Example #1
    def build_reactive_defence(state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState, damaged_locs):
        """ Builds reactive defence according to the provided damaged_locs.

        :param state: current game state.
        :param damaged_locs: (list) locations of damaged units. Will define where defence
        units will be spawned.
        num_funded_destructors = int(state.get_resource(state.CORES) // 4)

        if num_funded_destructors < len(damaged_locs):
            # If there are less funded destructors then damaged locations, then take as many
            # damaged locations as we can fund and build there.
            funded_locs = damaged_locs[:num_funded_destructors]
            # If we have more funded locations then was actually damaged, then build defences
            # around damaged locations until we run out of funding.
            funded_locs = [
                damaged_locs[i % len(damaged_locs)]
                for i in range(num_funded_destructors)

        # Deploy defensive units until we either run out of damaged locations
        for funded_loc in funded_locs:
            # Find all possible spawn points in the range of 1 unit around the damaged
            # unit's location.
            potential_spawn_locs = state.game_map.get_locations_in_range(
                funded_loc, 1)

            for loc in potential_spawn_locs:
                if state.can_spawn(DESTRUCTOR, loc):
                    state.attempt_spawn(DESTRUCTOR, loc)
Example #2
    def build_template(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState, prev_state):
        """ Adds any defences to the priority queue if we were destroyed.

        :param state: game state.
        :param prev_state: game state.
        if prev_state:
            self.were_corners_attacked(state, prev_state)

            if self.R_CORNER_ATTACKED:
                for i in range(len(self.BASE_TEMPLATE)):
                    if self.BASE_TEMPLATE[i] in self.RIGHT_CORNER_MASK:
                        self.BASE_TEMPLATE[i] = (self.BASE_TEMPLATE[i][0],

            if self.L_CORNER_ATTACKED:
                for i in range(len(self.BASE_TEMPLATE)):
                    if self.BASE_TEMPLATE[i] in self.LEFT_CORNER_MASK:
                        self.BASE_TEMPLATE[i] = (self.BASE_TEMPLATE[i][0],

        for unit in self.BASE_TEMPLATE:
            if state.get_resource(state.CORES) > self.UNIT_COSTS[unit[1]]:
                use_destruct = state.get_resource(
                    state.CORES) > self.BUILD_DESTRUCTOR_WALLS_THRESH
                unit_type = DESTRUCTOR if use_destruct else unit[1]
                if state.can_spawn(unit_type, unit[0]):
                    state.attempt_spawn(unit_type, unit[0])

        low_health_units = self.find_low_health_units(
            state, self.TEMPLATE_MASK, self.REMOVE_HEALTH_THRESH)
        self.destroy_low_health_units(state, low_health_units)
 def build_defences(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState):
     # When we're at full build, do nothing!
     while state.get_resource(
             state.CORES) > 0 and not self.defences.build_done():
         loc, defence_type = self.defences.get_next_defence()
         if state.can_spawn(defence_type, loc):
             state.attempt_spawn(defence_type, loc)
Example #4
    def build_template(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState, prev_state):
        """ Adds any defences to the priority queue if we were destroyed.

        :param state: game state.
        :param prev_state: game state.
        if prev_state:
            self.were_corners_attacked(state, prev_state)
                "Right Corner State: {}".format(self.R_CORNER_ATTACKED),
                "Left Corner State: {}".format(self.L_CORNER_ATTACKED)
            # if self.R_CORNER_ATTACKED:
            #     for i in range(len(self.BASE_TEMPLATE)):
            #         if self.BASE_TEMPLATE[i][0] in self.RIGHT_CORNER_MASK:
            #             debug_write("Updating Template ", self.BASE_TEMPLATE[i])
            #             self.BASE_TEMPLATE[i] = (self.BASE_TEMPLATE[i][0], DESTRUCTOR)
            # if self.L_CORNER_ATTACKED:
            #     for i in range(len(self.BASE_TEMPLATE)):
            #         if self.BASE_TEMPLATE[i][0] in self.LEFT_CORNER_MASK:
            #             debug_write("Updating Template ", self.BASE_TEMPLATE[i])
            #             self.BASE_TEMPLATE[i] = (self.BASE_TEMPLATE[i][0], DESTRUCTOR)
            if self.R_CORNER_ATTACKED:
                for i in range(len(self.BASE_TEMPLATE)):
                    if self.BASE_TEMPLATE[i][0] in self.RIGHT_CORNER_MASK:
                        self.BASE_TEMPLATE[i] = (self.BASE_TEMPLATE[i][0], DESTRUCTOR)

