Example #1
 def test_fetch_explicit_limit(self):
     from gcloud.datastore.datastore_v1_pb2 import Entity
     _KIND = 'KIND'
     _ID = 123
     entity_pb = Entity()
     path_element = entity_pb.key.path_element.add()
     path_element.kind = _KIND
     path_element.id = _ID
     prop = entity_pb.property.add()
     prop.name = 'foo'
     prop.value.string_value = u'Foo'
     connection = _Connection(entity_pb)
     connection._cursor = _CURSOR
     dataset = _Dataset(_DATASET, connection)
     query = self._makeOne(_KIND, dataset, _NAMESPACE)
     limited = query.limit(13)
     entities = query.fetch(13)
     self.assertEqual(query._cursor, _CURSOR)
     self.assertEqual(len(entities), 1)
     self.assertEqual(entities[0].key().path(), [{
         'kind': _KIND,
         'id': _ID
     expected_called_with = {
         'dataset_id': _DATASET,
         'query_pb': limited.to_protobuf(),
         'namespace': _NAMESPACE,
     self.assertEqual(connection._called_with, expected_called_with)
Example #2
    def test_put_multi_w_single_empty_entity(self):
        # https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/gcloud-python/issues/649
        from gcloud.datastore.entity import Entity

        creds = object()
        client = self._makeOne(credentials=creds)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, client.put_multi, Entity())
Example #3
    def test_variable_meanings(self):
        from gcloud.datastore._generated import entity_pb2
        from gcloud.datastore.entity import Entity
        from gcloud.datastore.helpers import _new_value_pb

        entity = Entity()
        name = 'quux'
        entity[name] = values = [1, 20, 300]
        meaning = 9
        entity._meanings[name] = ([None, meaning, None], values)
        entity_pb = self._callFUT(entity)

        # Construct the expected protobuf.
        expected_pb = entity_pb2.Entity()
        value_pb = _new_value_pb(expected_pb, name)
        value0 = value_pb.array_value.values.add()
        value0.integer_value = values[0]
        # The only array entry with a meaning is the middle one.
        value1 = value_pb.array_value.values.add()
        value1.integer_value = values[1]
        value1.meaning = meaning
        value2 = value_pb.array_value.values.add()
        value2.integer_value = values[2]

        self._compareEntityProto(entity_pb, expected_pb)
Example #4
 def test_fetch_default_limit(self):
     from gcloud.datastore.datastore_v1_pb2 import Entity
     _KIND = 'KIND'
     _ID = 123
     entity_pb = Entity()
     path_element = entity_pb.key.path_element.add()
     path_element.kind = _KIND
     path_element.id = _ID
     prop = entity_pb.property.add()
     prop.name = 'foo'
     prop.value.string_value = u'Foo'
     connection = _Connection(entity_pb)
     dataset = _Dataset(_DATASET, connection)
     query = self._makeOne(_KIND, dataset)
     entities = query.fetch()
     self.assertEqual(len(entities), 1)
     self.assertEqual(entities[0].key().path(), [{
         'kind': _KIND,
         'id': _ID
     expected_called_with = {
         'dataset_id': _DATASET,
         'query_pb': query.to_protobuf(),
         'namespace': None,
     self.assertEqual(connection._called_with, expected_called_with)
Example #5
    def test_empty(self):
        from gcloud.datastore._generated import entity_pb2
        from gcloud.datastore.entity import Entity

        entity = Entity()
        entity_pb = self._callFUT(entity)
        self._compareEntityProto(entity_pb, entity_pb2.Entity())
Example #6
 def test_add_filter_w_known_operator_and_entity(self):
     from gcloud.datastore.entity import Entity
     query = self._makeOne(self._makeClient())
     other = Entity()
     other['firstname'] = u'John'
     other['lastname'] = u'Smith'
     query.add_filter('other', '=', other)
     self.assertEqual(query.filters, [('other', '=', other)])
Example #7
    def test_entity_empty_wo_key(self):
        from gcloud.datastore.entity import Entity

        pb = self._makePB()
        entity = Entity()
        self._callFUT(pb, entity)
        value = pb.entity_value
        self.assertEqual(value.key.SerializeToString(), '')
        props = list(value.property)
        self.assertEqual(len(props), 0)
Example #8
    def test_entity_empty_wo_key(self):
        from gcloud.datastore.entity import Entity
        from gcloud.datastore.helpers import _property_tuples

