Example #1
    def _add_wall(self):
        if self.player_hide.walls_counter < self.player_hide.walls_max and not self.player_hide.wall_timer:
            wall_pos = copy.deepcopy(self.player_hide.pos)
            wall_size = (max(int(self.player_hide.width / 10), 2),
                         max(int(self.player_hide.height / 2), 2))  # minimum 2x2 Wall
            vision_arc_range = np.sqrt((self.player_hide.vision_top.x - self.player_hide.pos.x) * (self.player_hide.vision_top.x - self.player_hide.pos.x) + (
                self.player_hide.vision_top.y - self.player_hide.pos.y) * (self.player_hide.vision_top.y - self.player_hide.pos.y))
            # vision arc range - 1.5 wall width, so the wall is always created inside PoV.
            wall_pos.x = wall_pos.x + vision_arc_range - \
                (1.5 * wall_size[0])
            wall_pos = Point.triangle_unit_circle_relative(
                self.player_hide.direction, self.player_hide.pos, wall_pos)

            wall = Wall(self.player_hide, wall_pos.x,
                        wall_pos.y, wall_size, self.cfg['graphics_path_wall_owner'])
            wall._rotate(self.player_hide.direction, wall_pos)
            if self._can_create_wall(wall, self.agent_env['p_hide']['enemy']):
                self.player_hide.walls_counter += 1
                self.player_hide.wall_timer = copy.deepcopy(
                return True
                del wall

        return False
Example #2
    def _rotate(self, angle, position):
        Rotates the sprite by creating new Rectangle and updates its polygon points

            angle : float
                player direction in radians
            position : Point
                center of the wall

        self.direction = angle
        # Copy and then rotate the original image.
        copied_image = self.image.copy()
        self.image = pygame.transform.rotozoom(copied_image,
                                               -angle * 180 / math.pi, 1)
        self.image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))

        # Create a new rect with the center of the sprite.
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
        self.rect.center = (position.x, position.y)
        self.width = self.rect.width
        self.height = self.rect.height

        # Update the polygon points for collisions
        self.polygon_points = [
            Point.triangle_unit_circle_relative(angle, self.pos, polygon_point)
            for polygon_point in self.polygon_points
Example #3
    def _determine_new_ray_points(self, wall_edges):
        Algorithm which calculates new possible ray points based on the current Agent Position and Agent Direction


            ray_points : list of Point
                list of new, standard Ray Points

        ray_points = []
        dir_t = self.direction - 2*math.pi if self.direction > math.pi else self.direction
        point_angle_0 = self.pos + Point((self.vision_radius, 0))
        angles = np.linspace(dir_t - self.vision_rad / 2, dir_t + self.vision_rad / 2, num=11,
                             endpoint=True)  # counter-clockwise
        angles_min, angles_max = min(angles), max(angles)

        for p in [pnt for wall_edge in wall_edges for pnt in wall_edge]:
            delta = p - self.pos
            theta_radians = math.atan2(delta.y, delta.x)

            # 3rd quartet (2nd in math, 3rd in Y being from top to bottom), fixes 2nd; from [-PI; PI] to [-2PI; 0]
            if angles_min < -math.pi and theta_radians > 0:
                theta_radians = theta_radians - 2*math.pi
            # 2nd quartet (3rd in math, 2nd in Y being from top to bottom), fixes 3rd; from [-PI; PI] to [0; 2PI]
            elif angles_max > math.pi and theta_radians < 0:
                theta_radians = theta_radians + 2*math.pi

            if theta_radians not in angles and theta_radians > angles_min and theta_radians < angles_max:
                angles = np.append(angles, theta_radians)
        angles = np.sort(angles)

        for angle in angles:
            ray_point = Point.triangle_unit_circle_relative(
                angle, self.pos, point_angle_0)

        return ray_points
Example #4
    def update_vision(self, local_env):
        Updates Agent Vision

            local_env : dict
                contains Player Local Environment


        new_point = Point.triangle_unit_circle(
            self.direction, side_size=self.vision_radius)
        self.vision_top = self.pos + new_point

        wall_edges = self.reduce_wall_edges(local_env['walls'])
        self.ray_points = self._determine_new_ray_points(

