def matrix_od_mean_dist_by_group(MATRIX_OD, ORIGIN_COL, GROUP_ORIGIN_ID, GROUP_ORIGIN_NAME, GROUP_DESTINA_ID, GROUP_DESTINA_NAME, TIME_COL, epsg, db, RESULT_MATRIX): """ Calculate Mean GROUP distance from OD Matrix OD MATRIX EXAMPLE | origin_entity | origin_group | destina_entity | destina_group | distance | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | XXX | XXX OUTPUT EXAMPLE | origin_group | destina_group | mean_distance | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX """ import os from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop from import shp_to_psql from gasp.sql.db import create_db from import q_to_ntbl from import db_to_tbl db = create_db(fprop(MATRIX_OD, 'fn'), overwrite=True, api='psql') TABLE = shp_to_psql(db, MATRIX_OD, pgTable="tbl_{}".format(db), api="pandas", srsEpsgCode=epsg) OUT_TABLE = q_to_ntbl( db, fprop(RESULT_MATRIX, 'fn'), ("SELECT {groupOriginCod}, {groupOriginName}, {groupDestCod}, " "{groupDestName}, AVG(mean_time) AS mean_time FROM (" "SELECT {origin}, {groupOriginCod}, {groupOriginName}, " "{groupDestCod}, {groupDestName}, " "AVG({timeCol}) AS mean_time FROM {t} " "GROUP BY {origin}, {groupOriginCod}, {groupOriginName}, " "{groupDestCod}, {groupDestName}" ") AS foo " "GROUP BY {groupOriginCod}, {groupOriginName}, " "{groupDestCod}, {groupDestName} " "ORDER BY {groupOriginCod}, {groupDestCod}").format( groupOriginCod=GROUP_ORIGIN_ID, groupOriginName=GROUP_ORIGIN_NAME, groupDestCod=GROUP_DESTINA_ID, groupDestName=GROUP_DESTINA_NAME, origin=ORIGIN_COL, timeCol=TIME_COL, t=TABLE), api='psql') return db_to_tbl(db, "SELECT * FROM {}".format(OUT_TABLE), RESULT_MATRIX, sheetsNames="matrix", dbAPI='psql')
def break_lines_on_points(lineShp, pntShp, outShp, lnhidonpnt, api='shply', db=None): """ Break lines on points location api's available: - shply (shapely); - psql (postgis); """ if api == 'shply': result = shply_break_lines_on_points( lineShp, pntShp, lnhidonpnt, outShp) elif api == 'psql': from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop from gasp.sql.db import create_db from import shp_to_psql from import dbtbl_to_shp from gasp.gql.brk import split_lines_on_pnt # Create DB if not db: db = create_db(fprop(lineShp, 'fn', forceLower=True), api='psql') else: from gasp.sql.i import db_exists isDb = db_exists(db) if not isDb: db = create_db(db, api='psql') # Send Data to BD lnhTbl = shp_to_psql(db, lineShp, api="shp2pgsql") pntTbl = shp_to_psql(db, pntShp, api="shp2pgsql") # Get result outTbl = split_lines_on_pnt( db, lnhTbl, pntTbl, fprop(outShp, 'fn', forceLower=True), lnhidonpnt, 'gid' ) # Export result result = dbtbl_to_shp( db, outTbl, "geom", outShp, inDB='psql', tableIsQuery=None, api="pgsql2shp" ) else: raise ValueError( "API {} is not available".format(api) ) return result
def viewshed(demrst, obsShp, output): """ This tool computes a visibility analysis using observer points from a point shapefile. """ import os from gasp import exec_cmd from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop from import saga_to_tif SAGA_RASTER = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(output), "sg_{}.sgrd".format(fprop(output, 'fn'))) cmd = ("saga_cmd ta_lighting 6 -ELEVATION {elv} -POINTS {pnt} " "-VISIBILITY {out} -METHOD 0").format(elv=demrst, pnt=obsShp, out=SAGA_RASTER) outcmd = exec_cmd(cmd) # Convert to Tiif saga_to_tif(SAGA_RASTER, output) return output
def kernel_density(pnt_feat, popField, radius, template, outRst): """ Kernel density estimation. If any point is currently in selection only selected points are taken into account. """ import os from import saga_to_tif from import rst_ext, get_cellsize from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop left, right, bottom, top = rst_ext(template) cellsize = get_cellsize(template) SAGA_RASTER = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outRst), 'saga_{}.sgrd'.format(fprop(outRst, 'fn'))) cmd = ("saga_cmd grid_gridding 6 -POINTS {} -POPULATION {} " "-RADIUS {} -TARGET_DEFINITION 0 -TARGET_USER_SIZE {} " "-TARGET_USER_XMIN {} -TARGET_USER_XMAX {} " "-TARGET_USER_YMIN {} -TARGET_USER_YMAX {} " "-TARGET_OUT_GRID {}").format(pnt_feat, popField, str(radius), str(abs(cellsize)), str(left), str(right), str(bottom), str(top), SAGA_RASTER) outcmd = exec_cmd(cmd) # Convert to tiff saga_to_tif(SAGA_RASTER, outRst) return outRst
