Example #1
def rotate_psf():
    cat = fio.FITS('truth_mag.fits')[-1].read()
    SCA = 1
    filter_ = 'H158'
    bpass = wfirst.getBandpasses(AB_zeropoint=True)[filter_]
    hlr = 1.0
    stamp_size = 32
    selected_dithers = [22535, 22535]
    exposures = [0, 40]
    i_gal = 1
    real_wcs = True
    basis = 'g1'
    rng = galsim.BaseDeviate(314)

    # get star/psf stamp
    gal_model = None
    st_model = None

    profile = Model(cat, 'Gaussian', 'wfirst', SCA, filter_, bpass, hlr, i_gal)
    gal_model, g1, g2 = profile.draw_galaxy(basis)
    st_model = profile.draw_star()
    print('Created galaxy anf psf models.')

    sca_center = Pointing(selected_dithers[0],
    psfs = []
    for exp in range(2):
        gal_stamp = None
        psf_stamp = None

        pointing = Pointing(selected_dithers[exp],
        image = Image(i_gal, stamp_size, gal_model, st_model, pointing,
                      sca_center, real_wcs)

        gal_stamp, psf_stamp, offset = image.draw_image(gal_model, st_model)
        gal_stamp, sky_stamp = image.add_noise(rng, gal_stamp)
        if real_wcs == True:
            gal_stamp, psf_stamp = image.wcs_approx(gal_stamp, psf_stamp)
        print('Drawing images on the stamps.')

        ## rotate psf to average out some psf shape biases.


    for j in range(len(psfs)):
        psfs[j].write('rotate_psf_' + str(j) + '.fits')
Example #2
def get_wcs(dither_i, sca, filter_, stamp_size, random_angle):
    dither_i = dither_i
    sca = sca
    filter_ = filter_

    bpass = wfirst.getBandpasses(AB_zeropoint=True)[filter_]

    d = fio.FITS('observing_sequence_hlsonly_5yr.fits')[-1][dither_i]
    ra = d['ra'] * np.pi / 180.  # RA of pointing
    dec = d['dec'] * np.pi / 180.  # Dec of pointing
    #pa     = d['pa']  * np.pi / 180.  # Position angle of pointing
    date = Time(d['date'], format='mjd').datetime

    #random_dir = galsim.UniformDeviate(314)
    #pa = math.pi * random_dir()
    pa = random_angle * np.pi / 180.

    WCS = wfirst.getWCS(world_pos  = galsim.CelestialCoord(ra=ra*galsim.radians, \
                                PA          = pa*galsim.radians,
                                date        = date,
                                SCAs        = sca,
                                PA_is_FPA   = True

    sky_level = wfirst.getSkyLevel(bpass,
                                           old_div(wfirst.n_pix, 2),
                                           old_div(wfirst.n_pix, 2))),
    sky_level *= (1.0 + wfirst.stray_light_fraction) * (
        wfirst.pixel_scale)**2  # adds stray light and converts to photons/cm^2
    sky_level *= stamp_size * stamp_size

    return WCS, sky_level
Example #3
def main(argv):
    # Where to find and output data.
    path, filename = os.path.split(__file__)
    outpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, "output/"))

    # Just use a few galaxies, to save time.  Note that we are going to put 4000 galaxy images into
    # our big image, so if we have n_use=10, each galaxy will appear 400 times.  Users who want a
    # more interesting image with greater variation in the galaxy population can change `n_use` to
    # something larger (but it should be <=100, the number of galaxies in this small example
    # catalog).  With 4000 galaxies in a 4k x 4k image with the WFIRST pixel scale, the effective
    # galaxy number density is 74/arcmin^2.  This is not the number density that is expected for a
    # sample that is so bright (I<23.5) but it makes the image more visually interesting.  One could
    # think of it as what you'd get if you added up several images at once, making the images for a
    # sample that is much deeper have the same S/N as that for an I<23.5 sample in a single image.
    n_use = 10
    n_tot = 4000

    # Default is to use all filters.  Specify e.g. 'YJH' to only do Y106, J129, and H158.
    use_filters = None

    # quick and dirty command line parsing.
    for var in argv:
        if var.startswith('data='): datapath = var[5:]
        if var.startswith('out='): outpath = var[4:]
        if var.startswith('nuse='): n_use = int(var[5:])
        if var.startswith('ntot='): n_tot = int(var[5:])
        if var.startswith('filters='): use_filters = var[8:].upper()

    # Make output directory if not already present.
    if not os.path.isdir(outpath):

    # In non-script code, use getLogger(__name__) at module scope instead.
    logging.basicConfig(format="%(message)s", level=logging.INFO, stream=sys.stdout)
    logger = logging.getLogger("demo13")

    # Initialize (pseudo-)random number generator.
    random_seed = 123456
    rng = galsim.BaseDeviate(random_seed)

    # Generate a Poisson noise model.
    poisson_noise = galsim.PoissonNoise(rng)
    logger.info('Poisson noise model created.')

    # Read in the WFIRST filters, setting an AB zeropoint appropriate for this telescope given its
    # diameter and (since we didn't use any keyword arguments to modify this) using the typical
    # exposure time for WFIRST images.  By default, this routine truncates the parts of the
    # bandpasses that are near 0 at the edges, and thins them by the default amount.
    filters = wfirst.getBandpasses(AB_zeropoint=True)
    logger.debug('Read in WFIRST imaging filters.')

    logger.info('Reading from a parametric COSMOS catalog.')
    # Read in a galaxy catalog - just a random subsample of 100 galaxies for F814W<23.5 from COSMOS.
    cat_file_name = 'real_galaxy_catalog_23.5_example_fits.fits'
    dir = 'data'
    # Use the routine that can take COSMOS real or parametric galaxy information, and tell it we
    # want parametric galaxies that represent an I<23.5 sample.
    cat = galsim.COSMOSCatalog(cat_file_name, dir=dir, use_real=False)
    logger.info('Read in %d galaxies from catalog'%cat.nobjects)

    # Here we carry out the initial steps that are necessary to get a fully chromatic PSF.  We use
    # the getPSF() routine in the WFIRST module, which knows all about the telescope parameters
    # (diameter, bandpasses, obscuration, etc.).  Note that we arbitrarily choose a single SCA
    # (Sensor Chip Assembly) rather than all of them, for faster calculations, and use a simple
    # representation of the struts for faster calculations.  To do a more exact calculation of the
    # chromaticity and pupil plane configuration, remove the `approximate_struts` and the `n_waves`
    # keyword from the call to getPSF():
    use_SCA = 7 # This could be any number from 1...18
    logger.info('Doing expensive pre-computation of PSF.')
    t1 = time.time()
    # Need to make a separate PSF for each filter.  We are, however, ignoring the
    # position-dependence of the PSF within each SCA, just using the PSF at the center of the SCA
    # (default kwargs).
    PSFs = {}
    for filter_name, filter_ in filters.items():
        logger.info('PSF pre-computation for SCA %d, filter %s.'%(use_SCA, filter_name))
        PSFs[filter_name] = wfirst.getPSF(use_SCA, filter_name,
                                          approximate_struts=True, n_waves=10, logger=logger)
    t2 = time.time()
    logger.info('Done PSF precomputation in %.1f seconds!'%(t2-t1))