        # without center
        self.ray_points = self._find_intersections(wall_edges)[1:]

        # creates triangles
        self.ray_objects = [[self.pos, self.ray_points[i], self.ray_points[i + 1]]
                            for i in range(len(self.ray_points) - 1) if self.ray_points[i] != self.ray_points[i + 1]]

        # adds Agent Rectangle to Agent Ray Objects
        speed_dist_w = self.speed + 1 + self.width / 2
        speed_dist_h = self.speed + 1 + self.height / 2
            Point((self.pos.x - speed_dist_w, self.pos.y - speed_dist_h)),
            Point((self.pos.x + speed_dist_w, self.pos.y - speed_dist_h)),
            Point((self.pos.x + speed_dist_w, self.pos.y + speed_dist_h)),
            Point((self.pos.x - speed_dist_w, self.pos.y + speed_dist_h)),
Example #5
    def _perform_agent_action(self, agent, action, local_env):
        if action == 0:
            agent.image_index = 0
            agent.image = agent.images[agent.image_index]
            return self._calc_action_reward(agent, action)
        elif action in [1, 2]:
            # (1 - 1.5) * 2 = -1, so for Forward it needs to be * (-1)
            x = math.cos(agent.direction) * agent.speed * \
                (action - 1.5) * 2 * (-1)
            # (1 - 1.5) * 2 = -1, so for Forward it needs to be * (-1)
            y = math.sin(agent.direction) * agent.speed * \
                (action - 1.5) * 2 * (-1)
            old_pos = copy.deepcopy(agent.pos)
            new_pos = agent.pos + Point((x, y))

            self._move_agent(agent, new_pos)

            # outside game window
            if (
                new_pos.x < 0
                or new_pos.x > self.width
                or new_pos.y < 0
                or new_pos.y > self.height
                self._move_agent(agent, old_pos)
                return self._calc_action_reward(agent, action, success=False)

            for wall in local_env['walls']:
                if Collision.aabb(new_pos, (agent.width, agent.height), wall.pos, (wall.width, wall.height)):
                    if Collision.sat(agent.get_abs_vertices(), wall.get_abs_vertices()):
                        self._move_agent(agent, old_pos)
                        return self._calc_action_reward(agent, action, success=False)
            return self._calc_action_reward(agent, action)
        elif action in [3, 4]:
            # (3 - 3.5) * 2 = -1, so for Clockwise Rotate it needs to be * (-1)
            did_rotate = self._rotate_agent(agent, (action - 3.5) * 2 * (-1))
            return self._calc_action_reward(agent, action, success=did_rotate)
        elif action == 5:
            if isinstance(agent, Seeker):
                did_remove = self._remove_wall()
                return self._calc_action_reward(agent, action, success=did_remove)
                did_add = self._add_wall()
                return self._calc_action_reward(agent, action, success=did_add)

        raise Exception(
            f"Unknown action, available action space: {self.action_space}")
Example #6
    def get_abs_vertices(self):
        Returns absolute coordinates of Vertices in Polygon


            points : list of hidenseek.ext.supportive.Point
                self.pylogon_points mapped to the absolute coordinates system

        return [Point((polygon_point.x + self.rect.left, polygon_point.y + self.rect.top)) for polygon_point in self.polygon_points]
Example #7
    def _find_intersections(self, wall_edges):
        Algorithm which looks for new Ray Points, which are closer to the Agent Center than radius-distance Ray Points

            wall_edges : list of [Point, Point]
                list of Wall Edges in Agent Local Environment

            temp_ray_points : list of Point
                list of new Ray Points

        edges_bounding_boxes = [
                'center': (edge[0] + edge[1]) / 2,
                'size': (abs(edge[1].x - edge[0].x), abs(edge[1].y - edge[0].y))
            } for edge in wall_edges

