Example #1
 def add_block_before_generating_chunk(self, x, y, z, block_type):
     chunk_x, chunk_y = which_chunk(x, z)
     if not (chunk_x, chunk_y) in self.dic_chunks:
         self.add_new_chunk(chunk_x, chunk_y)
     # print(x, y, z)
         chunk_y)].world[x % Settings.get_chunk_size(), y,
                         z % Settings.get_chunk_size()] = block_type
Example #2
    def add_structures_to_chunk(self, x_basic, z_basic):
        how_many = random.randint(0, 7)

        for i in range(how_many):
            x = x_basic * Settings.get_chunk_size() + random.randint(0, 15)
            z = z_basic * Settings.get_chunk_size() + random.randint(0, 15)
            # print(x, z)
            y = self.return_height(x, 140, z)
            if self.return_world(x, y, z) in (1, 2):
                self.add_tree(x, y, z)
            elif self.return_world(x, y, z) == 4:
                self.add_cactus(x, y, z)
Example #3
    def add_block(self, x, y, z, block_type=3):
        x, y, z = floor_for_coords(x, y, z)
        chunk_x, chunk_y = which_chunk(x, z)
        # which_side = ""
        which_side = self.where_add_side(x, y, z) + "a"
        if block_type not in TRANSPARENT_BLOCKS:
            side_manager(self.check_and_delete_sides, which_side, x, y, z)

                         chunk_y)].add_block(x % Settings.get_chunk_size(), y,
                                             z % Settings.get_chunk_size(),
                                             which_side, block_type)
Example #4
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.settings = Settings()['game_window']

        self.keys = key.KeyStateHandler()
        self.how_far = self.settings['chunks']
        self.fps_display = FPSDisplay(self)
        # self.fps_display.label.y = self.height - 50
        # self.fps_display.label.x = self.width - 150
        self.cross = pyglet.image.load('images/cross.png')
        self.label = pyglet.text.Label("",
                                       font_name='Times New Roman',
                                       x=self.width // 2,

        self.model = Model()
        self.y = 0
        position = self.settings['player_start_position']
        player_start_coords = (position['x'], position['y'], position['z'])
        player_start_rotation = (position['rot_x'], position['rot_y'])
        self.player = Player(self.model, player_start_coords,
Example #5
    def on_draw(self):
        self.push(self.player.pos, self.player.rot)
        x = math.floor(self.player.pos[0] / Settings.get_chunk_size())
        z = math.floor(self.player.pos[2] / Settings.get_chunk_size())
        # _thread.start_new_thread(self.model.draw, (x, z, self.how_far, (self.player.rot[0] + 180) % 360, ))
        self.model.draw(x, z, self.how_far, (self.player.rot[0] + 180) % 360)

        self.label.text = self.player.eq.print_content()

        self.cross.blit(self.width // 2 - 20, self.height // 2 - 20)
Example #6
    def fill_arrays(self):
        # time1 = time.time()
        x_off = self.pos_x * self.OFFSET
        for x in range(-1, self.WIDTH + 1):
            z_off = self.pos_z * self.OFFSET
            for z in range(-1, self.LENGTH + 1):
                height = self.HEIGHT_OF_TERRAIN * np.abs(noise.pnoise2(x_off, z_off)) + \
                       (self.HEIGHT - self.HEIGHT_OF_TERRAIN)
                # high = 30
                biome = noise.pnoise1(x_off * (z_off + x_off) /
                # if biome > -0.1:
                #     height = self.HEIGHT_OF_TERRAIN * np.abs(noise.pnoise2(x_off, z_off)) + \
                #            (self.HEIGHT - self.HEIGHT_OF_TERRAIN)
                #     # elevation = np.abs(noise.pnoise2(x_off, z_off))
                #     # roughness = np.abs(noise.pnoise2(x_off, z_off))
                #     # detail = np.abs(noise.pnoise2(x_off, z_off))
                #     # high = max((elevation + (roughness*detail)) * self.HEIGHT_OF_TERRAIN + (self.HEIGHT - self.HEIGHT_OF_TERRAIN), self.HEIGHT - 13)
                # else:
                #     height = self.HEIGHT_OF_TERRAIN * np.abs(noise.pnoise2(z_off, x_off)) + \
                #            (self.HEIGHT - self.HEIGHT_OF_TERRAIN)
                height = meadowBiome.MeadowBiome.add(self.world, x, z,
                                                     self.pos_x, self.pos_z)
                if self.min_height > height:
                    self.min_height = height

