
        permissions = dict(manage=new_manage_permissions, access=[])
            dataset, user=who_manages, data={'permissions': permissions})

        # deserializing for user3 shouldn't throw a skip bc they can manage
        permissions = self.dataset_serializer.serialize_permissions(
            dataset, 'perms', user=who_manages)
        self.assertEqual(new_manage_permissions, permissions['manage'])
Example #5
class JobController(BaseAPIController, UsesLibraryMixinItems):

    def __init__(self, app):
        super(JobController, self).__init__(app)
        self.dataset_manager = DatasetManager(app)
        self.job_search = JobSearch(app)

    def index(self, trans, **kwd):
        index( trans, state=None, tool_id=None, history_id=None, date_range_min=None, date_range_max=None, user_details=False )
        * GET /api/jobs:
            return jobs for current user

            !! if user is admin and user_details is True, then
                return jobs for all galaxy users based on filtering - this is an extended service

        :type   state: string or list
        :param  state: limit listing of jobs to those that match one of the included states. If none, all are returned.
        Valid Galaxy job states include:
                'new', 'upload', 'waiting', 'queued', 'running', 'ok', 'error', 'paused', 'deleted', 'deleted_new'

        :type   tool_id: string or list
        :param  tool_id: limit listing of jobs to those that match one of the included tool_ids. If none, all are returned.

        :type   user_details: boolean
        :param  user_details: if true, and requestor is an admin, will return external job id and user email.

        :type   date_range_min: string '2014-01-01'
        :param  date_range_min: limit the listing of jobs to those updated on or after requested date

        :type   date_range_max: string '2014-12-31'
        :param  date_range_max: limit the listing of jobs to those updated on or before requested date

        :type   history_id: string
        :param  history_id: limit listing of jobs to those that match the history_id. If none, all are returned.

        :rtype:     list
        :returns:   list of dictionaries containing summary job information
        state = kwd.get('state', None)
        is_admin = trans.user_is_admin()
        user_details = kwd.get('user_details', False)

        if is_admin:
            query = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Job)
            query = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Job).filter(trans.app.model.Job.user == trans.user)

        def build_and_apply_filters(query, objects, filter_func):
            if objects is not None:
                if isinstance(objects, string_types):
                    query = query.filter(filter_func(objects))
                elif isinstance(objects, list):
                    t = []
                    for obj in objects:
                    query = query.filter(or_(*t))
            return query

        query = build_and_apply_filters(query, state, lambda s: trans.app.model.Job.state == s)

        query = build_and_apply_filters(query, kwd.get('tool_id', None), lambda t: trans.app.model.Job.tool_id == t)
        query = build_and_apply_filters(query, kwd.get('tool_id_like', None), lambda t: trans.app.model.Job.tool_id.like(t))

        query = build_and_apply_filters(query, kwd.get('date_range_min', None), lambda dmin: trans.app.model.Job.table.c.update_time >= dmin)
        query = build_and_apply_filters(query, kwd.get('date_range_max', None), lambda dmax: trans.app.model.Job.table.c.update_time <= dmax)

        history_id = kwd.get('history_id', None)
        if history_id is not None:
                decoded_history_id = self.decode_id(history_id)
                query = query.filter(trans.app.model.Job.history_id == decoded_history_id)
            except Exception:
                raise exceptions.ObjectAttributeInvalidException()

        out = []
        if kwd.get('order_by') == 'create_time':
            order_by = trans.app.model.Job.create_time.desc()
            order_by = trans.app.model.Job.update_time.desc()
        for job in query.order_by(order_by).all():
            job_dict = job.to_dict('collection', system_details=is_admin)
            j = self.encode_all_ids(trans, job_dict, True)
            if user_details:
                j['user_email'] = job.user.email

        return out

    def show(self, trans, id, **kwd):
        show( trans, id )
        * GET /api/jobs/{id}:
            return jobs for current user

