Example #1
def ls_period(time, magnitude, error, prange=(0.2, 1.4), **kwargs):
    with ctx.silence_stdout(SILENCE):
        model = LombScargleFast().fit(time, magnitude, error)
        periods, power = model.periodogram_auto(nyquist_factor=100)

        model.optimizer.period_range = prange
        return model.best_period, (periods, power)
def getPeriod(HJD, TMag, TdMag, p_range=None, makeGraph=None, giveP=None):
    if p_range is None:
        p_min = .01
        p_max = 2
        p_min, p_max = p_range
    if makeGraph is None:
        makeGraph = False
    if giveP is None:
        giveP = False
    lsf = LombScargleFast()
    lsf.optimizer.period_range = (p_min, p_max)
    lsf.fit(HJD, TMag, TdMag)
    period = lsf.best_period
    if giveP:
        print("Period: " + str(period))
    if makeGraph:
        periods = np.linspace(p_min, p_max, 1000)
        scores = lsf.score(periods)
        plt.plot(periods, scores)
    return period
Example #3
    def Periodogram(self, madVar=True):
        """ This function computes the power spectrum from the timeseries ONLY.

        dtav = np.mean(np.diff(self.time_fix))  # mean value of time differences (s)
        dtmed = np.median(np.diff(self.time_fix))  # median value of time differences (s)
        if dtmed == 0:  dtmed = dtav

        # compute periodogram from regular frequency values
        fmin = 0  # minimum frequency
        N = len(self.time_fix)  # n-points
        df = 1./(dtmed*N)  # bin width (1/Tobs) (in Hz)
        model = LombScargleFast().fit(self.time_fix, self.flux_fix, np.ones(N))
        power = model.score_frequency_grid(fmin, df, N/2)  # signal-to-noise ratio, (1) eqn 9
        freqs = fmin + df * np.arange(N/2)  # the periodogram was computed over these freqs (Hz)

        # the variance of the flux
        if madVar:  var = mad_std(self.flux_fix)**2
        else:       var = np.std(self.flux_fix)**2

        # convert to PSD, see (1) eqn 1, 8, 9 & (2)
        power /= np.sum(power)  # make the power sum to unity (dimensionless)
        power *= var  # Parseval's theorem. time-series units: ppm. variance units: ppm^2
        power /= df * 1e6  # convert from ppm^2 to ppm^2 muHz^-1

        if len(freqs) < len(power):  power = power[0:len(freqs)]
        if len(freqs) > len(power):  freqs = freqs[0:len(power)]

        self.freq = freqs * 1e6    # muHz
        self.power = power         # ppm^2 muHz^-1
        self.bin_width = df * 1e6  # muHz
Example #4
    def psearch(self):
        Convole the two periodograms and find the Max
        model = LombScargleFast().fit(self.t, self.m, self.merr)
        self.periods, self.power = model.periodogram_auto(nyquist_factor=200)
        self.aov, self.fr, _ = pyaov.aovw(self.t,
                                          fstop=max(1 / self.periods),
                                          fstep=1 / self.periods[0])
        self.aov = self.aov[1:]
        self.fr = self.fr[1:]
        print len(self.aov), len(self.power)

        self.pgram = self.power * self.aov
        self.pgram_max = max(self.pgram)
        self.fbest = self.fr[np.argmax(self.pgram)]
        self.pbest = 1 / self.fbest

        self.pbest_signif = (self.pgram_max - np.median(self.pgram)) / np.std(
            "best period at {:.3f} days, {:.2f} sigma from the median".format(
                self.pbest, self.pbest_signif))
Example #5
def FlarePer(time, minper=0.1, maxper=30.0, nper=20000):
    Look for periodicity in the flare occurrence times. Could be due to:
    a) mis-identified periodic things (e.g. heartbeat stars)
    b) crazy binary star flaring things
    c) flares on a rotating star
    d) bugs in code
    e) aliens


    # use energy = 1 for flare times.
    # This will create something like the window function
    energy = np.ones_like(time)

    # Use Jake Vanderplas faster version!
    pgram = LombScargleFast(fit_offset=False)
    pgram.optimizer.set(period_range=(minper, maxper))

    pgram = pgram.fit(time, energy - np.nanmedian(energy))

    df = (1. / minper - 1. / maxper) / nper
    f0 = 1. / maxper
    pwr = pgram.score_frequency_grid(f0, df, nper)

    freq = f0 + df * np.arange(nper)
    per = 1. / freq

    pk = per[np.argmax(pwr)]  # peak period
    pp = np.max(pwr)  # peak period power

    return pk, pp
Example #6
 def lombscargle(self):
     model = LombScargleFast(silence_warnings=True).fit(self.d, self.m, 0.1)
     model.optimizer.period_range = (0.02, min(10, self.length))
     period = model.best_period
     print "period is ", model.best_period
     sco = model.score(period, )
     print "the score is ", sco
     periods, power = model.periodogram_auto(
         nyquist_factor=2000)  ##Depend the highest fequency of the model.
     #f.write('period is:'+str(period))
     x = periods
     y = power
     fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 8))
     ax1, ax2 = axes.flatten()
     ax1.plot(x, y, color="red", linewidth=2)
     ax1.set_xlim(0, 10)
     ax1.set_xlabel("period (days)")
     ax1.set_ylabel("Lomb-Scargle Power")
     phase = self.d / (1 * period)
     phase = phase % 1 * 1
     ax2.plot(phase, self.m, 'ro')
     # plt.savefig('/home/yf/ptftry/pic/Lomb-Scargle.png')
     return period
def get_period(t, mag, dmag, n_periods=1):
    model = LombScargleFast().fit(t, mag, dmag)
    periods, power = model.periodogram_auto(nyquist_factor=200)
    model.optimizer.period_range = (periods.min(),
                                    numpy.min([periods.max(), 2]))
    model.optimizer.quiet = True
    best_period, best_period_scores = model.optimizer.find_best_periods(
        model, n_periods=n_periods, return_scores=True)
    return best_period, best_period_scores
Example #8
 def ls_period(self, time, magnitude, error, prange=(0.2, 1.4), **kwargs):
     if len(time) > 50:
         model = LombScargleFast().fit(time, magnitude, error)
         periods, power = model.periodogram_auto(nyquist_factor=100)
         model.optimizer.period_range = prange
         model = LombScargle().fit(time, magnitude, error)
         periods, power = model.periodogram_auto(nyquist_factor=100)
         model.optimizer.period_range = prange
     return type(model).__name__, model.best_period, periods, power
Example #9
def FindPeriod(time,flux, minper=0.1,maxper=30,debug=False):
	Finds period in time series data using Lomb-Scargle method
	pgram = LombScargleFast(fit_period=True,\
							optimizer_kwds={"quiet": not debug})
	pgram.optimizer.period_range = (minper, maxper)
	if debug:
		print ("Best period:", pgram.best_period)
	return pgram.best_period
Example #10
def period_search_ls(t, mag, magerr, data_out, remove_harmonics = True):
    ls = LombScargleFast(silence_warnings=True)
    T = np.max(t) - np.min(t)
    ls.optimizer.period_range = (0.1, T)
    ls.fit(t, mag, magerr)
    # period = ls.best_period
    # power = ls.periodogram(period)
    # https://github.com/astroML/gatspy/blob/master/examples/FastLombScargle.ipynb
    oversampling = 2
    N = len(t)
    df = 1. / (oversampling * T) # frequency grid spacing
    fmin = 1 / T
    fmax = 10 # minimum period is 0.05 d
    Nf = (fmax - fmin) // df
    freqs = fmin + df * np.arange(Nf)
    periods = 1 / freqs
    powers = ls._score_frequency_grid(fmin, df, Nf)
    ind_best = np.argsort(powers)[-1]
    period = periods[ind_best]
    power = powers[ind_best]
    # calcualte false alarm probability (FAP)
    Z = power
    # fap_Neff is underestimate
    fap_Neff = FAP_estimated(Z, N, fmax, t, normalization=normalization)
    # fap_Baluev is overestimate
    fap_Baluev = FAP_aliasfree(Z, N, fmax, t, mag, magerr, normalization=normalization)
    psigma = (np.percentile(powers, 84) - np.percentile(powers, 16))/2
    significance = power / psigma
    if remove_harmonics == True:
        # In some cases, the period search is not successful:
        harmonics = np.array([1/5, 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 1., 2.])
        if abs(period - T)<0.005:
            period = -99
            for harmonic in harmonics:
                if abs(period - harmonic)<0.005:
                    if fap_Neff > 0.001:
                        period = -99
    data_out["period"] = period
    data_out["significance"] = significance
    data_out["freqs"] = freqs
    data_out["powers"] = powers
    data_out["power"] = power
    data_out["Nztfobs"] = N
    data_out["fap_Neff"] = fap_Neff
    # data_out["fap_Baluev"] = fap_Baluev
    return data_out
Example #11
def normalised_lombscargle(ts, ys, dys, oversampling=5, nyquist_factor=3):
    model = LombScargleFast().fit(ts, ys, dys)

    pers, pows = model.periodogram_auto(oversampling=oversampling,
    fs = 1.0 / pers

