def grs_vect_selbyarea(osmdb, polyTbl, UPPER=True, apidb='SQLITE'): """ Select features with area upper than. A field with threshold is needed in the database. """ import datetime from import dissolve from import add_table from gasp.sds.osm2lulc import GEOM_AREA from gasp.sql.i import row_num as cnt_row from import dbtbl_to_shp as db_to_shp OPERATOR = ">" if UPPER else "<" DIRECTION = "upper" if UPPER else "lower" WHR = "{ga} {op} t_area_{r} and area_{r} IS NOT NULL".format(op=OPERATOR, r=DIRECTION, ga=GEOM_AREA) # Check if we have interest data time_a = N = cnt_row(osmdb, polyTbl, where=WHR, api='psql' if apidb == 'POSTGIS' else 'sqlite') time_b = if not N: return None, {0: ('count_rows', time_b - time_a)} # Data to GRASS GIS grsVect = db_to_shp(osmdb, polyTbl, "geometry", "area_{}".format(DIRECTION), where=WHR, inDB='psql' if apidb == 'POSTGIS' else 'sqlite', filterByReg=True, outShpIsGRASS=True) time_c = dissVect = dissolve(grsVect, "diss_area_{}".format(DIRECTION), "area_{}".format(DIRECTION), api="grass") add_table(dissVect, None, lyrN=1, asCMD=True) time_d = return dissVect, { 0: ('count_rows', time_b - time_a), 1: ('import', time_c - time_b), 2: ('dissolve', time_d - time_c) }
def grs_vect_bbuffer(osmdata, lineTbl, api_db='SQLITE'): """ Basic Buffer strategie """ import datetime from import _buffer from import dissolve from import add_table from gasp.sql.i import row_num as cnt_row from import dbtbl_to_shp as db_to_shp WHR = "basic_buffer IS NOT NULL" # Check if we have data time_a = N = cnt_row(osmdata, lineTbl, where=WHR, api='psql' if api_db == 'POSTGIS' else 'sqlite') time_b = if not N: return None, {0: ('count_rows_roads', time_b - time_a)} grsVect = db_to_shp(osmdata, lineTbl, "geometry", "bb_lnh", where=WHR, filterByReg=True, inDB='psql' if api_db == 'POSTGIS' else 'sqlite', outShpIsGRASS=True) time_c = grsBuf = _buffer(grsVect, "bf_basic_buffer", "bb_poly", api="grass", geom_type="line") time_d = grsDiss = dissolve(grsBuf, "bb_diss", "basic_buffer", api="grass") add_table(grsDiss, None, lyrN=1, asCMD=True) time_e = return grsDiss, { 0: ('count_rows', time_b - time_a), 1: ('import', time_c - time_b), 2: ('buffer', time_d - time_c), 3: ('dissolve', time_e - time_d) }
def rst_pnt_to_build(osmdb, pntTable, polyTable, api_db='SQLITE'): """ Replace buildings with tag yes using the info in the Points Layer Only used for URBAN ATLAS and CORINE LAND COVER """ import datetime as dt from gasp.sql.i import row_num as cnt_row from import q_to_obj from import dbtbl_to_shp as db_to_shp from gasp.gql.ovly import feat_within, feat_not_within from import shp_to_rst time_a = new_build = feat_within( osmdb, ("(SELECT buildings AS pnt_build, geometry AS pnt_geom " "FROM {} WHERE buildings IS NOT NULL)").format(pntTable), "pnt_geom", ("(SELECT buildings AS poly_build, geometry AS poly_geom " "FROM {} WHERE buildings IS NOT NULL)").format(polyTable), "poly_geom", "new_buildings", inTblCols="pnt_build AS cls", withinCols="poly_geom AS geometry", outTblIsFile=None, apiToUse="OGR_SPATIALITE" if api_db != "POSTGIS" else api_db, geom_col="geometry") time_b = yes_build = feat_not_within( osmdb, ("(SELECT buildings AS poly_build, geometry AS poly_geom " "FROM {} WHERE buildings IS NOT NULL)").format(polyTable), "poly_geom", ("(SELECT buildings AS pnt_build, geometry AS pnt_geom " "FROM {} WHERE buildings IS NOT NULL)").format(pntTable), "pnt_geom", "yes_builds", inTblCols="poly_geom AS geometry, 11 AS cls", outTblIsFile=None, apiToUse="OGR_SPATIALITE" if api_db != "POSTGIS" else api_db, geom_col="geometry") time_c = resLayers = {} N11 = cnt_row(osmdb, yes_build, api='psql' if api_db == 'POSTGIS' else 'sqlite') time_d = if N11: # Data to GRASS GIS grsBuild11 = db_to_shp( osmdb, yes_build, "geometry", "yes_builds", notTable=True, filterByReg=True, inDB='psql' if api_db == 'POSTGIS' else 'sqlite', outShpIsGRASS=True) time_f = # To raster rstBuild11 = shp_to_rst(grsBuild11, 11, None, None, "rst_builds11", api="grass") time_g = resLayers[11] = [rstBuild11] else: time_f = None time_g = None # Add data into GRASS GIS lulcCls = q_to_obj( osmdb, "SELECT cls FROM {} GROUP BY cls".format(new_build), db_api='psql' if api_db == 'POSTGIS' else 'sqlite').cls.tolist() timeGasto = { 0: ('intersect', time_b - time_a), 1: ('disjoint', time_c - time_b), 2: ('count_b11', time_d - time_c), 3: None if not time_f else ('import_b11', time_f - time_d), 4: None if not time_g else ('torst_b11', time_g - time_f), } tk = 5 for cls in lulcCls: time_x = shp = db_to_shp(osmdb, new_build, "geometry", "nbuild_{}".format(str(cls)), "cls = {}".format(cls), notTable=True, filterByReg=True, outShpIsGRASS=True) time_y = rstb = shp_to_rst(shp, int(cls), None, None, "rst_nbuild_{}".format(str(cls)), api="grass") time_z = if int(cls) == 11 and int(cls) in resLayers: resLayers[int(cls)].append(rstb) else: resLayers[int(cls)] = [rstb] timeGasto[tk] = ('import_bn{}'.format(cls), time_y - time_x) timeGasto[tk + 1] = ('torst_bn{}'.format(cls), time_z - time_y) tk += 2 return resLayers, timeGasto
def vector_assign_pntags_to_build(osmdb, pntTable, polyTable, apidb='SQLITE'): """ Replace buildings with tag yes using the info in the Points Layer Only used for URBAN ATLAS and CORINE LAND COVER """ import datetime as dt from gasp.sql.i import row_num as cnt_row from import dbtbl_to_shp as db_to_shp from gasp.gql.ovly import feat_within, feat_not_within from import dissolve from import add_table time_a = new_build = feat_within( osmdb, ("(SELECT buildings AS pnt_build, geometry AS pnt_geom " "FROM {} WHERE buildings IS NOT NULL)").format(pntTable), "pnt_geom", ("(SELECT buildings AS poly_build, geometry AS poly_geom " "FROM {} WHERE buildings IS NOT NULL)").format(polyTable), "poly_geom", "new_buildings", inTblCols="pnt_build AS cls", withinCols="poly_geom AS geometry", outTblIsFile=None, apiToUse="OGR_SPATIALITE" if apidb != "POSTGIS" else apidb, geom_col="geometry") time_b = yes_build = feat_not_within( osmdb, ("(SELECT buildings AS poly_build, geometry AS poly_geom " "FROM {} WHERE buildings IS NOT NULL)").format(polyTable), "poly_geom", ("(SELECT buildings AS pnt_build, geometry AS pnt_geom " "FROM {} WHERE buildings IS NOT NULL)").format(pntTable), "pnt_geom", "yes_builds", inTblCols="poly_geom AS geometry, 11 AS cls", outTblIsFile=None, apiToUse="OGR_SPATIALITE" if apidb != "POSTGIS" else apidb, geom_col="geometry") time_c = N12 = cnt_row(osmdb, new_build, api='psql' if apidb == 'POSTGIS' else 'sqlite') time_d = N11 = cnt_row(osmdb, yes_build, api='psql' if apidb == 'POSTGIS' else 'sqlite') time_e = if N11: # Add data into grasss grsBuild11 = db_to_shp(osmdb, yes_build, "geometry", "yes_builds", filterByReg=True, inDB='psql' if apidb == 'POSTGIS' else 'sqlite', outShpIsGRASS=True) time_f = # Dissolve dissVect = dissolve(grsBuild11, "dss_{}".format(grsBuild11), 'cls', api="grass") add_table(dissVect, None, lyrN=1, asCMD=True) time_g = else: dissVect = None time_f = None time_g = None if N12: # Add data into GRASS GIS grsBuild12 = db_to_shp(osmdb, new_build, "geometry", "pnt_build", filterByReg=True, inDB='psql' if apidb == 'POSTGIS' else 