def __call__(self,
        from gamera.core import RGBPixel

        # Do analysis.
        result = lyric_extractor_helper.extract_lyric_ccs(
            self, minimum_y_threshold, num_searches, negative_bound,
            postive_bound, thickness_above, thickness_below)

        # Check color input.
        neumeColour = RGBPixel(0, 255, 0)
        lyricColour = RGBPixel(255, 0, 0)

        # Prepare output image.
        returnImage = self.to_rgb()

        # Do highlighting.
        for cc in set(result[0]) - set(result[1]):
            returnImage.highlight(cc, lyricColour)
        for cc in set(result[1]):
            returnImage.highlight(cc, neumeColour)
        return returnImage
Example #2
 def without(self):
     """ Create an image where text and classified are whited out"""
     ret = self.color_segment(other_color=RGBPixel(0, 0, 0),
                              text_color=RGBPixel(255, 255, 255),
                              instaff_color=RGBPixel(0, 0, 0),
                              classified_color=RGBPixel(255, 255, 255))
     return ret
 def __call__(self, other):
     from gamera.core import RGBPixel
     result = self.to_rgb()
     diff = self.subtract_images(other)
     result.highlight(diff, RGBPixel(255, 64, 64))
     diff = other.subtract_images(self)
     result.highlight(diff, RGBPixel(64, 255, 64))
     return result
Example #4
 def __doc_example1__(images):
     image = images[ONEBIT]
     ccs = image.cc_analysis()
     voronoi = image.voronoi_from_labeled_image()
     voronoi_cells = voronoi.color_ccs()
     voronoi_cells.highlight(image, RGBPixel(0, 0, 0))
     voronoi_edges = voronoi.labeled_region_edges()
     voronoi_cells.highlight(voronoi_edges, RGBPixel(255, 255, 255))
     return [image, voronoi_cells]
Example #5
 def __doc_example1__(images):
     from random import randint
     from gamera.core import Image, Dim
     image = Image((0, 0), Dim(100, 100), RGB, DENSE)
     points = [(randint(0, 100), randint(0, 100)) for x in range(4)]
     image.draw_bezier(*tuple(list(points) + [RGBPixel(255, 0, 0), 0.1]))
     image.draw_marker(points[0], 7, 0, RGBPixel(0, 0, 255))
     image.draw_marker(points[1], 7, 1, RGBPixel(0, 255, 0))
     image.draw_marker(points[2], 7, 1, RGBPixel(0, 255, 0))
     image.draw_marker(points[3], 7, 0, RGBPixel(0, 0, 255))
     return image
    def __call__(self, im_staffonly, angle):
        from gamera.core import RGBPixel
        from gamera.toolkits.musicstaves.stafffinder import StafflineSkeleton
        im_full = self
        im_staffless = im_full.xor_image(im_staffonly)
        # let someone else do the work for us
        # we use -angle because rotate() uses the wrong direction
        rot_staffonly = im_staffonly.rotate(-angle, RGBPixel(0, 0, 0))
        rot_full = im_full.rotate(-angle, RGBPixel(0, 0, 0))

        def apply_transformation(mat, pt):
            return [
                pt[0] * mat[0] + pt[1] * mat[1] + mat[2],
                pt[0] * mat[3] + pt[1] * mat[4] + mat[5]

        # find offset by which the image is moved while rotating it
        m = [
            cos(angle * pi / 180),
            sin(angle * pi / 180), 0, -sin(angle * pi / 180),
            cos(angle * pi / 180), 0
        pts_orig = [[0, 0], [im_full.width - 1, 0], [0, im_full.height - 1],
                    [im_full.width - 1, im_full.height - 1]]
        pts = [apply_transformation(m, p) for p in pts_orig]
        m[2] = -min([p[0] for p in pts])
        m[5] = -min([p[1] for p in pts])

        # find the stafflines in the original image
        [first_x, last_x, stafflines,
         thickness] = find_stafflines_int(im_staffonly)