    T = np.max(ts) - np.min(ts)

    mu = 1 / T * np.trapz(ys, ts)
    s2 = 1 / T * np.trapz(np.square(ys - mu), ts)

    return fs, s2 * pows / np.trapz(pows, fs)
Example #12
 def fit_lomb_scargle(self):
     from gatspy.periodic import LombScargleFast
     period_range = (0.005 * (max(self.times) - min(self.times)),
                     0.95 * (max(self.times) - min(self.times)))
     model_gat = LombScargleFast(fit_period=True,
                                     'period_range': period_range,
                                     'quiet': True
     model_gat.fit(self.times, self.measurements, self.errors)
     self.best_period = model_gat.best_period
     self.best_score = model_gat.score(model_gat.best_period).item()
Example #13
    def fast_find_spectrum(self, f_samps, mag_low, mag_high, raw=False):
        Finds the Lomb-Scargle periodogram of the concentration time series,
        frequency units are in hz. This method uses the Gatspy package, which
        has a fast fft based periodogram calculator.

        f_samps -- int; number of frequency samples to be used in the fitting,
                        they are spaced logarithmically

        mag_low -- float;
        mag_high -- float; the sampled frequency range is
                    [10^mag_low, 10^mag_high]

        raw -- Boolean; if true, self.c_raw is used, otherwise self.c is used

        NB the frequency grid is linear (logarithmic in self.find_spectrum())
        in this method, so many more points should be used.

        assert mag_low < mag_high

        if raw:
            abs_time = self.t_raw
            gas_conc = self.c_raw
            abs_time = self.t
            gas_conc = self.c

        rel_time = np.array([])
        #the date/datetime objects should be in increasing order, but it should
        #work all the same
        t0 = EPOCH
        for t in abs_time:
            delta_t = t - t0
            rel_time = np.append(rel_time, delta_t.total_seconds())

        fmin = 10**mag_low
        fmax = 10**mag_high

        df = (fmax - fmin) / f_samps

        #NB uses same x and t in the above section
        model = LombScargleFast().fit(rel_time, gas_conc)
        rel_power = model.score_frequency_grid(fmin, df, f_samps)
        freqs = fmin + df * np.arange(f_samps)

        abs_amplitude = gas_conc.std() * np.sqrt(2 * rel_power)

        self.rel_spectrum = np.array([freqs, rel_power])
        self.spectrum = np.array([freqs, abs_amplitude])
        return None
Example #14
    def run_periodogram(self, oversampling=5):
        Compute a periodogram using gatspy.LombScargleFast.

        oversampling : int, optional
            The oversampling factor for the periodogram.
        model = LombScargleFast().fit(self.l_curve.times, self.l_curve.fluxes,

        self.periods, self.powers = model.periodogram_auto(
Example #15
    def psearch(self):
        Convole the two periodograms and find the Max
        model = LombScargleFast().fit(self.t, self.m, self.merr)
        self.periods, self.power = model.periodogram_auto(nyquist_factor=200)
        self.aov, self.fr, _ = pyaov.aovw(self.t, self.m, self.merr, fstop=max(1/self.periods), fstep=1/self.periods[0])
        self.aov = self.aov[1:]
        self.fr = self.fr[1:]
        print len(self.aov), len(self.power)

        self.pgram = self.power*self.aov
        self.pgram_max = max(self.pgram) 
        self.fbest = self.fr[np.argmax(self.pgram)]
        self.pbest = 1/self.fbest

        self.pbest_signif = (self.pgram_max - np.median(self.pgram))/np.std(self.pgram)
        print("best period at {:.3f} days, {:.2f} sigma from the median".format(self.pbest, self.pbest_signif))
Example #16
def periodogram(datax, datay, min_per, max_per, nyquist):
    #finding periodogram
    model = LombScargleFast().fit(datax, datay)
    period, power = model.periodogram_auto(nyquist_factor=nyquist)

    x_label = 'Period'
    y_label = 'Power'
    title = 'Lomb-Scargle Periodogram'

    plt.semilogx(period, power)

    # set range and find period
    model.optimizer.period_range = (min_per, max_per)
    period = model.best_period
    print("period = {0}".format(period))
    return period
Example #17
 def fAnalysis(self, rr_samples):
     Frequency analysis to calc self.lf, self.hf, returns the LF/HF-ratio and
     also calculates the spectrum as pairs of (self.f_hr_axis,self.f_hr).
     The input arrary is in sample points where R peaks have been detected.
     # discrete timestamps
     self.hr_discrete = self._intervals(rr_samples) / 1000
     # hr positions in time
     self.t_hr_discrete = [i / self.fs for i in rr_samples[1:]]
     # now let's create function which approximates the hr(t) relationship
     self.hr_func = interp1d(self.t_hr_discrete, self.hr_discrete)
     # we take 1024 samples for a linear time array for hr(t)
     nsamp = 1000
     # linear time array for the heartrate
     self.t_hr_linear = np.linspace(
         self.t_hr_discrete[len(self.t_hr_discrete) - 2],
     # duration in secs of the heartrate array minus the ends b/c of the approx
     duration = self.t_hr_discrete[len(self.t_hr_discrete) -
                                   2] - self.t_hr_discrete[1]
     # heartrate linearly approximated between discrete samples
     self.hr_linear = self.hr_func(self.t_hr_linear)
     model = LombScargleFast().fit(self.t_hr_discrete, self.hr_discrete,
     fmax = 1
     fmin = 0.01
     df = (fmax - fmin) / nsamp
     self.f_hr = model.score_frequency_grid(fmin, df, nsamp)
     self.f_hr_axis = fmin + df * np.arange(nsamp)
     # lf
     self.lf = 0
     # hf
     self.hf = 0
     for i in range(0, int(nsamp / 2)):
         if (self.f_hr_axis[i] >= 0.04) and (self.f_hr_axis[i] <= 0.15):
             self.lf = self.lf + self.f_hr[i]
         if (self.f_hr_axis[i] >= 0.15) and (self.f_hr_axis[i] <= 0.4):
             self.hf = self.hf + self.f_hr[i]
     # hf
     return self.lf / self.hf
Example #18
def calculate_ls_period(t_np, y_np, dy_np) -> Period:
    period_max = np.max(t_np) - np.min(t_np)
    if period_max <= 0.01:
    ls = LombScargleFast(
        optimizer_kwds={"quiet": True, "period_range": (0.01, period_max)},
    ).fit(t_np, y_np, dy_np)
    period = ls.best_period
    return Period(period, "LS")
Example #19
def plot_phase_diagram(tuple, comparison_stars, suffix='', period=None):
    star_description = tuple[0]
    coords = star_description.coords
    curve = tuple[1]
    star = star_description.local_id
    star_match, separation = star_description.get_match_string("VSX")
    match_string = f" ({star_match})" if not star_match == None else ''
    upsilon_match = star_description.get_catalog('Upsilon')
    upsilon_text = upsilon_match.get_upsilon_string(
    ) if upsilon_match is not None else ''
    #print("Calculating phase diagram for", star)
    if curve is None:
        logging.info("Curve of star {} is None".format(star))
    t_np = curve['JD'].to_numpy()
    y_np = curve['V-C'].to_numpy()
    dy_np = curve['s1'].to_numpy()
    if period is None:
        period_max = np.max(t_np) - np.min(t_np)
        if period_max <= 0.01:
        ls = LombScargleFast(optimizer_kwds={'quiet': True, 'period_range': (0.01,period_max)}, silence_warnings=True)\
        period = ls.best_period
    #print("Best period: " + str(period) + " days")
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 16), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
    plt.xlabel("Phase", labelpad=TITLE_PAD)
    plt.ylabel("Magnitude", labelpad=TITLE_PAD)
        f"Star {star}{match_string}, p: {period:.5f} d{upsilon_text}\n{get_hms_dms(coords)}",
    # plotting + calculation of 'double' phase diagram from -1 to 1
    phased_t = np.fmod(t_np / period, 1)
    minus_one = lambda t: t - 1
    minus_oner = np.vectorize(minus_one)
    phased_t2 = minus_oner(phased_t)
    phased_lc = y_np[:]
    phased_t_final = np.append(phased_t2, phased_t)
    phased_lc_final = np.append(phased_lc, phased_lc)
    #phased_lc_final = phased_lc_final + comparison_stars[0].vmag
    phased_err = np.clip(np.append(dy_np, dy_np), -0.5,
                         0.5)  # error values are clipped to +0.5 and -0.5
    fig.savefig(settings.phasedir + str(star).zfill(5) + '_phase' + suffix)
Example #20
def l_gatspy():
    from gatspy.periodic import LombScargleFast
    from gatspy.periodic.lomb_scargle_fast import lomb_scargle_fast

