Example #1
def route(game_id,data,userid,username):
    command = None
    params = []
    if data:
        command = COMMAND_MAPPINGS.get(data[0].lower())
        if len(data) > 1:
            params = data[1:]
    if command:
        game_state = GameState()
            return command(commands.Game(game_state),
    return {'text': u"""Usage: /slack command, where commands are:
reset [confirm]:  reset the game if "confirm" is passed as the parameter
setup [add|remove]: display the current setup. If add is the parameter, add rest of text as setup text. If remove, remove the nth item.
pool [reroll|setup]: show the current dice pool. if setup passed as a parameter, setup the initial pool. if reroll passed in, reroll all dice in the pool.
register [name]: register your player name with the game
unregister [name]: unregister yourself or the specified user
status: output current status to channel
take [color number]: take a die from the pool
give [color number] [user]: give a die to another player. use "pool" as player name to return to the pool. 
roll: roll all your dice and give the aggregate score
spend: spend one your dice (so you no longer have it)"""}
Example #2
def route(game_id, data, userid, username):
    command = None
    params = []
    if data:
        command = COMMAND_MAPPINGS.get(data[0].lower())
        if len(data) > 1:
            params = data[1:]
    if command:
        game_state = GameState()
            return command(commands.Game(game_state), params, userid, username).to_json()
    return {
        "text": u"""Usage: /slack command, where commands are:
reset [confirm]:  reset the game if "confirm" is passed as the parameter
setup [add|remove]: display the current setup. If add is the parameter, add rest of text as setup text. If remove, remove the nth item.
pool [reroll|setup]: show the current dice pool. if setup passed as a parameter, setup the initial pool. if reroll passed in, reroll all dice in the pool.
register [name]: register your player name with the game
unregister [name]: unregister yourself or the specified user
status: output current status to channel
take [color number]: take a die from the pool
give [color number] [user]: give a die to another player. use "pool" as player name to return to the pool. 
roll: roll all your dice and give the aggregate score
spend: spend one your dice (so you no longer have it)"""
Example #3
def unlock():
    data = request.json  # data={slug,x,y,password}
    game_state = GameState.load(data['slug'], data['password'])
    message = game_state.unlock(data['x'], data['y'])
    db.save(data['slug'], game_state.data)
    return make_response(game_state, message)
Example #4
def sell():
    data = request.json  # data={slug,seed,password}
    game_state = GameState.load(data['slug'], data['password'])
    message = game_state.sell(data['seed'])
    db.save(data['slug'], game_state.data)
    return make_response(game_state, message)
Example #5
def harvest():
    data = request.json  # data={slug,x,y,password}
    game_state = GameState.load(data['slug'], data['password'])
    message = game_state.harvest(data['x'], data['y'])
    db.save(data['slug'], game_state.data)
    return make_response(game_state, message)
Example #6
def recipe():
    data = request.json  # data={slug,password}
    game_state = GameState.load(data['slug'], data['password'])

    known_recipes = {}
    for recipe_id in CONFIG.recipes:
        if game_state.is_known_recipe(recipe_id):
            known_recipes[recipe_id] = CONFIG.recipes[recipe_id]
    return make_response(game_state, recipes=known_recipes)
Example #7
def state(slug):
    body = request.json
    if body['newOrLoad'] == 'new':
        game_state = GameState.new(slug, body['password'])
    if body['newOrLoad'] == 'load':
        game_state = GameState.load(slug, body['password'])
        if game_state is None:
            raise NotFound("Game %s does not exist" % slug)
    db.save(slug, game_state.data)
    return make_response(game_state)
Example #8
def buy():
    data = request.json  # data={slug,recipe_id,password}
    game_state = GameState.load(data['slug'], data['password'])
    message = game_state.buy(data['recipe_id'])
    db.save(data['slug'], game_state.data)
    return make_response(game_state, message)
Example #9
def sow():
    data = request.json  # data={slug,seed,x,y,password}
    game_state = GameState.load(data['slug'], data['password'])
    message = game_state.sow(data['seed'], data['x'], data['y'])
    db.save(data['slug'], game_state.data)
    return make_response(game_state, message)