        # rotate/move them and wrap them inside a list of StafflineSkeleton objects
        staffline_skel = []
        for y in stafflines:
            startpt = apply_transformation(m, [first_x, y])
            endpt = apply_transformation(m, [last_x, y])
            # swap point, if the rotation was so hard, that what was left is now right (ie. angle>90 or <-90)
            if startpt[0] > endpt[0]:
                tempswap = startpt
                startpt = endpt
                endpt = tempswap
            o = StafflineSkeleton()
            o.left_x = startpt[0]
            o.y_list = [startpt[1]]
            ty = startpt[1]
            dy = (endpt[1] - startpt[1]) / (endpt[0] - startpt[0])
            for n in range(int(round(endpt[0] - startpt[0]))):
                ty = ty + dy

        return [rot_full, rot_staffonly, staffline_skel]
Example #7
    def color_segment(self,text_color=RGBPixel(255,255,0),\
        """ Segment image in three with colors
        Segment the image into three parts:
             - text
             - inside staff
             - Others/relevant for Classifier

        Keyword arguments:
            text_color --- What color to use for text ccs
            instaff_color --- The color to use for in-staff ccs
            other_color --- The color of the rest.
            classified_color --- If set we will try to classify stuff in the
            image and give them the given color
            classified_box --- If set we will try to classify and but instead of
            highlight I will box them.

        ret = self.to_rgb().to_onebit().to_rgb()
        classify = False
        if not (classified_color is None and classified_box is None):
            classify = True
            if classified_color is None:
                classified_color = RGBPixel(255, 0, 0)

        text, instaff, other, classified = self.segment(classify=classify)
        # Painting inside staff things green
        for c in instaff:
            ret.highlight(c, instaff_color)

        # Painting relevant ccs' red.
        for c in other:
            ret.highlight(c, other_color)

        for c in classified:
            if classified_box:
                outline(ret, c, width=2.0, color=classified_color)
                ret.highlight(c, classified_color)

        # Painting text yellow
        for c in text:
            ret.highlight(c, text_color)

        return ret
    def __call__(self, im_staffonly, alpha, n, p=0.5, random_seed=0):
        from gamera.core import RGBPixel, FloatPoint
        from gamera.toolkits.musicstaves.stafffinder import StafflineSkeleton
        im_full = self
        im_staffless = im_full.xor_image(im_staffonly)
        def_staffonly = im_staffonly.image_copy()
        [first_x, last_x, stafflines,
         thickness] = find_stafflines_int(im_staffonly)
        bnp = binomial(n, p)
        # walk along all pixels of all stafflines
        for y in stafflines:
            for x in range(first_x, last_x):
                # now do the russian roulette
                if random() < alpha:
                    w = bnp.random()
                    if w > 0:
                            FloatPoint(x - w / 2, y - thickness),
                            FloatPoint(x + w / 2 + w % 2 - 1, y + thickness),
                            RGBPixel(0, 0, 0))
        def_full = im_staffless.or_image(def_staffonly)

        # construct skeletons (in fact they didn't change)
        staffline_skel = []
        for y in stafflines:
            skel = StafflineSkeleton()
            skel.left_x = first_x
            # all stafflines are completely straight
            skel.y_list = (last_x - first_x + 1) * [y]

        return [def_full, def_staffonly, staffline_skel]
Example #9
    def __doc_example1__(images):
        from random import randint, seed
        from gamera.core import Image, Dim
        image = Image((0, 0), Dim(320, 300), RGB, DENSE)

        # These are some various Unicode encoded names of different
        # languages (from the front page).  Just a quick way
        # to test Unicode support.  I use the long encoding here so this
        # source file iteself will be portable.
        names = [
            '\xc4\x8cesk\xc3\xa1', 'Rom\xc3\xa2n\xc4\x83',
            '\xc3\x8dslenska', 'Lietuvi\xc5\xb3', 'T\xc3\xbcrk\xc3\xa7e'

            for i, name in enumerate(names):
                image.draw_text((160, i * 30),
                                RGBPixel(randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255),
                                         randint(0, 255)),
        except Exception:
        return image
Example #10
class rotate(PluginFunction):
    Rotates an image.

      The angle of rotation (in degrees)

      The color to use for pixels outside of the original image bounds.
      When *bgcolor* is ``None``, white is used.

