Example #1
def test_random_matrix_addition(strats):
    """Test addition"""
    shape = tuple(strats) + (len(strats), )
    payoffs1 = rand.random(shape)
    matg1 = matgame.matgame(payoffs1)
    payoffs2 = rand.random(shape)
    matg2 = matgame.matgame(payoffs2)
    assert matg1 + matg2 == matgame.matgame(payoffs1 + payoffs2)
Example #2
def test_random_matrix_addition(strats):
    """Test addition"""
    shape = tuple(strats) + (len(strats),)
    payoffs1 = rand.random(shape)
    matg1 = matgame.matgame(payoffs1)
    payoffs2 = rand.random(shape)
    matg2 = matgame.matgame(payoffs2)
    assert matg1 + matg2 == matgame.matgame(payoffs1 + payoffs2)
Example #3
def test_is_constant_sum():
    """Test constant sum"""
    payoffs = [[[2, -1], [0, 1]], [[5, -4], [0.5, 0.5]]]
    matg = matgame.matgame(payoffs)
    assert matg.is_constant_sum()

    payoffs = [[[2, -1], [0, 1]], [[5, -4], [0.5, 0]]]
    matg = matgame.matgame(payoffs)
    assert not matg.is_constant_sum()
Example #4
def test_is_constant_sum():
    """Test constant sum"""
    payoffs = [[[2, -1], [0, 1]], [[5, -4], [0.5, 0.5]]]
    matg = matgame.matgame(payoffs)
    assert matg.is_constant_sum()

    payoffs = [[[2, -1], [0, 1]], [[5, -4], [0.5, 0]]]
    matg = matgame.matgame(payoffs)
    assert not matg.is_constant_sum()
Example #5
def test_submatgame():
    """Test restrict"""
    matrix = rand.random((2, 3, 4, 3))
    matg = matgame.matgame(matrix)
    mask = [True, True, True, False, True, False, False, True, True]
    submat = matrix[:, [0, 2]][:, :, 2:].copy()
    smatg = matgame.matgame_names(
        ['r0', 'r1', 'r2'], [['s0', 's1'], ['s2', 's4'], ['s7', 's8']], submat)
    assert smatg == matg.restrict(mask)

    matg = matgame.matgame([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]])
    mask = [True, True, True, False]
    matg = matgame.matgame_names(
        ['r0', 'r1'], [['s0', 's1'], ['s2']], [[[1, 2]], [[5, 6]]])
Example #6
def test_submatgame():
    """Test restrict"""
    matrix = rand.random((2, 3, 4, 3))
    matg = matgame.matgame(matrix)
    mask = [True, True, True, False, True, False, False, True, True]
    submat = matrix[:, [0, 2]][:, :, 2:].copy()
    smatg = matgame.matgame_names(['r0', 'r1', 'r2'],
                                  [['s0', 's1'], ['s2', 's4'], ['s7', 's8']],
    assert smatg == matg.restrict(mask)

    matg = matgame.matgame([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]])
    mask = [True, True, True, False]
    matg = matgame.matgame_names(['r0', 'r1'], [['s0', 's1'], ['s2']],
                                 [[[1, 2]], [[5, 6]]])
Example #7
def polymatrix_game(
        num_players, num_strats, matrix_game=independent_game,
    """Creates a polymatrix game

    Each player's payoff in each profile is a sum over independent games played
    against each set of opponents. Each k-tuple of players plays an instance of
    the specified random k-player matrix game.

    num_players : int
        The number of players.
    num_strats : int
        The number of strategies per player.
    matrix_game : (players_per_matrix, num_strats) -> Game, optional
        A function to generate games between sub groups of players.
    players_per_matrix : int, optional
        The number of players that interact simultaneously.

    The actual roles and strategies of matrix game are ignored.
    payoffs = np.zeros([num_strats] * num_players + [num_players])
    for players in itertools.combinations(range(num_players),
        sub_payoffs = matgame.matgame_copy(matrix_game(
            [num_strats] * players_per_matrix)).payoff_matrix()
        new_shape = np.array([1] * num_players + [players_per_matrix])
        new_shape[list(players)] = num_strats
        payoffs[..., list(players)] += sub_payoffs.reshape(new_shape)

    return matgame.matgame(payoffs)
Example #8
def two_player_zero_sum_game(num_role_strats,
    """Generate a two-player, zero-sum game"""
    # Generate player 1 payoffs
    num_role_strats = np.broadcast_to(num_role_strats, 2)
    p1_payoffs = distribution(num_role_strats)[..., None]
    return matgame.matgame(np.concatenate([p1_payoffs, -p1_payoffs], -1))
Example #9
def test_random_normalize(strats):
    """Test normalize"""
    payoffs = rand.random(tuple(strats) + (len(strats),))
    matg = matgame.matgame(payoffs).normalize()

