def dic_buffer_array_to_shp(arrayBf, outShp, epsg, fields=None): """ Array with dict with buffer proprieties to Feature Class """ import os from osgeo import ogr from gasp.prop.ff import drv_name from gasp.prop.prj import get_sref_from_epsg # Get SRS for output srs = get_sref_from_epsg(epsg) # Create output DataSource and Layer outData = ogr.GetDriverByName(drv_name(outShp)).CreateDataSource(outShp) lyr = outData.CreateLayer(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(outShp))[0], srs, geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon) # Create fields if fields: from gasp.mng.fld import add_fields add_fields(lyr, fields) lyrDefn = lyr.GetLayerDefn() for _buffer in arrayBf: newFeat = ogr.Feature(lyrDefn) geom = coord_to_buffer(_buffer["X"], _buffer["Y"], _buffer["RADIUS"]) newFeat.SetGeometry(geom) for field in fields: if field in _buffer.keys(): newFeat.SetField(field, _buffer[field]) lyr.CreateFeature(newFeat) newFeat.Destroy() del lyrDefn outData.Destroy() return outShp
def polylines_from_points(points, polylines, POLYLINE_COLUMN, ORDER_FIELD=None, epsg=None): """ Create a Polyline Table from a Point Table A given Point Table: FID | POLYLINE_ID | ORDER_FIELD 0 | P1 | 1 1 | P1 | 2 2 | P1 | 3 3 | P1 | 4 4 | P2 | 1 5 | P2 | 2 6 | P2 | 3 7 | P2 | 4 Will be converted into a new Polyline Table: FID | POLYLINE_ID 0 | P1 1 | P2 In the Point Table, the POLYLINE_ID field identifies the Polyline of that point, the ORDER FIELD specifies the position (first point, second point, etc.) of the point in the polyline. If no ORDER field is specified, the points will be assigned to polylines by reading order. """ import os from osgeo import ogr from gasp.prop.ff import drv_name from gasp.mng.prj import ogr_def_proj from gasp.mng.fld import ogr_list_fields_defn from gasp.mng.fld import add_fields # TODO: check if geometry is correct # List all points pntSrc = ogr.GetDriverByName(drv_name(points)).Open(points) pntLyr = pntSrc.GetLayer() lPnt = {} cnt = 0 for feat in pntLyr: # Get Point Geom geom = feat.GetGeometryRef() # Polyline identification polyline = feat.GetField(POLYLINE_COLUMN) # Get position in the polyline order = feat.GetField(ORDER_FIELD) if ORDER_FIELD else cnt # Store data if polyline not in lPnt.keys(): lPnt[polyline] = {order: (geom.GetX(), geom.GetY())} else: lPnt[polyline][order] = (geom.GetX(), geom.GetY()) cnt += 1 # Write output lineSrc = ogr.GetDriverByName( drv_name(polylines)).CreateDataSource(polylines) if not epsg: from gasp.prop.prj import get_shp_sref srs = get_shp_sref(points) else: from gasp.prop.prj import get_sref_from_epsg srs = get_sref_from_epsg(epsg) lineLyr = lineSrc.CreateLayer(os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(polylines))[0], srs, geom_type=ogr.wkbLineString) # Create polyline id field fields_types = ogr_list_fields_defn(pntLyr) add_fields(lineLyr, {POLYLINE_COLUMN: fields_types[POLYLINE_COLUMN].keys()[0]}) polLnhDefns = lineLyr.GetLayerDefn() # Write lines for polyline in lPnt: new_feature = ogr.Feature(polLnhDefns) lnh = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLineString) pnt_order = lPnt[polyline].keys() pnt_order.sort() for p in pnt_order: lnh.AddPoint(lPnt[polyline][p][0], lPnt[polyline][p][1]) new_feature.SetField(POLYLINE_COLUMN, polyline) new_feature.SetGeometry(lnh) lineLyr.CreateFeature(new_feature) new_feature = None pntSrc.Destroy() lineSrc.Destroy() return polylines
def gdl_mean_time_wByPop(unities, unities_groups, population_field, destinations, output, workspace=None, unities_epsg=4326, destinations_epsg=4326): """ Tempo medio ponderado pela populacao residente a infra-estrutura mais proxima # TODO: Migrate to Pandas """ import os from osgeo import ogr from gasp.prop.ff import drv_name from import points_to_list from gasp.mng.feat import feat_to_pnt from gasp.mng.prj import project_geom from gasp.mng.fld import add_fields from gasp.mng.genze import dissolve from import get_time_pnt_destinations workspace = workspace if workspace else \ os.path.dirname(output) # Unities to centroid pnt_unities = feat_to_pnt( unities, os.path.join(workspace, 'pnt_' + os.path.basename(unities))) # List destinations lst_destinies = points_to_list(destinations, listVal="dict", inEpsg=destinations_epsg, outEpsg=4326) # Calculate indicator polyUnit = ogr.GetDriverByName(drv_name(unities)).Open(unities, 1) polyLyr = polyUnit.GetLayer() polyLyr = add_fields(polyLyr, {'meantime': ogr.OFTReal}) pntUnit = ogr.GetDriverByName(drv_name(pnt_unities)).Open(pnt_unities, 0) pntLyr = pntUnit.GetLayer() polyFeat = polyLyr.GetNextFeature() distUnities = {} groups = {} for pntFeat in pntLyr: geom = pntFeat.GetGeometryRef() if unities_epsg == 4326: originGeom = geom else: originGeom = project_geom(geom, unities_epsg, 4326, api='ogr') _id, duration, distance = get_time_pnt_destinations( originGeom, lst_destinies) __min = duration['value'] / 60.0 pop = polyFeat.GetField(population_field) group = polyFeat.GetField(unities_groups) distUnities[polyFeat.GetFID()] = (__min, __min * pop) if group not in groups: groups[group] = __min * pop else: groups[group] += __min * pop polyFeat = polyLyr.GetNextFeature() del polyLyr polyUnit.Destroy() polyUnit = ogr.GetDriverByName(drv_name(unities)).Open(unities, 1) polyLyr = polyUnit.GetLayer() for feat in polyLyr: unitId = feat.GetFID() groupId = feat.GetField(unities_groups) indicator = (distUnities[unitId][1] / groups[groupId]) * distUnities[unitId][0] feat.SetField('meantime', indicator) polyLyr.SetFeature(feat) del polyLyr, pntLyr polyUnit.Destroy() pntUnit.Destroy() dissolve(unities, output, unities_groups, statistics={'meantime': 'SUM'}, api='ogr')