      The order of the spline used for interpolation.  Must be between 1 - 3.
    category = "Transformation"
    self_type = ImageType(ALL)    
    return_type = ImageType(ALL)
    args = Args([Float("angle"), Pixel("bgcolor", default=NoneDefault), Int("order", range=(1,3), default=1)])
    args.list[0].rng = (-180,180)
    doc_examples = [(RGB, 32.0, RGBPixel(255, 255, 255), 3), (COMPLEX, 15.0, 0.0j, 3)]
    author = u"Michael Droettboom (With code from VIGRA by Ullrich K\u00f6the)"
    def __call__(self, angle, bgcolor=None, order=1):
      if (bgcolor == None):
          bgcolor = self.white()
      return _transformation.rotate(self, angle, bgcolor, order)
    __call__ = staticmethod(__call__)
Example #11
 def highlight_words(self):
     ret = self._orig.to_rgb()
     img = self.without_insidestaves_info().image_copy()
     ccs = img.cc_analysis()
     words = self._text()._words(img, ccs)
     [ret.draw_hollow_rect(c, RGBPixel(255, 0, 0)) for c in words]
     return ret
Example #12
 def __doc_example1__(images):
     from random import randint
     from gamera.core import Image, Dim
     image = Image((0, 0), Dim(100, 100), RGB, DENSE)
     for i in range(10):
         image.draw_circle((randint(0, 100), randint(0, 100)),
                           randint(0, 100),
                           RGBPixel(randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255),
                                    randint(0, 255)), 1.0, 0.1)
     return image
Example #13
 def __doc_example1__(images):
     from gamera.core import Image
     from gamera.core import Point as P
     img = Image((0, 0), (90, 90))
     points = [
         P(10, 10),
         P(20, 30),
         P(32, 22),
         P(85, 14),
         P(40, 70),
         P(80, 85)
     for p in points:
         img.draw_filled_rect((p.x - 2, p.y - 2), (p.x + 1, p.y + 1), 1)
     r = img.max_empty_rect()
     rgb = img.to_rgb()
     rgb.draw_hollow_rect(r, RGBPixel(255, 0, 0))
     rgb.highlight(img, RGBPixel(0, 0, 0))
     return [rgb]
Example #14
    def highlight_possible_text(self, image=None):

        if image is None:
            ret = self._orig.to_rgb()
            ret = image
        spikes = self._text()._possible_text_areas()

        [ ret.draw_hollow_rect((0,s['start']),(ret.width-1,s['stop']),RGBPixel(255,0,0))\
         for s in spikes ]
        return ret
Example #15
 def __doc_example1__(images):
     from random import randint, seed
     from gamera.core import Image, Dim
     image = Image((0, 0), Dim(100, 100), RGB, DENSE)
     for i in range(10):
         image.draw_filled_rect((randint(0, 100), randint(0, 100)),
                                (randint(0, 100), randint(0, 100)),
                                RGBPixel(randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255),
                                         randint(0, 255)))
     return image
    def __call__(self, im_staffonly, min, max, c=0.5, random_seed=0):
        from gamera.core import Image, RGBPixel
        from gamera.toolkits.musicstaves.stafffinder import StafflineSkeleton
        im_full = self
        im_staffless = im_full.xor_image(im_staffonly)
        [first_x, last_x, stafflines,
         thickness] = find_stafflines_int(im_staffonly)
        def_staffonly = Image(im_full.ul, im_full.size)
        # state machine for the thickness
        states = states_mh(max - min + 1, c)

        # draw the deformed stafflines in a blank image
        last_thickness = 0
        even_shift = 0
        for l in range(len(stafflines)):
            y = stafflines[l]
            for x in range(first_x, last_x + 1):
                thickness = + min
                y_st = y - thickness / 2
                if thickness % 2 == 0:
                    if thickness != last_thickness:
                        if random() < 0.5:
                            even_shift = 1
                            even_shift = 0
                    y_st = y_st + even_shift
                if thickness > 0:
                    def_staffonly.draw_line((x, y_st),
                                            (x, y_st + thickness - 1),
                                            RGBPixel(255, 255, 255))
                last_thickness = thickness

        # stafflines = stafflines AND NOT symbols
        im_staffless_invert = im_staffless.image_copy()
        def_staffonly.and_image(im_staffless_invert, True)
        # full = symbols OR stafflines
        def_full = im_staffless.image_copy()
        def_full.or_image(def_staffonly, True)