    t = [
        2455263.5230960627, 2455263.5481076366, 2455263.5490798587,
        2455263.583848377, 2455263.584832174, 2455263.625989581,
        2455263.6269849516, 2455265.520839118, 2455265.5218113405,
        2455265.5837789327, 2455265.5847627292, 2455265.6254340257,
        2455265.6264293958, 2455266.5401562476, 2455266.541140044,
        2455266.54212384, 2455266.548802081, 2455266.5840335623,
        2455266.585028933, 2455267.524554396, 2455267.525538192,
        2455267.5493344883, 2455267.584103007, 2455267.5850868034,
        2455267.6254340257, 2455267.6264178217, 2455268.517725692,
        2455268.518697914, 2455268.542575229, 2455268.5435474515,
        2455268.5839062477, 2455268.584890044, 2455268.6254455997,
        2455268.6264293958, 2455269.5231192107, 2455269.524103007,
        2455269.542528933, 2455269.5435243035, 2455269.584126155,
        2455269.5850983774, 2455269.6254918957, 2455269.6264756923,
        2455269.751776618, 2455269.7527604145, 2455269.7921701367,
        2455269.793153933, 2455269.834126155, 2455269.8351099514,
        2455269.8758738404, 2455269.8768576365
    y = [
        13.52, 13.62, 13.67, 13.84, 13.81, 13.96, 13.98, 14.45, 14.43, 14.42,
        14.4, 14.53, 14.5, 14.299999999999999, 14.33, 14.33, 14.36,
        14.389999999999999, 14.36, 13.85, 13.86, 13.93, 14.07, 14.09, 14.2,
        14.229999999999999, 13.37, 13.35, 13.319999999999999, 13.3, 13.54,
        13.55, 13.76, 13.77, 14.42, 14.42, 14.5, 14.51, 14.52, 14.53,
        13.870000000000001, 13.870000000000001, 13.79, 13.77, 13.92, 13.92,
        14.08, 14.11, 14.26, 14.26

    model = LombScargleFast().fit(t, y)
    periods, power = model.periodogram_auto()
    # periods, power = lomb_scargle_fast(t, y, dy=1, f0=0.03, df=0.03, Nf=375)

    for i in range(0, len(periods)):
        if periods[i] > 0.55 and periods[i] < 0.57:
            print(i, periods[i], power[i])
Example #21
def Calc_Period(time, flux, error):

    #    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    #   ax.errorbar(time, flux, error, fmt='.k', ecolor='gray')
    #   ax.set(xlabel='Time (days)', ylabel='magitude',
    #   title='LINEAR object {0}')
    # ax.invert_yaxis();

    model = LombScargleFast().fit(time, flux, error)
    periods, power = model.periodogram_auto(nyquist_factor=100)

    #fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    #   ax.plot(periods, power)
    #   ax.set(xlim=(2, 400), ylim=(0, 0.8),
    #   xlabel='period (days)',
    #    ylabel='Lomb-Scargle Power');
    #    plt.show()

    # set range and find period
    model.optimizer.period_range = (10, 500)
    period = model.best_period
    # print("period = {0}".format(period))
    #print("error = {0}".format(error))
    return period
Example #22
def get_timing_lombscargle(n, ofac, hfac):

    x, y, dy = generate_random_signal(n)

    Nf = int(floor(0.5 * len(x) * ofac * hfac))
    df = 1. / (ofac * (max(x) - min(x)))
    f0 = df

    model = LombScargleFast(silence_warnings=True)
    model.fit(x, y, dy)
    t0 = time()
    model.score_frequency_grid(f0, df, Nf)
    dt = time() - t0

    return dt
Example #23
def normalised_lombscargle(ts, ys, dys, fmin=None, fmax=None, oversampling=1):
    """Returns ``(fs, psd)``, an array of frequencies and a Lomb-Scargle
    estimate of the one-sided power spectral density.  


    if fmin is None:
        fmin = 1.0 / (np.max(ts) - np.min(ts))

    if fmax is None:
        fmax = 1.0 / (2.0 * np.min(np.diff(np.sort(ts))))

    df = fmin / oversampling
    N = int(round((fmax - fmin) / df))

    pows = LombScargleFast().fit(ts, ys, dys).score_frequency_grid(fmin, df, N)
    fs = fmin + df * np.arange(N)

    T = np.max(ts) - np.min(ts)
    mu = np.trapz(ys, ts) / T
    var = np.trapz(np.square(ys - mu), ts) / T

    return fs, var * pows / np.trapz(pows, fs)
Example #24

args = parser.parse_args()

#print("Input file:")


from gatspy.periodic import LombScargleFast

model = LombScargleFast().fit(datain['BJD'], datain['mag'], dmag)
periods, power = model.periodogram_auto(nyquist_factor)

model.optimizer.period_range=(0.2, 10)
period = model.best_period


if args.plot:
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

if args.foldedplot:
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Example #25
def FitSin(time,
    Use Lomb Scargle to find periods, fit sins, remove, repeat.

    nper: int, optional
        number of periods to search over with Lomb Scargle

    # periods = np.linspace(minper, maxper, nper)

    flux_out = np.array(flux, copy=True)
    sin_out = np.zeros_like(flux)  # return the sin function!

    # total baseline of time window
    dt = np.nanmax(time) - np.nanmin(time)

    medflux = np.nanmedian(flux)
    # ti = time[dl[i]:dr[i]]

    for k in range(0, maxnum):
        # Use Jake Vanderplas faster version!
        pgram = LombScargleFast(fit_offset=False)
        pgram.optimizer.set(period_range=(minper, maxper))
        pgram = pgram.fit(time, flux_out - medflux, error)

        df = (1. / minper - 1. / maxper) / nper
        f0 = 1. / maxper
        pwr = pgram.score_frequency_grid(f0, df, nper)

        freq = f0 + df * np.arange(nper)
        per = 1. / freq

        pok = np.where((per < dt) & (per > minper))
        pk = per[pok][np.argmax(pwr[pok])]
        pp = np.max(pwr)

        if debug is True:
            print('trial (k): ' + str(k) + '.  peak period (pk):' + str(pk) +
                  '.  peak power (pp):' + str(pp))

        # if a period w/ enough power is detected
        if (pp > plim):
            # fit sin curve to window and subtract
            if per2 is True:
                p0 = [
                    pk, 3.0 * np.nanstd(flux_out - medflux), 0.0, pk / 2.,
                    1.5 * np.nanstd(flux_out - medflux), 0.1, 0.0
                    pfit, pcov = curve_fit(_sinfunc2,
                                           flux_out - medflux,
                    if debug is True:
                        print('>>', pfit)
                except RuntimeError:
                    pfit = [pk, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]
                    if debug is True:
                        print('Curve_Fit2 no good')

                flux_out = flux_out - _sinfunc2(time, *pfit)
                sin_out = sin_out + _sinfunc2(time, *pfit)

                p0 = [pk, 3.0 * np.nanstd(flux_out - medflux), 0.0, 0.0]
                    pfit, pcov = curve_fit(_sinfunc,
                                           flux_out - medflux,
                except RuntimeError:
                    pfit = [pk, 0., 0., 0.]
                    if debug is True:
                        print('Curve_Fit no good')

                flux_out = flux_out - _sinfunc(time, *pfit)
                sin_out = sin_out + _sinfunc(time, *pfit)

        # add the median flux for this window BACK in
        sin_out = sin_out + medflux

    # if debug is True:
    #     plt.figure()
    #     plt.plot(time, flux)
    #     plt.plot(time, flux_out, c='red')
    #     plt.show()

    if returnmodel is True:
        return sin_out
        return flux_out
Example #26
def k2_test(style=None):
    Demonstrate the technique for a K2 EB.

    style : str, optional
        The name of a matplotlib style sheet.

    nova = pd.read_csv("villanova-db.csv")

    # Load Aigrain et al. (2015) pipeline light curve.
    hdu = fits.open("hlsp_k2sc_k2_llc_212012387-c05_kepler_v1_lc.fits")
    time = hdu[1].data["time"]
    cadence = hdu[1].data["cadence"]
    # Add back stellar variability correction.
    flux = hdu[1].data["flux"] + hdu[1].data["trend_t"] - \
    flux /= np.nanmedian(flux)

    # Mask out bad fluxes
    finite = np.isfinite(flux)
    time = time[finite]
    flux = flux[finite]
    cadence = cadence[finite]

    # Load parameters from Villanova catalog
    epic = 212012387
    eb = nova[nova["KIC"] == epic]
    p_orb = eb.period.values[0]
    t_0 = eb.bjd0.values[0]
    p_width = eb.pwidth.values[0]
    s_width = eb.swidth.values[0]
    sep = eb.sep.values[0]

    phase = ((time - t_0) % p_orb) / p_orb
    window = 1.0
    mask = ((phase > p_width * window) & (phase < 1 - p_width * window)) & \
        ((phase > sep + s_width * window) | (phase < sep - s_width * window))
    timecut = time[mask]
    fluxcut = flux[mask]
    cadencecut = cadence[mask]

    model = LombScargleFast().fit(time, flux)
    period, power = model.periodogram_auto(oversampling=5)
    model = LombScargleFast().fit(timecut, fluxcut)
    period_c, power_c = model.periodogram_auto(oversampling=5)

    lag, acf = interpacf.interpolated_acf(time,
                                          flux - np.median(flux), cadence)
    lag_c, acf_c = interpacf.interpolated_acf(timecut,
                                              fluxcut - np.median(fluxcut),

    if style is not None:

    plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 22
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 12))
    ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, 0), colspan=2)
    ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (1, 0))
    ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (1, 1))