        temp_ray_points = [Point(self.rect.center)]
        for vertex in self.ray_points:
            # first must be the center point
            line_segment = [self.pos.round(4), vertex.round(4)]
            new_point = copy.deepcopy(vertex.round(4))
            new_point_dist = self.pos.distance(new_point)
            bounding_box = {
                'center': (line_segment[0] + line_segment[1]) / 2,
                'size': (abs(line_segment[1].x - line_segment[0].x), abs(line_segment[1].y - line_segment[0].y))
            for edge, edge_bounding_box in zip(wall_edges, edges_bounding_boxes):
                if not Collision.aabb(bounding_box['center'], bounding_box['size'], edge_bounding_box['center'], edge_bounding_box['size']):
                p = Collision.line_intersection(line_segment, edge)
                if p and self.pos.distance(p) <= new_point_dist:
                    new_point = p
                    new_point_dist = self.pos.distance(p)
        return temp_ray_points
Example #8
    def __init__(self, owner, x, y, size, img_path, direction=0):
        Constructs all neccesary attributes for the Wall Object

            owner : None, hidenseek.objects.controllable.Hiding, hidenseek.objects.controllable.Seeker
                Wall owner, None for game environment
            x : float
                center of the rectangle in 'x' axis for absolute coordinate system (game screen)
            y : float
                center of the rectangle in 'y' axis for absolute coordinate system (game screen)
            size : tuple
                Wall size, at least 2x2


        self.owner = owner

        self.width = size[0]
        self.height = size[1]

        self.pos = Point((x, y))
        self.pos_init = Point((x, y))

        image = pygame.Surface((self.width, self.height))
        image.fill((0, 0, 0, 0))
        image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))

        self.image = image

        self.filling = [
            pygame.image.load(os.path.join(img_path, file_))
            for file_ in os.listdir(img_path)

        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
        self.rect.center = (self.pos.x, self.pos.y)

        filling_width = self.filling[0].get_width()
        filling_height = self.filling[0].get_height()

        img_full_size_w = self.width / filling_width
        img_rounded_size_w = math.ceil(img_full_size_w)
        img_full_size_h = self.height / filling_height
        img_rounded_size_h = math.ceil(img_full_size_h)

        blit_list = [(self.filling[0], (filling_width * i, j * filling_height))
                     for i in range(0, img_rounded_size_w)
                     for j in range(0, img_rounded_size_h)]

        self.polygon_points = [
            Point((self.rect.left, self.rect.top)),
            Point((self.rect.right, self.rect.top)),
            Point((self.rect.right, self.rect.bottom)),
            Point((self.rect.left, self.rect.bottom))

        self.direction = direction
Example #9
    def __init__(self, cfg, size, pos_ratio, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT):
        Constructs all neccesary attributes for the Player Object

            cfg : configparser Object
                Agent Config Object
            size : tuple
                Agent size
            pos_ratio : tuple
                used to calculate initial position of the Player in absolute coordinate system (game screen);
                if value < 1 then it's ratio in percentage, otherwise it's coord
            SCREEN_WIDTH : int
                width of the game window
            SCREEN_HEIGHT : int
                height of the game window

        self.width = size[0]
        self.height = size[1]

        tmp_pos = list(pos_ratio)
        if tmp_pos[0] < 1:
            tmp_pos[0] *= SCREEN_WIDTH

        if tmp_pos[1] < 1:
            tmp_pos[1] *= SCREEN_HEIGHT

        self.pos = Point(tmp_pos)
        self.pos_init = Point(tmp_pos)


        self.cfg = cfg
        self.speed = cfg['speed_ratio']
        self.speed_rotate = cfg['speed_rotate_ratio']
        self.wall_timer_init = cfg['wall_action_timeout']
        self.wall_timer = cfg['wall_action_timeout']

        self.vision_radius = self.width * 2
        self.vision_top = None
        self.ray_objects = None
        self.vision_rad = math.pi
        self.ray_points = []
        self.direction = 0  # radians from which vision_rad is added/substracted