                new_units = []
                for loc in self.RIGHT_CORNER_MASK:
                    if loc not in self.TEMPLATE_MASK:
                        new_units.append((loc, DESTRUCTOR))
                self.BASE_TEMPLATE = new_units + self.BASE_TEMPLATE

            if self.L_CORNER_ATTACKED:
                for i in range(len(self.BASE_TEMPLATE)):
                    if self.BASE_TEMPLATE[i][0] in self.LEFT_CORNER_MASK:
                        self.BASE_TEMPLATE[i] = (self.BASE_TEMPLATE[i][0], DESTRUCTOR)

                new_units = []
                for loc in self.LEFT_CORNER_MASK:
                    if loc not in self.TEMPLATE_MASK:
                        new_units.append((loc, DESTRUCTOR))
                self.BASE_TEMPLATE = new_units + self.BASE_TEMPLATE

        for unit in self.BASE_TEMPLATE:
            if state.get_resource(state.CORES) > self.UNIT_COSTS[unit[1]]:
                use_destruct = state.get_resource(state.CORES) > self.BUILD_DESTRUCTOR_WALLS_THRESH
                unit_type = DESTRUCTOR if use_destruct else unit[1]
                if state.can_spawn(unit_type, unit[0]):
                    state.attempt_spawn(unit_type, unit[0])

        low_health_units = self.find_low_health_units(
            state, self.TEMPLATE_MASK, self.REMOVE_HEALTH_THRESH)
        self.destroy_low_health_units(state, low_health_units)
Example #5
    def build_barrel(state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState, left=False):
        """ Builds the blackbear barrel on the map.

        :param state: current game state.
        :param left:
        # Spawn front destructors and encryptors
        destructors = BARREL_MASK[BARREL_MASK_IDX['destructors'][0]:
        for i in destructors:
            if state.can_spawn(DESTRUCTOR, i):
                state.attempt_spawn(DESTRUCTOR, i)

        encryptors = BARREL_MASK[
        for i in encryptors:
            if state.can_spawn(ENCRYPTOR, i):
                state.attempt_spawn(ENCRYPTOR, i)

        end = 12 if state.turn_number > 0 else 19

        # open = False
        # spawn remaining filters
        for i in range(22, end, -1):
            # if not state.contains_stationary_unit([i,i-12]) and state.get_resource(state.CORES) < 1:
            #     open = True
            if state.can_spawn(FILTER, [i, i - 12]):
                state.attempt_spawn(FILTER, [i, i - 12])
def emp_cheese(current_state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState):
    bits = current_state.get_resource(current_state.CORES)
    if bits < 3.0:
        return None, None

    config = current_state.config
    FILTER = config["unitInformation"][0]["shorthand"]
    ENCRYPTOR = config["unitInformation"][1]["shorthand"]
    DESTRUCTOR = config["unitInformation"][2]["shorthand"]
    PING = config["unitInformation"][3]["shorthand"]
    EMP = config["unitInformation"][4]["shorthand"]
    SCRAMBLER = config["unitInformation"][5]["shorthand"]
    Tries to deploy emp's behind a line of units, while they fire at enemies
    Idk how many to send yet, but first need to make sure that it will fire at something while being hidden

    Check our side for rows from either side that we could hide behind
	For each, make sure we are NOT being hit and that we ARE hitting something
	Take the row where we hit the most
	For each of these calculate how much damage we could do with a single emp
	Place them at the point where we could do the most damage