                if self.max_height < height:
                    self.max_height = max(height, 140)
                # if 0 <= x < self.WIDTH and 0 <= z < self.LENGTH:
                # meadowBiome.MeadowBiome.add_meadow(self.world, x, z, self.pos_x, self.pos_z)
                # else:
                #     for y in range(2, height + 1):
                #         if y < height - 2:
                #             self.world[x, y, z] = 3
                #         elif biome > -0.1:
                #             if y < height:
                #                 self.world[x, y, z] = 2
                #             else:
                #                 self.world[x, y, z] = 1
                #         else:
                #             self.world[x, y, z] = 4
                z_off += self.OFFSET

            x_off += self.OFFSET
Example #7
from game_files.Settings import Settings

if __name__ == '__main__':

    from game_files.MyCraft import my_craft
Example #8
class Chunk:
    WIDTH = Settings.get_chunk_size()
    LENGTH = Settings.get_chunk_size()
    HEIGHT = Settings.get_max_height()
    OFFSET = 0.02
    HEIGHT_OF_TERRAIN = Settings()['terrain_height']

    top_texture = (
        (0, 7 / 8, 1 / 8, 7 / 8, 1 / 8, 1, 0, 1),  # grass_top 1
        (2 / 8, 7 / 8, 3 / 8, 7 / 8, 3 / 8, 1, 2 / 8, 1),  # dirt 2
        (3 / 8, 7 / 8, 4 / 8, 7 / 8, 4 / 8, 1, 3 / 8, 1),  # stone 3
        (4 / 8, 7 / 8, 5 / 8, 7 / 8, 5 / 8, 1, 4 / 8, 1),  # sand 4
        (6 / 8, 7 / 8, 7 / 8, 7 / 8, 7 / 8, 1, 6 / 8, 1),  # wood_top 5
        (7 / 8, 7 / 8, 8 / 8, 7 / 8, 8 / 8, 1, 7 / 8, 1))  # leaves 6
    side_texture = (
        (1 / 8, 7 / 8, 2 / 8, 7 / 8, 2 / 8, 1, 1 / 8, 1),  # grass_side
        (2 / 8, 7 / 8, 3 / 8, 7 / 8, 3 / 8, 1, 2 / 8, 1),  # dirt
        (3 / 8, 7 / 8, 4 / 8, 7 / 8, 4 / 8, 1, 3 / 8, 1),  # stone
        (4 / 8, 7 / 8, 5 / 8, 7 / 8, 5 / 8, 1, 4 / 8, 1),  # sand
        (5 / 8, 7 / 8, 6 / 8, 7 / 8, 6 / 8, 1, 5 / 8, 1),  # wood_side
        (7 / 8, 7 / 8, 8 / 8, 7 / 8, 8 / 8, 1, 7 / 8, 1))  # leaves
    bottom_texture = (
        (2 / 8, 7 / 8, 3 / 8, 7 / 8, 3 / 8, 1, 2 / 8, 1),  # dirt
        (2 / 8, 7 / 8, 3 / 8, 7 / 8, 3 / 8, 1, 2 / 8, 1),  # dirt
        (3 / 8, 7 / 8, 4 / 8, 7 / 8, 4 / 8, 1, 3 / 8, 1),  # stone
        (4 / 8, 7 / 8, 5 / 8, 7 / 8, 5 / 8, 1, 4 / 8, 1),  # sand
        (6 / 8, 7 / 8, 7 / 8, 7 / 8, 7 / 8, 1, 6 / 8, 1),  # wood_top
        (7 / 8, 7 / 8, 8 / 8, 7 / 8, 8 / 8, 1, 7 / 8, 1))  # leaves
    textures_top = get_tex('images/texturest.png')
    textures_side = get_tex('images/texturess.png')
    textures_bottom = get_tex('images/texturesb.png')