    # Define the size of the postage stamp that we use for each individual galaxy within the larger
    # image, and for the PSF images.
    stamp_size = 256

    # We choose a particular (RA, dec) location on the sky for our observation.
    ra_targ = 90.*galsim.degrees
    dec_targ = -10.*galsim.degrees
    targ_pos = galsim.CelestialCoord(ra=ra_targ, dec=dec_targ)
    # Get the WCS for an observation at this position.  We are not supplying a date, so the routine
    # will assume it's the vernal equinox.  We are also not supplying a position angle for the
    # observatory, which means that it will just find the optimal one (the one that has the solar
    # panels pointed most directly towards the Sun given this targ_pos and date).  The output of
    # this routine is a dict of WCS objects, one for each SCA.  We then take the WCS for the SCA
    # that we are using.
    wcs_list = wfirst.getWCS(world_pos=targ_pos, SCAs=use_SCA)
    wcs = wcs_list[use_SCA]
    # We need to find the center position for this SCA.  We'll tell it to give us a CelestialCoord
    # corresponding to (X, Y) = (wfirst.n_pix/2, wfirst.n_pix/2).
    SCA_cent_pos = wcs.toWorld(galsim.PositionD(wfirst.n_pix/2, wfirst.n_pix/2))

    # We randomly distribute points in (X, Y) on the CCD.
    # If we had a real galaxy catalog with positions in terms of RA, dec we could use wcs.toImage()
    # to find where those objects should be in terms of (X, Y).
    pos_rng = galsim.UniformDeviate(random_seed)
    # Make a list of (X, Y, F814W magnitude, n_rot, flip) values.
    # (X, Y) give the position of the galaxy centroid (or the center of the postage stamp into which
    # we draw the galaxy) in the big image.
    # F814W magnitudes are randomly drawn from the catalog, and are used to create a more realistic
    # flux distribution for the galaxies instead of just having the 10 flux values for the galaxies
    # we have chosen to draw.
    # n_rot says how many 90 degree rotations to include for a given realization of each galaxy, so
    # it doesn't appear completely identical each time we put it in the image.
    # flip is a random number that will determine whether we include an x-y flip for this appearance
    # of the galaxy or not.
    x_stamp = []
    y_stamp = []
    mag_stamp = []
    n_rot_stamp = []
    flip_stamp = []
    for i_gal in range(n_tot):
        # Note that we could use wcs.toWorld() to get the (RA, dec) for these (x, y) positions.  Or,
        # if we had started with (RA, dec) positions, we could have used wcs.toImage() to get the
        # CCD coordinates for those positions.

    # Make the 2-component parametric GSObjects for each object, including chromaticity (roughly
    # appropriate SEDs per galaxy component, at the appropriate galaxy redshift).  Note that since
    # the PSF is position-independent within the SCA, we can simply do the convolution with that PSF
    # now instead of using a different one for each position.  We also have to include the correct
    # flux scaling: The catalog returns objects that would be observed by HST in 1 second
    # exposures. So for our telescope we scale up by the relative area and exposure time.  Note that
    # what is important is the *effective* area after taking into account obscuration.
    logger.info('Processing the objects in the catalog to get GSObject representations')
    # Choose a random set of unique indices in the catalog (will be the same each time script is
    # run, due to use of the same random seed):
    rand_indices = []
    while len(rand_indices)<n_use:
        tmp_ind = int(pos_rng()*cat.nobjects)
        if tmp_ind not in rand_indices:
    obj_list = cat.makeGalaxy(rand_indices, chromatic=True, gal_type='parametric')
    hst_eff_area = 2.4**2 * (1.-0.33**2)
    wfirst_eff_area = galsim.wfirst.diameter**2 * (1.-galsim.wfirst.obscuration**2)
    flux_scaling = (wfirst_eff_area/hst_eff_area) * wfirst.exptime
    mag_list = []
    for ind in range(len(obj_list)):
        # First, let's check what magnitude this object has in F814W.  We want to do this because
        # (to inject some variety into our images) we are going to rescale the fluxes in all bands
        # for different instances of this galaxy in the final image in order to get a reasonable S/N
        # distribution.  So we need to save the original magnitude in F814W, to compare with a
        # randomly drawn one from the catalog.  This is not something that most users would need to
        # do.

    # Calculate the sky level for each filter, and draw the PSF and the galaxies through the
    # filters.
    for filter_name, filter_ in filters.items():
        if use_filters is not None and filter_name[0] not in use_filters:
            logger.info('Skipping filter {0}.'.format(filter_name))

        logger.info('Beginning work for {0}.'.format(filter_name))

        # Drawing PSF.  Note that the PSF object intrinsically has a flat SED, so if we convolve it
        # with a galaxy, it will properly take on the SED of the galaxy.  For the sake of this demo,
        # we will simply convolve with a 'star' that has a flat SED and unit flux in this band, so
        # that the PSF image will be normalized to unit flux. This does mean that the PSF image
        # being drawn here is not quite the right PSF for the galaxy.  Indeed, the PSF for the
        # galaxy effectively varies within it, since it differs for the bulge and the disk.  To make
        # a real image, one would have to choose SEDs for stars and convolve with a star that has a
        # reasonable SED, but we just draw with a flat SED for this demo.
        out_filename = os.path.join(outpath, 'demo13_PSF_{0}.fits'.format(filter_name))
        # Generate a point source.
        point = galsim.DeltaFunction(flux=1.)
        # Use a flat SED here, but could use something else.  A stellar SED for instance.
        # Or a typical galaxy SED.  Depending on your purpose for drawing the PSF.
        star_sed = galsim.SED(lambda x:1, 'nm', 'flambda').withFlux(1.,filter_)  # Give it unit flux in this filter.
        star = galsim.Convolve(point*star_sed, PSFs[filter_name])
        img_psf = galsim.ImageF(64,64)
        star.drawImage(bandpass=filter_, image=img_psf, scale=wfirst.pixel_scale)
        logger.debug('Created PSF with flat SED for {0}-band'.format(filter_name))

        # Set up the full image that will contain all the individual galaxy images, with information
        # about WCS:
        final_image = galsim.ImageF(wfirst.n_pix,wfirst.n_pix, wcs=wcs)

        # Draw the galaxies into the image.
        for i_gal in range(n_use):
            logger.info('Drawing image for the object at row %d in the input catalog'%i_gal)

            # We want to only draw the galaxy once (for speed), not over and over with different
            # sub-pixel offsets.  For this reason we ignore the sub-pixel offset entirely.  Note
            # that we are setting the postage stamp to have the average WFIRST pixel scale.  This is
            # simply an approximation for the purpose of speed; really, one should draw directly
            # into final_image, which has the appropriate WCS for WFIRST.  In that case, the image
            # of the galaxy might look different in different parts of the detector due to the WCS
            # (including distortion), and we would have to re-draw each time.  To keep the demo
            # relatively quick, we are just using the approximate average pixel scale and drawing
            # once.
            stamp = galsim.Image(stamp_size, stamp_size, scale=wfirst.pixel_scale)

            # Convolve the chromatic galaxy and the chromatic PSF for this bandpass, and rescale flux.
            final = galsim.Convolve(flux_scaling*obj_list[ind], PSFs[filter_name])
            final.drawImage(filter_, image=stamp)

