def main(): ''' the function for training ''' agent = DQN() env = FlappyBird() env.reset() s_t = env.s_t while True: action_id, action_q = agent.epsilon_greedy(s_t) env.process(action_id) action = np.zeros(ACTIONS_DIM) action[action_id] = 1 s_t1, reward, terminal = (env.s_t1, env.reward, env.terminal) agent.perceive(s_t, action, reward, s_t1, terminal) if agent.global_t % 10 == 0: print 'global_t:', agent.global_t, '/ epsilon:', agent.epsilon, '/ terminal:', terminal, \ '/ action:', action_id, '/ reward:', reward, '/ q_value:', action_q if terminal: env.reset() s_t = s_t1 # env.update() # it doesn't work, and cause Q NaN # break return
def main(): ''' the function for training ''' agent = DQN() game = FlappyBird() game.reset() s_t = game.s_t while agent.global_t < MAX_TIME_STEP: action_id, action_q = agent.epsilon_greedy(s_t) game.process(action_id) action = np.zeros(ACTIONS_DIM) action[action_id] = 1 s_t1, reward, terminal = (game.s_t1, game.reward, game.terminal) agent.perceive(s_t, action, reward, s_t1, terminal) if agent.global_t % 10 == 0: print 'global_t:', agent.global_t, '/ epsilon:', agent.epsilon, '/ terminal:', game.terminal, \ '/ action:', action_id, '/ reward:', game.reward, '/ q_value:', action_q if game.terminal: game.reset() # s_t <- s_t1 s_t = s_t1 # game.update() return
def main(): ''' the function for training ''' agent = DRQN() env = FlappyBird() while True: env.reset() episode_buffer = [] lstm_state = (np.zeros([1, LSTM_UNITS]), np.zeros([1, LSTM_UNITS])) s_t = env.s_t while not env.terminal: # action_id = random.randint(0, 1) action_id, action_q, lstm_state = agent.epsilon_greedy( s_t, lstm_state) env.process(action_id) action = np.zeros(ACTIONS_DIM) action[action_id] = 1 s_t1, reward, terminal = (env.s_t1, env.reward, env.terminal) # frame skip episode_buffer.append((s_t, action, reward, s_t1, terminal)) agent.perceive(s_t, action, reward, s_t1, terminal) if agent.global_t % 10 == 0: print 'global_t:', agent.global_t, '/ epsilon:', agent.epsilon, '/ terminal:', terminal, \ '/ action:', action_id, '/ reward:', reward, '/ q_value:', action_q # s_t <- s_t1 s_t = s_t1 if len(episode_buffer) >= 50: # start a new episode buffer, in case of an over-long memory agent.replay_buffer.add(episode_buffer) episode_buffer = [] print '----------- episode buffer > 100---------' # reset the state if len(episode_buffer) > LSTM_MAX_STEP: agent.replay_buffer.add(episode_buffer) print 'episode_buffer', len(episode_buffer) print 'replay_buffer.size:', agent.replay_buffer.size() # break return
import sys import cPickle import math from game.flappy_bird import FlappyBird from SocketServer import BaseRequestHandler, UDPServer flapp_bird = FlappyBird() class UDPHandler(BaseRequestHandler): def handle(self): action = self.request[0] action = cPickle.loads(action) socket = self.request[1] global flapp_bird x_t, reward, terminal = flapp_bird.frame_step(action) data = cPickle.dumps((x_t, reward, terminal)) # not larger than 8192 due to the limitation of MXU of udp buffer_size = 8192 total_size = len(data) block_num = int(math.ceil(total_size / float(buffer_size))) # send the length offset = 0 header = { "buffer_size": buffer_size, "total_size": total_size, "block_num": block_num
from game.flappy_bird import FlappyBird from qtable import QLearningTable def get_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("""Implementation of Q-Learning to play Flappy Bird""") parser.add_argument("--qtable", type=str, default="qtable/q_table.json", help="Specify the Q table.") args = parser.parse_args() return args args = get_args() fb = FlappyBird() qlt = QLearningTable(e_greedy=1) qlt.q_table = json.load(open(args.qtable, "r")) observation = fb.next_frame(random.choice([0, 1]))[-1] while 1: qlt.check_state_exist(observation) action = qlt.choose_action(observation) reward, terminal, score, observation_ = fb.next_frame(action, text='')[1:] observation = observation_ if terminal: fb.__init__() observation = fb.next_frame(random.choice([0, 1]))[-1]
def train(args): torch.manual_seed(args.seed) device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") model = Network() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), criterion = nn.MSELoss() fb = FlappyBird() image, reward, terminal, score = fb.next_frame(randint(0, 1))[:-1] img = image_pre_processing(image, args.img_size, args.img_size) img = torch.from_numpy(img) state = for _ in range(4)))[None, :, :, :] replay_memory = [] episode = 0 while 1: prediction = model(state)[0] epsilon = args.initial_epsilon if np.random.uniform() > epsilon: action = torch.argmax(prediction) else: action = randint(0, 1) next_image, reward, terminal = fb.next_frame(action, '')[:3] if terminal: fb.__init__() next_image, reward, terminal = fb.next_frame(action, '')[:3] next_img = image_pre_processing(next_image, args.img_size, args.img_size) next_img = torch.from_numpy(next_img) next_state =[0, 1:, :, :], next_img))[None, :, :, :] replay_memory.append([state, action, reward, next_state, terminal]) if len(replay_memory) > args.replay_memory_size: del replay_memory[0] batch = sample(replay_memory, min(len(replay_memory), args.batch_size)) state_batch, action_batch, reward_batch, next_state_batch, terminal_batch = zip( *batch) state_batch = for state in state_batch)) action_batch = torch.from_numpy( np.array([[1, 0] if action == 0 else [0, 1] for action in action_batch], dtype=np.float32)) reward_batch = torch.from_numpy( np.array(reward_batch, dtype=np.float32)[:, None]) next_state_batch = for state in next_state_batch)) current_prediction_batch = model(state_batch) next_prediction_batch = model(next_state_batch) y_batch = tuple(reward if terminal else reward + args.gamma * torch.max(prediction) for reward, terminal, prediction in \ zip(reward_batch, terminal_batch, next_prediction_batch)) ) q_value = torch.sum(current_prediction_batch * action_batch, dim=1) optimizer.zero_grad() loss = criterion(q_value, y_batch) loss.backward() optimizer.step() state = next_state episode += 1