Example #1
def prepare_images():
    # Reads in data
    background_file = FermiVelaRegion.filenames()['diffuse_model']
    exposure_file = FermiVelaRegion.filenames()['exposure_cube']
    counts_file = FermiVelaRegion.filenames()['counts_cube']
    background_model = SpectralCube.read(background_file)
    exposure_cube = SpectralCube.read(exposure_file)
    # Add correct units
    exposure_cube.data = Quantity(exposure_cube.data.value, 'cm2 s')
    # Re-project background cube
    repro_bg_cube = background_model.reproject_to(exposure_cube)
    # Define energy band required for output
    energies = Quantity([10, 500], 'GeV')

    # Compute the predicted counts cube
    npred_cube = compute_npred_cube(repro_bg_cube, exposure_cube, energies)

    # Convolve with Energy-dependent Fermi LAT PSF

    psf = EnergyDependentTablePSF.read(FermiVelaRegion.filenames()['psf'])
    convolved_npred_cube = convolve_cube(npred_cube,
                                         offset_max=Angle(3, 'deg'))

    # Counts data
    counts_data = fits.open(counts_file)[0].data
    counts_wcs = WCS(fits.open(counts_file)[0].header)
    counts_cube = SpectralCube(data=Quantity(counts_data, ''),
    counts_cube = counts_cube.reproject_to(npred_cube)

    counts = counts_cube.data[0]
    model = convolved_npred_cube.data[0]

    # Load Fermi tools gtmodel background-only result

    gtmodel = fits.open(
    # Ratio for the two background images
    ratio = np.nan_to_num(model / gtmodel)

    # Header is required for plotting, so returned here
    wcs = npred_cube.wcs
    wcs = wcs.dropaxis(2)
    header = wcs.to_header()

    return model, gtmodel, ratio, counts, header
Example #2
def prepare_images():
    # Reads in data
    background_file = FermiVelaRegion.filenames()['diffuse_model']
    exposure_file = FermiVelaRegion.filenames()['exposure_cube']
    counts_file = FermiVelaRegion.filenames()['counts_cube']
    background_model = SpectralCube.read(background_file)
    exposure_cube = SpectralCube.read(exposure_file)
    # Add correct units
    exposure_cube.data = Quantity(exposure_cube.data.value, 'cm2 s')
    # Re-project background cube
    repro_bg_cube = background_model.reproject_to(exposure_cube)
    # Define energy band required for output
    energies = Quantity([10, 500], 'GeV')

    # Compute the predicted counts cube
    npred_cube = compute_npred_cube(repro_bg_cube, exposure_cube, energies)

    # Convolve with Energy-dependent Fermi LAT PSF

    psf = EnergyDependentTablePSF.read(FermiVelaRegion.filenames()['psf'])
    convolved_npred_cube = convolve_cube(npred_cube, psf,
                                         offset_max=Angle(3, 'deg'))

    # Counts data
    counts_data = fits.open(counts_file)[0].data
    counts_wcs = WCS(fits.open(counts_file)[0].header)
    counts_cube = SpectralCube(data=Quantity(counts_data, ''),
    counts_cube = counts_cube.reproject_to(npred_cube)

    counts = counts_cube.data[0]
    model = convolved_npred_cube.data[0]

    # Load Fermi tools gtmodel background-only result

    gtmodel = fits.open(FermiVelaRegion.filenames()['background_image'])[0].data.astype(float)
    # Ratio for the two background images
    ratio = np.nan_to_num(model / gtmodel)

    # Header is required for plotting, so returned here
    wcs = npred_cube.wcs
    wcs = wcs.dropaxis(2)
    header = wcs.to_header() 

    return model, gtmodel, ratio, counts, header
Example #3
"""Test npred model image computation.
from astropy.units import Quantity
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
from gammapy.datasets import FermiGalacticCenter
from gammapy.irf import EnergyDependentTablePSF
from gammapy.data import (SpectralCube, compute_npred_cube, convolve_cube)

filenames = FermiGalacticCenter.filenames()
spectral_cube = SpectralCube.read(filenames['diffuse_model'])
exposure_cube = SpectralCube.read(filenames['exposure_cube'])
psf = EnergyDependentTablePSF.read(filenames['psf'])

spectral_cube = spectral_cube.reproject_to(exposure_cube)

energy_bounds = Quantity([10, 30, 100, 500], 'GeV')
npred_cube = compute_npred_cube(spectral_cube, exposure_cube, energy_bounds)

offset_max = Angle(1, 'deg')
npred_cube_convolved = convolve_cube(npred_cube, psf, offset_max)