        # construct skeletons (in fact they didn't change)
        staffline_skel = []
        for y in stafflines:
            skel = StafflineSkeleton()
            skel.left_x = first_x
            # all stafflines are completely straight
            skel.y_list = (last_x - first_x + 1) * [y]

        return [def_full, def_staffonly, staffline_skel]
Example #17
    def with_row_projections(self,
                             color=RGBPixel(200, 50, 50),
        if ret is None:
            ret = self._orig.to_rgb()

        if image is None:
            image = self.without_insidestaves_info()
        p = image.projection_rows()
        # l = [ (v,i) for i,v in enumerate(p) ]
        #[ ret.draw_line( (0,i[1]), (i[0],i[1]),color) for i in l]
        self.draw_y_proj(p, image=ret, color=color, fac=None)
        return ret
Example #18
 def __call__(image, ccs, colors=None, method=1, unique=False):
     if colors == None:
         from gamera.core import RGBPixel
         colors = [
             RGBPixel(150, 0, 0),
             RGBPixel(0, 250, 0),
             RGBPixel(0, 0, 255),
             RGBPixel(250, 0, 255),
             RGBPixel(50, 150, 50),
             #RGBPixel(120, 120, 120),
             #RGBPixel(250, 250, 0),
             RGBPixel(0, 190, 255),
             RGBPixel(230, 190, 20),
     return _geometry.graph_color_ccs(image, ccs, colors, method, unique)
Example #19
    def draw_y_proj(self,
                    color=RGBPixel(255, 0, 0),
        """ Draw projections on the y-axis on top of an image 
            the projection data. One value for each y-value in the image
            The image to draw upon. Defaults to use this image in rgb edition
            The color to draw with.
            Should the projections be normalized so that the longest value is a
            page wide?. Defaults to true.
            Unused for now. From which side should the projections be drawn.
            Left/Right. default left.
            Factor to normalize by.

        if image is None:
            image = self.to_rgb()

        assert len(rl) == image.nrows

        if norm:
            if fac is None:
                fac = int(image.ncols / max(rl))
            elif fac < 1:
                fac = int((image.ncols / max(rl)) * fac)
            rl = [fac * r for r in rl]

        l = [(v, i) for i, v in enumerate(rl)]
        [image.draw_line((0, i[1]), (i[0], i[1]), color) for i in l]
        return image
Example #20
    def highlight_text_by_hist(self, bc=5, f=lambda c: c.aspect_ratio()[0]):
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from random import randint
        ret = self._orig.to_rgb()
        ccs = self._text().possible_text_ccs()
        l = [f(c) for c in ccs]

        n, bins, patches = plt.hist(l, bc)
        colors = [RGBPixel(255, c, c) for c in xrange(0, 255, int(255 / bc))]
        nv = [(v, i) for i, v in enumerate(n)]
        nv = [(v, origi, colors[i]) for i, (v, origi) in enumerate(nv)]

        for v, i, color in nv:
            [ ret.highlight(c,color) for c in ccs \
             if f(c) >= bins[i]  and f(c) <= bins[i+1] ]

        i = 0
            ret.draw_hollow_rect(c, colors[0]) for c in ccs
            if f(c) >= bins[i] and f(c) <= bins[i + 1]
    def __call__(self, im_staffonly, maxdiff, c=0.5, random_seed=0):
        from gamera.core import Image, RGBPixel
        from gamera.toolkits.musicstaves.stafffinder import StafflineSkeleton
        im_full = self
        im_staffless = im_full.xor_image(im_staffonly)
        [first_x, last_x, stafflines,
         thickness] = find_stafflines_int(im_staffonly)
        def_staffonly = Image(im_full.ul, im_full.size)
        states = states_mh(2 * maxdiff + 1, c)

        m = (thickness - 1) / 2
        if (thickness and 1) == 1:
            p = m
            p = m + 1

        staffline_skel = []
        for l in range(len(stafflines)):
            y = stafflines[l] - maxdiff
            skel = StafflineSkeleton()
            skel.left_x = first_x
            skel.y_list = (last_x - first_x + 1) * [y]
            for x in range(first_x, last_x + 1):
                y_l = y +
                skel.y_list[x - first_x] = y_l
                def_staffonly.draw_line((x, y_l - m), (x, y_l + p),
                                        RGBPixel(255, 255, 255))