            # Have to find where to place it:
            for i_gal_use in range(i_gal*n_tot//n_use, (i_gal+1)*n_tot//n_use):
                # Account for the fractional part of the position:
                ix = int(math.floor(x_stamp[i_gal_use]+0.5))
                iy = int(math.floor(y_stamp[i_gal_use]+0.5))
                # We don't actually use this offset.
                offset = galsim.PositionD(x_stamp[i_gal]-ix, y_stamp[i_gal]-iy)

                # Create a nominal bound for the postage stamp given the integer part of the
                # position.
                stamp_bounds = galsim.BoundsI(ix-0.5*stamp_size, ix+0.5*stamp_size-1,
                                              iy-0.5*stamp_size, iy+0.5*stamp_size-1)

                # Find the overlapping bounds between the large image and the individual postage
                # stamp.
                bounds = stamp_bounds & final_image.bounds

                # Just to inject a bit of variety into the image, so it isn't *quite* as obvious
                # that we've repeated the same 10 objects over and over, we randomly rotate the
                # postage stamp by some factor of 90 degrees and possibly include a random flip.
                if flip_stamp[i_gal_use] > 0.5:
                    new_arr = numpy.ascontiguousarray(
                        numpy.rot90(stamp.array, n_rot_stamp[i_gal_use]))
                    new_arr = numpy.ascontiguousarray(
                        numpy.fliplr(numpy.rot90(stamp.array, n_rot_stamp[i_gal_use])))
                stamp_rot = galsim.Image(new_arr, scale=stamp.scale)
                stamp_rot.setOrigin(galsim.PositionI(stamp_bounds.xmin, stamp_bounds.ymin))

                # Rescale the flux to match that of a randomly chosen galaxy in the galaxy, but
                # keeping the same SED as for this particular galaxy.  This gives a bit more
                # variety in the flux values and SNR of the galaxies in the image without having
                # to render images of many more objects.
                flux_scaling = 10**(-0.4*(mag_stamp[i_gal_use]-mag_list[i_gal]))

                # Copy the image into the right place in the big image.
                final_image[bounds] += flux_scaling * stamp_rot[bounds]

        # Now we're done with the per-galaxy drawing for this image.  The rest will be done for the
        # entire image at once.
        logger.info('Postage stamps of all galaxies drawn on a single big image for this filter.')
        logger.info('Adding the sky level, noise and detector non-idealities.')

        # First we get the amount of zodaical light for a position corresponding to the center of
        # this SCA.  The results are provided in units of e-/arcsec^2, using the default WFIRST
        # exposure time since we did not explicitly specify one.  Then we multiply this by a factor
        # >1 to account for the amount of stray light that is expected.  If we do not provide a date
        # for the observation, then it will assume that it's the vernal equinox (sun at (0,0) in
        # ecliptic coordinates) in 2025.
        sky_level = wfirst.getSkyLevel(filters[filter_name], world_pos=SCA_cent_pos)
        sky_level *= (1.0 + wfirst.stray_light_fraction)
        # Make a image of the sky that takes into account the spatially variable pixel scale.  Note
        # that makeSkyImage() takes a bit of time.  If you do not care about the variable pixel
        # scale, you could simply compute an approximate sky level in e-/pix by multiplying
        # sky_level by wfirst.pixel_scale**2, and add that to final_image.
        sky_image = final_image.copy()
        wcs.makeSkyImage(sky_image, sky_level)
        # This image is in units of e-/pix.  Finally we add the expected thermal backgrounds in this
        # band.  These are provided in e-/pix/s, so we have to multiply by the exposure time.
        sky_image += wfirst.thermal_backgrounds[filter_name]*wfirst.exptime
        # Adding sky level to the image.
        final_image += sky_image

        # Now that all sources of signal (from astronomical objects and background) have been added
        # to the image, we can start adding noise and detector effects.  There is a utility,
        # galsim.wfirst.allDetectorEffects(), that can apply ALL implemented noise and detector
        # effects in the proper order.  Here we step through the process and explain these in a bit
        # more detail without using that utility.

        # First, we include the expected Poisson noise:

        # The subsequent steps account for the non-ideality of the detectors.

        # 1) Reciprocity failure:
        # Reciprocity, in the context of photography, is the inverse relationship between the
        # incident flux (I) of a source object and the exposure time (t) required to produce a given
        # response(p) in the detector, i.e., p = I*t. However, in NIR detectors, this relation does
        # not hold always. The pixel response to a high flux is larger than its response to a low
        # flux. This flux-dependent non-linearity is known as 'reciprocity failure', and the
        # approximate amount of reciprocity failure for the WFIRST detectors is known, so we can
        # include this detector effect in our images.

        if diff_mode:
            # Save the image before applying the transformation to see the difference
            save_image = final_image.copy()

        # If we had wanted to, we could have specified a different exposure time than the default
        # one for WFIRST, but otherwise the following routine does not take any arguments.
        logger.debug('Included reciprocity failure in {0}-band image'.format(filter_name))

        if diff_mode:
            # Isolate the changes due to reciprocity failure.
            diff = final_image-save_image

            out_filename = os.path.join(outpath,'demo13_RecipFail_{0}.fits'.format(filter_name))
            out_filename = os.path.join(outpath,

        # At this point in the image generation process, an integer number of photons gets
        # detected, hence we have to round the pixel values to integers:

        # 2) Adding dark current to the image:
        # Even when the detector is unexposed to any radiation, the electron-hole pairs that
        # are generated within the depletion region due to finite temperature are swept by the
        # high electric field at the junction of the photodiode. This small reverse bias
        # leakage current is referred to as 'dark current'. It is specified by the average
        # number of electrons reaching the detectors per unit time and has an associated
        # Poisson noise since it is a random event.
        dark_current = wfirst.dark_current*wfirst.exptime
        dark_noise = galsim.DeviateNoise(galsim.PoissonDeviate(rng, dark_current))

        # NOTE: Sky level and dark current might appear like a constant background that can be
        # simply subtracted. However, these contribute to the shot noise and matter for the
        # non-linear effects that follow. Hence, these must be included at this stage of the
        # image generation process. We subtract these backgrounds in the end.

        # 3) Applying a quadratic non-linearity:
        # In order to convert the units from electrons to ADU, we must use the gain factor. The gain
        # has a weak dependency on the charge present in each pixel. This dependency is accounted
        # for by changing the pixel values (in electrons) and applying a constant nominal gain
        # later, which is unity in our demo.