        :type   id: string
        :param  id: Specific job id

        :type   full: boolean
        :param  full: whether to return extra information

        :rtype:     dictionary
        :returns:   dictionary containing full description of job data
        job = self.__get_job(trans, id)
        is_admin = trans.user_is_admin()
        job_dict = self.encode_all_ids(trans, job.to_dict('element', system_details=is_admin), True)
        full_output = util.asbool(kwd.get('full', 'false'))
        if full_output:
            job_dict.update(dict(stderr=job.stderr, stdout=job.stdout))
            if is_admin:
                if job.user:
                    job_dict['user_email'] = job.user.email
                    job_dict['user_email'] = None

                def metric_to_dict(metric):
                    metric_name = metric.metric_name
                    metric_value = metric.metric_value
                    metric_plugin = metric.plugin
                    title, value = trans.app.job_metrics.format(metric_plugin, metric_name, metric_value)
                    return dict(

                job_dict['job_metrics'] = [metric_to_dict(metric) for metric in job.metrics]
        return job_dict

    def inputs(self, trans, id, **kwd):
        show( trans, id )
        * GET /api/jobs/{id}/inputs
            returns input datasets created by job

        :type   id: string
        :param  id: Encoded job id

        :rtype:     dictionary
        :returns:   dictionary containing input dataset associations
        job = self.__get_job(trans, id)
        return self.__dictify_associations(trans, job.input_datasets, job.input_library_datasets)

    def outputs(self, trans, id, **kwd):
        outputs( trans, id )
        * GET /api/jobs/{id}/outputs
            returns output datasets created by job

        :type   id: string
        :param  id: Encoded job id

        :rtype:     dictionary
        :returns:   dictionary containing output dataset associations
        job = self.__get_job(trans, id)
        return self.__dictify_associations(trans, job.output_datasets, job.output_library_datasets)

    def delete(self, trans, id, **kwd):
        delete( trans, id )
        * Delete /api/jobs/{id}
            cancels specified job

        :type   id: string
        :param  id: Encoded job id
        job = self.__get_job(trans, id)
        if not job.finished:
            return True
            return False

    def build_for_rerun(self, trans, id, **kwd):
        * GET /api/jobs/{id}/build_for_rerun
            returns a tool input/param template prepopulated with this job's
            information, suitable for rerunning or rendering parameters of the

        :type   id: string
        :param  id: Encoded job id

        :rtype:     dictionary
        :returns:   dictionary containing output dataset associations

        job = self.__get_job(trans, id)
        if not job:
            raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound("Could not access job with id '%s'" % id)
        tool = self.app.toolbox.get_tool(job.tool_id, kwd.get('tool_version') or job.tool_version)
        if tool is None:
            raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound("Requested tool not found")
        if not tool.is_workflow_compatible:
            raise exceptions.ConfigDoesNotAllowException("Tool '%s' cannot be rerun." % (job.tool_id))
        return tool.to_json(trans, {}, job=job)

    def __dictify_associations(self, trans, *association_lists):
        rval = []
        for association_list in association_lists:
            rval.extend(self.__dictify_association(trans, a) for a in association_list)
        return rval

    def __dictify_association(self, trans, job_dataset_association):
        dataset_dict = None
        dataset = job_dataset_association.dataset
        if dataset:
            if isinstance(dataset, model.HistoryDatasetAssociation):
                dataset_dict = dict(src="hda", id=trans.security.encode_id(dataset.id))
                dataset_dict = dict(src="ldda", id=trans.security.encode_id(dataset.id))
        return dict(name=job_dataset_association.name, dataset=dataset_dict)

    def __get_job(self, trans, id):
            decoded_job_id = self.decode_id(id)
        except Exception:
            raise exceptions.MalformedId()
        job = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Job).filter(trans.app.model.Job.id == decoded_job_id).first()
        if job is None:
            raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound()
        belongs_to_user = (job.user == trans.user) if job.user else (job.session_id == trans.get_galaxy_session().id)
        if not trans.user_is_admin() and not belongs_to_user:
            # Check access granted via output datasets.
            if not job.output_datasets:
                raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException("Job has no output datasets.")
            for data_assoc in job.output_datasets:
                if not self.dataset_manager.is_accessible(data_assoc.dataset.dataset, trans.user):
                    raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException("You are not allowed to rerun this job.")
        return job

    def create(self, trans, payload, **kwd):
        """ See the create method in tools.py in order to submit a job. """
        raise exceptions.NotImplemented('Please POST to /api/tools instead.')