    :param current_state: current game state object
    :param current_coins: current coins tuple (shield_money, attack_money)
    :return: tuple of (updated current_state object, updated current_coins object)

    m = current_state.game_map

    # Check top 4 lines
    check = []
    for i in m.get_edge_locations(m.BOTTOM_LEFT)[:-5:-1]:
    for i in m.get_edge_locations(m.BOTTOM_RIGHT)[:-5:-1]:

    best = None
    for i in check:
        # Can we deploy?
        if current_state.contains_stationary_unit(i):

        curr = simulate_emp(copy.deepcopy(current_state), i)

        if best is None or curr > best[0]:
            best = [curr, i]

    num = min(int(best[0] / 15) + 1, int(bits / 3))

    # I think
    # current_state.attempt_spawn(EMP, best[1], num)
    return best, num
Example #7
    def build_template(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState):
        """ Adds any defences to the priority queue if we were destroyed.
        :param state: game state.
        for unit in self.BASE_TEMPLATE:
            if state.get_resource(state.CORES) > self.UNIT_COSTS[unit[1]]:
                if state.can_spawn(unit[1], unit[0]):
                    state.attempt_spawn(unit[1], unit[0])

        low_health_units = self.find_low_health_units(
            state, self.TEMPLATE_MASK, self.REMOVE_HEALTH_THRESH)
        self.destroy_low_health_units(state, low_health_units)
Example #8
def sell_vulnerable_line(state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState):

    danger = []
    removed = False
    for i in range(13,11, -1):
        for j in range(13-i, i + 15):
            if state.contains_stationary_unit([j,i]):
                removed = True

        if removed:
Example #9
    def offense(self, game_state, turn_state):
        locations = [[5, 14], [3, 17], [4, 16]]
        top_left_enemy_destructors = 0
        advanced_game_state = AdvancedGameState(self.config, turn_state)
        for location in locations:
            top_left_enemy_destructors = max(
                len(advanced_game_state.get_attackers(location, 1)))
        top_left_enemy_units = self.get_enemy_left_units(game_state)

        for _ in range(top_left_enemy_destructors // 3 +
                       top_left_enemy_units // 6):
            if game_state.can_spawn(EMP, [2, 11]):
                game_state.attempt_spawn(EMP, [2, 11])

        while game_state.can_spawn(PING, [16, 2], 1):
            game_state.attempt_spawn(PING, [16, 2], 1)
    def can_block(self, loc, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState):

        target = state.game_map.BOTTOM_LEFT if loc[1] > 13 else state.game_map.BOTTOM_RIGHT
        path = state.find_path_to_edge(loc, target)

        for i in path:
            if i[1] < 17:
                f = -1 if target == state.game_map.BOTTOM_RIGHT else 1
                return [i[0], 13], [i[0] + f, 13]

        return None, None
Example #11
    def shoot(state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState, left=False):
        """ Shoots from the blackbeard barrel.

        :param state: current game state.
        :param left:
        if state.turn_number == 0:
            state.attempt_spawn(PING, [13, 0], 2)
            state.attempt_spawn(PING, [14, 0], 2)
        # elif open:
        #     state.attempt_spawn(EMP, [17, 3])
        elif state.turn_number % 2:
            bits = state.get_resource(state.BITS)
            if bits > 4:
                state.attempt_spawn(PING, [14, 0], 4)
            state.attempt_spawn(PING, [13, 0],
Example #12
    def build_passive_defence(state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState):
        """ Builds out a passive defense. Has 3 hard-coded positions that are best optimized to
        cover as much of the field as possible on the unprotected side of the barrel of blackbear.