        # Save the image before applying the transformation to see the difference:
        if diff_mode:
            save_image = final_image.copy()

        # Apply the WFIRST nonlinearity routine, which knows all about the nonlinearity expected in
        # the WFIRST detectors.
        # Note that users who wish to apply some other nonlinearity function (perhaps for other NIR
        # detectors, or for CCDs) can use the more general nonlinearity routine, which uses the
        # following syntax:
        # final_image.applyNonlinearity(NLfunc=NLfunc)
        # with NLfunc being a callable function that specifies how the output image pixel values
        # should relate to the input ones.
        logger.debug('Applied nonlinearity to {0}-band image'.format(filter_name))
        if diff_mode:
            diff = final_image-save_image

            out_filename = os.path.join(outpath,'demo13_NL_{0}.fits'.format(filter_name))
            out_filename = os.path.join(outpath,'demo13_diff_NL_{0}.fits'.format(filter_name))

            # Save this image to do the diff after applying IPC.
            save_image = final_image.copy()

        # 4) Including Interpixel capacitance:
        # The voltage read at a given pixel location is influenced by the charges present in the
        # neighboring pixel locations due to capacitive coupling of sense nodes. This interpixel
        # capacitance effect is modeled as a linear effect that is described as a convolution of a
        # 3x3 kernel with the image.  The WFIRST IPC routine knows about the kernel already, so the
        # user does not have to supply it.
        logger.debug('Applied interpixel capacitance to {0}-band image'.format(filter_name))

        if diff_mode:
            # Isolate the changes due to the interpixel capacitance effect.
            diff = final_image-save_image

            out_filename = os.path.join(outpath,'demo13_IPC_{0}.fits'.format(filter_name))
            out_filename = os.path.join(outpath,'demo13_diff_IPC_{0}.fits'.format(filter_name))

        # 5) Adding read noise:
        # Read noise is the noise due to the on-chip amplifier that converts the charge into an
        # analog voltage.  We already applied the Poisson noise due to the sky level, so read noise
        # should just be added as Gaussian noise:
        read_noise = galsim.GaussianNoise(rng, sigma=wfirst.read_noise)
        logger.debug('Added readnoise to {0}-band image'.format(filter_name))

        # We divide by the gain to convert from e- to ADU. Currently, the gain value in the WFIRST
        # module is just set to 1, since we don't know what the exact gain will be, although it is
        # expected to be approximately 1. Eventually, this may change when the camera is assembled,
        # and there may be a different value for each SCA. For now, there is just a single number,
        # which is equal to 1.
        final_image /= wfirst.gain

        # Finally, the analog-to-digital converter reads in an integer value.
        # Note that the image type after this step is still a float.  If we want to actually
        # get integer values, we can do new_img = galsim.Image(final_image, dtype=int)

        # Since many people are used to viewing background-subtracted images, we provide a
        # version with the background subtracted (also rounding that to an int).
        tot_sky_image = (sky_image + round(dark_current))/wfirst.gain
        final_image -= tot_sky_image

        logger.debug('Subtracted background for {0}-band image'.format(filter_name))
        # Write the final image to a file.
        out_filename = os.path.join(outpath,'demo13_{0}.fits'.format(filter_name))

        logger.info('Completed {0}-band image.'.format(filter_name))

    logger.info('You can display the output in ds9 with a command line that looks something like:')
    logger.info('ds9 -zoom 0.5 -scale limits -500 1000 -rgb '+
                '-red output/demo13_H158.fits '+
                '-green output/demo13_J129.fits '+
                '-blue output/demo13_Y106.fits')
import sys
import math
import matplotlib

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
import matplotlib.font_manager as fm

## 7-20-15
## Simple code to explore NL as a function of beta, by using interleaving method
import galsim
import galsim.wfirst as wfirst

filters = wfirst.getBandpasses(AB_zeropoint=True)

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger("tests_hsm_interleaving")

f = lambda x, beta: x - beta * x * x

from galsim.cdmodel import *
from sim2 import *  ## where all the BF stuff is
from scipy import optimize

Example #5
def main(argv):
    # Where to find and output data.
    path, filename = os.path.split(__file__)
    datapath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, "data/"))
    outpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, "output/"))

    # In non-script code, use getLogger(__name__) at module scope instead.
    logging.basicConfig(format="%(message)s", level=logging.INFO, stream=sys.stdout)
    logger = logging.getLogger("demo13")

    # Initialize (pseudo-)random number generator.
    random_seed = 123456
    rng = galsim.BaseDeviate(random_seed)

    # Generate a Poisson noise model.
    poisson_noise = galsim.PoissonNoise(rng) 
    logger.info('Poisson noise model created.')

    # Read in the WFIRST filters, setting an AB zeropoint appropriate for this telescope given its
    # diameter and (since we didn't use any keyword arguments to modify this) using the typical
    # exposure time for WFIRST images.
    filters = wfirst.getBandpasses(AB_zeropoint=True)
    logger.debug('Read in WFIRST imaging filters.')

    logger.info('Reading from a parametric COSMOS catalog.')
    # Read in a galaxy catalog - just a random subsample of 100 galaxies for F814W<23.5 from COSMOS.
    cat_file_name = 'real_galaxy_catalog_example_fits.fits'
    dir = 'data'
    # Use the routine that can take COSMOS real or parametric galaxy information, and tell it we
    # want parametric galaxies that represent an I<23.5 sample.
    cat = galsim.COSMOSCatalog(cat_file_name, dir=dir, use_real=False)
    logger.info('Read in %d galaxies from catalog'%cat.nobjects)
    # Just use a few galaxies, to save time.  Note that we are going to put 4000 galaxy images into
    # our big image, so if we have n_use=10, each galaxy will appear 400 times.  Users who want a
    # more interesting image with greater variation in the galaxy population can change `n_use` to
    # something larger (but it should be <=100, the number of galaxies in this small example
    # catalog).  With 4000 galaxies in a 4k x 4k image with the WFIRST pixel scale, the effective
    # galaxy number density is 74/arcmin^2.  This is not the number density that is expected for a
    # sample that is so bright (I<23.5) but it makes the image more visually interesting.  One could
    # think of it as what you'd get if you added up several images at once, making the images for a
    # sample that is much deeper have the same S/N as that for an I<23.5 sample in a single image.
    n_use = 10
    n_tot = 4000

    # Here we carry out the initial steps that are necessary to get a fully chromatic PSF.  We use
    # the getPSF() routine in the WFIRST module, which knows all about the telescope parameters
    # (diameter, bandpasses, obscuration, etc.).  Note that we arbitrarily choose a single SCA
    # (Sensor Chip Assembly) rather than all of them, for faster calculations, and use a simple
    # representation of the struts for faster calculations.  To do a more exact calculation of the
    # chromaticity and pupil plane configuration, remove the `approximate_struts` and the `n_waves`
    # keyword from the call to getPSF():
    use_SCA = 7 # This could be any number from 1...18
    logger.info('Doing expensive pre-computation of PSF.')
    t1 = time.time()
    PSFs = wfirst.getPSF(SCAs=use_SCA, approximate_struts=True, n_waves=10, logger=logger)
    PSF = PSFs[use_SCA]
    t2 = time.time()
    logger.info('Done PSF precomputation in %.1f seconds!'%(t2-t1))

    # Define the size of the postage stamp that we use for each individual galaxy within the larger
    # image, and for the PSF images.
    stamp_size = 256