    def search(self, trans, payload, **kwd):
        search( trans, payload )
        * POST /api/jobs/search:
            return jobs for current user

        :type   payload: dict
        :param  payload: Dictionary containing description of requested job. This is in the same format as
            a request to POST /apt/tools would take to initiate a job

        :rtype:     list
        :returns:   list of dictionaries containing summary job information of the jobs that match the requested job run

        This method is designed to scan the list of previously run jobs and find records of jobs that had
        the exact some input parameters and datasets. This can be used to minimize the amount of repeated work, and simply
        recycle the old results.
        tool_id = payload.get('tool_id')
        if tool_id is None:
            raise exceptions.ObjectAttributeMissingException("No tool id")
        tool = trans.app.toolbox.get_tool(tool_id)
        if tool is None:
            raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound("Requested tool not found")
        if 'inputs' not in payload:
            raise exceptions.ObjectAttributeMissingException("No inputs defined")
        inputs = payload.get('inputs', {})
        # Find files coming in as multipart file data and add to inputs.
        for k, v in payload.items():
            if k.startswith('files_') or k.startswith('__files_'):
                inputs[k] = v
        request_context = WorkRequestContext(app=trans.app, user=trans.user, history=trans.history)
        all_params, all_errors, _, _ = tool.expand_incoming(trans=trans, incoming=inputs, request_context=request_context)
        if any(all_errors):
            return []
        params_dump = [tool.params_to_strings(param, self.app, nested=True) for param in all_params]
        jobs = []
        for param_dump, param in zip(params_dump, all_params):
            job = self.job_search.by_tool_input(trans=trans,
            if job:
        return [self.encode_all_ids(trans, single_job.to_dict('element'), True) for single_job in jobs]

    def error(self, trans, id, **kwd):
        error( trans, id )
        * POST /api/jobs/{id}/error
            submits a bug report via the API.

        :type   id: string
        :param  id: Encoded job id

        :rtype:     dictionary
        :returns:   dictionary containing information regarding where the error report was sent.
        # Get dataset on which this error was triggered
            decoded_dataset_id = self.decode_id(kwd['dataset_id'])
        except Exception:
            raise exceptions.MalformedId()
        dataset = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.HistoryDatasetAssociation).get(decoded_dataset_id)

        # Get job
        job = self.__get_job(trans, id)
        tool = trans.app.toolbox.get_tool(job.tool_id, tool_version=job.tool_version) or None
        messages = trans.app.error_reports.default_error_plugin.submit_report(
            dataset, job, tool, user_submission=True, user=trans.user,
            email=kwd.get('email', trans.user.email),
            message=kwd.get('message', None)

        return {'messages': messages}
Example #6
class JobController(BaseAPIController, UsesLibraryMixinItems):
    def __init__(self, app):
        super(JobController, self).__init__(app)
        self.dataset_manager = DatasetManager(app)
        self.job_search = JobSearch(app)

    def index(self, trans, **kwd):
        index( trans, state=None, tool_id=None, history_id=None, date_range_min=None, date_range_max=None, user_details=False )
        * GET /api/jobs:
            return jobs for current user

            !! if user is admin and user_details is True, then
                return jobs for all galaxy users based on filtering - this is an extended service

        :type   state: string or list
        :param  state: limit listing of jobs to those that match one of the included states. If none, all are returned.
        Valid Galaxy job states include:
                'new', 'upload', 'waiting', 'queued', 'running', 'ok', 'error', 'paused', 'deleted', 'deleted_new'

        :type   tool_id: string or list
        :param  tool_id: limit listing of jobs to those that match one of the included tool_ids. If none, all are returned.

        :type   user_details: boolean
        :param  user_details: if true, and requestor is an admin, will return external job id and user email.