def mdl_to_kml(mdl, outKml, filter=None): """ Query a database table and convert it to a KML File """ import json import os from django.http import HttpResponse from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop from gasp.web.djg.mdl.serial import mdl_serialize_to_json from import shp_to_shp # Write data in JSON JSON_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outKml), fprop(outKml, 'fn') + '.json') mdl_serialize_to_json(mdl, 'geojson', JSON_FILE, filterQ=filter) # Convert JSON into KML shp_to_shp(JSON_FILE, outKml, gisApi='ogr') # Create a valid DOWNLOAD RESPONSE with open(outKml, 'rb') as f: response = HttpResponse( response['content_type'] = 'text/xml' response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment;filename={}'.format( os.path.basename(outKml)) return response
def foldershp_to_foldershp(inFld, outFld, destiny_file_format, file_format='.shp', useApi='ogr'): """ Execute shp_to_shp for every file in inFld (path to folder) useApi options: * ogr; """ import os from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff, fprop if not os.path.exists(outFld): from gasp.pyt.oss import mkdir mkdir(outFld) geo_files = lst_ff(inFld, file_format=file_format) for f in geo_files: shp_to_shp(f, os.path.join(outFld, '{}.{}'.format( fprop(f, 'fn'), destiny_file_format if \ destiny_file_format[0] == '.' else '.' + destiny_file_format )), gisApi=useApi) return outFld
def txts_to_db(folder, db, delimiter, __encoding='utf-8', apidb='psql', rewrite=None): """ Executes tbl_to_db for every file in a given folder The file name will be the table name """ from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff, fprop from gasp.sql.i import db_exists if not db_exists(db): # Create database from gasp.sql.db import create_db create_db(db, api=apidb, overwrite=None) else: if rewrite: from gasp.sql.db import create_db create_db(db, api=db, overwrite=True) __files = lst_ff(folder, file_format=['.txt', '.csv', '.tsv']) """ Send data to DB using Pandas """ for __file in __files: tbl_to_db( __file, db, fprop(__file, 'fn'), delimiter=delimiter, encoding_=__encoding, api_db=apidb )
def split_shp_by_attr(inShp, attr, outDir, _format='.shp'): """ Create a new shapefile for each value in a column """ import os from import shp_to_obj from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop from gasp.pyt.df.fld import col_distinct from import df_to_shp # Sanitize format FFF = _format if _format[0] == '.' else '.' + _format # SHP TO DF dataDf = shp_to_obj(inShp) # Get values in attr uniqueAttr = col_distinct(dataDf, attr) # Export Features with the same value in attr to a new File BASENAME = fprop(inShp, 'fn', forceLower=True) SHPS_RESULT = {} i = 1 for val in uniqueAttr: df = dataDf[dataDf[attr] == val] newShp = df_to_shp( df, os.path.join(outDir, "{}_{}{}".format(BASENAME, str(i), FFF))) SHPS_RESULT[val] = newShp i += 1 return SHPS_RESULT
def pnts_to_boundary(pntShp, outBound, distMeters): """ Create a boundary from Point using a tolerance in meters """ from osgeo import ogr from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop from import drv_name from import new_pnt from import get_shp_sref SRS = get_shp_sref(pntShp) shp = ogr.GetDriverByName(drv_name(pntShp)).Open(pntShp) lyr = shp.GetLayer() outShp = ogr.GetDriverByName(drv_name(outBound)).CreateDataSource(outBound) outLyr = outShp.CreateLayer( fprop(outBound, 'fn', forceLower=True), SRS, geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon ) outDefn = outLyr.GetLayerDefn() for feat in lyr: __feat = ogr.Feature(outDefn) ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) geom = feat.GetGeometryRef() X, Y = geom.GetX(), geom.GetY() boundary_points = [ new_pnt(X - distMeters, Y + distMeters), # Topleft new_pnt(X + distMeters, Y + distMeters), # TopRight new_pnt(X + distMeters, Y - distMeters), # Lower Right new_pnt(X - distMeters, Y - distMeters), # Lower Left new_pnt(X - distMeters, Y + distMeters) ] for pnt in boundary_points: ring.AddPoint(pnt.GetX(), pnt.GetY()) polygon = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) polygon.AddGeometry(ring) __feat.SetGeometry(polygon) outLyr.CreateFeature(__feat) feat.Destroy() __feat = None ring = None polygon = None shp.Destroy() outShp.Destroy() return outBound
def clip_and_union(la, lb, cell, work, proc, output): ref_rst = shpext_to_rst(cell, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(cell), fprop(cell, 'fn') + '.tif'), cellsize=10) # Start GRASS GIS Session loc = "proc_" + str(proc) grsbase = run_grass(work, location=loc, srs=ref_rst) import grass.script.setup as gsetup gsetup.init(grsbase, work, loc, 'PERMANENT') # Import GRASS GIS modules from import shp_to_grs, grs_to_shp from import feat_count # Add data to GRASS a = shp_to_grs(la, fprop(la, 'fn'), filterByReg=True, asCMD=True) b = shp_to_grs(lb, fprop(lb, 'fn'), filterByReg=True, asCMD=True) if not feat_count(a, gisApi="grass", work=work, loc=loc): return if not feat_count(b, gisApi="grass", work=work, loc=loc): return # Clip a_clip = clip(a, None, "{}_clip".format(a), api_gis="grass", clip_by_region=True) b_clip = clip(b, None, "{}_clip".format(b), api_gis="grass", clip_by_region=True) # Union u_shp = union(a_clip, b_clip, "un_{}".format(fprop(cell, 'fn')), api_gis="grass") # Export o = grs_to_shp(u_shp, output, "area")
def thrd_lulc_by_cell(thrd_id, df_fishnet, l_lulc, result): # Create folder for this thread t_folder = mkdir(os.path.join(result, 'thrd_' + str(thrd_id))) # For each fishnet, do the job for idx, row in df_fishnet.iterrows(): rf = mkdir(os.path.join(result, fprop(row.fishnet, 'fn'))) lulc_by_cell(int(idx), row.bound, l_lulc, row.fishnet, rf, t_folder)
def rsts_to_gpkg(in_rsts, gpkg, rst_ff='.tif', basename=None): """ Raster Files to GeoPackage """ import os import numpy as np from gasp import exec_cmd from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop from import rst_dtype if type(in_rsts) == list: rsts = in_rsts elif os.path.isdir(in_rsts): from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff rsts = lst_ff(in_rsts, file_format='.tif' if not rst_ff else rst_ff) else: rsts = [in_rsts] new_cmd = "gdal_translate -of GPKG {} {} -CO RASTER_TABLE={}{}" upd_cmd = ("gdal_translate -of GPKG {} {} -co APPEND_SUBDATASET=YES -CO " "RASTER_TABLE={}{}") for r in range(len(rsts)): rst_type = rst_dtype(rsts[r]) tname = fprop(rsts[r], 'fn') if not basename else \ "{}_{}".format(basename, fprop(rsts[r], 'fn').split('_')[-1]) if not r and not os.path.exists(gpkg): rcmd = exec_cmd( new_cmd.format( rsts[r], gpkg, tname, " -ot Float32" if rst_type == np.float64 else "")) else: rcmd = exec_cmd( upd_cmd.format( rsts[r], gpkg, tname, " -ot Float32" if rst_type == np.float64 else "")) return gpkg
def sel_by_loc(shp, boundary_filter, filtered_output): """ Filter a shp using the location of a boundary_filter shp For now the boundary must have only one feature Writes the filter on a new shp """ import os from osgeo import ogr from import drv_name from import get_gtype from gasp.g.lyr.fld import copy_flds from import copy_feat from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop # Open main data dtSrc = ogr.GetDriverByName(drv_name(shp)).Open(shp, 0) lyr = dtSrc.GetLayer() # Get filter geom filter_shp = ogr.GetDriverByName(drv_name(boundary_filter)).Open( boundary_filter, 0) filter_lyr = filter_shp.GetLayer() c = 0 for f in filter_lyr: if c: break geom = f.GetGeometryRef() c += 1 filter_shp.Destroy() # Apply filter lyr.SetSpatialFilter(geom) # Copy filter objects to a new shape out = ogr.GetDriverByName( drv_name(filtered_output)).CreateDataSource(filtered_output) outLyr = out.CreateLayer(fprop(filtered_output, 'fn'), geom_type=get_gtype(shp, gisApi='ogr', name=None, py_cls=True)) # Copy fields copy_flds(lyr, outLyr) copy_feat(lyr, outLyr, outDefn=outLyr.GetLayerDefn(), only_geom=False, gisApi='ogrlyr')