    assert np.allclose(matg.min_role_payoffs(), 0)
    assert np.allclose(matg.max_role_payoffs(), 1)
Example #10
def test_random_to_from_json(strats):
    """Test to from json random"""
    payoffs = rand.random(tuple(strats) + (len(strats),))
    matg = matgame.matgame(payoffs)
    jgame = json.dumps(matg.to_json())
    copy = matgame.matgame_json(json.loads(jgame))
    assert matg == copy
Example #11
def test_random_to_from_json(strats):
    """Test to from json random"""
    payoffs = rand.random(tuple(strats) + (len(strats), ))
    matg = matgame.matgame(payoffs)
    jgame = json.dumps(matg.to_json())
    copy = matgame.matgame_json(json.loads(jgame))
    assert matg == copy
Example #12
def test_random_normalize(strats):
    """Test normalize"""
    payoffs = rand.random(tuple(strats) + (len(strats), ))
    matg = matgame.matgame(payoffs).normalize()

    assert np.allclose(matg.min_role_payoffs(), 0)
    assert np.allclose(matg.max_role_payoffs(), 1)
Example #13
def test_random_get_payoffs(strats):
    """Test random get payoffs"""
    payoffs = rand.random(tuple(strats) + (len(strats), ))
    matg = matgame.matgame(payoffs)
    profiles = matg.random_profiles(20).reshape((4, 5, -1))
    payoffs = matg.get_payoffs(profiles)
    assert profiles.shape == payoffs.shape
    assert np.all((profiles > 0) | (payoffs == 0))
Example #14
def test_random_min_max(strats):
    """Test min and max"""
    payoffs = rand.random(tuple(strats) + (len(strats), ))
    matg = matgame.matgame(payoffs)
    game = paygame.game_copy(matg)

    assert np.allclose(matg.min_strat_payoffs(), game.min_strat_payoffs())
    assert np.allclose(matg.max_strat_payoffs(), game.max_strat_payoffs())
Example #15
def test_profiles_payoffs():
    """Test payoffs"""
    matg = matgame.matgame([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]])
    copy = paygame.game_copy(matg)
    profs = [[1, 0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1]]
    pays = [[1, 0, 2, 0], [3, 0, 0, 4], [0, 5, 6, 0], [0, 7, 0, 8]]
    game = paygame.game([1, 1], 2, profs, pays)
    assert copy == game
Example #16
def test_random_get_payoffs(strats):
    """Test random get payoffs"""
    payoffs = rand.random(tuple(strats) + (len(strats),))
    matg = matgame.matgame(payoffs)
    profiles = matg.random_profiles(20).reshape((4, 5, -1))
    payoffs = matg.get_payoffs(profiles)
    assert profiles.shape == payoffs.shape
    assert np.all((profiles > 0) | (payoffs == 0))
Example #17
def test_random_min_max(strats):
    """Test min and max"""
    payoffs = rand.random(tuple(strats) + (len(strats),))
    matg = matgame.matgame(payoffs)
    game = paygame.game_copy(matg)

    assert np.allclose(matg.min_strat_payoffs(), game.min_strat_payoffs())
    assert np.allclose(matg.max_strat_payoffs(), game.max_strat_payoffs())
Example #18
def test_random_game_addition(strats):
    """Test random addition"""
    mpayoffs = rand.random(tuple(strats) + (len(strats), ))
    matg = matgame.matgame(mpayoffs)
    payoffs = rand.random(matg.payoffs().shape)
    payoffs[matg.profiles() == 0] = 0
    game = paygame.game_replace(matg, matg.profiles(), payoffs)
    assert paygame.game_copy(matg + game) == game + matg

    empty = rsgame.empty_copy(matg)
    assert matg + empty == empty
Example #19
def test_random_game_addition(strats):
    """Test random addition"""
    mpayoffs = rand.random(tuple(strats) + (len(strats),))
    matg = matgame.matgame(mpayoffs)
    payoffs = rand.random(matg.payoffs().shape)
    payoffs[matg.profiles() == 0] = 0
    game = paygame.game_replace(matg, matg.profiles(), payoffs)
    assert paygame.game_copy(matg + game) == game + matg

