Example #1
def __extract_payload_from_request(trans, func, kwargs):
    content_type = trans.request.headers['content-type']
    if content_type.startswith('application/x-www-form-urlencoded') or content_type.startswith('multipart/form-data'):
        # If the content type is a standard type such as multipart/form-data, the wsgi framework parses the request body
        # and loads all field values into kwargs. However, kwargs also contains formal method parameters etc. which
        # are not a part of the request body. This is a problem because it's not possible to differentiate between values
        # which are a part of the request body, and therefore should be a part of the payload, and values which should not be
        # in the payload. Therefore, the decorated method's formal arguments are discovered through reflection and removed from
        # the payload dictionary. This helps to prevent duplicate argument conflicts in downstream methods.
        payload = kwargs.copy()
        named_args, _, _, _ = inspect.getargspec(func)
        for arg in named_args:
            payload.pop(arg, None)
        for k, v in payload.iteritems():
            if isinstance(v, (str, unicode)):
                    payload[k] = loads(v)
                    # may not actually be json, just continue
        payload = util.recursively_stringify_dictionary_keys( payload )
        # Assume application/json content type and parse request body manually, since wsgi won't do it. However, the order of this check
        # should ideally be in reverse, with the if clause being a check for application/json and the else clause assuming a standard encoding
        # such as multipart/form-data. Leaving it as is for backward compatibility, just in case.
        payload = util.recursively_stringify_dictionary_keys( loads( trans.request.body ) )
    return payload
Example #2
def __extract_payload_from_request(trans, func, kwargs):
    content_type = trans.request.headers['content-type']
    if content_type.startswith(
            'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') or content_type.startswith(
        # If the content type is a standard type such as multipart/form-data, the wsgi framework parses the request body
        # and loads all field values into kwargs. However, kwargs also contains formal method parameters etc. which
        # are not a part of the request body. This is a problem because it's not possible to differentiate between values
        # which are a part of the request body, and therefore should be a part of the payload, and values which should not be
        # in the payload. Therefore, the decorated method's formal arguments are discovered through reflection and removed from
        # the payload dictionary. This helps to prevent duplicate argument conflicts in downstream methods.
        payload = kwargs.copy()
        named_args, _, _, _ = inspect.getargspec(func)
        for arg in named_args:
            payload.pop(arg, None)
        for k, v in payload.iteritems():
            if isinstance(v, (str, unicode)):
                    payload[k] = loads(v)
                    # may not actually be json, just continue
        payload = util.recursively_stringify_dictionary_keys(payload)
        # Assume application/json content type and parse request body manually, since wsgi won't do it. However, the order of this check
        # should ideally be in reverse, with the if clause being a check for application/json and the else clause assuming a standard encoding
        # such as multipart/form-data. Leaving it as is for backward compatibility, just in case.
        payload = util.recursively_stringify_dictionary_keys(
    return payload
Example #3
 def recover_runtime_state( self, runtime_state ):
     """ Take secure runtime state from persisted invocation and convert it
     into a DefaultToolState object for use during workflow invocation.
     state = galaxy.tools.DefaultToolState()
     app = self.trans.app
     state.decode( runtime_state, self.tool, app, secure=False )
     state_dict = loads( runtime_state )
     if RUNTIME_STEP_META_STATE_KEY in state_dict:
         self.__restore_step_meta_runtime_state( loads( state_dict[ RUNTIME_STEP_META_STATE_KEY ] ) )
     return state
Example #4
 def get_chrom_info(self,
     # FIXME: flag to turn off custom_build_hack_get_len_from_fasta_conversion should not be required
     chrom_info = None
     db_dataset = None
     # Collect chromInfo from custom builds
     if trans:
         db_dataset = trans.db_dataset_for(dbkey)
         if db_dataset:
             chrom_info = db_dataset.file_name
             # Do Custom Build handling
             if trans.user and ('dbkeys' in trans.user.preferences) and (
                     dbkey in loads(trans.user.preferences['dbkeys'])):
                 custom_build_dict = loads(
                 # HACK: the attempt to get chrom_info below will trigger the
                 # fasta-to-len converter if the dataset is not available or,
                 # which will in turn create a recursive loop when
                 # running the fasta-to-len tool. So, use a hack in the second
                 # condition below to avoid getting chrom_info when running the
                 # fasta-to-len converter.
                 if 'fasta' in custom_build_dict and custom_build_hack_get_len_from_fasta_conversion:
                     # Build is defined by fasta; get len file, which is obtained from converting fasta.
                     build_fasta_dataset = trans.sa_session.query(
                     chrom_info = build_fasta_dataset.get_converted_dataset(
                         trans, 'len').file_name
                 elif 'len' in custom_build_dict:
                     # Build is defined by len file, so use it.
                     chrom_info = trans.sa_session.query(
     # Check Data table
     if not chrom_info:
         dbkey_table = self._app.tool_data_tables.get(
             self._data_table_name, None)
         if dbkey_table is not None:
             chrom_info = dbkey_table.get_entry('value',
     # use configured server len path
     if not chrom_info:
         # Default to built-in build.
         # Since we are using an unverified dbkey, we will sanitize the dbkey before use
         chrom_info = os.path.join(
             "%s.len" % sanitize_lists_to_string(dbkey))
     chrom_info = os.path.abspath(chrom_info)
     return (chrom_info, db_dataset)
Example #5
 def get_genome_build_names(self, trans=None):
     # FIXME: how to deal with key duplicates?
     rval = []
     # load user custom genome builds
     if trans is not None:
         if trans.history:
             # This is a little bit Odd. We are adding every .len file in the current history to dbkey list,
             # but this is previous behavior from trans.db_names, so we'll continue to do it.
             # It does allow one-off, history specific dbkeys to be created by a user. But we are not filtering,
             # so a len file will be listed twice (as the build name and again as dataset name),
             # if custom dbkey creation/conversion occurred within the current history.
             datasets = trans.sa_session.query( self._app.model.HistoryDatasetAssociation ) \
                                       .filter_by( deleted=False, history_id=trans.history.id, extension="len" )
             for dataset in datasets:
                      "%s (%s) [History]" % (dataset.name, dataset.dbkey)))
         user = trans.user
         if user and hasattr(
                 user, 'preferences') and 'dbkeys' in user.preferences:
             user_keys = loads(user.preferences['dbkeys'])
             for key, chrom_dict in user_keys.iteritems():
                     (key, "%s (%s) [Custom]" % (chrom_dict['name'], key)))
     # Load old builds.txt static keys
     #load dbkeys from dbkey data table
     dbkey_table = self._app.tool_data_tables.get(self._data_table_name,
     if dbkey_table is not None:
         for field_dict in dbkey_table.get_named_fields_list():
             rval.append((field_dict['value'], field_dict['name']))
     return rval
Example #6
    def sweepster( self, trans, id=None, hda_ldda=None, dataset_id=None, regions=None ):
        Displays a sweepster visualization using the incoming parameters. If id is available,
        get the visualization with the given id; otherwise, create a new visualization using
        a given dataset and regions.
        regions = regions or '{}'
        # Need to create history if necessary in order to create tool form.
        trans.get_history( create=True )

        if id:
            # Loading a shared visualization.
            viz = self.get_visualization( trans, id )
            viz_config = self.get_visualization_config( trans, viz )
            decoded_id = self.decode_id( viz_config[ 'dataset_id' ] )
            dataset = self.hda_manager.get_owned( decoded_id, trans.user, current_history=trans.history )
            # Loading new visualization.
            dataset = self.get_hda_or_ldda( trans, hda_ldda, dataset_id )
            job = self.hda_manager.creating_job( dataset )
            viz_config = {
                'dataset_id': dataset_id,
                'tool_id': job.tool_id,
                'regions': loads( regions )

        # Add tool, dataset attributes to config based on id.
        tool = trans.app.toolbox.get_tool( viz_config[ 'tool_id' ] )
        viz_config[ 'tool' ] = tool.to_dict( trans, io_details=True )
        viz_config[ 'dataset' ] = trans.security.encode_dict_ids( dataset.to_dict() )

        return trans.fill_template_mako( "visualization/sweepster.mako", config=viz_config )
Example #7
 def from_workflow_step( Class, trans, step ):
     toolbox = trans.app.toolbox
     tool_id = step.tool_id
     if toolbox:
         # See if we have access to a different version of the tool.
         # TODO: If workflows are ever enhanced to use tool version
         # in addition to tool id, enhance the selection process here
         # to retrieve the correct version of the tool.
         tool_id = toolbox.get_tool_id( tool_id )
     if ( toolbox and tool_id ):
         if step.config:
             # This step has its state saved in the config field due to the
             # tool being previously unavailable.
             return module_factory.from_dict(trans, loads(step.config), secure=False)
         tool_version = step.tool_version
         module = Class( trans, tool_id, tool_version=tool_version )
         if step.tool_version and (step.tool_version != module.tool.version):
             message = "%s: using version '%s' instead of version '%s' indicated in this workflow." % (tool_id, module.tool.version, step.tool_version)
         module.recover_state( step.tool_inputs )
         module.errors = step.tool_errors
         module.workflow_outputs = step.workflow_outputs
         pjadict = {}
         for pja in step.post_job_actions:
             pjadict[pja.action_type] = pja
         module.post_job_actions = pjadict
         return module
     return None
Example #8
    def chroms( self, trans, dbkey=None, num=None, chrom=None, low=None ):
        Returns a naturally sorted list of chroms/contigs for a given dbkey.
        Use either chrom or low to specify the starting chrom in the return list.