    # We choose a particular (RA, dec) location on the sky for our observation.
    ra_targ = 90.*galsim.degrees
    dec_targ = -10.*galsim.degrees
    targ_pos = galsim.CelestialCoord(ra=ra_targ, dec=dec_targ)
    # Get the WCS for an observation at this position.  We are not supplying a date, so the routine
    # will assume it's the vernal equinox.  We are also not supplying a position angle for the
    # observatory, which means that it will just find the optimal one (the one that has the solar
    # panels pointed most directly towards the Sun given this targ_pos and date).  The output of
    # this routine is a dict of WCS objects, one for each SCA.  We then take the WCS for the SCA
    # that we are using.
    wcs_list = wfirst.getWCS(world_pos=targ_pos, SCAs=use_SCA)
    wcs = wcs_list[use_SCA]
    # We need to find the center position for this SCA.  We'll tell it to give us a CelestialCoord
    # corresponding to (X, Y) = (wfirst.n_pix/2, wfirst.n_pix/2).
    SCA_cent_pos = wcs.toWorld(galsim.PositionD(wfirst.n_pix/2, wfirst.n_pix/2))

    # We randomly distribute points in (X, Y) on the CCD.
    # If we had a real galaxy catalog with positions in terms of RA, dec we could use wcs.toImage()
    # to find where those objects should be in terms of (X, Y).
    pos_rng = galsim.UniformDeviate(random_seed)
    # Make a list of (X, Y, F814W magnitude, n_rot, flip) values.
    # (X, Y) give the position of the galaxy centroid (or the center of the postage stamp into which
    # we draw the galaxy) in the big image.
    # F814W magnitudes are randomly drawn from the catalog, and are used to create a more realistic
    # flux distribution for the galaxies instead of just having the 10 flux values for the galaxies
    # we have chosen to draw.
    # n_rot says how many 90 degree rotations to include for a given realization of each galaxy, so
    # it doesn't appear completely identical each time we put it in the image.
    # flip is a random number that will determine whether we include an x-y flip for this appearance
    # of the galaxy or not.
    x_stamp = []
    y_stamp = []
    mag_stamp = []
    n_rot_stamp = []
    flip_stamp = []
    for i_gal in xrange(n_tot):
        # Note that we could use wcs.toWorld() to get the (RA, dec) for these (x, y) positions.  Or,
        # if we had started with (RA, dec) positions, we could have used wcs.toImage() to get the
        # CCD coordinates for those positions.

    # Make the 2-component parametric GSObjects for each object, including chromaticity (roughly
    # appropriate SEDs per galaxy component, at the appropriate galaxy redshift).  Note that since
    # the PSF is position-independent within the SCA, we can simply do the convolution with that PSF
    # now instead of using a different one for each position.  We also have to include the correct
    # flux scaling: The catalog returns objects that would be observed by HST in 1 second
    # exposures. So for our telescope we scale up by the relative area and exposure time.  Note that
    # what is important is the *effective* area after taking into account obscuration.
    logger.info('Processing the objects in the catalog to get GSObject representations')
    # Choose a random set of unique indices in the catalog (will be the same each time script is
    # run, due to use of the same random seed):
    rand_indices = []
    while len(rand_indices)<n_use:
        tmp_ind = int(pos_rng()*cat.nobjects)
        if tmp_ind not in rand_indices:
    obj_list = cat.makeGalaxy(rand_indices, chromatic=True, gal_type='parametric', deep=True)
    gal_list = []
    hst_eff_area = 2.4**2 * (1.-0.33**2)
    wfirst_eff_area = galsim.wfirst.diameter**2 * (1.-galsim.wfirst.obscuration**2)
    flux_scaling = (wfirst_eff_area/hst_eff_area) * wfirst.exptime
    mag_list = []
    for ind in range(len(obj_list)):
        # First, let's check what magnitude this object has in F814W.  We want to do this because
        # (to inject some variety into our images) we are going to rescale the fluxes in all bands
        # for different instances of this galaxy in the final image in order to get a reasonable S/N
        # distribution.  So we need to save the original magnitude in F814W, to compare with a
        # randomly drawn one from the catalog.  This is not something that most users would need to
        # do.

        # Convolve the chromatic galaxy and the chromatic PSF, and rescale flux.
        final = galsim.Convolve(flux_scaling*obj_list[ind], PSF)
        logger.debug('Pre-processing for galaxy %d completed.'%ind)

    # Calculate the sky level for each filter, and draw the PSF and the galaxies through the
    # filters.
    for filter_name, filter_ in filters.iteritems():
        logger.info('Beginning work for {0}.'.format(filter_name))

        # Drawing PSF.  Note that the PSF object intrinsically has a flat SED, so if we convolve it
        # with a galaxy, it will properly take on the SED of the galaxy.  For the sake of this demo,
        # we will simply convolve with a 'star' that has a flat SED and unit flux in this band, so
        # that the PSF image will be normalized to unit flux. This does mean that the PSF image
        # being drawn here is not quite the right PSF for the galaxy.  Indeed, the PSF for the
        # galaxy effectively varies within it, since it differs for the bulge and the disk.  To make
        # a real image, one would have to choose SEDs for stars and convolve with a star that has a
        # reasonable SED, but we just draw with a flat SED for this demo.
        out_filename = os.path.join(outpath, 'demo13_PSF_{0}.fits'.format(filter_name))
        # Approximate a point source.
        point = galsim.Gaussian(sigma=1.e-8, flux=1.)
        # Use a flat SED here, but could use something else.  A stellar SED for instance.  
        # Or a typical galaxy SED.  Depending on your purpose for drawing the PSF.
        star_sed = galsim.SED(lambda x:1).withFlux(1.,filter_)  # Give it unit flux in this filter.
        star = galsim.Convolve(point*star_sed, PSF)
        img_psf = galsim.ImageF(64,64)
        star.drawImage(bandpass=filter_, image=img_psf, scale=wfirst.pixel_scale)
        logger.debug('Created PSF with flat SED for {0}-band'.format(filter_name))

        # Set up the full image that will contain all the individual galaxy images, with information
        # about WCS:
        final_image = galsim.ImageF(wfirst.n_pix,wfirst.n_pix, wcs=wcs)

        # Draw the galaxies into the image.
        for i_gal in xrange(n_use):
            logger.info('Drawing image for the object at row %d in the input catalog'%i_gal)

            # We want to only draw the galaxy once (for speed), not over and over with different
            # sub-pixel offsets.  For this reason we ignore the sub-pixel offset entirely.  Note
            # that we are setting the postage stamp to have the average WFIRST pixel scale.  This is
            # simply an approximation for the purpose of speed; really, one should draw directly
            # into final_image, which has the appropriate WCS for WFIRST.  In that case, the image
            # of the galaxy might look different in different parts of the detector due to the WCS
            # (including distortion), and we would have to re-draw each time.  To keep the demo
            # relatively quick, we are just using the approximate average pixel scale and drawing
            # once.
            stamp = galsim.Image(stamp_size, stamp_size, scale=wfirst.pixel_scale)
            gal_list[i_gal].drawImage(filter_, image=stamp)

            # Have to find where to place it:
            for i_gal_use in range(i_gal*n_tot/n_use, (i_gal+1)*n_tot/n_use):
                # Account for the fractional part of the position:
                ix = int(math.floor(x_stamp[i_gal_use]+0.5))
                iy = int(math.floor(y_stamp[i_gal_use]+0.5))
                # We don't actually use this offset.
                offset = galsim.PositionD(x_stamp[i_gal]-ix, y_stamp[i_gal]-iy)