'sqlite', outShpIsGRASS=True) time_h = # Dissolve dissVect12 = dissolve(grsBuild12, "dss_{}".format(grsBuild12), 'cls', api="grass") add_table(dissVect12, None, lyrN=1, asCMD=True) time_i = else: dissVect12 = None time_h = None time_i = None return dissVect, dissVect12, { 0: ('intersect', time_b - time_a), 1: ('disjoint', time_c - time_b), 2: ('count_b12', time_d - time_c), 3: ('count_b11', time_e - time_d), 4: None if not time_f else ('import_b11', time_f - time_e), 5: None if not time_g else ('dissolve_b11', time_g - time_f), 6: None if not time_h else ('import_b12', time_h - time_g if time_g else time_h - time_e), 7: None if not time_i else ('dissolve_b12', time_i - time_h) }
def roads_sqdb(osmdb, lnhTbl, plTbl, apidb='SQLITE', asRst=None): """ Raods procedings using SQLITE """ import datetime from gasp.sql.i import row_num as cnt_rows from import dbtbl_to_shp as db_to_shp if apidb=='SQLITE': from gasp.gql.prox import splite_buffer as st_buffer else: from gasp.gql.prox import st_buffer time_a = NR = cnt_rows(osmdb, lnhTbl, where="roads IS NOT NULL", api='psql' if apidb == 'POSTGIS' else 'sqlite' ) time_b = if not NR: return None, {0 : ('count_rows_roads', time_b - time_a)} NB = cnt_rows(osmdb, plTbl, where="building IS NOT NULL", api='psql' if apidb == 'POSTGIS' else 'sqlite' ) time_c = if NB: from gasp.sql.q import exec_write_q from gasp.gql.prox import st_near ROADS_Q = "(SELECT{} roads, bf_roads, geometry FROM {} WHERE roads IS NOT NULL)".format( "" if apidb == 'SQLITE' else " gid,", lnhTbl) if apidb == 'SQLITE': nroads = st_near( osmdb, ROADS_Q, "geometry", plTbl, "geometry", "near_roads", whrNear="building IS NOT NULL", api='splite', near_col='dist_near' ) time_d = # Update buffer distance field exec_write_q(osmdb, [( "UPDATE near_roads SET bf_roads = CAST(round(dist_near, 0) AS integer) " "WHERE dist_near >= 1 AND dist_near <= 12" ), ( "UPDATE near_roads SET bf_roads = 1 WHERE dist_near >= 0 AND " "dist_near < 1" )], api='sqlite') time_e = else: nroads = st_near( osmdb, ROADS_Q, 'geometry', "(SELECT * FROM {} WHERE building IS NOT NULL)".format(plTbl), "geometry", "near_roads", intbl_pk="gid", until_dist="12", near_col="dist_near" ) time_d = exec_write_q(osmdb, [( "UPDATE near_roads SET " "bf_roads = CAST(round(CAST(dist_near AS numeric), 0) AS integer) " "WHERE dist_near >= 1 AND dist_near <= 12" ), ( "UPDATE near_roads SET bf_roads = 1 WHERE dist_near >= 0 AND " "dist_near < 1" ), ( "CREATE INDEX near_dist_idx ON near_roads USING gist (geometry)" )], api='psql') time_e = else: nroads = ( "(SELECT roads, bf_roads, geometry " "FROM {} WHERE roads IS NOT NULL) AS foo" ).format(lnhTbl) time_d = None; time_e = None # Execute Buffer bfTbl = st_buffer( osmdb, nroads, "bf_roads", "geometry", "bf_roads", cols_select="roads", outTblIsFile=None, dissolve="ALL" ) time_f = # Send data to GRASS GIS roadsGrs = db_to_shp( osmdb, bfTbl, "geometry", "froads", notTable=None, filterByReg=True, inDB="psql" if apidb == 'POSTGIS' else 'sqlite', outShpIsGRASS=True ) time_g = if asRst: from import shp_to_rst roadsGrs = shp_to_rst( roadsGrs, int(asRst), None, None, "rst_roads", api="grass" ) time_h = else: time_h = None return roadsGrs, { 0 : ('count_rows_roads', time_b - time_a), 1 : ('count_rows_build', time_c - time_b), 2 : None if not time_d else ('near_analysis', time_d - time_c), 3 : None if not time_e else ('update_buffer_tbl', time_e - time_d), 4 : ('buffer_roads', time_f - time_e if time_e else time_f - time_c), 5 : ('import_roads', time_g - time_f), 6 : None if not time_h else ('roads_to_raster', time_h - time_g) }