        :type   date_range_min: string '2014-01-01'
        :param  date_range_min: limit the listing of jobs to those updated on or after requested date

        :type   date_range_max: string '2014-12-31'
        :param  date_range_max: limit the listing of jobs to those updated on or before requested date

        :type   history_id: string
        :param  history_id: limit listing of jobs to those that match the history_id. If none, all are returned.

        :rtype:     list
        :returns:   list of dictionaries containing summary job information
        state = kwd.get('state', None)
        is_admin = trans.user_is_admin()
        user_details = kwd.get('user_details', False)

        if is_admin:
            query = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Job)
            query = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Job).filter(
                trans.app.model.Job.user == trans.user)

        def build_and_apply_filters(query, objects, filter_func):
            if objects is not None:
                if isinstance(objects, string_types):
                    query = query.filter(filter_func(objects))
                elif isinstance(objects, list):
                    t = []
                    for obj in objects:
                    query = query.filter(or_(*t))
            return query

        query = build_and_apply_filters(
            query, state, lambda s: trans.app.model.Job.state == s)

        query = build_and_apply_filters(
            query, kwd.get('tool_id', None),
            lambda t: trans.app.model.Job.tool_id == t)
        query = build_and_apply_filters(
            query, kwd.get('tool_id_like', None),
            lambda t: trans.app.model.Job.tool_id.like(t))

        query = build_and_apply_filters(
            query, kwd.get('date_range_min', None),
            lambda dmin: trans.app.model.Job.table.c.update_time >= dmin)
        query = build_and_apply_filters(
            query, kwd.get('date_range_max', None),
            lambda dmax: trans.app.model.Job.table.c.update_time <= dmax)

        history_id = kwd.get('history_id', None)
        if history_id is not None:
                decoded_history_id = self.decode_id(history_id)
                query = query.filter(
                    trans.app.model.Job.history_id == decoded_history_id)
            except Exception:
                raise exceptions.ObjectAttributeInvalidException()

        out = []
        if kwd.get('order_by') == 'create_time':
            order_by = trans.app.model.Job.create_time.desc()
            order_by = trans.app.model.Job.update_time.desc()
        for job in query.order_by(order_by).all():
            job_dict = job.to_dict('collection', system_details=is_admin)
            j = self.encode_all_ids(trans, job_dict, True)
            if user_details:
                j['user_email'] = job.user.email

        return out

    def show(self, trans, id, **kwd):
        show( trans, id )
        * GET /api/jobs/{id}:
            return jobs for current user

        :type   id: string
        :param  id: Specific job id

        :type   full: boolean
        :param  full: whether to return extra information

        :rtype:     dictionary
        :returns:   dictionary containing full description of job data
        job = self.__get_job(trans, id)
        is_admin = trans.user_is_admin()
        job_dict = self.encode_all_ids(
            trans, job.to_dict('element', system_details=is_admin), True)
        full_output = util.asbool(kwd.get('full', 'false'))
        if full_output:
            job_dict.update(dict(stderr=job.stderr, stdout=job.stdout))
            if is_admin:
                if job.user:
                    job_dict['user_email'] = job.user.email
                    job_dict['user_email'] = None

                def metric_to_dict(metric):
                    metric_name = metric.metric_name
                    metric_value = metric.metric_value
                    metric_plugin = metric.plugin
                    title, value = trans.app.job_metrics.format(
                        metric_plugin, metric_name, metric_value)
                    return dict(

                job_dict['job_metrics'] = [
                    metric_to_dict(metric) for metric in job.metrics
        return job_dict

    def inputs(self, trans, id, **kwd):
        show( trans, id )
        * GET /api/jobs/{id}/inputs
            returns input datasets created by job

        :type   id: string
        :param  id: Encoded job id

        :rtype:     dictionary
        :returns:   dictionary containing input dataset associations
        job = self.__get_job(trans, id)
        return self.__dictify_associations(trans, job.input_datasets,

    def outputs(self, trans, id, **kwd):
        outputs( trans, id )
        * GET /api/jobs/{id}/outputs
            returns output datasets created by job