        # If there is no dbkey owner, default to current user.
        dbkey_owner, dbkey = decode_dbkey( dbkey )
        if dbkey_owner:
            dbkey_user = trans.sa_session.query( trans.app.model.User ).filter_by( username=dbkey_owner ).first()
            dbkey_user = trans.user

        # Get/create genome object.
        genome = None
        twobit_file = None

        # Look first in user's custom builds.
        if dbkey_user and 'dbkeys' in dbkey_user.preferences:
            user_keys = loads( dbkey_user.preferences['dbkeys'] )
            if dbkey in user_keys:
                dbkey_attributes = user_keys[ dbkey ]
                dbkey_name = dbkey_attributes[ 'name' ]

                # If there's a fasta for genome, convert to 2bit for later use.
                if 'fasta' in dbkey_attributes:
                    build_fasta = trans.sa_session.query( trans.app.model.HistoryDatasetAssociation ).get( dbkey_attributes[ 'fasta' ] )
                    len_file = build_fasta.get_converted_dataset( trans, 'len' ).file_name
                    build_fasta.get_converted_dataset( trans, 'twobit' )
                    # HACK: set twobit_file to True rather than a file name because
                    # get_converted_dataset returns null during conversion even though
                    # there will eventually be a twobit file available for genome.
                    twobit_file = True
                # Backwards compatibility: look for len file directly.
                elif 'len' in dbkey_attributes:
                    len_file = trans.sa_session.query( trans.app.model.HistoryDatasetAssociation ).get( user_keys[ dbkey ][ 'len' ] ).file_name
                if len_file:
                    genome = Genome( dbkey, dbkey_name, len_file=len_file, twobit_file=twobit_file )

        # Look in history and system builds.
        if not genome:
            # Look in history for chromosome len file.
            len_ds = trans.db_dataset_for( dbkey )
            if len_ds:
                genome = Genome( dbkey, dbkey_name, len_file=len_ds.file_name )
            # Look in system builds.
            elif dbkey in self.genomes:
                genome = self.genomes[ dbkey ]

        # Set up return value or log exception if genome not found for key.
        rval = None
        if genome:
            rval = genome.to_dict( num=num, chrom=chrom, low=low )
            log.exception( 'genome not found for key %s' % dbkey )

        return rval
Example #9
 def handle_result(self, result, param_dict, trans):
     rval = loads(result.content)
     return trans.fill_template(
Example #10
def __main__():

    if len( sys.argv ) < 4:
        print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: upload.py <root> <datatypes_conf> <json paramfile> <output spec> ...'
        sys.exit( 1 )

    output_paths = parse_outputs( sys.argv[4:] )
    json_file = open( 'galaxy.json', 'w' )

    registry = Registry()
    registry.load_datatypes( root_dir=sys.argv[1], config=sys.argv[2] )

    for line in open( sys.argv[3], 'r' ):
        dataset = loads( line )
        dataset = util.bunch.Bunch( **safe_dict( dataset ) )
            output_path = output_paths[int( dataset.dataset_id )][0]
            print >>sys.stderr, 'Output path for dataset %s not found on command line' % dataset.dataset_id
            sys.exit( 1 )
        if dataset.type == 'composite':
            files_path = output_paths[int( dataset.dataset_id )][1]
            add_composite_file( dataset, json_file, output_path, files_path )
            add_file( dataset, registry, json_file, output_path )

    # clean up paramfile
    # TODO: this will not work when running as the actual user unless the
    # parent directory is writable by the user.
        os.remove( sys.argv[3] )
 def check_job( self, job ):
     if self._missing_params( job.params, [ 'type' ] ):
         return self.job_states.INVALID
     if job.params[ 'type' ] == 'init_transfer':
         if self._missing_params( job.params, [ 'smrt_host', 'smrt_job_id' ] ):
             return self.job_states.INVALID
         url = 'http://' + job.params[ 'smrt_host' ] + self.api_path + '/Jobs/' + job.params[ 'smrt_job_id' ] + '/Status'
         r = urllib2.urlopen( url )
         status = json.loads( r.read() )
         # TODO: error handling: unexpected json or bad response, bad url, etc.
         if status[ 'Code' ] == 'Completed':
             log.debug( "SMRT Portal job '%s' is Completed.  Initiating transfer." % job.params[ 'smrt_job_id' ] )
             return self.job_states.READY
         return self.job_states.WAIT
     if job.params[ 'type' ] == 'finish_transfer':
         if self._missing_params( job.params, [ 'transfer_job_id' ] ):
             return self.job_states.INVALID
         # Get the TransferJob object and add it to the DeferredJob so we only look it up once.
         if not hasattr( job, 'transfer_job' ):
             job.transfer_job = self.sa_session.query( self.app.model.TransferJob ).get( int( job.params[ 'transfer_job_id' ] ) )
         state = self.app.transfer_manager.get_state( job.transfer_job )
         if not state:
             log.error( 'No state for transfer job id: %s' % job.transfer_job.id )
             return self.job_states.WAIT
         if state[ 'state' ] in self.app.model.TransferJob.terminal_states:
             return self.job_states.READY
         log.debug( "Checked on finish transfer job %s, not done yet." % job.id )
         return self.job_states.WAIT
         log.error( 'Unknown job type for SMRTPortalPlugin: %s' % str( job.params[ 'type' ] ) )
         return self.job_states.INVALID
def upgrade(migrate_engine):
    metadata.bind = migrate_engine

    print __doc__

    Visualization_table = Table( "visualization", metadata, autoload=True )
    Visualization_revision_table = Table( "visualization_revision", metadata, autoload=True )

    # Create dbkey columns.
    x = Column( "dbkey", TEXT )
    y = Column( "dbkey", TEXT )
    x.create( Visualization_table )
    y.create( Visualization_revision_table )
    # Manually create indexes for compatability w/ mysql_length.
    xi = Index( "ix_visualization_dbkey", Visualization_table.c.dbkey, mysql_length = 200)
    yi = Index( "ix_visualization_revision_dbkey", Visualization_revision_table.c.dbkey, mysql_length = 200)
    assert x is Visualization_table.c.dbkey
    assert y is Visualization_revision_table.c.dbkey

    all_viz = migrate_engine.execute( "SELECT visualization.id as viz_id, visualization_revision.id as viz_rev_id, visualization_revision.config FROM visualization_revision \
                    LEFT JOIN visualization ON visualization.id=visualization_revision.visualization_id" )
    for viz in all_viz:
        viz_id = viz['viz_id']
        viz_rev_id = viz['viz_rev_id']
        if viz[Visualization_revision_table.c.config]:
            dbkey = loads(viz[Visualization_revision_table.c.config]).get('dbkey', "").replace("'", "\\'")
            migrate_engine.execute("UPDATE visualization_revision SET dbkey='%s' WHERE id=%s" % (dbkey, viz_rev_id))
            migrate_engine.execute("UPDATE visualization SET dbkey='%s' WHERE id=%s" % (dbkey, viz_id))
    def import_workflow( self, trans, payload, **kwd ):
        POST /api/tool_shed_repositories/import_workflow

        Import the specified exported workflow contained in the specified installed tool shed repository into Galaxy.

        :param key: the API key of the Galaxy user with which the imported workflow will be associated.
        :param id: the encoded id of the ToolShedRepository object

        The following parameters are included in the payload.
        :param index: the index location of the workflow tuple in the list of exported workflows stored in the metadata for the specified repository
        api_key = kwd.get( 'key', None )
        if api_key is None:
            raise HTTPBadRequest( detail="Missing required parameter 'key' whose value is the API key for the Galaxy user importing the specified workflow." )
        tool_shed_repository_id = kwd.get( 'id', '' )
        if not tool_shed_repository_id:
            raise HTTPBadRequest( detail="Missing required parameter 'id'." )
        index = payload.get( 'index', None )
        if index is None:
            raise HTTPBadRequest( detail="Missing required parameter 'index'." )
        repository = suc.get_tool_shed_repository_by_id( trans.app, tool_shed_repository_id )
        exported_workflows = json.loads( self.exported_workflows( trans, tool_shed_repository_id ) )
        # Since we don't have an in-memory object with an id, we'll identify the exported workflow via its location (i.e., index) in the list.
        exported_workflow = exported_workflows[ int( index ) ]
        workflow_name = exported_workflow[ 'workflow_name' ]
        workflow, status, error_message = workflow_util.import_workflow( trans, repository, workflow_name )
        if status == 'error':
            log.debug( error_message )
            return {}
        return workflow.to_dict( view='element' )
Example #14
    def sweepster( self, trans, id=None, hda_ldda=None, dataset_id=None, regions=None ):
        Displays a sweepster visualization using the incoming parameters. If id is available,
        get the visualization with the given id; otherwise, create a new visualization using
        a given dataset and regions.
        regions = regions or '{}'
        # Need to create history if necessary in order to create tool form.
        trans.get_history( create=True )

        if id:
            # Loading a shared visualization.
            viz = self.get_visualization( trans, id )
            viz_config = self.get_visualization_config( trans, viz )
            decoded_id = self.decode_id( viz_config[ 'dataset_id' ] )
            dataset = self.hda_manager.get_owned( trans, decoded_id, trans.user )
            # Loading new visualization.
            dataset = self.get_hda_or_ldda( trans, hda_ldda, dataset_id )
            job = self.hda_manager.creating_job( dataset )
            viz_config = {
                'dataset_id': dataset_id,
                'tool_id': job.tool_id,
                'regions': loads( regions )

        # Add tool, dataset attributes to config based on id.
        tool = trans.app.toolbox.get_tool( viz_config[ 'tool_id' ] )
        viz_config[ 'tool' ] = tool.to_dict( trans, io_details=True )
        viz_config[ 'dataset' ] = trans.security.encode_dict_ids( dataset.to_dict() )

        return trans.fill_template_mako( "visualization/sweepster.mako", config=viz_config )
    def import_workflows(self, trans, **kwd):
        POST /api/tool_shed_repositories/import_workflows

        Import all of the exported workflows contained in the specified installed tool shed repository into Galaxy.

        :param key: the API key of the Galaxy user with which the imported workflows will be associated.
        :param id: the encoded id of the ToolShedRepository object
        api_key = kwd.get('key', None)
        if api_key is None:
            raise HTTPBadRequest(
                "Missing required parameter 'key' whose value is the API key for the Galaxy user importing the specified workflow."
        tool_shed_repository_id = kwd.get('id', '')
        if not tool_shed_repository_id:
            raise HTTPBadRequest(detail="Missing required parameter 'id'.")
        repository = suc.get_tool_shed_repository_by_id(
            trans.app, tool_shed_repository_id)
        exported_workflows = json.loads(
            self.exported_workflows(trans, tool_shed_repository_id))
        imported_workflow_dicts = []
        for exported_workflow_dict in exported_workflows:
            workflow_name = exported_workflow_dict['workflow_name']
            workflow, status, error_message = workflow_util.import_workflow(
                trans, repository, workflow_name)
            if status == 'error':
        return imported_workflow_dicts
    def _POST_to_saved( self, trans, id=None, revision=None, type=None, config=None, title=None, **kwargs ):
        Save the visualiztion info (revision, type, config, title, etc.) to
        the Visualization at `id` or to a new Visualization if `id` is None.