        pb = self._makePB()
        entity = Entity()
        self._callFUT(pb, entity)
        value = pb.entity_value
        self.assertEqual(value.key.SerializeToString(), b'')
        self.assertEqual(len(list(_property_tuples(value))), 0)
Example #9
def _get_report(employee_id, report_id, create=True):
    key = Key('Employee', employee_id, 'Expense Report', report_id)
    reports = datastore.get([key])
    if len(reports) == 0:
        if not create:
            return None
        report = Entity(key)
        report, = reports
    return report
Example #10
def _get_employee(employee_id, create=True):
    key = Key('Employee',  employee_id)
    employees = datastore.get([key])
    if len(employees) == 0:
        if not create:
            return None
        employee = Entity(key)
        employee['created'] = employee['updated'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        employee, = employees
    return employee
Example #11
def entity_from_protobuf(pb):
    """Factory method for creating an entity based on a protobuf.

    The protobuf should be one returned from the Cloud Datastore
    Protobuf API.

    :type pb: :class:`gcloud.datastore._generated.entity_pb2.Entity`
    :param pb: The Protobuf representing the entity.

    :rtype: :class:`gcloud.datastore.entity.Entity`
    :returns: The entity derived from the protobuf.
    key = None
    if pb.HasField('key'):  # Message field (Key)
        key = key_from_protobuf(pb.key)

    entity_props = {}
    entity_meanings = {}
    exclude_from_indexes = []

    for prop_name, value_pb in _property_tuples(pb):
        value = _get_value_from_value_pb(value_pb)
        entity_props[prop_name] = value

        # Check if the property has an associated meaning.
        is_list = isinstance(value, list)
        meaning = _get_meaning(value_pb, is_list=is_list)
        if meaning is not None:
            entity_meanings[prop_name] = (meaning, value)

        # Check if ``value_pb`` was excluded from index. Lists need to be
        # special-cased and we require all ``exclude_from_indexes`` values
        # in a list agree.
        if is_list:
            exclude_values = set(value_pb.exclude_from_indexes
                                 for value_pb in value_pb.array_value.values)
            if len(exclude_values) != 1:
                raise ValueError('For an array_value, subvalues must either '
                                 'all be indexed or all excluded from '

            if exclude_values.pop():
            if value_pb.exclude_from_indexes:

    entity = Entity(key=key, exclude_from_indexes=exclude_from_indexes)
    return entity
Example #12
    def _fetch_page_helper(self,
        import base64
        from gcloud.datastore.datastore_v1_pb2 import Entity
        _CURSOR_FOR_USER = (None
                            if cursor is None else base64.b64encode(cursor))
        _MORE_RESULTS = more_results
        _DATASET = 'DATASET'
        _KIND = 'KIND'
        _ID = 123
        entity_pb = Entity()
        path_element = entity_pb.key.path_element.add()
        path_element.kind = _KIND
        path_element.id = _ID
        prop = entity_pb.property.add()
        prop.name = 'foo'
        prop.value.string_value = u'Foo'
        if _more_pb is None:
            connection = _Connection(entity_pb)
            connection = _Connection(entity_pb, _more=_more_pb)
        connection._cursor = cursor
        dataset = _Dataset(_DATASET, connection)

        query = self._makeOne(_KIND, dataset, _NAMESPACE)
        if use_fetch:
            entities = query.fetch(limit)
            entities, cursor, more_results = query.fetch_page(limit)
            self.assertEqual(cursor, _CURSOR_FOR_USER)
            self.assertEqual(more_results, _MORE_RESULTS)

        self.assertEqual(len(entities), 1)
        self.assertEqual(entities[0].key().path(), [{
            'kind': _KIND,
            'id': _ID
        limited_query = query
        if limit is not None:
            limited_query = query.limit(limit)
        expected_called_with = {
            'dataset_id': _DATASET,
            'query_pb': limited_query.to_protobuf(),
            'namespace': _NAMESPACE,
        self.assertEqual(connection._called_with, expected_called_with)
Example #13
def _upsert_report(employee_id, report_id, rows):
    _get_employee(employee_id)  # force existence
    report = _get_report(employee_id, report_id)
    # Add items based on rows.
    report_path = list(report.key.flat_path)
    for i, row in enumerate(rows):
        path = report_path + ['Expense Item', i + 1]
        key = Key(*path)
        item = Entity(key)
        for k, v in row.items():
            item[k] = v
    return report
Example #14
    def test_entity_w_key(self):
        from gcloud.datastore.entity import Entity
        from gcloud.datastore.key import Key

