Example #1
    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.filename = filename
        self.model = ModelParams(filename)
        self.particles = numpy.loadtxt(filename)[:, 0:6]
        if vel_error != 0:
            print "Assumed error of", vel_error, "km/s in velocity"
        if phase_space_info_mode <= 5:
            self.particles[:, 2] *= numpy.nan  # remove z-coordinate
        if phase_space_info_mode <= 3:
            self.particles[:, 3:5] *= numpy.nan  # remove vx and vy
        if phase_space_info_mode != 6 or vel_error != 0:
            self.samples, self.weights = sampleMissingData(
                    (self.particles, numpy.ones(
                        (self.particles.shape[0], 3)) * vel_error)),

        # check if we may restart the search from already existing parameters
            self.values = numpy.loadtxt(self.filename + ".best")
            if self.values.ndim == 1:  # only one set of parameters - this occurs after the deterministic search
                self.values = self.values[:
                                          -1]  # the last column is the likelihood, strip it
            else:  # a number of MCMC walkers, each with its own set of parameters
                self.values = self.values[:, :-1]
            print "Loaded from saved file: (nwalkers,nparams)=", self.values.shape
            self.values = None
Example #2
    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.filename  = filename
        self.model     = ModelParams(filename)
            self.particles = numpy.loadtxt(filename)[:,0:6]
        except Exception as ex:
            print(str(ex)+"\nYou need to run this script from a directory containing files "\
                "from the Gaia Challenge spherical/triaxial mock data.")
        if vel_error!=0:
            print("Assumed error of %f km/s in velocity" % vel_error)
        if phase_space_info_mode <= 5:
            self.particles[:,2] *= numpy.nan    # remove z-coordinate
        if phase_space_info_mode <= 3:
            self.particles[:,3:5] *= numpy.nan  # remove vx and vy
        if phase_space_info_mode != 6 or vel_error != 0:
            self.samples, self.weights = sampleMissingData(
                numpy.hstack((self.particles, numpy.ones((self.particles.shape[0], 3)) * vel_error)),
                num_subsamples )

        # check if we may restart the search from already existing parameters
            self.values = numpy.loadtxt(self.filename+".best")
            if self.values.ndim==1:   # only one set of parameters - this occurs after the deterministic search
                self.values = self.values[:-1]  # the last column is the likelihood, strip it
            else:  # a number of MCMC walkers, each with its own set of parameters
                self.values = self.values[:,:-1]
            print("Loaded from saved file: (nwalkers,nparams)=" + str(self.values.shape))
            self.values = None
    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.filename  = filename
        self.model     = ModelParams(filename)
        self.particles = numpy.loadtxt(filename)[:,0:6]
        if vel_error!=0:
            print "Assumed error of",vel_error,"km/s in velocity"
        if phase_space_info_mode <= 5:
            self.particles[:,2] *= numpy.nan    # remove z-coordinate
        if phase_space_info_mode <= 3:
            self.particles[:,3:5] *= numpy.nan  # remove vx and vy
        if phase_space_info_mode != 6 or vel_error != 0:
            self.samples, self.weights = sampleMissingData(
                numpy.hstack((self.particles, numpy.ones((self.particles.shape[0], 3)) * vel_error)),
                num_subsamples )

        # check if we may restart the search from already existing parameters
            self.values = numpy.loadtxt(self.filename+".best")
            if self.values.ndim==1:   # only one set of parameters - this occurs after the deterministic search
                self.values = self.values[:-1]  # the last column is the likelihood, strip it
            else:  # a number of MCMC walkers, each with its own set of parameters
                self.values = self.values[:,:-1]
            print "Loaded from saved file: (nwalkers,nparams)=",self.values.shape
            self.values = None
Example #4
class ModelSearcher:
    Class that encompasses the computation of likelihood for the given parameters,
    and implements model-searching algorithms (deterministic and MCMC)
    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.filename = filename
        self.model = ModelParams(filename)
        self.particles = numpy.loadtxt(filename)[:, 0:6]
        if vel_error != 0:
            print "Assumed error of", vel_error, "km/s in velocity"
        if phase_space_info_mode <= 5:
            self.particles[:, 2] *= numpy.nan  # remove z-coordinate
        if phase_space_info_mode <= 3:
            self.particles[:, 3:5] *= numpy.nan  # remove vx and vy
        if phase_space_info_mode != 6 or vel_error != 0:
            self.samples, self.weights = sampleMissingData(
                    (self.particles, numpy.ones(
                        (self.particles.shape[0], 3)) * vel_error)),

