Example #1
def init(file_path, url, engine_options={}, create_tables=False):
    """Connect mappings to the database"""
    # Create the database engine
    engine = build_engine(url, engine_options)
    # Connect the metadata to the database.
    metadata.bind = engine

    result = ModelMapping([tool_shed.webapp.model], engine=engine)

    if create_tables:

    result.create_tables = create_tables

    # Load local tool shed security policy
    result.security_agent = CommunityRBACAgent(result)
    result.shed_counter = shed_statistics.ShedCounter(result)
    return result
Example #2
def init(file_path, url, engine_options={}, create_tables=False):
    """Connect mappings to the database"""
    # Create the database engine
    engine = build_engine(url, engine_options)
    # Connect the metadata to the database.
    metadata.bind = engine

    result = ModelMapping([galaxy.webapps.tool_shed.model], engine=engine)

    if create_tables:

    result.create_tables = create_tables

    # Load local tool shed security policy
    result.security_agent = CommunityRBACAgent(result)
    result.shed_counter = shed_statistics.ShedCounter(result)
    result.hgweb_config_manager = galaxy.webapps.tool_shed.util.hgweb_config.HgWebConfigManager()
    return result