Example #1
def test_random_matgame_hash_eq(strats):
    """Test hash and eq"""
    payoffs = rand.random(tuple(strats) + (len(strats),))
    matg = matgame.matgame(payoffs)

    copy = matgame.matgame_copy(matg)
    assert hash(copy) == hash(matg)
    assert copy == matg

    game = paygame.game_copy(matg)
    copy = matgame.matgame_copy(game)
    assert hash(copy) == hash(matg)
    assert copy == matg
Example #2
def test_random_matgame_hash_eq(strats):
    """Test hash and eq"""
    payoffs = rand.random(tuple(strats) + (len(strats), ))
    matg = matgame.matgame(payoffs)

    copy = matgame.matgame_copy(matg)
    assert hash(copy) == hash(matg)
    assert copy == matg

    game = paygame.game_copy(matg)
    copy = matgame.matgame_copy(game)
    assert hash(copy) == hash(matg)
    assert copy == matg
Example #3
def dump(game, filelike):
    """Dump game to gambit file"""
    utils.check(game.is_complete(), 'gambit games must be complete')
    game = matgame.matgame_copy(game)
    filelike.write('NFG 1 R "gameanalysis game"\n{ ')

    for role in game.role_names:
        filelike.write(role.replace('"', '\\"'))
        filelike.write('" ')
    for strats in game.strat_names:
        filelike.write('  { ')
        for strat in strats:
            filelike.write(strat.replace('"', '\\"'))
            filelike.write('" ')

    perm = tuple(range(game.num_roles - 1, -1, -1)) + (game.num_roles, )
    pays = np.transpose(game.payoff_matrix(), perm)
    for outcome in pays.reshape((-1, game.num_roles)):
        filelike.write('  { "" ')
        filelike.write(', '.join(map(str, outcome)))
        filelike.write(' }\n')
    for i in range(2, game.num_profiles + 1):
        filelike.write(' ')
Example #4
def test_serialize_copy_role_lengths():
    """Test role lengths"""
    game = full_game(['a', 'b'], [1, 1], [['1', '2'], ['3', '4', '5']])
    matg = matgame.matgame_copy(game)
    expected = matgame.matgame_names(['a', 'b'], [['1', '2'], ['3', '4', '5']],
                                     np.zeros((2, 3, 2)))
    assert utils.is_sorted(matg.role_names)
    assert matg == expected

    game = full_game(['a', 'b'], [2, 1], [['1', '2'], ['3', '4', '5']])
    matg = matgame.matgame_copy(game)
    expected = matgame.matgame_names(['ap0', 'ap1', 'bp0'],
                                     [['1', '2'], ['1', '2'], ['3', '4', '5']],
                                     np.zeros((2, 2, 3, 3)))
    assert utils.is_sorted(matg.role_names)
    assert matg == expected
Example #5
def dump(game, filelike):
    """Dump game to gambit file"""
    utils.check(game.is_complete(), 'gambit games must be complete')
    game = matgame.matgame_copy(game)
    filelike.write('NFG 1 R "gameanalysis game"\n{ ')

    for role in game.role_names:
        filelike.write(role.replace('"', '\\"'))
        filelike.write('" ')
    for strats in game.strat_names:
        filelike.write('  { ')
        for strat in strats:
            filelike.write(strat.replace('"', '\\"'))
            filelike.write('" ')

    perm = tuple(range(game.num_roles - 1, -1, -1)) + (game.num_roles,)
    pays = np.transpose(game.payoff_matrix(), perm)
    for outcome in pays.reshape((-1, game.num_roles)):
        filelike.write('  { "" ')
        filelike.write(', '.join(map(str, outcome)))
        filelike.write(' }\n')
    for i in range(2, game.num_profiles + 1):
        filelike.write(' ')
Example #6
def polymatrix_game(
        num_players, num_strats, matrix_game=independent_game,
    """Creates a polymatrix game

    Each player's payoff in each profile is a sum over independent games played
    against each set of opponents. Each k-tuple of players plays an instance of
    the specified random k-player matrix game.

    num_players : int
        The number of players.
    num_strats : int
        The number of strategies per player.
    matrix_game : (players_per_matrix, num_strats) -> Game, optional
        A function to generate games between sub groups of players.
    players_per_matrix : int, optional
        The number of players that interact simultaneously.