        # check if we may restart the search from already existing parameters
            self.values = numpy.loadtxt(self.filename + ".best")
            if self.values.ndim == 1:  # only one set of parameters - this occurs after the deterministic search
                self.values = self.values[:
                                          -1]  # the last column is the likelihood, strip it
            else:  # a number of MCMC walkers, each with its own set of parameters
                self.values = self.values[:, :-1]
            print "Loaded from saved file: (nwalkers,nparams)=", self.values.shape
            self.values = None

    def modelLikelihood(self, params):
        Compute the likelihood of model (df+potential specified by scaled params)
        against the data (array of Nx6 position/velocity coordinates of tracer particles).
        This is the function to be maximized; if parameters are outside the allowed range, it returns -infinity
        prior = self.model.prior(params)
        if prior == -numpy.inf:
            print "Out of range"
            return prior
            # Compute log-likelihood of DF with given params against an array of actions
            pot = self.model.createPotential(params)
            df = self.model.createDF(params)
            if phase_space_info_mode == 6:  # actions of tracer particles
                if self.particles.shape[
                        0] > 2000:  # create an action finder object for a faster evaluation
                    actions = agama.ActionFinder(pot)(self.particles)
                    actions = agama.actions(self.particles, pot)
                df_val = df(actions)  # values of DF for these actions
            else:  # have full phase space info for resampled input particles (missing components are filled in)
                af = agama.ActionFinder(pot)
                actions = af(
                    self.samples)  # actions of resampled tracer particles
                # compute values of DF for these actions, multiplied by sample weights
                df_val = df(actions) * self.weights
                # compute the weighted sum of likelihoods of all samples for a single particle,
                # replacing the improbable samples (with NaN as likelihood) with zeroes
                df_val = numpy.sum(numpy.nan_to_num(
                    df_val.reshape(-1, num_subsamples)),

            loglike = numpy.sum(numpy.log(df_val))
            if numpy.isnan(loglike): loglike = -numpy.inf
            loglike += prior
            print "LogL=%.8g" % loglike
            return loglike
        except ValueError as err:
            print "Exception ", err
            return -numpy.inf

    def deterministicSearch(self):
        do a deterministic search to find the best-fit parameters of potential and distribution function.
        perform several iterations of search, to avoid getting stuck in a local minimum,
        until the log-likelihood ceases to improve
        if self.values is None:  # just started
            self.values = self.model.initValues  # get the first guess from the model-scaling object
        elif self.values.ndim == 2:  # entire ensemble of values (after MCMC)
            self.values = self.values[
                0, :]  # leave only one set of values from the ensemble
        prevloglike = -deterministicSearchFnc(self.values,
                                              self)  # initial likelihood

        while True:
            print 'Starting deterministic search'
            result = scipy.optimize.minimize(deterministicSearchFnc, \
                self.values, args=(self,), method='Nelder-Mead', \
                options=dict(maxfev=nsteps_deterministic, disp=True))
            self.values = result.x
            loglike = -result.fun
            print 'result=', result.x, 'LogL=', loglike,
            # store the latest best-fit parameters and their likelihood
            numpy.savetxt(self.filename + '.best',
                          numpy.hstack((self.values, loglike)).reshape(1, -1),
            if loglike - prevloglike < 1.0:
                print 'Converged'
                print 'Improved log-likelihood by', loglike - prevloglike
            prevloglike = loglike