    # Plot lightcurve
    offset = 2304.
    ax1.plot(time - offset, flux, lw=1, color="k", alpha=0.4)
    ax1.plot(timecut - offset, fluxcut, lw=1, color="k")

    ax1.set_ylim(0.95, 1.01)
    ax1.set_xlabel("BJD - {0:.0f}".format(2454833 + offset))
    ax1.set_ylabel("Normalized Flux")

    # Plot periodograms
    ax2.plot(period, 2 * power, color="r", lw=1.25, alpha=1.0)
    ax2.plot(period_c, power_c, color="k", lw=1.25)

    ax2.axvline(p_orb, color="k", lw=1.5, linestyle=":")
    ax2.axvline(p_orb / 2., color="k", lw=1.5, linestyle=":")
    ax2.text(p_orb, ax2.get_ylim()[1] + 0.01, "$P_{orb}$", ha="center")
    ax2.text(p_orb / 2., ax2.get_ylim()[1] + 0.01, "$P_{orb}/2$",

    ax2.set_xlabel("Period (days)")
    ax2.set_ylabel("Normalized Power")

    ax2.set_xlim(0.01, 10)
    ax2.set_ylim(0, 0.6)

    ax3.plot(lag, acf / acf.max(), color="r", lw=1.5, alpha=1.0)
    ax3.plot(lag_c, acf_c / acf_c.max(), color="k", lw=1.5)

    ax3.axvline(p_orb, color="k", lw=1.5, linestyle=":")
    ax3.axvline(p_orb / 2., color="k", lw=1.5, linestyle=":")
    ax3.text(p_orb, 1.05, "$P_{orb}$", ha="center")
    ax3.text(p_orb / 2., 1.05, "$P_{orb}/2$",

    ax3.set_xlim(0.01, 10)
    ax3.set_ylim(-0.55, 1)
    ax3.set_xlabel("Lag (days)")

    fig.suptitle("EPIC {0}".format(epic), fontsize=26, y=0.94)
    fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.35)

def multi_night(sources, unique_nights, night,
                brightest_mag, mags, mag_err,
    Plot magnitude vs time data for several sources over several nights
    number_of_nights = len(unique_nights)

    for source in sources:
        f = plt.figure(figsize=(5 * number_of_nights, 5))

        night_means = []
        night_stds = []
        night_bins = []
        source_mags = mags[source.id - 1]
        if uniform_ylim:
            # Use median to handle outliers.
            source_median = np.median(source_mags[np.isfinite(source_mags)])
            # Use median absolute deviation to get measure of scatter.
            # Helps avoid extremely points.
            source_variation = 3 * mad_std(source_mags[np.isfinite(source_mags)])

            # Ensure y range will be at least 0.2 magnitudes
            if source_variation < 0.1:
                half_range = 0.1
                half_range = source_variation

            y_range = (source_median - half_range, source_median + half_range)
            # Empty if this option wasn't chosen so that automatic limits will be used.
            y_range = []

        last_axis = None
        for i, this_night in enumerate(unique_nights):
            last_axis = plt.subplot(1, number_of_nights + 1, i + 1,
            night_mask = (night == this_night)
            night_mean, night_std = plot_magnitudes(mags=mags[source.id - 1][night_mask],
                                                    errors=mag_err[source.id - 1][night_mask],
                                                    source=source.id, night=this_night,

        plt.subplot(1, number_of_nights + 1, number_of_nights + 1)

        if uniform_ylim:
            plt.setp([a.get_yticklabels() for a in f.axes[1:]], visible=False)

        # Plot indicators of variation, and information about this source.
        # For simplicity, make the x and y range of this plot be 0 to 1.
        x = np.array([0., 1])
        y = x

        # Add invisible line to make plot.
        plt.plot(x, y, alpha=0, label='source {}'.format(source.id))
        night_means = np.array(night_means)

        # Plot bar proportional to Lomb-Scargle power.
        bad_mags = (np.isnan(mags[source.id - 1]) |
                    np.isinf(mags[source.id - 1]))
        bad_errs = (np.isnan(mag_err[source.id - 1]) |
                    np.isinf(mag_err[source.id - 1]))
        bads = bad_mags | bad_errs
        good_mags = ~bads
        model = LombScargleFast().fit(source.bjd_tdb[good_mags],
                                      mags[source.id - 1][good_mags],
                                      mag_err[source.id - 1][good_mags])
        periods, power = model.periodogram_auto(nyquist_factor=100,
        max_pow = power.max()

        # print(source, max_pow)
        if max_pow > 0.5:
            color = 'green'
        elif max_pow > 0.4:
            color = 'cyan'
            color = 'gray'

        bar_x = 0.25
        plt.plot([bar_x, bar_x], [0, max_pow],
                 color=color, linewidth=10, label='LS power')


        # Add dot for magnitude of star.
        size = 10000./np.abs(10**((source_median - brightest_mag)/2.5))
        plt.scatter([0.8], [0.2], c='red', marker='o', s=size)
        plt.ylim(0, 1)
Example #28
            periods <= maximum]
        period = periods[np.argmax(periodogram)]
        extra = ''

    # gastpy/LombScargleFast

    elif options.algorithm == 'gatspy-fast':

        from gatspy.periodic import LombScargleFast

        oversampling = 4.0
        hifac = 200
        starttime = datetime.now()
        model = LombScargleFast().fit(t, m, dm)
        periods, periodogram = model.periodogram_auto(
            oversampling=oversampling, nyquist_factor=hifac)
        endtime = datetime.now()

        # Restrict range
        periods, periodogram = periods[periods <= maximum], periodogram[
            periods <= maximum]
        period = periods[np.argmax(periodogram)]
        extra = ''


    # Conditional entropy (adaptive grid)
		periods, periodogram = periods[periods <= maximum], periodogram[periods <= maximum]
		period = periods[np.argmax(periodogram)]
		extra = ''

	# gastpy/LombScargleFast

	elif options.algorithm == 'gatspy-fast':

		from gatspy.periodic import LombScargleFast

		oversampling = 4.0
		hifac = 200
		starttime = datetime.now()
		model = LombScargleFast().fit(t, m, dm)
		periods, periodogram = model.periodogram_auto(oversampling = oversampling, nyquist_factor = hifac)
		endtime = datetime.now()

		# Restrict range
		periods, periodogram = periods[periods <= maximum], periodogram[periods <= maximum]
		period = periods[np.argmax(periodogram)]
		extra = ''


	# Conditional entropy (adaptive grid)

	elif options.algorithm == 'ce-adaptive':
Example #30
    def periodogram(self, time, flux, err, p_fold=None, plt_color='k',
                    max_days=100.0, oversampling=5):
        Plot a the light curve, periodogram, and phase-folded light curve.

        The orbital period and possible aliases are indicated in red on the

        time : array_like
            Observation times in days.
        flux : array_like
        err : array_like
            Flux errors.
        p_fold : float, optional
            Plot the light curve folded at this period (in days), and indicate
            the period and likely aliases on the periodogram plot.
        plt_color : str, optional
            The line and scatter plot color.
        max_days : float, optional
            The maximum number of days to plot in the light curve and
        oversampling: int, optional
            The oversampling factor for the periodogram.

        model = LombScargleFast().fit(time, flux, err)
        period, power = model.periodogram_auto(oversampling=oversampling)

        fig1, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=(7, 14))

        ax1.plot(time, flux, color=plt_color)
        ax1.set_xlim(time.min(), time.min() + max_days)
        ax1.set_xlabel('Time (days)')
        ax1.set_ylabel('Relative Flux')

        ax2.plot(period, power, color=plt_color)
        ax2.set_xlim(0.1, max_days)
        ax2.set_xlabel('Period (days)')

        # Plot some the most likely aliases of eclipse period.
        factors = [0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4]
        for factor in factors:
            ax2.axvline(self.p_orb / factor, color='r')

        if p_fold is not None:
            for factor in factors:
                ax2.axvline(p_fold / factor, color='b')

        fig1.suptitle('KIC {0:d} --- p_orb = {1:3.5f} days'.
                      format(self.kic, self.p_orb))

        if p_fold is not None:
            fig2, ax3 = plt.subplots()
            phase = (time % p_fold) / p_fold
            ax3.scatter(phase, flux, color=plt_color, s=0.1)
            ax3.set_xlim(0, 1)
            ax3.set_ylabel('Relative Flux')

Example #31
    def power_spectrum(self, verbose=False, noise=0.0, \
        ''' This function computes the power spectrum from the timeseries.
        The function checks to see if the timeseries has been read in, and if not it calls the read_timeseries function.
        The porperties of the power spectrum can be altered for a given timeseries via the noise, and length parameters.
        The frequency and power are stored in the object atributes self.freq and self,power.
        verbose: Bool(False)
            Provide verbose output if set to True.
        noise: Float
            If noise is not zero then additional noise is added to the timeseries where the value of noise is the standard deviation of the additional noise.

        length: Int
            If length is not -1 then a subset of the timeseries is selected when n points will equal length.  The subset of data is taken from the start of the time series.  TODO this can be updated if neccessary.