        Uses POST/redirect/GET after a successful save, redirecting to GET.
        DEFAULT_VISUALIZATION_NAME = 'Unnamed Visualization'

        # post to saved in order to save a visualization
        if type is None or config is None:
            return HTTPBadRequest( 'A visualization type and config are required to save a visualization' )
        if isinstance( config, basestring ):
            config = loads( config )
        title = title or DEFAULT_VISUALIZATION_NAME

        # TODO: allow saving to (updating) a specific revision - should be part of UsesVisualization
        # TODO: would be easier if this returned the visualization directly
        # check security if posting to existing visualization
        if id is not None:
            self.get_visualization( trans, id, check_ownership=True, check_accessible=False )
            # ??: on not owner: error raised, but not returned (status = 200)
        # TODO: there's no security check in save visualization (if passed an id)
        returned = self.save_visualization( trans, config, type, id, title )

        # redirect to GET to prevent annoying 'Do you want to post again?' dialog on page reload
        render_url = web.url_for( controller='visualization', action='saved', id=returned.get( 'vis_id' ) )
        return trans.response.send_redirect( render_url )
    def import_workflows( self, trans, **kwd ):
        POST /api/tool_shed_repositories/import_workflows

        Import all of the exported workflows contained in the specified installed tool shed repository into Galaxy.

        :param key: the API key of the Galaxy user with which the imported workflows will be associated.
        :param id: the encoded id of the ToolShedRepository object
        api_key = kwd.get( 'key', None )
        if api_key is None:
            raise HTTPBadRequest( detail="Missing required parameter 'key' whose value is the API key for the Galaxy user importing the specified workflow." )
        tool_shed_repository_id = kwd.get( 'id', '' )
        if not tool_shed_repository_id:
            raise HTTPBadRequest( detail="Missing required parameter 'id'." )
        repository = suc.get_tool_shed_repository_by_id( trans.app, tool_shed_repository_id )
        exported_workflows = json.loads( self.exported_workflows( trans, tool_shed_repository_id ) )
        imported_workflow_dicts = []
        for exported_workflow_dict in exported_workflows:
            workflow_name = exported_workflow_dict[ 'workflow_name' ]
            workflow, status, error_message = workflow_util.import_workflow( trans, repository, workflow_name )
            if status == 'error':
                log.debug( error_message )
                imported_workflow_dicts.append( workflow.to_dict( view='element' ) )
        return imported_workflow_dicts
    def import_workflow( self, trans, payload, **kwd ):
        POST /api/tool_shed_repositories/import_workflow

        Import the specified exported workflow contained in the specified installed tool shed repository into Galaxy.

        :param key: the API key of the Galaxy user with which the imported workflow will be associated.
        :param id: the encoded id of the ToolShedRepository object

        The following parameters are included in the payload.
        :param index: the index location of the workflow tuple in the list of exported workflows stored in the metadata for the specified repository
        api_key = kwd.get( 'key', None )
        if api_key is None:
            raise HTTPBadRequest( detail="Missing required parameter 'key' whose value is the API key for the Galaxy user importing the specified workflow." )
        tool_shed_repository_id = kwd.get( 'id', '' )
        if not tool_shed_repository_id:
            raise HTTPBadRequest( detail="Missing required parameter 'id'." )
        index = payload.get( 'index', None )
        if index is None:
            raise HTTPBadRequest( detail="Missing required parameter 'index'." )
        repository = suc.get_tool_shed_repository_by_id( trans.app, tool_shed_repository_id )
        exported_workflows = json.loads( self.exported_workflows( trans, tool_shed_repository_id ) )
        # Since we don't have an in-memory object with an id, we'll identify the exported workflow via its location (i.e., index) in the list.
        exported_workflow = exported_workflows[ int( index ) ]
        workflow_name = exported_workflow[ 'workflow_name' ]
        workflow, status, error_message = workflow_util.import_workflow( trans, repository, workflow_name )
        if status == 'error':
            log.debug( error_message )
            return {}
        return workflow.to_dict( view='element' )
Example #19
    def get_dbkeys(self, trans, chrom_info=False, **kwd):
        """ Returns all known dbkeys. If chrom_info is True, only dbkeys with
            chromosome lengths are returned. """
        dbkeys = []

        # Add user's custom keys to dbkeys.
        user_keys_dict = {}
        user = trans.get_user()
        if user:
            if 'dbkeys' in user.preferences:
                user_keys_dict = loads(user.preferences['dbkeys'])
            dbkeys.extend([(attributes['name'], key)
                           for key, attributes in user_keys_dict.items()])

        # Add app keys to dbkeys.

        # If chrom_info is True, only include keys with len files (which contain chromosome info).
        filter_fn = lambda b: True
        if chrom_info:
            filter_fn = lambda b: b.len_file is not None

        dbkeys.extend([(genome.description, genome.key)
                       for key, genome in self.genomes.items()
                       if filter_fn(genome)])

        return dbkeys
def __main__():

    if len(sys.argv) < 4:
        print >> sys.stderr, 'usage: upload.py <root> <datatypes_conf> <json paramfile> <output spec> ...'

    output_paths = parse_outputs(sys.argv[4:])
    json_file = open('galaxy.json', 'w')

    registry = Registry()
    registry.load_datatypes(root_dir=sys.argv[1], config=sys.argv[2])

    for line in open(sys.argv[3], 'r'):
        dataset = loads(line)
        dataset = util.bunch.Bunch(**safe_dict(dataset))
            output_path = output_paths[int(dataset.dataset_id)][0]
            print >> sys.stderr, 'Output path for dataset %s not found on command line' % dataset.dataset_id
        if dataset.type == 'composite':
            files_path = output_paths[int(dataset.dataset_id)][1]
            add_composite_file(dataset, registry, json_file, output_path,
            add_file(dataset, registry, json_file, output_path)

    # clean up paramfile
    # TODO: this will not work when running as the actual user unless the
    # parent directory is writable by the user.
Example #21
 def get_genome_build_names( self, trans=None ):
     # FIXME: how to deal with key duplicates?
     rval = []
     # load user custom genome builds
     if trans is not None:
         if trans.history:
             # This is a little bit Odd. We are adding every .len file in the current history to dbkey list,
             # but this is previous behavior from trans.db_names, so we'll continue to do it.
             # It does allow one-off, history specific dbkeys to be created by a user. But we are not filtering,
             # so a len file will be listed twice (as the build name and again as dataset name),
             # if custom dbkey creation/conversion occurred within the current history.
             datasets = trans.sa_session.query( self._app.model.HistoryDatasetAssociation ) \
                             .filter_by( deleted=False, history_id=trans.history.id, extension="len" )
             for dataset in datasets:
                 rval.append( ( dataset.dbkey, "%s (%s) [History]" % ( dataset.name, dataset.dbkey ) ) )
         user = trans.user
         if user and hasattr( user, 'preferences' ) and 'dbkeys' in user.preferences:
             user_keys = loads( user.preferences['dbkeys'] )
             for key, chrom_dict in user_keys.iteritems():
                 rval.append( ( key, "%s (%s) [Custom]" % ( chrom_dict['name'], key ) ) )
     # Load old builds.txt static keys
     rval.extend( self._static_dbkeys )
     # load dbkeys from dbkey data table
     dbkey_table = self._app.tool_data_tables.get( self._data_table_name, None )
     if dbkey_table is not None:
         for field_dict in dbkey_table.get_named_fields_list():
             rval.append( ( field_dict[ 'value' ], field_dict[ 'name' ] ) )
     return rval
Example #22
def import_workflow(trans, repository, workflow_name):
    """Import a workflow contained in an installed tool shed repository into Galaxy (this method is called only from Galaxy)."""
    status = 'done'
    message = ''
    changeset_revision = repository.changeset_revision
    metadata = repository.metadata
    workflows = metadata.get('workflows', [])
    tools_metadata = metadata.get('tools', [])
    workflow_dict = None
    for workflow_data_tuple in workflows:
        # The value of workflow_data_tuple is ( relative_path_to_workflow_file, exported_workflow_dict ).
        relative_path_to_workflow_file, exported_workflow_dict = workflow_data_tuple
        if exported_workflow_dict['name'] == workflow_name:
            # If the exported workflow is available on disk, import it.
            if os.path.exists(relative_path_to_workflow_file):
                workflow_file = open(relative_path_to_workflow_file, 'rb')
                workflow_data = workflow_file.read()
                workflow_dict = json.loads(workflow_data)
                # Use the current exported_workflow_dict.
                workflow_dict = exported_workflow_dict
    if workflow_dict:
        # Create workflow if possible.
        workflow, missing_tool_tups = get_workflow_from_dict(
        # Save the workflow in the Galaxy database.  Pass workflow_dict along to create annotation at this point.
        stored_workflow = save_workflow(trans, workflow, workflow_dict)
        # Use the latest version of the saved workflow.
        workflow = stored_workflow.latest_workflow
        if workflow_name:
            workflow.name = workflow_name
        # Provide user feedback and show workflow list.
        if workflow.has_errors:
            message += "Imported, but some steps in this workflow have validation errors. "
            status = "error"
        if workflow.has_cycles:
            message += "Imported, but this workflow contains cycles.  "
            status = "error"
            message += "Workflow <b>%s</b> imported successfully.  " % workflow.name
        if missing_tool_tups:
            name_and_id_str = ''
            for missing_tool_tup in missing_tool_tups:
                tool_id, tool_name, other = missing_tool_tup
                name_and_id_str += 'name: %s, id: %s' % (str(tool_id),
            message += "The following tools required by this workflow are missing from this Galaxy instance: %s.  " % name_and_id_str
        workflow = None
        message += 'The workflow named %s is not included in the metadata for revision %s of repository %s' % \
            ( str( workflow_name ), str( changeset_revision ), str( repository.name ) )
        status = 'error'
    return workflow, status, message
def import_workflow( trans, repository, workflow_name ):
    """Import a workflow contained in an installed tool shed repository into Galaxy (this method is called only from Galaxy)."""
    status = 'done'
    message = ''
    changeset_revision = repository.changeset_revision
    metadata = repository.metadata
    workflows = metadata.get( 'workflows', [] )
    tools_metadata = metadata.get( 'tools', [] )
    workflow_dict = None
    for workflow_data_tuple in workflows:
        # The value of workflow_data_tuple is ( relative_path_to_workflow_file, exported_workflow_dict ).
        relative_path_to_workflow_file, exported_workflow_dict = workflow_data_tuple
        if exported_workflow_dict[ 'name' ] == workflow_name:
            # If the exported workflow is available on disk, import it.
            if os.path.exists( relative_path_to_workflow_file ):
                workflow_file = open( relative_path_to_workflow_file, 'rb' )
                workflow_data = workflow_file.read()
                workflow_dict = json.loads( workflow_data )
                # Use the current exported_workflow_dict.
                workflow_dict = exported_workflow_dict
    if workflow_dict:
        # Create workflow if possible.
        workflow, missing_tool_tups = get_workflow_from_dict( trans=trans,
                                                              changeset_revision=changeset_revision )
        # Save the workflow in the Galaxy database.  Pass workflow_dict along to create annotation at this point.
        stored_workflow = save_workflow( trans, workflow, workflow_dict )
        # Use the latest version of the saved workflow.
        workflow = stored_workflow.latest_workflow
        if workflow_name:
            workflow.name = workflow_name
        # Provide user feedback and show workflow list.
        if workflow.has_errors:
            message += "Imported, but some steps in this workflow have validation errors. "
            status = "error"
        if workflow.has_cycles:
            message += "Imported, but this workflow contains cycles.  "
            status = "error"
            message += "Workflow <b>%s</b> imported successfully.  " % workflow.name
        if missing_tool_tups:
            name_and_id_str = ''
            for missing_tool_tup in missing_tool_tups:
                tool_id, tool_name, other = missing_tool_tup
                name_and_id_str += 'name: %s, id: %s' % ( str( tool_id ), str( tool_name ) )
            message += "The following tools required by this workflow are missing from this Galaxy instance: %s.  " % name_and_id_str
        workflow = None
        message += 'The workflow named %s is not included in the metadata for revision %s of repository %s' % \
            ( str( workflow_name ), str( changeset_revision ), str( repository.name ) )
        status = 'error'
    return workflow, status, message
Example #24
    def save(self, trans, id, content, annotations):
        id = trans.security.decode_id(id)
        page = trans.sa_session.query(model.Page).get(id)
        assert page.user == trans.user

