def __init__(self, game_env): Text.__init__(self, game_env, size=20) self.__game_env = game_env seperator = self.font.render(' ', 1, self.color) header = self.font.render('=== HELP ===', 1, self.color) footer = self.font.render('=== GOOD LUCK ===', 1, self.color) all_surfaces = [] all_surfaces.append(seperator) all_surfaces.append(self.font.render('Your objective should you choose to accept is to navigate your jet without getting hit by', 1, self.color)) all_surfaces.append(self.font.render('the incoming missiles. For self-defence you can shoot down the enemy missiles. You are', 1, self.color)) all_surfaces.append(self.font.render('armed with 100 special missiles. Level-up awards you another 50 special missiles and a', 1, self.color)) all_surfaces.append(self.font.render('power-up star which will instantly deactivate all the enemy missiles.', 1, self.color)) all_surfaces.append(self.font.render('Your jet can carry maximum 999 special missiles.', 1, self.color)) all_surfaces.append(seperator) all_surfaces.append(self.font.render('With keyboard input, you should use your keyboard arrow keys to navigate and spacebar', 1, self.color)) all_surfaces.append(self.font.render('to shoot. With mouse as input, you should use your mouse to navigate your jet and', 1, self.color)) all_surfaces.append(self.font.render('mouse click to shoot', 1, self.color)) all_surfaces.append(self.font.render(' ', 1, self.color)) all_surfaces.append(self.font.render('POINTS: Destroy Missle -> 10 pts. Power-up Star -> 100 pts. Level-up -> 10 pts.', 1, self.color)) all_surfaces.append(seperator) = Surface((all_surfaces[1].get_width(), all_surfaces[0].get_height() * (len(all_surfaces) + 2)), self.__game_env.SRCALPHA), ( - header.get_width()/2, 0)) for index, temp_surf in enumerate(all_surfaces):, (0, header.get_height() + index * temp_surf.get_height())), ( - footer.get_width()/2, - footer.get_height())) self.rect =, self.__game_env.static.screen_height/2))
def __init__(self, game_env): Text.__init__( self, game_env, size=38) # initilizing parent class with default text color as red self.__game_env = game_env self.__gameover = Text(self.__game_env, "GAME OVER", 60) self.__replaytext_surf = self.font.render( "Replay ", 1, self.color) # creating surface with the Replay text self.__y_selected_surf = self.font.render( "Yes", 1, self.__game_env.static.text_selection_color ) # creating surface with Yes text when highlighted self.__n_surf = self.font.render( "/No", 1, self.color) # creating surface with No text self.__y_surf = self.font.render( "Yes/", 1, self.color) # creating surface with Yes text self.__n_selected_surf = self.font.render( "No", 1, self.__game_env.static.text_selection_color ) # creating surface with No text when highlighted self.__replaytext_pos_x = / 2 - ( self.__replaytext_surf.get_width() + self.__y_selected_surf.get_width() + self.__n_surf.get_width()) / 2 self.__highlight_yes( ) # calling method to highlight Yes (the default choice)
def __init__(self, game_env): Text.__init__( self, game_env, size=32) # initilizing parent class with default text color as red self.__game_env = game_env self.__header = Text(self.__game_env, "=== ENTER YOUR NAME ===", 36) self.__footer = Text(self.__game_env, "===============================", 36) self.__player_name = '' # default player name self.render(self.__player_name)
def __init__(self, game_env): Text.__init__(self, game_env, size=20) self.__game_env = game_env name_length = self.