Example #1
    def create_game(self, user, cat, game_type=0):
        """ create a new game for the user given the category
        set the cu
        :param user: User object
        :param cat: models.Category object
        :param pages: records from model.Page given cat
        :return: None

        self.game = CurrentGame(user=user, category=cat)
        #set starting values for game
        # get the pages associated with the category (cat)
        self.common_log = self.game
        s = "event: game_created "
        s = '%s %s' % (s , self.common_log)

        #set starting page order for game

        # now set the first page to find in the game
        # save to db
Example #2
class GameMechanic(object):

    def __init__(self, search_engine=None, max_score=1000, max_queries=20, max_pages=5, max_queries_per_page=5,game_length_in_seconds=0):
        :return: GameMechanic object
        self.game = None
        self.search_engine = search_engine
        self.max_score = max_score
        self.max_queries = max_queries
        self.max_pages = max_pages
        self.max_queries_per_page = max_pages
        self.game_length_in_seconds = game_length_in_seconds
        self.logger = get_ifind_logger(__name__)
        self.common_log = None
        self.round_log = None
        self.game_over = 0

    def create_game(self, user, cat, game_type=0):
        """ create a new game for the user given the category
        set the cu
        :param user: User object
        :param cat: models.Category object
        :param pages: records from model.Page given cat
        :return: None

        self.game = CurrentGame(user=user, category=cat)
        #set starting values for game
        # get the pages associated with the category (cat)
        self.common_log = self.game
        s = "event: game_created "
        s = '%s %s' % (s , self.common_log)

        #set starting page order for game

        # now set the first page to find in the game
        # save to db

    def retrieve_game(self, user, game_id):
        """ find the game associated with this user, and return the
            record from ifind.models.game_models.CurrentGame
        :param user:
        :param game_id:
        :return: True, if game is found, else False, if not
        self.game = None
        found = False
        # look up model for game_id

        # try except here?
        cg = CurrentGame.objects.get(id=game_id)
        # if found, set self.game to game record
        if cg:
            self.game = cg
            found = True

        return found

    def is_game_over(self):
        """ checks if the game is over
        :param game:
        :return: True if the end game criteria have been met, else False
        # example criteria for the game end
        if (self.get_round_no() > self.max_pages):
            return True
            return False

    def get_round_no(self):
        return self.game.no_rounds+1

    def get_game_player_name(self):
        return self.game.user.username

    def get_final_round_no(self):
        return self.game.no_rounds

    def get_game_category_name(self):
        return self.game.category.name

    def double_bonus(self):
        if self.game.bonus == 0:
            self.game.bonus = 100

        elif self.game.bonus < 3200:
            self.game.bonus *= 2

    def reset_bonus(self):
        self.game.bonus = 0

    def get_max_rounds(self):
        return self.max_pages

    def get_current_score(self):
        return self.game.current_score

    def get_no_of_queries_issued(self):
        return self.game.no_of_queries_issued

    def get_no_of_successful_queries_issued(self):
        return self.game.no_of_successful_queries_issued

    def get_no_of_queries_issued_for_current_page(self):
        return self.game.no_of_queries_issued_for_current_page

    def reset_no_of_queries_issued_for_current_page(self):
        self.game.no_of_queries_issued_for_current_page = 0

    def get_no_rounds_completed(self):
        return self.game.no_rounds_completed

    def get_remaining_rounds(self):
        return self.get_max_rounds() - self.get_round_no()

    def get_search_results(self, query, top=10):
        return self._run_query(query,top)

    def get_game_id(self):
        return self.game.id

    def get_current_page(self):
        return self.game.current_page

    def _increment_queries_issued(self, query_successful=False):
        self.game.no_of_queries_issued += 1
        self.game.current_page.no_of_queries_issued += 1
        self.game.no_of_queries_issued_for_current_page += 1
        up = UserProfile.objects.get(user=self.game.user)
        up.no_queries_issued += 1
        if query_successful:
            self.game.current_page.no_times_retrieved += 1
            self.game.no_of_successful_queries_issued += 1
            up.no_successful_queries_issued += 1

    def _increment_round(self, round_successful=False):
        self.game.no_rounds += 1
        if round_successful:
            self.game.no_rounds_completed += 1

    def _increment_score(self, points=0):
        self.game.current_score += points

    def update_game(self):
        """ make updates to game then save to db
        :param game:
        :return: None

    def set_pages_to_use(self, game_type):
        """ select a bunch of pages given the category and the game type
        :param game_type:
        :return: None
        self.pages = Page.objects.filter(category=self.game.category)
        #todo(leifos): check the number of pages does exceed MAX_PAGES

    def generate_page_ordering(self):
        """ given the list self.pages, create the ordering of pages for the game
        :param pages:
        # use the RotationOrdering class to gen the orderinga
        ro = RotationOrdering()
        print self.pages
        page_list = ro.get_ordering(self.pages)
        # set the page_list to the the game
        set_page_list(self.game, page_list)

    def set_next_page(self):
        :return: True if next page is set, else False
        # from game get the page_list

        page_list = get_page_list(self.game)
        l = len(page_list)
        # given the round, select the page_id from page_list