    def __init__(self, pos_x, pos_z):
        # self.previous_block_type = 0
        self.is_draw = False
        self.pos_x = pos_x * self.WIDTH
        self.pos_z = pos_z * self.LENGTH
        self.batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch()
        self.was_generated = False

        self.world = np.zeros((self.WIDTH + 2, self.HEIGHT, self.LENGTH + 2))
        self.vertex_list = {}

        self.min_height = self.HEIGHT
        self.max_height = 0


    def fill_arrays(self):
        # time1 = time.time()
        x_off = self.pos_x * self.OFFSET
        for x in range(-1, self.WIDTH + 1):
            z_off = self.pos_z * self.OFFSET
            for z in range(-1, self.LENGTH + 1):
                height = self.HEIGHT_OF_TERRAIN * np.abs(noise.pnoise2(x_off, z_off)) + \
                       (self.HEIGHT - self.HEIGHT_OF_TERRAIN)
                # high = 30
                biome = noise.pnoise1(x_off * (z_off + x_off) /
                # if biome > -0.1:
                #     height = self.HEIGHT_OF_TERRAIN * np.abs(noise.pnoise2(x_off, z_off)) + \
                #            (self.HEIGHT - self.HEIGHT_OF_TERRAIN)
                #     # elevation = np.abs(noise.pnoise2(x_off, z_off))
                #     # roughness = np.abs(noise.pnoise2(x_off, z_off))
                #     # detail = np.abs(noise.pnoise2(x_off, z_off))
                #     # high = max((elevation + (roughness*detail)) * self.HEIGHT_OF_TERRAIN + (self.HEIGHT - self.HEIGHT_OF_TERRAIN), self.HEIGHT - 13)
                # else:
                #     height = self.HEIGHT_OF_TERRAIN * np.abs(noise.pnoise2(z_off, x_off)) + \
                #            (self.HEIGHT - self.HEIGHT_OF_TERRAIN)
                height = meadowBiome.MeadowBiome.add(self.world, x, z,
                                                     self.pos_x, self.pos_z)
                if self.min_height > height:
                    self.min_height = height

                if self.max_height < height:
                    self.max_height = max(height, 140)
                # if 0 <= x < self.WIDTH and 0 <= z < self.LENGTH:
                # meadowBiome.MeadowBiome.add_meadow(self.world, x, z, self.pos_x, self.pos_z)
                # else:
                #     for y in range(2, height + 1):
                #         if y < height - 2:
                #             self.world[x, y, z] = 3
                #         elif biome > -0.1:
                #             if y < height:
                #                 self.world[x, y, z] = 2
                #             else:
                #                 self.world[x, y, z] = 1
                #         else:
                #             self.world[x, y, z] = 4
                z_off += self.OFFSET

            x_off += self.OFFSET
        # print(time.time() - time1)
        # print(self.min_height)

    def where_add_block(self, x, y, z):
        where = ""
        where += what_side_add(self.world, x, y + 1, z, "t")  # top
        where += what_side_add(self.world, x, y - 1, z, "d")  # down

        where += what_side_add(self.world, x, y, z - 1, "b")  # back
        where += what_side_add(self.world, x, y, z + 1, "f")  # front

        where += what_side_add(self.world, x + 1, y, z, "r")  # right
        where += what_side_add(self.world, x - 1, y, z, "l")  # left

        return where

    def generate_chunk(self):

        for x in range(0, self.WIDTH):
            for z in range(0, self.LENGTH):
                for y in range(self.min_height - 1, self.max_height + 9):
                    if self.world[x, y, z] != 0:
                        where = self.where_add_block(x, y, z)
                        if where != "":
                            self.add_block(x, y, z, where, self.world[x, y, z])
                        # self.delete_from_batch(x, y, z, "t")