                # Create a nominal bound for the postage stamp given the integer part of the
                # position.
                stamp_bounds = galsim.BoundsI(ix-0.5*stamp_size, ix+0.5*stamp_size-1, 
                                              iy-0.5*stamp_size, iy+0.5*stamp_size-1)

                # Find the overlapping bounds between the large image and the individual postage
                # stamp.
                bounds = stamp_bounds & final_image.bounds

                # Just to inject a bit of variety into the image, so it isn't *quite* as obvious
                # that we've repeated the same 10 objects over and over, we randomly rotate the
                # postage stamp by some factor of 90 degrees and possibly include a random flip.
                if flip_stamp[i_gal_use] > 0.5:
                    new_arr = numpy.ascontiguousarray(
                        numpy.rot90(stamp.array, n_rot_stamp[i_gal_use]))
                    new_arr = numpy.ascontiguousarray(
                        numpy.fliplr(numpy.rot90(stamp.array, n_rot_stamp[i_gal_use])))
                stamp_rot = galsim.Image(new_arr, scale=stamp.scale)
                stamp_rot.setOrigin(galsim.PositionI(stamp_bounds.xmin, stamp_bounds.ymin))

                # Rescale the flux to match that of a randomly chosen galaxy in the galaxy, but
                # keeping the same SED as for this particular galaxy.  This gives a bit more
                # variety in the flux values and SNR of the galaxies in the image without having
                # to render images of many more objects.
                flux_scaling = 10**(-0.4*(mag_stamp[i_gal_use]-mag_list[i_gal]))

                # Copy the image into the right place in the big image.
                final_image[bounds] += flux_scaling * stamp_rot[bounds]

        # Now we're done with the per-galaxy drawing for this image.  The rest will be done for the
        # entire image at once.
        logger.info('Postage stamps of all galaxies drawn on a single big image for this filter.')
        logger.info('Adding the sky level, noise and detector non-idealities.')

        # First we get the amount of zodaical light for a position corresponding to the center of
        # this SCA.  The results are provided in units of e-/arcsec^2, using the default WFIRST
        # exposure time since we did not explicitly specify one.  Then we multiply this by a factor
        # >1 to account for the amount of stray light that is expected.  If we do not provide a date
        # for the observation, then it will assume that it's the vernal equinox (sun at (0,0) in
        # ecliptic coordinates) in 2025.
        sky_level = wfirst.getSkyLevel(filters[filter_name], world_pos=SCA_cent_pos)
        sky_level *= (1.0 + wfirst.stray_light_fraction)
        # Make a image of the sky that takes into account the spatially variable pixel scale.  Note
        # that makeSkyImage() takes a bit of time.  If you do not care about the variable pixel
        # scale, you could simply compute an approximate sky level in e-/pix by multiplying
        # sky_level by wfirst.pixel_scale**2, and add that to final_image.
        sky_image = final_image.copy()
        wcs.makeSkyImage(sky_image, sky_level)
        # This image is in units of e-/pix.  Finally we add the expected thermal backgrounds in this
        # band.  These are provided in e-/pix/s, so we have to multiply by the exposure time.
        sky_image += wfirst.thermal_backgrounds[filter_name]*wfirst.exptime
        # Adding sky level to the image.  
        final_image += sky_image

        # Now that all sources of signal (from astronomical objects and background) have been added
        # to the image, we can start adding noise and detector effects.  There is a utility,
        # galsim.wfirst.allDetectorEffects(), that can apply ALL implemented noise and detector
        # effects in the proper order.  Here we step through the process and explain these in a bit
        # more detail without using that utility.

        # First, we include the expected Poisson noise:

        # The subsequent steps account for the non-ideality of the detectors.

        # 1) Reciprocity failure:
        # Reciprocity, in the context of photography, is the inverse relationship between the
        # incident flux (I) of a source object and the exposure time (t) required to produce a given
        # response(p) in the detector, i.e., p = I*t. However, in NIR detectors, this relation does
        # not hold always. The pixel response to a high flux is larger than its response to a low
        # flux. This flux-dependent non-linearity is known as 'reciprocity failure', and the
        # approximate amount of reciprocity failure for the WFIRST detectors is known, so we can
        # include this detector effect in our images.

        if diff_mode:
            # Save the image before applying the transformation to see the difference
            save_image = final_image.copy()

        # If we had wanted to, we could have specified a different exposure time than the default
        # one for WFIRST, but otherwise the following routine does not take any arguments.
        logger.debug('Included reciprocity failure in {0}-band image'.format(filter_name))

        if diff_mode:
            # Isolate the changes due to reciprocity failure.
            diff = final_image-save_image

            out_filename = os.path.join(outpath,'demo13_RecipFail_{0}.fits'.format(filter_name))
            out_filename = os.path.join(outpath,

        # At this point in the image generation process, an integer number of photons gets
        # detected, hence we have to round the pixel values to integers:

        # 2) Adding dark current to the image:
        # Even when the detector is unexposed to any radiation, the electron-hole pairs that
        # are generated within the depletion region due to finite temperature are swept by the
        # high electric field at the junction of the photodiode. This small reverse bias
        # leakage current is referred to as 'dark current'. It is specified by the average
        # number of electrons reaching the detectors per unit time and has an associated
        # Poisson noise since it is a random event.
        dark_current = wfirst.dark_current*wfirst.exptime
        dark_noise = galsim.DeviateNoise(galsim.PoissonDeviate(rng, dark_current))

        # NOTE: Sky level and dark current might appear like a constant background that can be
        # simply subtracted. However, these contribute to the shot noise and matter for the
        # non-linear effects that follow. Hence, these must be included at this stage of the 
        # image generation process. We subtract these backgrounds in the end.

        # 3) Applying a quadratic non-linearity: 
        # In order to convert the units from electrons to ADU, we must use the gain factor. The gain
        # has a weak dependency on the charge present in each pixel. This dependency is accounted
        # for by changing the pixel values (in electrons) and applying a constant nominal gain
        # later, which is unity in our demo.

        # Save the image before applying the transformation to see the difference:
        if diff_mode:
            save_image = final_image.copy()

        # Apply the WFIRST nonlinearity routine, which knows all about the nonlinearity expected in
        # the WFIRST detectors.
        # Note that users who wish to apply some other nonlinearity function (perhaps for other NIR
        # detectors, or for CCDs) can use the more general nonlinearity routine, which uses the
        # following syntax:
        # final_image.applyNonlinearity(NLfunc=NLfunc)
        # with NLfunc being a callable function that specifies how the output image pixel values
        # should relate to the input ones.
        logger.debug('Applied nonlinearity to {0}-band image'.format(filter_name))
        if diff_mode:
            diff = final_image-save_image

            out_filename = os.path.join(outpath,'demo13_NL_{0}.fits'.format(filter_name))
            out_filename = os.path.join(outpath,'demo13_diff_NL_{0}.fits'.format(filter_name))

            # Save this image to do the diff after applying IPC.
            save_image = final_image.copy()

        # 4) Including Interpixel capacitance:
        # The voltage read at a given pixel location is influenced by the charges present in the
        # neighboring pixel locations due to capacitive coupling of sense nodes. This interpixel
        # capacitance effect is modeled as a linear effect that is described as a convolution of a
        # 3x3 kernel with the image.  The WFIRST IPC routine knows about the kernel already, so the
        # user does not have to supply it.
        logger.debug('Applied interpixel capacitance to {0}-band image'.format(filter_name))

        if diff_mode:
            # Isolate the changes due to the interpixel capacitance effect.
            diff = final_image-save_image

            out_filename = os.path.join(outpath,'demo13_IPC_{0}.fits'.format(filter_name))
            out_filename = os.path.join(outpath,'demo13_diff_IPC_{0}.fits'.format(filter_name))