        To read in a data set and create the power spectrum one need only run:
        >>> import K2data
        >>> star = K2data.Dataset(2001122017, '/home/davies/Data/ktwo_2001122017_llc.pow')
        >>> star.power_spectrum()
        if len(self.time) < 1:
        if noise > 0.0:
            self.flux_fix[:length] += np.random.randn(len(self.time_fix[:length])) * noise
        dtav = np.mean(np.diff(self.time_fix[:length]))
        dtmed = np.median(np.diff(self.time_fix[:length]))
        if dtmed == 0:
            dtmed = dtav
        fmin = 0
        N = len(self.time_fix[:length]) #n-points
        df = 1.0 / dtmed / N #bw
        model = LombScargleFast().fit(self.time_fix[:length], \
                                    self.flux_fix[:length], \
        power = model.score_frequency_grid(fmin, df, N/2)
        freqs = fmin + df * np.arange(N/2)
        var = np.std(self.flux_fix[:length])**2
        power /= np.sum(power)
        power *= var
        power /= df * 1e6
        if len(freqs) < len(power):
            power = power[0:len(freqs)]
        if len(freqs) > len(power):
            freqs = freqs[0:len(power)]
        self.freq = freqs * 1e6
        self.power = power
        if verbose:
            print("Frequency resolution : {}".format(self.freq[1]))
            print("Nyquist : ~".format(self.freq.max()))
if Method == 0:                                #If method is 0, we don't phase fold             
	if hole_index == 1:	
	#We choose the frequency range we want to check. An angular frequency is required
	#for the L-S diagram.	
	Nf= N
	df = (fmax - fmin) / Nf		
	f = 2.0*np.pi*np.linspace(fmin, fmax, Nf)
	#We take the L-S of the signal.	
	if hole_index == 0:
		pgram = LombScargleFast().fit(t, signal,sdev)
	elif hole_index == 1:
		pgram = LombScargleFast().fit(t[~t.mask], signal[~signal.mask],sdev)
	power = pgram.score_frequency_grid(fmin,df,Nf)
	#We plot the signal and the L-S
	fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1)
	ax[0].plot(t,signal, 'o', ms = 1.5)  
	#We want the frequency in Hz.
	ax[1].plot(f/2.0/np.pi/f_real, power, 'o')
Example #33
    def periodogram(self, time, flux, err, p_fold=None, plt_color='k',
                    max_days=100.0, oversampling=5, plot=False, cut_eclipses=True, best_period = True, period_range = (.05,45)):
        Plot a the light curve, periodogram, and phase-folded light curve.

        The orbital period and possible aliases are indicated in red on the

        time : array_like
            Observation times in days.
        flux : array_like
        err : array_like
            Flux errors.
        p_fold : float, optional
            Plot the light curve folded at this period (in days), and indicate
            the period and likely aliases on the periodogram plot.
        plt_color : str, optional
            The line and scatter plot color.
        max_days : float, optional
            The maximum number of days to plot in the light curve and
        oversampling: int, optional
            The oversampling factor for the periodogram.

        if cut_eclipses:
            time, flux, err = self.curve_cut()
        model = LombScargleFast().fit(time, flux, err)
        period, power = model.periodogram_auto(oversampling=oversampling)
         #new stuff to output the best period
        if best_period:
            model.optimizer.period_range = period_range
            Best_period = model.best_period
        if plot:
            fig1, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=(7, 14))
            ax1.plot(time, flux, color=plt_color)
            ax1.set_xlim(time.min(), time.min() + max_days)
            ax1.set_xlabel('Time (days)')
            ax1.set_ylabel('Relative Flux')
            ax2.plot(period, power, color=plt_color)
            ax2.set_xlim(0.1, max_days)
            ax2.set_xlabel('Period (days)')
            # Plot some the most likely aliases of eclipse period.
            factors = [0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4]
            for factor in factors:
                ax2.axvline(self.p_orb / factor, color='r')
            if p_fold is not None:
                for factor in factors:
                    ax2.axvline(p_fold / factor, color='b')
            fig1.suptitle('KIC {0:d} --- p_orb = {1:3.5f} days'.
                          format(self.kic, self.p_orb))
            if p_fold is not None:
                fig2, ax3 = plt.subplots()
                phase = (time % p_fold) / p_fold
                ax3.scatter(phase, flux, color=plt_color, s=0.1)
                ax3.set_xlim(0, 1)
                ax3.set_ylabel('Relative Flux')
        #I don't know how it would react to returning nonexistent stuff
        if best_period:
            return period, power, Best_period
            return period, power    
Example #34
	def estimate(self, observedLC):
		Estimate intrinsicFlux, period, eccentricity, omega, tau, & a2sini 
		## intrinsicFluxEst
		maxPeriodFactor = 10.0
		model = LombScargleFast().fit(observedLC.t, observedLC.y, observedLC.yerr)
		periods, power = model.periodogram_auto(nyquist_factor = observedLC.numCadences)
		model.optimizer.period_range = (2.0*np.mean(observedLC.t[1:] - observedLC.t[:-1]), maxPeriodFactor*observedLC.T)
		periodEst = model.best_period
		numIntrinsicFlux = 100
		lowestFlux = np.min(observedLC.y[np.where(observedLC.mask == 1.0)])
		highestFlux = np.max(observedLC.y[np.where(observedLC.mask == 1.0)])
		intrinsicFlux = np.linspace(np.min(observedLC.y[np.where(observedLC.mask == 1.0)]), np.max(observedLC.y[np.where(observedLC.mask == 1.0)]), num = numIntrinsicFlux)
		intrinsicFluxList = list()
		totalIntegralList = list()
		for f in xrange(1, numIntrinsicFlux - 1):
			beamedLC = observedLC.copy()
			beamedLC.x = np.require(np.zeros(beamedLC.numCadences), requirements=['F', 'A', 'W', 'O', 'E'])
			for i in xrange(beamedLC.numCadences):
				beamedLC.y[i] = observedLC.y[i]/intrinsicFlux[f]
				beamedLC.yerr[i] = observedLC.yerr[i]/intrinsicFlux[f]
			dopplerLC = beamedLC.copy()
			dopplerLC.x = np.require(np.zeros(dopplerLC.numCadences), requirements=['F', 'A', 'W', 'O', 'E'])
			for i in xrange(observedLC.numCadences):
				dopplerLC.y[i] = math.pow(beamedLC.y[i], 1.0/3.44)
				dopplerLC.yerr[i] = (1.0/3.44)*math.fabs(dopplerLC.y[i]*(beamedLC.yerr[i]/beamedLC.y[i]))
			dzdtLC = dopplerLC.copy()
			dzdtLC.x = np.require(np.zeros(dopplerLC.numCadences), requirements=['F', 'A', 'W', 'O', 'E'])
			for i in xrange(observedLC.numCadences):
				dzdtLC.y[i] = 1.0 - (1.0/dopplerLC.y[i])
				dzdtLC.yerr[i] = math.fabs((-1.0*dopplerLC.yerr[i])/math.pow(dopplerLC.y[i], 2.0))
			foldedLC = dzdtLC.fold(periodEst)
			foldedLC.x = np.require(np.zeros(foldedLC.numCadences), requirements=['F', 'A', 'W', 'O', 'E'])
			integralSpline = UnivariateSpline(foldedLC.t[np.where(foldedLC.mask == 1.0)], foldedLC.y[np.where(foldedLC.mask == 1.0)], 1.0/foldedLC.yerr[np.where(foldedLC.mask == 1.0)], k = 3, s = None, check_finite = True)
			totalIntegral = math.fabs(integralSpline.integral(foldedLC.t[0], foldedLC.t[-1]))
		intrinsicFluxEst = intrinsicFluxList[np.where(np.array(totalIntegralList) == np.min(np.array(totalIntegralList)))[0][0]]

		## periodEst
		for i in xrange(beamedLC.numCadences):
			beamedLC.y[i] = observedLC.y[i]/intrinsicFluxEst
			beamedLC.yerr[i] = observedLC.yerr[i]/intrinsicFluxEst
			dopplerLC.y[i] = math.pow(beamedLC.y[i], 1.0/3.44)
			dopplerLC.yerr[i] = (1.0/3.44)*math.fabs(dopplerLC.y[i]*(beamedLC.yerr[i]/beamedLC.y[i]))
			dzdtLC.y[i] = 1.0 - (1.0/dopplerLC.y[i])
			dzdtLC.yerr[i] = math.fabs((-1.0*dopplerLC.yerr[i])/math.pow(dopplerLC.y[i], 2.0))
		model = LombScargleFast().fit(dzdtLC.t, dzdtLC.y, dzdtLC.yerr)
		periods, power = model.periodogram_auto(nyquist_factor = dzdtLC.numCadences)
		model.optimizer.period_range = (2.0*np.mean(dzdtLC.t[1:] - dzdtLC.t[:-1]), maxPeriodFactor*dzdtLC.T)
		periodEst = model.best_period