        im_staffless_invert = im_staffless.image_copy()
        def_staffonly.and_image(im_staffless_invert, True)
        def_staffless = im_staffless.image_copy()
        def_full = im_staffless.image_copy()
        def_full.or_image(def_staffonly, True)

        return [def_full, def_staffonly, staffline_skel]
    def __call__(self, im_staffonly, ratio):
        from gamera.core import Image, RGBPixel, Point
        from gamera.toolkits.musicstaves.stafffinder import StafflineSkeleton
        im_full = self
        im_staffless = im_full.xor_image(im_staffonly)
        [first_x, last_x, stafflines,
         thickness] = find_stafflines_int(im_staffonly)

        # ratio=staffline_height/staffspace_height
        thickness = (stafflines[1] - stafflines[0]) / (1 / ratio + 1)
        im_newlines = Image(im_full.ul, im_full.size)

        # we just draw the lines ourselves
        for y in stafflines:
            im_newlines.draw_line(Point(first_x, y), Point(last_x, y),
                                  RGBPixel(255, 255, 255), thickness)

        # new full: lines OR symbols
        def_full = im_staffless.or_image(im_newlines)
        # new staffonly: lines AND NOT symbols
        def_staffonly = im_staffless.image_copy()
        def_staffonly.and_image(im_newlines, True)
        # staffless image doesn't change
        def_staffless = im_staffless.image_copy()

        # construct skeletons
        staffline_skel = []
        for y in stafflines:
            skel = StafflineSkeleton()
            skel.left_x = first_x
            # all stafflines are completely straight
            skel.y_list = (last_x - first_x + 1) * [y]

        return [def_full, def_staffonly, staffline_skel]
    def __call__(self,
        from gamera.core import RGBPixel, Point, FloatPoint, Rect
        from gamera.toolkits.musicstaves.stafffinder import StafflineSkeleton
        bnp_gap = binomial(n_gap, p_gap)
        bnp_shift = binomial(n_shift, 0.5)
        im_full = self.image_copy()
        im_staffless = im_full.xor_image(im_staffonly)
        im_staffonly = im_staffonly.image_copy()
        il_shifts = [im_staffless, im_staffonly, im_full]
        il_breaks = il_shifts
        if add_noshift:
            ns_full = im_full.image_copy()
            ns_staffonly = im_staffonly.image_copy()
            il_breaks = [
                im_staffless, im_staffonly, im_full, ns_full, ns_staffonly

        #find stafflines
        [first_x, last_x, stafflines,
         thickness] = find_stafflines_int(im_staffonly)

        #find breaks (where are the symbols?)
        stafflinedist = stafflines[1] - stafflines[0]
        staffline_skel = []
        for sl in range(len(stafflines)):
            if sl == 0 or stafflines[sl] - stafflines[sl -
                                                      1] > 3 * stafflinedist:
                #first staffline of a system
                first_line = stafflines[sl]
                lines_per_system = 0

            lines_per_system = lines_per_system + 1

            if sl == len(stafflines) - 1 or stafflines[
                    sl + 1] - stafflines[sl] > 3 * stafflinedist:
                #last staffline of a system
                last_line = stafflines[sl]
                # a hoizontal projection of the symbols helps us to find the x positions of the symbols.
                syst = im_staffless.subimage(
                    Point(0, max((0, first_line - 3 * stafflinedist))),
                        min((last_line + 3 * stafflinedist,
                             im_full.lr_y - 1))))
                symbolcols = syst.projection_cols()

                # collect the breaks, i.e. the mid of the white spaces between two symbols
                breaks = []
                whiterun = False
                for col in range(len(symbolcols)):
                    if (not whiterun) and symbolcols[col] == 0:
                        whiterun = True
                        runbegin = col
                        if whiterun and symbolcols[col] > 0:
                            whiterun = False
                            br = [(runbegin + col) / 2, col - runbegin]
                            if br[0] >= first_x:

                # replace the first break (before the first symbol) with a break at the beginning of the stafflines
                breaks[0] = [first_x, 1]
                # and append a break after the last symbol
                if whiterun:
                    breaks.append([(last_x + runbegin) / 2, last_x - runbegin])
                    breaks.append([last_x, 1])