def osm_to_featcls(xmlOsm, output, fileFormat='.shp', useXmlName=None, outepsg=4326): """ OSM to ESRI Shapefile """ import os from import sel_by_attr from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop, del_file # Convert xml to sqliteDB gpkg = osm_to_gpkg(xmlOsm, os.path.join(output, fprop(xmlOsm, 'fn') + '.gpkg')) # sqliteDB to Feature Class TABLES = { 'points': 'pnt', 'lines': 'lnh', 'multilinestrings': 'mlnh', 'multipolygons': 'poly' } for T in TABLES: sel_by_attr( gpkg, "SELECT * FROM {}".format(T), os.path.join( output, "{}{}{}".format( "" if not useXmlName else fprop(xmlOsm, 'fn') + "_", TABLES[T], fileFormat if fileFormat[0] == '.' else "." + fileFormat)), api_gis='ogr', oEPSG=None if outepsg == 4326 else outepsg, iEPSG=4326) # Del temp DB del_file(gpkg) return output
def clip(inFeat, clipFeat, outFeat, api_gis="grass", clip_by_region=None): """ Clip Analysis api_gis Options: * grass * pygrass * ogr2ogr """ if api_gis == "pygrass": from grass.pygrass.modules import Module if not clip_by_region: vclip = Module("v.clip", input=inFeat, clip=clipFeat, output=outFeat, overwrite=True, run_=False, quiet=True) else: vclip = Module("v.clip", input=inFeat, output=outFeat, overwrite=True, flags='r', run_=False, quiet=True) vclip() elif api_gis == "grass": from gasp import exec_cmd rcmd = exec_cmd( "v.clip input={}{} output={} {}--overwrite --quiet".format( inFeat, " clip={}".format(clipFeat) if clipFeat else "", outFeat, "-r " if not clipFeat else "")) elif api_gis == 'ogr2ogr': from gasp import exec_cmd from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop from import drv_name rcmd = exec_cmd( ("ogr2ogr -f \"{}\" {} {} -clipsrc {} -clipsrclayer {}").format( drv_name(outFeat), outFeat, inFeat, clipFeat, fprop(clipFeat, 'fn'))) else: raise ValueError("{} is not available!".format(api_gis)) return outFeat
def check_isShp(_file): from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop lst = vector_formats() file_ext = fprop(_file, 'ff') if file_ext not in lst: return None else: return True
def check_isRaster(_file): from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop rst_lst = raster_formats() file_ext = fprop(_file, 'ff') if file_ext not in rst_lst: return None else: return True
def multi_run(ti, df, ofolder): loc_name = 'loc_{}'.format(str(ti)) grsbase = run_grass(ofolder, location=loc_name, srs=srs_epsg) import grass.script.setup as gsetup gsetup.init(grsbase, ofolder, loc_name, 'PERMANENT') from import shp_to_grs, grs_to_shp from import union for idx, row in df.iterrows(): # Import data into GRASS GIS lyr_a = shp_to_grs(df.shp_a, fprop(df.shp_a, 'fn'), asCMD=True) lyr_b = shp_to_grs(df.shp_b, fprop(df.shp_b, 'fn'), asCMD=True) # Run Union shpUnion = union(lyr_a, lyr_b, lyr_a[:10] + '_' + lyr_b[:10], api_gis="grass") # Export data result = grs_to_shp(shpUnion, os.path.join(ofolder, shpUnion + '.shp'), "area")
def line_intersect_to_pnt(inShp, outShp, db=None): """ Get Points where two line features of the same feature class intersects. """ from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop from import dbtbl_to_shp from gasp.sql.db import create_db from import shp_to_psql from gasp.gql.ovly import line_intersection_pnt # Create DB if necessary if not db: db = create_db(fprop(inShp, 'fn', forceLower=True), api='psql') else: from gasp.sql.i import db_exists isDb = db_exists(db) if not isDb: create_db(db, api='psql') # Send data to DB inTbl = shp_to_psql(db, inShp, api="shp2pgsql") # Get result outTbl = line_intersection_pnt(db, inTbl, fprop(outShp, 'fn', forceLower=True)) # Export data from DB outShp = dbtbl_to_shp(db, outTbl, "geom", outShp, inDB='psql', tableIsQuery=None, api="pgsql2shp") return outShp
