def colormap(x, col0=None, col1=None):
    """Colorize a 2D grayscale array.
      * x:an NxM array with values in [0,1].
      * col0=None: a tuple (H, S, V) corresponding to color 0. By default, a
        rainbow color gradient is used.
      * col1=None: a tuple (H, S, V) corresponding to color 1.
      * y: an NxMx3 array with a rainbow color palette.
    # record values to be removed
    removed = x == -1

    x[np.isnan(x)] = 0.
    # x -= x.min()
    # x *= (1. / x.max())
    # Set the maximum values above which the max color should be used.
    max = .1

    x = np.clip(x / max, 0., 1.)

    # Gamma correction. Doesn't look very good.
    # x = x ** .2

    shape = x.shape

    if col0 is None:
        col0 = (.67, .91, .65)
    if col1 is None:
        col1 = (0., 1., 1.)

    col0 = np.array(col0).reshape((1, 1, -1))
    col1 = np.array(col1).reshape((1, 1, -1))

    col0 = np.tile(col0, x.shape + (1, ))
    col1 = np.tile(col1, x.shape + (1, ))

    x = np.tile(x.reshape(shape + (1, )), (1, 1, 3))

    y = hsv_to_rgb(col0 + (col1 - col0) * x)

    # value of -1 = black
    y[removed, :] = 0
    # Remove diagonal.
    n = y.shape[0]
    y[xrange(n), xrange(n), :] = 0

    return y
def colormap(x, col0=None, col1=None):
    """Colorize a 2D grayscale array.
      * x:an NxM array with values in [0,1].
      * col0=None: a tuple (H, S, V) corresponding to color 0. By default, a
        rainbow color gradient is used.
      * col1=None: a tuple (H, S, V) corresponding to color 1.
      * y: an NxMx3 array with a rainbow color palette.
    # record values to be removed
    removed = x == -1
    x[np.isnan(x)] = 0.
    # x -= x.min()
    # x *= (1. / x.max())
    # Set the maximum values above which the max color should be used.
    max = .1
    x = np.clip(x / max, 0., 1.)
    # Gamma correction. Doesn't look very good.
    # x = x ** .2

    shape = x.shape
    if col0 is None:
        col0 = (.67, .91, .65)
    if col1 is None:
        col1 = (0., 1., 1.)
    col0 = np.array(col0).reshape((1, 1, -1))
    col1 = np.array(col1).reshape((1, 1, -1))
    col0 = np.tile(col0, x.shape + (1,))
    col1 = np.tile(col1, x.shape + (1,))
    x = np.tile(x.reshape(shape + (1,)), (1, 1, 3))
    y = hsv_to_rgb(col0 + (col1 - col0) * x)
    # value of -1 = black
    y[removed,:] = 0
    # Remove diagonal.
    n = y.shape[0]
    y[xrange(n), xrange(n), :] = 0
    return y
Example #3
def colormap(x):
    """Colorize a 2D grayscale array.
      * x:an NxM array with values in [0,1] 
      * y: an NxMx3 array with a rainbow color palette.
    x = np.clip(x, 0., 1.)
    # initial and final gradient colors, here rainbow gradient
    col0 = np.array([.67, .91, .65]).reshape((1, 1, -1))
    col1 = np.array([0., 1., 1.]).reshape((1, 1, -1))
    col0 = np.tile(col0, x.shape + (1,))
    col1 = np.tile(col1, x.shape + (1,))
    x = np.tile(x.reshape(x.shape + (1,)), (1, 1, 3))
    return hsv_to_rgb(col0 + (col1 - col0) * x)
Example #4
def colormap(x):
    """Colorize a 2D grayscale array.
      * x:an NxM array with values in [0,1] 
      * y: an NxMx3 array with a rainbow color palette.
    x = np.clip(x, 0., 1.)

    # initial and final gradient colors, here rainbow gradient
    col0 = np.array([.67, .91, .65]).reshape((1, 1, -1))
    col1 = np.array([0., 1., 1.]).reshape((1, 1, -1))

    col0 = np.tile(col0, x.shape + (1, ))
    col1 = np.tile(col1, x.shape + (1, ))

    x = np.tile(x.reshape(x.shape + (1, )), (1, 1, 3))

    return hsv_to_rgb(col0 + (col1 - col0) * x)