__game_env.static.name_length * 2 leaders = LeaderBoardHandler().load() seperator = self.font.render( '===================================================================================================', 1, self.color) header = self.font.render('=== HALL OF FAME ===', 1, self.color) all_surfaces = [] all_surfaces.append(seperator) all_surfaces.append( self.font.render( '{} {} {} {} {} {}'.format('RANK'.ljust(5), 'NAME'.ljust(name_length), 'SCORE'.ljust(10), 'LEVEL'.ljust(5), 'ACCURACY'.ljust(8), 'TIME'.rjust(21)), 1, self.color)) all_surfaces.append(seperator) try: if len(leaders) == 0: all_surfaces.append( self.font.render( 'No records, make sure you have working internet connectivity', 1, self.color)) for index, score in enumerate(leaders['scores']): all_surfaces.append( self.font.render( '{} {} {} {} {} {}'.format( str(index + 1).ljust(5), score['name'][:name_length].ljust(name_length), str(score['score']).ljust(10), str(score['level']).ljust(5), str(score['accuracy'] + '%').ljust(8), str(time.ctime(int(score['epoch']))).rjust(25)), 1, self.color)) except: pass all_surfaces.append(seperator) = Surface( (all_surfaces[2].get_width(), all_surfaces[0].get_height() * (len(all_surfaces) + 1)), self.__game_env.SRCALPHA), ( / 2 - header.get_width() / 2, 0)) for index, temp_surf in enumerate(all_surfaces): temp_surf, (0, header.get_height() + index * temp_surf.get_height())) self.rect = center=(self.__game_env.static.screen_width / 2, self.__game_env.static.screen_height / 2))
def __init__(self, game_env): Text.__init__( self, game_env, size=36) # initilizing parent class with default text color as red self.__game_env = game_env self.__jet = Jet(game_env) # creating a of jet self.__prefix_surf = self.font.render( "What's your input {}?".format( self.__game_env.dynamic.player_name), 1, self.color) # creating surface with the prefix text self.__mouse = self.font.render( ' Mouse', 1, self.color) # creating surface with mouse text self.__keybrd = self.font.render( ' Keyboard', 1, self.color) # creating surface with mouse text keybrd_surf = self.font.render( ' Keyboard', 1, game_env.static.text_selection_color ) # creating surface with Keyboard text when highlighted self.__keybrd_selected = Surface( ( + keybrd_surf.get_width(), keybrd_surf.get_height()), game_env.SRCALPHA ) # creating surface for jet and highlighted keyboard text self.__keybrd_selected.blit(, (0, 0)) # drawing the jet self.__keybrd_selected.blit( keybrd_surf, (, 0)) # drawing the highligted keyboard text after the jet image mouse_surf = self.font.render( ' Mouse', 1, game_env.static.text_selection_color ) # creating surface with mouse text when highlighted self.__mouse_selected = Surface( ( + mouse_surf.get_width(), mouse_surf.get_height()), game_env.SRCALPHA ) # creating surface for jet and highlighted mouse text self.__mouse_selected.blit(, (0, 0)) # drawing the jet self.__mouse_selected.blit( mouse_surf, (, 0)) # drawing the highligted mouse text after the jet image self.__left_padding = self.__prefix_surf.get_width( ) / 2 - self.__keybrd_selected.get_width() / 2 self.__highlight_keyboard( ) # calling method to highlight keyboard (the default choice)
def __init__(self, game_env): Text.__init__(self, game_env, size=38) self.__game_env = game_env self.__title = Text(self.__game_env, "Do you want to quit?", 48) self.__y_selected_surf = self.font.render( "Yes", 1, self.__game_env.static.text_selection_color ) # creating surface with Yes text when highlighted self.__n_surf = self.font.render( "/No", 1, self.color) # creating surface with No text self.__y_surf = self.font.render( "Yes/", 1, self.color) # creating surface with Yes text self.__n_selected_surf = self.font.render( "No", 1, self.__game_env.static.text_selection_color ) # creating surface with No text when highlighted self.__choices = / 2 - ( self.__y_selected_surf.get_width() + self.__n_surf.get_width()) / 2 self.__highlight_no()
def play(): pygame.mixer.init() # initializing same audio mixer with default settings pygame.init() # initializing pygame game_env = GameEnvironment() # initializing game environment game_env.dynamic.collision_sound.set_volume(1.5) game_env.dynamic.levelup_sound.set_volume(1.5) game_env.dynamic.shoot_sound.set_volume(1.5) game_env.dynamic.hit_sound.set_volume(3) game_env.dynamic.powerup_sound.set_volume(10) game_env.dynamic.samfire_sound.set_volume(5) 'music')) # setting main game background musicm # lopping the main game music # screen = pygame.display.set_mode((game_env.static.screen_width, game_env.static.screen_height)) # creating