Example #1
def parse_association_end(el: uml.Property, s: str) -> None:
    Parse the text at one end of an association. The association end holds
    two strings. It is automatically figured out which string is fed to the

    # if no name, then clear as there could be some garbage
    # due to previous parsing (i.e. '[1'
    m = association_end_name_pat.match(s)
    if m and not m.group("name"):
        el.name = None

    # clear also multiplicity if no characters in ``s``
    m = association_end_mult_pat.match(s)
    if m and not m.group("mult_u"):
        if el.upperValue:
            el.upperValue = None

    if m and m.group("mult_u") or m.group("tags"):
        g = m.group
        el.lowerValue = g("mult_l")
        el.upperValue = g("mult_u")
        m = association_end_name_pat.match(s)
        g = m.group
        if g("garbage"):
            el.name = s
            del el.visibility
            del el.isDerived
            _set_visibility(el, g("vis"))
            el.isDerived = g("derived") and True or False
            el.name = g("name")
            # Optionally, the multiplicity and tagged values may be defined:
            if g("mult_l"):
                el.lowerValue = g("mult_l")

            if g("mult_u"):
                if not g("mult_l"):
                    el.lowerValue = None
                el.upperValue = g("mult_u")
Example #2
def parse_attribute(el: uml.Property, s: str) -> None:
    Parse string s in the property. Tagged values, multiplicity and stuff
    like that is altered to reflect the data in the property string.
    m = attribute_pat.match(s)
    if not m or m.group("garbage"):
        el.name = s
        del el.visibility
        del el.isDerived
        if el.typeValue:
            el.typeValue = None
        if el.lowerValue:
            el.lowerValue = None
        if el.upperValue:
            el.upperValue = None
        if el.defaultValue:
            el.defaultValue = None
        g = m.group
        _set_visibility(el, g("vis"))
        el.isDerived = g("derived") and True or False
        el.name = g("name")
        el.typeValue = g("type")
        el.lowerValue = g("mult_l")
        el.upperValue = g("mult_u")
        el.defaultValue = g("default")