        :type   id: string
        :param  id: Encoded job id

        :rtype:     dictionary
        :returns:   dictionary containing output dataset associations
        job = self.__get_job(trans, id)
        return self.__dictify_associations(trans, job.output_datasets,

    def delete(self, trans, id, **kwd):
        delete( trans, id )
        * Delete /api/jobs/{id}
            cancels specified job

        :type   id: string
        :param  id: Encoded job id
        job = self.__get_job(trans, id)
        if not job.finished:
            return True
            return False

    def resume(self, trans, id, **kwd):
        * PUT /api/jobs/{id}/resume
            Resumes a paused job

        :type   id: string
        :param  id: Encoded job id

        :rtype:     dictionary
        :returns:   dictionary containing output dataset associations
        job = self.__get_job(trans, id)
        if not job:
            raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound(
                "Could not access job with id '%s'" % id)
        if job.state == job.states.PAUSED:
                "Job with id '%s' is not paused" % (job.tool_id))
        return self.__dictify_associations(trans, job.output_datasets,

    def build_for_rerun(self, trans, id, **kwd):
        * GET /api/jobs/{id}/build_for_rerun
            returns a tool input/param template prepopulated with this job's
            information, suitable for rerunning or rendering parameters of the

        :type   id: string
        :param  id: Encoded job id

        :rtype:     dictionary
        :returns:   dictionary containing output dataset associations

        job = self.__get_job(trans, id)
        if not job:
            raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound(
                "Could not access job with id '%s'" % id)
        tool = self.app.toolbox.get_tool(
            kwd.get('tool_version') or job.tool_version)
        if tool is None:
            raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound("Requested tool not found")
        if not tool.is_workflow_compatible:
            raise exceptions.ConfigDoesNotAllowException(
                "Tool '%s' cannot be rerun." % (job.tool_id))
        return tool.to_json(trans, {}, job=job)

    def __dictify_associations(self, trans, *association_lists):
        rval = []
        for association_list in association_lists:
                self.__dictify_association(trans, a) for a in association_list)
        return rval

    def __dictify_association(self, trans, job_dataset_association):
        dataset_dict = None
        dataset = job_dataset_association.dataset
        if dataset:
            if isinstance(dataset, model.HistoryDatasetAssociation):
                dataset_dict = dict(src="hda",
                dataset_dict = dict(src="ldda",
        return dict(name=job_dataset_association.name, dataset=dataset_dict)

    def __get_job(self, trans, id):
            decoded_job_id = self.decode_id(id)
        except Exception:
            raise exceptions.MalformedId()
        job = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Job).filter(
            trans.app.model.Job.id == decoded_job_id).first()
        if job is None:
            raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound()
        belongs_to_user = (job.user == trans.user) if job.user else (
            job.session_id == trans.get_galaxy_session().id)
        if not trans.user_is_admin() and not belongs_to_user:
            # Check access granted via output datasets.
            if not job.output_datasets:
                raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException(
                    "Job has no output datasets.")
            for data_assoc in job.output_datasets:
                if not self.dataset_manager.is_accessible(
                        data_assoc.dataset.dataset, trans.user):
                    raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException(
                        "You are not allowed to rerun this job.")
        return job

    def create(self, trans, payload, **kwd):
        """ See the create method in tools.py in order to submit a job. """
        raise exceptions.NotImplemented('Please POST to /api/tools instead.')

    def search(self, trans, payload, **kwd):
        search( trans, payload )
        * POST /api/jobs/search:
            return jobs for current user

        :type   payload: dict
        :param  payload: Dictionary containing description of requested job. This is in the same format as
            a request to POST /apt/tools would take to initiate a job

        :rtype:     list
        :returns:   list of dictionaries containing summary job information of the jobs that match the requested job run