game screen with custom width and height screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (game_env.static.screen_width, game_env.static.screen_height), game_env.FULLSCREEN ) # creating game screen with custom width and height pygame.display.set_caption('{} version. {}'.format(, game_env.static.version)) # setting name of game window pygame.display.set_icon(pygame.image.load( game_env.static.game_icon)) # updating game icon to the jet image pygame.mouse.set_visible( False) # hiding the mouse pointer from the game screen gameclock = pygame.time.Clock( ) # setting up game clock to maintain constant fps check_update(game_env) ADD_MISSILE = pygame.USEREVENT + 1 # creating custom event to automatically add missiles in the screen pygame.time.set_timer( ADD_MISSILE, int(1000 / game_env.static.missile_per_sec) ) # setting event to auto-trigger every 500ms; 2 missiles will be created every second ADD_CLOUD = pygame.USEREVENT + 2 # creating custom event to automatically add cloud in the screen pygame.time.set_timer( ADD_CLOUD, int(1000 / game_env.static.cloud_per_sec) ) # setting event to auto-trigger every 1s; 1 cloud will be created every second ADD_SAM_LAUNCHER = pygame.USEREVENT + 3 pygame.time.set_timer( ADD_SAM_LAUNCHER, 5000 ) # setting event to auto-trigger every 5s; 1 level can have 4 sam launcher running = True # game running variable gameover = False # no gameover by default game_started = False # game is not started by default game_pause = False star_shown = False mouse_pos = ( game_env.static.screen_width, game_env.static.screen_height / 2 ) # default mouse position, let the jet move forward on a straight line screen_color = game_env.static.background_default if game_started else game_env.static.background_special backgrounds = pygame.sprite.Group( ) # creating seperate group for background sprites stars = pygame.sprite.GroupSingle() # group of stars with max 1 sprite vegetations = pygame.sprite.Group( ) # creating cloud group for storing all the clouds in the game clouds = pygame.sprite.Group( ) # creating cloud group for storing all the clouds in the game missiles = pygame.sprite.Group( ) # creating missile group for storing all the missiles in the game deactivated_missile = pygame.sprite.Group( ) # creating missile group for storing all the deactivated missiles in the game samlaunchers = pygame.sprite.GroupSingle( ) # creating missile group for storing all the samlaunchers in the game title_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group() general_hint_text = "Press M->Game menu, H->Help, L->LeaderBoard, ESC->Quit" active_sprite = NameInputText(game_env) hint_sprite = Text( game_env, "Enter your name and press [ENTER] or press [ESC] to quit", 22, pos_x=game_env.static.screen_width / 2, pos_y=145) # creating game help title_banner_sprite = Text( game_env, "{} {}".format(, game_env.static.version), 100, pos_x=game_env.static.screen_width / 2, pos_y=100) # creating title_banner_sprite text sprite with game name title_author_sprite = Text(game_env, "By Lakhya Jyoti Nath (", 26, pos_x=game_env.static.screen_width / 2, pos_y=game_env.static.screen_height - 20) # creating game author if game_env.dynamic.player_name: hint_sprite = Text(game_env, general_hint_text, 22, pos_x=game_env.static.screen_width / 2, pos_y=145) # creating game help active_sprite = GameMenuText(game_env) game_env.dynamic.all_sprites.add(hint_sprite) [ title_sprites.add(sprite) for sprite in (active_sprite, title_banner_sprite, title_author_sprite) ] # adding all the necessary sprites to title_sprites [game_env.dynamic.all_sprites.add(sprite) for sprite in title_sprites ] # adding all title_sprites sprite to all_sprites jet = Jet(game_env) # creating jet sprite scoretext_sprite = ScoreText(game_env) # creating scoreboard sprite game_env.dynamic.noammo_sprite = Text(game_env, "NO AMMO !", 24) # creating noammo-sprite create_vegetation(game_env, vegetations) menu_screens = {Screen.REPLAY_MENU, Screen.GAME_MENU, Screen.EXIT_MENU} last_active_sprite = (game_env.dynamic.active_screen, active_sprite) def hide_exit_menu(): nonlocal game_pause, game_started, active_sprite game_started, game_pause = game_pause, game_started game_env.dynamic.all_sprites.remove(active_sprite) game_env.dynamic.active_screen, active_sprite = last_active_sprite if game_env.dynamic.active_screen != Screen.GAME_SCREEN: [ game_env.dynamic.all_sprites.add(sprite) for sprite in (active_sprite, hint_sprite) ] def start_gameplay(): nonlocal gameover, jet, star_shown, screen_color, game_started pygame.mouse.set_visible( True if game_env.dynamic.game_input == InputMode.MOUSE else False) # displaying mouse cursor based on user input mode screen_color = game_env.static.background_default # restoring screen color [sprite.kill() for sprite in title_sprites ] # kill all the title_sprites sprite sprite jet = Jet(game_env) # re-creating the jet missiles.empty() # empting the missle group game_env.dynamic.all_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group( ) # re-creating group of sprites [ game_env.dynamic.all_sprites.remove(sprite) for sprite in (active_sprite, hint_sprite) ] # removing active sprite and hint sprite [ game_env.dynamic.all_sprites.add(sprite) for sprite in (jet, scoretext_sprite) ] # adding the jet and scoreboard to all_sprites game_env.reset() # reseting game data pygame.time.set_timer(ADD_MISSILE, int(1000 / game_env.static.missile_per_sec) ) # resetting missile creation event timer create_vegetation(game_env, vegetations) # creating vegetation [backgrounds.add(sprite) for sprite in vegetations.sprites() ] # adding vegetation to background game_env.dynamic.active_screen = Screen.GAME_SCREEN # setting gamescreen as the active sprite game_started = True # game has started gameover = False # game is not over yet star_shown = False # no star is displayed # Main game loop while running: for event in pygame.event.get(): # Look at every event in the queue # stopping game when ESC key is pressed or when the game window is closed if (event.type == game_env.KEYDOWN and event.key == game_env.K_ESCAPE or event.type == game_env.QUIT ) and game_env.dynamic.active_screen != Screen.EXIT_MENU: last_active_sprite = (game_env.dynamic.active_screen, active_sprite) game_started, game_pause = game_pause, game_started [ game_env.dynamic.all_sprites.remove(sprite) for sprite in (active_sprite, hint_sprite) ] active_sprite = ExitMenuText(game_env) game_env.dynamic.all_sprites.add(active_sprite) game_env.dynamic.active_screen = Screen.EXIT_MENU # showing the exit menu when [ESC] key is pressed elif game_env.dynamic.active_screen == Screen.EXIT_MENU and ( event.type == game_env.KEYDOWN and event.key == game_env.K_ESCAPE): hide_exit_menu() # start the game elif game_started and not gameover: if game_env.dynamic.game_input == InputMode.MOUSE and event.type == game_env.MOUSEMOTION: # moving jet based on mouse movement mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos( ) # saving the mouse co-ordinate for smooth movement later elif (game_env.dynamic.game_input == InputMode.KEYBOARD and event.type == game_env.KEYDOWN and event.key == game_env.K_SPACE) or ( game_env.dynamic.game_input == InputMode.MOUSE and event.type == game_env.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN): jet.shoot() if event.type == ADD_MISSILE: # is event to add missile is triggered; missles are not added during gameover new_missile = Missile(game_env) # create a new missile missiles.add( new_missile) # adding the missile to missle group game_env.dynamic.all_sprites.add( new_missile ) # adding the missile to all_sprites group as well if event.type == ADD_SAM_LAUNCHER and not samlaunchers.sprites( ) and game_env.dynamic.game_level > 5: samlauncher = SamLauncher(game_env) samlaunchers.add(samlauncher) game_env.dynamic.all_sprites.add(samlauncher) # all keyboard key interaction elif event.type == game_env.KEYDOWN: # handling all the VALID key press, action varies based on current active