    The actual roles and strategies of matrix game are ignored.
    payoffs = np.zeros([num_strats] * num_players + [num_players])
    for players in itertools.combinations(range(num_players),
        sub_payoffs = matgame.matgame_copy(matrix_game(
            [num_strats] * players_per_matrix)).payoff_matrix()
        new_shape = np.array([1] * num_players + [players_per_matrix])
        new_shape[list(players)] = num_strats
        payoffs[..., list(players)] += sub_payoffs.reshape(new_shape)

    return matgame.matgame(payoffs)
Example #7
def test_conv_game_gambit_inv(game, game_str):
    """Test game to gambit and back"""
    with stdin(game_str), stdout() as out, stderr() as err:
        assert run('conv', 'gambit'), err.getvalue()
    with stdin(out.getvalue()), stdout() as out, stderr() as err:
        assert run('conv', 'game'), err.getvalue()
    copy = gamereader.loads(out.getvalue())
    assert copy == paygame.game_copy(matgame.matgame_copy(game))
Example #8
def test_serialize_copy_role_lengths():
    """Test role lengths"""
    game = full_game(
        ['a', 'b'], [1, 1], [['1', '2'], ['3', '4', '5']])
    matg = matgame.matgame_copy(game)
    expected = matgame.matgame_names(
        ['a', 'b'], [['1', '2'], ['3', '4', '5']], np.zeros((2, 3, 2)))
    assert utils.is_sorted(matg.role_names)
    assert matg == expected

    game = full_game(
        ['a', 'b'], [2, 1], [['1', '2'], ['3', '4', '5']])
    matg = matgame.matgame_copy(game)
    expected = matgame.matgame_names(
        ['ap0', 'ap1', 'bp0'], [['1', '2'], ['1', '2'], ['3', '4', '5']],
        np.zeros((2, 2, 3, 3)))
    assert utils.is_sorted(matg.role_names)
    assert matg == expected
Example #9
def test_serialize_copy_role_lengths_natural():
    """Test natural role lengths"""
    game = full_game(['q', 'qq'], [2, 1], [['1', '2'], ['3', '4', '5']])
    matg = matgame.matgame_copy(game)
    expected = matgame.matgame_names(['qp0', 'qp1', 'qqp0'],
                                     [['1', '2'], ['1', '2'], ['3', '4', '5']],
                                     np.zeros((2, 2, 3, 3)))
    assert utils.is_sorted(matg.role_names)
    assert matg == expected
Example #10
def test_random_serialize_copy_role_lengths(_):
    """Test serialization copy"""
    num_roles = random.randint(2, 3)
    roles = random_names(num_roles)
    strats = tuple(
        random_names(random.randint(2, 3)) for _ in range(num_roles))
    players = [random.randint(1, 3) for _ in range(num_roles)]
    game = full_game(roles, players, strats)
    matg = matgame.matgame_copy(game)
    assert utils.is_sorted(matg.role_names)
Example #11
def test_random_serialize_copy_role_lengths(_):
    """Test serialization copy"""
    num_roles = random.randint(2, 3)
    roles = random_names(num_roles)
    strats = tuple(random_names(random.randint(2, 3))
                   for _ in range(num_roles))
    players = [random.randint(1, 3) for _ in range(num_roles)]
    game = full_game(roles, players, strats)
    matg = matgame.matgame_copy(game)
    assert utils.is_sorted(matg.role_names)
Example #12
def test_serialize_copy_role_lengths_natural():
    """Test natural role lengths"""
    game = full_game(
        ['q', 'qq'], [2, 1], [['1', '2'], ['3', '4', '5']])
    matg = matgame.matgame_copy(game)
    expected = matgame.matgame_names(
        ['qp0', 'qp1', 'qqp0'], [['1', '2'], ['1', '2'], ['3', '4', '5']],
        np.zeros((2, 2, 3, 3)))
    assert utils.is_sorted(matg.role_names)
    assert matg == expected
Example #13
def test_random_matgame_copy(players, strats):
    """Test copy"""
    game = gamegen.game(players, strats)
    matg = matgame.matgame_copy(game)
    inds = np.cumsum(game.num_role_players[:-1] * game.num_role_strats[:-1])

    mprofs = matg.random_profiles(20)
    mpays = matg.get_payoffs(mprofs)
    mpays = np.concatenate(
        [m.reshape(20, p, -1).mean(1).filled(0) for m, p
         in zip(np.split(np.ma.masked_array(mpays, mprofs == 0), inds, 1),
                game.num_role_players)], 1)

    profs = np.concatenate(
        [m.reshape(20, p, -1).sum(1) for m, p
         in zip(np.split(mprofs, inds, 1), game.num_role_players)], 1)
    pays = game.get_payoffs(profs)