        # 5) Adding read noise:
        # Read noise is the noise due to the on-chip amplifier that converts the charge into an
        # analog voltage.  We already applied the Poisson noise due to the sky level, so read noise
        # should just be added as Gaussian noise:
        read_noise = galsim.GaussianNoise(rng, sigma=wfirst.read_noise)
        logger.debug('Added readnoise to {0}-band image'.format(filter_name))

        # We divide by the gain to convert from e- to ADU. Currently, the gain value in the WFIRST
        # module is just set to 1, since we don't know what the exact gain will be, although it is
        # expected to be approximately 1. Eventually, this may change when the camera is assembled,
        # and there may be a different value for each SCA. For now, there is just a single number,
        # which is equal to 1.
        final_image /= wfirst.gain

        # Finally, the analog-to-digital converter reads in an integer value.
        # Note that the image type after this step is still a float.  If we want to actually
        # get integer values, we can do new_img = galsim.Image(final_image, dtype=int)

        # Since many people are used to viewing background-subtracted images, we provide a
        # version with the background subtracted (also rounding that to an int).
        tot_sky_image = (sky_image + dark_current)/wfirst.gain
        final_image -= tot_sky_image

        logger.debug('Subtracted background for {0}-band image'.format(filter_name))
        # Write the final image to a file.
        out_filename = os.path.join(outpath,'demo13_{0}.fits'.format(filter_name))

        logger.info('Completed {0}-band image.'.format(filter_name))

    logger.info('You can display the output in ds9 with a command line that looks something like:')
    logger.info('ds9 -zoom 0.5 -scale limits -500 1000 -rgb '+
                '-red output/demo13_H158.fits '+
                '-green output/demo13_J129.fits '+
                '-blue output/demo13_Y106.fits')

import logging
logging.basicConfig(format="%(message)s", level=logging.INFO, stream=sys.stdout)
logger = logging.getLogger("tests")

from galsim.cdmodel import *
#from sim2 import *   ## where all the BF stuff is
from scipy import optimize

#from measurement_function import *

import galsim.wfirst as wfirst
filters = wfirst.getBandpasses (AB_zeropoint=True)

def make2DGaussian(size, fwhm = 3, center=None):
    """ Make a square gaussian kernel.
        size is the length of a side of the square
        fwhm is full-width-half-maximum, which
        can be thought of as an effective radius.
    x = np.arange(0, size, 1, float)
    y = x[:,np.newaxis]
    if center is None:
        x0 = y0 = size // 2
Example #7
def main(argv):

    ## fixed parameters
    random_seed = 314
    rng = galsim.BaseDeviate(random_seed)
    random_dir = galsim.UniformDeviate(rng)
    poisson_noise = galsim.PoissonNoise(rng)
    dither_i = 22535
    use_SCA = 1
    filter_ = 'H158'
    stamp_size = 32
    hlr = 1.0
    bpass = wfirst.getBandpasses(AB_zeropoint=True)[filter_]
    galaxy_sed_n = galsim.SED('Mrk_33_spec.dat',

    ## variable arguments
    gal_num = int(sys.argv[1])
    PA1 = int(sys.argv[2])
    PA2 = int(sys.argv[3])
    galaxy_model = sys.argv[4]
    PSF_model = sys.argv[5]
    shape = sys.argv[6]
    output_name = sys.argv[7]

    # when using more galaxies than the length of truth file.
    res_noshear = np.zeros(gal_num,
                           dtype=[('ind', int), ('flux', float), ('g1', float),
                                  ('g2', float), ('e1', float), ('e2', float),
                                  ('snr', float), ('hlr', float),
                                  ('flags', int)])
    res_1p = np.zeros(gal_num,
                      dtype=[('ind', int), ('flux', float), ('g1', float),
                             ('g2', float), ('e1', float), ('e2', float),
                             ('snr', float), ('hlr', float), ('flags', int)])
    res_1m = np.zeros(gal_num,
                      dtype=[('ind', int), ('flux', float), ('g1', float),
                             ('g2', float), ('e1', float), ('e2', float),
                             ('snr', float), ('hlr', float), ('flags', int)])
    res_2p = np.zeros(gal_num,
                      dtype=[('ind', int), ('flux', float), ('g1', float),
                             ('g2', float), ('e1', float), ('e2', float),
                             ('snr', float), ('hlr', float), ('flags', int)])
    res_2m = np.zeros(gal_num,
                      dtype=[('ind', int), ('flux', float), ('g1', float),
                             ('g2', float), ('e1', float), ('e2', float),
                             ('snr', float), ('hlr', float), ('flags', int)])
    if shape == 'metacal':
        res_tot = [res_noshear, res_1p, res_1m, res_2p, res_2m]
    elif shape == 'noboot':
        res_tot = [res_noshear, res_1p, res_1m, res_2p, res_2m]
    elif shape == 'ngmix':
        res_tot = [res_noshear]

    PSF = getPSF(PSF_model, use_SCA, filter_, bpass)
    position_angle1 = PA1  #degrees
    position_angle2 = PA2  #degrees
    wcs1, sky_level1 = get_wcs(dither_i, use_SCA, filter_, stamp_size,
    wcs2, sky_level2 = get_wcs(dither_i, use_SCA, filter_, stamp_size,
    wcs = [wcs1, wcs2]
    sky_level = [sky_level1, sky_level2]

    t0 = time.time()
    for i_gal in range(gal_num):
        if i_gal % size != rank:

        if i_gal % 100 == 0:
            print('rank', rank, 'object number, ', i_gal)

        gal_model = None
        st_model = None

        if galaxy_model == "Gaussian":
            tot_mag = np.random.choice(cat)
            sed = galsim.SED('CWW_E_ext.sed', 'A', 'flambda')
            sed = sed.withMagnitude(tot_mag, bpass)
            flux = sed.calculateFlux(bpass)
            gal_model = galsim.Gaussian(
                half_light_radius=hlr, flux=1.
            )  # needs to normalize the flux before multiplying by sed. For bdf, there are bulge, disk, knots fractions to sum to 1.
            ## making galaxy sed
            #knots = galsim.RandomKnots(10, half_light_radius=1.3, flux=100)
            #knots = make_sed_model(galsim.ChromaticObject(knots), galaxy_sed_n, filter_, bpass)
            #gal_model = galsim.Add([gal_model, knots])
            gal_model = sed * gal_model
            ## shearing
            if i_gal % 2 == 0:
                gal_model = gal_model.shear(g1=0.02, g2=0)
                g1 = 0.02
                g2 = 0
                gal_model = gal_model.shear(g1=-0.02, g2=0)
                g1 = -0.02
                g2 = 0
        elif galaxy_model == "exponential":
            tot_mag = np.random.choice(cat)
            sed = galsim.SED('CWW_E_ext.sed', 'A', 'flambda')
            sed = sed.withMagnitude(tot_mag, bpass)
            flux = sed.calculateFlux(bpass)
            gal_model = galsim.Exponential(half_light_radius=hlr, flux=1.)
            ## making galaxy sed ## random knots should be used for bdf model
            #knots = galsim.RandomKnots(10, half_light_radius=1.3, flux=1.)
            #knots = make_sed_model(galsim.ChromaticObject(knots), galaxy_sed_n, filter_, bpass)
            #gal_model = galsim.Add([gal_model, knots])
            gal_model = sed * gal_model
            ## shearing
            if i_gal % 2 == 0:
                gal_model = gal_model.shear(g1=0, g2=0.02)
                g1 = 0
                g2 = 0.02
                gal_model = gal_model.shear(g1=0, g2=-0.02)
                g1 = 0
                g2 = -0.02