        This method is designed to scan the list of previously run jobs and find records of jobs that had
        the exact some input parameters and datasets. This can be used to minimize the amount of repeated work, and simply
        recycle the old results.
        tool_id = payload.get('tool_id')
        if tool_id is None:
            raise exceptions.ObjectAttributeMissingException("No tool id")
        tool = trans.app.toolbox.get_tool(tool_id)
        if tool is None:
            raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound("Requested tool not found")
        if 'inputs' not in payload:
            raise exceptions.ObjectAttributeMissingException(
                "No inputs defined")
        inputs = payload.get('inputs', {})
        # Find files coming in as multipart file data and add to inputs.
        for k, v in payload.items():
            if k.startswith('files_') or k.startswith('__files_'):
                inputs[k] = v
        request_context = WorkRequestContext(app=trans.app,
        all_params, all_errors, _, _ = tool.expand_incoming(
            trans=trans, incoming=inputs, request_context=request_context)
        if any(all_errors):
            return []
        params_dump = [
            tool.params_to_strings(param, self.app, nested=True)
            for param in all_params
        jobs = []
        for param_dump, param in zip(params_dump, all_params):
            job = self.job_search.by_tool_input(trans=trans,
            if job:
        return [
            self.encode_all_ids(trans, single_job.to_dict('element'), True)
            for single_job in jobs

    def error(self, trans, id, **kwd):
        error( trans, id )
        * POST /api/jobs/{id}/error
            submits a bug report via the API.

        :type   id: string
        :param  id: Encoded job id

        :rtype:     dictionary
        :returns:   dictionary containing information regarding where the error report was sent.
        # Get dataset on which this error was triggered
            decoded_dataset_id = self.decode_id(kwd['dataset_id'])
        except Exception:
            raise exceptions.MalformedId()
        dataset = trans.sa_session.query(

        # Get job
        job = self.__get_job(trans, id)
        tool = trans.app.toolbox.get_tool(
            job.tool_id, tool_version=job.tool_version) or None
        email = kwd.get('email')
        if not email and not trans.anonymous:
            email = trans.user.email
        messages = trans.app.error_reports.default_error_plugin.submit_report(

        return {'messages': messages}
class DatasetManagerTestCase( BaseTestCase ):

    def set_up_managers( self ):
        super( DatasetManagerTestCase, self ).set_up_managers()
        self.dataset_mgr = DatasetManager( self.app )

    def test_create( self ):
        self.log( "should be able to create a new Dataset" )
        dataset1 = self.dataset_mgr.create( self.trans )
        self.assertIsInstance( dataset1, model.Dataset )
        self.assertEqual( dataset1, self.trans.sa_session.query( model.Dataset ).get( dataset1.id ) )

    def test_base( self ):
        dataset1 = self.dataset_mgr.create( self.trans )
        dataset2 = self.dataset_mgr.create( self.trans )

        self.log( "should be able to query" )
        datasets = self.trans.sa_session.query( model.Dataset ).all()
        self.assertEqual( self.dataset_mgr.list( self.trans ), datasets )
        self.assertEqual( self.dataset_mgr.one( self.trans, filters=( model.Dataset.id == dataset1.id ) ), dataset1 )
        self.assertEqual( self.dataset_mgr.by_id( self.trans, dataset1.id ), dataset1 )
        self.assertEqual( self.dataset_mgr.by_ids( self.trans, [ dataset2.id, dataset1.id ] ), [ dataset2, dataset1 ] )

        self.log( "should be able to limit and offset" )
        self.assertEqual( self.dataset_mgr.list( self.trans, limit=1 ), datasets[0:1] )
        self.assertEqual( self.dataset_mgr.list( self.trans, offset=1 ), datasets[1:] )
        self.assertEqual( self.dataset_mgr.list( self.trans, limit=1, offset=1 ), datasets[1:2] )

        self.assertEqual( self.dataset_mgr.list( self.trans, limit=0 ), [] )
        self.assertEqual( self.dataset_mgr.list( self.trans, offset=3 ), [] )

        self.log( "should be able to order" )
        self.assertEqual( self.dataset_mgr.list( self.trans, order_by=sqlalchemy.desc( model.Dataset.create_time ) ),
            [ dataset2, dataset1 ] )