    assert np.allclose(mpays, pays)
Example #14
def test_random_matgame_copy(players, strats):
    """Test copy"""
    game = gamegen.game(players, strats)
    matg = matgame.matgame_copy(game)
    inds = np.cumsum(game.num_role_players[:-1] * game.num_role_strats[:-1])

    mprofs = matg.random_profiles(20)
    mpays = matg.get_payoffs(mprofs)
    mpays = np.concatenate([
        m.reshape(20, p, -1).mean(1).filled(0) for m, p in zip(
            np.split(np.ma.masked_array(mpays, mprofs == 0), inds, 1),
    ], 1)

    profs = np.concatenate([
        m.reshape(20, p, -1).sum(1)
        for m, p in zip(np.split(mprofs, inds, 1), game.num_role_players)
    ], 1)
    pays = game.get_payoffs(profs)

    assert np.allclose(mpays, pays)
Example #15
def test_random_identity_test(players, strats, _):
    """Test that dumping and loading is identity"""
    game = matgame.matgame_copy(gamegen.game(players, strats))
    string = gambit.dumps(game)
    copy = gambit.loads(string)
    assert game == copy
Example #16
     lambda game, out: json.dump(
         paygame.game_copy(game).to_json(), out)),
 'samplegame': (
     ['samp'], 'Multiple payoffs per profile', """Convert a game to a format
     with a sparse mapping of profiles to potentially several samples of
     payoff data. There should be little reason to convert a non-samplegame
     to a samplegame as all profiles will have exactly one sample.""",
     lambda game, out: json.dump(
         paygame.samplegame_copy(game).to_json(), out)),
 'matgame': (
     ['mat'], 'Asymmetric format', """Convert a game to a compact
     representation for asymmetric games. If the input game is not
     asymmetric, role names will be duplicated and modified to allow for the
     conversion. This will only work if the input game is complete.""",
     lambda game, out: json.dump(
         matgame.matgame_copy(game).to_json(), out)),
 'norm': (
     [], 'Normalize payoffs to [0, 1]', """Modify the input game by scaling
     all payoffs to the range [0, 1]. In the rare event that a single role
     always gets the same payoffs, it's payoffs will be made zero. The game
     type is unchanged. This doesn't guarantee that the maximum and minimum
     payoffs are one and zero respectively, only that they're in the
     lambda game, out: json.dump(game.normalize().to_json(), out)),
 'string': (
     ['str'], 'String representation', """Convert a game to its string
     representation. This form is more human readable than the full
     serialization formats and may be more useful for 'inspecting' a
     lambda game, out: out.write(str(game))),
 'gambit': (
Example #17
def test_random_identity_test(players, strats, _):
    """Test that dumping and loading is identity"""
    game = matgame.matgame_copy(gamegen.game(players, strats))
    string = gambit.dumps(game)
    copy = gambit.loads(string)
    assert game == copy
Example #18
 ([], 'Sparse payoff format', """Convert a game to a sparse mapping of
     profiles to their corresponding payoff data.""",
  lambda game, out: json.dump(paygame.game_copy(game).to_json(), out)),
 (['samp'], 'Multiple payoffs per profile', """Convert a game to a format
     with a sparse mapping of profiles to potentially several samples of
     payoff data. There should be little reason to convert a non-samplegame
     to a samplegame as all profiles will have exactly one sample.""",
  lambda game, out: json.dump(paygame.samplegame_copy(game).to_json(), out)
 (['mat'], 'Asymmetric format', """Convert a game to a compact
     representation for asymmetric games. If the input game is not
     asymmetric, role names will be duplicated and modified to allow for the
     conversion. This will only work if the input game is complete.""",
  lambda game, out: json.dump(matgame.matgame_copy(game).to_json(), out)),
 ([], 'Normalize payoffs to [0, 1]', """Modify the input game by scaling
     all payoffs to the range [0, 1]. In the rare event that a single role
     always gets the same payoffs, it's payoffs will be made zero. The game
     type is unchanged. This doesn't guarantee that the maximum and minimum
     payoffs are one and zero respectively, only that they're in the
  lambda game, out: json.dump(game.normalize().to_json(), out)),
 'string': (['str'], 'String representation',
            """Convert a game to its string
     representation. This form is more human readable than the full
     serialization formats and may be more useful for 'inspecting' a
     game.""", lambda game, out: out.write(str(game))),
 'gambit': ([], 'Gambit format', """Convert a game to gambit 'nfg' format.
     Internally this first converts the game to a 'matgame', and as a