def field_sum_by_table_folder(folderOne, joinFieldOne, folderTwo, joinFieldTwo, sum_field, outFolder): import os from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff, fprop tablesOne = lst_ff(folderOne, file_format=['.xls', '.xlsx']) tablesTwo = lst_ff(folderTwo, file_format=['.xls', '.xlsx']) for table in tablesOne: table_name = fprop(table, 'fn') for __table in tablesTwo: __table_name = fprop(__table, 'fn') if table_name == __table_name: field_sum_two_tables( table, __table, joinFieldOne, joinFieldTwo, sum_field, os.path.join(outFolder, os.path.basename(table))) break
def priority_rule(osmshps, priorities, gis_software, db=None): """ Priority rule in Arcgis """ import copy import os if gis_software != 'psql': from import erase else: from gasp.gql.ovly import pg_erase from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop osmNameRef = copy.deepcopy(osmshps) for e in range(len(priorities)): if e + 1 == len(priorities): break if priorities[e] not in osmshps: continue else: for i in range(e + 1, len(priorities)): if priorities[i] not in osmshps: continue else: if gis_software == 'arcpy': tmpOut = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(osmshps[priorities[i]]), "{}_{}.shp".format( fprop(osmNameRef[priorities[i]], 'fn'), e)) else: tmpOut = "{}_{}".format(osmNameRef[priorities[i]], e) if gis_software == 'psql': osmshps[priorities[i]] = pg_erase( db, osmshps[priorities[i]], osmshps[priorities[e]], 'geom', 'geom', tmpOut) else: osmshps[priorities[i]] = erase(osmshps[priorities[i]], osmshps[priorities[e]], tmpOut, api=gis_software) return osmshps
def shpext_to_boundshp(inShp, outShp, epsg=None): """ Read one feature class extent and create a boundary with that extent The outFile could be a Feature Class or one Raster Dataset """ import os from osgeo import ogr from import drv_name from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop from import new_pnt from import shpext_to_boundary # Get SRS for the output if not epsg: from import get_shp_sref srs = get_shp_sref(inShp) else: from import get_sref_from_epsg srs= get_sref_from_epsg(epsg) # Write new file shp = ogr.GetDriverByName( drv_name(outShp)).CreateDataSource(outShp) lyr = shp.CreateLayer( fprop(outShp, 'fn', forceLower=True), srs, geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon ) outDefn = lyr.GetLayerDefn() feat = ogr.Feature(outDefn) polygon = shpext_to_boundary(inShp) feat.SetGeometry(polygon) lyr.CreateFeature(feat) feat.Destroy() shp.Destroy() return outShp
def saga_to_tif(inFile, outFile): """ SAGA GIS format to GeoTIFF """ from gasp import exec_cmd from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop # Check if outFile is a GeoTiff if fprop(outFile, 'ff') != '.tif': raise ValueError('Outfile should have GeoTiff format') cmd = ("saga_cmd io_gdal 2 -GRIDS {} " "-FILE {}").format(inFile, outFile) outcmd = exec_cmd(cmd) return outFile
def rstcalc(expression, output, api='saga', grids=None): """ Basic Raster Calculator """ if api == 'saga': # Using SAGA GIS import os from gasp import exec_cmd from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop from import saga_to_tif SAGA_RASTER = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(output), "sag_{}.sgrd".format(fprop(output, 'fn'))) cmd = ("saga_cmd grid_calculus 1 -FORMULA \"{}\" -GRIDS \"{}\" " "-RESULT {} -RESAMPLING 0").format(expression, ";".join(grids), SAGA_RASTER) outcmd = exec_cmd(cmd) # Convert to tiff saga_to_tif(SAGA_RASTER, output) elif api == 'pygrass': from grass.pygrass.modules import Module rc = Module('r.mapcalc', '{} = {}'.format(output, expression), overwrite=True, run_=False, quiet=True) rc() elif api == 'grass': from gasp import exec_cmd rcmd = exec_cmd(("r.mapcalc \"{} = {}\" --overwrite --quiet").format( output, expression)) else: raise ValueError("{} is not available!".format(api)) return output