        # Sanitize content
        content = sanitize_html(content, 'utf-8', 'text/html')

        # Add a new revision to the page with the provided content.
        page_revision = model.PageRevision()
        page_revision.title = page.title
        page_revision.page = page
        page.latest_revision = page_revision
        page_revision.content = content

        # Save annotations.
        annotations = loads(annotations)
        for annotation_dict in annotations:
            item_id = trans.security.decode_id(annotation_dict['item_id'])
            item_class = self.get_class(annotation_dict['item_class'])
            item = trans.sa_session.query(item_class).filter_by(
            if not item:
                raise RuntimeError("cannot find annotated item")
            text = sanitize_html(annotation_dict['text'], 'utf-8', 'text/html')

            # Add/update annotation.
            if item_id and item_class and text:
                # Get annotation association.
                annotation_assoc_class = eval("model.%sAnnotationAssociation" %
                annotation_assoc = trans.sa_session.query(
                if item_class == model.History.__class__:
                    annotation_assoc = annotation_assoc.filter_by(history=item)
                elif item_class == model.HistoryDatasetAssociation.__class__:
                    annotation_assoc = annotation_assoc.filter_by(hda=item)
                elif item_class == model.StoredWorkflow.__class__:
                    annotation_assoc = annotation_assoc.filter_by(
                elif item_class == model.WorkflowStep.__class__:
                    annotation_assoc = annotation_assoc.filter_by(
                annotation_assoc = annotation_assoc.first()
                if not annotation_assoc:
                    # Create association.
                    annotation_assoc = annotation_assoc_class()
                    annotation_assoc.user = trans.get_user()
                # Set annotation user text.
                annotation_assoc.annotation = text
Example #25
 def save( self, trans, vis_json=None, type=None, id=None, title=None, dbkey=None, annotation=None ):
     Save a visualization; if visualization does not have an ID, a new
     visualization is created. Returns JSON of visualization.
     # Get visualization attributes from kwargs or from config.
     vis_config = loads( vis_json )
     vis_type = type or vis_config[ 'type' ]
     vis_id = id or vis_config.get( 'id', None )
     vis_title = title or vis_config.get( 'title', None )
     vis_dbkey = dbkey or vis_config.get( 'dbkey', None )
     vis_annotation = annotation or vis_config.get( 'annotation', None )
     return self.save_visualization( trans, vis_config, vis_type, vis_id, vis_title, vis_dbkey, vis_annotation )
Example #26
 def save( self, trans, vis_json=None, type=None, id=None, title=None, dbkey=None, annotation=None ):
     Save a visualization; if visualization does not have an ID, a new
     visualization is created. Returns JSON of visualization.
     # Get visualization attributes from kwargs or from config.
     vis_config = loads( vis_json )
     vis_type = type or vis_config[ 'type' ]
     vis_id = id or vis_config.get( 'id', None )
     vis_title = title or vis_config.get( 'title', None )
     vis_dbkey = dbkey or vis_config.get( 'dbkey', None )
     vis_annotation = annotation or vis_config.get( 'annotation', None )
     return self.save_visualization( trans, vis_config, vis_type, vis_id, vis_title, vis_dbkey, vis_annotation )
Example #27
def create_archive( history_attrs_file, datasets_attrs_file, jobs_attrs_file, out_file, gzip=False ):
    """ Create archive from the given attribute/metadata files and save it to out_file. """
    tarfile_mode = "w"
    if gzip:
        tarfile_mode += ":gz"

        history_archive = tarfile.open( out_file, tarfile_mode )

        # Read datasets attributes from file.
        datasets_attr_in = open( datasets_attrs_file, 'rb' )
        datasets_attr_str = ''
        buffsize = 1048576
            while True:
                datasets_attr_str += datasets_attr_in.read( buffsize )
                if not datasets_attr_str or len( datasets_attr_str ) % buffsize != 0:
        except OverflowError:
        datasets_attrs = loads( datasets_attr_str )

        # Add datasets to archive and update dataset attributes.
        # TODO: security check to ensure that files added are in Galaxy dataset directory?
        for dataset_attrs in datasets_attrs:
            if dataset_attrs['exported']:
                dataset_file_name = dataset_attrs[ 'file_name' ]  # Full file name.
                dataset_archive_name = os.path.join( 'datasets',
                                                     get_dataset_filename( dataset_attrs[ 'name' ], dataset_attrs[ 'extension' ] ) )
                history_archive.add( dataset_file_name, arcname=dataset_archive_name )
                # Update dataset filename to be archive name.
                dataset_attrs[ 'file_name' ] = dataset_archive_name

        # Rewrite dataset attributes file.
        datasets_attrs_out = open( datasets_attrs_file, 'w' )
        datasets_attrs_out.write( dumps( datasets_attrs ) )

        # Finish archive.
        history_archive.add( history_attrs_file, arcname="history_attrs.txt" )
        history_archive.add( datasets_attrs_file, arcname="datasets_attrs.txt" )
        if os.path.exists( datasets_attrs_file + ".provenance" ):
            history_archive.add( datasets_attrs_file + ".provenance", arcname="datasets_attrs.txt.provenance" )
        history_archive.add( jobs_attrs_file, arcname="jobs_attrs.txt" )

        # Status.
        return 'Created history archive.'
    except Exception, e:
        return 'Error creating history archive: %s' % str( e ), sys.stderr
Example #28
def params_from_strings(params, param_values, app, ignore_errors=False):
    Convert a dictionary of strings as produced by `params_to_strings`
    back into parameter values (decode the json representation and then
    allow each parameter to convert the basic types into the parameters
    preferred form).
    rval = dict()
    for key, value in param_values.iteritems():
        value = json_fix(loads(value))
        if key in params:
            value = params[key].value_from_basic(value, app, ignore_errors)
        rval[key] = value
    return rval
Example #29
def params_from_strings(params, param_values, app, ignore_errors=False):
    Convert a dictionary of strings as produced by `params_to_strings`
    back into parameter values (decode the json representation and then
    allow each parameter to convert the basic types into the parameters
    preferred form).
    rval = dict()
    for key, value in param_values.iteritems():
        value = json_fix(loads(value))
        if key in params:
            value = params[key].value_from_basic(value, app, ignore_errors)
        rval[key] = value
    return rval
Example #30
    def reference(self, trans, dbkey, chrom, low, high):
        Return reference data for a build.
        # If there is no dbkey owner, default to current user.
        dbkey_owner, dbkey = decode_dbkey(dbkey)
        if dbkey_owner:
            dbkey_user = trans.sa_session.query(
            dbkey_user = trans.user

        if not self.has_reference_data(dbkey, dbkey_user):
            return None

        # Get twobit file with reference data.
        twobit_file_name = None
        if dbkey in self.genomes:
            # Built-in twobit.
            twobit_file_name = self.genomes[dbkey].twobit_file
            user_keys = loads(dbkey_user.preferences['dbkeys'])
            dbkey_attributes = user_keys[dbkey]
            fasta_dataset = trans.sa_session.query(
            msg = fasta_dataset.convert_dataset(trans, 'twobit')
            if msg:
                return msg
                twobit_dataset = fasta_dataset.get_converted_dataset(
                    trans, 'twobit')
                twobit_file_name = twobit_dataset.file_name

        # Read and return reference data.
            twobit = TwoBitFile(open(twobit_file_name))
            if chrom in twobit:
                seq_data = twobit[chrom].get(int(low), int(high))
                return GenomeRegion(chrom=chrom,
        except IOError:
            return None
Example #31
def get_readme_files_dict_for_display( app, tool_shed_url, repo_info_dict ):
    Return a dictionary of README files contained in the single repository being installed so they can be displayed on the tool panel section
    selection page.
    name = repo_info_dict.keys()[ 0 ]
    repo_info_tuple = repo_info_dict[ name ]
    description, repository_clone_url, changeset_revision, ctx_rev, repository_owner, repository_dependencies, installed_td = \
        suc.get_repo_info_tuple_contents( repo_info_tuple )
    # Handle changing HTTP protocols over time.
    tool_shed_url = common_util.get_tool_shed_url_from_tool_shed_registry( app, tool_shed_url )
    params = dict( name=name, owner=repository_owner, changeset_revision=changeset_revision )
    pathspec = [ 'repository', 'get_readme_files' ]
    raw_text = common_util.tool_shed_get( app, tool_shed_url, pathspec=pathspec, params=params )
    readme_files_dict = json.loads( raw_text )
    return readme_files_dict
Example #32
    def save( self, trans, id, content, annotations ):
        id = self.decode_id( id )
        page = trans.sa_session.query( model.Page ).get( id )
        assert page.user == trans.user

