Example #1
    def test_update(self):
        from gcloud._testing import _Monkey
        from gcloud.bigtable._generated import (
            bigtable_cluster_data_pb2 as data_pb2)
        from gcloud.bigtable._generated import operations_pb2
        from gcloud.bigtable._testing import _FakeStub
        from gcloud.bigtable import cluster as MUT

        project = 'PROJECT'
        zone = 'zone'
        cluster_id = 'cluster-id'
        serve_nodes = 81
        display_name = 'display_name'
        timeout_seconds = 9

        client = _Client(project, timeout_seconds=timeout_seconds)
        cluster = self._makeOne(zone, cluster_id, client,

        # Create request_pb
        cluster_name = ('projects/' + project + '/zones/' + zone +
                        '/clusters/' + cluster_id)
        request_pb = data_pb2.Cluster(

        # Create response_pb
        current_op = operations_pb2.Operation()
        response_pb = data_pb2.Cluster(current_operation=current_op)

        # Patch the stub used by the API method.
        client._cluster_stub = stub = _FakeStub(response_pb)

        # Create expected_result.
        op_id = 5678
        op_begin = object()
        expected_result = MUT.Operation('update', op_id, op_begin,

        # Create mocks
        process_operation_called = []

        def mock_process_operation(operation_pb):
            return op_id, op_begin

        # Perform the method and check the result.
        with _Monkey(MUT, _process_operation=mock_process_operation):
            result = cluster.update()

        self.assertEqual(result, expected_result)
        self.assertEqual(stub.method_calls, [(
            (request_pb, timeout_seconds),
        self.assertEqual(process_operation_called, [current_op])
Example #2
    def test_op_name_parsing_failure(self):
        from gcloud.bigtable._generated import (
            bigtable_cluster_data_pb2 as data_pb2)
        from gcloud.bigtable._generated import operations_pb2

        current_op = operations_pb2.Operation(name='invalid')
        cluster = data_pb2.Cluster(current_operation=current_op)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
Example #3
    def test_undelete(self):
        from gcloud._testing import _Monkey
        from gcloud.bigtable._generated import (
            bigtable_cluster_service_messages_pb2 as messages_pb2)
        from gcloud.bigtable._generated import operations_pb2
        from gcloud.bigtable._testing import _FakeStub
        from gcloud.bigtable import cluster as MUT

        project = 'PROJECT'
        zone = 'zone'
        cluster_id = 'cluster-id'
        timeout_seconds = 78

        client = _Client(project, timeout_seconds=timeout_seconds)
        cluster = self._makeOne(zone, cluster_id, client)

        # Create request_pb
        cluster_name = ('projects/' + project + '/zones/' + zone +
                        '/clusters/' + cluster_id)
        request_pb = messages_pb2.UndeleteClusterRequest(name=cluster_name)

        # Create response_pb
        response_pb = operations_pb2.Operation()

        # Patch the stub used by the API method.
        client._cluster_stub = stub = _FakeStub(response_pb)

        # Create expected_result.
        op_id = 5678
        op_begin = object()
        expected_result = MUT.Operation('undelete', op_id, op_begin,

        # Create the mocks.
        process_operation_called = []

        def mock_process_operation(operation_pb):
            return op_id, op_begin

        # Perform the method and check the result.
        with _Monkey(MUT, _process_operation=mock_process_operation):
            result = cluster.undelete()

        self.assertEqual(result, expected_result)
        self.assertEqual(stub.method_calls, [(
            (request_pb, timeout_seconds),
        self.assertEqual(process_operation_called, [response_pb])
Example #4
    def _finished_helper(self, done):
        import datetime
        from gcloud.bigtable._generated import operations_pb2
        from gcloud.bigtable._testing import _FakeStub
        from gcloud.bigtable.cluster import Cluster

        project = 'PROJECT'
        zone = 'zone'
        cluster_id = 'cluster-id'
        op_type = 'fake-op'
        op_id = 789
        begin = datetime.datetime(2015, 10, 22, 1, 1)
        timeout_seconds = 1

        client = _Client(project, timeout_seconds=timeout_seconds)
        cluster = Cluster(zone, cluster_id, client)
        operation = self._makeOne(op_type, op_id, begin, cluster=cluster)