            > 0.15 on every side because we need to cover only 0.7 of space, to be able to freely rotate without making bigger rectangle
            > 2*x / sqrt(2) + x = 0.7
            > x ~= 0.29
            > x / sqrt(2) ~= 0.205

            x/sqrt(2)   x     x/sqrt(2)
            ....../           \......
            ...../             \.....
            ..../               \....
            .../                 \...
            ..|                   |..
            ..|                   |..
            ..|                   |..
            ..|                   |..
            ..|                   |..
            ...\                 /...
            ....\               /....
            .....\             /.....
            ......\           /......

        self.polygon_points = [
            Point((self.width * .355, self.height * .15)),
            Point((self.width * .645, self.height * .15)),
            Point((self.width * .85, self.height * .355)),
            Point((self.width * .85, self.height * .645)),
            Point((self.width * .645, self.height * .85)),
            Point((self.width * .355, self.height * .85)),
            Point((self.width * .15, self.height * .645)),
            Point((self.width * .15, self.height * .355)),

        self.sprites = [pygame.image.load(os.path.join(
            cfg['graphics_path'], file_)) for file_ in os.listdir(cfg['graphics_path'])]

        surface = pygame.Surface((self.width, self.height))
        surface.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))

        self.image_index = 0
        self.image = surface
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
        self.rect.center = (self.pos.x, self.pos.y)
Example #10
class Player(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    Parent Player Class for Hide'n'Seek Game, inherits from pygame.sprite.Sprite.
    Shouldn't be used because it doesn't have implementation of few methods

        width : int
            width of the Player Rectangle
        height : int
            height of the Player Rectangle
        SCREEN_WIDTH : int
            width of the game window
        SCREEN_HEIGHT : int
            height of the game window
        pos : hidenseek.ext.supportive.Point
            object position on the game display
        speed : int
            speed ratio for Player movement (in ticks)
        speed_rotate : float
            speed ratio for Player rotate
        wall_timer_init : int
            init cooldown (in frames) for any wall-specific action
        wall_timer : int
            cooldown (in frames)for any wall-specific action
        vision_radius : float
            Player POV radius
        vision_rad : float
            Player POV angle
        vision_top : Point
            Player Top POV Point
        ray_points : list of Point
            Player Ray POV in Points representation
        ray_objects : list of Objects (3-el list of Point)
            Player Ray POV in Triangles representation
        direction : float
            POV angle in radians (Z = 2 * PI)
        image_index : int
            determines which image should be drawn
        images : list of pygame.Surface
            objects with sprite/images from which the proper one will be drawn
        image : pygame.Surface
            object with sprite/image, chosen by 'image_index'
        rect : pygame.Rect
            object Rectangle, to be drawn
        polygon_points : list of tuples
            Agent vertices, used for collision check in SAT
        actions : list of dict
            contains all possible Player actions

        _rotate(turn, local_env):
            rotates the object, accordingly to the value, along its axis
            returns absolute vertices coordinates (in game screen coordinates system)
            algorithm which moves the Player object to given poisition
            updates Agent POV
            Not implemented in Parent Class

    def __init__(self, cfg, size, pos_ratio, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT):
        Constructs all neccesary attributes for the Player Object

            cfg : configparser Object
                Agent Config Object
            size : tuple
                Agent size
            pos_ratio : tuple
                used to calculate initial position of the Player in absolute coordinate system (game screen);
                if value < 1 then it's ratio in percentage, otherwise it's coord
            SCREEN_WIDTH : int
                width of the game window
            SCREEN_HEIGHT : int
                height of the game window

        self.width = size[0]
        self.height = size[1]

        tmp_pos = list(pos_ratio)
        if tmp_pos[0] < 1:
            tmp_pos[0] *= SCREEN_WIDTH

        if tmp_pos[1] < 1:
            tmp_pos[1] *= SCREEN_HEIGHT

        self.pos = Point(tmp_pos)
        self.pos_init = Point(tmp_pos)


        self.cfg = cfg
        self.speed = cfg['speed_ratio']
        self.speed_rotate = cfg['speed_rotate_ratio']
        self.wall_timer_init = cfg['wall_action_timeout']
        self.wall_timer = cfg['wall_action_timeout']

        self.vision_radius = self.width * 2
        self.vision_top = None
        self.ray_objects = None
        self.vision_rad = math.pi
        self.ray_points = []
        self.direction = 0  # radians from which vision_rad is added/substracted