def sheets_into_file(xlsFolder, outXls, intSheets): """ For each xls file in one folder, pick one interest sheet and save all sheets in a single file """ from gasp.pyt import obj_to_lst from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff, fprop from gasp.pyt.xls.sheet import copy_sheet_to_file xls_s = lst_ff(xlsFolder, file_format=['.xls', '.xlsx']) for xlsPath in xls_s: copy_sheet_to_file(xlsPath, outXls, intSheets, {intSheets: fprop(xlsPath, 'fn', forceLower=True)}) return outXls
def cols_name(ff, sheetName=None, sheetIdx=None): """ Get Columns Name in File, regardeless the type of file """ from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop fFormat = fprop(ff, 'ff') if fFormat == '.xlsx' or fFormat == '.xls': from gasp.pyt.xls.fld import col_name cols = col_name(ff, sheet_name=sheetName, sheet_index=sheetIdx) else: raise ValueError( 'File format is not valid!' ) return cols
def grs_to_rst(grsRst, rst, as_cmd=None, allBands=None): """ GRASS Raster to Raster """ from import grs_rst_drv from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop rstDrv = grs_rst_drv() rstExt = fprop(rst, 'ff') if not as_cmd: from grass.pygrass.modules import Module m = Module( "r.out.gdal", input=grsRst, output=rst, format=rstDrv[rstExt], flags='c' if not allBands else '', createopt="INTERLEAVE=PIXEL,TFW=YES" if allBands else 'TFW=YES', overwrite=True, run_=False, quiet=True) m() else: from gasp import exec_cmd rcmd = exec_cmd(( "r.out.gdal input={} output={} format={} " "{} -c --overwrite --quiet" ).format( grsRst, rst, rstDrv[rstExt], "createopt=\"TFW=YES\"" if not allBands else \ "createopt=\"INTERLEAVE=PIXEL,TFW=YES\"" )) return rst
def shp_to_store(shape, store_name, workspace): """ Create a new datastore """ import os import requests from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff, fprop from gasp.cons.gsrv import con_gsrv conf = con_gsrv() url = ('{pro}://{host}:{port}/geoserver/rest/workspaces/{work}/datastores/' '{store}/file.shp').format(host=conf['HOST'], port=conf['PORT'], work=workspace, store=store_name, pro=conf['PROTOCOL']) shpp = fprop(shape, ['fn', 'ff']) fn, ff = shpp['filename'], shpp['fileformat'] if ff != '.zip': from gasp.pyt.ff.zzip import zip_files shp_fld = os.path.dirname(shape) shapefiles = lst_ff(shp_fld, filename=fn) shape = os.path.join(shp_fld, fn + '.zip') zip_files(shapefiles, shape) with open(shape, 'rb') as f: r = requests.put(url, data=f, headers={'content-type': 'application/zip'}, auth=(conf['USER'], conf['PASSWORD'])) return r
def get_epsg_shp(shp, returnIsProj=None): """ Return EPSG code of the Spatial Reference System of a Feature Class """ from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop if fprop(shp, 'ff') != '.gml': proj = get_shp_sref(shp) else: epsg = get_gml_epsg(shp) if not epsg: raise ValueError( '{} file has not Spatial Reference assigned!'.format(shp)) proj = get_sref_from_epsg(int(epsg)) if not proj: raise ValueError( '{} file has not Spatial Reference assigned!'.format(shp)) epsg = int(str(proj.GetAttrValue('AUTHORITY', 1))) if not returnIsProj: return epsg else: if proj.IsProjected: mod_proj = proj.GetAttrValue(str('projcs')) if not mod_proj: return epsg, None else: return epsg, True else: return epsg, None
def shps_to_gpkg(in_shps, gpkg, shp_ff='.shp', tbl_name=None): """ Add Shapefile to GeoPackage File """ import os from gasp import exec_cmd from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop if type(in_shps) == list: shps = in_shps elif os.path.isdir(in_shps): from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff # List Feature Classes shps = lst_ff(in_shps, file_format='.shp' if not shp_ff else shp_ff) else: # Assuming in_shps as a file shps = [in_shps] new_cmd = "ogr2ogr -f \"GPKG\" {} -nln \"{}\" {}" upd_cmd = "ogr2ogr -update -append -f \"GPKG\" {} -nln \"{}\" {}" for s in range(len(shps)): if tbl_name and not s: tname = tbl_name else: tname = fprop(shps[s], 'fn') if not s and not os.path.exists(gpkg): rcmd = exec_cmd(new_cmd.format(gpkg, tname, shps[s])) else: rcmd = exec_cmd(upd_cmd.format(gpkg, tname, shps[s])) return gpkg