    def test_delete( self ):
        item1 = self.dataset_mgr.create( self.trans )

        self.log( "should be able to delete and undelete an hda" )
        self.assertFalse( item1.deleted )
        self.assertEqual( self.dataset_mgr.delete( self.trans, item1 ), item1 )
        self.assertTrue( item1.deleted )
        self.assertEqual( self.dataset_mgr.undelete( self.trans, item1 ), item1 )
        self.assertFalse( item1.deleted )

    def test_purge_allowed( self ):
        self.trans.app.config.allow_user_dataset_purge = True
        item1 = self.dataset_mgr.create( self.trans )

        self.log( "should purge an hda if config does allow" )
        self.assertFalse( item1.purged )
        self.assertEqual( self.dataset_mgr.purge( self.trans, item1 ), item1 )
        self.assertTrue( item1.purged )

    def test_purge_not_allowed( self ):
        self.trans.app.config.allow_user_dataset_purge = False
        item1 = self.dataset_mgr.create( self.trans )

        self.log( "should raise an error when purging an hda if config does not allow" )
        self.assertFalse( item1.purged )
        self.assertRaises( exceptions.ConfigDoesNotAllowException, self.dataset_mgr.purge, self.trans, item1 )
        self.assertFalse( item1.purged )

    ##TODO: I'm unclear as to how these work, so I'm kicking this down the road a bit....
    #def test_access_permission( self ):
    #    owner = self.user_mgr.create( self.trans, **user2_data )
    #    dataset = self.dataset_mgr.create( self.trans )
    #    # giving one user access permission makes it non-public, removing access for anyone else
    #    self.dataset_mgr.give_access_permission( self.trans, dataset, owner )
    #    user3 = self.user_mgr.create( self.trans, **user3_data )
    #    user4 = self.user_mgr.create( self.trans,
    #        email='[email protected]', username='******', password=default_password )
    #    self.assertTrue( self.dataset_mgr.has_access_permission( self.trans, dataset, owner ) )
    #    self.assertFalse( self.dataset_mgr.has_access_permission( self.trans, dataset, user3 ) )
    #    self.assertFalse( self.dataset_mgr.has_access_permission( self.trans, dataset, user4 ) )
    #    # should be able to progressively add more roles without removing the previous
    #    self.dataset_mgr.give_access_permission( self.trans, dataset, user3 )
    #    self.assertTrue( self.dataset_mgr.has_access_permission( self.trans, dataset, user3 ) )
    #    self.assertTrue( self.dataset_mgr.has_access_permission( self.trans, dataset, owner ) )
    #    self.assertFalse( self.dataset_mgr.has_access_permission( self.trans, dataset, user4 ) )
    #    #self.assertTrue( self.dataset_mgr.is_accessible( self.trans, dataset, owner ) )
    #    #self.assertFalse( self.dataset_mgr.is_accessible( self.trans, dataset, non_owner ) )

    def test_accessible( self ):
        owner = self.user_mgr.create( self.trans, **user2_data )
        non_owner = self.user_mgr.create( self.trans, **user3_data )

        dataset = self.dataset_mgr.create( self.trans )

        self.log( "(by default, dataset permissions are lax) should be accessible to all" )
        for user in self.user_mgr.list( self.trans ):
            self.assertTrue( self.dataset_mgr.is_accessible( self.trans, dataset, user ) )
class DatasetDeserializerTestCase( BaseTestCase ):

    def set_up_managers( self ):
        super( DatasetDeserializerTestCase, self ).set_up_managers()
        self.dataset_manager = DatasetManager( self.app )
        self.dataset_serializer = DatasetSerializer( self.app )
        self.dataset_deserializer = DatasetDeserializer( self.app )
        self.role_manager = RoleManager( self.app )

    def test_deserialize_delete( self ):
        dataset = self.dataset_manager.create()