        :param state: current game state.
        passive_defence_locations = BASE_PASSIVE_LOCS

        for loc in passive_defence_locations:
            # First build the Destructor at the proper location.
            if state.get_resource(state.CORES) > 4:
                if state.can_spawn(DESTRUCTOR, loc):
                    state.attempt_spawn(DESTRUCTOR, loc)

            # If we have some more cores left, then build the Filter on top of it.
            if state.get_resource(state.CORES) > 1:
                if state.can_spawn(FILTER, loc):
                    state.attempt_spawn(FILTER, [loc[0], loc[1] + 1])
    def sawtooth_setup(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState):
        # Almost symmetrical setup, just need filter on <14, 10>
        dest_locs = [[2, 11], [6, 11], [11, 11], [16, 11], [21, 11], [25, 11]]
        filter_locs = [[0, 13], [1, 12], [26, 12], [27, 13]]

        for dest in destr_locs:
            if state.can_spawn(DESTRUCTOR, dest):
                state.attempt_spawn(DESTRUCTOR, dest)

        for f in filter_locs:
            if state.can_spawn(FILTER, f):
                state.attempt_spawn(FILTER, f)
Example #14
    def initial_setup(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState):
        # Almost symmetrical setup, just need filter on <14, 10>
        filter_locs = [[0, 13], [1, 12], [2, 11], [3, 11], [4, 11], [6, 10],
                       [8, 11], [21, 10], [23, 11], [24, 11], [25, 11], [26, 12], [27, 13]]
        destr_locs = [[5, 10], [10, 9], [17, 9], [22, 10]]

        for dest in destr_locs:
            if state.can_spawn(DESTRUCTOR, dest):
                state.attempt_spawn(DESTRUCTOR, dest)

        for f in filter_locs:
            if state.can_spawn(FILTER, f):
                state.attempt_spawn(FILTER, f)
    def escort_strategy(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState, defensive_side='left'):
        # See if we need to use more filters here
        # This should be dynamic, depending on the board state, kind of like
        # What stage of the game are we in
        filter_locs = [[6, 10], [11, 10], [16, 10], [22, 10]]

        # Spawn 2 EMPs and 2 Scramblers. Again, this should be dynamic
        emp_locs = [[3, 10], [3, 10]]
        scrambler_locs = [[4, 9], [4, 9]]

        for e in emp_locs:
            if state.can_spawn(EMP, e):
                state.attempt_spawn(EMP, e)

        for s in scrambler_locs:
            if state.can_spawn(SCRAMBLER, s):
                state.attempt_spawn(SCRAMBLER, s)
 def attack_hole(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState, rush_loc, rush_unit):
     if state.can_spawn(rush_unit, rush_loc):
         # Find out the proper amount for the amount of bits to spend
         state.attempt_spawn(rush_unit, rush_loc, state.my_bits())
    def blackbeard(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState, left=False):
        # Do initial first turn setup
        # Spawn front destructors and encryptors
        destr = [[23, 13], [24, 13]]
        encr = [[23, 12], [24, 12], [25, 13], [23, 11]]
        for i in destr:
            if state.can_spawn(DESTRUCTOR, i):
                state.attempt_spawn(DESTRUCTOR, i)

        for i in encr:
            if state.can_spawn(ENCRYPTOR, i):
                state.attempt_spawn(ENCRYPTOR, i)

        end = 12 if state.turn_number > 0 else 19

        # open = False
        # spawn remaining filters
        for i in range(22, end, -1):
            # if not state.contains_stationary_unit([i,i-12]) and state.get_resource(state.CORES) < 1:
            #     open = True
            if state.can_spawn(FILTER, [i, i - 12]):
                state.attempt_spawn(FILTER, [i, i - 12])

        # if we have extra cores use some of them18,13,9,5 then filters between
        prio = [[1, 13], [1, 12], [0, 13], [18, 10], [18, 11], [13, 11], [9, 10], [9, 11], [5, 11]]

        for i in range(len(prio)):
            if state.get_resource(state.CORES) > 4:
                if state.can_spawn(which[i], prio[i]):
                    state.attempt_spawn(which[i], prio[i])

        i = 0
        # Try to spawn some random stuff
        while i < 10 and state.get_resource(state.CORES) > 6:
            row = random.randint(10, 11)
            col = random.randint(13 - row, 19)
            type = DESTRUCTOR if random.randint(0, 1) else FILTER
            if state.can_spawn(type, [row, col]):
                state.attempt_spawn(type, [row, col])