                # draw white lines at the breaks
                new_breaks = []
                for br in breaks:
                    w = bnp_gap.random()
                    # draw line if it fits only
                    if w < br[1]:
                        for im in il_breaks:
                                FloatPoint(br[0], first_line - stafflinedist),
                                FloatPoint(br[0], last_line + stafflinedist),
                                RGBPixel(0, 0, 0), w)
                breaks = new_breaks
                skeleton = []

                # do the vertical shift by making a temporary copy (orig_type), white them out (draw_filled_rect) and "or" them again in with a new y-position
                for t in range(len(breaks) - 1):
                    vertical_shift = bnp_shift.random() - n_shift / 2
                    typerect = Rect(
                              max((first_line - 3 * stafflinedist, 0))),
                            breaks[t + 1][0],
                            min((last_line + 3 * stafflinedist,
                    moveto = Rect(
                        Point(typerect.ul_x, typerect.ul_y + vertical_shift),
                    if moveto.ul_y < 0:
                        typerect.ul_y = typerect.ul_y - moveto.ul_y
                        moveto.ul_y = 0
                    if moveto.lr_y > im_full.lr_y:
                        typerect.lr_y = typerect.lr_y - (moveto.lr_y -
                        moveto.lr_y = im_full.lr_y

                    for im in il_shifts:
                        orig_type = im.subimage(typerect)
                        orig_type = orig_type.image_copy()
                        im.draw_filled_rect(typerect, RGBPixel(0, 0, 0))
                        im.subimage(moveto).or_image(orig_type, True)

                    # collect data for later construction of the skeletons
                    for line in range(lines_per_system):
                        if len(skeleton) <= line:
                        st_line = stafflines[sl - lines_per_system + 1 + line]
                        y = st_line + vertical_shift
                        skeleton[line].append(Point(typerect.ul_x, y))
                        skeleton[line].append(Point(typerect.ur_x, y))

                # now construct the skeletons
                for sk in skeleton:
                    x = sk[0].x
                    y = sk[0].y
                    left_x = x
                    y_list = []
                    i = 1
                    while i < len(sk):
                        if x >= sk[i].x:
                            y = sk[i].y
                            i = i + 1
                        x = x + 1
                    o = StafflineSkeleton()
                    o.left_x = left_x
                    o.y_list = y_list

        if add_noshift:
            return [
                im_full, im_staffonly, staffline_skel, ns_full, ns_staffonly
            return [im_full, im_staffonly, staffline_skel]
Example #24
 def highlight_ccs(self, ccs, color=RGBPixel(0, 255, 0)):
     bla = self.to_rgb()
     [bla.highlight(c, color) for c in ccs]
     return bla
Example #25
    def _split(self, image, pos, dim):
        theta = self.rotation

        # image properties
        cols, rows = image.ncols, image.nrows
        i_ul = image.ul_x, image.ul_y
        cp = self._get_center_of_image(image)  # center point

        # rotated image properties
        r_image = self._rotate_image(image, theta)
        r_cols, r_rows = r_image.ncols, r_image.nrows
        rcp = self._get_center_of_image(r_image)  # rotated center point

        # rotated image points
        r_p1 = (pos, r_rows) if dim is 'x' else (0, pos)  # left / bottom
        r_p2 = (pos, 0) if dim is 'x' else (r_cols, pos)  # top / right
        # print r_p1, r_p2

        # # show rotated cuts
        # r_image.draw_line(r_p1, r_p2, RGBPixel(255, 255, 255), 2.0)
        # r_image.save_PNG('./output/rcut_' + str(':', '.') + '.png')

        # relate points from ul to center of rotated image
        r_p1 = self._translate_point(r_p1, (0, 0), rcp)
        r_p2 = self._translate_point(r_p2, (0, 0), rcp)
        # print r_p1, r_p2

        # rotate points around origin
        p1 = self._rotate_point_around_origin(r_p1, -theta)
        p2 = self._rotate_point_around_origin(r_p2, -theta)
        # print p1, p2

        # relate points from center of image to ul point
        p1 = self._translate_point(p1, cp, (0, 0))
        p2 = self._translate_point(p2, cp, (0, 0))
        # print p1, p2

        m = (p2[1] - p1[1]) / (p2[0] - p1[0])
        # print m

        b1 = p1[1] - (m * p1[0])
        b2 = p2[1] - (m * p2[0])