        self.log( 'should raise when deserializing deleted from non-bool' )
        self.assertFalse( dataset.deleted )
        self.assertRaises( exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException,
            self.dataset_deserializer.deserialize, dataset, data={ 'deleted': None } )
        self.assertFalse( dataset.deleted )
        self.log( 'should be able to deserialize deleted from True' )
        self.dataset_deserializer.deserialize( dataset, data={ 'deleted': True } )
        self.assertTrue( dataset.deleted )
        self.log( 'should be able to reverse by deserializing deleted from False' )
        self.dataset_deserializer.deserialize( dataset, data={ 'deleted': False } )
        self.assertFalse( dataset.deleted )

    def test_deserialize_purge( self ):
        dataset = self.dataset_manager.create()

        self.log( 'should raise when deserializing purged from non-bool' )
        self.assertRaises( exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException,
            self.dataset_deserializer.deserialize, dataset, data={ 'purged': None } )
        self.assertFalse( dataset.purged )
        self.log( 'should be able to deserialize purged from True' )
        self.dataset_deserializer.deserialize( dataset, data={ 'purged': True } )
        self.assertTrue( dataset.purged )
        # TODO: should this raise an error?
        self.log( 'should NOT be able to deserialize purged from False (will remain True)' )
        self.dataset_deserializer.deserialize( dataset, data={ 'purged': False } )
        self.assertTrue( dataset.purged )

    def test_deserialize_permissions( self ):
        dataset = self.dataset_manager.create()
        who_manages = self.user_manager.create( **user2_data )
        self.dataset_manager.permissions.manage.grant( dataset, who_manages )
        existing_permissions = self.dataset_serializer.serialize_permissions( dataset, 'permissions', user=who_manages )
        existing_manage_permissions = existing_permissions[ 'manage' ]

        user3 = self.user_manager.create( **user3_data )

        self.log( 'deserializing permissions from a non-dictionary should error' )
        not_a_dict = []
        self.assertRaises( exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException, self.dataset_deserializer.deserialize,
            dataset, user=who_manages, data={ 'permissions': not_a_dict })

        self.log( 'deserializing permissions from a malformed dictionary should error' )
        self.assertRaises( exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException, self.dataset_deserializer.deserialize,
            dataset, user=who_manages, data={ 'permissions': dict( nope=[], access=[] ) })

        self.log( 'deserializing permissions with no manage roles should error' )
        self.assertRaises( exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException, self.dataset_deserializer.deserialize,
            dataset, user=who_manages, data={ 'permissions': dict( manage=[], access=[] ) })

        self.log( 'deserializing permissions using a non-managing user should error' )
        self.assertRaises( rbac_secured.DatasetManagePermissionFailedException, self.dataset_deserializer.deserialize,
            dataset, user=user3, data={ 'permissions': existing_permissions })

        self.log( 'deserializing permissions with a single access should make the dataset private' )
        private_role = self.user_manager.private_role( who_manages )
        private_role = private_role.to_dict( value_mapper={ 'id' : self.app.security.encode_id } )
        permissions = dict( manage=existing_manage_permissions, access=[ private_role[ 'id' ] ] )
        self.dataset_deserializer.deserialize( dataset, user=who_manages, data={
            'permissions': permissions
        self.assertFalse( self.dataset_manager.is_accessible( dataset, user=user3 ) )

        self.log( 'deserializing permissions manage should make the permissions available' )
        self.assertRaises( SkipAttribute, self.dataset_serializer.serialize_permissions,
            dataset, 'perms', user=user3 )
        # now, have who_manages give a manage permission to user3
        private_role = self.user_manager.private_role( user3 )
        new_manage_permissions = existing_manage_permissions + [ self.app.security.encode_id( private_role.id ) ]
        permissions = dict( manage=new_manage_permissions, access=[] )
        self.dataset_deserializer.deserialize( dataset, user=who_manages, data={
            'permissions': permissions

        # deserializing for user3 shouldn't throw a skip bc they can manage
        permissions = self.dataset_serializer.serialize_permissions( dataset, 'perms', user=who_manages )
        self.assertEqual( new_manage_permissions, permissions[ 'manage' ] )