screen if not game_started and game_env.dynamic.active_screen == Screen.NAME_INPUT: active_sprite.render(event.unicode) if game_env.dynamic.player_name: # if user has entered the name, then gamemenu is shown [ game_env.dynamic.all_sprites.remove(sprite) for sprite in (active_sprite, hint_sprite) ] active_sprite = GameMenuText(game_env) hint_sprite = Text(game_env, general_hint_text, 22, pos_x=game_env.static.screen_width / 2, pos_y=145) [ game_env.dynamic.all_sprites.add(sprite) for sprite in (active_sprite, hint_sprite) ] game_env.dynamic.active_screen = Screen.GAME_MENU elif event.key == game_env.K_h and game_env.dynamic.active_screen not in { Screen.EXIT_MENU, Screen.HELP }: # displyaing the help menu game_env.dynamic.all_sprites.remove(active_sprite) active_sprite = HelpText(game_env) game_env.dynamic.all_sprites.add(active_sprite) game_env.dynamic.active_screen = Screen.HELP elif event.key == game_env.K_l and game_env.dynamic.active_screen not in { Screen.EXIT_MENU, Screen.LEADERBOARD }: # displyaing the leaderboard game_env.dynamic.all_sprites.remove(active_sprite) active_sprite = LeaderBoardText(game_env) game_env.dynamic.all_sprites.add(active_sprite) game_env.dynamic.active_screen = Screen.LEADERBOARD elif event.key == game_env.K_m: game_env.dynamic.all_sprites.remove(active_sprite) if not gameover and game_env.dynamic.active_screen not in { Screen.EXIT_MENU, Screen.GAME_MENU }: # displyaing the game menu active_sprite = GameMenuText(game_env) game_env.dynamic.active_screen = Screen.GAME_MENU elif gameover and game_env.dynamic.active_screen not in { Screen.EXIT_MENU, Screen.REPLAY_MENU }: # displaying the replay menu active_sprite = ReplayMenuText(game_env) game_env.dynamic.active_screen = Screen.REPLAY_MENU game_env.dynamic.all_sprites.add(active_sprite) elif event.key == game_env.K_RETURN: # handling all [ENTER] key press activity if game_env.dynamic.active_screen == Screen.GAME_MENU: # selecting input mode in gamemenu screen start_gameplay() # starting game on 1st start elif game_env.dynamic.active_screen == Screen.REPLAY_MENU: # selecting reply option in replaymenu screen if game_env.dynamic.replay: start_gameplay() # starting game on replay else: running = False # stopping game as user as opted not to replay elif game_env.dynamic.active_screen == Screen.EXIT_MENU: if not game_env.dynamic.exit: hide_exit_menu( ) # hide exitmenu if user opts to no exit the game else: running = False if event.type == ADD_CLOUD: if game_pause: continue last_sprite = vegetations.sprites( )[-1] # storing the last available vegetation for computation if last_sprite.rect.x + last_sprite.rect.width / 2 - game_env.static.screen_width < 0: # checking if the last vegetation has appeared in the screen, if yes a new vegetation will be created and appended vegetation = Vegetation( game_env, x_pos=last_sprite.rect.x + last_sprite.rect.width + last_sprite.rect.width / 2 ) # position of the new sprite is after the last sprite vegetations.add( vegetation ) # adding sprite to groups for update and display backgrounds.add(vegetation) new_cloud = Cloud( game_env) # is event to add cloud is triggered clouds.add(new_cloud) # create a new cloud backgrounds.add( new_cloud) # adding the cloud to all_sprites group if not gameover and game_started: game_env.dynamic.game_playtime += 1 # increasing playtime by 1s as this event is triggered every second; just reusing existing event instead of recreating a new event if not star_shown and random.randint( 0, 30) % 3 == 0: # probabity of getting a star is 30% star = Star(game_env) stars.add(star) game_env.dynamic.all_sprites.add(star) star_shown = True if game_env.dynamic.game_playtime % 20 == 0: # changing game level very 20s star_shown = False ) # playing level up sound game_env.dynamic.game_level += 1 # increasing the game level pygame.time.set_timer( ADD_MISSILE, int(1000 / (game_env.static.missile_per_sec + int(game_env.dynamic.game_level / 2))) ) # updating timer of ADD_MISSLE for more missiles to be added