		## eccentricityEst & omega2Est
		# First find a full period going from rising to falling. 
		risingSpline = UnivariateSpline(dzdtLC.t[np.where(dzdtLC.mask == 1.0)], dzdtLC.y[np.where(dzdtLC.mask == 1.0)], 1.0/dzdtLC.yerr[np.where(dzdtLC.mask == 1.0)], k = 3, s = None, check_finite = True)
		risingSplineRoots = risingSpline.roots()
		firstRoot = risingSplineRoots[0]
		if risingSpline.derivatives(risingSplineRoots[0])[1] > 0.0:
			tRising = risingSplineRoots[0]
			tRising = risingSplineRoots[1]
		# Now fold the LC starting at tRising and going for a full period.
		foldedLC = dzdtLC.fold(periodEst, tStart = tRising)
		foldedLC.x = np.require(np.zeros(foldedLC.numCadences), requirements=['F', 'A', 'W', 'O', 'E'])
		# Fit the folded LC with a spline to figure out alpha and beta
		fitLC = foldedLC.copy()
		foldedSpline = UnivariateSpline(foldedLC.t[np.where(foldedLC.mask == 1.0)], foldedLC.y[np.where(foldedLC.mask == 1.0)], 1.0/foldedLC.yerr[np.where(foldedLC.mask == 1.0)], k = 3, s = 2*foldedLC.numCadences, check_finite = True)
		for i in xrange(fitLC.numCadences):
			fitLC.x[i] = foldedSpline(fitLC.t[i])
		# Now get the roots and find the falling root
		tZeros = foldedSpline.roots()
		if tZeros.shape[0] == 1: # We have found just tFalling
			tFalling = tZeros[0]
			tRising = fitLC.t[0]
			startIndex = 0
			tFull = fitLC.t[-1]
			stopIndex = fitLC.numCadences
		elif tZeros.shape[0] == 2: # We have found tFalling and one of tRising or tFull
			if foldedSpline.derivatives(tZeros[0])[1] < 0.0:
				tFalling = tZeros[0]
				tFull = tZeros[1]
				stopIndex = np.where(fitLC.t < tFull)[0][-1]
				tRising = fitLC.t[0]
				startIndex = 0
			elif foldedSpline.derivatives(tZeros[0])[1] > 0.0:
				if foldedSpline.derivatives(tZeros[1])[1] < 0.0:
					tRising = tZeros[0]
					startIndex = np.where(fitLC.t > tRising)[0][0]
					tFalling = tZeros[1]
					tFull = fitLC.t[-1]
					stopIndex = fitLC.numCadences
					raise RuntimeError('Could not determine alpha & omega correctly because the first root is rising but the second root is not falling!')
		elif tZeros.shape[0] == 3:
			tRising = tZeros[0]
			startIndex = np.where(fitLC.t > tRising)[0][0]
			tFalling = tZeros[1]
			tFull = tZeros[2]
			stopIndex = np.where(fitLC.t < tFull)[0][-1]
			raise RuntimeError('Could not determine alpha & omega correctly because tZeros has %d roots!'%(tZeros.shape[0]))
		# One full period now goes from tRising to periodEst. The maxima occurs between tRising and tFalling while the minima occurs between tFalling and tRising + periodEst  
		# Find the minima and maxima
		alpha = math.fabs(fitLC.x[np.where(np.max(fitLC.x[startIndex:stopIndex]) == fitLC.x)[0][0]])
		beta = math.fabs(fitLC.x[np.where(np.min(fitLC.x[startIndex:stopIndex]) == fitLC.x)[0][0]])
		peakLoc = fitLC.t[np.where(np.max(fitLC.x[startIndex:stopIndex]) == fitLC.x)[0][0]]
		troughLoc = fitLC.t[np.where(np.min(fitLC.x[startIndex:stopIndex]) == fitLC.x)[0][0]]
		KEst = 0.5*(alpha + beta)
		delta2 = (math.fabs(foldedSpline.integral(tRising, peakLoc)) + math.fabs(foldedSpline.integral(troughLoc, tFull)))/2.0
		delta1 = (math.fabs(foldedSpline.integral(peakLoc, tFalling)) + math.fabs(foldedSpline.integral(tFalling, troughLoc)))/2.0
		eCosOmega2 = (alpha - beta)/(alpha + beta)
		eSinOmega2 = ((2.0*math.sqrt(alpha*beta))/(alpha + beta))*((delta2 - delta1)/(delta2 + delta1))
		eccentricityEst = math.sqrt(math.pow(eCosOmega2, 2.0) + math.pow(eSinOmega2, 2.0))
		tanOmega2 = math.fabs(eSinOmega2/eCosOmega2)
		if (eCosOmega2/math.fabs(eCosOmega2) == 1.0) and (eSinOmega2/math.fabs(eSinOmega2) == 1.0):
			omega2Est = math.atan(tanOmega2)*(180.0/math.pi)
		if (eCosOmega2/math.fabs(eCosOmega2) == -1.0) and (eSinOmega2/math.fabs(eSinOmega2) == 1.0):
			omega2Est = 180.0 - math.atan(tanOmega2)*(180.0/math.pi)
		if (eCosOmega2/math.fabs(eCosOmega2) == -1.0) and (eSinOmega2/math.fabs(eSinOmega2) == -1.0):
			omega2Est = 180.0 + math.atan(tanOmega2)*(180.0/math.pi)
		if (eCosOmega2/math.fabs(eCosOmega2) == 1.0) and (eSinOmega2/math.fabs(eSinOmega2) == -1.0):
			omega2Est = 360.0 - math.atan(tanOmega2)*(180.0/math.pi)
		omega1Est = omega2Est - 180.0

		## tauEst
		zDot = KEst*(1.0 + eccentricityEst)*(eCosOmega2/eccentricityEst)
		zDotLC = dzdtLC.copy()
		for i in xrange(zDotLC.numCadences):
			zDotLC.y[i] = zDotLC.y[i] - zDot
		zDotSpline = UnivariateSpline(zDotLC.t[np.where(zDotLC.mask == 1.0)], zDotLC.y[np.where(zDotLC.mask == 1.0)], 1.0/zDotLC.yerr[np.where(zDotLC.mask == 1.0)], k = 3, s = 2*zDotLC.numCadences, check_finite = True)
		for i in xrange(zDotLC.numCadences):
			zDotLC.x[i] = zDotSpline(zDotLC.t[i])
		zDotZeros = zDotSpline.roots()
		zDotFoldedLC = dzdtLC.fold(periodEst)
		zDotFoldedSpline = UnivariateSpline(zDotFoldedLC.t[np.where(zDotFoldedLC.mask == 1.0)], zDotFoldedLC.y[np.where(zDotFoldedLC.mask == 1.0)], 1.0/zDotFoldedLC.yerr[np.where(zDotFoldedLC.mask == 1.0)], k = 3, s = 2*zDotFoldedLC.numCadences, check_finite = True)
		for i in xrange(zDotFoldedLC.numCadences):
			zDotFoldedLC.x[i] = zDotFoldedSpline(zDotFoldedLC.t[i])
		tC = zDotFoldedLC.t[np.where(np.max(zDotFoldedLC.x) == zDotFoldedLC.x)[0][0]]
		nuC = (360.0 - omega2Est)%360.0
		tE = zDotFoldedLC.t[np.where(np.min(zDotFoldedLC.x) == zDotFoldedLC.x)[0][0]]
		nuE = (180.0 - omega2Est)%360.0
		if math.fabs(360.0 - nuC) < math.fabs(360 - nuE):
			tauEst = zDotZeros[np.where(zDotZeros > tC)[0][0]]
			tauEst = zDotZeros[np.where(zDotZeros > tE)[0][0]]

		## a2sinInclinationEst
		a2sinInclinationEst = ((KEst*periodEst*self.Day*self.c*math.sqrt(1.0 - math.pow(eccentricityEst, 2.0)))/self.twoPi)/self.Parsec

		return intrinsicFluxEst, periodEst, eccentricityEst, omega1Est, tauEst, a2sinInclinationEst
Example #35
def find_cycle(feature,
               search_range_find=(2, 26),
    Use Lomb-Scargel method on different strain and mouse's data to find the
    best possible periods with highest p-values. The function can be used on
    specific strains and specific mouses, as well as just specific strains
    without specifying mouse number. We use the O(NlogN) fast implementation
    of Lomb-Scargle from the gatspy package, and also provide a way to
    visualize the result.