    def monteCarloSearch(self):
        Explore the parameter space around the best-fit values using the MCMC method
        if self.values.ndim == 1:
            # initial coverage of parameter space (dispersion around the current best-fit values)
            nparams = len(self.values)
            ensemble = numpy.empty((nwalkers_mcmc, len(self.values)))
            for i in range(nwalkers_mcmc):
                while True:  # ensure that we initialize walkers with feasible values
                    walker = self.values + (numpy.random.randn(nparams) *
                                            initial_disp_mcmc if i > 0 else 0)
                    prob = monteCarloSearchFnc(walker, self)
                    if numpy.isfinite(prob):
                        ensemble[i, :] = walker
                    print '*',
            self.values = ensemble
            # check that all walkers have finite likelihood
            prob = numpy.zeros((self.values.shape[0], 1))
            for i in range(self.values.shape[0]):
                prob[i, 0] = monteCarloSearchFnc(self.values[i, :], self)
                if not numpy.isfinite(prob[i, 0]):
                    print 'Invalid parameters for', i, '-th walker (likelihood is bogus)'
                    print prob[i, 0]

        nwalkers, nparams = self.values.shape
        sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers,
                                        args=(self, ),
        prevmaxloglike = None
        while True:  # run several passes until convergence
            print 'Starting MCMC'
            sampler.run_mcmc(self.values, nsteps_mcmc)
            # restart the next pass from the latest values in the Markov chain
            self.values = sampler.chain[:, -1, :]

            # store the latest best-fit parameters and their likelihood, and the entire chain for the last nsteps_mcmc steps
            numpy.savetxt(self.filename+'.best', \
                numpy.hstack((self.values, sampler.lnprobability[:,-1].reshape(-1,1))), fmt='%.8g')
            numpy.savetxt(self.filename+".chain", \
                 sampler.lnprobability[-nsteps_mcmc:].reshape(-1,1))), fmt='%.8g')

            print "Acceptance fraction: ", numpy.mean(
                sampler.acceptance_fraction)  # should be in the range 0.2-0.5
            print "Autocorrelation time: ", sampler.acor  # should be considerably shorter than the total number of steps
            maxloglike = numpy.max(sampler.lnprobability[:, -nsteps_mcmc:])
            avgloglike = numpy.mean(sampler.lnprobability[:, -nsteps_mcmc:]
                                    )  # avg.log-likelihood during the pass
            avgparams = numpy.array([
                numpy.mean(sampler.chain[:, -nsteps_mcmc:, i])
                for i in range(nparams)
            rmsparams = numpy.array([
                numpy.std(sampler.chain[:, -nsteps_mcmc:, i])
                for i in range(nparams)
            print "Max log-likelihood= %.8g, avg log-likelihood= %.8g" % (
                maxloglike, avgloglike)
            for i in range(nparams):
                sorted_values = numpy.sort(sampler.chain[:, -nsteps_mcmc:, i],
                print "Parameter %20s  avg= %8.5g;  one-sigma range = (%8.5f, %8.5f)" \
                    % (self.model.labels[i], avgparams[i], \
                    sorted_values[int(len(sorted_values)*0.16)], sorted_values[int(len(sorted_values)*0.84)] )

            # plot the chain evolution and the posterior distribution + correlations between parameters
            self.plot(sampler.chain, sampler.lnprobability, self.model.labels)