    def add_block(self, x, y, z, which_side, block_type):
        if "a" in which_side:
            self.world[x, y, z] = block_type
            which_side = which_side.replace("a", '')

        for i in which_side:
            self.add_to_vertex_list(x, y, z, i, block_type)

    def add_to_vertex_list(self, x, y, z, where, block_type):
        if (x, y, z, where) not in self.vertex_list:
            self.vertex_list[(x, y, z, where)] = self.add_to_batch(
                x, y, z, where, block_type)

    def add_to_batch(self, x, y, z, which_side, block_type):
        # tex_coords = ('t2f', (0, 7/8, 1/8, 7/8, 1/8, 1, 0, 1))
        x += self.pos_x
        z += self.pos_z

        X, Y, Z = x + 1, y + 1, z + 1

        switcher = {
            "b": ((X, y, z, x, y, z, x, Y, z, X, Y, z), "side"),
            "f": ((x, y, Z, X, y, Z, X, Y, Z, x, Y, Z), "side"),
            "l": ((x, y, z, x, y, Z, x, Y, Z, x, Y, z), "side"),
            "r": ((X, y, Z, X, y, z, X, Y, z, X, Y, Z), "side"),
            "d": ((x, y, z, X, y, z, X, y, Z, x, y, Z), "bottom"),
            "t": ((x, Y, Z, X, Y, Z, X, Y, z, x, Y, z), "top")
        block_type = int(block_type)
        # print(block_type)
        if switcher.get(which_side)[1] == "side":
            textures = self.textures_side
        elif switcher.get(which_side)[1] == "bottom":
            textures = self.textures_bottom
            textures = self.textures_top
        coords = switcher.get(which_side)[0]
        tex_coords = return_coordinate_of_texture(block_type)
        return self.batch.add(4, GL_QUADS, textures, ('v3f', coords),
                              ('t2f', tex_coords))

    def return_height(self, x, y, z):
        while self.world[x, y, z] == 0:
            y -= 1
        return y

    def draw(self):
        if not self.was_generated:
            self.was_generated = True

    def delete_block_from_batch(self, x, y, z, which_side="bflrdtu"):
        # print(where)
        if "u" in which_side:
            self.world[x, y, z] = 0
        for letter in "bflrdt" if "u" in which_side else which_side:
            self.check_and_delete_sides(x, y, z, letter)

    def check_and_add_sides(self, x, y, z, which_side):
        if self.world[x, y, z] != 0:
            # print("check_and_add : ",x, y, z, word)
            # print(x, y, z, which_side)
            self.add_block(x, y, z, which_side, self.world[x, y, z])

    def check_and_delete_sides(self, x, y, z, which_side):
        if (x, y, z, which_side) in self.vertex_list:
            self.vertex_list[(x, y, z, which_side)].delete()
            del self.vertex_list[(x, y, z, which_side)]

    def return_world(self, x, y, z):
            return self.world[x, y, z]
        except IndexError:
            return -10
Example #9
def which_chunk(x, y):
    return math.floor(x / Settings.get_chunk_size()), math.floor(
        y / Settings.get_chunk_size())
Example #10
 def check_and_add_sides(self, x, y, z, which_side):
     x, y, z = floor_for_coords(x, y, z)
     self.dic_chunks[which_chunk(x, z)].\
         check_and_add_sides(x % Settings.get_chunk_size(), y, z % Settings.get_chunk_size(), which_side)
Example #11
 def return_height(self, x, y, z):
     chunk_x, chunk_y = which_chunk(x, z)
     x, y, z = floor_for_coords(x, y, z)
     return self.dic_chunks[(chunk_x, chunk_y)].\
         return_height(x % Settings.get_chunk_size(), y, z % Settings.get_chunk_size()) \
         if (chunk_x, chunk_y) in self.dic_chunks else 50
Example #12
 def return_world(self, x, y, z):
     x, y, z = floor_for_coords(x, y, z)
     return self.dic_chunks[which_chunk(x, z)].\
         return_world(x % Settings.get_chunk_size(),
                      y, z % Settings.get_chunk_size()) if which_chunk(x, z) in self.dic_chunks else 0