            > 0.15 on every side because we need to cover only 0.7 of space, to be able to freely rotate without making bigger rectangle
            > 2*x / sqrt(2) + x = 0.7
            > x ~= 0.29
            > x / sqrt(2) ~= 0.205

            x/sqrt(2)   x     x/sqrt(2)
            ....../           \......
            ...../             \.....
            ..../               \....
            .../                 \...
            ..|                   |..
            ..|                   |..
            ..|                   |..
            ..|                   |..
            ..|                   |..
            ...\                 /...
            ....\               /....
            .....\             /.....
            ......\           /......

        self.polygon_points = [
            Point((self.width * .355, self.height * .15)),
            Point((self.width * .645, self.height * .15)),
            Point((self.width * .85, self.height * .355)),
            Point((self.width * .85, self.height * .645)),
            Point((self.width * .645, self.height * .85)),
            Point((self.width * .355, self.height * .85)),
            Point((self.width * .15, self.height * .645)),
            Point((self.width * .15, self.height * .355)),

        self.sprites = [pygame.image.load(os.path.join(
            cfg['graphics_path'], file_)) for file_ in os.listdir(cfg['graphics_path'])]

        surface = pygame.Surface((self.width, self.height))
        surface.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))

        self.image_index = 0
        self.image = surface
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
        self.rect.center = (self.pos.x, self.pos.y)

    def act(self, obs, reward, game_end, action_space):
        Decides on the action

            obs : PLACEHOLDER
                What agent sees.
            reward : float
                Reward for previous action.
            game_end : boolean
                contains Player Local Environment
            action_space : spaces.Discrete
                actions possible to perform.

        action = action_space.sample()
        return action

    def get_abs_vertices(self):
        Returns absolute coordinates of Vertices in Polygon


            points : list of hidenseek.ext.supportive.Point
                self.pylogon_points mapped to the absolute coordinates system

        return [Point((polygon_point.x + self.rect.left, polygon_point.y + self.rect.top)) for polygon_point in self.polygon_points]

    def _determine_new_ray_points(self, wall_edges):
        Algorithm which calculates new possible ray points based on the current Agent Position and Agent Direction


            ray_points : list of Point
                list of new, standard Ray Points

        ray_points = []
        dir_t = self.direction - 2*math.pi if self.direction > math.pi else self.direction
        point_angle_0 = self.pos + Point((self.vision_radius, 0))
        angles = np.linspace(dir_t - self.vision_rad / 2, dir_t + self.vision_rad / 2, num=11,
                             endpoint=True)  # counter-clockwise
        angles_min, angles_max = min(angles), max(angles)

        for p in [pnt for wall_edge in wall_edges for pnt in wall_edge]:
            delta = p - self.pos
            theta_radians = math.atan2(delta.y, delta.x)

            # 3rd quartet (2nd in math, 3rd in Y being from top to bottom), fixes 2nd; from [-PI; PI] to [-2PI; 0]
            if angles_min < -math.pi and theta_radians > 0:
                theta_radians = theta_radians - 2*math.pi
            # 2nd quartet (3rd in math, 2nd in Y being from top to bottom), fixes 3rd; from [-PI; PI] to [0; 2PI]
            elif angles_max > math.pi and theta_radians < 0:
                theta_radians = theta_radians + 2*math.pi

            if theta_radians not in angles and theta_radians > angles_min and theta_radians < angles_max:
                angles = np.append(angles, theta_radians)
        angles = np.sort(angles)

        for angle in angles:
            ray_point = Point.triangle_unit_circle_relative(
                angle, self.pos, point_angle_0)

        return ray_points

    def reduce_wall_edges(self, walls):
        Algorithm which reduces wall edges from 4 per Wall to only 2 (closest ones)

            walls : list of Wall
                list of Walls in Agent Local Environment

            proper_walls_lines : list of [Point, Point]
                list of closest wall edges

        walls_lines = [[[wall.get_abs_vertices()[i % 4], wall.get_abs_vertices()[
            (i + 1) % 4]] for i in range(4)] for wall in walls]