            # check for convergence
            if not prevmaxloglike is None:
                if  maxloglike-prevmaxloglike  < 1.0 and \
                abs(avgloglike-prevavgloglike) < 1.0 and \
                numpy.all(avgparams-prevavgparams < 0.1) and \
                numpy.all(rmsparams-prevrmsparams < 0.1):
                    print "Converged"
            prevmaxloglike = maxloglike
            prevavgloglike = avgloglike
            prevavgparams = avgparams
            prevrmsparams = rmsparams

    def plot(self, chain, loglike, labels):
        Show the time evolution of parameters carried by the ensemble of walkers (time=number of MC steps),
        and the posterior distribution of parameters for the last nsteps_mcmc only
        ndim = chain.shape[2]
        fig, axes = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots(ndim + 1,
                                               figsize=(20, 15))
        for i in range(ndim):
            axes[i].plot(chain[:, :, i].T, color='k', alpha=0.5)
        # last panel shows the evolution of log-likelihood for the ensemble of walkers
        axes[-1].plot(loglike.T, color='k', alpha=0.5)
        maxloglike = numpy.max(loglike)
            maxloglike - 3 * ndim, maxloglike
        )  # restrict the range of log-likelihood arount its maximum
        matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(self.filename + "_chain.png")

            corner.corner(chain[-nsteps_mcmc:].reshape((-1, chain.shape[2])), \
                quantiles=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84], labels=labels)
            matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(self.filename + "_posterior.png")
        except ValueError as err:
            print "Can't plot posterior distribution:", err

    def run(self):
        if self.values is None:  # first attempt a deterministic search to find the best-fit params
Example #5
    #axes[1,indx].legend(loc='lower left')
    axes[1,indx].set_xlim(rmin, rmax)
    axes[1,indx].set_ylim(densmin, densmax)
    axes[1,indx].text( (rmin*rmax)**0.5, densmin*2, label, ha='center')

################  MAIN PROGRAM  ##################
#base     = "gs010_bs050_rcrs100_rarcinf_core_0400mpc3_df"
if len(sys.argv)<=1:
    print("Provide the data file name as the command-line argument")
agama.setUnits(mass=1, length=1, velocity=1)
base     = sys.argv[1]
model    = ModelParams(base)
rmin     = 0.01
rmax     = 100.
velmin   = 0.
velmax   = 40.
radii    = numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(rmin), numpy.log10(rmax), 25)
midradii = (radii[1:] * radii[:-1])**0.5
xyz      = numpy.vstack((radii, numpy.zeros_like(radii), numpy.zeros_like(radii))).T

# plot the inferred density of dark matter and its log-slope as functions of radius
fig,axes = pyplot.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(12,8))
plot_profiles("6"+base+"/"+base+"_1000_0.dat",     0,  '6d, no errors')
plot_profiles("5"+base+"/"+base+"_1000_0_err.dat", 1, r'5d, $\delta v$=2 km/s')
plot_profiles("3"+base+"/"+base+"_1000_0_err.dat", 2, r'3d, $\delta v$=2 km/s')
class ModelSearcher:
    Class that encompasses the computation of likelihood for the given parameters,
    and implements model-searching algorithms (deterministic and MCMC)
    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.filename  = filename
        self.model     = ModelParams(filename)
        self.particles = numpy.loadtxt(filename)[:,0:6]
        if vel_error!=0:
            print "Assumed error of",vel_error,"km/s in velocity"
        if phase_space_info_mode <= 5:
            self.particles[:,2] *= numpy.nan    # remove z-coordinate
        if phase_space_info_mode <= 3:
            self.particles[:,3:5] *= numpy.nan  # remove vx and vy
        if phase_space_info_mode != 6 or vel_error != 0:
            self.samples, self.weights = sampleMissingData(
                numpy.hstack((self.particles, numpy.ones((self.particles.shape[0], 3)) * vel_error)),
                num_subsamples )