        r = self.game.no_rounds

        if r < l:
            page_id = page_list[r]
            print r, page_id
            return False
        # associate the page from the page model to game
            self.game.current_page = self.pages.get(id=page_id)
            self.game.current_page.no_times_shown += 1
            round_log = '%s %d' % (self.game.current_page.url, r)
            s = 'event:page_shown %s %s' % (self.game , round_log)
            return True
            self.game.current_page = None
            return False

    def take_points(self):
        success = False
        round_log = 'page_url: %s %d' % (self.game.current_page.url, self.game.no_rounds)
        if self.game.last_query_score > 0:
            success = True
            s = 'event:points_taken %s %s %d' % (self.game , round_log , self.game.last_query_score)
            s = 'event:page_skipped %s %s' % (self.game , round_log)

        self.game.last_query_score = 0
        self.game.last_query = ''
        # increment round here ?????

    def handle_query(self, query):
        score = self._score_query(query)
        self.game.last_query = query
        self.game.last_query_score = score
        success = False
        if score > 0:
            success = True

    def _score_query(self, query):
        """sends query to the search engine, checks if the page is returned,
           assign score to page, based on the rank
        :param query_terms: string
        :param url_to_find: string
        :return: integer

        results = self._run_query(query)
        rank = self._check_result(results)
        query_len = self.get_no_terms(query)
        #query_len = self.query_char_len(query)
        score = self._score_rank(rank, self.game.bonus, query_len)
        common_log = 'event: issue_query %s' % (self.game)
        round_log = '%s %d' % (self.game.current_page.url, self.game.no_rounds)
        info_log = '%d %d %s' % (score, rank, query)
        log = '%s %s %s' % (common_log, round_log, info_log)

        return score

    def get_no_terms(self, query):

        terms = query.strip().split(' ')
         Since the site:gla.ac.uk is added to the end of the query,
         this would count as a one term in the query
         So, this will be removed by subtracting by 1
        #game no longer uses site:gla
        query_len = len(terms) #-1
        return query_len

    def query_char_len(self, query):
         Get num of chars in query terms
        return  len(query)

    def _run_query(self, query ,top=10):
        import sys
        path = '/home/arazzouk/ifind'
        if path not in sys.path:
        from ifind.search.query import Query
        from ifind.search.response import Response
        """ constructs ifind.search.query, and issues it to the search_engine

        :param query:
        :return: ifind.search.response
        # construct ifind.search.query Query
        iquery = Query(query, result_type="web",top=top)

        # issue query to self.search_engine
        iresponse = self.search_engine.search(iquery)

        return iresponse

    def _run_query2(self, query):
        import sys
        path = '/home/arazzouk/ifind'
        if path not in sys.path:
        from ifind.search.query import Query
        from ifind.search.response import Response
        """ constructs ifind.search.query, and issues it to the search_engine

        :param query:
        :return: ifind.search.response
        # construct ifind.search.query Query
        iquery = Query(query, result_type="web")

        # issue query to self.search_engine
        iresponse = self.search_engine.search(iquery)

        return iresponse.to_json

    def _check_result(self, response):
        """ iterates through the response looking for what rank the url is at

        :param response: ifind.search.response
        :param url_to_find: url string
        :return: rank of the url if found, else 0
        url_to_find = self.game.current_page.url
        # is url_to_fin in response??

        #iterate through response
        i = 0
        for result in response.results:
            i +=1
            if result.url == url_to_find:
                return i
        return 0

    def _score_rank(self, rank, bonus=0, query_len=0):
        calculates the score based on the rank of the page
        :param rank: integer
        :return: integer
        score = 0
        if rank > 0:
            score = self.max_score / rank

        return score

    def handle_game_over(self):
        s = "event: game_over  %s" % (self.game)
        if self.game.user.username != "anon":
            hs = HighScore.objects.get_or_create(user=self.game.user,category=self.game.category)
            if hs:
                if self.game.current_score > hs[0].highest_score:
                    hs[0].highest_score = self.game.current_score
                if self.game.no_rounds_completed > hs[0].most_no_pages_found:
                    hs[0].most_no_pages_found = self.game.no_rounds_completed
                HighScore(user=self.game.user,category=self.game.category, highest_score=self.game.current_score, most_no_pages_found=self.game.no_rounds_completed).save()
            all_hs = HighScore.objects.filter(user=self.game.user)
            gac = game_achievements.GameAchievementChecker(self.game.user)
            up = UserProfile.objects.get(user=self.game.user)
            return gac.check_and_set_new_achievements(up,all_hs,self.game)

    def get_last_query_score(self):
        return self.game.last_query_score

    def get_last_query(self):
        return self.game.last_query

    def __str__(self):
        if self.game:
            return 'Game %d - Current Score: %d for ' \
                   'user: %s \nPlaying category: %s round: %d  queries issued: %d \n' \
                   '\nPage to find: %s' \
                   % (self.game.id, self.game.current_score, self.game.user, self.game.category, self.get_round_no(), self.game.no_of_queries_issued, self.game.current_page)

            return 'Unitialised Game'