        # print('b1', b1), ('b2', b2)

        def f_x(x):
            return m * x + b1

        # DRAW on normal image
        draw_p1, draw_p2 = (0, f_x(0)), (image.ncols, f_x(image.ncols))
        draw_p1 = self._translate_point(draw_p1, i_ul, (0, 0))
        draw_p2 = self._translate_point(draw_p2, i_ul, (0, 0))

        cut_image = image.image_copy()
        cut_image.draw_line(draw_p1, draw_p2, RGBPixel(0, 0, 0),
                            3)  # cut glyph with white line

        # show cuts
        if self.save_cuts:
            rgb = image.to_rgb()
            rgb.draw_line(draw_p1, draw_p2, RGBPixel(255, 0, 0), 1)
            rgb.save_PNG('./output/cut_' + str(self.cut_number + 1) + '.png')

        if self.dont_cut:
            return [cut_image]

        splits = [x.image_copy() for x in cut_image.cc_analysis()]

        # for s in splits:
        #     s = self._trim_image(s)

        self.cut_number += 1

        return splits
Example #26
    def show_result(self, highlight_groups=True):
        """Returns an RGB image with the found staff lines highlighted.


    when *True* (default), each stave system is underlayed in a different
    color. When false, only the edge points are marked in different colors,
    which is less visible for skeleton or average staff line representation.
        rgb = Image(self.image, RGB)
        if highlight_groups:
            # highlight staff systems
            for staffno, staff in enumerate(self.linelist):
                if not staff:
                staffcolor = RGBPixel(190 + (11*staffno) % 66, \
                                      190 + (31*(staffno + 1)) % 66, \
                                      190 + (51*(staffno + 2)) % 66)
                topline = staff[0].to_average()
                botline = staff[-1].to_average()
                leftx = min([topline.left_x, botline.left_x])
                rightx = max([topline.right_x, botline.right_x])
                topy = topline.average_y
                boty = botline.average_y
                border = max(
                    [self.staffspace_height / 2, self.staffline_height * 4])
                if leftx - border > 0:
                    leftx -= border
                if rightx + border < rgb.ncols:
                    rightx += border
                if topy - border > 0:
                    topy -= border
                if boty + border < rgb.nrows:
                    boty += border
                rgb.draw_filled_rect((leftx, topy), (rightx, boty), staffcolor)

        # draw original image
        rgb.highlight(self.image, RGBPixel(0, 0, 0))

        for staffno, staff in enumerate(self.linelist):
            if not staff:
            if highlight_groups:
                staffcolor = RGBPixel(255, 0, 0)
                staffcolor = RGBPixel((53*(staffno)) % 256,\
                                      (111*(staffno+1)) % 256,\
                                      (111*(staffno+2)) % 256)

            for line in staff:
                if isinstance(line, StafflinePolygon):
                    lastp = None
                    for p in line.vertices:
                        if lastp:
                            rgb.draw_line(lastp, p, RGBPixel(255, 0, 0))
                        lastp = p
                elif isinstance(line, StafflineAverage):
                elif isinstance(line, StafflineSkeleton):
                    # doing this in Python might be too slow,
                    # implement it in C++ later
                    x = line.left_x
                    for y in line.y_list:
                        rgb.set(Point(x, y), RGBPixel(255, 0, 0))
                        x += 1
                    if len(line.y_list) > 0:
        return rgb
Example #27
def outline(rgb_img, cc, width=2.0, color=RGBPixel(255, 0, 0)):
    rgb_img.draw_hollow_rect((cc.offset_x, cc.offset_y),
                             (cc.offset_x + cc.ncols, cc.offset_y + cc.nrows),
                             color, width)
Example #28
 def __doc_example1__(images):
     image = images[ONEBIT]
     ccs = image.cc_analysis()
     rgb = image.to_rgb()
     rgb.highlight(ccs[0], RGBPixel(255, 0, 128))
     return rgb
Example #29
   def remove_staves(self, crossing_symbols='all', num_lines=5, adj_ratio=2.5, noise_size=5, alpha=10.0, beta=0.1, angle_threshold=3, string_join_factor=0.25, debug=False):
      """Detects and removes staff lines from a music/tablature image.