        if state.turn_number == 0:
            state.attempt_spawn(PING, [13, 0], 2)
            state.attempt_spawn(PING, [14, 0], 2)
        # elif open:
        #     state.attempt_spawn(EMP, [17, 3])
        elif state.turn_number % 2:
            bits = state.get_resource(state.BITS)
            if bits > 4:
                state.attempt_spawn(PING, [14, 0], 4)
            state.attempt_spawn(PING, [13, 0], int(state.get_resource(state.BITS)))
 def attack(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState):
     emp_loc = [3, 10]
     while state.can_spawn(EMP, emp_loc, 1):
         state.attempt_spawn(EMP, emp_loc, 1)
    def simulate(self, state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState, unit_type, spawn_loc=(13, 0), num_units=1):
        map = state.game_map

        target_edge = map.TOP_RIGHT if spawn_loc[0] < 14 else map.TOP_LEFT

        path = state.find_path_to_edge(spawn_loc, target_edge)

        total_dmg = 0
        total_cores = 0

        frames = 2 if unit_type == PING else 4
        dmg = 0 if unit_type == SCRAMBLER else (1 if unit_type == PING else 3)

        for i in range(num_units):
            map.add_unit(unit_type, spawn_loc)
        idx = 0

        remaining = map[spawn_loc]

        pings = 0
        while idx < len(path):

            loc = path[idx]

            for i in remaining:
                i.x = loc[0]
                i.y = loc[1]

            for i in range(frames):
                defense_dmg = 4 * len(state.get_attackers(loc, 0))
                our_dmg = len(map[loc]) * dmg

                initial = len(map[loc])

                if map[loc]:
                    target = state.get_target(map[loc][0])

                if target:
                    target.stability -= our_dmg
                    total_dmg += our_dmg
                    total_cores += (our_dmg / target.max_stability) * target.cost
                    if target.stability < 0:
                        map.remove_unit([target.x, target.y])

                dead = 0
                for i in range(initial):

                    if defense_dmg <= 0 or dead == len(map[loc]):

                    # Killed one, did they kill more
                    if defense_dmg >= map[loc][dead].stability:
                        defense_dmg -= map[loc][dead].stability
                        dead += 1

                    # They didn't kill this one
                        map[loc][dead].stability -= defense_dmg

                # kill the dead ones
                for i in range(dead):

            remaining = map[loc]
            pings = remaining

            if len(remaining) == 0:


            idx += 1

            if loc[1] > 14:
                mod_path = state.find_path_to_edge(spawn_loc, target_edge)
                if path != mod_path and loc in mod_path:
                    idx = mod_path.index(loc) + 1
                    path = mod_path

        return 3.5 * len(pings) + total_cores
Example #20
    def build_passive_blackbeard_defence(state: gamelib.AdvancedGameState):
        # if we have extra cores use some of them 18,13,9,5 then filters between
        prio = [[1, 13], [1, 12], [0, 13], [18, 10], [18, 11], [13, 11],
                [9, 10], [9, 11], [5, 11]]
        which = [

        for i in range(len(prio)):
            if state.get_resource(state.CORES) > 4:
                if state.can_spawn(which[i], prio[i]):
                    state.attempt_spawn(which[i], prio[i])

        i = 0
        # Try to spawn some random stuff
        while i < 10 and state.get_resource(state.CORES) > 6:
            row = random.randint(10, 11)
            col = random.randint(13 - row, 19)
            type = DESTRUCTOR if random.randint(0, 1) else FILTER
            if state.can_spawn(type, [row, col]):
                state.attempt_spawn(type, [row, col])

        if state.turn_number == 0:
            state.attempt_spawn(PING, [13, 0], 2)
            state.attempt_spawn(PING, [14, 0], 2)
        # elif open:
        #     state.attempt_spawn(EMP, [17, 3])
        elif state.turn_number % 2:
            bits = state.get_resource(state.BITS)
            if bits > 4:
                state.attempt_spawn(PING, [14, 0], 4)
            state.attempt_spawn(PING, [13, 0],