        # Create request_pb
        op_name = ('operations/projects/' + project + '/zones/' +
                   zone + '/clusters/' + cluster_id +
                   '/operations/%d' % (op_id,))
        request_pb = operations_pb2.GetOperationRequest(name=op_name)

        # Create response_pb
        response_pb = operations_pb2.Operation(done=done)

        # Patch the stub used by the API method.
        client._operations_stub = stub = _FakeStub(response_pb)

        # Create expected_result.
        expected_result = done

        # Perform the method and check the result.
        result = operation.finished()

        self.assertEqual(result, expected_result)
        self.assertEqual(stub.method_calls, [(
            (request_pb, timeout_seconds),

        if done:
Example #5
    def test_it(self):
        from gcloud._testing import _Monkey
        from gcloud.bigtable._generated import (
            bigtable_cluster_service_messages_pb2 as messages_pb2)
        from gcloud.bigtable._generated import operations_pb2
        from gcloud.bigtable import cluster as MUT

        project = 'PROJECT'
        zone = 'zone'
        cluster_id = 'cluster-id'
        expected_operation_id = 234
        operation_name = ('operations/projects/%s/zones/%s/clusters/%s/'
                          'operations/%d' % (project, zone, cluster_id,

        current_op = operations_pb2.Operation(name=operation_name)

        # Create mocks.
        request_metadata = messages_pb2.CreateClusterMetadata()
        parse_pb_any_called = []

        def mock_parse_pb_any_to_native(any_val, expected_type=None):
            parse_pb_any_called.append((any_val, expected_type))
            return request_metadata

        expected_operation_begin = object()
        ts_to_dt_called = []

        def mock_pb_timestamp_to_datetime(timestamp):
            return expected_operation_begin

        # Exectute method with mocks in place.
        with _Monkey(MUT, _parse_pb_any_to_native=mock_parse_pb_any_to_native,
            operation_id, operation_begin = self._callFUT(current_op)

        # Check outputs.
        self.assertEqual(operation_id, expected_operation_id)
        self.assertTrue(operation_begin is expected_operation_begin)

        # Check mocks were used correctly.
        self.assertEqual(parse_pb_any_called, [(current_op.metadata, None)])
        self.assertEqual(ts_to_dt_called, [request_metadata.request_time])
Example #6
    def test_create(self):
        from gcloud._testing import _Monkey
        from gcloud.bigtable._generated import (
            bigtable_cluster_data_pb2 as data_pb2)
        from gcloud.bigtable._generated import operations_pb2
        from gcloud.bigtable._testing import _FakeStub
        from gcloud.bigtable import cluster as MUT

        project = 'PROJECT'
        zone = 'zone'
        cluster_id = 'cluster-id'
        timeout_seconds = 578

        client = _Client(project, timeout_seconds=timeout_seconds)
        cluster = self._makeOne(zone, cluster_id, client)

        # Create request_pb. Just a mock since we monkey patch
        # _prepare_create_request
        request_pb = object()

        # Create response_pb
        op_id = 5678
        op_begin = object()
        op_name = ('operations/projects/%s/zones/%s/clusters/%s/'
                   'operations/%d' % (project, zone, cluster_id, op_id))
        current_op = operations_pb2.Operation(name=op_name)
        response_pb = data_pb2.Cluster(current_operation=current_op)

        # Patch the stub used by the API method.
        client._cluster_stub = stub = _FakeStub(response_pb)

        # Create expected_result.
        expected_result = MUT.Operation('create', op_id, op_begin,

        # Create the mocks.
        prep_create_called = []

        def mock_prep_create_req(cluster):
            return request_pb

        process_operation_called = []

        def mock_process_operation(operation_pb):
            return op_id, op_begin

        # Perform the method and check the result.
        with _Monkey(MUT, _prepare_create_request=mock_prep_create_req,
            result = cluster.create()

        self.assertEqual(result, expected_result)
        self.assertEqual(stub.method_calls, [(
            (request_pb, timeout_seconds),
        self.assertEqual(prep_create_called, [cluster])
        self.assertEqual(process_operation_called, [current_op])