        # check if we may restart the search from already existing parameters
            self.values = numpy.loadtxt(self.filename+".best")
            if self.values.ndim==1:   # only one set of parameters - this occurs after the deterministic search
                self.values = self.values[:-1]  # the last column is the likelihood, strip it
            else:  # a number of MCMC walkers, each with its own set of parameters
                self.values = self.values[:,:-1]
            print "Loaded from saved file: (nwalkers,nparams)=",self.values.shape
            self.values = None

    def modelLikelihood(self, params):
        Compute the likelihood of model (df+potential specified by scaled params)
        against the data (array of Nx6 position/velocity coordinates of tracer particles).
        This is the function to be maximized; if parameters are outside the allowed range, it returns -infinity
        prior = self.model.prior(params)
        if prior == -numpy.inf:
            print "Out of range"
            return prior
            # Compute log-likelihood of DF with given params against an array of actions
            pot     = self.model.createPotential(params)
            df      = self.model.createDF(params)
            if phase_space_info_mode == 6:  # actions of tracer particles
                if self.particles.shape[0] > 2000:  # create an action finder object for a faster evaluation
                    actions = agama.ActionFinder(pot)(self.particles)
                    actions = agama.actions(self.particles, pot)
                df_val  = df(actions)       # values of DF for these actions
            else:  # have full phase space info for resampled input particles (missing components are filled in)
                af      = agama.ActionFinder(pot)
                actions = af(self.samples)  # actions of resampled tracer particles
                # compute values of DF for these actions, multiplied by sample weights
                df_val  = df(actions) * self.weights
                # compute the weighted sum of likelihoods of all samples for a single particle,
                # replacing the improbable samples (with NaN as likelihood) with zeroes
                df_val  = numpy.sum(numpy.nan_to_num(df_val.reshape(-1, num_subsamples)), axis=1)

            loglike = numpy.sum( numpy.log( df_val ) )
            if numpy.isnan(loglike): loglike = -numpy.inf
            loglike += prior
            print "LogL=%.8g" % loglike
            return loglike
        except ValueError as err:
            print "Exception ", err
            return -numpy.inf

    def deterministicSearch(self):
        do a deterministic search to find the best-fit parameters of potential and distribution function.
        perform several iterations of search, to avoid getting stuck in a local minimum,
        until the log-likelihood ceases to improve
        if self.values is None:                   # just started
            self.values = self.model.initValues   # get the first guess from the model-scaling object
        elif self.values.ndim == 2:               # entire ensemble of values (after MCMC)
            self.values = self.values[0,:]        # leave only one set of values from the ensemble
        prevloglike = -deterministicSearchFnc(self.values, self)  # initial likelihood

        while True:
            print 'Starting deterministic search'
            result = scipy.optimize.minimize(deterministicSearchFnc, \
                self.values, args=(self,), method='Nelder-Mead', \
                options=dict(maxfev=nsteps_deterministic, disp=True))
            self.values = result.x
            loglike= -result.fun
            print 'result=', result.x, 'LogL=', loglike,
            # store the latest best-fit parameters and their likelihood
            numpy.savetxt(self.filename+'.best', numpy.hstack((self.values, loglike)).reshape(1,-1), fmt='%.8g')
            if loglike - prevloglike < 1.0:
                print 'Converged'
                print 'Improved log-likelihood by', loglike - prevloglike
            prevloglike = loglike

    def monteCarloSearch(self):
        Explore the parameter space around the best-fit values using the MCMC method
        if self.values.ndim == 1:
            # initial coverage of parameter space (dispersion around the current best-fit values)
            nparams = len(self.values)
            ensemble = numpy.empty((nwalkers_mcmc, len(self.values)))
            for i in range(nwalkers_mcmc):
                while True:   # ensure that we initialize walkers with feasible values
                    walker = self.values + (numpy.random.randn(nparams)*initial_disp_mcmc if i>0 else 0)
                    prob   = monteCarloSearchFnc(walker, self)
                    if numpy.isfinite(prob):
                        ensemble[i,:] = walker
                    print '*',
            self.values = ensemble
            # check that all walkers have finite likelihood
            prob = numpy.zeros((self.values.shape[0],1))
            for i in range(self.values.shape[0]):
                prob[i,0] = monteCarloSearchFnc(self.values[i,:], self)
                if not numpy.isfinite(prob[i,0]):
                    print 'Invalid parameters for',i,'-th walker (likelihood is bogus)'
                else: print prob[i,0]

        nwalkers, nparams = self.values.shape
        sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, nparams, monteCarloSearchFnc, args=(self,), threads=nthreads_mcmc)
        prevmaxloglike = None
        while True:  # run several passes until convergence
            print 'Starting MCMC'
            sampler.run_mcmc(self.values, nsteps_mcmc)
            # restart the next pass from the latest values in the Markov chain
            self.values = sampler.chain[:,-1,:]