    Note that either plotting or calculating L-S power doesn't use the same
    method in finding best cycle. The former can use user-specified
    search_range, while the latter uses default two grid search_range.

    feature: string in {"AS", "F", "M_AS", "M_IS", "W", "Distance"}
        "AS": Active state probalibity
        "F": Food consumed (g)
        "M_AS": Movement outside homebase
        "M_IS": Movement inside homebase
        "W": Water consumed (g)
        "Distance": Distance traveled
    strain: int
        nonnegative integer indicating the strain number
    mouse: int, default is None
        nonnegative integer indicating the mouse number
    bin_width: int, minute unit, default is 15 minutes
        number of minutes, the time interval for data aggregation
    methods: string in {"LombScargleFast", "LombScargle"}
        indicating the method used in determining periods and best cycle.
        If choose 'LombScargle', 'disturb_t' must be True.
    disturb_t: boolean, default is False
        If True, add uniformly distributed noise to the time sequence which
        are used to fit the Lomb Scargle model. This is to avoid the singular
        matrix error that could happen sometimes.
    plot: boolean, default is True
        If True, call the visualization function to plot the Lomb Scargle
        power versus periods plot. First use the data (either strain specific
        or strain-mouse specific) to fit the LS model, then use the
        search_range_fit as time sequence to predict the corresponding LS
        power, at last draw the plot out. There will also be stars and
        horizontal lines indicating the p-value of significance. Three stars
        will be p-value in [0,0.001], two stars will be p-value in
        [0.001,0.01], one star will be p-value in [0.01,0.05]. The horizontal
        line is the LS power that has p-value of 0.05.
    search_range_fit: list, numpy array or numpy arange, hours unit,
        default is None
        list of numbers as the time sequence to predict the corrsponding
        Lomb Scargle power. If plot is 'True', these will be drawn as the
        x-axis. Note that the number of search_range_fit points can not be
        too small, or the prediction smooth line will not be accurate.
        However the plot will always give the right periods and their LS
        power with 1,2 or 3 stars. This could be a sign to check whether
        search_range_fit is not enough to draw the correct plot.
        We recommend the default None, which is easy to use.
    nyquist_factor: int
        If search_range_fit is None, the algorithm will automatically
        choose the periods sequence.
        5 * nyquist_factor * length(time sequence) / 2 gives the number of
        power and periods used to make LS prediction and plot the graph.
    n_cycle: int, default is 10
        numbers of periods to be returned by function, which have the highest
        Lomb Scargle power and p-value.
    search_range_find: list, tuple or numpy array with length of 2, default is
                       (2,26), hours unit
        Range of periods to be searched for best cycle. Note that the minimum
        should be strictly larger than 0 to avoid 1/0 issues.
    sig: list or numpy array, default is [0.05].
        significance level to be used for plot horizontal line.
    gen_doc: boolean, default is False
        If true, return the parameters needed for visualize the LS power versus

    cycle: numpy array of length 'n_cycle'
         The best periods with highest LS power and p-values.
    cycle_power: numpy array of length 'n_cycle'
         The corrsponding LS power of 'cycle'.
    cycle_pvalue: numpy array of length 'n_cycle'
         The corrsponding p-value of 'cycle'.
    periods: numpy array of the same length with 'power'
        use as time sequence in LS model to make predictions.Only return when
        gen_doc is True.
    power: numpy array of the same length with 'periods'
        the corresponding predicted power of periods. Only return when
        gen_doc is True.
    sig: list, tuple or numpy array, default is [0.05].
        significance level to be used for plot horizontal line.
        Only return when gen_doc is True.
    N: int
        the length of time sequence in the fit model. Only return when
        gen_doc is True.

    >>> a,b,c = find_cycle(feature='F', strain = 0,mouse = 0, plot=False,)
    >>> print(a,b,c)
    >>> [ 23.98055016   4.81080233  12.00693952   6.01216335   8.0356203
         3.4316698    2.56303353   4.9294791   21.37925713   3.5697756 ]
        [ 0.11543449  0.05138839  0.03853218  0.02982237  0.02275952
        0.0147941  0.01151601  0.00998443  0.00845883  0.0082382 ]
        [  0.00000000e+00   3.29976046e-10   5.39367189e-07   8.10528027e-05
          4.71001953e-03   3.70178834e-01   9.52707020e-01   9.99372657e-01
         9.99999981e-01   9.99999998e-01]

    if feature not in ALL_FEATURES:
        raise ValueError(
            'Input value must in {"AS", "F", "M_AS", "M_IS", "W", "Distance"}')
    if methods not in METHOD:
        raise ValueError(
            'Input value must in {"LombScargleFast","LombScargle"}')

    # get data
    if mouse is None:
        data_all = aggregate_data(feature=feature, bin_width=bin_width)
        n_mouse_in_strain = len(
            set(data_all.loc[data_all['strain'] == strain]['mouse']))
        data = [[] for i in range(n_mouse_in_strain)]
        t = [[] for i in range(n_mouse_in_strain)]
        for i in range(n_mouse_in_strain):
            data[i] = data_all.loc[(data_all['strain'] == strain)
                                   & (data_all['mouse'] == i)][feature]
            t[i] = np.array(
                          len(data[i]) * bin_width / 60, bin_width / 60))

        data = [val for sublist in data for val in sublist]
        N = len(data)
        t = [val for sublist in t for val in sublist]
        if feature == 'Distance':
            data = aggregate_movement(strain=strain,
            N = len(data)
            t = np.arange(0, N * bin_width / 60, bin_width / 60)
            data = aggregate_interval(strain=strain,
            N = len(data)
            t = np.arange(0, N * bin_width / 60, bin_width / 60)

    y = data

    # fit model
    if disturb_t is True:
        t = t + np.random.uniform(-bin_width / 600, bin_width / 600, N)

    if methods == 'LombScargleFast':
        model = LombScargleFast(fit_period=False).fit(t=t, y=y)
    elif methods == 'LombScargle':
        model = LombScargle(fit_period=False).fit(t=t, y=y)

    # calculate periods' LS power
    if search_range_fit is None:
        periods, power = model.periodogram_auto(nyquist_factor=nyquist_factor)
        periods = search_range_fit
        power = model.periodogram(periods=search_range_fit)

    # find best cycle
    model.optimizer.period_range = search_range_find
    cycle, cycle_power = model.find_best_periods(return_scores=True,
    cycle_pvalue = 1 - (1 - np.exp(cycle_power / (-2) * (N - 1)))**(2 * N)

    # visualization
    if plot is True:

    if gen_doc is True:
        return periods, power, sig, N, cycle, cycle_power, cycle_pvalue

    return cycle, cycle_power, cycle_pvalue
Example #36
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from astroML.datasets import fetch_LINEAR_sample
from gatspy.periodic import LombScargleFast

LINEAR_data = fetch_LINEAR_sample()
star_id = 10040133
t, mag, dmag = LINEAR_data.get_light_curve(star_id).T

# fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# ax.errorbar(t, mag, dmag, fmt='.k', ecolor='gray')
# ax.set(xlabel='Time (days)', ylabel='magitude',
#        title='LINEAR object {0}'.format(star_id))
# ax.invert_yaxis()
# plt.show()

model = LombScargleFast().fit(t, mag, dmag)
periods, power = model.periodogram_auto(nyquist_factor=100)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(periods, power)
ax.set(xlim=(0.2, 1.4),
       ylim=(0, 0.8),
       xlabel='period (days)',
       ylabel='Lomb-Scargle Power')
Example #37
def FitSin(time,
    Use Lomb Scargle to find a periodic signal. If it is significant then fit
    a sine curve and subtract. Repeat this procedure until no more periodic
    signals are found, or until maximum number of iterations has been reached.

    Note: this is where major issues were found in the light curve fitting as
    of Davenport (2016), where the iterative fitting was not adequately
    subtracting "pointy" features, such as RR Lyr or EBs. Upgrades to the
    fitting step are needed! Or, don't use iterative sine fitting...

    Idea for future: if L-S returns a significant P, use a median fit of the
    phase-folded data at that P instead of a sine fit...

    time : 1-d numpy array
    flux : 1-d numpy array
    error : 1-d numpy array
    maxnum : int, optional
        maximum number of iterations to try finding periods at
    nper : int, optional
        number of periods to search over with Lomb Scargle
    minper : float, optional
        minimum period (in units of time array, nominally days) to search
        for periods over (default=0.1)
    maxper : float, optional
        maximum period (in units of time array, nominally days) to search
        for periods over (default=30.0)
    plim : float, optional
        Lomb-Scargle power threshold needed to define a "significant" period
    per2 : bool, optional
        if True, use the 2-sine model fit at each period. if False, use normal
        1-sine model (default=False)
    returnmodel : bool, optional
        if True, return the combined sine model. If False, return the
        data - model (default=True)
    debug : bool, optional
        used to print out troubleshooting things (default=False)

    If returnmodel=True, output = combined sine model (default=True)
    If returnmodel=False, output = (data - model)

    flux_out = np.array(flux, copy=True)
    sin_out = np.zeros_like(flux)  # return the sin function!

