Example #1

elif testing == "simulator":
    p1 = [0, 0]
    p2 = [0, 90]
    simulator.angle_between(p1, p2)
    print simulator.polar_coordinates(90, 1)

elif testing == "simulation1":
    turns = 0
    attempts = 10000
    best_animals = []
    for sim in range(attempts):
        animals = [animal.animal() for i in range(1)]
        animals[0].health.value = 2.0
        simulation_data = game.simulate_game(3000, animals)
        turns = simulation_data[0]
        animals = simulation_data[1]
        anim = simulation_data[2][0]
        print turns, animals
        if turns > 2500:
    if best_animals:
        for sim in range(10):
                0].health.value = best_animals[0].max_health.value + 1.0
            print best_animals
            simulation_data = game.simulate_game(3000,
            turns = simulation_data[0]
Example #2
if __name__ == "__main__":
    from agents import RandomAgent
    from game import simulate_game
    from view import display
    from example_two_layer_agent_think_test import create_random_agent as create_random_two_layer_agent

    # Initialize 4 instances of the RandomAgent class and store them in a list. These guys just accelerate at random (Every frame there's a 30 % probability to accelerate with any acceleration between -1 and 1)

    agents = [

    # Simulate a game. It returns the ID (0,1,2,3) of the agent who touched it, a ball data (position and velocity of every frame) and pad data (positions and velocities)
    last_pad_id, ball_data, pads_data, bounce_counter = simulate_game(
        agents, True)

    # The ball_positions are the first elements in the ball_data, and so on. Extract it.
    ball_position_list = ball_data[0]
    pad_positions_list = pads_data[0]

    print bounce_counter

    # Send these to the view-module for plotting
    display(ball_position_list, pad_positions_list)
Example #3
if __name__ == "__main__":
    from game import simulate_game
    from agents import RandomAgent

    # Init agents
    agents = [create_random_agent() for i in range(4)]

    n_games = 1000
    agent_score = [0, 0, 0, 0]

    import time
    tic = time.clock()

    # Run a lot of games, save only the winners
    for game_counter in range(n_games):
        last_pad_id = simulate_game(agents, False)

        if last_pad_id != None:  # If not a draw.
            agent_score[last_pad_id] += 1

        if game_counter % 100 == 0:
            print game_counter

    toc = time.clock()

    # Calculate the score of the teams
    team_one_score = sum(agent_score[:2])
    team_two_score = sum(agent_score[2:])

    print "{} games played. Duration: {}. Average time per game = {}".format(
        n_games, toc - tic, n_games / float(toc - tic) / 1000.0)
Example #4

elif testing == "simulator":
    p1 = [0,0]
    p2 = [0,90]
    print simulator.polar_coordinates(90,1)

elif testing == "simulation1":
    turns = 0
    attempts = 10000
    best_animals = []
    for sim in range(attempts):
        animals = [animal.animal() for i in range(1)]
        animals[0].health.value = 2.0
        simulation_data = game.simulate_game(3000,animals)
        turns = simulation_data[0]
        animals = simulation_data[1]
        anim = simulation_data[2][0]
        print turns,animals
        if turns > 2500:
    if best_animals:
        for sim in range(10):
            best_animals[0].health.value = best_animals[0].max_health.value + 1.0
            print best_animals
            simulation_data = game.simulate_game(3000,copy.deepcopy(best_animals))
            turns = simulation_data[0]
            animals = simulation_data[1]
            print turns,animals
Example #5
def evaluate_populations(generation, number_of_matchups,
                         number_of_games_per_matchup, populations,
                         agent_generating_functions, score_functions):

    number_of_populations = len(populations)  # a.k.a number of agents
    population_size = len(populations[0])  # Size of an individual population
    score_card = np.zeros(number_of_games_per_matchup
                          )  # Keeps track of winning agent for a given matchup
    last_ball_position_list = np.zeros((number_of_games_per_matchup, 2))
    last_pad_centers_list = np.zeros((number_of_games_per_matchup, 4))
    bounce_counter_list = np.zeros((number_of_games_per_matchup, 4))

    agents = [None] * number_of_populations

    scores = np.zeros((number_of_populations, population_size))
    games = np.zeros((number_of_populations, population_size))

    for matchup_counter in range(number_of_matchups):
        # Select random participants from individuals
        participants = np.random.randint(0, population_size,

        # Generate agents, i.e., create a match-up
        for population_index in range(number_of_populations):
            population = populations[population_index]
            participant = participants[population_index]

            chromosome = population[
                participant]  # Select the chromosome of current participant

            # Generate an agent using the chromosome
            agents[population_index] = agent_generating_functions[

        # Play a number of games for this match-up
        for game_counter in range(number_of_games_per_matchup):
            scoring_agent, last_ball_position, last_pad_centers, bounce_counter = simulate_game(
                agents, False)

            score_card[game_counter] = scoring_agent
            last_ball_position_list[game_counter, :] = last_ball_position
            last_pad_centers_list[game_counter, :] = last_pad_centers
            bounce_counter_list[game_counter, :] = bounce_counter

        # For every participating participant, evaluate its fitness
        for population_index in range(number_of_populations):
            individual = participants[population_index]
            score_function = score_functions[population_index]

            # Increase score of this guy and number of games played
                   individual] += score_function(generation, score_card,
            games[population_index, individual] += number_of_games_per_matchup

    # Fitness = score per game
    games[games == 0.0] = 1.0
    fitnesses = scores / games

    return fitnesses