    empty = rsgame.empty_copy(matg)
    assert matg + empty == empty
Example #20
def test_compress_profiles():
    """Test compress profiles"""
    matg = matgame.matgame(rand.random((2, 3, 4, 3)))
    prof = [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
    comp_prof = [1, 1, 0]
    assert np.all(comp_prof == matg.compress_profile(prof))
    assert np.all(prof == matg.uncompress_profile(comp_prof))

    prof = [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
    comp_prof = [1, 0, 3]
    assert np.all(comp_prof == matg.compress_profile(prof))
    assert np.all(prof == matg.uncompress_profile(comp_prof))
Example #21
def test_compress_profiles():
    """Test compress profiles"""
    matg = matgame.matgame(rand.random((2, 3, 4, 3)))
    prof = [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
    comp_prof = [1, 1, 0]
    assert np.all(comp_prof == matg.compress_profile(prof))
    assert np.all(prof == matg.uncompress_profile(comp_prof))

    prof = [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
    comp_prof = [1, 0, 3]
    assert np.all(comp_prof == matg.compress_profile(prof))
    assert np.all(prof == matg.uncompress_profile(comp_prof))
Example #22
def test_random_matgame_hash_eq(strats):
    """Test hash and eq"""
    payoffs = rand.random(tuple(strats) + (len(strats),))
    matg = matgame.matgame(payoffs)

    copy = matgame.matgame_copy(matg)
    assert hash(copy) == hash(matg)
    assert copy == matg

    game = paygame.game_copy(matg)
    copy = matgame.matgame_copy(game)
    assert hash(copy) == hash(matg)
    assert copy == matg
Example #23
def test_random_matgame_hash_eq(strats):
    """Test hash and eq"""
    payoffs = rand.random(tuple(strats) + (len(strats), ))
    matg = matgame.matgame(payoffs)

    copy = matgame.matgame_copy(matg)
    assert hash(copy) == hash(matg)
    assert copy == matg

    game = paygame.game_copy(matg)
    copy = matgame.matgame_copy(game)
    assert hash(copy) == hash(matg)
    assert copy == matg
Example #24
def test_random_invariants(strats):
    """Test invariants"""
    payoffs = rand.random(tuple(strats) + (len(strats),))
    matg = matgame.matgame(payoffs)

    assert not matg.is_empty()
    assert matg.is_complete()

    prof = matg.random_profile()
    assert prof in matg
    for prof in matg.random_profiles(20):
        assert prof in matg

    assert np.allclose(matg.payoffs(), matg.get_payoffs(matg.profiles()))
Example #25
def test_to_from_json():
    """Test to and from json"""
    matg = matgame.matgame([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]],
                            [[9, 10], [11, 12]]])
    mjson = {
        'players': {
            'r0': 1,
            'r1': 1
        'strategies': {
            'r0': ['s0', 's1', 's2'],
            'r1': ['s3', 's4']
        'payoffs': {
            's0': {
                's3': {
                    'r0': 1,
                    'r1': 2
                's4': {
                    'r0': 3,
                    'r1': 4
            's1': {
                's3': {
                    'r0': 5,
                    'r1': 6
                's4': {
                    'r0': 7,
                    'r1': 8
            's2': {
                's3': {
                    'r0': 9,
                    'r1': 10
                's4': {
                    'r0': 11,
                    'r1': 12
        'type': 'matrix.1'
    assert matg.to_json() == mjson
    assert json.loads(json.dumps(matg.to_json())) == mjson
    assert matg == matgame.matgame_json(mjson)
Example #26
def test_random_invariants(strats):
    """Test invariants"""
    payoffs = rand.random(tuple(strats) + (len(strats), ))
    matg = matgame.matgame(payoffs)

    assert not matg.is_empty()
    assert matg.is_complete()

    prof = matg.random_profile()
    assert prof in matg
    for prof in matg.random_profiles(20):
        assert prof in matg

    assert np.allclose(matg.payoffs(), matg.get_payoffs(matg.profiles()))
Example #27
def test_profiles_payoffs():
    """Test payoffs"""
    matg = matgame.matgame([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]])
    copy = paygame.game_copy(matg)
    profs = [[1, 0, 1, 0],
             [1, 0, 0, 1],
             [0, 1, 1, 0],
             [0, 1, 0, 1]]
    pays = [[1, 0, 2, 0],
            [3, 0, 0, 4],
            [0, 5, 6, 0],
            [0, 7, 0, 8]]
    game = paygame.game([1, 1], 2, profs, pays)
    assert copy == game
Example #28
def test_get_payoffs():
    """Test get payoffs"""
    payoffs = [[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]
    matg = matgame.matgame(payoffs)

