Example #1
from gamelib.Board import Board
from gamelib.Structures import Wall

walls = []
for i in range(0, 11):

b = Board(size=[10, 10])
for i in range(0, 10):
    b.place_item(walls[i], i, i)

b.place_item(Wall(model="*", type="round"), 0, 9)
b.place_item(Wall(model="*", type="round"), 1, 9)
for i in b.get_immovables(type="round"):
    print(f"{i}: {i.name} pos: {i.pos} ({id(i)})")

b._immovables.discard(b.item(1, 9))

for i in b.get_immovables(type="round"):
    print(f"{i}: {i.name} pos: {i.pos} ({id(i)})")
Example #2
player_starting_column = random.randint(0,49)
bonus_board = Board(name='Bonus Stage', size=[50,30], player_starting_position=[player_starting_row,player_starting_column], ui_borders=Utils.YELLOW_SQUARE, ui_board_void_cell=Utils.BLACK_SQUARE)
# To place the treasures we have 30*50 = 1500 cells available on the map, minus the player it brings the total to 1499.
# Now let's randomely place 300 money bags. Each bag increase the score by 100.
for k in range(0,300):
    row = None
    column = None
    retry = 0
    while True :
        if row == None:
            row = random.randint(0,bonus_board.size[1]-1)
        if column == None:
            column = random.randint(0,bonus_board.size[0]-1)
        # print(f"Game.add_npc() finding a position for NPC {npc.name} trying ({x},{y})")
        if isinstance(bonus_board.item(row,column), BoardItemVoid):
        elif retry > 20:
            row = None
            column = None
            retry += 1
    bonus_board.place_item(Treasure(model=Sprites.MONEY_BAG, value=100, name=f'gold_bag_{k}'), row, column)

# And finally let's put 100 diamonds. Each diamond increase the score by 1000.
for k in range(0,100):
    row = None
    column = None
    retry = 0
    while True :
Example #3
class TestBoard(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_create_board(self):
        self.board = Board(name="test_board",
                           size=[10, 10],
                           player_starting_position=[5, 5])
        self.assertEqual(self.board.name, "test_board")

    def test_sanity_size_is_list(self):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            self.board = Board(name="test_board",
                               player_starting_position=[5, 5])

        self.assertTrue("must be a list." in str(context.exception))

    def test_sanity_size_has_two_elements(self):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            self.board = Board(name="test_board",
                               player_starting_position=[5, 5])

            "must be a list of 2 elements" in str(context.exception))

    def test_sanity_size_element_one_int(self):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            self.board = Board(name="test_board",
                               size=["one", "two"],
                               player_starting_position=[5, 5])

        self.assertTrue("first element of the" in str(context.exception))

    def test_sanity_size_element_two_int(self):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            self.board = Board(name="test_board",
                               size=[10, "two"],
                               player_starting_position=[5, 5])

        self.assertTrue("second element of the" in str(context.exception))

    def test_sanity_name_string(self):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            self.board = Board(name=100,
                               size=[10, 10],
                               player_starting_position=[5, 5])

        self.assertTrue("must be a string" in str(context.exception))

    def test_sanity_ui_border_bottom_string(self):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            self.board = Board(name=100, size=[10, 10], ui_border_bottom=[])

        self.assertTrue("must be a string" in str(context.exception))

    def test_sanity_ui_border_top_string(self):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            self.board = Board(name=100, size=[10, 10], ui_border_top=[])

        self.assertTrue("must be a string" in str(context.exception))

    def test_sanity_ui_border_left_string(self):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            self.board = Board(name=100, size=[10, 10], ui_border_left=[])

        self.assertTrue("must be a string" in str(context.exception))

    def test_sanity_ui_border_right_string(self):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            self.board = Board(name=100, size=[10, 10], ui_border_right=[])

        self.assertTrue("must be a string" in str(context.exception))

    def test_sanity_ui_board_void_cell_string(self):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            self.board = Board(name=100, size=[10, 10], ui_board_void_cell=[])

        self.assertTrue("must be a string" in str(context.exception))

    def test_item(self):
        self.board = Board(name="test_board",
                           size=[10, 10],
                           player_starting_position=[5, 5])
        self.placed_item = BoardItem()

        self.board.place_item(self.placed_item, 1, 1)
        self.returned_item = self.board.item(1, 1)
        self.assertEqual(self.placed_item, self.returned_item)

        with self.assertRaises(HacOutOfBoardBoundException) as excinfo:
            self.board.item(15, 15)
            "out of the board boundaries" in str(excinfo.exception))

    def test_clear_cell(self):
        self.board = Board(name="test_board",
                           size=[10, 10],
                           player_starting_position=[5, 5])
        self.placed_item = BoardItem()
        self.board.place_item(item=self.placed_item, row=1, column=1)
        self.assertIsInstance(self.board.item(1, 1), BoardItem)

        self.board.clear_cell(1, 1)
        self.assertIsInstance(self.board.item(1, 1), BoardItemVoid)