        # Sanitize content
        content = sanitize_html( content, 'utf-8', 'text/html' )

        # Add a new revision to the page with the provided content.
        page_revision = model.PageRevision()
        page_revision.title = page.title
        page_revision.page = page
        page.latest_revision = page_revision
        page_revision.content = content

        # Save annotations.
        annotations = loads( annotations )
        for annotation_dict in annotations:
            item_id = self.decode_id( annotation_dict[ 'item_id' ] )
            item_class = self.get_class( annotation_dict[ 'item_class' ] )
            item = trans.sa_session.query( item_class ).filter_by( id=item_id ).first()
            if not item:
                raise RuntimeError( "cannot find annotated item" )
            text = sanitize_html( annotation_dict[ 'text' ], 'utf-8', 'text/html' )

            # Add/update annotation.
            if item_id and item_class and text:
                # Get annotation association.
                annotation_assoc_class = eval( "model.%sAnnotationAssociation" % item_class.__name__ )
                annotation_assoc = trans.sa_session.query( annotation_assoc_class ).filter_by( user=trans.get_user() )
                if item_class == model.History.__class__:
                    annotation_assoc = annotation_assoc.filter_by( history=item )
                elif item_class == model.HistoryDatasetAssociation.__class__:
                    annotation_assoc = annotation_assoc.filter_by( hda=item )
                elif item_class == model.StoredWorkflow.__class__:
                    annotation_assoc = annotation_assoc.filter_by( stored_workflow=item )
                elif item_class == model.WorkflowStep.__class__:
                    annotation_assoc = annotation_assoc.filter_by( workflow_step=item )
                annotation_assoc = annotation_assoc.first()
                if not annotation_assoc:
                    # Create association.
                    annotation_assoc = annotation_assoc_class()
                    item.annotations.append( annotation_assoc )
                    annotation_assoc.user = trans.get_user()
                # Set annotation user text.
                annotation_assoc.annotation = text
def load_input_parameters( filename, erase_file = True ):
    datasource_params = {}
        json_params = loads( open( filename, 'r' ).read() )
        datasource_params = json_params.get( 'param_dict' )
        json_params = None
        for line in open( filename, 'r' ):
                line = line.strip()
                fields = line.split( '\t' )
                datasource_params[ fields[0] ] = fields[1]
    if erase_file:
        open( filename, 'w' ).close() #open file for writing, then close, removes params from file
    return json_params, datasource_params
Example #34
 def loads_recurse(item):
     decoded_list = []
     if isinstance( item, basestring):
             # Not clear what we're decoding, so recurse to ensure that we catch everything.
             decoded_item = loads( item )
             if isinstance( decoded_item, list):
                 decoded_list = loads_recurse( decoded_item )
                 decoded_list = [ unicode( decoded_item ) ]
         except ValueError:
             decoded_list = [ unicode( item ) ]
     elif isinstance( item, list):
         for element in item:
             a_list = loads_recurse( element )
             decoded_list = decoded_list + a_list
     return decoded_list
Example #35
 def loads_recurse(item):
     decoded_list = []
     if isinstance( item, basestring):
             # Not clear what we're decoding, so recurse to ensure that we catch everything.
             decoded_item = loads( item )
             if isinstance( decoded_item, list):
                 decoded_list = loads_recurse( decoded_item )
                 decoded_list = [ unicode( decoded_item ) ]
         except ValueError:
             decoded_list = [ unicode( item ) ]
     elif isinstance( item, list):
         for element in item:
             a_list = loads_recurse( element )
             decoded_list = decoded_list + a_list
     return decoded_list
Example #36
def upgrade(migrate_engine):
    metadata.bind = migrate_engine

    print __doc__

    Visualization_table = Table("visualization", metadata, autoload=True)
    Visualization_revision_table = Table("visualization_revision",

    # Create dbkey columns.
    x = Column("dbkey", TEXT)
    y = Column("dbkey", TEXT)
    # Manually create indexes for compatability w/ mysql_length.
    xi = Index("ix_visualization_dbkey",
    yi = Index("ix_visualization_revision_dbkey",
    assert x is Visualization_table.c.dbkey
    assert y is Visualization_revision_table.c.dbkey

    all_viz = migrate_engine.execute(
        "SELECT visualization.id as viz_id, visualization_revision.id as viz_rev_id, visualization_revision.config FROM visualization_revision \
                    LEFT JOIN visualization ON visualization.id=visualization_revision.visualization_id"
    for viz in all_viz:
        viz_id = viz['viz_id']
        viz_rev_id = viz['viz_rev_id']
        if viz[Visualization_revision_table.c.config]:
            dbkey = loads(viz[Visualization_revision_table.c.config]).get(
                'dbkey', "").replace("'", "\\'")
                "UPDATE visualization_revision SET dbkey='%s' WHERE id=%s" %
                (dbkey, viz_rev_id))
                "UPDATE visualization SET dbkey='%s' WHERE id=%s" %
                (dbkey, viz_id))
Example #37
def get_readme_files_dict_for_display(app, tool_shed_url, repo_info_dict):
    Return a dictionary of README files contained in the single repository being installed so they can be displayed on the tool panel section
    selection page.
    name = repo_info_dict.keys()[0]
    repo_info_tuple = repo_info_dict[name]
    description, repository_clone_url, changeset_revision, ctx_rev, repository_owner, repository_dependencies, installed_td = \
        suc.get_repo_info_tuple_contents( repo_info_tuple )
    # Handle changing HTTP protocols over time.
    tool_shed_url = common_util.get_tool_shed_url_from_tool_shed_registry(
        app, tool_shed_url)
    params = '?name=%s&owner=%s&changeset_revision=%s' % (
        name, repository_owner, changeset_revision)
    url = common_util.url_join(tool_shed_url,
                               'repository/get_readme_files%s' % params)
    raw_text = common_util.tool_shed_get(app, tool_shed_url, url)
    readme_files_dict = json.loads(raw_text)
    return readme_files_dict
Example #38
    def has_reference_data( self, dbkey, dbkey_owner=None ):
        Returns true if there is reference data for the specified dbkey. If dbkey is custom,
        dbkey_owner is needed to determine if there is reference data.
        # Look for key in built-in builds.
        if dbkey in self.genomes and self.genomes[ dbkey ].twobit_file:
            # There is built-in reference data.
            return True

        # Look for key in owner's custom builds.
        if dbkey_owner and 'dbkeys' in dbkey_owner.preferences:
            user_keys = loads( dbkey_owner.preferences[ 'dbkeys' ] )
            if dbkey in user_keys:
                dbkey_attributes = user_keys[ dbkey ]
                if 'fasta' in dbkey_attributes:
                    # Fasta + converted datasets can provide reference data.
                    return True

        return False
Example #39
    def saved( self, trans, id=None, revision=None, type=None, config=None, title=None, **kwargs ):
        DEFAULT_VISUALIZATION_NAME = 'Unnamed Visualization'

        # post to saved in order to save a visualization
        #TODO: re-route this one to clear up signature
        if trans.request.method == 'POST':
            if type is None or config is None:
                return HTTPBadRequest( 'A visualization type and config are required to save a visualization' )
            if isinstance( config, basestring ):
                config = loads( config )
            title = title or DEFAULT_VISUALIZATION_NAME

            #TODO: allow saving to (updating) a specific revision - should be part of UsesVisualization
            #TODO: would be easier if this returned the visualization directly
            # check security if posting to existing visualization
            if id is not None:
                visualization = self.get_visualization( trans, id, check_ownership=True, check_accessible=False )
                #??: on not owner: error raised, but not returned (status = 200)

            #TODO: there's no security check in save visualization (if passed an id)
            returned = self.save_visualization( trans, config, type, id, title )

            # redirect to GET to prevent annoying 'Do you want to post again?' dialog on page reload
            render_url = web.url_for( controller='visualization', action='saved', id=returned.get( 'vis_id' ) )
            return trans.response.send_redirect( render_url )

        if id is None:
            return HTTPBadRequest( 'A valid visualization id is required to load a visualization' )

        # render the saved visualization by passing to render, sending latest revision config
        #TODO: allow loading a specific revision - should be part of UsesVisualization
        #visualization = self.get_visualization( trans, id, check_ownership=True, check_accessible=False )
        visualization = self.get_visualization( trans, id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True )
        config = copy.copy( visualization.latest_revision.config )

        # re-add title to kwargs for passing to render
        if title:
            kwargs[ 'title' ] = title
        return self.render( trans, visualization.type, visualization, config=config, **kwargs )
Example #40
    def saved( self, trans, id=None, revision=None, type=None, config=None, title=None, **kwargs ):
        DEFAULT_VISUALIZATION_NAME = 'Unnamed Visualization'

        # post to saved in order to save a visualization
        #TODO: re-route this one to clear up signature
        if trans.request.method == 'POST':
            if type is None or config is None:
                return HTTPBadRequest( 'A visualization type and config are required to save a visualization' )
            if isinstance( config, basestring ):
                config = loads( config )
            title = title or DEFAULT_VISUALIZATION_NAME

            #TODO: allow saving to (updating) a specific revision - should be part of UsesVisualization
            #TODO: would be easier if this returned the visualization directly
            # check security if posting to existing visualization
            if id is not None:
                visualization = self.get_visualization( trans, id, check_ownership=True, check_accessible=False )
                #??: on not owner: error raised, but not returned (status = 200)

            #TODO: there's no security check in save visualization (if passed an id)
            returned = self.save_visualization( trans, config, type, id, title )

            # redirect to GET to prevent annoying 'Do you want to post again?' dialog on page reload
            render_url = web.url_for( controller='visualization', action='saved', id=returned.get( 'vis_id' ) )
            return trans.response.send_redirect( render_url )

        if id is None:
            return HTTPBadRequest( 'A valid visualization id is required to load a visualization' )

        # render the saved visualization by passing to render, sending latest revision config
        #TODO: allow loading a specific revision - should be part of UsesVisualization
        #visualization = self.get_visualization( trans, id, check_ownership=True, check_accessible=False )
        visualization = self.get_visualization( trans, id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True )
        config = copy.copy( visualization.latest_revision.config )

        # re-add title to kwargs for passing to render
        if title:
            kwargs[ 'title' ] = title
        return self.render( trans, visualization.type, visualization, config=config, **kwargs )
    def reference( self, trans, dbkey, chrom, low, high ):
        Return reference data for a build.