game_env.dynamic.ammo += 50 # adding 50 ammo on each level up game_env.dynamic.game_score += 10 # increasing game score by 10 after each level game_env.dynamic.all_sprites.remove( game_env.dynamic.noammo_sprite ) # removing no ammo sprite when ammo is refilled screen.fill(screen_color) # Filling screen with sky blue color [screen.blit(, sprite.rect) for sprite in backgrounds] # drawing all backgrounds sprites [ screen.blit(, sprite.rect) for sprite in game_env.dynamic.all_sprites ] # drawing all sprites in the screen if not gameover: # missile hit if pygame.sprite.spritecollideany( jet, missiles ) or pygame.sprite.spritecollideany( jet, game_env.dynamic.sam_missiles ): # Check if any missiles have collided with the player; if so gameover = True # setting gameover to true to prevent new missiles from spawning active_sprite = ReplayMenuText(game_env) game_env.dynamic.active_screen = Screen.REPLAY_MENU jet.kill() # killing the jet [ sam_missile.kill() for sam_missile in game_env.dynamic.sam_missiles ] # killing the SAM missile [ game_env.dynamic.all_sprites.add(sprite) for sprite in (active_sprite, hint_sprite) ] # adding the gameover and the hint sprite game_env.dynamic.all_sprites.remove( game_env.dynamic.noammo_sprite) submit_result(game_env) # bullet hit collision = pygame.sprite.groupcollide( missiles, game_env.dynamic.bullets, True, True ) # checking for collision between bullets and missiles, killing each one of them on collision if len(collision) > 0: ) # play missile destroyed sound game_env.dynamic.game_score += len( collision) * 10 # 1 missle destroyed = 10 pts. game_env.dynamic.missiles_destroyed += len( collision) # to calulate player accuracy # powerup hit if pygame.sprite.spritecollideany( jet, stars): # collition between jet and star (powerup) [ game_env.dynamic.all_sprites.remove(s) for s in stars.sprites() ] # removing the star from all_sprites to hide from screen game_env.dynamic.game_score += 100 * game_env.dynamic.game_level # increasing game score by 100 stars.empty() # removing star from stars group for missile in missiles.sprites(): missile.deactivate() # making missile as deactivated deactivated_missile.add( missile) # adding missile to deactivated_missile group missiles.remove( missile ) # remove missiles from missles group to avoid collision with jet pygame.display.flip() # updating display to the screen gameclock.tick( game_env.static.fps) # ticking game clock at 30 to maintain 30fps pressed_keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() # getting all the pressed keys if not game_pause and game_started and not gameover and game_env.dynamic.game_input == InputMode.KEYBOARD: jet.update(pressed_keys) elif not game_pause and game_started and not gameover and game_env.dynamic.game_input == InputMode.MOUSE: # performing the jet movement here for smooth movement till mouse cursor jet.auto_move(mouse_pos) elif game_env.dynamic.active_screen in menu_screens: active_sprite.update( pressed_keys ) # handling menu interactions for all the possible interactive screens if not game_started: title_author_sprite.moveOnXaxis( 2) # moving the game author sprite across the X axis if game_pause: continue if game_started: vegetations.update( ) # vegetations will move only after the game starts game_env.dynamic.bullets.update() game_env.dynamic.sam_missiles.update() missiles.update() # update the position of the missiles deactivated_missile.update() clouds.update() # update the postition of the clouds stars.update() samlaunchers.update( (jet.rect.x + jet.rect.width / 2, jet.rect.y + jet.rect.height)) scoretext_sprite.update() # update the game score # stopping game music pygame.mixer.quit() # stopping game sound mixer notify_user_of_update(game_env)
def __init__(self, game_env): Text.__init__(self, game_env, text="LEVEL 00 TIME 0 AMMO 0 SCORE 0", size=28, color=(103,103,103)) # initializing parent class with defautl text and color self.__game_env = game_env self.rect = + 30, 2)) # creating rectangle from text surface