    expected = [1, 0, 2, 0]
    assert np.allclose(expected, matg.get_payoffs([1, 0, 1, 0]))

    expected = [3, 0, 0, 4]
    assert np.allclose(expected, matg.get_payoffs([1, 0, 0, 1]))

    expected = [0, 5, 6, 0]
    assert np.allclose(expected, matg.get_payoffs([0, 1, 1, 0]))

    expected = [0, 7, 0, 8]
    assert np.allclose(expected, matg.get_payoffs([0, 1, 0, 1]))
Example #29
def test_random_compress_profiles(strats):
    """Test compress profiles"""
    payoffs = rand.random(tuple(strats) + (len(strats), ))
    matg = matgame.matgame(payoffs)

    prof = matg.random_profile()
    copy_prof = matg.uncompress_profile(matg.compress_profile(prof))
    assert np.all(prof == copy_prof)

    profs = matg.random_profiles(20)
    copy_profs = matg.uncompress_profile(matg.compress_profile(profs))
    assert np.all(profs == copy_profs)

    profs = matg.random_profiles(20).reshape((4, 5, -1))
    copy_profs = matg.uncompress_profile(matg.compress_profile(profs))
    assert np.all(profs == copy_profs)
Example #30
def test_get_payoffs():
    """Test get payoffs"""
    payoffs = [[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]
    matg = matgame.matgame(payoffs)

    expected = [1, 0, 2, 0]
    assert np.allclose(expected, matg.get_payoffs([1, 0, 1, 0]))

    expected = [3, 0, 0, 4]
    assert np.allclose(expected, matg.get_payoffs([1, 0, 0, 1]))

    expected = [0, 5, 6, 0]
    assert np.allclose(expected, matg.get_payoffs([0, 1, 1, 0]))

    expected = [0, 7, 0, 8]
    assert np.allclose(expected, matg.get_payoffs([0, 1, 0, 1]))
Example #31
def test_random_compress_profiles(strats):
    """Test compress profiles"""
    payoffs = rand.random(tuple(strats) + (len(strats),))
    matg = matgame.matgame(payoffs)

    prof = matg.random_profile()
    copy_prof = matg.uncompress_profile(matg.compress_profile(prof))
    assert np.all(prof == copy_prof)

    profs = matg.random_profiles(20)
    copy_profs = matg.uncompress_profile(matg.compress_profile(profs))
    assert np.all(profs == copy_profs)

    profs = matg.random_profiles(20).reshape((4, 5, -1))
    copy_profs = matg.uncompress_profile(matg.compress_profile(profs))
    assert np.all(profs == copy_profs)
Example #32
def independent_game(num_role_strats, distribution=default_distribution):
    """Generate a random independent (asymmetric) game

    All payoffs are generated independently from distribution.

    num_role_strats : int or [int], len == num_role_players
        The number of strategies for each player. If an int, then it's a one
        player game.
    distribution : (shape) -> ndarray (shape)
        The distribution to sample payoffs from. Must take a single shape
        argument and return an ndarray of iid values with that shape.
    num_role_strats = np.asarray(num_role_strats, int)
    shape = np.append(num_role_strats, num_role_strats.size)
    return matgame.matgame(distribution(shape))
Example #33
def test_to_from_json():
    """Test to and from json"""
    matg = matgame.matgame(
        [[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]], [[9, 10], [11, 12]]])
    mjson = {
        'players': {'r0': 1, 'r1': 1},
        'strategies': {
            'r0': ['s0', 's1', 's2'],
            'r1': ['s3', 's4']},
        'payoffs': {
            's0': {'s3': {'r0': 1, 'r1': 2},
                   's4': {'r0': 3, 'r1': 4}},
            's1': {'s3': {'r0': 5, 'r1': 6},
                   's4': {'r0': 7, 'r1': 8}},
            's2': {'s3': {'r0': 9, 'r1': 10},
                   's4': {'r0': 11, 'r1': 12}}},
        'type': 'matrix.1'}
    assert matg.to_json() == mjson
    assert json.loads(json.dumps(matg.to_json())) == mjson
    assert matg == matgame.matgame_json(mjson)
Example #34
def test_random_deviations(strats):
    """Test random devs"""
    payoffs = rand.random(tuple(strats) + (len(strats), ))
    matg = matgame.matgame(payoffs)
    game = paygame.game_copy(matg)

    mix = matg.random_mixture()
    matdev = matg.deviation_payoffs(mix)
    gamedev = game.deviation_payoffs(mix)
    assert np.allclose(matdev, gamedev)