    # total baseline of time window
    dt = np.nanmax(time) - np.nanmin(time)

    medflux = np.nanmedian(flux)
    # ti = time[dl[i]:dr[i]]

    for k in range(0, maxnum):
        # Use Jake Vanderplas faster version!
        pgram = LombScargleFast(fit_offset=False)
        pgram.optimizer.set(period_range=(minper, maxper))
        pgram = pgram.fit(time, flux_out - medflux, error)

        df = (1. / minper - 1. / maxper) / nper
        f0 = 1. / maxper
        pwr = pgram.score_frequency_grid(f0, df, nper)

        freq = f0 + df * np.arange(nper)
        per = 1. / freq

        pok = np.where((per < dt) & (per > minper))
        pk = per[pok][np.argmax(pwr[pok])]
        pp = np.max(pwr)

        if debug is True:
            print('trial (k): ' + str(k) + '.  peak period (pk):' + str(pk) +
                  '.  peak power (pp):' + str(pp))

        # if a period w/ enough power is detected
        if (pp > plim):
            # fit sin curve to window and subtract
            if per2 is True:
                p0 = [
                    pk, 3.0 * np.nanstd(flux_out - medflux), 0.0, pk / 2.,
                    1.5 * np.nanstd(flux_out - medflux), 0.1, 0.0
                    pfit, pcov = curve_fit(_sinfunc2,
                                           flux_out - medflux,
                    if debug is True:
                        print('>>', pfit)
                except RuntimeError:
                    pfit = [pk, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]
                    if debug is True:
                        print('Curve_Fit2 no good')

                flux_out = flux_out - _sinfunc2(time, *pfit)
                sin_out = sin_out + _sinfunc2(time, *pfit)

                p0 = [pk, 3.0 * np.nanstd(flux_out - medflux), 0.0, 0.0]
                    pfit, pcov = curve_fit(_sinfunc,
                                           flux_out - medflux,
                except RuntimeError:
                    pfit = [pk, 0., 0., 0.]
                    if debug is True:
                        print('Curve_Fit no good')

                flux_out = flux_out - _sinfunc(time, *pfit)
                sin_out = sin_out + _sinfunc(time, *pfit)

        # add the median flux for this window BACK in
        sin_out = sin_out + medflux

    # if debug is True:
    #     plt.figure()
    #     plt.plot(time, flux)
    #     plt.plot(time, flux_out, c='red')
    #     plt.show()

    if returnmodel is True:
        return sin_out
        return flux_out
Example #38
def find_cycle(feature, strain, mouse=None, bin_width=15,
               methods='LombScargleFast', disturb_t=False, gen_doc=False,
               plot=True, search_range_fit=None, nyquist_factor=3,
               n_cycle=10, search_range_find=(2, 26), sig=np.array([0.05])):
    Use Lomb-Scargel method on different strain and mouse's data to find the
    best possible periods with highest p-values. The function can be used on
    specific strains and specific mouses, as well as just specific strains
    without specifying mouse number. We use the O(NlogN) fast implementation
    of Lomb-Scargle from the gatspy package, and also provide a way to
    visualize the result.

    Note that either plotting or calculating L-S power doesn't use the same
    method in finding best cycle. The former can use user-specified
    search_range, while the latter uses default two grid search_range.

    feature: string in {"AS", "F", "M_AS", "M_IS", "W", "Distance"}
        "AS": Active state probalibity
        "F": Food consumed (g)
        "M_AS": Movement outside homebase
        "M_IS": Movement inside homebase
        "W": Water consumed (g)
        "Distance": Distance traveled
    strain: int
        nonnegative integer indicating the strain number
    mouse: int, default is None
        nonnegative integer indicating the mouse number
    bin_width: int, minute unit, default is 15 minutes
        number of minutes, the time interval for data aggregation
    methods: string in {"LombScargleFast", "LombScargle"}
        indicating the method used in determining periods and best cycle.
        If choose 'LombScargle', 'disturb_t' must be True.
    disturb_t: boolean, default is False
        If True, add uniformly distributed noise to the time sequence which
        are used to fit the Lomb Scargle model. This is to avoid the singular
        matrix error that could happen sometimes.
    plot: boolean, default is True
        If True, call the visualization function to plot the Lomb Scargle
        power versus periods plot. First use the data (either strain specific
        or strain-mouse specific) to fit the LS model, then use the
        search_range_fit as time sequence to predict the corresponding LS
        power, at last draw the plot out. There will also be stars and
        horizontal lines indicating the p-value of significance. Three stars
        will be p-value in [0,0.001], two stars will be p-value in
        [0.001,0.01], one star will be p-value in [0.01,0.05]. The horizontal
        line is the LS power that has p-value of 0.05.
    search_range_fit: list, numpy array or numpy arange, hours unit,
        default is None
        list of numbers as the time sequence to predict the corrsponding
        Lomb Scargle power. If plot is 'True', these will be drawn as the
        x-axis. Note that the number of search_range_fit points can not be
        too small, or the prediction smooth line will not be accurate.
        However the plot will always give the right periods and their LS
        power with 1,2 or 3 stars. This could be a sign to check whether
        search_range_fit is not enough to draw the correct plot.
        We recommend the default None, which is easy to use.
    nyquist_factor: int
        If search_range_fit is None, the algorithm will automatically
        choose the periods sequence.
        5 * nyquist_factor * length(time sequence) / 2 gives the number of
        power and periods used to make LS prediction and plot the graph.
    n_cycle: int, default is 10
        numbers of periods to be returned by function, which have the highest
        Lomb Scargle power and p-value.
    search_range_find: list, tuple or numpy array with length of 2, default is
                       (2,26), hours unit
        Range of periods to be searched for best cycle. Note that the minimum
        should be strictly larger than 0 to avoid 1/0 issues.
    sig: list or numpy array, default is [0.05].
        significance level to be used for plot horizontal line.
    gen_doc: boolean, default is False
        If true, return the parameters needed for visualize the LS power versus

    cycle: numpy array of length 'n_cycle'
         The best periods with highest LS power and p-values.
    cycle_power: numpy array of length 'n_cycle'
         The corrsponding LS power of 'cycle'.
    cycle_pvalue: numpy array of length 'n_cycle'
         The corrsponding p-value of 'cycle'.
    periods: numpy array of the same length with 'power'
        use as time sequence in LS model to make predictions.Only return when
        gen_doc is True.
    power: numpy array of the same length with 'periods'
        the corresponding predicted power of periods. Only return when
        gen_doc is True.
    sig: list, tuple or numpy array, default is [0.05].
        significance level to be used for plot horizontal line.
        Only return when gen_doc is True.
    N: int
        the length of time sequence in the fit model. Only return when
        gen_doc is True.

    >>> a,b,c = find_cycle(feature='F', strain = 0,mouse = 0, plot=False,)
    >>> print(a,b,c)
    >>> [ 23.98055016   4.81080233  12.00693952   6.01216335   8.0356203
         3.4316698    2.56303353   4.9294791   21.37925713   3.5697756 ]
        [ 0.11543449  0.05138839  0.03853218  0.02982237  0.02275952
        0.0147941  0.01151601  0.00998443  0.00845883  0.0082382 ]
        [  0.00000000e+00   3.29976046e-10   5.39367189e-07   8.10528027e-05
          4.71001953e-03   3.70178834e-01   9.52707020e-01   9.99372657e-01
         9.99999981e-01   9.99999998e-01]

    if feature not in ALL_FEATURES:
        raise ValueError(
            'Input value must in {"AS", "F", "M_AS", "M_IS", "W", "Distance"}')
    if methods not in METHOD:
        raise ValueError(
            'Input value must in {"LombScargleFast","LombScargle"}')

    # get data
    if mouse is None:
        data_all = aggregate_data(feature=feature, bin_width=bin_width)
        n_mouse_in_strain = len(
            set(data_all.loc[data_all['strain'] == strain]['mouse']))
        data = [[] for i in range(n_mouse_in_strain)]
        t = [[] for i in range(n_mouse_in_strain)]
        for i in range(n_mouse_in_strain):
            data[i] = data_all.loc[(data_all['strain'] == strain) & (
                data_all['mouse'] == i)][feature]
            t[i] = np.array(np.arange(0, len(data[i]) *
                                      bin_width / 60, bin_width / 60))

        data = [val for sublist in data for val in sublist]
        N = len(data)
        t = [val for sublist in t for val in sublist]
        if feature == 'Distance':
            data = aggregate_movement(
                strain=strain, mouse=mouse, bin_width=bin_width)
            N = len(data)
            t = np.arange(0, N * bin_width / 60, bin_width / 60)
            data = aggregate_interval(
                strain=strain, mouse=mouse,
                feature=feature, bin_width=bin_width)
            N = len(data)
            t = np.arange(0, N * bin_width / 60, bin_width / 60)

    y = data

    # fit model
    if disturb_t is True:
        t = t + np.random.uniform(-bin_width / 600, bin_width / 600, N)

    if methods == 'LombScargleFast':
        model = LombScargleFast(fit_period=False).fit(t=t, y=y)
    elif methods == 'LombScargle':
        model = LombScargle(fit_period=False).fit(t=t, y=y)

    # calculate periods' LS power
    if search_range_fit is None:
        periods, power = model.periodogram_auto(nyquist_factor=nyquist_factor)
        periods = search_range_fit
        power = model.periodogram(periods=search_range_fit)

    # find best cycle
    model.optimizer.period_range = search_range_find
    cycle, cycle_power = model.find_best_periods(
        return_scores=True, n_periods=n_cycle)
    cycle_pvalue = 1 - (1 - np.exp(cycle_power / (-2) * (N - 1))) ** (2 * N)

    # visualization
    if plot is True:
        lombscargle_visualize(periods=periods, power=power, sig=sig, N=N,
                              cycle_pvalue=cycle_pvalue, cycle=cycle)

    if gen_doc is True:
        return periods, power, sig, N, cycle, cycle_power, cycle_pvalue

    return cycle, cycle_power, cycle_pvalue