            # store the latest best-fit parameters and their likelihood, and the entire chain for the last nsteps_mcmc steps
            numpy.savetxt(self.filename+'.best', \
                numpy.hstack((self.values, sampler.lnprobability[:,-1].reshape(-1,1))), fmt='%.8g')
            numpy.savetxt(self.filename+".chain", \
                 sampler.lnprobability[-nsteps_mcmc:].reshape(-1,1))), fmt='%.8g')

            print "Acceptance fraction: ", numpy.mean(sampler.acceptance_fraction)  # should be in the range 0.2-0.5
            print "Autocorrelation time: ", sampler.acor  # should be considerably shorter than the total number of steps
            maxloglike = numpy.max(sampler.lnprobability[:,-nsteps_mcmc:])
            avgloglike = numpy.mean(sampler.lnprobability[:,-nsteps_mcmc:])  # avg.log-likelihood during the pass
            avgparams  = numpy.array([numpy.mean(sampler.chain[:,-nsteps_mcmc:,i]) for i in range(nparams)])
            rmsparams  = numpy.array([numpy.std (sampler.chain[:,-nsteps_mcmc:,i]) for i in range(nparams)])
            print "Max log-likelihood= %.8g, avg log-likelihood= %.8g" % (maxloglike, avgloglike)
            for i in range(nparams):
                sorted_values = numpy.sort(sampler.chain[:,-nsteps_mcmc:,i], axis=None)
                print "Parameter %20s  avg= %8.5g;  one-sigma range = (%8.5f, %8.5f)" \
                    % (self.model.labels[i], avgparams[i], \
                    sorted_values[int(len(sorted_values)*0.16)], sorted_values[int(len(sorted_values)*0.84)] )

            # plot the chain evolution and the posterior distribution + correlations between parameters
            self.plot(sampler.chain, sampler.lnprobability, self.model.labels)

            # check for convergence
            if not prevmaxloglike is None:
                if  maxloglike-prevmaxloglike  < 1.0 and \
                abs(avgloglike-prevavgloglike) < 1.0 and \
                numpy.all(avgparams-prevavgparams < 0.1) and \
                numpy.all(rmsparams-prevrmsparams < 0.1):
                    print "Converged"
            prevmaxloglike = maxloglike
            prevavgloglike = avgloglike
            prevavgparams  = avgparams
            prevrmsparams  = rmsparams

    def plot(self, chain, loglike, labels):
        Show the time evolution of parameters carried by the ensemble of walkers (time=number of MC steps),
        and the posterior distribution of parameters for the last nsteps_mcmc only
        ndim = chain.shape[2]
        fig,axes = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots(ndim+1, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(20,15))
        for i in range(ndim):
            axes[i].plot(chain[:,:,i].T, color='k', alpha=0.5)
        # last panel shows the evolution of log-likelihood for the ensemble of walkers
        axes[-1].plot(loglike.T, color='k', alpha=0.5)
        maxloglike = numpy.max(loglike)
        axes[-1].set_ylim(maxloglike-3*ndim, maxloglike)   # restrict the range of log-likelihood arount its maximum

            corner.corner(chain[-nsteps_mcmc:].reshape((-1, chain.shape[2])), \
                quantiles=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84], labels=labels)
        except ValueError as err:
            print "Can't plot posterior distribution:", err

    def run(self):
        if self.values is None:   # first attempt a deterministic search to find the best-fit params