    matdev, matjac = matg.deviation_payoffs(mix, jacobian=True)
    gamedev, gamejac = game.deviation_payoffs(mix, jacobian=True)
    assert np.allclose(matdev, gamedev)
    assert np.allclose(matjac, gamejac)

    for mix in matg.random_mixtures(20):
        matdev, matjac = matg.deviation_payoffs(mix, jacobian=True)
        gamedev, gamejac = game.deviation_payoffs(mix, jacobian=True)
        assert np.allclose(matdev, gamedev)
        assert np.allclose(matjac, gamejac)
Example #35
def test_random_deviations(strats):
    """Test random devs"""
    payoffs = rand.random(tuple(strats) + (len(strats),))
    matg = matgame.matgame(payoffs)
    game = paygame.game_copy(matg)

    mix = matg.random_mixture()
    matdev = matg.deviation_payoffs(mix)
    gamedev = game.deviation_payoffs(mix)
    assert np.allclose(matdev, gamedev)

    matdev, matjac = matg.deviation_payoffs(mix, jacobian=True)
    gamedev, gamejac = game.deviation_payoffs(mix, jacobian=True)
    assert np.allclose(matdev, gamedev)
    assert np.allclose(matjac, gamejac)

    for mix in matg.random_mixtures(20):
        matdev, matjac = matg.deviation_payoffs(mix, jacobian=True)
        gamedev, gamejac = game.deviation_payoffs(mix, jacobian=True)
        assert np.allclose(matdev, gamedev)
        assert np.allclose(matjac, gamejac)
Example #36
def covariant_game(
        num_role_strats, mean_dist=np.zeros, var_dist=np.ones,
    """Generate a covariant game

    Covariant games are asymmetric games where payoff values for each profile
    drawn according to multivariate normal.

    The multivariate normal for each profile has a constant mean drawn from
    `mean_dist`, constant variance drawn from`var_dist`, and constant
    covariance drawn from `covar_dist`.

    mean_dist : (shape) -> ndarray (shape)
        Distribution from which mean payoff for each profile is drawn.
        (default: lambda: 0)
    var_dist : (shape) -> ndarray (shape)
        Distribution from which payoff variance for each profile is drawn.
        (default: lambda: 1)
    covar_dist : (shape) -> ndarray (shape)
        Distribution from which the value of the off-diagonal covariance matrix
        entries for each profile is drawn. (default: uniform [-1, 1])
    # Create sampling distributions and sample from them
    num_role_strats = list(num_role_strats)
    num_players = len(num_role_strats)
    shape = num_role_strats + [num_players]
    var = covar_dist(shape + [num_players])
    diag = var.diagonal(0, num_players, num_players + 1)
    diag.setflags(write=True)  # Hack
    np.copyto(diag, var_dist(shape))

    # The next couple of lines do multivariate Gaussian sampling for all
    # payoffs simultaneously
    _, diag, right = np.linalg.svd(var)
    payoffs = rand.normal(size=shape)
    payoffs = np.einsum('...i,...i,...ij->...j', payoffs, np.sqrt(diag), right)
    payoffs += mean_dist(shape)
    return matgame.matgame(payoffs)
Example #37
def mat():
    """Matrix game"""
    return matgame.matgame(np.random.random((4, 3, 2, 3)))
Example #38
def test_non_zero_sum_mixture_welfare():
    """Test nonzero mixed welfare"""
    game = matgame.matgame([[[3.5, 2.5]]])
    assert np.isclose(regret.mixed_social_welfare(game, [1, 1]), 6), \
        "Didn't properly sum welfare"
def mat():
    """Matrix game"""
    return matgame.matgame(np.random.random((4, 3, 2, 3)))
Example #40
def test_matgame_repr():
    """Test repr"""
    matg = matgame.matgame(rand.random((2, 1)))
    assert repr(matg) == 'MatrixGame([2])'
    matg = matgame.matgame(rand.random((2, 3, 2)))
    assert repr(matg) == 'MatrixGame([2 3])'
Example #41
def test_non_zero_sum_profile_welfare():
    """Test nonzero profile welfare"""
    game = matgame.matgame([[[3.5, 2.5]]])
    assert np.isclose(regret.pure_social_welfare(game, [1, 1]), 6), \
        "didn't properly sum welfare"
Example #42
def test_matgame_repr():
    """Test repr"""
    matg = matgame.matgame(rand.random((2, 1)))
    assert repr(matg) == 'MatrixGame([2])'
    matg = matgame.matgame(rand.random((2, 3, 2)))
    assert repr(matg) == 'MatrixGame([2 3])'