Example #1
def compute_glat_glon_distance(table):
    x, y, z = table['x'].quantity, table['y'].quantity, table['z'].quantity
    distance, glon, glat = astrometry.galactic(x, y, z)
    phys_size = table['size_physical'].quantity
    coordinate = SkyCoord(glon, glat, unit='deg', frame='galactic').transform_to('icrs')
    ra, dec = coordinate.ra.deg, coordinate.dec.deg
    r = np.sqrt(table['x'] ** 2 + table['y'] ** 2)

    constant = 0.000291 / u.arcmin

    size = phys_size / ((distance.to('pc')) * constant)
    # Clip size because we have a min / max for allowed size in XML / science tools
    size = np.clip(size.to('deg').value, 0.01, 100) * u.deg

    # Add columns to table
    table['distance'] = Column(distance, unit='kpc', description='Distance observer to source center')
    table['GLON'] = Column(glon, unit='deg', description='Galactic longitude')
    table['GLAT'] = Column(glat, unit='deg', description='Galactic latitude')
    table['RA'] = Column(ra, unit='deg')
    table['DEC'] = Column(dec, unit='deg')
    table['size'] = Column(size, unit='deg')
    table['galactocentric_r'] = Column(r, unit='kpc', description='Galactocentric radius in the xy plan')

    return table
synt = Table()

# In[SNR]

q = Table.read(snrsfile, format='ascii')
en = q['E[TeV]'][0:40].data  # TeV
glon, glat, f01, f1 = [], [], [], []

for i in np.arange(int(len(q) / 40)):

    sed = q['diff_spectrum'][i * 40:(i + 1) * 40]  #  TeV cm-2 s-1
    fl = sed / en**2.  #  cm-2 s-1 TeV-1

    if (sum(fl) != 0):
        pos = galactic(x=q['POS_Y'][i * 40] * u.kpc,
                       y=-q['POS_X'][i * 40] * u.kpc,
                       z=q['POS_Z'][i * 40] * u.kpc)
        f01.append(ag.integ(en, fl, emin=0.1, emax=1000.)[0] / crab_01)
        f1.append(ag.integ(en, fl, emin=1.0, emax=1000.)[0] / crab_1)

dic = {'GLON': glon, 'GLAT': glat, 'F01': f01, 'F1': f1}

snr = pd.DataFrame(dic)

# In[iSNR]

isnrs = Table.read(isnrsfile)
f01, f1 = [], []
for i in np.arange(len(isnrs)):
Example #3
def add_observed_parameters(table, obs_pos=None):
    """Add observable parameters (such as sky position or distance).

    Input table columns: x, y, z, extension, luminosity

    Output table columns: distance, glon, glat, flux, angular_extension

    Position of observer in cartesian coordinates.
    Center of galaxy as origin, x-axis goes through sun.

    table : `~astropy.table.Table`
        Input table
    obs_pos : tuple or None
        Observation position (X, Y, Z) in Galactocentric coordinates (default: Earth)

    table : `~astropy.table.Table`
        Modified input table with columns added
    obs_pos = obs_pos or [astrometry.D_SUN_TO_GALACTIC_CENTER, 0, 0]

    # Get data
    x, y, z = table["x"].quantity, table["y"].quantity, table["z"].quantity
    vx, vy, vz = table["vx"].quantity, table["vy"].quantity, table["vz"].quantity

    distance, glon, glat = astrometry.galactic(x, y, z, obs_pos=obs_pos)

    # Compute projected velocity
    v_glon, v_glat = astrometry.velocity_glon_glat(x, y, z, vx, vy, vz)

    coordinate = SkyCoord(glon, glat, unit="deg", frame="galactic").transform_to("icrs")
    ra, dec = coordinate.ra.deg, coordinate.dec.deg

    # Add columns to table
    table["distance"] = Column(
        distance, unit="pc", description="Distance observer to source center"
    table["GLON"] = Column(glon, unit="deg", description="Galactic longitude")
    table["GLAT"] = Column(glat, unit="deg", description="Galactic latitude")
    table["VGLON"] = Column(
        description="Velocity in Galactic longitude",
    table["VGLAT"] = Column(
        description="Velocity in Galactic latitude",
    table["RA"] = Column(ra, unit="deg", description="Right ascension")
    table["DEC"] = Column(dec, unit="deg", description="Declination")

        luminosity = table["luminosity"]
        flux = luminosity / (4 * np.pi * distance ** 2)
        table["flux"] = Column(flux.value, unit=flux.unit, description="Source flux")
    except KeyError:

        extension = table["extension"]
        angular_extension = np.degrees(np.arctan(extension / distance))
        table["angular_extension"] = Column(
            description="Source angular radius (i.e. half-diameter)",
    except KeyError:

    return table
Example #4
def test_galactic():
    x = Quantity(0, "kpc")
    y = Quantity(0, "kpc")
    z = Quantity(0, "kpc")
    reference = (Quantity(8.5, "kpc"), Quantity(0, "deg"), Quantity(0, "deg"))
    assert galactic(x, y, z) == reference