        pb = self._makePB()
        key = Key('KIND', 123, dataset_id='DATASET')
        entity = Entity(key=key)
        entity['foo'] = u'Foo'
        self._callFUT(pb, entity)
        value = pb.entity_value
        self.assertEqual(value.key, key.to_protobuf())
        props = list(value.property)
        self.assertEqual(len(props), 1)
        self.assertEqual(props[0].name, 'foo')
        self.assertEqual(props[0].value.string_value, u'Foo')
Example #15
    def entity(self, kind, exclude_from_indexes=()):
        """Create an entity bound to this dataset.

        :type kind: string
        :param kind: the "kind" of the new entity (see

        :param exclude_from_indexes: names of fields whose values are not to
                                     be indexed.

        :rtype: :class:`gcloud.datastore.entity.Entity`
        :returns: a new Entity instance, bound to this dataset.
        return Entity(dataset=self,
Example #16
    def test_meaning_with_change(self):
        from gcloud.datastore._generated import entity_pb2
        from gcloud.datastore.entity import Entity
        from gcloud.datastore.helpers import _new_value_pb

        entity = Entity()
        name = 'foo'
        entity[name] = value = 42
        entity._meanings[name] = (9, 1337)
        entity_pb = self._callFUT(entity)

        expected_pb = entity_pb2.Entity()
        value_pb = _new_value_pb(expected_pb, name)
        value_pb.integer_value = value
        # NOTE: No meaning is used since the value differs from the
        #       value stored.
        self._compareEntityProto(entity_pb, expected_pb)
Example #17
    def test_key_only(self):
        from gcloud.datastore._generated import entity_pb2
        from gcloud.datastore.entity import Entity
        from gcloud.datastore.key import Key

        kind, name = 'PATH', 'NAME'
        project = 'PROJECT'
        key = Key(kind, name, project=project)
        entity = Entity(key=key)
        entity_pb = self._callFUT(entity)

        expected_pb = entity_pb2.Entity()
        expected_pb.key.partition_id.dataset_id = project
        path_elt = expected_pb.key.path_element.add()
        path_elt.kind = kind
        path_elt.name = name

        self._compareEntityProto(entity_pb, expected_pb)
Example #18
    def test_none(self):
        from gcloud.datastore.entity import Entity

        entity = Entity()
        pb = self._makePB()

        self._callFUT(pb, False)
        self._callFUT(pb, 3.1415926)
        self._callFUT(pb, 42)
        self._callFUT(pb, (1 << 63) - 1)
        self._callFUT(pb, 'str')
        self._callFUT(pb, b'str')
        self._callFUT(pb, u'str')
        self._callFUT(pb, entity)
        self._callFUT(pb, [u'a', 0, 3.14])

        self._callFUT(pb, None)
        self.assertEqual(len(pb.ListFields()), 0)
Example #19
    def test_entity_w_key(self):
        from gcloud.datastore.entity import Entity
        from gcloud.datastore.helpers import _property_tuples
        from gcloud.datastore.key import Key

        name = 'foo'
        value = u'Foo'
        pb = self._makePB()
        key = Key('KIND', 123, project='PROJECT')
        entity = Entity(key=key)
        entity[name] = value
        self._callFUT(pb, entity)
        entity_pb = pb.entity_value
        self.assertEqual(entity_pb.key, key.to_protobuf())

        prop_dict = dict(_property_tuples(entity_pb))
        self.assertEqual(len(prop_dict), 1)
        self.assertEqual(list(prop_dict.keys()), [name])
        self.assertEqual(prop_dict[name].string_value, value)
Example #20
    def test_simple_fields(self):
        from gcloud.datastore._generated import entity_pb2
        from gcloud.datastore.entity import Entity
        from gcloud.datastore.helpers import _new_value_pb

        entity = Entity()
        name1 = 'foo'
        entity[name1] = value1 = 42
        name2 = 'bar'
        entity[name2] = value2 = u'some-string'
        entity_pb = self._callFUT(entity)

        expected_pb = entity_pb2.Entity()
        val_pb1 = _new_value_pb(expected_pb, name1)
        val_pb1.integer_value = value1
        val_pb2 = _new_value_pb(expected_pb, name2)
        val_pb2.string_value = value2

        self._compareEntityProto(entity_pb, expected_pb)
Example #21
def entity_from_protobuf(pb):
    """Factory method for creating an entity based on a protobuf.