        # If there is no dbkey owner, default to current user.
        dbkey_owner, dbkey = decode_dbkey( dbkey )
        if dbkey_owner:
            dbkey_user = trans.sa_session.query( trans.app.model.User ).filter_by( username=dbkey_owner ).first()
            dbkey_user = trans.user

        if not self.has_reference_data( dbkey, dbkey_user ):
            return None

        # Get twobit file with reference data.
        twobit_file_name = None
        if dbkey in self.genomes:
            # Built-in twobit.
            twobit_file_name = self.genomes[dbkey].twobit_file
            user_keys = loads( dbkey_user.preferences['dbkeys'] )
            dbkey_attributes = user_keys[ dbkey ]
            fasta_dataset = trans.sa_session.query( trans.app.model.HistoryDatasetAssociation ).get( dbkey_attributes[ 'fasta' ] )
            msg = fasta_dataset.convert_dataset( trans, 'twobit' )
            if msg:
                return msg
                twobit_dataset = fasta_dataset.get_converted_dataset( trans, 'twobit' )
                twobit_file_name = twobit_dataset.file_name

        # Read and return reference data.
            twobit = TwoBitFile( open( twobit_file_name ) )
            if chrom in twobit:
                seq_data = twobit[chrom].get( int(low), int(high) )
                return GenomeRegion( chrom=chrom, start=low, end=high, sequence=seq_data )
        except IOError:
            return None
def get_sequencer_id(sequencer_info):
    '''Get the sequencer id corresponding to the sequencer information'''
    # Check if there is any existing sequencer which have the same sequencer
    # information fields & values
    cmd = "SELECT sequencer.id, form_values.content FROM sequencer, form_values WHERE sequencer.form_values_id=form_values.id"
    result = migrate_engine.execute(cmd)
    for row in result:
        sequencer_id = row[0]
        values = str(row[1])
        if not values.strip():
        values = loads(values)
        # proceed only if sequencer_info is a valid list
        if values and type(values) == type(dict()):
            if sequencer_info.get( 'host', '' ) == values.get( 'field_0', '' ) \
               and sequencer_info.get( 'username', '' ) == values.get( 'field_1', '' ) \
               and sequencer_info.get( 'password', '' ) == values.get( 'field_2', '' ) \
               and sequencer_info.get( 'data_dir', '' ) == values.get( 'field_3', '' ) \
               and sequencer_info.get( 'rename_dataset', '' ) == values.get( 'field_4', '' ):
                return sequencer_id
    return None
def get_sequencer_id( sequencer_info ):
    '''Get the sequencer id corresponding to the sequencer information'''
    # Check if there is any existing sequencer which have the same sequencer
    # information fields & values
    cmd = "SELECT sequencer.id, form_values.content FROM sequencer, form_values WHERE sequencer.form_values_id=form_values.id"
    result = migrate_engine.execute( cmd )
    for row in result:
        sequencer_id = row[0]
        values = str( row[1] )
        if not values.strip():
        values = loads( values )
        # proceed only if sequencer_info is a valid list
        if values and type( values ) == type( dict() ):
            if sequencer_info.get( 'host', '' ) == values.get( 'field_0', '' ) \
               and sequencer_info.get( 'username', '' ) == values.get( 'field_1', '' ) \
               and sequencer_info.get( 'password', '' ) == values.get( 'field_2', '' ) \
               and sequencer_info.get( 'data_dir', '' ) == values.get( 'field_3', '' ) \
               and sequencer_info.get( 'rename_dataset', '' ) == values.get( 'field_4', '' ):
                return sequencer_id
    return None
 def check_job(self, job):
     if self._missing_params(job.params, ['type']):
         return self.job_states.INVALID
     if job.params['type'] == 'init_transfer':
         if self._missing_params(job.params, ['smrt_host', 'smrt_job_id']):
             return self.job_states.INVALID
         url = 'http://' + job.params[
             'smrt_host'] + self.api_path + '/Jobs/' + job.params[
                 'smrt_job_id'] + '/Status'
         r = urllib2.urlopen(url)
         status = json.loads(r.read())
         # TODO: error handling: unexpected json or bad response, bad url, etc.
         if status['Code'] == 'Completed':
                 "SMRT Portal job '%s' is Completed.  Initiating transfer."
                 % job.params['smrt_job_id'])
             return self.job_states.READY
         return self.job_states.WAIT
     if job.params['type'] == 'finish_transfer':
         if self._missing_params(job.params, ['transfer_job_id']):
             return self.job_states.INVALID
         # Get the TransferJob object and add it to the DeferredJob so we only look it up once.
         if not hasattr(job, 'transfer_job'):
             job.transfer_job = self.sa_session.query(
         state = self.app.transfer_manager.get_state(job.transfer_job)
         if not state:
             log.error('No state for transfer job id: %s' %
             return self.job_states.WAIT
         if state['state'] in self.app.model.TransferJob.terminal_states:
             return self.job_states.READY
         log.debug("Checked on finish transfer job %s, not done yet." %
         return self.job_states.WAIT
         log.error('Unknown job type for SMRTPortalPlugin: %s' %
         return self.job_states.INVALID
Example #45
 def get_chrom_info( self, dbkey, trans=None, custom_build_hack_get_len_from_fasta_conversion=True ):
     # FIXME: flag to turn off custom_build_hack_get_len_from_fasta_conversion should not be required
     chrom_info = None
     db_dataset = None
     # Collect chromInfo from custom builds
     if trans:
         db_dataset = trans.db_dataset_for( dbkey )
         if db_dataset:
             chrom_info = db_dataset.file_name
             # Do Custom Build handling
             if trans.user and ( 'dbkeys' in trans.user.preferences ) and ( dbkey in loads( trans.user.preferences[ 'dbkeys' ] ) ):
                 custom_build_dict = loads( trans.user.preferences[ 'dbkeys' ] )[ dbkey ]
                 # HACK: the attempt to get chrom_info below will trigger the
                 # fasta-to-len converter if the dataset is not available or,
                 # which will in turn create a recursive loop when
                 # running the fasta-to-len tool. So, use a hack in the second
                 # condition below to avoid getting chrom_info when running the
                 # fasta-to-len converter.
                 if 'fasta' in custom_build_dict and custom_build_hack_get_len_from_fasta_conversion:
                     # Build is defined by fasta; get len file, which is obtained from converting fasta.
                     build_fasta_dataset = trans.sa_session.query( trans.app.model.HistoryDatasetAssociation ).get( custom_build_dict[ 'fasta' ] )
                     chrom_info = build_fasta_dataset.get_converted_dataset( trans, 'len' ).file_name
                 elif 'len' in custom_build_dict:
                     # Build is defined by len file, so use it.
                     chrom_info = trans.sa_session.query( trans.app.model.HistoryDatasetAssociation ).get( custom_build_dict[ 'len' ] ).file_name
     # Check Data table
     if not chrom_info:
         dbkey_table = self._app.tool_data_tables.get( self._data_table_name, None )
         if dbkey_table is not None:
             chrom_info = dbkey_table.get_entry( 'value', dbkey, 'len_path', default=None )
     # use configured server len path
     if not chrom_info:
         # Default to built-in build.
         # Since we are using an unverified dbkey, we will sanitize the dbkey before use
         chrom_info = os.path.join( self._static_chrom_info_path, "%s.len" % sanitize_lists_to_string( dbkey ) )
     chrom_info = os.path.abspath( chrom_info )
     return ( chrom_info, db_dataset )
    def get_dbkeys( self, trans, chrom_info=False, **kwd ):
        """ Returns all known dbkeys. If chrom_info is True, only dbkeys with
            chromosome lengths are returned. """
        dbkeys = []

        # Add user's custom keys to dbkeys.
        user_keys_dict = {}
        user = trans.get_user()
        if user:
            if 'dbkeys' in user.preferences:
                user_keys_dict = loads( user.preferences[ 'dbkeys' ] )
            dbkeys.extend( [ (attributes[ 'name' ], key ) for key, attributes in user_keys_dict.items() ] )

        # Add app keys to dbkeys.

        # If chrom_info is True, only include keys with len files (which contain chromosome info).
        filter_fn = lambda b: True
        if chrom_info:
            filter_fn = lambda b: b.len_file is not None

        dbkeys.extend( [ ( genome.description, genome.key ) for key, genome in self.genomes.items() if filter_fn( genome ) ] )

        return dbkeys
Example #47
    def __call__( self, trans, **kwargs ):
        # Get basics.
        # FIXME: pretty sure this is only here to pass along, can likely be eliminated
        status = kwargs.get( 'status', None )
        message = kwargs.get( 'message', None )
        # Build a base filter and sort key that is the combination of the saved state and defaults.
        # Saved state takes preference over defaults.
        base_filter = {}
        if self.default_filter:
            # default_filter is a dictionary that provides a default set of filters based on the grid's columns.
            base_filter = self.default_filter.copy()
        base_sort_key = self.default_sort_key
        if self.preserve_state:
            pref_name = unicode( self.__class__.__name__ + self.cur_filter_pref_name )
            if pref_name in trans.get_user().preferences:
                saved_filter = loads( trans.get_user().preferences[pref_name] )
                base_filter.update( saved_filter )
            pref_name = unicode( self.__class__.__name__ + self.cur_sort_key_pref_name )
            if pref_name in trans.get_user().preferences:
                base_sort_key = loads( trans.get_user().preferences[pref_name] )
        # Build initial query
        query = self.build_initial_query( trans, **kwargs )
        query = self.apply_query_filter( trans, query, **kwargs )
        # Maintain sort state in generated urls
        extra_url_args = {}
        # Determine whether use_default_filter flag is set.
        use_default_filter_str = kwargs.get( 'use_default_filter' )
        use_default_filter = False
        if use_default_filter_str:
            use_default_filter = ( use_default_filter_str.lower() == 'true' )
        # Process filtering arguments to (a) build a query that represents the filter and (b) build a
        # dictionary that denotes the current filter.
        cur_filter_dict = {}
        for column in self.columns:
            if column.key:
                # Get the filter criterion for the column. Precedence is (a) if using default filter, only look there; otherwise,
                # (b) look in kwargs; and (c) look in base filter.
                column_filter = None
                if use_default_filter:
                    if self.default_filter:
                        column_filter = self.default_filter.get( column.key )
                elif "f-" + column.model_class.__name__ + ".%s" % column.key in kwargs:
                    # Queries that include table joins cannot guarantee unique column names.  This problem is
                    # handled by setting the column_filter value to <TableName>.<ColumnName>.
                    column_filter = kwargs.get( "f-" + column.model_class.__name__ + ".%s" % column.key )
                elif "f-" + column.key in kwargs:
                    column_filter = kwargs.get( "f-" + column.key )
                elif column.key in base_filter:
                    column_filter = base_filter.get( column.key )