        # get only closer parallel wall edge, reduces computation by half
        proper_walls_lines = []
        for wall_lines in walls_lines:
            if self.pos.distance(wall_lines[0][0] + (wall_lines[0][1] - wall_lines[0][0]) / 2) < self.pos.distance(wall_lines[2][0] + (wall_lines[2][1] - wall_lines[2][0]) / 2):

            if self.pos.distance(wall_lines[1][0] + (wall_lines[1][1] - wall_lines[1][0]) / 2) < self.pos.distance(wall_lines[3][0] + (wall_lines[3][1] - wall_lines[3][0]) / 2):
        return proper_walls_lines

    def _find_intersections(self, wall_edges):
        Algorithm which looks for new Ray Points, which are closer to the Agent Center than radius-distance Ray Points

            wall_edges : list of [Point, Point]
                list of Wall Edges in Agent Local Environment

            temp_ray_points : list of Point
                list of new Ray Points

        edges_bounding_boxes = [
                'center': (edge[0] + edge[1]) / 2,
                'size': (abs(edge[1].x - edge[0].x), abs(edge[1].y - edge[0].y))
            } for edge in wall_edges

        temp_ray_points = [Point(self.rect.center)]
        for vertex in self.ray_points:
            # first must be the center point
            line_segment = [self.pos.round(4), vertex.round(4)]
            new_point = copy.deepcopy(vertex.round(4))
            new_point_dist = self.pos.distance(new_point)
            bounding_box = {
                'center': (line_segment[0] + line_segment[1]) / 2,
                'size': (abs(line_segment[1].x - line_segment[0].x), abs(line_segment[1].y - line_segment[0].y))
            for edge, edge_bounding_box in zip(wall_edges, edges_bounding_boxes):
                if not Collision.aabb(bounding_box['center'], bounding_box['size'], edge_bounding_box['center'], edge_bounding_box['size']):
                p = Collision.line_intersection(line_segment, edge)
                if p and self.pos.distance(p) <= new_point_dist:
                    new_point = p
                    new_point_dist = self.pos.distance(p)
        return temp_ray_points

    def update_vision(self, local_env):
        Updates Agent Vision

            local_env : dict
                contains Player Local Environment


        new_point = Point.triangle_unit_circle(
            self.direction, side_size=self.vision_radius)
        self.vision_top = self.pos + new_point

        wall_edges = self.reduce_wall_edges(local_env['walls'])
        self.ray_points = self._determine_new_ray_points(

        # without center
        self.ray_points = self._find_intersections(wall_edges)[1:]

        # creates triangles
        self.ray_objects = [[self.pos, self.ray_points[i], self.ray_points[i + 1]]
                            for i in range(len(self.ray_points) - 1) if self.ray_points[i] != self.ray_points[i + 1]]

        # adds Agent Rectangle to Agent Ray Objects
        speed_dist_w = self.speed + 1 + self.width / 2
        speed_dist_h = self.speed + 1 + self.height / 2
            Point((self.pos.x - speed_dist_w, self.pos.y - speed_dist_h)),
            Point((self.pos.x + speed_dist_w, self.pos.y - speed_dist_h)),
            Point((self.pos.x + speed_dist_w, self.pos.y + speed_dist_h)),
            Point((self.pos.x - speed_dist_w, self.pos.y + speed_dist_h)),

    def reset(self):
        self.pos = copy.deepcopy(self.pos_init)
        self.wall_timer = copy.deepcopy(self.wall_timer_init)
        self.vision_top = None
        self.ray_objects = None
        self.direction = 0

        surface = pygame.Surface((self.width, self.height))
        surface.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))

        self.image_index = 0
        self.image = surface
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
        self.rect.center = (self.pos.x, self.pos.y)