    The protobuf should be one returned from the Cloud Datastore
    Protobuf API.

    :type pb: :class:`gcloud.datastore._datastore_v1_pb2.Entity`
    :param pb: The Protobuf representing the entity.

    :rtype: :class:`gcloud.datastore.entity.Entity`
    :returns: The entity derived from the protobuf.
    key = None
    if pb.HasField('key'):
        key = key_from_protobuf(pb.key)

    entity_props = {}
    exclude_from_indexes = []

    for property_pb in pb.property:
        value = _get_value_from_property_pb(property_pb)
        entity_props[property_pb.name] = value

        # Check if property_pb.value was indexed. Lists need to be
        # special-cased and we require all `indexed` values in a list agree.
        if isinstance(value, list):
            indexed_values = set(value_pb.indexed
                                 for value_pb in property_pb.value.list_value)
            if len(indexed_values) != 1:
                raise ValueError('For a list_value, subvalues must either all '
                                 'be indexed or all excluded from indexes.')

            if not indexed_values.pop():
            if not property_pb.value.indexed:

    entity = Entity(key=key, exclude_from_indexes=exclude_from_indexes)
    return entity
Example #22
 def test_filter_w_known_operator_and_entity(self):
     import operator
     from gcloud.datastore.entity import Entity
     query = self._makeOne()
     other = Entity()
     other['firstname'] = u'John'
     other['lastname'] = u'Smith'
     after = query.filter('other', '=', other)
     self.assertFalse(after is query)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(after, self._getTargetClass()))
     q_pb = after.to_protobuf()
     self.assertEqual(q_pb.filter.composite_filter.operator, 1)  # AND
     f_pb, = list(q_pb.filter.composite_filter.filter)
     p_pb = f_pb.property_filter
     self.assertEqual(p_pb.property.name, 'other')
     other_pb = p_pb.value.entity_value
     props = sorted(other_pb.property, key=operator.attrgetter('name'))
     self.assertEqual(len(props), 2)
     self.assertEqual(props[0].name, 'firstname')
     self.assertEqual(props[0].value.string_value, u'John')
     self.assertEqual(props[1].name, 'lastname')
     self.assertEqual(props[1].value.string_value, u'Smith')
Example #23
    def test_save_entity_w_transaction_nested_entity(self):
        from gcloud.datastore.connection import datastore_pb
        from gcloud.datastore.entity import Entity
        from gcloud.datastore.key import Key

        mutation = datastore_pb.Mutation()

        class Xact(object):
            def mutation(self):
                return mutation
        nested = Entity()
        nested['bar'] = u'Bar'
        key_pb = Key(path=[{'kind': 'Kind', 'id': 1234}]).to_protobuf()
        rsp_pb = datastore_pb.CommitResponse()
        conn = self._makeOne()
        http = conn._http = Http({'status': '200'}, rsp_pb.SerializeToString())
        result = conn.save_entity(DATASET_ID, key_pb, {'foo': nested})
        self.assertEqual(result, True)
        self.assertEqual(http._called_with, None)
        mutation = conn.mutation()
        self.assertEqual(len(mutation.upsert), 1)
Example #24
 def test_w_single_empty_entity(self):
     # https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/gcloud-python/issues/649
     from gcloud.datastore.entity import Entity
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, self._callFUT, Entity())
Example #25
 def test_entity(self):
     from gcloud.datastore.entity import Entity
     entity = Entity()
     name, value = self._callFUT(entity)
     self.assertEqual(name, 'entity_value')
     self.assertTrue(value is entity)
Example #26
 def test_key(self):
     dataset = Dataset(id='test-dataset')
     entity = Entity(dataset, 'TestKind')
     self.assertIsInstance(entity.key(), Key)
Example #27
 def test_init_sets_proper_values(self):
     dataset = Dataset(id='test-dataset')
     entity = Entity(dataset, 'TestKind')
     self.assertEqual('test-dataset', entity.dataset().id())
     self.assertEqual('TestKind', entity.kind())
Example #28
 def entity(self, kind):
   from gcloud.datastore.entity import Entity
   return Entity(dataset=self, kind=kind)