                # Method (1) combines a mix of strings and lists of strings into a single string and (2) attempts to de-jsonify all strings.
                def loads_recurse(item):
                    decoded_list = []
                    if isinstance( item, basestring):
                            # Not clear what we're decoding, so recurse to ensure that we catch everything.
                            decoded_item = loads( item )
                            if isinstance( decoded_item, list):
                                decoded_list = loads_recurse( decoded_item )
                                decoded_list = [ unicode( decoded_item ) ]
                        except ValueError:
                            decoded_list = [ unicode( item ) ]
                    elif isinstance( item, list):
                        for element in item:
                            a_list = loads_recurse( element )
                            decoded_list = decoded_list + a_list
                    return decoded_list
                # If column filter found, apply it.
                if column_filter is not None:
                    # TextColumns may have a mix of json and strings.
                    if isinstance( column, TextColumn ):
                        column_filter = loads_recurse( column_filter )
                        if len( column_filter ) == 1:
                            column_filter = column_filter[0]
                    # Interpret ',' as a separator for multiple terms.
                    if isinstance( column_filter, basestring ) and column_filter.find(',') != -1:
                        column_filter = column_filter.split(',')

                    # Check if filter is empty
                    if isinstance( column_filter, list ):
                        # Remove empty strings from filter list
                        column_filter = [x for x in column_filter if x != '']
                        if len(column_filter) == 0:
                    elif isinstance(column_filter, basestring):
                        # If filter criterion is empty, do nothing.
                        if column_filter == '':

                    # Update query.
                    query = column.filter( trans, trans.user, query, column_filter )
                    # Upate current filter dict.
                    # Column filters are rendered in various places, sanitize them all here.
                    cur_filter_dict[ column.key ] = sanitize_text(column_filter)
                    # Carry filter along to newly generated urls; make sure filter is a string so
                    # that we can encode to UTF-8 and thus handle user input to filters.
                    if isinstance( column_filter, list ):
                        # Filter is a list; process each item.
                        for filter in column_filter:
                            if not isinstance( filter, basestring ):
                                filter = unicode( filter ).encode("utf-8")
                        extra_url_args[ "f-" + column.key ] = dumps( column_filter )
                        # Process singleton filter.
                        if not isinstance( column_filter, basestring ):
                            column_filter = unicode(column_filter)
                        extra_url_args[ "f-" + column.key ] = column_filter.encode("utf-8")
        # Process sort arguments.
        sort_key = None
        if 'sort' in kwargs:
            sort_key = kwargs['sort']
        elif base_sort_key:
            sort_key = base_sort_key
        if sort_key:
            ascending = not( sort_key.startswith( "-" ) )
            # Queries that include table joins cannot guarantee unique column names.  This problem is
            # handled by setting the column_filter value to <TableName>.<ColumnName>.
            table_name = None
            if sort_key.find( '.' ) > -1:
                a_list = sort_key.split( '.' )
                if ascending:
                    table_name = a_list[0]
                    table_name = a_list[0][1:]
                column_name = a_list[1]
            elif ascending:
                column_name = sort_key
                column_name = sort_key[1:]
            # Sort key is a column key.
            for column in self.columns:
                if column.key and column.key.find( '.' ) > -1:
                    column_key = column.key.split( '.' )[1]
                    column_key = column.key
                if ( table_name is None or table_name == column.model_class.__name__ ) and column_key == column_name:
                    query = column.sort( trans, query, ascending, column_name=column_name )
            extra_url_args['sort'] = sort_key
        # There might be a current row
        current_item = self.get_current_item( trans, **kwargs )
        # Process page number.
        if self.use_paging:
            if 'page' in kwargs:
                if kwargs['page'] == 'all':
                    page_num = 0
                    page_num = int( kwargs['page'] )
                page_num = 1
            if page_num == 0:
                # Show all rows in page.
                total_num_rows = query.count()
                page_num = 1
                num_pages = 1
                # Show a limited number of rows. Before modifying query, get the total number of rows that query
                # returns so that the total number of pages can be computed.
                total_num_rows = query.count()
                query = query.limit( self.num_rows_per_page ).offset( ( page_num - 1 ) * self.num_rows_per_page )
                num_pages = int( math.ceil( float( total_num_rows ) / self.num_rows_per_page ) )
            # Defaults.
            page_num = 1
            num_pages = 1
        # There are some places in grid templates where it's useful for a grid
        # to have its current filter.
        self.cur_filter_dict = cur_filter_dict
        # Preserve grid state: save current filter and sort key.
        if self.preserve_state:
            pref_name = unicode( self.__class__.__name__ + self.cur_filter_pref_name )
            trans.get_user().preferences[pref_name] = unicode( dumps( cur_filter_dict ) )
            if sort_key:
                pref_name = unicode( self.__class__.__name__ + self.cur_sort_key_pref_name )
                trans.get_user().preferences[pref_name] = unicode( dumps( sort_key ) )
        # Log grid view.
        context = unicode( self.__class__.__name__ )
        params = cur_filter_dict.copy()
        params['sort'] = sort_key
        params['async'] = ( 'async' in kwargs )

        # TODO:??
        # commenting this out; when this fn calls session.add( action ) and session.flush the query from this fn
        # is effectively 'wiped' out. Nate believes it has something to do with our use of session( autocommit=True )
        # in mapping.py. If you change that to False, the log_action doesn't affect the query
        # Below, I'm rendering the template first (that uses query), then calling log_action, then returning the page
        # trans.log_action( trans.get_user(), unicode( "grid.view" ), context, params )

        # Render grid.
        def url( *args, **kwargs ):
            # Only include sort/filter arguments if not linking to another
            # page. This is a bit of a hack.
            if 'action' in kwargs:
                new_kwargs = dict()
                new_kwargs = dict( extra_url_args )
            # Extend new_kwargs with first argument if found
            if len(args) > 0:
                new_kwargs.update( args[0] )
            new_kwargs.update( kwargs )
            # We need to encode item ids
            if 'id' in new_kwargs:
                id = new_kwargs[ 'id' ]
                if isinstance( id, list ):
                    new_kwargs[ 'id' ] = [ trans.security.encode_id( i ) for i in id ]
                    new_kwargs[ 'id' ] = trans.security.encode_id( id )
            # The url_for invocation *must* include a controller and action.
            if 'controller' not in new_kwargs:
                new_kwargs['controller'] = trans.controller
            if 'action' not in new_kwargs:
                new_kwargs['action'] = trans.action
            return url_for( **new_kwargs)

        self.use_panels = ( kwargs.get( 'use_panels', False ) in [ True, 'True', 'true' ] )
        self.advanced_search = ( kwargs.get( 'advanced_search', False ) in [ True, 'True', 'true' ] )
        async_request = ( ( self.use_async ) and ( kwargs.get( 'async', False ) in [ True, 'True', 'true'] ) )
        # Currently, filling the template returns a str object; this requires decoding the string into a
        # unicode object within mako templates. What probably should be done is to return the template as
        # utf-8 unicode; however, this would require encoding the object as utf-8 before returning the grid
        # results via a controller method, which is require substantial changes. Hence, for now, return grid
        # as str.
        page = trans.fill_template( iff( async_request, self.async_template, self.template ),
                                    ids=kwargs.get( 'id', [] ),
                                    show_item_checkboxes=( self.show_item_checkboxes or
                                                           kwargs.get( 'show_item_checkboxes', '' ) in [ 'True', 'true' ] ),
                                    # Pass back kwargs so that grid template can set and use args without
                                    # grid explicitly having to pass them.
                                    kwargs=kwargs )
        trans.log_action( trans.get_user(), unicode( "grid.view" ), context, params )
        return page
Example #48
class DataManager(BaseUIController):
    def index(self, trans, **kwd):
        not_is_admin = not trans.user_is_admin()
        if not_is_admin and not trans.app.config.enable_data_manager_user_view:
            raise paste.httpexceptions.HTTPUnauthorized(
                "This Galaxy instance is not configured to allow non-admins to view the data manager."
        message = escape(kwd.get('message', ''))
        status = escape(kwd.get('status', 'info'))
        return trans.fill_template("data_manager/index.mako",

    def manage_data_manager(self, trans, **kwd):
        not_is_admin = not trans.user_is_admin()
        if not_is_admin and not trans.app.config.enable_data_manager_user_view:
            raise paste.httpexceptions.HTTPUnauthorized(
                "This Galaxy instance is not configured to allow non-admins to view the data manager."
        message = escape(kwd.get('message', ''))
        status = escape(kwd.get('status', 'info'))
        data_manager_id = kwd.get('id', None)
        data_manager = trans.app.data_managers.get_manager(data_manager_id)
        if data_manager is None:
            return trans.response.send_redirect(
                            message="Invalid Data Manager (%s) was requested" %
        jobs = list(
                assoc.job for assoc in trans.sa_session.query(
        return trans.fill_template("data_manager/manage_data_manager.mako",

    def view_job(self, trans, **kwd):
        not_is_admin = not trans.user_is_admin()
        if not_is_admin and not trans.app.config.enable_data_manager_user_view:
            raise paste.httpexceptions.HTTPUnauthorized(
                "This Galaxy instance is not configured to allow non-admins to view the data manager."
        message = escape(kwd.get('message', ''))
        status = escape(kwd.get('status', 'info'))
        job_id = kwd.get('id', None)
            job_id = trans.security.decode_id(job_id)
            job = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Job).get(job_id)
        except Exception, e:
            job = None
            log.error("Bad job id (%s) passed to view_job: %s" % (job_id, e))
        if not job:
            return trans.response.send_redirect(
                            message="Invalid job (%s) was requested" % job_id,
        data_manager_id = job.data_manager_association.data_manager_id
        data_manager = trans.app.data_managers.get_manager(data_manager_id)
        hdas = [assoc.dataset for assoc in job.get_output_datasets()]
        data_manager_output = []
        error_messages = []
        for hda in hdas:
                data_manager_json = loads(open(hda.get_file_name()).read())
            except Exception, e:
                data_manager_json = {}
                        "Unable to obtain data_table info for hda (%s): %s" %
                        (hda.id, e)))
            values = []
            for key, value in data_manager_json.get('data_tables',
                values.append((key, value))
Example #49
 def from_dict( Class, trans, d, secure=True ):
     module = Class( trans )
     state = loads( d["tool_state"] )
     module.recover_state( state )
     return module
Example #50
def pretty_print_json(json_data, is_json_string=False):
    if is_json_string:
        json_data = json.loads(json_data)
    return json.dumps(json_data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
Example #51
    def cleanup_after_job(self):
        """ Set history, datasets, and jobs' attributes and clean up archive directory. """