        gal_model = gal_model * galsim.wfirst.collecting_area * galsim.wfirst.exptime

        flux_ = gal_model.calculateFlux(bpass)
        #mag_ = gal_model.calculateMagnitude(bpass)
        # This makes the object achromatic, which speeds up drawing and convolution
        gal_model = gal_model.evaluateAtWavelength(bpass.effective_wavelength)
        # Reassign correct flux
        gal_model = gal_model.withFlux(flux_)
        gal_model = galsim.Convolve(gal_model, PSF)

        st_model = galsim.DeltaFunction(flux=1.)
        st_model = st_model.evaluateAtWavelength(bpass.effective_wavelength)
        # reassign correct flux
        starflux = 1.
        st_model = st_model.withFlux(starflux)
        st_model = galsim.Convolve(st_model, PSF)

        stamp_size_factor = old_div(
            int(gal_model.getGoodImageSize(wfirst.pixel_scale)), stamp_size)
        if stamp_size_factor == 0:
            stamp_size_factor = 1

        # Galsim world coordinate object (ra,dec)
        ra = cat[i_gal]['ra']
        dec = cat[i_gal]['dec']
        int_e1 = cat[i_gal]['int_e1']
        int_e2 = cat[i_gal]['int_e2']
        radec = galsim.CelestialCoord(ra*galsim.radians, dec*galsim.radians)
        # Galsim image coordinate object 
        xy = wcs.toImage(radec)
        # Galsim integer image coordinate object 
        xyI = galsim.PositionI(int(xy.x),int(xy.y))
        #xyI = galsim.PositionI(int(stamp_size_factor*stamp_size), int(stamp_size_factor*stamp_size))
        #b = galsim.BoundsI( xmin=1,
        #                    xmax=xyI.x,
        #                    ymin=1,
        #                    ymax=xyI.y)
        #print(xyI.x, int(stamp_size_factor*stamp_size), xyI.x-old_div(int(stamp_size_factor*stamp_size),2)+1)
        # Create postage stamp for galaxy
        #print("galaxy ", i_gal, ra, dec, int_e1, int_e2)

        ## translational dither check (multiple exposures)
        position_angle1=20*random_dir() #degrees
        position_angle2=position_angle1 #degrees
        wcs1, sky_level1 = get_wcs(dither_i, use_SCA, filter_, stamp_size, position_angle1)
        wcs2, sky_level2 = get_wcs(dither_i, use_SCA, filter_, stamp_size, position_angle2)
        wcs=[wcs1, wcs2]
        sky_level=[sky_level1, sky_level2]

        sca_center = [
                galsim.PositionI(old_div(wfirst.n_pix, 2),
                                 old_div(wfirst.n_pix, 2))), wcs[1].toWorld(
                                     galsim.PositionI(old_div(wfirst.n_pix, 2),
        gal_radec = sca_center[0]
        thetas = [position_angle1 * (np.pi / 180) * galsim.radians]
        offsets = []
        gals = []
        psfs = []
        skys = []
        for i in range(2):
            gal_stamp = None
            psf_stamp = None
            xy = wcs[i].toImage(gal_radec)  # galaxy position
            xyI = galsim.PositionI(int(xy.x), int(xy.y))
            b = galsim.BoundsI(
                xmin=xyI.x - old_div(int(stamp_size_factor * stamp_size), 2) +
                ymin=xyI.y - old_div(int(stamp_size_factor * stamp_size), 2) +
                xmax=xyI.x + old_div(int(stamp_size_factor * stamp_size), 2),
                ymax=xyI.y + old_div(int(stamp_size_factor * stamp_size), 2))
            # if the image does not use a real wcs. #
            #b = galsim.BoundsI( xmin=1,
            #                    xmax=int(stamp_size_factor*stamp_size),
            #                    ymin=1,
            #                    ymax=int(stamp_size_factor*stamp_size))
            gal_stamp = galsim.Image(b, wcs=wcs[i])  #scale=wfirst.pixel_scale)
            psf_stamp = galsim.Image(b, wcs=wcs[i])  #scale=wfirst.pixel_scale)

            ## translational dithering test
            #dx = 0 #random_dir() - 0.5
            #dy = 0 #random_dir() - 0.5
            #offset = np.array((dx,dy))

            offset = xy - gal_stamp.true_center  # original galaxy position - stamp center
            gal_model.drawImage(image=gal_stamp, offset=offset)
            st_model.drawImage(image=psf_stamp, offset=offset)

            sigma = wfirst.read_noise
            read_noise = galsim.GaussianNoise(rng, sigma=sigma)

            im, sky_image = add_background(gal_stamp,
            gal_stamp = add_poisson_noise(rng,
            #sky_image = add_poisson_noise(rng, sky_image, sky_image=sky_image, phot=False)
            gal_stamp -= sky_image

            # set a simple jacobian to the stamps before sending them to ngmix
            # old center of the stamp
            origin_x = gal_stamp.origin.x
            origin_y = gal_stamp.origin.y
            gal_stamp.setOrigin(0, 0)
            psf_stamp.setOrigin(0, 0)
            new_pos = galsim.PositionD(xy.x - origin_x, xy.y - origin_y)
            wcs_transf = gal_stamp.wcs.affine(image_pos=new_pos)
            new_wcs = galsim.JacobianWCS(wcs_transf.dudx, wcs_transf.dudy,
                                         wcs_transf.dvdx, wcs_transf.dvdy)
            gal_stamp.wcs = new_wcs
            psf_stamp.wcs = new_wcs

        res_tot = get_coadd_shape(cat, gals, psfs, offsets, skys, i_gal, hlr,
                                  res_tot, g1, g2, shape)
    ## send and receive objects from one processor to others
    if rank != 0:
        # send res_tot to rank 0 processor
        comm.send(res_tot, dest=0)
        for i in range(comm.size):
            if i == 0:
            # for other processors, receive res_tot.
            res_ = comm.recv(source=i)
            for j in range(len(res_tot)):
                for col in res_tot[j].dtype.names:
                    res_tot[j][col] += res_[j][col]

    if rank == 0:
        dirr = output_name
        for i in range(len(res_tot)):
            fio.write(dirr + '_sim_' + str(i) + '.fits', res_tot[i])

    if rank == 0:
        bias = residual_bias(res_tot, shape)
        #final = residual_bias_correction(res_tot,R11,R22,R12,R21)
        print(time.time() - t0)

    return None