  ``remove_staves(crossing_symbols='all', num_lines=5, adj_ratio=2.5, noise_size=5, alpha=10.0, beta=0.1, angle_threshold=3.0, string_join_factor=0.25)``



    The number of stafflines in each staff.  (Autodetection of number of stafflines not yet

It is unlikely one would need to provide the arguments below:

    The maximum ratio between adjacent vertical runs in order to be considered part of the
    same section.  Higher values of this number will result in fewer, larger sections.

    The maximum size of a section that will be considered noise.

    The minimum aspect ratio of a potential staffline section.

    The minimum \"straightness\" of a potential staffline section (as given by the gamma fittness
    function of a least-squares fit line).

    The maximum distance from the mean angle a section may be to be considered as a potential
    staffline (in degrees).

    The threshold for joining filaments together into filament strings.

    When True, returns a tuple of images to help debug each stage of the algorithm.
    Times for each stages are also displayed.  The tuples elements are:

       The normal result, with stafflines removed.

       Shows the segmentation by LAG.  Use display_ccs to show the segments differently

       Shows the sections that are potentially part of stafflines

       Shows how the vertically aligned potential stafflines are grouped into

       The filament strings believed to be part of stafflines

       Draws the modelled lines on top of the image.
      if num_lines <= 0:
         num_lines = 5

      t = time.clock()
      sections = self._make_line_adjacency_graph(self.image, adj_ratio)
      if debug:
         print ("Line adjacency graph time: %.04f, num sections: %d" %
                (time.clock() - t, len(sections)))
         sections_image = Image(self.image)
         for i, section in enumerate(sections):
            section.i = i
            for run in section.runs:

      t = time.clock()
      sections = self._remove_noise(sections, noise_size)
      if debug:
         print ("Remove noise time: %.04f, num sections: %d" %
                (time.clock() - t, len(sections)))

      t = time.clock()
      if debug:
         print "Calculate features time: %.04f" % (time.clock() - t)

      t = time.clock()
      filaments = self._find_potential_stafflines(sections, alpha, beta, angle_threshold)
      if debug:
         print ("Find potential stafflines time: %.04f, num filaments: %d" %
                (time.clock() - t, len(filaments)))
         filaments_image = Image(self.image)
         for i, section in enumerate(filaments):
            if section.is_filament:
               for run in section.runs:

      t = time.clock()
      strings = self._create_filament_strings(filaments, string_join_factor)
      if debug:
         print ("Create filament strings time: %.04f, num strings: %d" %
                (time.clock() - t, len(strings)))
         strings_image = Image(self.image)
         for i, string in enumerate(strings):
            for filament in string.filaments:
               for run in filament.runs:

      del filaments

      t = time.clock()
      staffline_strings = self._find_stafflines(strings, num_lines)
      if debug:
         print ("Find stafflines time: %.04f num staffline fragments: %d" %
                (time.clock() - t, len(staffline_strings)))
         staffline_image = Image(self.image)
         staffline_model_image = self.image.to_rgb()
         for i, staffline in enumerate(staffline_strings):
            for section in staffline.filaments:
               for run in section.runs:

      if len(staffline_strings) == 0:
         return self.image

      t = time.clock()
      line_groupings = self._trace_stafflines(sections, staffline_strings, angle_threshold)
      if debug:
         print ("Trace stafflines time: %.04f" % (time.clock() - t))

      t = time.clock()
      if debug:
         print ("Remove stafflines time: %.04f" % (time.clock() - t))

      t = time.clock()
      self.stafflines = self._make_line_models(line_groupings)
      if debug:
         print ("Make line models time: %.04f" % (time.clock() - t))
         for y, staffline in self.stafflines.stafflines:
            last_point = staffline[0]
            for point in staffline[1:]:
               staffline_model_image.draw_line(last_point, point, RGBPixel(255, 0, 0))
               last_point = point
         return (self.image, sections_image, filaments_image, strings_image,
                 staffline_image, staffline_model_image)
         return self.image
Example #30
 def _get_background(self, image):
     # returns a white canvas of the original image size
     output = image.image_copy()
     output.fill(RGBPixel(0, 0, 0))
     return output