        # Helper methods.

        def file_in_dir(file_path, a_dir):
            """ Returns true if file is in directory. """
            abs_file_path = os.path.abspath(file_path)
            return os.path.split(abs_file_path)[0] == a_dir

        def read_file_contents(file_path):
            """ Read contents of a file. """
            fp = open(file_path, 'rb')
            buffsize = 1048576
            file_contents = ''
                while True:
                    file_contents += fp.read(buffsize)
                    if not file_contents or len(file_contents) % buffsize != 0:
            except OverflowError:
            return file_contents

        def get_tag_str(tag, value):
            """ Builds a tag string for a tag, value pair. """
            if not value:
                return tag
                return tag + ":" + value

        # Import history.

        jiha = self.sa_session.query(model.JobImportHistoryArchive).filter_by(
        if jiha:
                archive_dir = jiha.archive_dir
                user = jiha.job.user

                # Create history.
                history_attr_file_name = os.path.join(archive_dir,
                history_attr_str = read_file_contents(history_attr_file_name)
                history_attrs = loads(history_attr_str)

                # Create history.
                new_history = model.History(
                    name='imported from archive: %s' %
                new_history.importing = True
                new_history.hid_counter = history_attrs['hid_counter']
                new_history.genome_build = history_attrs['genome_build']
                jiha.history = new_history

                # Add annotation, tags.
                if user:
                    self.add_item_annotation(self.sa_session, user,
                    TODO: figure out to how add tags to item.
                    for tag, value in history_attrs[ 'tags' ].items():
                        trans.app.tag_handler.apply_item_tags( trans, trans.user, new_history, get_tag_str( tag, value ) )

                # Create datasets.
                datasets_attrs_file_name = os.path.join(
                    archive_dir, 'datasets_attrs.txt')
                datasets_attr_str = read_file_contents(
                datasets_attrs = loads(datasets_attr_str)

                if os.path.exists(datasets_attrs_file_name + ".provenance"):
                    provenance_attr_str = read_file_contents(
                        datasets_attrs_file_name + ".provenance")
                    provenance_attrs = loads(provenance_attr_str)
                    datasets_attrs += provenance_attrs

                # Get counts of how often each dataset file is used; a file can
                # be linked to multiple dataset objects (HDAs).
                datasets_usage_counts = {}
                for dataset_attrs in datasets_attrs:
                    temp_dataset_file_name = \
                        os.path.abspath( os.path.join( archive_dir, dataset_attrs['file_name'] ) )
                    if (temp_dataset_file_name not in datasets_usage_counts):
                        datasets_usage_counts[temp_dataset_file_name] = 0
                    datasets_usage_counts[temp_dataset_file_name] += 1

                # Create datasets.
                for dataset_attrs in datasets_attrs:
                    metadata = dataset_attrs['metadata']

                    # Create dataset and HDA.
                    hda = model.HistoryDatasetAssociation(
                    if 'uuid' in dataset_attrs:
                        hda.dataset.uuid = dataset_attrs["uuid"]
                    if dataset_attrs.get('exported', True) is False:
                        hda.state = hda.states.DISCARDED
                        hda.deleted = True
                        hda.purged = True
                        hda.state = hda.states.OK
                    new_history.add_dataset(hda, genome_build=None)
                    hda.hid = dataset_attrs[
                        'hid']  # Overwrite default hid set when HDA added to history.
                    # TODO: Is there a way to recover permissions? Is this needed?
                    # permissions = trans.app.security_agent.history_get_default_permissions( new_history )
                    # trans.app.security_agent.set_all_dataset_permissions( hda.dataset, permissions )
                    if dataset_attrs.get('exported', True) is True:
                        # Do security check and move/copy dataset data.
                        temp_dataset_file_name = \
                            os.path.abspath( os.path.join( archive_dir, dataset_attrs['file_name'] ) )
                        if not file_in_dir(
                                os.path.join(archive_dir, "datasets")):
                            raise Exception("Invalid dataset path: %s" %
                        if datasets_usage_counts[temp_dataset_file_name] == 1:

                            # Import additional files if present. Histories exported previously might not have this attribute set.
                            dataset_extra_files_path = dataset_attrs.get(
                                'extra_files_path', None)
                            if dataset_extra_files_path:
                                    file_list = os.listdir(
                                except OSError:
                                    file_list = []

                                if file_list:
                                    for extra_file in file_list:
                                            extra_dir='dataset_%s_files' %
                            datasets_usage_counts[temp_dataset_file_name] -= 1
                        )  # update the filesize record in the database

                    # Set tags, annotations.
                    if user:
                        self.add_item_annotation(self.sa_session, user, hda,
                        # TODO: Set tags.
                        for tag, value in dataset_attrs[ 'tags' ].items():
                            trans.app.tag_handler.apply_item_tags( trans, trans.user, hda, get_tag_str( tag, value ) )

                    # Although metadata is set above, need to set metadata to recover BAI for BAMs.
                    if hda.extension == 'bam':
                            incoming={'input1': hda},

                # Create jobs.

                # Read jobs attributes.
                jobs_attr_file_name = os.path.join(archive_dir,
                jobs_attr_str = read_file_contents(jobs_attr_file_name)

                # Decode jobs attributes.
                def as_hda(obj_dct):
                    """ Hook to 'decode' an HDA; method uses history and HID to get the HDA represented by
                        the encoded object. This only works because HDAs are created above. """
                    if obj_dct.get('__HistoryDatasetAssociation__', False):
                        return self.sa_session.query(
                    return obj_dct

                jobs_attrs = loads(jobs_attr_str, object_hook=as_hda)

                # Create each job.
                for job_attrs in jobs_attrs:
                    imported_job = model.Job()
                    imported_job.user = user
                    # TODO: set session?
                    # imported_job.session = trans.get_galaxy_session().id
                    imported_job.history = new_history
                    imported_job.imported = True
                    imported_job.tool_id = job_attrs['tool_id']
                    imported_job.tool_version = job_attrs['tool_version']
                    imported_job.info = job_attrs.get('info', None)
                    imported_job.exit_code = job_attrs.get('exit_code', None)
                    imported_job.traceback = job_attrs.get('traceback', None)
                    imported_job.stdout = job_attrs.get('stdout', None)
                    imported_job.stderr = job_attrs.get('stderr', None)
                    imported_job.command_line = job_attrs.get(
                        'command_line', None)
                        imported_job.create_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                            job_attrs["create_time"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
                        imported_job.update_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                            job_attrs["update_time"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")

                    class HistoryDatasetAssociationIDEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
                        """ Custom JSONEncoder for a HistoryDatasetAssociation that encodes an HDA as its ID. """
                        def default(self, obj):
                            """ Encode an HDA, default encoding for everything else. """
                            if isinstance(obj,
                                return obj.id
                            return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

                    # Set parameters. May be useful to look at metadata.py for creating parameters.
                    # TODO: there may be a better way to set parameters, e.g.:
                    #   for name, value in tool.params_to_strings( incoming, trans.app ).iteritems():
                    #       job.add_parameter( name, value )
                    # to make this work, we'd need to flesh out the HDA objects. The code below is
                    # relatively similar.
                    for name, value in job_attrs['params'].items():
                        # Transform parameter values when necessary.
                        if isinstance(value, model.HistoryDatasetAssociation):
                            # HDA input: use hid to find input.
                            input_hda = self.sa_session.query( model.HistoryDatasetAssociation ) \
                                            .filter_by( history=new_history, hid=value.hid ).first()
                            value = input_hda.id
                        # print "added parameter %s-->%s to job %i" % ( name, value, imported_job.id )

                    # TODO: Connect jobs to input datasets.

                    # Connect jobs to output datasets.
                    for output_hid in job_attrs['output_datasets']:
                        # print "%s job has output dataset %i" % (imported_job.id, output_hid)
                        output_hda = self.sa_session.query(
                                history=new_history, hid=output_hid).first()
                        if output_hda:
                                output_hda.name, output_hda)

                    # Connect jobs to input datasets.
                    if 'input_mapping' in job_attrs:
                        for input_name, input_hid in job_attrs[
                            input_hda = self.sa_session.query( model.HistoryDatasetAssociation ) \
                                            .filter_by( history=new_history, hid=input_hid ).first()
                            if input_hda:
                                    input_name, input_hda)


                # Done importing.
                new_history.importing = False

                # Cleanup.
                if os.path.exists(archive_dir):
            except Exception, e:
                jiha.job.stderr += "Error cleaning up history import job: %s" % e
Example #52
def pretty_print_json(json_data, is_json_string=False):
    if is_json_string:
        json_data = json.loads(json_data)
    return json.dumps(json_data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
Example #53
            assert col is Request_table.c.notification
        except Exception, e:
            log.debug( "Creating column 'notification' in the 'request' table failed: %s" % ( str( e ) ) )

        cmd = "SELECT id, user_id, notify FROM request"
        result = migrate_engine.execute( cmd )
        for r in result:
            id = int(r[0])
            notify_old = r[1]
            notify_new = dict(email=[], sample_states=[], body='', subject='')
            cmd = "update request set notification='%s' where id=%i" % (dumps(notify_new), id)
            migrate_engine.execute( cmd )

        cmd = "SELECT id, notification FROM request"
        result = migrate_engine.execute( cmd )
        for r in result:
            rr = loads(str(r[1]))

        # remove the 'notify' column for non-sqlite databases.
        if migrate_engine.name != 'sqlite':
            except Exception, e:
                log.debug( "Deleting column 'notify' from the 'request' table failed: %s" % ( str( e ) ) )

def downgrade(migrate_engine):
    metadata.bind = migrate_engine